======================== Openstack Freeze Process ======================== PTL Actions =========== Notice ++++++ - Email the developer mailing list approximately two weeks before the freeze. This email should contain a notice that requirements will branch and cycle-trailing projects should be careful if they have not branched. The cycle-trailing projects can retarget their constraints usage to the stable branch. Branch ++++++ - File a review in ``openstack/releases`` with -W and only remove the -W when ready to branch. - Once branched, change the publish location to the new release branch. - Once branched, update devstack grenade for the new release. For example, use https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493057/13/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh Potential issues ++++++++++++++++ - Use something like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/492382 to find problem projects.