Adds the parser and related files.

- Adding parser module.
- Adds custom exceptions and tests cases.
- Adds tools folder.
- Updated the documentation.
- Readme usage section now imports usage.rst.
- Improvements to tox.ini
- Adds config folder.
This commit is contained in:
Pranav Salunke 2016-12-20 15:48:29 +01:00
parent e279e39d75
commit c6d99ea667
10 changed files with 704 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ These are the major goals which are accomplished by the parser:
[Training-labs]( is part
of OpeNStack Documentation team and provides an unique tool to deploy core
`Training-labs <>`_ is part
of OpenStack Documentation team and provides an unique tool to deploy core
OpenStack services. Training labs closely follows installation guides for
the OpenStack deployment steps.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ the OpenStack deployment steps.
Installation Guides (OpenStack Installation Tutorial)
[Installation guides]( provides step by step
`Installation guides <>`_ provides step by step
instructions to deploy OpenStack on a multi-node cluster.
@ -47,38 +47,15 @@ More Details
and training-labs repository.
- The generated output (parsed files) should then be triggered via.
training-labs to deploy the OpenStack cluster.
- Additionally, this project should showcase and allow the workflow in the
- Additionally, this project should showcase and allow the work-flow in the
OpenStack CI for installation guides and cross-project installation-guides.
- To run the parser please clone the [openstack-manuals](git://
repository and update the configuration file.
- Additionally, if you wish to deploy OpenStack cluster, also clone the [training-labs](git://
- Run the parser:
$ python
- Check the generated scripts (location in the configuration file), copy them
to training-labs: labs/osbash/scripts/ folder.
- Run training labs:
$ PROVIDER=kvm ./ -b cluster
- Sit back, relax and see the cluster deploy.
**Note:** This project is in its nascent state, especially the OpenStack
cluster deployment part may break at many places.
- Create glue-code scripts to automate setting up of various repositories
required to easily carry the workflow.
required to easily carry the work-flow.
- Setup the non-voting jobs to deploy the cluster. This cluster should be
a two node KVM/VirtualBox cluster which runs in the OpenStack CI.
- Update the Bash templates (Jinja templates) to allow nicer Bash scripts

View File

@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
At the command line::
- Clone the rst2bash repository.
- Clone the repository
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://
$ cd rst2bash
- Run the parser.
- Check the usage section for more details.

View File

@ -2,19 +2,27 @@
- To run the parser please clone the [openstack-manuals](git://
repository and update the configuration file.
- Additionally, if you wish to deploy OpenStack cluster, also clone the [training-labs](git://
- Run the parser:
- Run the parser, it will clone openstack-manuals repository, training-labs
repository and parse the files
$ python
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./tools/
Make sure to run it from the root of the directory.
- Check the generated scripts (location in the configuration file
`rst2bash/conf`), copy them to training-labs:
`labs/osbash/scripts/` folder.
- Check the generated scripts (location in the configuration file), copy them
to training-labs: labs/osbash/scripts/ folder.
to training-labs: `labs/osbash/scripts/` folder. Default configuration
specifies the output location at `build/scripts/`.
- Run training labs:
$ PROVIDER=kvm ./ -b cluster
.. code-block:: bash
$ PROVIDER=kvm ./build/training-labs/labs/ -b cluster
- Sit back, relax and see the cluster deploy.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
description: Provides input (RST) and output (BASH) based on the configuration below.
rst_path: build/openstack-manuals/doc/install-guide/source
ubuntu: build/scripts/ubuntu
rdo: build/scripts/rdo
obs: build/scripts/obs
debian: build/scripts/debian
- keystone-install.rst
# - keystone-openrc.rst
# - keystone.rst
- keystone-users.rst
- keystone-verify.rst
- launch-instance-cinder.rst
- launch-instance-networks-provider.rst
- launch-instance-networks-selfservice.rst
- launch-instance-provider.rst
- launch-instance.rst
- launch-instance-selfservice.rst
- neutron-compute-install-option1.rst
- neutron-compute-install-option2.rst
- neutron-compute-install.rst
- neutron-concepts.rst
- neutron-controller-install-option1.rst
- neutron-controller-install-option2.rst
- neutron-controller-install.rst
- neutron-next-steps.rst
# - neutron.rst
- neutron-verify-option1.rst
- neutron-verify-option2.rst
- neutron-verify.rst
- nova-compute-install.rst
- nova-controller-install.rst
# - nova.rst
- nova-verify.rst
# - overview.rst
- horizon-verify.rst
- additional-services.rst
- cinder-backup-install.rst
- cinder-controller-install.rst
- cinder-next-steps.rst
# - cinder.rst
- cinder-storage-install.rst
- cinder-verify.rst
- environment-memcached.rst
- environment-messaging.rst
- environment-networking-compute.rst
- environment-networking-controller.rst
- environment-networking.rst
- environment-networking-storage-cinder.rst
- environment-networking-verify.rst
- environment-ntp-controller.rst
- environment-ntp-other.rst
- environment-ntp.rst
- environment-ntp-verify.rst
- environment-packages.rst
# - environment.rst
- environment-security.rst
- environment-sql-database.rst
- glance-install.rst
# - glance.rst
- glance-verify.rst
- horizon-install.rst
- horizon-next-steps.rst
# - horizon.rst

rst2bash/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
class Rst2BashException(Exception):
class MissingTagsException(Rst2BashException):
class NestedDistroBlocksException(Rst2BashException):
class PathNotFoundException(Rst2BashException):
class NoCodeBlocksException(Rst2BashException):
class InvalidOperatorException(Rst2BashException):

rst2bash/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import re
import yaml
class BlockIndex(object):
"""Creates indices which describes the location of blocks in rst file.
These indices describe the start and end location of the strings in the rst
file. Different indices used to parse the file are:
AllBlocks: Contains sequential index values for all required blocks.
CodeBlocks: Contains index values for blocks containing code.
PathBlocks: Contains index values for blocks containing path.
DistroBlocks: Contains index values for blocks containing OS.
These indices should provide the location to extract given blocks from the
rst files. This class additionally provides various functionalities to
easily carry out different tasks like iteration and more.
def __init__(self, startIndex=tuple(), endIndex=tuple()):
self.startIndex = tuple(startIndex)
self.endIndex = tuple(endIndex)
def get_start_block(self, index):
'''Returns the value of the start index.'''
return self.startIndex[index]
def get_end_block(self, index):
'''Returns the value of the end index.'''
return self.endIndex[index]
def get_block(self, index):
'''Returns the value of the block from the start and the end index.'''
return (self.get_start_index(index), self.getEndindex(index))
def get_start_index(self, block):
'''Returns the index of the given block from the start index.'''
if self._block_exists(block, self.startIndex):
return self.startIndex.index(block)
return False
def get_end_index(self, block):
'''Returns the index of the given block from the end index.'''
if self._block_exists(block, self.endIndex):
return self.endIndex.index(block)
return False
def get_index(self, block):
'''Returns the index of the given block from both the indices.'''
return (self.get_start_block(block), self.get_end_index(block))
def _block_exists(self, block, index):
"""Returns true or false if the block exists."""
return block in index
def get_startindex_generator(self):
"""Returns a generator of startIndex."""
return self._generator(self.startIndex)
def get_endindex_generator(self):
"""Returns a generator of endIndex."""
return self._generator(self.endIndex)
def _generator(self, index):
"""Create a generator of the given index."""
for i in index:
yield i
class CodeBlock(object):
"""CodeBlock acts as a custom data-structure.
CodeBlock defines a rst block which contains a one or more lines of code or
configuration files. Additionally CodeBlocks also organizes metadata about
the rst block which could be as simple as the prompt/user or the path of
the configuration file.
CodeBlock at the end of the day should contain the following keys and
values extracted and parsed from the rst files.
commands = { <key: value_type, possible values, description>
distro: <str>, [ubuntu|rdo|obs|debian] or [all],
This tag specifies the distro which could be a combination of
different distros or all distros.
action: <str>, [console|config|inject],
This could either be a bash command, configuration or file
type: <str>, [ini|conf|apache|...],
Describes the content of the command. It is fetched from the
rst .. code-block|.. distro tag.
path: <str>|<os.path>,
If it is a config or inejct, the path of the given file. For
commands, the path to run the command at.
command: <list>, [<str>,<str>],
Describes the command itself. This command along with the
metadata provides easily BASHable datastructure.
output_file: <dict>, {distro: path},
Describes the absolute path of the given bash file where the
command should be written.
This class provides the datastructure along with methods to consume various
actions required to fill the datastructure and traverse through it.
def __init__(self):
self.command = {}
def append(self, **kwargs):
"""Add or update values to the datastructure."""
def __dict__(self):
return self.command
def generate_code(self):
"""Generate BASH command with it's metadata.
This method should sensibly traverse through the command dictonary and
generate and return the BASH code. Also return the distribution name.
command_wrapper = ''
bashcodelines = ''
bashCommands = defaultdict(list)
newline = '\n'
action = self.command['action']
path = self.command['path']
if path:
path = '{0}conf={1}{0}'.format(newline, path)
bashcodelines = path
if 'config' in action:
command_wrapper = 'iniset_sudo '
elif 'inject' in action:
command_wrapper = '{0}cat<< INJECT | sudo tee -a $conf{0}'
command_wrapper = command_wrapper.format(newline)
for codeline in self.command['command']:
bashcodelines += command_wrapper + codeline + newline
for distro in self.get_distro():
return bashCommands
def get_distro(self):
"""Return the distribution."""
return self.command['distro']
class ParseBlocks(object):
"""Convert RST block to BASH code.
Logic to convert a given RST block into BASH. This class should extract
given code from the RST block and consume the CodeBlocks datastructure to
preserve the metadata along with the code.
ParseBlocks has three logical sections:
- Metadata extraction and code type detection.
- Parsing Bash/Config/Inject content.
- Assembling all the information in CodeBlocks format.
def extract_code(self, codeBlock, cmdType, distro, path):
"""Parse the rst block into command and extract metadata info.
This method extracts all the metadata surrounding the given line of
code and also detects the type of the code/config/inject before
invoking the respective methods.
command = CodeBlock()
# Simple helper function.
def getdistro(distro):
distro = distro.replace('.. only::', '').split('or')
return [d.strip() for d in distro]
distro = getdistro(distro) if distro else ["ubuntu", "obs", "rdo"]
if path:
path = path.replace('.. path', '').strip()
command.append(distro=distro, path=path)
if 'console' in cmdType:
action = 'console'
codeBlock = self._parse_code(codeBlock)
elif 'apache' in cmdType:
action = 'inject'
codeBlock = self._parse_inject(codeBlock)
elif 'ini' in cmdType or 'conf' in cmdType:
action = 'config'
codeBlock = self._parse_config(codeBlock)
raise # TODO(dbite): Raise custom exception here.
command.append(action=action, command=codeBlock)
return command
def _parse_inject(self, rstBlock):
"""Parse inject lines.
These lines are usually configuration lines which are copy pasted or
appended at the end of a file. Appending newlines with EOL for better
visual appearance and easier BASH syntax generation.
return [rstBlock + "\nEOL\n"]
def _parse_config(self, rstBlock):
"""Parse configuration files.
Configuration file modifications, which mostly involves setting or
resetting given variables and parameters. This method:
- Detects the configuration sections ``[section]``.
- Parses the following lines under this section iteratively.
- Go to step one if more lines.
- Generate a list of configuration lines along with it's section
in training-labs friendly format.
- Also some syntax niceness sprinkled on top.
operator = ''
# Only works for a specific sequence of configuration options.
parsedConfig = list()
for line in rstBlock.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if'\[[a-zA-Z_]+\]', line):
operator = line[1:-1]
elif'=', line) and not'^#', line):
line = operator + " " + line.replace("=", " ") + "\n"
return parsedConfig
def _get_bash_operator(operator):
"""Helper function to convert the operator to its equivalent syntax.
# --> root --> sudo ...
$ --> noroot --> ...
> --> mysql --> mysql_exec ...
if "#" in operator:
operator = "sudo "
elif "$" in operator:
operator = ""
elif ">" in operator:
operator = "mysql_exec "
raise # TODO(dbite): Create custom exceptions!
return operator
def _parse_code(self, rstBlock):
"""Parse code lines.
Code-blocks containing bash code (console|mysql) are sent here. These
are bash code or mysql etc. which are to be formatted into proper bash
- Detects type of code, replace `mysql>` with `>` if detected.
- Replace line continuation `asdb \` with equivalent HTML codes
for `\` and `\n` to properly parse multi-line commands.
- Iterate through all the code lines which are easily detected using
the operator syntax.
- Replace the HTML codes to it's respective ASCII/UNICODE equivalent.
parsedCmds = list()
if "mysql>" in rstBlock:
rstBlock = rstBlock.replace("mysql>", ">")
# Substitute HTML codes for '\' and '\n'
rstBlock = rstBlock.replace("\\\n", "&#10&#10&#13")
for index in re.finditer("[#\$>].*", rstBlock):
cmd = rstBlock[index.start():index.end()].replace("&#10&#10&#13",
operator = self._get_bash_operator(cmd[0])
parsedCmds.append(operator + cmd[1:].strip())
return parsedCmds
class ExtractBlocks(object):
"""Creates required indices form the rst code."""
def __init__(self, rstFile, bashPath):
self.rstFile = self.get_file_contents(rstFile)
self.blocks = None # Lookup table.
self.allBlocksIterator = None
self.parseblocks = ParseBlocks()
self.bashCode = list()
bashFileName = os.path.basename(rstFile).replace('.rst', '.sh')
self.bashPath = {distro: os.path.join(path, bashFileName)
for distro, path in bashPath.iteritems()}
def __del__(self):
"""Proper handling of the file pointer."""
def _get_indices(self, regexStr):
"""Helper function to return a tuple containing indices.
The indices returned contains the location of the given blocks matched
by the regex string. Returns the (start, end) index for the same.
searchBlocks = re.compile(regexStr, re.VERBOSE)
indices = [index.span()
for index in searchBlocks.finditer(self.rstFile)]
return indices
def get_file_contents(self, filePath):
"""Return the contents of the given file."""
self.filePointer = open(filePath, 'r')
def get_indice_blocks(self):
"""Should fetch regex strings from the right location."""
# Regex string for extracting particular bits from RST file.
# For some reason I want to keep the generic RegEX strings.
searchAllBlocks = '''\.\.\s # Look for '.. '
(code-block::|only::|path) # Look for required blocks
searchDistroBlocksStart = '''\.\.\sonly::
[\sa-z].* # For matching all distros.
searchDistroBlocksEnd = '''\.\.\sendonly\\n''' # Match end blocks.
searchCodeBlocksStart = '''\.\.\scode-block:: # Look for code block
\s # Include whitespace
(?!end) # Exclude code-block:: end
(?:[a-z])* # Include everything else.
searchCodeBlocksEnd = '''\.\.\send\\n''' # Look for .. end
searchPath = '''\.\.\spath\s.*''' # Look for .. path
allBlocks = BlockIndex(self._get_indices(searchAllBlocks))
distroBlocks = BlockIndex(self._get_indices(searchDistroBlocksStart),
codeBlocks = BlockIndex(self._get_indices(searchCodeBlocksStart),
pathBlocks = BlockIndex(self._get_indices(searchPath))
# Point to the blocks from a dictionary to create sensible index.
self.blocks = {'distroBlock': distroBlocks,
'codeBlock': codeBlocks,
'pathBlock': pathBlocks,
'allBlock': allBlocks
def extract_codeblocks(self):
"""Initialize the generator object and start the initial parsing."""
# Generate all blocks iterator
self.allBlocksIterator = \
# Helper function for quick lookup from the blocks lookup table.
def _block_lookup(self, allblock):
"""Block Lookup Helper Function.
Look for the block in blocks and return the name and index of the
location of the block.
for blockName in 'codeBlock', 'distroBlock', 'pathBlock':
blockIndex = self.blocks[blockName].get_start_index(allblock)
if blockIndex is not False:
return blockName, blockIndex
# TODO(dbite): Raise custom exception.
# Helper function for recursive-generator pattern.
def _extractblocks(self, distro=None, path=None, distroEnd=None):
"""Recursive function to sequentially parse the RST file.
This method deals with traversing through the given RST file by using
the indices generated using regex. These indices indicate the location
of different chunks of blocks and also the distribution for the same.
AllBlocks provides the location of all the blocks and is used to
recurse and give the next block location. This block can either be
CodeBlock, PathBlock or DistroBlock. The lookup table provides the
information about which block a given index points to and fetches
the equivalent end index. This allows further calls to ParseBlocks
class to process the extracted chunk of code in the correct way.
Using recursion is more efficient as compared to iteration. It
simplifies the implementation logic, performance and efficiency. This
also allows the parsing to be accomplished with minimal variables and
eliminates need for keeping track, toggle flags and complicated code
which is hard to debug and understand.
blockName, blockIndex = self._block_lookup(
except StopIteration:
block = self.blocks[blockName]
if distroEnd < block.get_start_block(blockIndex)[0]:
distro = None
if 'codeBlock' in blockName:
# Extract Code Block
# Use path & distro variables.
indexStart = block.get_start_block(blockIndex)
indexEnd = block.get_end_block(blockIndex)
codeBlock = self.rstFile[indexStart[1]:indexEnd[0]].strip()
cmdType = self.rstFile[indexStart[0]:indexStart[1]]
self._extractblocks(distro=distro, distroEnd=distroEnd)
elif 'pathBlock' in blockName:
# Get path & recurse, the next one should be CodeBlock.
pathIndex = block.get_start_block(blockIndex)
path = self.rstFile[pathIndex[0]:pathIndex[1]]
self._extractblocks(distro=distro, path=path, distroEnd=distroEnd)
elif 'distroBlock' in blockName:
# Get distro & recurse
distroStart = block.get_start_block(blockIndex)
distro = self.rstFile[distroStart[0]:distroStart[1]]
distroEnd = block.get_end_block(blockIndex)[1]
self._extractblocks(distro=distro, distroEnd=distroEnd)
def get_bash_code(self):
"""Returns bashCode which is a list containing <CodeBlock>'s."""
return self.bashCode
def write_to_file(path, value):
"""Static method to write given content to the file."""
with open(path, 'w') as fp:
def write_bash_code(self):
"""Writes bash code to file."""
commands = defaultdict(str)
newline = "\n"
for code in self.bashCode:
codeLines = code.generate_code()
for distro, codeLine in codeLines.iteritems():
commands[distro] += newline.join(codeLine)
for distro, command in commands.iteritems():
ExtractBlocks.write_to_file(self.bashPath[distro], command)
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("rst2bash/config/parser_config.yaml", 'r') as ymlfile:
cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile)
cwd = os.getcwd()
rst_path = os.path.join(cwd, cfg['rst_path'])
rst_files = cfg['rst_files']
bash_path = {distro: os.path.join(cwd, path)
for distro, path in cfg['bash_path'].iteritems()}
for path_value in bash_path.itervalues():
if not os.path.exists(path_value):
for rst_file in rst_files:
rst_file_path = os.path.join(rst_path, rst_file)
print("Parsing: %s\n") % (rst_file)
code_blocks = ExtractBlocks(rst_file_path, bash_path)
except Exception:
bashCode = code_blocks.get_bash_code()
if not code_blocks.write_bash_code():
raise Exception("Could not write to bash")

View File

@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ output_file = rst2bash/locale/rst2bash.pot
all_files = 1
build-dir = releasenotes/build
source-dir = releasenotes/source
source-dir = releasenotes/source

tools/cluster Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
echo 'WIP: To be implemented.'

tools/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/bin/bash -
mkdir -p build/scripts
git clone \
--depth 10 \
git:// \
git clone \
git:// \
python2.7 rst2bash/
echo "Please find the generated BASH scripts in the build/scripts folder!".

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
minversion = 2.0
envlist = py34,py27,pypy,pep8
envlist = py27,pep8
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -c{env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:} {opts} {packages}
install_command = pip install {opts} {packages}
setenv =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
deps =
commands = python test --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'