Ian Wienand cac04e0db2 Add simple doc publisher target
Add a simple doc publisher target that just includes the existing

Some of the infra jobs that fail requirements try to point you to the
requirements documentation; currently this is given as a raw RST link
to the web-view of the git tree.  It would be nicer to publish this as
formatted HTML like all the other docs.

Change-Id: I56b60a950c64880dd551d11e1997cd5ecbae283c
2015-09-29 20:33:12 +10:00

35 lines
758 B

minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
envlist = validate,py27,pep8
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
commands =
python testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
commands = {posargs}
commands = update-requirements {posargs}
commands = generate-constraints {posargs}
commands = validate-constraints {toxinidir}/global-requirements.txt {toxinidir}/upper-constraints.txt {toxinidir}/blacklist.txt
commands = flake8
commands = python build_sphinx
ignore = H803
exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*egg,build