Updating plugin documentation and release notes
Updating documentation to reflect what it means to the Sahara project, and make it build again. Also cleaning up release notes so we can start fresh. Change-Id: Ic3c0f72f3845137119140da64437d7dcbf43ce31
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- project:
- tempest-plugin-jobs
- publish-openstack-docs-pti
- release-notes-jobs-python3
@ -7,26 +7,29 @@ Team and repository tags
.. Change things from this point on
OpenStack Data Processing ("Sahara") project
OpenStack Data Processing ("Sahara") Vanilla Plugin
OpenStack Sahara Vanilla Plugin provides the users the option to
start Vanilla clusters on OpenStack Sahara.
Check out OpenStack Sahara documentation to see how to deploy the
Vanilla Plugin.
Sahara at wiki.openstack.org: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sahara
Storyboard project: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/935
Storyboard project: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/sahara-plugin-vanilla
Sahara docs site: https://docs.openstack.org/sahara/latest/
Roadmap: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sahara/Roadmap
Quickstart guide: https://docs.openstack.org/sahara/latest/user/quickstart.html
How to participate: https://docs.openstack.org/sahara/latest/contributor/how-to-participate.html
Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sahara
Source: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/sahara-plugin-vanilla
Bugs and feature requests: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/935
Bugs and feature requests: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/sahara-plugin-vanilla
Release notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/sahara/
Release notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/sahara-plugin-vanilla/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
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@ -1 +0,0 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Vanilla plugin for Sahara
User Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
User Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
@ -43,13 +43,14 @@ For cluster provisioning, prepared images should be used.
- Hive 0.11.0, Oozie 4.2.0
For more information about building image, refer to
:sahara-doc:`Sahara documentation <user/building-guest-images.html>`.
Vanilla plugin requires an image to be tagged in Sahara Image Registry with
two tags: 'vanilla' and '<hadoop version>' (e.g. '2.7.1').
The image requires a username. For more information, refer to the
:doc:`registering-image` section.
:sahara-doc:`registering image <user/registering-image.html>` section
of the Sahara documentation.
Build settings
@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ before starting the build command:
Vanilla Plugin Requirements
The image building tools described in :ref:`building-guest-images-label`
The image building tools described in
:sahara-doc:`Building guest images <user/building-guest-images.html>`
add the required software to the image and their usage is strongly suggested.
Nevertheless, here are listed the software that should be pre-loaded
on the guest image so that it can be used to create Vanilla clusters:
@ -77,8 +79,9 @@ on the guest image so that it can be used to create Vanilla clusters:
* Apache Hadoop installed
* 'hadoop' user created
See :doc:`hadoop-swift` for information on using Swift with your sahara cluster
(for EDP support Swift integration is currently required).
See :sahara-doc:`Swift Integration <user/hadoop-swift.html>` for information
on using Swift with your sahara cluster (for EDP support Swift integration
is currently required).
To support EDP, the following components must also be installed on the guest:
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ extensions = [
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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
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# General information about the project.
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project = u'Sahara Vanilla Plugin Release Notes'
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# Release do not need a version number in the title, they
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u'Sahara Vanilla Plugin Release Notes Documentation',
u'Sahara Developers', 'manual'),
@ -185,7 +186,8 @@ latex_documents = [
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
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u'Sahara Vanilla Plugin Release Notes Documentation',
[u'Sahara Developers'], 1)
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# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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u'Sahara Developers', 'SaharaReleaseNotes',
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u'Sahara Vanilla Plugin Release Notes Documentation',
u'Sahara Developers', 'SaharaVanillaReleaseNotes',
'One line description of project.',
@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
Sahara Release Notes
Sahara Vanilla Plugin Release Notes
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Liberty Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: origin/stable/liberty
@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
# Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>, 2017. #zanata
# Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>, 2018. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sahara\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-08-09 19:13+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-09 08:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>\n"
"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
msgid "3.0.1"
msgstr "3.0.1"
msgid "4.0.0"
msgstr "4.0.0"
msgid "4.0.1"
msgstr "4.0.1"
msgid "4.1.0"
msgstr "4.1.0"
msgid "5.0.0"
msgstr "5.0.0"
msgid "6.0.0"
msgstr "6.0.0"
msgid "7.0.0"
msgstr "7.0.0"
msgid "8.0.0"
msgstr "8.0.0"
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
msgid "8.0.1-4"
msgstr "8.0.1-4"
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"A few responses in the experimental (but nearly-stable) APIv2 have been "
"tweaked. To be specific, the key `hadoop_version` has been replaced with "
"`plugin_version`, the key `job` has been replaced with `job_template`, the "
"key `job_execution` has been replaced with `job`, and the key `oozie_job_id` "
"has been replaced with `engine_job_id`. In fact, these changes were all "
"previously partially implemented, and are now completely implemented."
msgstr ""
"A few responses in the experimental (but nearly-stable) APIv2 have been "
"tweaked. To be specific, the key `hadoop_version` has been replaced with "
"`plugin_version`, the key `job` has been replaced with `job_template`, the "
"key `job_execution` has been replaced with `job`, and the key `oozie_job_id` "
"has been replaced with `engine_job_id`. In fact, these changes were all "
"previously partially implemented, and are now completely implemented."
msgid "Add Kafka to MapR plugin"
msgstr "Add Kafka to MapR plugin"
msgid "Add Sentry to MapR plugin"
msgstr "Add Sentry to MapR plugin"
msgid "Add ability of scheduling EDP jobs for sahara"
msgstr "Add ability of scheduling EDP jobs for sahara"
msgid ""
"Add ability to automaticaly generate better configurations for Ambari "
"cluster by using 'ALWAYS_APPLY' strategy"
msgstr ""
"Add ability to automatically generate better configurations for Ambari "
"cluster by using 'ALWAYS_APPLY' strategy"
msgid "Add impala 2.2 to MapR plugin"
msgstr "Add impala 2.2 to MapR plugin"
msgid ""
"Add regular expression matching on search values for certain string fields "
"of sahara objects. This applies to list operations through the REST API and "
"therefore applies to the dashboard and sahara client as well. Closes bug "
msgstr ""
"Add regular expression matching on search values for certain string fields "
"of Sahara objects. This applies to list operations through the REST API and "
"therefore applies to the dashboard and Sahara client as well. Closes bug "
msgid "Added additional filter to volume_type check, closed bug 1508017"
msgstr "Added additional filter to volume_type check, closed bug 1508017"
msgid "Added event log for HDP plugin"
msgstr "Added event log for HDP plugin"
msgid ""
"Added integration of Designate for hostname resolution through dns servers"
msgstr ""
"Added integration of Designate for hostname resolution through DNS servers"
msgid "Added rack awareness feature for CDH 5.5 and CDH 5.7"
msgstr "Added rack awareness feature for CDH 5.5 and CDH 5.7"
msgid "Added rack awareness feature for HDP plugin"
msgstr "Added rack awareness feature for HDP plugin"
msgid ""
"Added support of running sahara-api as wsgi application. Use 'sahara-wsgi-"
"api' command for use this feature."
msgstr ""
"Added support of running sahara-api as wsgi application. Use 'sahara-wsgi-"
"api' command for use this feature."
msgid "Adding Spark 2.3 to supported plugins list."
msgstr "Adding Spark 2.3 to supported plugins list."
msgid "Adding Spark version 2.2 to Sahara."
msgstr "Adding Spark version 2.2 to Sahara."
msgid ""
"Adding ability to create and validate MapR 5.2.0 images using the new image "
"gen tool."
msgstr ""
"Adding ability to create and validate MapR 5.2.0 images using the new image "
"gen tool."
msgid ""
"Adding new versions of Storm, 1.2.0 and 1.2.1. Both will exist under the "
"same tag 1.2."
msgstr ""
"Adding new versions of Storm, 1.2.0 and 1.2.1. Both will exist under the "
"same tag 1.2."
msgid "Adding support to CDH 5.13.0 in CDH plugin."
msgstr "Adding support to CDH 5.13.0 in CDH plugin."
msgid ""
"Adding the ability to boot a Sahara cluster from volumes instead of images."
msgstr ""
"Adding the ability to boot a Sahara cluster from volumes instead of images."
msgid "Adding the ability to create Ambari 2.6 images on sahara-image-pack"
msgstr "Adding the ability to create Ambari 2.6 images on sahara-image-pack"
msgid ""
"After decommissioning hosts all assoicated configs groups will be removed in "
"ambari plugin."
msgstr ""
"After decommissioning hosts all associated configs groups will be removed in "
"Ambari plugin."
msgid ""
"An EDP data source may reference a file stored in a S3-like object store."
msgstr ""
"An EDP data source may reference a file stored in a S3-like object store."
msgid ""
"An EDP job binary may reference a file stored in a S3-like object store."
msgstr ""
"An EDP job binary may reference a file stored in a S3-like object store."
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Bug Fixes"
msgid ""
"CA certificate handling in keystone, nova, neutron and cinder clients are "
"fixed (#330635)"
msgstr ""
"CA certificate handling in Keystone, Nova, Neutron and Cinder clients are "
"fixed (#330635)"
msgid "CDH 5.11.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgstr "CDH 5.11.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgid "CDH 5.5.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgstr "CDH 5.5.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgid "CDH 5.7 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgstr "CDH 5.7 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgid "CDH 5.9.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgstr "CDH 5.9.0 is supported in CDH plugin."
msgid ""
"Cluster with 'is_protected' field can be created now, closed bug 1510929"
msgstr ""
"Cluster with 'is_protected' field can be created now, closed bug 1510929"
msgid ""
"Convert to cluster template feature is no longer supported by all plugins."
msgstr ""
"Convert to cluster template feature is no longer supported by all plugins."
msgid "Correctly configure Spark with Hive and HBase on different nodes."
msgstr "Correctly configure Spark with Hive and HBase on different nodes."
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Current Series Release Notes"
msgid "Custom health check is added to MapR plugin"
msgstr "Custom health check is added to MapR plugin"
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Deprecation Notes"
msgid ""
"Documentation about distributed periodics are extended with steps about "
"installation additional libs required for correct work of coordination "
"backend. Please refer Advanced Configuration Guide for details."
msgstr ""
"Documentation about distributed periodics are extended with steps about "
"installation additional libs required for correct work of coordination "
"backend. Please refer Advanced Configuration Guide for details."
msgid ""
"Enables the creation and validation of Ambari 2.4 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgstr ""
"Enables the creation and validation of Ambari 2.4 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgid ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.11.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgstr ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.11.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgid ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.7.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgstr ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.7.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgid ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.9.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgstr ""
"Enables the creation and validation of CDH 5.9.0 images using the new image "
"generation process where libguestfs replaces the use of DIB."
msgid "Escape unhandled unicode characters in environment configuration files"
msgstr "Escape unhandled Unicode characters in environment configuration files"
msgid ""
"Event log hanling fixed in case of problems with volumes formatting, closed "
"bug 1506839"
msgstr ""
"Event log handling fixed in case of problems with volumes formatting, closed "
"bug 1506839"
msgid ""
"Every new release of Sahara we update our plugins list. Some new versions "
"are added and some removed and other marked as deprecated. For Rocky we are "
"deprecating CDH 5.7.0, Spark 1.6.0 and 2.1 as well as Storm 1.0.1. We are "
"also removing CDH 5.5.0, MapR 5.1.0, Spark 1.3.1 and Storm 0.9.2."
msgstr ""
"Every new release of Sahara we update our plugins list. Some new versions "
"are added and some removed and other marked as deprecated. For Rocky we are "
"deprecating CDH 5.7.0, Spark 1.6.0 and 2.1 as well as Storm 1.0.1. We are "
"also removing CDH 5.5.0, MapR 5.1.0, Spark 1.3.1 and Storm 0.9.2."
msgid "Fix Hue intergation with Spark and Hive on different nodes"
msgstr "Fix Hue integration with Spark and Hive on different nodes"
msgid "Fix creating Hive database schema automatically."
msgstr "Fix creating Hive database schema automatically."
msgid "Fix unavailable MCS link."
msgstr "Fix unavailable MCS link."
msgid "Fix uncompleted event logs for Oozie and Drill in MapR plugin."
msgstr "Fix uncompleted event logs for Oozie and Drill in MapR plugin."
msgid "Fix visualization of MapR versions when running on python 3"
msgstr "Fix visualisation of MapR versions when running on Python 3"
msgid "Fixed api_insecure handling in sessions. Closed bug 1539498."
msgstr "Fixed api_insecure handling in sessions. Closed bug 1539498."
msgid "Fixed arguments list in latest cdh plugin"
msgstr "Fixed arguments list in latest CDH plugin"
msgid "Fixed client tempest tests"
msgstr "Fixed client tempest tests"
msgid "Fixed incorrect down scaling of ambari cluster"
msgstr "Fixed incorrect down scaling of Ambari cluster"
msgid ""
"Fixed issue with handling endpoint_type during creation neutron client, "
"closed bug 1564805"
msgstr ""
"Fixed issue with handling endpoint_type during creation neutron client, "
"closed bug 1564805"
msgid "Fixed issue with incorrect retrieving of auth url."
msgstr "Fixed issue with incorrect retrieving of auth URL."
msgid "Fixed issue with launching clusters without auto-security groups."
msgstr "Fixed issue with launching clusters without auto-security groups."
msgid ""
"Fixed issues with hardcoded password during creation MySQL database for "
"Oozie, bug 1541122."
msgstr ""
"Fixed issues with hardcoded password during creation MySQL database for "
"Oozie, bug 1541122."
msgid ""
"Fixed issues with hardcoded password during starting hive process, bug "
msgstr ""
"Fixed issues with hardcoded password during starting Hive process, bug "
msgid "Fixed issues with using Swift as an output datasource."
msgstr "Fixed issues with using Swift as an output data source."
msgid "Fixed launching Hive jobs in Ambari plugin."
msgstr "Fixed launching Hive jobs in Ambari plugin."
msgid ""
"Fixed problems with validation of job binaries update, closed bug 1508507"
msgstr ""
"Fixed problems with validation of job binaries update, closed bug 1508507"
msgid "Fixed search of devices that need to be mounted, closed bug 1508872"
msgstr "Fixed search of devices that need to be mounted, closed bug 1508872"
msgid "Fixed tempest config group"
msgstr "Fixed Tempest config group"
msgid ""
"Fixes `story 2002551`_ in which CDH cluster creation was stuck when the "
"image was generated using sahara-image-elements, and at the same time extjs "
"2.2 was not injected inside the images generated using sahara-image-pack."
msgstr ""
"Fixes `story 2002551`_ in which CDH cluster creation was stuck when the "
"image was generated using sahara-image-elements, and at the same time extjs "
"2.2 was not injected inside the images generated using sahara-image-pack."
msgid ""
"HDP plugin removed from default configuration list. End users who are using "
"HDP should ensure that their configuration files continue to list \"hdp\"."
msgstr ""
"HDP plugin removed from default configuration list. End users who are using "
"HDP should ensure that their configuration files continue to list \"hdp\"."
msgid ""
"Hadoop is now better configured to use the proper Keystone domain for "
"interaction with Swift; previously the 'default' domain may have been "
"incorrectly used."
msgstr ""
"Hadoop is now better configured to use the proper Keystone domain for "
"interaction with Swift; previously the 'default' domain may have been "
"incorrectly used."
msgid "Heat engine shows reasons in case of failure"
msgstr "Heat engine shows reasons in case of failure"
msgid "Implemented support of HDP 2.5 in the Ambari plugin."
msgstr "Implemented support of HDP 2.5 in the Ambari plugin."
msgid "Implemented support of HDP 2.6 in the Ambari plugin."
msgstr "Implemented support of HDP 2.6 in the Ambari plugin."
msgid "In case of XFS volume will be formatted with '-f' option."
msgstr "In case of XFS volume will be formatted with '-f' option."
msgid ""
"Ironic integration might be broken if floating IPs are used, due to the use "
"of pre-created ports by the Sahara engine. The status of Ironic support was "
"untested for this release."
msgstr ""
"Ironic integration might be broken if Floating IPs are used, due to the use "
"of pre-created ports by the Sahara engine. The status of Ironic support was "
"untested for this release."
msgid ""
"Issues with job types call are fixed. Jobs can be launched from UI if ambari "
"plugin enabled."
msgstr ""
"Issues with job types call are fixed. Jobs can be launched from UI if Ambari "
"plugin enabled."
msgid ""
"Job execution can be created with 'is_protected' field, closed bug 1510994"
msgstr ""
"Job execution can be created with 'is_protected' field, closed bug 1510994"
msgid "Kafka was added in CDH 5.5 and CDH 5.7"
msgstr "Kafka was added in CDH 5.5 and CDH 5.7"
msgid ""
"Kerberos support implemented for Cloudera and Ambari plugins. New oozie "
"client implemented to support authentication for oozie in kerberized cluster."
msgstr ""
"Kerberos support implemented for Cloudera and Ambari plugins. New Oozie "
"client implemented to support authentication for Oozie in Kerberised cluster."
msgid "Known Issues"
msgstr "Known Issues"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgid "MaR 5.2.0 is supported in MapR plugin."
msgstr "MapR 5.2.0 is supported in MapR plugin."
msgid "Make Oozie use correct maprfs jar in MapR plugin"
msgstr "Make Oozie use correct maprfs jar in MapR plugin"
msgid ""
"MapR 5.0.0.mrv2 is now Deprecated. It is not recommended for usage. It is "
"better to use MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 instead. This version of plugin will be "
"removed in Ocata release."
msgstr ""
"MapR 5.0.0.mrv2 is now deprecated. It is not recommended for usage. It is "
"better to use MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 instead. This version of plugin will be "
"removed in the Ocata release."
msgid "MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 is now Enabled."
msgstr "MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 is now Enabled."
msgid ""
"MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 is now deprecated and will be removed in Ocata release. It "
"is recommended to use MapR 5.2.0.mrv2 instead."
msgstr ""
"MapR 5.1.0.mrv2 is now deprecated and will be removed in the Ocata release. "
"It is recommended to use MapR 5.2.0.mrv2 instead."
msgid ""
"MapR repositories now can be configured in general section of cluster "
"template configs"
msgstr ""
"MapR repositories now can be configured in general section of cluster "
"template configs"
msgid "Migration from novaclient.v2.images to glanceclient"
msgstr "Migration from novaclient.v2.images to glanceclient"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgid "Move notifications options into oslo_messaging_notifications"
msgstr "Move notifications options into oslo_messaging_notifications"
msgid ""
"Neutron is used by default now (use_neutron=True). Nova-network is not "
"functionaly for most use cases starting from Ocata."
msgstr ""
"Neutron is used by default now (use_neutron=True). Nova-Network is not "
"functional for most use cases starting from Ocata."
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "New Features"
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"Nova network has been fully removed from the OpenStack codebase, remove all "
"instances of switches on use_neutron and the configuration value."
msgstr ""
"Nova Network has been fully removed from the OpenStack codebase, remove all "
"instances of switches on use_neutron and the configuration value."
msgid "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgid "Open ports for Kafka in Ambari plugin, closed bug 1512661"
msgstr "Open ports for Kafka in Ambari plugin, closed bug 1512661"
msgid ""
"OpenStack Key Manager service can now be used by sahara to enable storage of "
"sensitive information in an external service such as barbican."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack Key Manager service can now be used by Sahara to enable storage of "
"sensitive information in an external service such as Barbican."
msgid ""
"Operators can now update the running configuration of Sahara processes by "
"sending the parent process a \"HUP\" signal. Note: The configuration option "
"must support mutation."
msgstr ""
"Operators can now update the running configuration of Sahara processes by "
"sending the parent process a \"HUP\" signal. Note: The configuration option "
"must support mutation."
msgid "Option 'infrastructure engine' is removed from sahara configs."
msgstr "Option 'infrastructure engine' is removed from Sahara configs."
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Other Notes"
msgid "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgid "Prelude"
msgstr "Prelude"
msgid "Queens Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Queens Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"Refactoring the logic on how floating ips are used by Sahara. This change "
"will allow the coexistence of cluster using floating ips with cluster that "
"do not."
msgstr ""
"Refactoring the logic on how Floating IPs are used by Sahara. This change "
"will allow the coexistence of cluster using Floating IPs with cluster that "
"do not."
msgid ""
"Remove Impala 1.4.1, HBase 0.98.9, Hive 1.0, Hue 3.7 support in MapR 5.1.0 "
msgstr ""
"Remove Impala 1.4.1, HBase 0.98.9, Hive 1.0, Hue 3.7 support in MapR 5.1.0 "
msgid ""
"Remove hive.server2.authentication property from hive-site.xml for Hue 3.9.0 "
"in MapR plugin."
msgstr ""
"Remove hive.server2.authentication property from hive-site.xml for Hue 3.9.0 "
"in MapR plugin."
msgid "Remove support for Spark standalone in MapR plugin"
msgstr "Remove support for Spark standalone in MapR plugin"
msgid ""
"Remove the step \"upload httpclient to oozie/sharelib\" in sahara code. User "
"should use latest vanilla-2.8.2 image which is built on SIE \"Change-ID: "
msgstr ""
"Remove the step \"upload httpclient to oozie/sharelib\" in sahara code. User "
"should use latest vanilla-2.8.2 image which is built on SIE \"Change-ID: "
msgid "Removed support for the MapR 5.0.0 plugin."
msgstr "Removed support for the MapR 5.0.0 plugin."
msgid "Removed support for the Spark 1.0.0 plugin."
msgstr "Removed support for the Spark 1.0.0 plugin."
msgid "Removed support of Vanilla 2.6.0 plugin."
msgstr "Removed support of Vanilla 2.6.0 plugin."
msgid "Removed unneeded volume serialization"
msgstr "Removed unneeded volume serialisation"
msgid ""
"Sahara APIv2 is reaching a point of maturity. Therefore, new deployments "
"should include an **unversioned** endpoint in the service catalog for the "
"\"data-processing\" service, for the purposes of more intuitive version "
"discovery. Eventually existing deployments should switch to an unversioned "
"endpoint, too, but only after time is given for the use of older clients to "
"be less likely."
msgstr ""
"Sahara APIv2 is reaching a point of maturity. Therefore, new deployments "
"should include an **unversioned** endpoint in the service catalogue for the "
"\"data-processing\" service, for the purposes of more intuitive version "
"discovery. Eventually existing deployments should switch to an unversioned "
"endpoint, too, but only after time is given for the use of older clients to "
"be less likely."
msgid "Sahara Release Notes"
msgstr "Sahara Release Notes"
msgid ""
"Sahara's APIv2 is now exposed by default (although its state is still "
"experimental). It has feature parity with Sahara's APIv1.1, but APIv2 brings "
"better REST semantics, tweaks to some response payloads, and some other "
"improvements. APIv2 will remain labeled experimental until it is stabilized "
"following the addition of new features to it in the coming cycle(s)."
msgstr ""
"Sahara's APIv2 is now exposed by default (although its state is still "
"experimental). It has feature parity with Sahara's APIv1.1, but APIv2 brings "
"better REST semantics, tweaks to some response payloads, and some other "
"improvements. APIv2 will remain labelled experimental until it is stabilised "
"following the addition of new features to it in the upcoming cycle(s)."
msgid ""
"Sample configuration files previously installed in share/sahara will now be "
"installed into etc/sahara instead."
msgstr ""
"Sample configuration files previously installed in share/Sahara will now be "
"installed into etc/Sahara instead."
msgid ""
"Separate transport url can be used for notifications purposes now, to enable "
"this feature 'transport_url' should be provided in "
"'oslo_messaging_notifications' section."
msgstr ""
"Separate transport URL can be used for notifications purposes now, to enable "
"this feature 'transport_url' should be provided in "
"'oslo_messaging_notifications' section."
msgid "Spark version 1.3.1 is deprecated."
msgstr "Spark version 1.3.1 is deprecated."
msgid "Spark workers are found by fqdn"
msgstr "Spark workers are found by FQDN"
msgid "Start using reno to manage release notes."
msgstr "Start using Reno to manage release notes."
msgid "Starting Ambari clusters on Centos 7 is fixed."
msgstr "Starting Ambari clusters on Centos 7 is fixed."
msgid "Storm 1.1.0 is supported in Storm plugin."
msgstr "Storm 1.1.0 is supported in Storm plugin."
msgid "Storm version 0.9.2 is deprecated."
msgstr "Storm version 0.9.2 is deprecated."
msgid "Support deploy hadoop 2.7.5 with vanilla plugin."
msgstr "Support deploy Hadoop 2.7.5 with vanilla plugin."
msgid "Support deploy hadoop 2.8.2 with vanilla plugin."
msgstr "Support deploy Hadoop 2.8.2 with vanilla plugin."
msgid ""
"Support for nova-network is removed, reflective of its removal from nova "
"itself and from python-novaclient. use_neutron=False is unsupported."
msgstr ""
"Support for Nova-Network is removed, reflective of its removal from Nova "
"itself and from python-novaclient. use_neutron=False is unsupported."
msgid "Support of HDP 2.0.6 plugin was removed. Use Ambari plugin instead."
msgstr "Support of HDP 2.0.6 plugin was removed. Use Ambari plugin instead."
msgid ""
"The 'enable' option of the 'oslo_messaging_notifications' section has been "
"removed. To enable notifications now please specify the 'driver' option in "
"the same section."
msgstr ""
"The 'enable' option of the 'oslo_messaging_notifications' section has been "
"removed. To enable notifications now please specify the 'driver' option in "
"the same section."
msgid ""
"The HDP 2.0.6 plugin is deprecated in Mitaka release and will be removed in "
"Newton release. Please, use the Ambari 2.3 instead."
msgstr ""
"The HDP 2.0.6 plugin is deprecated in Mitaka release and will be removed in "
"Newton release. Please, use the Ambari 2.3 instead."
msgid ""
"The URL of an S3 data source may have `s3://` or `s3a://`, equivalently."
msgstr ""
"The URL of an S3 data source may have `s3://` or `s3a://`, equivalently."
msgid ""
"The `sahara-all` entry point is now deprecated. Please use the sahara-api "
"and sahara-engine entry points instead."
msgstr ""
"The `sahara-all` entry point is now deprecated. Please use the Sahara-API "
"and sahara-engine entry points instead."
msgid ""
"The ability to force delete clusters is exposed in Sahara APIv2. The Heat "
"service must support Stack Abandon for force delete to function properly."
msgstr ""
"The ability to force delete clusters is exposed in Sahara APIv2. The Heat "
"service must support Stack Abandon for force delete to function properly."
msgid ""
"The behavior of force deletion of clusters (APIv2) has changed. Stack-"
"abandon is no longer used. The response from the force-delete API call now "
"includes the name of the stack which had underlain that deleted cluster."
msgstr ""
"The behaviour of force deletion of clusters (APIv2) has changed. Stack-"
"abandon is no longer used. The response from the force-delete API call now "
"includes the name of the stack which had underlain that deleted cluster."
msgid ""
"The custom admin_user_domain_name and admin_project_domain_name "
"configuration options have been removed; they are provided by "
"keystone_authtoken as user_domain_name and project_domain_name respectively."
msgstr ""
"The custom admin_user_domain_name and admin_project_domain_name "
"configuration options have been removed; they are provided by "
"keystone_authtoken as user_domain_name and project_domain_name respectively."
msgid ""
"The experimental APIv2 supports simultaneous creation of multiple clusters "
"only through POST /v2/clusters (using the `count` parameter). The POST /v2/"
"clusters/multiple endpoint has been removed."
msgstr ""
"The experimental APIv2 supports simultaneous creation of multiple clusters "
"only through POST /v2/clusters (using the `count` parameter). The POST /v2/"
"clusters/multiple endpoint has been removed."
msgid ""
"The following service versions were added to MapR 5.2.0 plugin - HBase 1.1 - "
"Drill 1.6 - Mahout 0.11 0.12 - Spark 1.6.1 - Impala 2.5"
msgstr ""
"The following service versions were added to MapR 5.2.0 plugin - HBase 1.1 - "
"Drill 1.6 - Mahout 0.11 0.12 - Spark 1.6.1 - Impala 2.5"
msgid ""
"The following service versions were added to MapR 5.2.0 plugin - Pig 0.16 - "
"Spark 2.0.1 - Hue 3.10 - Drill 1.8, 1.9"
msgstr ""
"The following service versions were added to MapR 5.2.0 plugin - Pig 0.16 - "
"Spark 2.0.1 - Hue 3.10 - Drill 1.8, 1.9"
msgid "The presence of project ID in Sahara APIv1 paths is now optional."
msgstr "The presence of project ID in Sahara APIv1 paths is now optional."
msgid ""
"The use of [keystone_authtoken] credentials for trust creation is now "
"deprecated. Please use the new [trustee] config section. The options "
"``username``, ``password``, ``project_name``, ``user_domain_name``, "
"``project_domain_name``, and ``auth_url`` (with version) are obligatory "
"within that section."
msgstr ""
"The use of [keystone_authtoken] credentials for trust creation is now "
"deprecated. Please use the new [trustee] config section. The options "
"``username``, ``password``, ``project_name``, ``user_domain_name``, "
"``project_domain_name``, and ``auth_url`` (with version) are obligatory "
"within that section."
msgid ""
"This feature allows the policy enforcement to be done in code thus "
"facilitating better maintenance of the policy file. In code the default "
"policies are set and the operator only needs to change the policy file if "
"they wish to override the rule or role for a specific policy or operation. "
"Also, a complete policy file can be generated using genconfig tool."
msgstr ""
"This feature allows the policy enforcement to be done in code thus "
"facilitating better maintenance of the policy file. In code the default "
"policies are set and the operator only needs to change the policy file if "
"they wish to override the rule or role for a specific policy or operation. "
"Also, a complete policy file can be generated using genconfig tool."
msgid "This patch adds ability to work with swift by using Keystone API v3"
msgstr "This patch adds ability to work with swift by using Keystone API v3"
msgid "Timeouts for ssh operations are configurable now"
msgstr "Timeouts for SSH operations are configurable now"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Upgrade Notes"
msgid ""
"Use a new keypair to access to the running cluster when the cluster's "
"keypair is deleted."
msgstr ""
"Use a new keypair to access to the running cluster when the cluster's "
"keypair is deleted."
msgid "Version 5.5.0 of Cloudera plugin is deprecated."
msgstr "Version 5.5.0 of Cloudera plugin is deprecated."
msgid ""
"Versions 5, 5.3.0, 5.4.0 of Cloudera plugin are deprecated. It is no longer "
"maintainted and supposed to be removed in P release."
msgstr ""
"Versions 5, 5.3.0, 5.4.0 of Cloudera plugin are deprecated. It is no longer "
"maintained and supposed to be removed in P release."
msgid "Versions 5.0.0 5.3.0 and 5.4.0 of Cloudera plugin are removed."
msgstr "Versions 5.0.0 5.3.0 and 5.4.0 of Cloudera plugin are removed."
msgid "Versions 5.5.0 and 5.7.0 of Cloudera plugin are declared as stable."
msgstr "Versions 5.5.0 and 5.7.0 of Cloudera plugin are declared as stable."
msgid "Wait condition feature can be disabled by the option."
msgstr "Wait condition feature can be disabled by the option."
msgid ""
"We are assuring that ironic support was tested after latest updates to nova "
"and sahara and it is fully functional."
msgstr ""
"We are assuring that Ironic support was tested after latest updates to Nova "
"and Sahara and it is fully functional."
msgid "We are deprecating CDH 5.7.0, Spark 1.6.0 and 2.1 and Storm 1.0.1."
msgstr "We are deprecating CDH 5.7.0, Spark 1.6.0 and 2.1 and Storm 1.0.1."
msgid ""
"We are removing some plugins versions. Those are CDH 5.5.0, MapR 5.1.0, "
"Spark 1.3.1 and Storm 0.9.2."
msgstr ""
"We are removing some plugins versions. Those are CDH 5.5.0, MapR 5.1.0, "
"Spark 1.3.1 and Storm 0.9.2."
msgid ""
"migration from keystoneclient to keystoneauth is done for using auth "
"features of keystone."
msgstr ""
"migration from keystoneclient to keystoneauth is done for using auth "
"features of Keystone."
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# Gérald LONLAS <g.lonlas@gmail.com>, 2016. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sahara\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-08-09 19:13+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-22 06:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gérald LONLAS <g.lonlas@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1)\n"
msgid "3.0.1"
msgstr "3.0.1"
msgid "4.0.0"
msgstr "4.0.0"
msgid "4.0.1"
msgstr "4.0.1"
msgid "4.1.0"
msgstr "4.1.0"
msgid "5.0.0"
msgstr "5.0.0"
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Corrections de bugs"
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de la release actuelle"
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Notes dépréciées "
msgid "Known Issues"
msgstr "Problèmes connus"
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Liberty"
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Mitaka"
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "Nouvelles fonctionnalités"
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release pour Newton"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Autres notes"
msgid "Sahara Release Notes"
msgstr "Note de release de Sahara"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Notes de mises à jours"
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Mitaka Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: origin/stable/mitaka
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Newton Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: origin/stable/newton
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Ocata Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: origin/stable/ocata
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Pike Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: stable/pike
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Queens Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: stable/queens
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Rocky Series Release Notes
.. release-notes::
:branch: stable/rocky
Reference in New Issue
Block a user