Zhuang Changkun c118e53a8e Add support to build hadoop-3.0.1 related package
Change-Id: I2ba39c3d84bdd0b07e9fbe58ef0c8bc655c303ac
2018-05-18 19:23:28 +08:00
src Modify a description of the parameters to function. 2017-08-03 13:58:34 +08:00
README.rst doc improvement change, fixed spelling errors 2016-06-21 23:25:39 +02:00
checkstyle.xml Add checkstyle target 2014-09-16 14:07:21 +09:00
pom.xml Add support to build hadoop-3.0.1 related package 2018-05-18 19:23:28 +08:00


Sources for Swift filesystem implementation for Hadoop

These sources were originally published at The sources were obtained by running "patch" command. All the files related to Hadoop-common were skipped during patching.

Changes were made after patching: * pom.xml was updated to use hadoop-core 1.1.2 dependency and adds hadoop2 profile * removed dependency on 2.x hadoop in code (@Override and isDirectory() -> isDir()) * removed Hadoop 2.X tests

There are no unit-tests, only integration.