This is the automatic release for vitrage-tempest-plugin. Please +1 if this is ready to go, or -1 if the team needs a little more time. If so, please update with the new commit hash to use when ready. $ git log --oneline --no-merges 5.2.0..09cb732 09cb732 Switch to new rolevar for run-temepst role 4abe14c Run the tests on stable/victoria as well, remove stein 329e227 Skip mistral tests for now 35d27c8 make ussri voting again 3d6c65f Revert "remove py37" 8bb21d3 gnocchi was fixed install ceilometer again 41c2fd2 skip template add fails sporadically need to investigate b28edad Add doc/requirements 021dab3 remove py37 1583bda add requirements to doc 6f1f921 Remove unicode from tempest Signed-off-by: Hervé Beraud <hberaud@redhat.com> Change-Id: Idef26eb60c460eb3518b3238263fbfcb96a8d1c8
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More information
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