Brian Haley ea345875cd Improve terminology in the requirements tree
There is no real reason we should be using some of the
terms we do, they're outdated, and we're behind other
open-source projects in this respect. Let's switch to
using more inclusive terms in all possible places.

Change-Id: I90ac679c1745a31474c6f24ec7953624ad056d79
2024-05-14 10:08:34 +02:00

520 lines
15 KiB

## section:general
alembic!=1.2.0,!=1.6.3 # MIT
amqp!=2.1.4,!=5.0.4 # BSD
ansible-runner!=1.3.5 # Apache 2.0
appdirs # MIT License
apscheduler # MIT License
autobahn # MIT License
automaton # Apache-2.0
autopage # Apache-2.0
Babel!=2.4.0 # BSD
bcrypt # Apache-2.0
beautifulsoup4 # MIT
betamax # Apache-2.0
boto # MIT
boto3 # Apache-2.0
botocore # Apache-2.0
cachetools # MIT License
cassandra-driver!=3.6.0 # Apache-2.0
cffi # MIT
cmd2!=0.8.3 # MIT
confluent-kafka!=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
confspirator # Apache-2.0
construct # MIT
cotyledon # Apache-2.0
croniter # MIT License
cryptography!=2.0 # BSD/Apache-2.0
cursive # Apache-2.0
datetimerange # MIT
decorator # BSD
defusedxml # PSF
django-compressor # MIT
django-debreach # BSD
django-formtools # BSD
django-pyscss # BSD License (2 clause)
Django<4.3 # BSD
# eventlet is not compatibile with 2.0.0:
dnspython!=2.0.0,!=2.2.0 #
dogpile.cache!=0.9.1,!=1.1.7 # BSD
dogtag-pki # LGPLv3+
dulwich!=0.19.3,!=0.19.7 # Apache-2.0
edgegrid-python # Apache-2.0
elasticsearch<3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
enmerkar # BSD
# NOTE: New versions of eventlet should not be accepted lightly
# as they have earned a reputation of frequently breaking things.
eventlet!=0.18.3,!=0.20.1,!=0.21.0,!=0.23.0,!=0.25.0,!=0.32.0,!=0.34.1,!=0.34.2,!=0.34.3,!=0.35.0,!=0.36.0 # MIT
exabgp!=4.0.6 # BSD
falcon # Apache-2.0
fasteners!=0.15,!=0.16 # Apache-2.0
Flask!=0.11 # BSD
Flask-RESTful # BSD
GitPython # BSD License (3 clause)
google-api-python-client # Apache-2.0
graphviz!=0.5.0 # MIT License
greenlet!=0.4.14 # MIT
gunicorn # MIT
httplib2 # MIT
httpx # BSD
hvac # Apache-2.0
icalendar # BSD
# Do not make importlib-metadata conditional on Python version: we depend on
# newer code than in [most] releases of the Python std library.
importlib-metadata # Apache-2.0
infinisdk # BSD-3
influxdb!=5.3.0 # MIT
influxdb-client # MIT
infoblox-client # Apache-2.0
iso8601 # MIT
jaeger-client # Apache-2.0
Jinja2 # BSD License (3 clause)
jira # BSD License (2 clause)
jmespath # MIT
jsonpatch!=1.20 # BSD
jsonschema # MIT
kazoo # Apache-2.0
kombu!=4.0.2 # BSD
kubernetes # Apache-2.0
ldap3 # LGPLv3
libvirt-python!=4.1.0,!=4.2.0 # LGPLv2+
lxml!=3.7.0 # BSD
Mako # MIT
msgpack # Apache-2.0
munch # MIT
ncclient # Apache-2.0
netaddr # BSD
netifaces!=0.10.0,!=0.10.1 # MIT
netmiko # MIT
networkx!=2.8.4 # BSD
oauthlib # BSD
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp # Apache-2.0
opentelemetry-sdk # Apache-2.0
ovs # Apache-2.0
packaging!=20.5,!=20.6,!=20.7 # Apache-2.0
paramiko!=2.9.0,!=2.9.1 # LGPLv2.1+
passlib # BSD
Paste # MIT
PasteDeploy # MIT
pecan!=1.0.2,!=1.0.3,!=1.0.4,!=1.2,!=1.4.0 # BSD
pexpect!=3.3 # ISC License
pika # BSD
Pillow # PIL License
Pint # BSD
platformdirs # MIT License
PrettyTable!=3.4.0 # BSD
prometheus-client # Apache-2.0
protobuf # BSD License (3 clause)
psutil # BSD
pyasn1!=0.2.3 # BSD
pyasn1-lextudio # BSD
pyasn1-modules # BSD
pyasn1-modules-lextudio # BSD
pycadf!=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
pycdlib # LGPLv2+
pyghmi!=1.4.0,!=1.5.11 # Apache-2.0
pykmip # Apache 2.0 License
pylxd # Apache-2.0
pymemcache!=1.3.0 # Apache 2.0 License
PyMI;sys_platform=='win32' # Apache 2.0 License
pymongo!=3.1 # Apache-2.0
PyMySQL # MIT License
pyngus # Apache-2.0
pyOpenSSL # Apache-2.0
pyparsing # MIT
pyroute2!=0.5.4,!=0.5.5,!=0.7.1;sys_platform!='win32' # Apache-2.0 (+ dual licensed GPL2)
pysaml2!=4.0.3,!=4.0.4,!=4.0.5,!=4.0.5rc1,!=4.1.0,!=4.2.0,!=4.3.0,!=4.4.0,!=4.6.0 # Apache-2.0
pyScss!=1.3.5 # MIT License
pysnmp-lextudio # BSD
pystache # MIT
# Only required for sasl/binary protocol
python-binary-memcached # MIT
python-dateutil # BSD
python-gnupg # BSD License
python-ldap # PSF
python-memcached # PSF
pytz # MIT
pyudev # LGPLv2.1+
pywinrm # MIT
pyzabbix # LGPL
rbd-iscsi-client # Apache-2.0
requests!=2.20.0,!=2.24.0 # Apache-2.0
requests-aws # BSD License (3 clause)
requests-kerberos # ISC
requestsexceptions # Apache-2.0
rfc3986 # Apache-2.0
Routes # MIT
rtslib-fb # Apache-2.0
ruamel.yaml # MIT
salt!=2019.2.1,!=2019.2.2 # Apache-2.0
scikit-learn # BSD
scipy # BSD
scrypt!=0.8.21 # BSD
semantic-version # BSD
setproctitle # BSD
# NOTE(yamahata):
# bug work around of sqlalchemy
# The fix which is in git master branch is planned for 1.1.9
SQLAlchemy!=1.1.5,!=1.1.6,!=1.1.7,!=1.1.8 # MIT
sqlalchemy-filters # Apache-2.0
sqlalchemy-migrate # Apache-2.0
SQLAlchemy-Utils # BSD License
sqlparse # BSD
sshtunnel # MIT
statsd # MIT
suds-community # LGPLv3+
sympy # BSD
systemd-python # LGPLv2+
sysv-ipc # BSD License
uhashring # BSD
urllib3 # MIT
voluptuous # BSD License
warlock # Apache-2.0
WebOb # MIT
websocket-client # LGPLv2+
websockify # LGPLv3
wmi;sys_platform=='win32' # MIT
xattr;sys_platform!='win32' # MIT
XStatic # MIT License
XStatic-Angular # MIT License
XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap # MIT License
XStatic-Angular-FileUpload # MIT License
XStatic-Angular-Gettext # MIT License
XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop # MIT License
XStatic-Angular-Schema-Form # MIT
xstatic-angular-uuid # MIT License
xstatic-angular-vis # MIT License
XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker # Apache 2.0 License
XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS # Apache 2.0 License
XStatic-bootswatch # MIT License
XStatic-D3 # BSD License (3 clause)
XStatic-Dagre # MIT License
XStatic-Dagre-D3 # MIT License
xstatic-filesaver # MIT License
XStatic-Font-Awesome<4.8.0 # SIL OFL 1.1 License, MIT License
XStatic-Graphlib # MIT License
XStatic-Hogan # Apache 2.0 License
XStatic-Jasmine # MIT License
XStatic-jQuery # MIT License
XStatic-JQuery-Migrate # MIT License
XStatic-jquery-ui # MIT License
XStatic-JQuery.quicksearch # MIT License
XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter # MIT License
xstatic-js-yaml # MIT License
XStatic-JSEncrypt # MIT License
xstatic-json2yaml # MIT License
XStatic-lodash # MIT License
XStatic-mdi # SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1
XStatic-moment # MIT License
XStatic-Moment-Timezone # MIT License
XStatic-objectpath # MIT
XStatic-Rickshaw # BSD License (prior)
XStatic-roboto-fontface # Apache 2.0 License
XStatic-smart-table # MIT License
XStatic-Spin # MIT License
XStatic-term.js # MIT License
XStatic-tv4 # MIT
# NOTE(anilvenkata): This is required for profiling oslo.service processes
Yappi!=0.98,!=0.99 # MIT
zeroconf # LGPL
zipp # MIT
zstd # BSD License (2 clause)
zVMCloudConnector;sys_platform!='win32' # Apache 2.0 License
## section:testing
bashate # Apache-2.0
coverage!=4.4 # Apache-2.0
ddt # MIT
django-nose # BSD
docker # Apache-2.0
fixtures # Apache-2.0/BSD
freezegun # Apache-2.0
# NOTE(tkajinam): block 2.5.0 because of
gabbi!=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
keyring # MIT/PSF
ldappool # MPL
# Do not make mock conditional on Python version: we depend on newer code than
# in [most] releases of the Python std library.
# for 4.0.[0-1] denylist
mock!=4.0.0,!=4.0.1 # BSD
moto # Apache-2.0
mypy # MIT
nodeenv # BSD
nose # LGPL
openstack-doc-tools # Apache-2.0
os-testr # Apache-2.0
oslotest # Apache-2.0
ovsdbapp # Apache-2.0
pifpaf # Apache-2.0
psycopg2 # LGPL/ZPL
psycopg2-binary # LGPL/ZPL
py-pure-client # BSD
pysendfile;sys_platform!='win32' # MIT
pytest # MIT
pytest-cov # MIT
pytest-django # BSD (3 clause)
pytest-html #MPL-2.0
pytest-xdist # MIT
python-consul # MIT License
python-subunit # Apache-2.0/BSD
pyzmq # LGPL+BSD
redis!=4.0.0 # MIT
requests-mock # Apache-2.0
retrying!=1.3.0 # Apache-2.0
sadisplay # BSD
selenium<4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
stestr!=2.3.0,!=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
sushy!=1.9.0 # Apache-2.0
tabulate # MIT
tenacity # Apache-2.0
testrepository # Apache-2.0/BSD
testresources # Apache-2.0/BSD
testscenarios # Apache-2.0/BSD
testtools # MIT
types-paramiko # Apache-2.0
types-python-dateutil # Apache-2.0
types-requests # Apache-2.0
types-setuptools # Apache-2.0
types-simplejson # Apache-2.0
typing # PSF
typing-extensions # PSF
tzdata # MIT
virtualbmc # Apache-2.0
virtualenv!=16.3.0 # MIT
WebTest # MIT
Werkzeug!=2.2.0 # BSD License
whereto # Apache-2.0
wrapt # BSD License
wsgi-intercept # MIT License
xmltodict # MIT
xvfbwrapper #license: MIT
## section:docs
blockdiag!=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
doc8 # Apache-2.0
docutils # OSI-Approved Open Source, Public Domain
pydot # MIT License
pydotplus # MIT License
Pygments # BSD license
rst2txt # BSD
sphinx!=1.6.6,!=1.6.7,!=2.1.0,!=3.0.0,!=3.4.2 # BSD
sphinxcontrib-actdiag # BSD
sphinxcontrib-apidoc # BSD
sphinxcontrib-blockdiag # BSD
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain # BSD
sphinxcontrib-nwdiag # BSD
sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme # Apache-2.0
sphinxcontrib-programoutput # BSD license
sphinxcontrib-seqdiag # BSD
sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter # BSD License
sphinxcontrib.datatemplates # BSD License
## section:openstack-general
## Projects under openstack governance (excluding clients and docs, which
## have their own section)
castellan # Apache-2.0
# NOTE(tonyb): Generally adding OpenSatck services isn't allowed but some
# consumers of ceilometer use it like a library so until there is a
# ceilometer-lib (or similar) this is our best option.
ceilometer # Apache-2.0
# ceilometermiddleware might not show up with a search of setup.cfg and
# requirements files, but some projects use it via being installed by devstack
ceilometermiddleware # Apache-2.0
cliff!=2.9.0,!=2.17.0 # Apache-2.0
debtcollector # Apache-2.0
diskimage-builder!=1.6.0,!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1 # Apache-2.0
etcd3gw!=0.2.2,!=0.2.3,!=0.2.6 # Apache-2.0
futurist # Apache-2.0
glance-store!=0.29.0 # Apache-2.0
heat-translator # Apache-2.0
horizon # Apache-2.0
ironic-lib!=4.6.0 # Apache-2.0
keystoneauth1 # Apache-2.0
keystonemiddleware # Apache-2.0
kuryr-lib # Apache-2.0
metalsmith # Apache-2.0
microversion-parse # Apache-2.0
mistral-lib # Apache-2.0
monasca-common # Apache-2.0
monasca-statsd # Apache-2.0
murano-pkg-check # Apache-2.0
networking-bagpipe # Apache-2.0
networking-bgpvpn # Apache-2.0
networking-l2gw # Apache-2.0
networking-odl # Apache-2.0
networking-sfc # Apache-2.0
neutron # Apache-2.0
neutron-dynamic-routing # Apache-2.0
neutron-fwaas # Apache-2.0
neutron-lib # Apache-2.0
octavia-lib # Apache-2.0
os-apply-config # Apache-2.0
os-brick!=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
os-client-config # Apache-2.0
os-collect-config # Apache-2.0
os-ken # Apache-2.0
os-refresh-config # Apache-2.0
os-resource-classes # Apache-2.0
os-service-types # Apache-2.0
os-traits # Apache-2.0
os-vif!=1.8.0,!=1.12.0,!=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
os-win # Apache-2.0
osc-lib # Apache-2.0
osc-placement # Apache-2.0
oslo.cache!=1.31.1,!=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.concurrency # Apache-2.0
oslo.config!=4.3.0,!=4.4.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.context # Apache-2.0
oslo.db # Apache-2.0
oslo.i18n # Apache-2.0
oslo.limit # Apache-2.0
oslo.log!=3.44.2,!=4.1.2,!=4.2.0,!=5.0.1,!=5.0.2,!=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.messaging!=9.0.0 # Apache-2.0
oslo.metrics # Apache-2.0
oslo.middleware # Apache-2.0
oslo.policy!=3.0.0,!=3.6.1 # Apache-2.0
oslo.privsep # Apache-2.0
oslo.reports # Apache-2.0
oslo.rootwrap # Apache-2.0
# NOTE(mriedem): oslo.serialization 2.19.1 is blocked for bug 1593641
oslo.serialization!=2.19.1 # Apache-2.0
oslo.service!=1.28.1 # Apache-2.0
oslo.upgradecheck # Apache-2.0
# NOTE(lajoskatona): oslo.utils version between 3.39.1 and 3.40.1 excluded due to bug 1812922
oslo.utils!=3.39.1,!=3.40.0,!=3.40.1 # Apache-2.0
oslo.versionedobjects # Apache-2.0
oslo.vmware # Apache-2.0
osprofiler # Apache-2.0
pbr!=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
stevedore!=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
tap-as-a-service # Apache-2.0
taskflow # Apache-2.0
tempest # Apache-2.0
tooz # Apache-2.0
tosca-parser # Apache-2.0
yaql # Apache 2.0 License
## section:openstack-clients
## Clients for openstack services. None of these should have an upper bound
## as that has implications for testing in the gate.
aodhclient # Apache-2.0
gnocchiclient # Apache-2.0
openstacksdk # Apache-2.0
python-barbicanclient # Apache-2.0
python-blazarclient # Apache-2.0
python-cinderclient!=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
python-cloudkittyclient # Apache-2.0
python-cyborgclient # Apache-2.0
python-designateclient # Apache-2.0
python-freezerclient # Apache-2.0
python-glanceclient # Apache-2.0
python-heatclient # Apache-2.0
python-ironic-inspector-client # Apache-2.0
python-ironicclient!=2.5.2,!=2.7.1,!=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
python-magnumclient # Apache-2.0
python-manilaclient # Apache-2.0
python-masakariclient # Apache-2.0
python-mistralclient!=3.2.0 # Apache-2.0
python-monascaclient # Apache-2.0
python-muranoclient # Apache-2.0
python-neutronclient # Apache-2.0
python-novaclient # Apache-2.0
python-observabilityclient # Apache-2.0
python-octaviaclient # Apache-2.0
python-openstackclient # Apache-2.0
python-saharaclient # Apache-2.0
python-senlinclient # Apache-2.0
python-solumclient # Apache-2.0
python-swiftclient # Apache-2.0
python-tackerclient # Apache-2.0
python-troveclient # Apache-2.0
python-vitrageclient # Apache-2.0
python-watcherclient # Apache-2.0
python-zaqarclient # Apache-2.0
python-zunclient # Apache-2.0
## section:openstack-docs
## Docs-related projects under openstack governance
openstackdocstheme!=2.1.0,!=2.1.1 # Apache-2.0
os-api-ref # Apache-2.0
oslosphinx # Apache-2.0
reno # Apache-2.0
sphinx-feature-classification # Apache-2.0
zuul-sphinx # Apache-2.0
## section:openstack-testing
## Projects under openstack governance (excluding clients, which have their
## own section)
# NOTE(dhellmann): We need to include this package for testing the
# release jobs that propose constraint updates, even though it is not
# a real requirement of any of our software.
## section:cinder-libs
## Third party libraries for cinder storage drivers
dfs-sdk # Apache-2.0
distro # Apache-2.0
krest # Apache-2.0
purestorage # BSD
python-3parclient # Apache-2.0
python-linstor # LGPLv3
pywbem # LGPLv2.1+
rsd-lib # Apache-2.0
storops # Apache-2.0
storpool!=5.2.0,!=5.3.0 # Apache-2.0
storpool.spopenstack # Apache-2.0
## section:internal
## Tooling-related caps and denylists.
pip # MIT
# While setuptools cannot deal with pre-installed incompatible versions,
# setting a lower bound is not harmful - it makes error messages cleaner. DO
# NOT set an upper bound on setuptools, as that will lead to uninstallable
# situations as progressive releases of projects are done.
# Denylist setuptools 34.0.0-34.3.2 due to
# Denylist setuptools 36.2.0 due to
# Denylist setuptools 48.0.0, 49.0.0 due to
setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,!=34.3.2,!=36.2.0,!=48.0.0,!=49.0.0 # PSF/ZPL
wheel # MIT
## section:deprecated
## Libraries that are no longer supported upstream and which we should
## work to remove usage of.
extras # MIT
jsonpath-rw # Apache-2.0
jsonpath-rw-ext # Apache-2.0
kafka-python # Apache-2.0
oauth2client!=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
# pysnmp library is not maintained since 4 years, it is
# not recommended to use it, use its fork pysnmp-lextudio instead
# in conjunction with its dependencies pyasn1-lextudio and
# pyasn1-modules-lextudio
pysnmp # BSD
simplejson # MIT
six # MIT
zake # Apache-2.0