Include the earliest release and the most recent release in the summary table at the top of each deliverable-type section. Change-Id: Ib0704f4639bc6e350a9587aefba2819b65128940
208 lines
6.7 KiB
208 lines
6.7 KiB
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import glob
import os.path
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
import yaml
from openstack_releases import governance
def _list_table(add, headers, data, title='', columns=None):
"""Build a list-table directive.
:param add: Function to add one row to output.
:param headers: List of header values.
:param data: Iterable of row data, yielding lists or tuples with rows.
add('.. list-table:: %s' % title)
add(' :header-rows: 1')
if columns:
add(' :widths: %s' % (','.join(str(c) for c in columns)))
add(' - * %s' % headers[0])
for h in headers[1:]:
add(' * %s' % h)
for row in data:
add(' - * %s' % row[0])
for r in row[1:]:
add(' * %s' % r)
def _get_deliverable_type(deliverable_types, name):
if (name.startswith('python-') and not name.endswith('client')):
name = name[7:]
if (name.startswith('python-') and name.endswith('client')):
return 'type:library'
if name in deliverable_types:
return deliverable_types[name]
no_dashes = name.replace('-', '_')
if no_dashes in deliverable_types:
return deliverable_types[no_dashes]
return 'type:service'
class DeliverableDirective(rst.Directive):
option_spec = {
'series': directives.unchanged,
def run(self):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
app = env.app
team_data = governance.get_team_data()
series = self.options.get('series')
if not series:
error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
'No series set for deliverable directive',
nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text),
return [error]
deliverable_types = {}
for team in (governance.Team(n, i) for n, i in team_data.items()):
for dn, di in team.deliverables.items():
for tag in di.tags:
if tag.startswith('type:'):
deliverable_types[dn] = tag
result = ViewList()
# Read all of the deliverable data for the series.
deliverables = collections.defaultdict(list)
for filename in sorted(glob.glob('deliverables/%s/*.yaml' % series)):
app.info('[deliverables] reading %s' % filename)
deliverable_name = os.path.basename(filename)[:-5] # strip .yaml
deliverable_type = _get_deliverable_type(
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for type_tag in self._TYPE_ORDER:
# NOTE(dhellmann): Useful for debugging.
# print('\n'.join(result))
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, result, node)
return node.children
'type:service': 'Service Projects',
'type:library': 'Library Projects',
def _add_deliverables(self, type_tag, deliverables, series, app, result):
source_name = '<' + __name__ + '>'
if not deliverables:
# There are no deliverables of this type, and that's OK.
result.append('', source_name)
title = self._TYPE_TITLE.get(type_tag, 'Unknown Projects')
result.append('-' * len(title), source_name)
result.append(title, source_name)
result.append('-' * len(title), source_name)
result.append('', source_name)
# Build a table of the first and most recent versions of each
# deliverable.
most_recent = []
for deliverable_name, filename, deliverable_info in deliverables:
earliest_version = deliverable_info.get('releases', {})[0].get(
'version', 'unreleased')
recent_version = deliverable_info.get('releases', {})[-1].get(
'version', 'unreleased')
ref = ':ref:`%s-%s`' % (series, deliverable_name)
most_recent.append((ref, earliest_version, recent_version))
lambda t: result.append(t, source_name),
['Deliverable', 'Earliest Version', 'Most Recent Version'],
title='Release Summary',
# Show the detailed history of the deliverables within the series.
for deliverable_name, filename, deliverable_info in deliverables:
# These closures need to be redefined in each iteration of
# the loop because they use the filename.
def _add(text):
result.append(text, filename)
def _title(text, underline):
text = str(text) # version numbers might be seen as floats
_add('.. _%s-%s:' % (series, text))
_add(underline * len(text))
def _rubric(text):
text = str(text) # version numbers might be seen as floats
_add('.. rubric:: %s' % text)
_title(deliverable_name, '=')
app.info('[deliverables] %s' % deliverable_name)
['Version', 'Repo', 'SHA'],
((r['version'], p['repo'], p['hash'])
for r in reversed(deliverable_info.get('releases', []))
for p in r.get('projects', [])),
columns=[10, 40, 50],
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('deliverable', DeliverableDirective)