Vanilla Plugin ============== The vanilla plugin is a reference implementation which allows users to operate a cluster with Apache Hadoop. Since the Newton release Spark is integrated into the Vanilla plugin so you can launch Spark jobs on a Vanilla cluster. Images ------ For cluster provisioning, prepared images should be used. .. list-table:: Support matrix for the `vanilla` plugin :widths: 15 15 20 15 35 :header-rows: 1 * - Version (image tag) - Distribution - Build method - Version (build parameter) - Notes * - 2.8.2 - Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7 - sahara-image-create - 2.8.2 - Hive 2.3.2, Oozie 4.3.0 * - 2.7.5 - Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7 - sahara-image-create - 2.7.5 - Hive 2.3.2, Oozie 4.3.0 * - 2.7.1 - Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7 - sahara-image-create - 2.7.1 - Hive 0.11.0, Oozie 4.2.0 For more information about building image, refer to :sahara-doc:`Sahara documentation `. Vanilla plugin requires an image to be tagged in Sahara Image Registry with two tags: 'vanilla' and '' (e.g. '2.7.1'). The image requires a username. For more information, refer to the :sahara-doc:`registering image ` section of the Sahara documentation. Build settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When ``sahara-image-create`` is used, you can override few settings by exporting the corresponding environment variables before starting the build command: * ``DIB_HADOOP_VERSION`` - version of Hadoop to install * ``HIVE_VERSION`` - version of Hive to install * ``OOZIE_DOWNLOAD_URL`` - download link for Oozie (we have built Oozie libs here: * ``SPARK_DOWNLOAD_URL`` - download link for Spark Vanilla Plugin Requirements --------------------------- The image building tools described in :sahara-doc:`Building guest images ` add the required software to the image and their usage is strongly suggested. Nevertheless, here are listed the software that should be pre-loaded on the guest image so that it can be used to create Vanilla clusters: * ssh-client installed * Java (version >= 7) * Apache Hadoop installed * 'hadoop' user created See :sahara-doc:`Swift Integration ` for information on using Swift with your sahara cluster (for EDP support Swift integration is currently required). To support EDP, the following components must also be installed on the guest: * Oozie version 4 or higher * mysql/mariadb * hive Cluster Validation ------------------ When user creates or scales a Hadoop cluster using a Vanilla plugin, the cluster topology requested by user is verified for consistency. Currently there are the following limitations in cluster topology for Vanilla plugin: For Vanilla Hadoop version 2.x.x: + Cluster must contain exactly one namenode + Cluster can contain at most one resourcemanager + Cluster can contain at most one secondary namenode + Cluster can contain at most one historyserver + Cluster can contain at most one oozie and this process is also required for EDP + Cluster can't contain oozie without resourcemanager and without historyserver + Cluster can't have nodemanager nodes if it doesn't have resourcemanager + Cluster can have at most one hiveserver node. + Cluster can have at most one spark history server and this process is also required for Spark EDP (Spark is available since the Newton release).