Provide some wrappers around subprocess functions to capture stderr and stdout and divert it to the logs so that the test output is less cluttered with the output of various git commands. Change-Id: If36ef013aca498e3a0a9cc3a2b78d666775439ab Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
368 lines
12 KiB
368 lines
12 KiB
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
from openstack_releases import links
from openstack_releases import processutils
# Disable warnings about insecure connections.
from requests.packages import urllib3
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CGIT_SHA_TEMPLATE = 'http://git.openstack.org/cgit/%s/commit/?id=%s'
CGIT_TAG_TEMPLATE = 'http://git.openstack.org/cgit/%s/tag/?h=%s'
def find_modified_deliverable_files():
"Return a list of files modified by the most recent commit."
results = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'diff', '--name-only', '--pretty=format:', 'HEAD^']
filenames = [
for l in results.splitlines()
if l.startswith('deliverables/')
return filenames
def commit_exists(workdir, repo, ref):
"""Return boolean specifying whether the reference exists in the repository.
The commit must have been merged into the repository, but this
check does not enforce any branch membership.
['git', 'show', ref],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
except processutils.CalledProcessError as err:
LOG.error('Could not find {}: {}'.format(ref, err))
return False
return True
def tag_exists(repo, ref):
"""Return boolean specifying whether the reference exists in the repository.
Uses a cgit query instead of looking locally to avoid cloning a
repository or having Depends-On settings in a commit message allow
someone to fool the check.
url = CGIT_TAG_TEMPLATE % (repo, ref)
return links.link_exists(url)
def ensure_basic_git_config(workdir, repo, settings):
"""Given a repo directory and a settings dict, set local config values
if those settings are not already defined.
dest = os.path.join(workdir, repo)
for key, value in settings.items():
LOG.info('looking for git config {}'.format(key))
existing = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'config', '--get', key],
LOG.info('using existing setting of {}: {!r}'.format(key, existing))
except processutils.CalledProcessError:
LOG.info('updating setting of {} to {!r}'.format(key, value))
['git', 'config', key, value],
def clone_repo(workdir, repo, ref=None, branch=None):
"Check out the code."
print('\nChecking out repository {} to {}'.format(
repo, branch or ref or 'master'))
cmd = [
'--workspace', workdir,
if ref:
cmd.extend(['--ref', ref])
if branch:
cmd.extend(['--branch', branch])
dest = os.path.join(workdir, repo)
return dest
def safe_clone_repo(workdir, repo, ref, mk_error):
"""Ensure we have a local copy of the repository so we
can scan for values that are more difficult to get
clone_repo(workdir, repo, ref)
except Exception as err:
mk_error('Could not clone repository %s at %s: %s' % (
repo, ref, err))
return False
return True
def sha_for_tag(workdir, repo, version):
"""Return the SHA for a given tag
# git log 2.3.11 -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
actual_sha = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'log', str(version), '-n', '1', '--pretty=format:%H'],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
actual_sha = actual_sha.strip()
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.info('ERROR getting SHA for tag %r: %s [%s]',
version, e, e.output.strip())
actual_sha = ''
return actual_sha
def _filter_branches(output):
"Strip garbage from branch list output"
return [
for n in output.strip().split()
if '/' in n or n == 'master'
def stable_branch_exists(workdir, repo, series):
"Does the stable/series branch exist?"
remote_match = 'remotes/origin/stable/%s' % series
containing_branches = _filter_branches(
['git', 'branch', '-a'],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
return (remote_match in containing_branches)
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error('failed checking for branch: %s [%s]', e, e.output.strip())
return False
def check_branch_sha(workdir, repo, series, sha):
"""Check if the SHA is in the targeted branch.
The SHA must appear on a stable/$series branch (if it exists) or
master (if stable/$series does not exist). It is up to the
reviewer to verify that releases from master are in a sensible
location relative to other existing branches.
We do not compare $series against the existing branches ordering
because that would prevent us from retroactively creating a stable
branch for a project after a later stable branch is created (i.e.,
if stable/N exists we could not create stable/N-1).
remote_match = 'remotes/origin/stable/%s' % series
containing_branches = _filter_branches(
['git', 'branch', '-a', '--contains', sha],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
# If the patch is on the named branch, everything is fine.
if remote_match in containing_branches:
LOG.debug('found %s branch', remote_match)
return True
LOG.debug('did not find %s in branches containing %s: %s',
remote_match, sha, containing_branches)
# If the expected branch does not exist yet, this may be a
# late release attempt to create that branch or just a project
# that hasn't branched, yet, and is releasing from master for
# that series. Allow the release, as long as it is on the
# master branch.
all_branches = _filter_branches(
['git', 'branch', '-a'],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
if remote_match not in all_branches:
if 'master' in containing_branches:
LOG.debug('did not find %s but SHA is on master',
return True
if 'origin/master' in containing_branches:
LOG.debug('did not find %s but SHA is on origin/master',
return True
# At this point we know the release is not from the required
# branch and it is not from master, which means it is the
# wrong branch and should not be allowed.
LOG.debug('did not find SHA on %s or master or origin/master',
return False
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error('failed checking SHA on branch: %s [%s]' % (e, e.output.strip()))
return False
def check_ancestry(workdir, repo, old_version, sha):
"Check if the SHA is in the ancestry of the previous version."
ancestors = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'log', '--oneline', '--ancestry-path',
'%s..%s' % (old_version, sha)],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
return bool(ancestors)
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error('failed checking ancestry: %s [%s]' % (e, e.output.strip()))
return False
def get_latest_tag(workdir, repo, sha=None):
cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=0', '--always']
if sha is not None:
return processutils.check_output(
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.warning('failed to retrieve latest tag: %s [%s]',
e, e.output.strip())
return None
def add_tag(workdir, repo, tag, sha):
cmd = ['git', 'tag', '-m', 'temporary tag', tag, sha]
LOG.info(' '.join(cmd))
return processutils.check_output(
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.warning('failed to add tag: %s [%s]',
e, e.output.strip())
return None
def get_branches(workdir, repo):
output = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'branch', '-a'],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
# Example output:
# * (no branch)
# master
# stable/mitaka
# stable/newton
# stable/ocata
# remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
# remotes/origin/master
# remotes/origin/stable/mitaka
# remotes/origin/stable/newton
# remotes/origin/stable/ocata
results = []
for line in output.splitlines():
branch = line.strip().lstrip('*').strip()
if branch.startswith('('):
if '->' in branch:
return results
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error('failed to retrieve list of branches: %s [%s]',
e, e.output.strip())
return []
def branches_containing(workdir, repo, ref):
output = processutils.check_output(
['git', 'branch', '-r', '--contains', ref],
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
# Example output:
# origin/stable/ocata
results = []
for line in output.splitlines():
return results
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.error('failed to retrieve list of branches containing %s: %s [%s]',
ref, e, e.output.strip())
return []
def get_branch_base(workdir, repo, branch):
"Return SHA at base of branch."
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527234/finding-a-branch-point-with-git
# git rev-list $(git rev-list --first-parent ^origin/stable/newton master | tail -n1)^^!
# Determine the first parent.
cmd = [
parents = processutils.check_output(
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.warning('failed to retrieve branch base: %s [%s]',
e, e.output.strip())
return None
parent = parents.splitlines()[-1]
# Now get the ^^! commit
cmd = [
return processutils.check_output(
cwd=os.path.join(workdir, repo),
except processutils.CalledProcessError as e:
LOG.warning('failed to retrieve branch base: %s [%s]',
e, e.output.strip())
return None