
77 lines
2.0 KiB

{% set pypi_name = 'freezer-tempest-plugin' %}
{% set rpm_release = '1' %}
{% set source=fetch_source('https://tarballs.openstack.org/freezer-tempest-plugin/freezer-tempest-plugin-master.tar.gz') %}
{% set upstream_version = upstream_version() %}
%global sname freezer_tempest_plugin
%global with_doc 0
%global common_desc \
This package contains Tempest tests to cover the freezer project. \
Additionally it provides a plugin to automatically load these tests into Tempest.
Name: {{ py2pkg('freezer-tempest-plugin') }}
Version: {{ py2rpmversion() }}
Release: {{ py2rpmrelease() }}
Summary: Tempest plugin for the freezer project
License: {{ license('Apache-2.0') }}
Group: Development/Languages/Python
URL: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/{{ pypi_name }}
Source0: {{ source|basename }}
BuildRequires: openstack-macros
BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('pbr') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('setuptools') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('Tempest') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('oslo.config') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('oslo.utils') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('paramiko') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('pbr') }}
Requires: {{ py2pkg('six') }}
BuildArch: noarch
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%package doc
Summary: Documentation for freezer tempest plugin
BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('Sphinx') }}
BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('oslosphinx') }}
%description doc
It contains the documentation for the freezer tempest tests.
%autosetup -n %{sname}-{{ upstream_version }}
# Let's handle dependencies ourseleves
# Remove bundled egg-info
rm -rf %{module}.egg-info
# Generate Docs
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%{__python2} setup.py build_sphinx
# remove the sphinx build leftovers
rm -rf doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}
%license LICENSE
%doc README.rst
%if 0%{?with_doc}
%files doc
%doc doc/build/html
%license LICENSE