
262 lines
9.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015, MapR Technologies
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools as ft
import sahara.plugins.exceptions as e
from sahara.plugins import resource as r
from sahara.plugins import service_api as api
import sahara.plugins.utils as utils
from sahara_plugin_mapr.i18n import _
class LessThanCountException(e.InvalidComponentCountException):
MESSAGE = _("Hadoop cluster should contain at least"
" %(expected_count)d %(component)s component(s)."
" Actual %(component)s count is %(actual_count)d")
def __init__(self, component, expected_count, count):
super(LessThanCountException, self).__init__(
component, expected_count, count)
args = {
'expected_count': expected_count,
'component': component,
'actual_count': count,
self.message = LessThanCountException.MESSAGE % args
class MoreThanCountException(e.InvalidComponentCountException):
MESSAGE = _("Hadoop cluster should contain at most"
" %(expected_count)d %(component)s component(s)."
" Actual %(component)s count is %(actual_count)d")
def __init__(self, component, expected_count, count):
super(MoreThanCountException, self).__init__(
component, expected_count, count)
args = {
"expected_count": expected_count,
"component": component,
"actual_count": count,
self.message = MoreThanCountException.MESSAGE % args
class EvenCountException(e.SaharaPluginException):
MESSAGE = _("Hadoop cluster should contain odd number of %(component)s"
" but %(actual_count)s found.")
def __init__(self, component, count):
super(EvenCountException, self).__init__()
args = {'component': component, 'actual_count': count}
self.message = EvenCountException.MESSAGE % args
class NodeRequiredServiceMissingException(e.RequiredServiceMissingException):
MISSING_MSG = _('Node "%(ng_name)s" is missing component %(component)s')
REQUIRED_MSG = _('%(message)s, required by %(required_by)s')
def __init__(self, service_name, ng_name, required_by=None):
super(NodeRequiredServiceMissingException, self).__init__(
service_name, required_by)
args = {'ng_name': ng_name, 'component': service_name}
self.message = (
NodeRequiredServiceMissingException.MISSING_MSG % args)
if required_by:
args = {'message': self.message, 'required_by': required_by}
self.message = (
NodeRequiredServiceMissingException.REQUIRED_MSG % args)
class NodeServiceConflictException(e.SaharaPluginException):
MESSAGE = _('%(service)s service cannot be installed alongside'
' %(package)s package')
def __init__(self, service_name, conflicted_package):
super(NodeServiceConflictException, self).__init__()
args = {
'service': service_name,
'package': conflicted_package,
self.message = NodeServiceConflictException.MESSAGE % args
self.code = NodeServiceConflictException.ERROR_CODE
class NoVolumesException(e.SaharaPluginException):
MESSAGE = _('%s must have at least 1 volume or ephemeral drive')
def __init__(self, ng_name):
super(NoVolumesException, self).__init__()
self.message = NoVolumesException.MESSAGE % ng_name
self.code = NoVolumesException.ERROR_CODE
class NotRequiredImageException(e.SaharaPluginException):
MESSAGE = _('Service %(service)s requires %(os)s OS.'
' Use %(os)s image and add "%(os)s" tag to it.')
def __init__(self, service, os):
super(NotRequiredImageException, self).__init__()
self.message = NotRequiredImageException.MESSAGE % {'service': service,
'os': os}
self.code = NotRequiredImageException.ERROR_CODE
def at_least(count, component):
def validate(cluster_context, component, count):
actual_count = cluster_context.get_instances_count(component)
if not actual_count >= count:
raise LessThanCountException(
component.ui_name, count, actual_count)
return ft.partial(validate, component=component, count=count)
def at_most(count, component):
def validate(cluster_context, component, count):
actual_count = cluster_context.get_instances_count(component)
if actual_count > count:
raise MoreThanCountException(
component.ui_name, count, actual_count)
return ft.partial(validate, component=component, count=count)
def exactly(count, component):
def validate(cluster_context, component, count):
actual_count = cluster_context.get_instances_count(component)
if not actual_count == count:
raise e.InvalidComponentCountException(
component.ui_name, count, actual_count)
return ft.partial(validate, component=component, count=count)
def each_node_has(component):
def validate(cluster_context, component):
for node_group in cluster_context.cluster.node_groups:
if component.ui_name not in node_group.node_processes:
raise NodeRequiredServiceMissingException(
return ft.partial(validate, component=component)
def odd_count_of(component):
def validate(cluster_context, component):
actual_count = cluster_context.get_instances_count(component)
if actual_count > 1 and actual_count % 2 == 0:
raise EvenCountException(component.ui_name, actual_count)
return ft.partial(validate, component=component)
def on_same_node(component, dependency):
def validate(cluster_context, component, dependency):
for ng in cluster_context.get_node_groups(component):
if dependency.ui_name not in ng.node_processes:
raise NodeRequiredServiceMissingException(
dependency.ui_name,, component.ui_name)
return ft.partial(validate, component=component, dependency=dependency)
def depends_on(service, required_by):
def validate(cluster_context, service, required_by):
if not cluster_context.is_present(service):
service_name = service.ui_name
if service.version:
service_name += " %s" % service.version
raise e.RequiredServiceMissingException(
service_name, required_by.ui_name)
return ft.partial(validate, service=service, required_by=required_by)
def node_client_package_conflict_vr(components, client_component):
def validate(cluster_context, components):
for ng in cluster_context.get_node_groups():
for c in components:
nps = ng.node_processes
if c in nps and client_component in nps:
raise NodeServiceConflictException(c, client_component)
return ft.partial(validate, components=components)
def assert_present(service, cluster_context):
if not cluster_context.is_present(service):
raise e.RequiredServiceMissingException(service.ui_name)
def required_os(os, required_by):
def validate(cluster_context, os, required_by):
for ng in cluster_context.get_node_groups():
nps = ng.node_processes
for node_process in required_by.node_processes:
if node_process.ui_name in nps:
image_id = (ng.image_id or
if not image_has_tag(image_id, os):
raise NotRequiredImageException(required_by.ui_name,
return ft.partial(validate, os=os, required_by=required_by)
def create_fake_cluster(cluster, existing, additional):
counts = existing.copy()
def update_ng(node_group):
ng_dict = node_group.to_dict()
count = counts[]
return r.create_node_group_resource(ng_dict)
def need_upd(node_group):
return in counts and counts[] > 0
updated = list(map(update_ng, filter(need_upd, cluster.node_groups)))
not_updated = list(
filter(lambda ng: not need_upd(ng) and ng is not None,
cluster_dict = cluster.to_dict()
cluster_dict.update({'node_groups': updated + not_updated})
fake = r.create_cluster_resource(cluster_dict)
return fake
def get_ephemeral(node_group):
return utils.get_flavor(id=node_group.flavor_id).ephemeral
def has_volumes():
def validate(cluster_context):
for node_group in cluster_context.cluster.node_groups:
if not (node_group.volumes_per_node or get_ephemeral(node_group)):
raise NoVolumesException(
return validate
def image_has_tag(image_id, tag):
image = api.get_registered_image(image_id)
return tag in image.tags