diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 80deeca..0000000 --- a/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -AUTHORS -ChangeLog -build -.tox -.venv -*.egg* -*.swp -*.swo -*.pyc -.testrepository -.stestr diff --git a/.stestr.conf b/.stestr.conf deleted file mode 100644 index dfee9e5..0000000 --- a/.stestr.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -[DEFAULT] -test_path=tests diff --git a/.zuul.yaml b/.zuul.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index c11af82..0000000 --- a/.zuul.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -- project: - templates: - - openstack-specs-jobs - check: - jobs: - - openstack-tox-py36 - gate: - jobs: - - openstack-tox-py36 diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5cb1c14..0000000 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -The source repository for this project can be found at: - - https://opendev.org/openstack/sahara-specs - -Pull requests submitted through GitHub are not monitored. - -To start contributing to OpenStack, follow the steps in the contribution guide -to set up and use Gerrit: - - https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/code-and-documentation/quick-start.html - -Bugs should be filed on Storyboard: - - https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/sahara-specs - -For more specific information about contributing to this repository, see the -sahara contributor guide: - - https://docs.openstack.org/sahara/latest/contributor/contributing.html diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 75a29c4..0000000 --- a/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. - -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst index 036cbf0..4ee2c5f 100644 --- a/README.rst +++ b/README.rst @@ -1,83 +1,10 @@ -======================== -Team and repository tags -======================== +This project is no longer maintained. -.. image:: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/badges/sahara-specs.svg - :target: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/tags/index.html +The contents of this repository are still available in the Git +source code management system. To see the contents of this +repository before it reached its end of life, please check out the +previous commit with "git checkout HEAD^1". -.. Change things from this point on - -=============================== -OpenStack Sahara Specifications -=============================== - -This git repository is used to hold approved design specifications for additions -to the Sahara project. Reviews of the specs are done in gerrit, using a similar -workflow to how we review and merge changes to the code itself. - -The layout of this repository for Sahara specifications is:: - - specs// - -The layout of this repository for Sahara Client is:: - - specs/saharaclient/ - -When a new version of Sahara Client is released the implemented blueprints -will be moved to a directory specific to that release:: - - specs/saharaclient// - -The layout of this repository for Sahara Tests is:: - - specs/sahara-tests/ - - -You can find an example spec in ``specs/template.rst``. - -For specifications that have been reviewed and approved but have not been -implemented:: - - specs/backlog/ - -Specifications in this directory indicate the original author has either -become unavailable, or has indicated that they are not going to implement the -specification. The specifications found here are available as projects for -people looking to get involved with Sahara. If you are interested in -claiming a spec, start by posting a review for the specification that moves it -from this directory to the next active release. Please set yourself as the new -`primary assignee` and maintain the original author in the `other contributors` -list. - -Specifications are proposed for a given release by adding them to the -``specs/`` directory and posting it for review. Not all approved -blueprints will get fully implemented. The implementation status of a -blueprint for a given release can be found by looking at the tasks associated -to the corresponding story in Storyboard. - -Incomplete specifications have to be re-proposed for every release. The review -may be quick, but even if something was previously approved, it should be -re-reviewed to make sure it still makes sense as written. - -Prior to the Juno development cycle and for the Juno-1 development milestone, -this repository was not used for spec reviews. Reviews prior to Juno were -completed entirely through Launchpad blueprints:: - - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara - -Launchpad blueprints are no more used for tracking the -current status of blueprints. For historical information, see:: - - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprints - -For more information about working with gerrit, see:: - - https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow - -To validate that the specification is syntactically correct (i.e. get more -confidence in the Jenkins result), please execute the following command:: - - $ tox - -After running ``tox``, the documentation will be available for viewing in HTML -format in the ``doc/build/`` directory. +For any further questions, please email +openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org or join #openstack-dev on +OFTC. diff --git a/doc/requirements.txt b/doc/requirements.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 19942a8..0000000 --- a/doc/requirements.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -openstackdocstheme>=2.2.1 # Apache-2.0 -sphinx>=2.0.0,!=2.1.0 # BSD -yasfb>=0.8.0 diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py deleted file mode 100644 index 467ef13..0000000 --- a/doc/source/conf.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,266 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# -# Tempest documentation build configuration file, created by -# sphinx-quickstart on Tue May 21 17:43:32 2013. -# -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. -# -# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this -# autogenerated file. -# -# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out -# serve to show the default. - -import datetime -import sys -import os - -# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, -# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the -# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) - -# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- - -# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' - -# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions -# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. -extensions = ['redirect', - 'sphinx.ext.todo', - 'openstackdocstheme', - 'yasfb', - ] - -# Feed configuration for yasfb -feed_base_url = 'https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-specs' -feed_author = 'OpenStack Sahara Team' - -todo_include_todos = True - -# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -templates_path = ['_templates'] - -# The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' - -# The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' - -# The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' - -# General information about the project. -project = 'Sahara Specs' -copyright = '%s, OpenStack Sahara Team' % datetime.date.today().year - -# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation -# for a list of supported languages. -#language = None - -# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some -# non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' -# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' - -# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and -# directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = [ - '_build', - '**/template.rst', -] - -# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None - -# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True - -# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description -# unit titles (such as .. function::). -add_module_names = False - -# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the -# output. They are ignored by default. -show_authors = False - -# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'native' - -# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -modindex_common_prefix = ['sahara-specs.'] - -# Neither version nor release number for specs -version = '' -release = '' - -# -- Options for man page output ---------------------------------------------- -man_pages = [] - -# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- - -# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for -# a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'openstackdocs' - -openstackdocs_repo_name = 'openstack/sahara-specs' -openstackdocs_pdf_link = True -openstackdocs_auto_name = False -openstackdocs_use_storyboard = True - -# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme -# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the -# documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} - -# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -#html_theme_path = [] - -# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to -# " v documentation". -#html_title = None - -# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None - -# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top -# of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None - -# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the -# docs. 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The value of this option must be the -# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' - -# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None - -# Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'Sahara-Specsdoc' - - -# -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- - -# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples -# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). -latex_documents = [ - ('index', 'doc-sahara-specs.tex', 'Sahara Specs', - 'Sahara Team', 'manual'), -] - -# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of -# the title page. -#latex_logo = None - -# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, -# not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False - -# If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False - -# If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True - -smartquotes_excludes = {'builders': ['latex']} - -# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ - -# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples -# (source start file, target name, title, author, -# dir menu entry, description, category) -texinfo_documents = [ - ('index', 'Sahara-specs', 'Sahara Design Specs', - 'OpenStack Sahara Team', 'sahara-specs', 'Design specifications for the Sahara project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), -] - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True - -# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' - - -# -- Options for Epub output --------------------------------------------------- - -# Bibliographic Dublin Core info. -epub_title = 'Sahara Specs' -epub_author = 'OpenStack Sahara Team' -epub_publisher = 'OpenStack Sahara Team' -epub_copyright = '2014, OpenStack Sahara Team' - -# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option -# or en if the language is not set. -#epub_language = '' - -# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL. -#epub_scheme = '' - -# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number -# or the project homepage. -#epub_identifier = '' - -# A unique identification for the text. -#epub_uid = '' - -# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames. -#epub_cover = () - -# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx. -# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. -#epub_pre_files = [] - -# HTML files shat should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx. -# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title. -#epub_post_files = [] - -# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. -#epub_exclude_files = [] - -# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx. -#epub_tocdepth = 3 - -# Allow duplicate toc entries. -#epub_tocdup = True diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b066d1c..0000000 --- a/doc/source/index.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -.. sahara-specs documentation master file - -=============================================== -Data Processing Service (Sahara) Specifications -=============================================== - -Implemented specs by release: - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 2 - - specs/rocky_idx.rst - specs/queens_idx.rst - specs/pike_idx.rst - specs/ocata_idx.rst - specs/newton_idx.rst - specs/mitaka_idx.rst - specs/liberty_idx.rst - specs/kilo_idx.rst - specs/juno_idx.rst - - -Unimplemented backlog specs: - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 2 - - specs/backlog_idx.rst - -Other components: - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 2 - - specs/saharaclient_idx.rst - - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 2 - - specs/sahara-image-elements_idx.rst - - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 2 - - specs/sahara-tests_idx.rst - -.. only:: html - - Indices and tables - ================== - - * :ref:`search` diff --git a/doc/source/redirect.py b/doc/source/redirect.py deleted file mode 100644 index 56f10e4..0000000 --- a/doc/source/redirect.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -# A simple sphinx plugin which creates HTML redirections from old names -# to new names. It does this by looking for files named "redirect" in -# the documentation source and using the contents to create simple HTML -# redirection pages for changed filenames. - -# Stolen from openstack/nova-specs - -import os.path -from sphinx.util import logging - -LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) - - -def setup(app): - from sphinx import application - if not isinstance(app, application.Sphinx): - return - app.connect('build-finished', emit_redirects) - - -def process_redirect_file(app, path, ent): - parent_path = path.replace(app.builder.srcdir, app.builder.outdir) - with open(os.path.join(path, ent)) as redirects: - for line in redirects.readlines(): - from_path, to_path = line.rstrip().split(' ') - from_path = from_path.replace('.rst', '.html') - to_path = to_path.replace('.rst', '.html') - - redirected_filename = os.path.join(parent_path, from_path) - redirected_directory = os.path.dirname(redirected_filename) - if not os.path.exists(redirected_directory): - os.makedirs(redirected_directory) - with open(redirected_filename, 'w') as f: - f.write('' - % to_path) - - -def emit_redirects(app, exc): - LOG.info('scanning %s for redirects...', app.builder.srcdir) - - def process_directory(path): - for ent in os.listdir(path): - p = os.path.join(path, ent) - if os.path.isdir(p): - process_directory(p) - elif ent == 'redirects': - LOG.info(' found redirects at %s' % p) - process_redirect_file(app, path, ent) - - process_directory(app.builder.srcdir) - LOG.info('...done') diff --git a/doc/source/specs b/doc/source/specs deleted file mode 120000 index 87a4030..0000000 --- a/doc/source/specs +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -../../specs \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 1efc065..0000000 --- a/requirements.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order -# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration -# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later. - -pbr!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 - -stestr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT -yasfb>=0.8.0 diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index ba465cc..0000000 --- a/setup.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -[metadata] -name = sahara-specs -summary = OpenStack Sahara Project Development Specs -description_file = - README.rst -author = OpenStack -author_email = openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org -home_page = https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-specs/ -classifier = - Intended Audience :: Developers - License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License - Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py deleted file mode 100755 index 70c2b3f..0000000 --- a/setup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. -# -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -# You may obtain a copy of the License at -# -# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or -# implied. -# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -# limitations under the License. - -# THIS FILE IS MANAGED BY THE GLOBAL REQUIREMENTS REPO - DO NOT EDIT -import setuptools - -setuptools.setup( - setup_requires=['pbr'], - pbr=True) diff --git a/specs/backlog/boot-from-volume.rst b/specs/backlog/boot-from-volume.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a1c5376..0000000 --- a/specs/backlog/boot-from-volume.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Support for Boot from Volume -============================ - -This specification proposes to add boot from volume capability to Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara engine provisions VMs using a Glance image directly. In most -installations this means that the image is copied as a local file the -Nova-compute host and used as a root disk for the VM. - -Having the root disk as a plain file introduces some limitations: - -* Nova VM live migration (or Host evacuation) is not possible. -* Root disk performance may significantly suffer if QCOW2 format is used. - -Having root disk replaced with a bootable Volume backed by a distributed -backend or local disk storage will solve the limitation listed above. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The ability to boot from volume still requires an image to serve as source. -This means that Volume base provisioning will require 2 steps. - -* Create a bootable volume from a registered Sahara image. -* Boot a VM with the block_device_mapping parameter pointing to the created - volume. - -Volume based provisioning requires the volume size to be set explicitly. This -means that Sahara should take care about this parameter. The proposed way to -set the bootable volume size is take the root disk size of the flavor being -used for the VM. - -If the user selects the Node Group to be provisioned from the volume, he should -set the boot_from_volume flag to True. - -The volume based provisioning is different from image based and implies the -following change. - -The image parameter from the instance template should be removed. - -The instance Heat template should have a new section with the block device -mapping. - - -.. code-block:: yaml - - block_device_mapping: [{ - device_name: "vda", - volume_id : { - get_resource : bootable_volume }, - delete_on_termination : "true" } - ] - -The resource group definition should have a volume added by the following -template: - -.. code-block:: yaml - - bootable_volume: - type: OS::Cinder::Volume - properties: - size: - image: - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Alternatively the user may be allowed to chose an existing volume to boot from. -This however cannot guarantee that the provided volume is suitable for the -cluster installation. Sahara also requires a username metadata to be able to -log into VM. This metadata is only stored in images right now. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Node Group Template, Node Group and Templates relation objects should now -have a boolean boot_from_volume field. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Convert and Boot from Volume flag should be added to all endpoints responsible -for Node Group manipulation. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -An option should be added to the Node Group create and update forms. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Nikita Konovalov nkonovalov@mirantis.com - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement boot from volume support at the backend with the db migration and - Heat templates update. -* Add boot_from_volume flag support in python-saharaclient -* Add boot_from_volume flag support in sahara-dashboard - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -* Unit test coverage in sahara and python-saharaclient repositories. -* Integration test coverage in sahara-tests framework. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -* REST API documents should be updated. -* General user documentation should describe the behavior introduced by the - boot_from_volume flag. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/backlog/chronic-edp-revival.rst b/specs/backlog/chronic-edp-revival.rst deleted file mode 100644 index afbb5bb..0000000 --- a/specs/backlog/chronic-edp-revival.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Revival of "Chronic EDP" work -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/enable-scheduled-edp-jobs -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/recurrence-edp-job -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-suspend-resume-ability-for-edp-jobs - -Problem description -=================== - -Three specs about time-related EDP job submission are partially completed. -The work could be revived. - -Proposed change -=============== - -With reference to existing specs/patches, revive any or all of the 3 specs. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep the specs in their current state, either abandoned or partially complete. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Refer to existing specs. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Image Packing impact --------------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Refer to existing specs. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - None - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Enumerate and verify what has already been done -* Decide what work should be revived -* Clean up doc of exisitng work -* Follow steps outlined in existing specs for new work - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Refer to existing specs. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Refer to existing specs. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/backlog/heat-two-step-scaling.rst b/specs/backlog/heat-two-step-scaling.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 823a619..0000000 --- a/specs/backlog/heat-two-step-scaling.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -Two step scaling with Heat engine -================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/heat-two-step-scaling - -In case of failure during cluster scaling Heat will rollback deletion of -all resources. After that Sahara will ask Heat to delete them anyway. -"Rollback deletion and delete after that" step looks unnecessary. - -Problem description -=================== - -The following scenario happens when Sahara with Heat engine failed to scale -cluster: - -1. User requested cluster scaling -2. Sahara runs hadoop nodes decommissioning -3. Sahara runs heat stack update with both added and removed nodes and - rollback_on_failure=True -4. If 3 failed Heat returns all deleted nodes back -5. Sahara runs heat stack update with removed nodes only -6. Heat removes nodes one more time - -So, at step 4 Heat restores nodes that will be deleted later anyway. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The described problem could be avoided by scaling in two steps. So, resulting -flow will look like this: - -1. User requested cluster scaling -2. Sahara runs hadoop nodes decommissioning -3. Sahara runs heat stack update with removed resources only and - rollback_on_failure=False -4. Sahara runs heat stack update with new resources and - rollback_on_failure=True - -In this case if step 4 failed Heat will not try to restore deleted resources. -It will rollback to the state where resources are already deleted. - -If step 3 fails there is nothing Sahara can do. Cluster will be moved to -'Error' state. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing since issue appears only in rare scenario of failed scaling down. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Perform changes -* Test that rollback on cluster scale failure works as expected - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Manually. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None. - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/backlog_idx.rst b/specs/backlog_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4f873fd..0000000 --- a/specs/backlog_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Backlog -^^^^^^^ - -This directory is for specifications that have been approved but not yet -implemented. If you are interested in implementing one of these specifications -submit a review request moving it to the appropriate release. - - -The updated review should reflect the new primary assignee. Please maintain -all previous assignees in the list of Other Contributors. - -If a specification has been partially implemented, the document in the backlog -will contain information of what has been completed. - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - backlog/* diff --git a/specs/juno/.gitignore b/specs/juno/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/specs/juno/anti-affinity-via-server-groups.rst b/specs/juno/anti-affinity-via-server-groups.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 15b1ec5..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/anti-affinity-via-server-groups.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================== -Make anti affinity working via server groups -================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/anti-affinity-via-server-groups - -Server groups is an openstack way to implement anti affinity. Anti affinity -was implemented in Sahara before server groups were introduced in nova. Now it -is time to replace custom solution with the common one. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Direct engine uses manual scheduler hints for anti affinity. - -Heat engine has limited anti affinity support and also uses scheduler hints -(https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1268610). - -Nova has generic mechanism for this purpose. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Proposed solution is to switch both engines to implementation that uses server -groups. - -Current server group implementation has limitation that each server could -belong to a single server group only. We can handle this constraint by having -one server group per cluster. In this case each instance with affected -processes will be included to this server group. So, with such implementation -there will be no several affected instances on the same host even if they -don't have common processes. Such implementation is fully compliant with all -documentation we have about anti affinity. - -We need to keep backward compatibility for direct engine. Users should be -able to scale clusters deployed on Icehouse release. Sahara should update -already spawned VMs accordingly. Proposed solution - Sahara should check -server group existence during scaling and update whole cluster if server group -is missing. - -We don't care about backward compatibility for heat engine. It was in beta -state for Icehouse and there are other changes that break it. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We can implement anti affinity via server groups in heat engine only. We will -stop support of direct engine somewhere in the future. So, we can freeze -current behavior in direct engine and don't change it until it is deprecated -and removed. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Anti affinity behavior changes in case of several involved processes. Before -the change there was possible situation when several instances with affected -(but different) processes are spawned on the same host. After the change all -instances with affected processes will be scheduled to different hosts. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev - -Work Items ----------- - -Implement change - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Will be covered by current integration tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need note in upgrade notes about anti affinity behavior change. - -References -========== - -* Team meeting minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/sahara/2014/sahara.2014-08-21-18.02.html diff --git a/specs/juno/append-to-remote-file.rst b/specs/juno/append-to-remote-file.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ca49e67..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/append-to-remote-file.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================ -Append to a remote existing file -================================ - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/append-to-remote-file - -Sahara utils remote can only create a new file and write to it or replace a -line for a new one, but it can't append to an existing file. This bp aims to -implement this feature. - -Problem description -=================== - -When managing remote files, sahara can only create new files and replace lines -from existing one. The feature to append to an existing file doesn't exist -and it is necessary. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Implement this feature following the idea of the write_to_file method -The code is basically the same, the change will be the method of opening -the file. Write uses 'w' we need to use 'a'. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - - * tellesmvn - -Work Items ----------- - -The implementation is very basic, the idea is similar to the write_file, -the necessary change is to open the remote file in append mode. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None for now. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/juno/cdh-plugin.rst b/specs/juno/cdh-plugin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5f93307..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/cdh-plugin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -Plugin for CDH with Cloudera Manager -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-plugin - -This specification proposes to add CDH plugin with Cloudera Distribution of -Hadoop and Cloudera Manager in Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -Cloudera is open-source Apache Hadoop distribution, CDH (Cloudera Distribution -Including Apache Hadoop). CDH contains the main, core elements of Hadoop that -provide reliable, scalable distributed data processing of large data sets -(chiefly MapReduce and HDFS), as well as other enterprise-oriented components -that provide security, high availability, and integration with hardware and -other software. Cloudera Manager is the industry's first end-to-end management -application for Apache Hadoop. Cloudera Manager provides many useful features -for monitoring the health and performance of the components of your cluster -(hosts, service daemons) as well as the performance and resource demands of -the user jobs running on your cluster. [1] - -Proposed change -=============== - -CDH plugin implementation will support Cloudera Manager version 5 and CDH -version 5. - -Plugin will support key Sahara features: - -* Cinder integration -* Cluster scaling -* EDP -* Cluster topology validation -* Integration with Swift -* Data locality - -Plugin will be able to install following services: - -* Cloudera Manager -* HDFS -* YARN -* Oozie - -CDH plugin will support the following OS: Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6.5. -CDH provisioning plugin will support mirrors with CDH and CM packages. - -By default CDH doesn't support Hadoop Swift library. Integration with Swift -should be added to CDH plugin. CDH maven repository contains Hadoop Swift -library. [2] - -CDH plugin will support the following processes: - -* MANAGER - Cloudera Manager, master process -* NAMENODE - HDFS NameNode, master process -* SECONDARYNAMENODE - HDFS SecondaryNameNode, master process -* RESOURCEMANAGER - YARN ResourceManager, master process -* JOBHISTORY - YARN JobHistoryServer, master process -* OOZIE - Oozie server, master process -* DATANODE - HDFS DataNode, worker process -* NODEMANAGER - YARN NodeManager, worker process - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -CDH plugin must be support vanilla images and images with Cloudera packages. -For building pre-installed images with Cloudera packages use specific CDH -elements. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - sreshetniak - -Other contributors: - iberezovskiy - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add implementation of plugin -* Add jobs in Sahara-ci -* Add integration tests -* Add elements to Sahara-image-elements for building images with pre-installed - Cloudera packages - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements, needs a `cm_api` python library version -6.0.2, which is not present in OS requirements. [3] Need to add `cm_api` to -OS requirements. [4] - -Testing -======= - -* Add unit tests to Sahara to cover basic functionality of plugin -* Add integration tests to Sahara - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -CDH plugin documentation should be added to the plugin section of Sahara docs. - -References -========== - -* [1] http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/products-and-services/cdh.html -* [2] https://repository.cloudera.com/artifactory/repo/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-openstack/ -* [3] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cm-api -* [4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/106011/ diff --git a/specs/juno/ceilometer-integration.rst b/specs/juno/ceilometer-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0d2f801..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/ceilometer-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================================== -Specification for integration Sahara with Ceilometer -==================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/ceilometer-integration - -It is impossible to send notifications from Sahara to Ceilometer now. Sahara -should have an ability to send notifications about cluster modifications, -for example about creating/updating/destoroying cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -New feature will provide the following ability: - -* Sending notifications to Ceilometer about cluster modifications, which - can help for user to achive some information about clusters which he have: - number of active clusters in each moment and etc. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Change will consist of following modifications: - -* Adding to Sahara an ability to send notifications. - -* Adding to Sahara sending notificitions in such places, where cluster is - modified - -* Adding to Ceilometer an ability to pull notifications from Sahara exchange - and to parse it. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: -vgridnev - -Other contributors: -slukjanov - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add notification sender in Sahara - -* Add Ceilometer parser - -* Add unit tests - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements - - -Testing -======= - -There will be: - - * unit tests in Sahara - - * unit tests in Ceilometer - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need modifications in Ceilometer documentation here: - -* [1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ceilometer/measurements.html -* [2] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ceilometer/install/manual.html - - -References -========== - -* [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/108982/ diff --git a/specs/juno/cluster-persist-sahara-configuration.rst b/specs/juno/cluster-persist-sahara-configuration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 197e9a5..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/cluster-persist-sahara-configuration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================ -Store Sahara configuration in cluster properties -================================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cluster-persist-sahara-configuration - - -It is important to know Sahara version and configuration for proper cluster -migration and preventing dangerous operations. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now Sahara has no way to know conditions when cluster was created. Cluster -operations after Openstack upgrade or switching infrastructure engine could be -dangerous and cause data loss. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Store main Sahara properties (version, type and version of infrastructure -engine, etc) to cluster DB object. This will allow to prevent dangerous -operations and notify user gracefully. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Don't store any information about Sahara settings. Always assume that settings -didn't change and we have current or previous release of OpenStack. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -New field in cluster object. Probably this should be dictionary with defined -keys. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -We can expose information about Sahara settings to user. Or not. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Some error messages could become more descriptive. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -More options to handle errors. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev - -Work Items ----------- - -Implement change - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Manual - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/juno/cluster-secgroups.rst b/specs/juno/cluster-secgroups.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 23a7f67..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/cluster-secgroups.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================================== -Security groups management in Sahara -============================================================== - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cluster-secgroups - -It is not acceptable for production use to require default security group with -all ports open. Sahara need more flexible way to work with security groups. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now Sahara doesn't manage security groups and use default security group for -instances provisioning. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Solution will consist of several parts: - -1) Allow user to specify list of security groups for each of node groups. -2) Add support of automatic security group creation. Sahara knows everything - to create security group with required ports open. In the first iteration - this will be security group with all exposed ports open for all networks. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Creation of security groups by Sahara could be done in several ways. Ideally -Sahara should support separation between different networks and configuration -on what to allow and what is not. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -1) List of security groups need to be saved in each node group. -2) Flag indicating that one of security groups is created by Sahara -3) List of ports to be opened. It need to be stored somewhere to provide this - information to provisioning engine. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Requests to create cluster, nodegroup, cluster template and nodegroup template -will be extended to receive security groups to use. Also option for -automatic security group creation will be added. - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -In some cases there will be no need to configure default security group. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Plugin SPI will be extended with method to return required ports for node -group. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -New field to select security group in all create screens. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: -Andrew Lazarev (alazarev) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Allow user to specify security groups for node group -* Implement ability of security group creation by Sahara - -Both items require the following steps: - -* Implement in both engines (heat and direct engine) -* Test for nova network and neutron -* Update documentation -* Update UI -* Create integration test - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Feature need to be covered by integration tests both for engine and UI. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Feature need to be documented. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/juno/edp-move-examples.rst b/specs/juno/edp-move-examples.rst deleted file mode 100644 index dbfe08b..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/edp-move-examples.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================================== -Move the EDP examples from the sahara-extra repo to sahara -========================================================== - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-move-examples - -Moving the Sahara EDP examples from the sahara-extra repo to -the sahara repo accomplishes several things: - -* It eliminates code duplication since the examples are actually - used in integration tests -* It removes an element from the sahara-extra repo, thereby moving - us closer to retiring that repo and simplifying our repo structure -* It puts examples where developers are more likely to find it, and - makes it simpler to potentially bundle the examples with a Sahara - distribution - - -Problem description -=================== - -The goal is to create one unified set of EDP jobs that can -be used to educate users and developers on how to create/run -jobs and can also be used as jobs submitted during integration -testing. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Under the sahara root directory, we should create a new directory:: - - sahara/edp-examples - -The directory structure should follow a standard pattern (names -are not important per se, this is just an illustration):: - - subdirectory_for_each_example/ - README.rst (what it is, how to compile, etc) - script_and_jar_files - src_for_jars/ - how_to_run_from_node_command_line/ (optional) - expected_input_and_output/ (optional) - hadoop_1_specific_examples/ - subdirectory_for_each_example - hadoop_2_specific_examples/ - subdirectory_for_each_example - -The integration tests should be modified to pull job files from -the sahara/edp-examples directory. - -Here are some notes on equivalence for the current script and jar -files in ``sahara-extra/edp-examples`` against -``sahara/tests/integration/tests/resources``:: - - pig-job/example.pig == resources/edp-job.pig - pig-job/udf.jar == resources/edp-lib.jar - wordcount/edp-java.jar == resources/edp-java/edp-java.jar - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Examples won't be found in the sahara-extra repo any longer. -We should perhaps put a README file there that says "We have -moved" for a release cycle. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -None as yet - -Work Items ----------- - -The problem has several components: - -* Move the examples to the sahara repository -* Merge any jobs used by the integration tests into the new - examples directory to create one comprehensive set -* Provide source code and compilation instructions for any - examples that currently lack them -* Make the integration tests reference the new directory structure -* Delineate which, if any, examples work only with specific - Hadoop versions. Most examples work on both Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2 - but some do not. Version-specific examples should be in a subdirectory - named for the version - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Testing will be inherent in the integration tests. The change will be -deemed successful if the integration tests run successfully after the -merging of the EDP examples and the integration test jobs. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -If our current docs reference the EDP examples, those references should -change to the new location. If our current docs do not reference the -EDP examples, a reference should be added in the developer and/or user -guide. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/juno/edp-refactor-job-manager.rst b/specs/juno/edp-refactor-job-manager.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4263e3d..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/edp-refactor-job-manager.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================================== -[EDP] Refactor job manager to support multiple implementations -============================================================== - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-refactor-job-manager - -The job manager at the core of Sahara EDP (Elastic Data Processing) was -originally written to execute and monitor jobs via an Oozie server. However, -the job manager should allow for alternative EDP implementations which -can support new cluster types or new job execution environments. - - -Problem description -=================== - -To date, the provisioning plugins released with Sahara all support deployment -of an Oozie server. Oozie was a logical choice for the early releases of -Sahara EDP because it provided commonality across several plugins and allowed -the rapid development of the EDP feature. - -However, Oozie is built on top of Hadoop Mapreduce and not every cluster -configuration can or should support it (consider a Spark cluster, for example, -where Hadoop Mapreduce is not a necessary part of the install). As Sahara -supports additional cluster types and gains a wider install base, it's -important for EDP to have the flexibility to run on new cluster configurations -and new job execution paradigms. - -The current implementation of the job_manager has hardcoded dependencies on -Oozie. These dependencies should be removed and the job manager should be -refactored to support the current Oozie implementation as well as new -implementations. The job manager should select the appropriate implementation -for EDP operations based on attributes of the cluster. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Sahara EDP requires three basic operations on a job: - -* Launch the job -* Poll job status -* Terminate the job - -Currently these operations are implemented in job_manager.py with explicit -dependencies on the Oozie server and Oozie-style workflows. - -To move these dependencies out of the job manager, we can define an abstract -class that contains the three operations:: - - @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) - class JobEngine(object): - @abc.abstractmethod - def cancel_job(self, job_execution): - pass - - @abc.abstractmethod - def get_job_status(self, job_execution): - pass - - @abc.abstractmethod - def run_job(self, job_execution): - pass - -For each EDP implementation Sahara supports, a class should be derived from -JobEngine that contains the details. Each implementation and its supporting -files should be contained in its own subdirectory. - -Logic can be added to the job manager to allocate a JobEngine based on the -cluster and/or job type, and the job manager can call the appropriate method -on the allocated JobEngine. - -As much as possible the JobEngine classes should be concerned only with -implementing the operations. They may read objects from the Sahara database as -needed but modifications to the job execution object should generally be -done in the job_manager.py (in some cases this may be difficult, or may require -optional abstract methods to be added to the JobEngine base class). - -For example, the "cancel_job" sequence should look something like this: - -1) "cancel_job(id)" is called in job_manager.py -2) The job manager retrieves the job execution object and the cluster - object and allocates an appropriate job engine -3) The job manager calls engine.cancel_job(job_execution) -4) The engine performs necessary steps to cancel the job -5) The job manager traps and logs any exceptions -6) The job manager calls engine.get_job_status(job_execution) -7) The engine returns the status for the job, if possible -8) The job manager updates the job execution object in the Sahara database - with the indicated status, if any, and returns - -In this example, the job manager has no knowledge of operations in the engine, -only the high level logic to orchestrate the operation and update the status. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -It may be possible to support "true" plugins for EDP similar to the -implementation of the provisioning plugins. In this case, the plugins would be -discovered and loaded dynamically at runtime. - -However, this requires much more work than a refactoring and introduction of -abstract classes and is probably not realistic for the Juno release. There are -several problems/questions that need to be solved: - -* Should EDP interfaces simply be added as optional methods in the current - provisioning plugin interface, or should EDP plugins be separate entities? - -* Do vendors that supply the provisioning plugins also supply the EDP plugins? - -* If separate EDP plugins are chosen, a convention is required to associate an - EDP plugin with a provisioning plugin so that the proper EDP implementation - can be chosen at runtime for a particular cluster without any internal glue - -* For clusters that are running an Oozie server, should the Oozie EDP - implementation always be the default if another implementation for the - cluster is not specified? Or should there be an explicitly designated - implementation for each cluster type? - -* It requires not only a formal interface for the plugin, but a formal - interface for elements in Sahara that the plugin may require. For instance, - an EDP plugin will likely need a formal interface to the conductor so that it - can retrieve EDP objects (job execution objects, data sources, etc). - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change should only cause one minor (optional) change to the current data -model. Currently, a JobExecution object contains a string field named -"oozie_job_id". While a job id field will almost certainly still be needed for -all implementations and can be probably be stored as a string, the name should -change to "job_id". - -JobExecution objects also contain an "extra" field which in the case of the -Oozie implementation is used to store neutron connection info for the Oozie -server. Other implementations may need similar data, however since the "extra" -field is stored as a JsonDictType no change should be necessary. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: -Trevor McKay - - -Work Items ----------- - - - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Testing will be done primarily through the current unit and integration tests. -Tests may be added that test the selection of the job engine. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/juno/edp-spark-job-type.rst b/specs/juno/edp-spark-job-type.rst deleted file mode 100644 index eecfc86..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/edp-spark-job-type.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -======================================================== -[EDP] Add a Spark job type (instead of overloading Java) -======================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-spark-job-type - -Spark EDP has been implemented initially using the Java job type. However, -the spark semantics are slightly different and Spark jobs will probably -continue to diverge from Java jobs during future development. Additionally, -a specific job type will help users distinguish between Spark apps and Java -mapreduce jobs in the Sahara database. - - -Problem description -=================== - -The work involves adding a Spark job type to the job type enumeration in -Sahara and extending the dashboard to allow the creation and submission -of Spark jobs. The Sahara client must be able to create and submit Spark -jobs as well (there may not be any new work in the client to support this). - -Existing unit tests and integration tests must be repaired if the addition -of a new job type causes them to fail. Unit tests analagous to the tests -for current job types should be added for the Spark job type. - -Integration tests for Spark clusters/jobs will be added as a separate effort. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Changes in the Sahara-api code: - -* Add the Spark job type to the enumeration -* Add validation methods for job creation and job execution creation -* Add unit tests for the Spark job type -* Add the Spark job type to the job types supported by the Spark plugin - - + Leave the Java type supported for Spark until the dashboard is changed - -* Add config hints for the Spark type - - + These may be empty initially - -Changes in the Sahara dashboard: - -* Add the Spark job type as a selectable type on the job creation form. - - + Include the "Choose a main binary" input on the Create Job tab - + Supporting libraries are optional, so the form should include the Libs tab - -* Add a "Launch job" form for the Spark job type - - + The form should include the "Main class" input. - + No data sources, as with Java jobs - + Spark jobs will share the edp.java.main_class configuration with Java jobs. - Alternatively, Spark jobs could use a edp.spark.main_class config - + There may be additional configuration parameters in the future, but none - are supported at present. The Configuration button may be included or - left out. - + The arguments button should be present - -Alternatives ------------- - -Overload the existing Java job type. It is similar enough to work as a -proof of concept, but long term this is probably not clear, desirable or -maintainable. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. Job type is stored as a string in the database, so there should be -no impact there. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. The JSON schema will list "Spark" as a valid job type, but the API -calls themselves should not be affected. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Described under Proposed Change. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Trevor McKay (sahara-api) - -Other contributors: - Chad Roberts (dashboard) - -Work Items ----------- - -Additional notes on implementation of items described under Proposed Change: - -* The simple addition of JOB_TYPE_SPARK to sahara.utils.edp.JOB_TYPES_ALL - did not cause existing unit tests to fail in an experiment - -* Existing unit tests should be surveyed and analagous tests for the Spark job - type should be added as appropriate - -* sahara.service.edp.job_manager.get_job_config_hints(job_type) needs to handle - the Spark job type. Currently all config hints are retrieved from the Oozie - job engine, this will not be correct. - - + Related, the use of JOB_TYPES_ALL should probably be modified in - workflow_creator.workflow_factory.get_possible_job_config() just to be safe - -* sahara.service.edp.job_utils.get_data_sources() needs to treat Spark jobs - like Java jobs (there are no data sources, only arguments) - -* service.validations.edp.job.check_main_libs() needs to require a main - application jar for Spark jobs and allow supporting libs as optional - -* service.validations.edp.job_executor.check_job_executor() - - + Spark requires edp.java.main_class (or edp.spark.main_class) - + check_edp_job_support() is called here and should be fine. The default is - an empty body and the Spark plugin does not override this method since the - Spark standalone deployment is part of a Spark image generated from DIB - -* Use of EDP job types in sahara.service.edp.oozie.workflow_creator should not - be impacted since Spark jobs shouldn't be targeted to an Oozie engine by the - job manager (but see note on get_job_config_hints() and JOB_TYPES_ALL) - -* The Sahara client does not appear to reference specific job type values so - there is likely no work to do in the client - -Dependencies -============ - -This depends on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-spark-standalone - - -Testing -======= - -New unit tests will be added for the Spark job type, analogous to existing -tests for other job types. Existing unit and integration tests will ensure that -other job types have not been broken by the addition of a Spark type. - - -Integration tests for Spark clusters should be added in the following -blueprint, including tests for EDP with Spark job types - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-spark-integration-tests - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The User Guide calls out details of the different job types for EDP. -Details of the Spark type will need to be added to this section. - - -References -========== - -None. diff --git a/specs/juno/edp-spark-standalone.rst b/specs/juno/edp-spark-standalone.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 28c4e33..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/edp-spark-standalone.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================================== -[EDP] Add an engine for a Spark standalone deployment -===================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-spark-standalone - -The Spark provisioning plugin allows the creation of Spark standalone -clusters in Sahara. Sahara EDP should support running Spark -applications on those clusters. - - -Problem description -=================== - -The Spark plugin uses the *standalone* deployment mode for Spark -(as opposed to Spark on YARN or Mesos). An EDP implementation must be created -that supports the basic EDP functions using the facilities provided by the -operating system and the Spark standalone deployment. - -The basic EDP functions are: - -* **run_job()** -* **get_job_status()** -* **cancel_job()** - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The Sahara job manager has recently been refactored to allow provisioning -plugins to select or provide an EDP engine based on the cluster and job_type. -The plugin may return a custom EDP job engine object or choose a default engine -provided by Sahara. - -A default job engine for Spark standalone clusters can be added to Sahara -that implements the basic EDP functions. - -Note, there are no public APIs in Spark for job status or cancellation -beyond facilities that might be available through a SparkContext -object instantiated in a Scala program. However, it is possible to -provide basic functionality without developing Scala programs. - -* **Engine selection criteria** - - The Spark provisioning plugin must determine if the default Spark EDP - engine may be used to run a particular job on a particular cluster. The - following conditions must be true to use the engine - - + The default engine will use *spark-submit* for running jobs, therefore - a cluster must have at least Spark version 1.0.0 to use the engine. - - + The job type must be Java (initially) - -* **Remote commands via ssh** - - All operations should be implemented using ssh to run remote - commands, as opposed to writing a custom agent and client. Furthermore, - any long running commands should be run asynchronously. - -* **run_job()** - - The run_job() function will be implemented using the *spark-submit* - script provided by Spark. - - + *spark-submit* must be run using client deploy mode - - + The *spark-submit* command will be executed via ssh. Ssh must - return immediately and must return a process id (PID) that can be - used for checking status or cancellation. This implies that the - process is run in the background. - - + SIGINT must not be ignored by the process running *spark-submit*. - Care needs to be taken here, since the default behavior of a - process backgrounded from bash is to ignore SIGINT. (This can be - handled by running *spark-submit* as a subprocess from a wrapper - which first restores SIGINT, and launching the wrapper from ssh. In this - case the wrapper must be sure to propagate SIGINT to the child). - - + *spark-submit* requires that the main application jar be in - local storage on the node where it is run. Supporting jars may - be in local storage or hdfs. For simplicity, all jars will be uploaded - to local storage. - - + *spark-submit* should be run from a subdirectory on the - master node in a well-known location. The subdirectory naming - should incorporate the job name and job execution id from - Sahara to make locating the directory easy. Program files, - output, and logs should be written to this directory. - - + The exit status returned from *spark-submit* must be written - to a file in the working directory. - - + *stderr* and *stdout* from *spark-submit* should be redirected - and saved in the working directory. This will help debugging as well - as preserve results for apps like SparkPi which write the result to stdout. - - + Sahara will allow the user to specify arguments to the Spark - application. Any input and output data sources will be specified - as path arguments to the Spark app. - -* **get_job_status()** - - Job status can be determined by monitoring the PID returned - by run_job() via *ps* and reading the file containing the exit status - - + The initial job status is PENDING (the same for all Sahara jobs) - + If the PID is present, the job status is RUNNING - + If the PID is absent, check the exit status file - - If the exit status is 0, the job status is SUCCEEDED - - If the exit status is -2 or 130, the job status is KILLED (by SIGINT) - - For any other exist status, the job status is DONEWITHERROR - - + If the job fails in Sahara (ie, because of an exception), the job status - will be FAILED - -* **cancel_job()** - - A Spark application may be canceled by sending SIGINT to the - process running *spark-submit*. - - + cancel_job() should send SIGINT to the PID returned by run_job(). - If the PID is the process id of a wrapper, the wrapper must - ensure that SIGINT is propagated to the child - - + If the command to send SIGINT is successful (ie, *kill* returns 0), - cancel_job() should call get_job_status() to update the job status - - -Alternatives ------------- - -The Ooyala job server is an alternative for implementing Spark EDP, but it's -a project of its own outside of OpenStack and introduces another dependency. It -would have to be installed by the Spark provisioning plugin, and Sahara -contributors would have to understand it thoroughly. - -Other than Ooyala, there does not seem to be any existing client or API for -handling job submission, monitoring, and cancellation. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -There is no data model impact, but a few fields will be reused. - -The *oozie_job_id* will store an id that allows the running application -to be operated on. The name of this field should be generalized at some -point in the future. - -The job_execution.extra field may be used to store additional information -necessary to allow operations on the running application - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. Initially Spark jobs (jars) can be run using the Java job type. -At some point a specific Spark job type will be added (this will be -covered in a separate specification). - - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Trevor McKay - - -Work Items ----------- - -* implement default spark engine selection in spark provisioning plugin -* implement run -* implement get_job_status -* implement cancel -* implement launch wrapper -* implement unit tests - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be added for the changes in Sahara. - -Integration tests for Spark standalone clusters will be added in another -blueprint and specification. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The Elastic Data Processing section of the User Guide should talk about -the ability to run Spark jobs and any restrictions. - - -References -========== - diff --git a/specs/juno/edp-swift-trust-authentication.rst b/specs/juno/edp-swift-trust-authentication.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0c1744a..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/edp-swift-trust-authentication.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -===================================================== -[EDP] Using trust delegation for Swift authentication -===================================================== - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-swift-trust-authentication - - -Sahara currently stores and distributes credentials for access to Swift -objects. These credentials are username/password pairs that are stored in -Sahara's database. This blueprint describes a method for using Keystone’s -trust delegation mechanism in conjuction with temporary proxy users to remove -the storage of user credentials from Sahara's purview. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara allows access to job binaries and data sources stored in Swift -containers by storing a user's credentials to those containers. The -credentials are stored in Sahara’s database and distributed to cluster -instances as part of a job’s workflow, or used by Sahara to access job -binaries. The storage of user credentials in Sahara's database represents a -security risk that can be avoided. - -Proposed change -=============== - -A solution to using credentials for access to Swift objects is to generate a -Keystone trust between the user with access to those objects and a Sahara -proxy user. The trust would be established based on the user’s membership in -the project that contains the Swift objects. Using this trust the Sahara proxy -user could generate authentication tokens to access the Swift objects. When -access is no longer needed the trust can be revoked, and the proxy user -removed thus invalidating the tokens. - -A proxy user will be created per job execution, and belong to a roleless -domain created by the stack administrator for the express purpose of -containing these new users. This domain will allow Sahara to create users as -needed for the purpose of delegating trust to access Swift objects. - -Sahara will generate usernames and passwords for the proxy users when they are -created. These credentials will be used in conjuction with the trust to allow -Swift accress from the cluster instances. - -General breakdown of the process: - -1. On start Sahara confirms the existence of the proxy domain. If no proxy - domain is found and the user has configured Sahara to use one, then Sahara - will log an error and resume in backward compatibility mode. - -2. When a new job that involves Swift objects is executed a trust is created - between the context user and a newly created proxy user. The proxy user's - name and password are created by Sahara and stored temporarily. - -3. When an instance needs access to a Swift object it uses the proxy user's - credentials and the trust identifier to create the necessary authentication - token. - -4. When the job has ended, the proxy user and the trust will be removed from - Keystone. - -Detailed breakdown: - -Step 1. - -On start Sahara will confirm the existence of the proxy domain specified by -the administrator in the configuration file. If no domain can be found and the -user has configured Sahara to use one, then it will log an error and resume -in backward compatibility mode. The domain will be used to store proxy users -that will be created during job execution. It should explicitly have an SQL -identity backend, or another backend that will allow Sahara to create -users.(SQL is the Keystone default) - -If the user has configured Sahara not to use a proxy domain then it will -fall back to using the backward compatible style of Swift authentication. -Requiring usernames and passwords for Swift access. - -Step 2. - -Whenever a new job execution is issued through Sahara a new proxy user will -be created in the proxy domain. This user will have a name generated based -on the job execution id, and a password generated randomly. - -After creating the proxy user, Sahara will delegate a trust from the current -context user to the proxy user. This trust will grant a "Member" role by -default, but will allow configuration, and impersonate the context user. As -Sahara will not know the length of the job execution, the trust will be -generated with no expiration time and unlimited reuse. - -Step 3. - -During job execution, when an instance needs to access a Swift object, it -will use the proxy user's name and password in conjuction with the trust -identifier to create an authentication token. This token will then be used -to access the Swift object store. - -Step 4. - -After the job execution has finished, successfully or otherwise, the proxy -user and trust will be removed from Keystone. - -A periodic task will check the proxy domain user list to ensure that none have -become stuck or abandoned after a job execution has been completed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Three alternatives have been discussed regarding this issue; using Swift’s -TempURL mechanism, encrypting the Swift credentials, and distributing tokens -from Sahara to the cluster instances. - -Swift implements a feature named TempURL which allows the generation of -temporary URLs to allow public access to Swift objects. Using this feature -Sahara could create TempURLs for each Swift object that requires access and -then distribute these URLs to the cluster instances in the job workflow. - -Although TempURLs would be low impact in terms of the work required to -implement they have a few major drawbacks for Sahara’s use case. When -creating a TempURL an expiration date must be associated with the URL. As -job lengths in Sahara cannot be predictively determined this would mean -creating indefinite expiration dates for the TempURLs. A solution to this -would be deleting the Swift object or changing the authentication identifier -associated with the creation of the TempURL. Both of these options present -implications that run beyond the boundaries of Sahara. In addition the -TempURLs would need to be passed to the instances as ciphertext to avoid -potential security breaches. - -Another methodology discussed involves encrypting the Swift credentials and -allowing the cluster instances to decrypt them when access is required. Using -this method would involve Sahara generating a two part public/private key that -would be used to encrypt all credentials. The decryption, or private, part of -the key would be distributed to all cluster nodes. Upon job creation the Swift -credentials associated with the job would be encrypted and stored. The -encrypted credentials would be distributed to the cluster instances in the job -workflow. When access is needed to a Swift object, an instance would decrypt -the credentials using the locally stored key. - -Encrypting the credentials poses a lower amount of change over using Keystone -trusts but perpetuates the current ideology of Sahara storing credentials for -Swift objects. In addition a new layer of security management becomes involved -in the form of Sahara needing to generate and store keys for use with the -credentials. This complexity adds another layer of management that could -instead be relegated to a more appropriate OpenStack service(i.e. Keystone). - -Finally, another possibilty to achieve the removal of credentials from Sahara -would be for the main controller to distribute preauthorized tokens to the -cluster instances. These tokens would be used by the instances to validate -their Swift access. There are a few implementation problems with this approach -that have caused it to be abandoned by a previous version of this blueprint. - -Keystone tokens have a default lifespan of one hour, this value can be -adjusted by the stack administrator. This implies that tokens must be updated -to the instances at least once an hour, possibly more frequently. The updating -process proves to add hindrances that are difficult to overcome. Update -frequency is one, but resource contention on the instances is another. A -further examination of this method shows that the updates to the Hadoop Swift -filesystem component will create a disonant design surrouding the injestion -of configuration data. In sum this methodology proves to be more fragile -than is acceptable. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -The job execution model currently stores username and password information in -a field that is a dictionary. There will be no changes to the model, but the -trust identifier will need to be stored in addition to the username and -password. - -Once the credentials have been passed to the cluster the only values that -need be stored are the user id and trust identifier. These would need to be -used to destroy the trust and user after job execution. The proxy user's -password is only needed during the creation of the job execution and will -be distributed to the instances, but long term storage is not necessary. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -The proxy usernames and trust identifiers should be sanitized from the -job execution output. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users will no longer need to enter credentials when adding Swift data sources -to their jobs. - -The user’s OpenStack credentials will need to have sufficient privileges to -access the Swift objects they add. - -From the python-saharaclient, developers will no longer need to enter -credential_user or credential_pass when making a requests to create data -sources. - -Keystone deployments that use LDAP backed domains will need to be configured -as recommended by the Keystone group, using domain based configurations. This -ensures that new domains created will be backed by SQL. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -A deployer will need to be aware of the Keystone configuration with respect -to the default identity backend. They will also need to create the proxy -domain and provide the Sahara service user with enough access to create new -users in that domain. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers will no longer need to pass credentials when creating data sources. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -For backward compatibility the username and password fields should be left in -the Swift data source forms and views, but they should allow the user to -enter blank data. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - -* Michael McCune - -Other contributors: - -* Trevor McKay - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Domain detection and configuration option -* Proxy user creation/destruction -* Trust acquisition/revocation -* Workflow update -* Swift file system component update to use trust identifier -* Periodic proxy user removal task -* Documentation -* Tests - -Dependencies -============ - -This feature will require the usage of Keystone v3 with the OS-TRUST mechanism -enabled. - -The Horizon forms for Swift data sources will need to allow blank entries -for username and password. - -The Hadoop Swift file system component will need to be updated as well. - -Testing -======= - -The current tests for Swift based objects will need to be modified to remove -the usage of username/password credentials. Otherwise these tests should prove -that the trust method is working properly. - -Tests for situations where a user’s Keystone access do not permit permission -for the Swift objects they are adding should be implemented. - -The Swift file system component will need it's tests modified to use -trust identifiers for scoping of the authentication tokens. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The documentation for usage of Swift storage will need to have references to -the object credentials removed. Additionally there should be documentation -added about the impact of a user not having access to the Swift sources. - -The proxy domain usage should be documented to give stack administrators a -clear understanding of Sahara's usage and needs. This should also note the -impact of Keystone configurations which do not provide default SQL identity -backends. - -References -========== - -Original bug report -https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1321906 - - -Keystone trust API reference -https://github.com/openstack/identity-api/blob/master/v3/src/markdown/identity-api-v3-os-trust-ext.md - diff --git a/specs/juno/error-handling-in-provisioning.rst b/specs/juno/error-handling-in-provisioning.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a72949c..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/error-handling-in-provisioning.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================== -Improve error handling for provisioning operations -================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/error-handling-in-provisioning - -Currently provisioning error handling is sprayed across the whole provisioning -code. This spec is to unify error handling and localize it in one place. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently we have two problems connected with error handling in provisioning -part: - -1) The code incorrectly handles situations when cluster was deleted by user - during provisioning. In that case an arbitrary error might be raised in - many places. -2) The code performs rollback only in certain places, while it could be done - for any provisioning/scaling phase. - -The following CR: -https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98556 -mostly fixes issue #1, but it is full of duplicate code. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The following solution is proposed instead which requires architectural -changes, but rather reliably fixes both problems: - -1) For both cluster creation and scaling move error handling logic to the very - top functions inside ops.py file. Once exception is caught properly - process it: - - a) if cluster object does not exists in DB, that means that user deleted - the cluster during provisioning; handle it and return - b) if cluster object exists, log it and perform rollback -2) Do not do any checks if cluster exists outside of ops.py, except places - where processing might hang indefinitely without the check. - -We can employ the following rollback strategy: - -For cluster creation: if anything went wrong, kill all VMs and move cluster -to the Error state. - -For cluster scaling: that will be long. Cluster scaling has the following -stages: - -1) decommission unneeded nodes (by plugin) -2) terminate unneeded nodes and create a new ones if needed (by engine). Note - that both scaling up and down could be run simultaneously but in - different node groups. -3) Configure and start nodes (by plugin) - -My suggestion what to do if an exception occurred in the respective stage: - -1) move cluster to Error state -2) kill unneeded nodes (finish scale down). Also kill new nodes, if they were - created for scale up. -3) move cluster to Error state - -In cases #1 and #3 it is dangerous to delete not decommissioned or not -configured nodes as this can lead to data loss. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep supporting current code. It is not elegant but works good enough. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Data provisioning logic will be changed a lot. This could lead to behavior -change in case of errors on different stages. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Provisioning engine API will be extended with "rollback_cluster" method. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev - -Other contributors: - dmitrymex - -Work Items ----------- - -1) Implement change -2) Test that cluster provisioning and rollback works on all feature matrix we - have. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Provisioning could be tested manually and by CI. -It is much harder to test rollback. Even current code is not tested well (e.g. -https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1337006). - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/juno/move-rest-samples-to-docs.rst b/specs/juno/move-rest-samples-to-docs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bc6f98e..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/move-rest-samples-to-docs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================== -Move Sahara REST API samples from /etc to docs -============================================== - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/move-rest-samples-to-docs - -Initially this idea was raised during discussions about -moving/releasing/versioning of Sahara's subprojects. -REST samples are slightly outdated and common documentation -is a good place to have them there to keep them up-to-date. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Today REST API samples are outdated and don't reflect current state of -changes made in Sahara api since Havana release. Also it's not obvious to -find those samples in Sahara sources. The goal is to update current state -of samples and move it to http://docs.openstack.org/ - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Create a new page in docs:: - - sahara/doc/source/restapi/rest_api_samples.rst - -Move all JSON examples from sahara/etc/rest-api-samples to the new page. -Simple description for each example should be added before JSON code blocks. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Examples won't be found in the sahara/etc dir any longer. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: -Alexander Ignatov - -Work Items ----------- - -The following steps should be done: - -* Move REST samples from sahara/etc to a new page in docs -* Update samples in docs according to current state of Sahara api -* Remove sahara/etc/rest-api-samples directory in Sahara sources - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -New page with information about REST samples will appear in the Sahara docs. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/juno/redirects b/specs/juno/redirects deleted file mode 100644 index ab89fd0..0000000 --- a/specs/juno/redirects +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -implemented/anti-affinity-via-server-groups.rst anti-affinity-via-server-groups.rst -implemented/append-to-remote-file.rst append-to-remote-file.rst -implemented/cdh-plugin.rst cdh-plugin.rst -implemented/ceilometer-integration.rst ceilometer-integration.rst -implemented/cluster-persist-sahara-configuration.rst cluster-persist-sahara-configuration.rst -implemented/cluster-secgroups.rst cluster-secgroups.rst -implemented/edp-move-examples.rst edp-move-examples.rst -implemented/edp-refactor-job-manager.rst edp-refactor-job-manager.rst -implemented/edp-spark-job-type.rst edp-spark-job-type.rst -implemented/edp-spark-standalone.rst edp-spark-standalone.rst -implemented/edp-swift-trust-authentication.rst edp-swift-trust-authentication.rst -implemented/error-handling-in-provisioning.rst error-handling-in-provisioning.rst -implemented/move-rest-samples-to-docs.rst move-rest-samples-to-docs.rst diff --git a/specs/juno_idx.rst b/specs/juno_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2b667bb..0000000 --- a/specs/juno_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Juno specs -^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - juno/* diff --git a/specs/kilo/add-lib-subset-cm-api.rst b/specs/kilo/add-lib-subset-cm-api.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1ce0b13..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/add-lib-subset-cm-api.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================== -Add CM API Library into Sahara -============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-lib-subset-cm-api - -This specification proposes to add CM API library into Sahara so that the -Cloudera plugin will not have to depend on a third party library support. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now the Cloudera plugin is depending on a third party library cm_api (by -Cloudera). This library is not python3 compatible, and Cloudera has no -resource to fix it. Therefore, it is hard to put this library into -requirements.txt file. To fix this issue, we plan to implement a subset of -CM APIs and put them into Sahara project, so that the Cloudera plugin will not -depend on a third-party library, and we can enable this plugin by default. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Now the CM APIs used in Cloudera plugin include (maybe not all included): - -* ApiResource.create_cluster -* ApiResource.get_cluster -* ApiResource.get_all_hosts -* ApiResource.delete_host -* ApiResource.get_cloudera_manager -* ClouderaManager.create_mgmt_service -* ClouderaManager.hosts_start_roles -* ClouderaManager.get_service -* ApiCluster.start -* ApiCluster.remove_host -* ApiCluster.create_service -* ApiCluster.get_service -* ApiCluster.deploy_client_config -* ApiCluster.first_run -* ApiService.create_role -* ApiService.delete_role -* ApiService.refresh -* ApiService.deploy_client_config -* ApiService.start -* ApiService.restart -* ApiService.start_roles -* ApiService.format_hdfs -* ApiService.create_hdfs_tmp -* ApiService.create_yarn_job_history_dir -* ApiService.create_oozie_db -* ApiService.install_oozie_sharelib -* ApiService.create_hive_metastore_tables -* ApiService.create_hive_userdir -* ApiService.create_hive_warehouse -* ApiService.create_hbase_root -* ApiService.update_config -* ApiServiceSetupInfo.add_role_info -* ApiRole.update_config - -Those APIs are what we need to implement in our CM APIs. We can create a -directory client in plugin cdh directory, and put the lib files in this -directory. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Deployers will no longer need to install cm_api package anymore. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -When new version of CDH is released, if it is incompatible with current used -client, or use some new APIs, developer may need to update the client when -adding support for new CDH release. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ken chen - -Other contributors: - ken chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will include: - -* Add a directory client in cdh plugin directory, and put lib files under - this directory. -* Change all current cm_api imports into using the new client. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Sahara Integration test for CDH plugin is enough. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documents about CDH plugin prerequisites and enabling should be modified, for -cm_api is not required any more. - -References -========== - -https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cm-api/8.0.0 diff --git a/specs/kilo/add-more-cdh-services.rst b/specs/kilo/add-more-cdh-services.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c38849a..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/add-more-cdh-services.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Add More Services into CDH plugin -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-cdh-more-services - -This specification proposes to add below services into CDH plugins: -Flume, Sentry, Sqoop, SOLR, Key-Value Store Indexer, and Impala. - -Those services can be added into CDH plugin by using CM API first_run to start -them, which can save much effort to prepare and start those services one by -one. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now services supported in Sahara CDH plugin is still limited. We want to add -more services ASAP. They are Flume, Sentry, Sqoop, SOLR, Key-Value Store -Indexer, and Impala. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Since we plan to use first_run to prepare and start those services, we will -not need to call other CM APIs for those services in start_cluster() method. - -The implementation will need below changes on codes for each service: - -* Add process names of the service in some places. -* Add service or process configuration, and network ports to open. -* Add service validation. -* Modify some utils methods, like get_service, to meet more services. -* Some other changes for a few specific services if needed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ken chen - -Other contributors: - ken chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will be: - -* Change python codes in sahara/sahara/plugins/cdh. -* Add more service resource files in sahara/sahara/plugins/cdh/resources. -* Test and evaluate the change. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Use an integration test to create a cluster. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/add-service-test-in-integration.rst b/specs/kilo/add-service-test-in-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d692e1c..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/add-service-test-in-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Add check service test in integration test -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-service-test-in-integration - -This specification proposes to add check services tests in integration test -for CDH plugins.Currently we have added zookeeper,HBase,Flume,Sentry,Sqoop, -SOLR,Key-Value Store Indexer, and Impala services. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently we have enabled many new services in CDH plugin.And we want to -increase the coverage of the test cases.So we plan to add test cases in the -integration test, which will check the availability of those services by using -simple scripts like we did in map_reduce_testing. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -We plan to write test cases like the way we did in map_reduce_testing. First -copy the shell script to the node,then run this script, the script will run -basic usage of the services. - -The implementation will need below changes on codes for each service: - -* Add new cluster template (including all services process) in - test_gating_cdh.py -* Add check_services.py (check all services) to check all basic usage of - services -* Add shell scripts (check all services) - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - huichun lu - -Other contributors: - huichun lu - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will be: - -* Add python codes in ``sahara/sahara/tests/integration/tests/gating/ - test_cdh_gating.py``. -* Add check services scripts files in ``sahara/sahara/tests/integrations/ - tests/resources``. -* Add check_services.py in ``sahara/sahara/tests/integration/tests/``. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Use an integration test to create a cluster. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/add-timeouts-for-polling.rst b/specs/kilo/add-timeouts-for-polling.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d0a1b0b..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/add-timeouts-for-polling.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Add timeouts for infinite polling for smth -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-timeouts-for-polling - -We have infinite polling-processes for smth in sahara code. -It would be nice to add timeouts for its execution - -Problem description -=================== - -When creating a cluster, cluster's status may be stuck in Waiting and will -always await network if the network configuration is wrong. We can add -configurable timeouts for all possible polling processes. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Here you can find list of all polling processes in Sahara code: - -For service module: - -* volumes._await_attach_volumes -* volumes._create_attach_volume -* volumes._detach_volume -* engine._wait_until_accessible -* engine._await_networks -* direct_engine._await_active -* direct_engine._await_deleted -* edp.job_manager.cancel_job - -For utils module: - -* openstack.heat.wait_stack_completion - -For cdh plugin: - -* cloudera_utils.await_agents -* plugin_utils.start_cloudera_manager - -For hdp plugin: - -* _wait_for_async_request for both plugin versions -* wait_for_host_registrations for both plugin versions -* decommission_cluster_instances for 2.0.6 versionhandler - -For spark plugin: - -* scaling.decommission_dn - -For vanilla plugin: - -* hadoop2.scaling._check_decommission -* hadoop2.await_datanodes -* v1_2_1.scaling.decommission_dn -* v1_2_1.versionhandler._await_datanodes - -Proposed change would consists of following steps: - -* Add new module polling_utils in sahara/utils where would register - new timeouts options for polling processes from service and utils modules. - Also it would consist with a specific general util for polling. - As example it can be moved from - https://github.com/openstack/sahara/blob/master/sahara/utils/general.py#L175. -* Add new section in sahara.conf.sample which would consist with all - timeouts. -* All plugin specific options would be related only with this plugin and also - would be configurable. Also user would have ability to configure all plugin - specific options during cluster template creation. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change doesn't require any data models modifications. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -This change doesn't require any REST API modifications. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -User would have ability to configure all timeouts separately. Some options -would be configurable via sahara.conf.sample, other would be configurable -from plugin during cluster template creation. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -During cluster template creation user would have ability to configure -plugin specific options from UI. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add general polling util to sahara/utils/polling_utils -* Apply this changes to all plugins and sahara engines. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on current Openstack Data Processing Requirements. - -Testing -======= - -this change would require to add unit tests. Also this change would be tested -manually. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Required to document this feature in sahara/userdoc/configuration.guide. - -References -========== - -[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1402903 -[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1319079 diff --git a/specs/kilo/auth-policy.rst b/specs/kilo/auth-policy.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 878822b..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/auth-policy.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Authorization Policy Support -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/auth-policy - -Openstack components are supposed to check user privileges for performed -actions. Usually these checks are role-based. See -http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/architecture.html#approach-to-authorization-policy. -Sahara need to support policies too. - -Problem description -=================== - -OpenStack administrators may want to tune authorization policy for Sahara. -There should be a way to restrict some users to perform some of Sahara -operations. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add auth check for all Sahara API endpoints. This could be done in the same -way as in other openstack component. There is "policy" module in Oslo library -that may do all underlying work. - -Proposed content of the policy file: - -.. sourcecode:: json - - { - "context_is_admin": "role:admin", - "admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s", - "default": "rule:admin_or_owner", - - "clusters:get_all": "", - "clusters:create": "", - "clusters:scale": "", - "clusters:get": "", - "clusters:delete": "", - - "cluster-templates:get_all": "", - "cluster-templates:create": "", - "cluster-templates:get": "", - "cluster-templates:modify": "", - "cluster-templates:delete": "", - - "node-group-templates:get_all": "", - "node-group-templates:create": "", - "node-group-templates:get": "", - "node-group-templates:modify": "", - "node-group-templates:delete": "", - - "plugins:get_all": "", - "plugins:get": "", - "plugins:get_version": "", - "plugins:convert_config": "", - - "images:get_all": "", - "images:get": "", - "images:register": "", - "images:unregister": "", - "images:add_tags": "", - "images:remove_tags": "", - - "job-executions:get_all": "", - "job-executions:get": "", - "job-executions:refresh_status": "", - "job-executions:cancel": "", - "job-executions:delete": "", - - "data-sources:get_all": "", - "data-sources:get": "", - "data-sources:register": "", - "data-sources:delete": "", - - "jobs:get_all": "", - "jobs:create": "", - "jobs:get": "", - "jobs:delete": "", - "jobs:get_config_hints": "", - "jobs:execute": "", - - "job-binaries:get_all": "", - "job-binaries:create": "", - "job-binaries:get": "", - "job-binaries:delete": "", - "job-binaries:get_data": "", - - "job-binary-internals:get_all": "", - "job-binary-internals:create": "", - "job-binary-internals:get": "", - "job-binary-internals:delete": "", - "job-binary-internals:get_data": "" - } - -Separating Sahara users and operators could be the next step. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Adding new API will require changing policy rules. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add policy.py from oslo -* Add config options to control policy file and settings -* Add policy check to all API calls -* Add unit tests -* Add documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -* Policy module in Oslo. - -Testing -======= - -* Unit tests -* Manual testing - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -* Feature need to be documented - -References -========== - -* http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/architecture.html#approach-to-authorization-policy -* http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/api/keystone.openstack.common.policy.html -* http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configuration.html#keystone-api-protection-with-role-based-access-control-rbac diff --git a/specs/kilo/cdh-hbase-support.rst b/specs/kilo/cdh-hbase-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0c450c4..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/cdh-hbase-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -CDH HBase Support -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-hbase-support - -This specification proposes to add HBase support for CDH Plugin in Sahara. - - -Problem description -=================== - -There is no HBase support in current cdh plugin, but Cloudera Manager -supports to install this service in a cluster. HBase is a non-relational, -distributed database model and can provide BigTable-like capabilities for -Hadoop. This service should be supported in Sahara cdh plugin. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation will support CDH 5.0.0. -Support Features: - -* Install HBase processes in a CDH cluster using cm-api -* Zookeeper must be selected and launched in a cluster first -* Support HMaster and Multiple HRegion processes in a cluster -* Most Configuration Parameters Support in a CDH cluster - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The end users need to select HMaster and HRegion process in node group -templates. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -It will be required to install the necessary HBase package in the cdh image. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - lu huichun - -Other contributors: - weiting-chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items can be divided to several parts: - -* Investigate HBase service in a CDH cluster via Cloudera Manager(CM) -* Leverage CM-API Client to call functions to install Zookeep via CM -* Test and Evaluate the Concept -* Implement Source Code in Sahara cdh plugin -* Test the Code - -Dependencies -============ - -Zookeeper process must be installed first in the cluster. HBase needs to use -Zookeeper service. - -Testing -======= - -Writing Unit Tests to basically test the configuration. It also required to -have an integration test with the cluster creation. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Add HBase in the list and add more information about the configuration. - -References -========== - -* [1] http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/documentation/cdh5/v5-0-0/ - diff --git a/specs/kilo/cdh-version-management.rst b/specs/kilo/cdh-version-management.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0a3ffab..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/cdh-version-management.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================ -Better Version Management in Cloudera Plugin -============================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-version-management - -This specification proposes to manage different versions of CDH in Cloudera -plugin in a better solution. - -Problem description -=================== - -Current situation of CDH version management in CDH plugin: - -* We do not have version control for CDH plugin at all. -* Due to backward support requirement, all existing codes need to support - CDH version from 5.0.0 to latest (currently it is 5.3.0). - -This will cause below issues: - -* When new packages are released, we do not know whether our plugin still - can work. In fact nobody can ensure that. -* Our work have to be based on a non-static environment. -* Backward-compatibility is desired, but it is not ensured at all. For - example, we are not sure tomorrow whether a new released CDH package will - be compatible with old plugin codes or configuration files. -* CI-test results are not stable, so we cannot always turn it into voting. -* If new released package version bring issues, it can block all developers - even if they do not work on this version. -* When we do not want to support some obsolete versions, we cannot easily - remove it. - -Proposed change -=============== - -* Add package version constraints, and give a key packages version list to - support CDH5.3.0 (or 5.2.0), and base our development only on this. -* Freeze the package to prevent later CDH release come in. -* Add sub-directories in plugin/cdh, like 5_3_0 for CDH5.3.0 to support - different versions of CDH. As we did for vanilla and hdp plugins. -* We also need to do some modifications in sahara-image-elements project to - support different versions of CDH image build. -* We need to change sahara-ci-config project to break current cdh tests into - several tests for different CDH versions. All new added versions should not - break old version tests. For example, current - gate-sahara-nova-direct-cdh_ubuntu-aio will be separated into - sahara-nova-direct-cdh_5.0_ubuntu-aio and - sahara-nova-direct-cdh_5.3.0_ubuntu-aio. -* Break sahara/tests/integration/tests/gating/test_cdh_gating.py into - several files, like test_cdh5_0_0_gating.py and test_cdh5_3_0_gating.py to - support different CDH versions. -* We need not ensure backward compatibility. E.g., CDH5.3.0 codes are not - required to work for CDH5.0.0. We may add some features and codes only for - later version of CDH, which was not supported by former CDH version. -* If we want to add more CDH versions in the future, we need to open a BP to - do this. For example, if we want to support CDH 5.4.0 in the future, below - works are required: - - * Add a directory 5_3_0 including codes to support CDH 5.3.0 in - plugin/cdh. - * Modify scripts in sahara/image-elements/elements/hadoop_cloudera, to - add functions to install packages for CDH 5.4.0, while still keeping - functions installing packages for former CDH versions. - * Add a test_cdh5_4_0_gating.py in sahara/tests/integration/tests/gating - directory for integration test. - * Add a new ci-test item in sahara-ci-config, like - gate-sahara-nova-direct-cdh_5.4.0_ubuntu-aio. We can set this item as - non-voting at the beginning, and after it is tuned and verified ok, we - set it back to voting. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ken chen - -Other contributors: - ken chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will include: - -* Change directory structure in sahara/sahara/plugins/cdh to add 5_3_0 and - 5_0_0 for CDH5.0.0 and 5.3.0 (We will support those two versions as the - first step). -* Retain common codes for each version in the original place, and move - version specific codes and files into their own directory. -* Add codes in sahara-image-elements/elements/hadoop-cloudera to support - installing different package groups for different CDH versions. -* Add different test items in sahara/tests/integration/tests/gating directory - to support different CDH versions -* Add item in sahara-ci-configs project for different CDH versions. At first - we mark it as non-voting. After it is verified, we can mark it as voting. -* Test and evaluate the change. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Create clusters of different CDH versions one by one, and do integration tests -for each of them. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/cdh-zookeeper-support.rst b/specs/kilo/cdh-zookeeper-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0b08361..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/cdh-zookeeper-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -CDH Zookeeper Support -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-zookeeper-support - -This specification proposes to add Zookeeper support for CDH Plugin in Sahara. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently, Zookeeper isn't supported in the cdh plugin. Zookeeper is a -centralized service to provide functions like maintaining configuration, -distributed synchronization, and providing group services. It's important to -have a Zookeeper to prevent data loss and to avoid a single point failure(SPoF) -in a cluster. It has become a basic service to deploy a hadoop cluster in CDH -environment. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation will support CDH 5.0.0. -Support Features: - -* Install Zookeeper Service in a CDH cluster -* Support to run Standalone Zookeeper in a cluster -* Support to run Replicated Zookeepers(Multiple Servers) in a cluster -* To have an option to select Zookeeper in the node group templates -* Most Configuration Parameters Support in a CDH cluster - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The end users need to select Zookeeper process in their node group templates. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -It will be required to put the necessary packages in the cdh image. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ken chen - -Other contributors: - weiting-chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items can be divided to several parts: - -* Investigate Zookeeper service in a CDH cluster via Cloudera Manager(CM) -* Leverage CM-API Client to call functions to install Zookeep via CM -* Test and Evaluate the Concept -* Implement Source Code in Sahara cdh plugin -* Test the Code - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Writing Unit Tests to basically test the configuration. It is also required -to have an integration test with the cluster creation. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Add Zookeeper in the list and add more information about the configuration. - -References -========== - -* [1] http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/documentation/cdh5/v5-0-0/ - diff --git a/specs/kilo/default-templates.rst b/specs/kilo/default-templates.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f695237..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/default-templates.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -Default templates for each plugin -================================= - -Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/default-templates - -In order to create a basic cluster for any plugin, a user currently has to -go through several steps to create an appropriate set of node group and -cluster templates. We believe that set of actions should be captured in a -default set of templates (per plugin) and loaded into the database ahead of -time so that users do not need to repeat some of the most basic steps to -provision a simple cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -Creating even a basic cluster currently requires several steps before the -user is able to launch their cluster. In an effort to reduce the amount of -effort and time to get a simple cluster running, we propose a set of default -templates for each plugin that will be pre-loaded and available for use. - -Other potential issues/answers: -1) How do we make the set of templates available for all users/tenants? -Today, any given template is only read/writable by one tenant. - -A) Implement ACL support for templates (SLukjanov plans to write the spec -for this). Having proper ACL support in place will allow us to manage -access for read/write across all tenants. - -ACL support is not available yet. For the time being, templates will be -added per-tenant. - -2) Do we allow editing of default templates? -I don't think we should allow editing of the default templates since they -are shared among all tenants. The flow to "edit" one would be to make a -copy of the template and work from there. I propose that each template will -be stored with a flag in the database that identifies each default template -as being a default template so that we can enforce that users cannot change -the default templates. - -3) How do we avoid uploading the same default templates each time at startup -while still allowing for them to be updated as necessary? -We could use a numbering system in the template file names to indicate the -version number and store that in the database (perhaps instead of a boolean -flag indicating that the template is a default template, -we could store an int that is the version number). At startup time, -we would go through all of the template files for each plugin and compare -the version numbers to the version numbers that are stored in the database. - -Sqlalchemy will detect when fields have changed and set the "updated at" field -accordingly. Therefore, we can simply attempt to update existing templates -whenever the script is run. If the template matches what is in the database, -there will be no update. - -4) How do we make a json default cluster template reference a json default node -group template since we won't know the node group template IDs? - -A) CLI util will operate them one-by-one starting with node group templates and -then cluster templates. In addition, we could create a few example jobs that -could be used for health check. - -Proposed change -=============== - -1) Create sets of default template json files for each plugin. - - A set of default templates will consist of node group templates and/or - cluster templates. Whether or not a template file defines a node group - template or a cluster template will be determined based on the presence of - required fields specified in the Sahara JSON validation code. Node group - templates require `flavor_id` and `node_processes`, so presence of these - fields implicitly identify a template as a node group template. If it is - not a node group template, it is a cluster template. This identification - avoids a naming scheme or some other kind of extra labeling to identify a - template type. - - Default templates distributed with Sahara will be located in - `sahara/plugins/default_templates/`. The code that processes the default - templates should use this path as a default starting point but should allow - a different starting point to be specified. It should make no assumptions - about the directory structure beyond the following: - - * All of the template files in a particular directory should be treated as - a set, and cluster templates may reference node group templates in the - same set by name. - - * Directories may be nested for logical organization, so that a plugin may - define default template sets for each version. Therefore, the code should - recurse through subdirectories by default but it should be possible to - specify no recursion. - - This design will allow code to process default templates decoupled from - explicit knowledge of Sahara plugins, plugin versions, or the structure of - plugin directories. The ability to specify a different starting point - will allow a user to process particular template sets if the entire set - is not desired (only some plugins enabled, for instance), or if an alternate - set at a different location is desired. In short, it keeps the processing - general and simple. - - In practice, the directories under `sahara/plugins/default_templates` will - be named for plugins, and subdirectories will be created for different - versions as appropriate. - - -2) Add a CLI util that can be executed by cron with admin credentials to - create/update existing default templates. This utility needs to be able to - take some placeholders like "flavor" or "network" and make the appropriate - substitutions (either from configs or via command line args) at runtime. - The cron job can be optional if we want to force any updates to be - triggered explicitly. - - The CLI will take an option to specify the starting directory (default - will be `sahara/plugins/default_templates`). - - The CLI will take an option to disable recursion through subdirectories - (default will be to recurse). - - At a minimum, the CLI will provide a command to create or update default - templates with processing beginning at the designated starting directory. - - The CLI should use the "plugins" configuration parameter from the [database] - section to filter the templates that are processed. If the "plugin-name" - field of a template matches a plugin name in the "plugins" list, it will - be processed. If the "plugins" list is empty, all templates will be - processed. It should be possible to override the "plugins" configuration - from the command line with a "--plugin-name" option. - - If there is an error during updating or creating templates in a particular - set, the CLI should attempt to undo any modifications or creations that - were done as part of that set. - - The CLI should also provide a mechanism for deleting default templates, - since the `is_default` field will prevent that, should an admin for - some reason desire to remove default templates. This can be a simple - operation that will remove a single default template by ID. It is not - likely to be used very often. - -Alternatives ------------- - -1) The loading process could be done via the REST API if we wanted to have -some sort of external process that manages the default templates. That might -require changing the API a bit to add endpoints for managing the default -templates and seems like a fair bit of unnecessary work since the management of -default templates should be something done only within Sahara. - -2) Add a hook, possibly in plugins/base:PluginManager for -"load_default_templates". This method would be responsible for triggering -the loading of the defaults at startup time. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -N/A - -REST API impact ---------------- - -N/A - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -End users will see the default templates show up just like any other -template that they may have created. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -N/A - -Developer impact ----------------- - -N/A - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -N/A - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -N/A -The default templates will show-up in the UI and look like regular templates. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - croberts - -Secondary assignee: - tmckay - -Work Items ----------- - -1) Come up with a set of default templates for each plugin. These will -probably be json formatted files. - -2) Come up with some sort of mechanism to load the templates or ensure that -they are already loaded when Sahara starts-up. - -3) Update the Sahara documentation. - -Dependencies -============ - -1) Implementation of the ACL for templates (spec still TBD). This will let -us give all users read access to the default templates while still possibly -allowing admins to edit the templates. - -Testing -======= - -Ideally, tests will be added to ensure that a functioning cluster can be -started based on each of the default template sets. If that is determined -to be too time-consuming per-run, then tests to ensure the validity of each set -of templates may be sufficient. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The Sahara documentation should be updated to note that the default -templates are available for use. Additionally, any future plugins will be -expected to provide their own set of default templates. - -References -========== - -N/A diff --git a/specs/kilo/drop-hadoop-2.3-support.rst b/specs/kilo/drop-hadoop-2.3-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d0923b8..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/drop-hadoop-2.3-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================ -Remove support of Hadoop 2.3.0 in Vanilla plugin -================================================ - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/drop-hadoop-2-3-support - - -At the ATL Design summit it was decided to have 1 OpenStack release cycle -management for support of previous Hadoop versions in Vanilla plugin. -So it's time to remove 2.3.0 plugin. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Current Sahara code contains Vanilla Hadoop 2.3.0 in sources. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The proposed change is to remove all Hadoop 2.3 and any related mentions -from Sahara code and subprojects. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users will not be able to deploy Hadoop 2.3 - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Hadoop 2.3 related elements should be removed - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: -Sergey Reshetnyak (sreshetniak) - -Other Assignees: -Sergey Lukjanov (slukjanov) - dib cleanup - -Work Items ----------- - -* Remove Vanilla plugin 2.3.0 from Sahara sources -* Remove DIB stuff related to 2.3.0 -* Clear unit/integration tests -* Replace EDP examples with newest version of hadoop-examples -* Documentation changes - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -* Documentation must to be updated accordingly - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-add-hbase-sharelib.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-add-hbase-sharelib.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cea4e4e..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-add-hbase-sharelib.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================================== -Add a common HBase lib in hdfs on cluster start -=============================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-add-hbase-lib - -HBase applications written in Java require JARs on the HBase classpath. -Java actions launched from Oozie may reference JARs stored in hdfs -using the `oozie.libpath` configuration value, but there is no -standard HBase directory location in hdfs that is installed with Oozie. - -Users can build their own HBase directory in hdfs manually from a cluster -node but it would be convenient if Sahara provided an option to build -the directory at cluster launch time. - - -Problem description -=================== - -HBase applications written in Java require the Hbase classpath. Typically, -a Java program will be run this way using /usr/bin/hbase to get the classpath:: - - java -cp `hbase classpath`:MyHbaseApp.jar MyHBaseApp - -Java jobs launched from EDP are Oozie actions, and there is no way to set -an extra classpath value. Instead, the Oozie solution to this problem is -to create a directory of JAR files in hdfs and then set the -`oozie.libpath` configuration property on the job to that location. -This causes Oozie to make all of the jars in the directory available to the -job. - -Sahara currently supports setting the `oozie.libpath` configuration on a job -but there is no existing collection of HBase JARs to reference. Users can log -into a cluster node and build an HBase directory in hdfs manually using bash or -Python. The steps are relatively simple: - -* Run the ``hbase classpath`` command to retrieve the classpath as a string -* Separate the string on the **:** character -* Prune away all paths that do not end in **.jar** -* Upload all of the remaining paths to the designated directory in hdfs - -However, it would be relatively simple for Sahara to do this optionally -at cluster creation time for clusters that include HBase services. - -Note that the same idea of a shared hdfs directory is used in two -different but related ways in Oozie: - -* the `Oozie sharelib` is a pre-packaged collection of JARs released and - supported as part of Oozie and referenced from a job by - setting the `oozie.use.system.libpath` configuration parameter to `True`. - Sahara already sets this option for all Ooozie-based jobs. - The official Oozie sharelib changes over time, and Oozie uses a timestamp - naming convention to support upgrades, multiple versions, etc. - -* the ability to create an hdfs directory containing JAR files and reference - it from a job with the `oozie.libpath` configuration parameter is open to - anyone. This is what is being proposed here. This change in no way touches - the official `Oozie sharelib`. If Oozie ever adds HBase JARs to the - system sharelib, we probably will no longer need this feature. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Create a class that can be shared by any provisioning plugins that support -installing the HBase service on a cluster. This class should provide a -method that runs remote commands on a cluster node to: - -* Run the ``hbase classpath`` command to retrieve the classpath as a string -* Separate the string on the **:** character -* Prune away all paths that do not end in **.jar** -* Upload all of the remaining paths to pre-determined directory in hdfs - -A code sample in the reference section below shows one method of doing this -in a Python script, which could be uploaded to the node and executed via -remote utilities. - -The HBase hdfs directory can be fixed, it does not need to be configurable. For -example, it can be "/user/sahara-hbase-lib" or something similar. It should be -readable by the user that runs Hadoop jobs on the cluster. The EDP engine can -query this class for the location of the directory at runtime. - -An option can be added to cluster configs that controls the creation of this -hdfs library. The default for this option should be True. If the config option -is True, and the cluster is provisioned with an HBase service, then the hdfs -HBase library should be created after the hdfs service is up and running and -before the cluster is moved to "Active". - -A job needs to set the `oozie.libpath` value to reference the library. -Setting it directly presents a few problems: - -* the hdfs location needs to be known to the end user -* it exposes more "Oozie-ness" to the end user. A lot of "Oozie-ness" has - leaked into Sahara's interfaces already but there is no reason to - add to it. - -Instead, we should use an `edp.use_hbase_lib` boolean configuration -parameter to specify whether a job should use the HBase hdfs library. If this -configuration parameter is True, EDP can retrieve the hdfs location -from the utility class described above and set `oozie.libpath` accordingly. -Note that if for some reason an advanced user has already set `oozie.libpath` -to a value, the location of the HBase lib should be added to the value (which -may be a comma-separated list). - - -Alternatives ------------- - -* Do nothing. Let users make their own shared libraries. - -* Support Oozie Shell actions in Sahara. - - Shell actions are a much more general feature under consideration - for Sahara. Assuming they are supported, a Shell action provides - a way to launch a Java application from a script and the classpath - can be set directly without the need for an HBase hdfs library. - - Using a Shell action would allow a user to run a script. In a script - a user would have complete control over how to launch a Java application - and could set the classpath appropriately. - - The user experience would be a little different. Instead of just writing - a Java HBase application and launching it with `edp.use_hbase_lib` set to - True, a user would have to write a wrapper script and launch that as a - Shell action instead. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -We may want a simple checkbox option on the UI for Java actions -to set the `edp.use_hbase_libpath` config so that users don't need to -add it by hand. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - huichun - -Other contributors: - tmckay - - -Work Items ----------- - - -Dependencies -============ - - -Testing -======= - -An EDP integration test on a cluster with HBase installed would be great test -coverage for this since it involves cluster configuration. - -Unit tests can verify that the oozie.libpath is set correctly. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We need to document how to enable creation of the shared lib at cluster -creation time, and how to configure a job to reference it - - -References -========== - -Here is a good blog entry on Oozie shared libraries in general. - - http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/05/how-to-use-the-sharelib-in-apache-oozie-cdh-5/ - -Here is a simple script that can be used to create the lib:: - - #!/usr/bin/python - import sys - import os - import subprocess - - def main(): - subprocess.Popen("hadoop fs -mkdir %s" % sys.argv[1], shell=True).wait() - cp, stderr = subprocess.Popen("hbase classpath", - shell=True, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() - paths = cp.split(':') - for p in paths: - if p.endswith(".jar"): - print(p) - subprocess.Popen("hadoop fs -put %s %s" % (os.path.realpath(p), - sys.argv[1]), - shell=True).wait() - - if __name__ == "__main__": - main() diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-add-oozie-shell-action.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-add-oozie-shell-action.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 302f461..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-add-oozie-shell-action.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -[EDP] Add Oozie Shell Action job type -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-edp-shell-action - -Oozie shell actions provide a great deal of flexibility and will -empower users to easily customize and extend the features of -Sahara EDP as needed. For example, a shell action could be used -to manage hdfs on the cluster, do pre or post processing for -another job launched from Sahara, or run a data processing job -from a specialized launcher that does extra configuration not -otherwise available from Sahara (ie, setting a special classpath -for a Java job). - - -Problem description -=================== - -Today if a user finds a limitation in Sahara EDP that prevents them -from performing desired processing they have a few choices: - -* Log into the cluster nodes with ssh using the specified keypair - and perform processing by hand. This may not be available to all - users. - -* Write a Java application to do the custom processing and run it - as a Java job in EDP. This can work, however we as developers know - that Java is not often used as a scripting language; it's a little - too heavyweight and not everyone knows it. - -* Modify the Sahara source. A savvy user might extend Sahara EDP - themselves to get the desired functionality. However, not everyone - is a developer or has the time to understand Sahara enough to do this. - -* Submit a bug or a blueprint and wait for the Sahara team to address it. - -However, the existence of shell actions would empower users to easily -solve their own problems. With a shell action, a user can bundle files -with a script written in bash, Python, etc and execute it on the cluster. - -Here is a real-world example of a case that could be easily solved -with a shell action: - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-add-hbase-lib - -In the above blueprint we are calling for additional features in Sahara -as a convenience for users, but with a shell action a user could solve this -problem on their own. A simple bash script can be written to launch a Java -application like this: - -.. code:: - - #!/bin/bash - java -cp HBaseTest.jar:`hbase classpath` HBaseTest - -In this case a user would associate the script and the Java application -with the shell job as job binaries and Sahara would execute the script. - -In a similar case, Sahara EDP itself uses a Python wrapper around -spark-submit to run Spark jobs. A shell action makes these kinds of -launchers easily available to end users. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add a `Shell` job type that is implemented by the Oozie EDP engine. -(It is possible that other EDP engines, such as the Spark or Storm -engines, could share a basic shell command implementation for such -jobs but that would be another CR). - -Shell jobs can use the existing `mains` and `libs` fields in a job -execution. The script identified in `mains` will be the script that -Sahara runs and the files in `libs` will be supporting files bundled -in the working directory by Oozie. - -As with other job types, shell actions will support `configs` and -`args` passed in the existing `job_configs` field of a job execution. -Values in `configs` are specified in the Oozie workflow with -**** tags and will be available in a file created by Oozie. -The `args` are specified with the **** tag and will be passed -to the shell script in order of specification. - -In the reference section below there is a simple example of a shell -action workflow. There are three tags in the workflow that for Sahara's -purposes are unique to the `Shell` action and should be handled by -Sahara: - -* **script** - This identifies the command that should be executed by the shell action. - The value specified here will be the name of the script identified in - `mains`. - Technically, this can be any command on the path but it is probably - simpler if we require it to be a script. Based on some experimentation, - there are subtleties of path evaluation that can be avoided if a script - is run from the working directory - -* **support.jar** - This identifies a supporting file that will be included in the working - directory. There will be a tag for every file named in `libs` - as well as the script identified in `mains`. - - (Note that the tag can be used in Oozie in any workflow, but - currently Sahara does not implement it at all. It is necessary for the - shell action, which is why it's mentioned here. Whether or not to add - general support for tags in Sahara is a different discussion) - -* **NAME=VALUE** - The env-var tag sets a variable in the shell's environment. Most likely - we can use the existing `params` dictionary field in `job_configs` to - pass env-var values even if we want to label them as "environment - variables" in the UI. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change adds a new job type, but since job types are stored as strings -it should not have any data model impact. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Only a change in validation code for job type - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -There may be security considerations related to `Shell Action Caveats`, -bullet number 2, in the URL listed in the reference section. - -It is unclear whether or not in Sahara EDP the user who started the TaskTracker -is different than the user who submits a workflow. This needs investigation -- -how is Sahara authenticating to the Oozie client? What user is the Oozie -server using to deploy jobs? - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -We would need a new form for a Shell job type submission. The form should allow -specification of a main script, supporting libs, configuration values, -arguments, and environment variables (which are 100% analogous to params from -the perspective of the UI) - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Other contributors: - tmckay - -Work Items ----------- - -* Investigate user issue mentioned above (who is the user that runs - shell actions in Sahara and what are the implications?) -* Add a Shell job type and an implementation in the Oozie EDP engine - components under the `workflow_creator` directory -* Update job validation routines to handle the Shell job type -* Add an integration test for Shell jobs -* Update the EDP documentation to describe the Shell job type -* Add a UI form for Shell job submission - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -* Unit tests to cover creation of the Shell job -* Integration tests to cover running of a simple shell job - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The EDP sections of the documentation need updating - - -References -========== - -http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2013/03/how-to-use-oozie-shell-and-java-actions/ - -A simple Shell action workflow looks like this:: - - - - - - ${jobTracker} - ${nameNode} - - - mapred.job.queue.name - default - - - doit.sh - now - VERSION=3 - HBaseTest.jar - doit.sh - - - - - - oops! - - - diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-api-json-samples.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-api-json-samples.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9ab83af..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-api-json-samples.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -JSON sample files for the EDP API -================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-api-json-samples - -Provide sample JSON files for all EDP Sahara APIs to facilitate ease of -use by command-line users. - - -Problem description -=================== - -As an End User who prefers the Sahara CLI to its UI, I want a set of -pre-constructed example JSON payloads for the Sahara EDP API so that I can -easily learn the expected API signatures and modify them for my use. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Example JSON payloads will be added to the directory -``sahara/etc/edp-examples/json-api-examples/v1.1``, with a subpath for each -relevant manager (data_source, job, job_binary, job_binary_internals, and -job_execution.) It is intended that examples for future API versions will -follow this path structure. - -Each file will be named after the pattern: ``method_name.[variety.]json``, -where variety is optional and will be used to describe independently useful -variations in payloads for one method (as in varying engines underlying -data sources or processing jobs.) - -Alternatives ------------- - -A tool could conceivably be created to generate template payloads from the -jsonschemata themselves. However, as the core use of this change is to -provide immediately available, semantically valid payloads for ease of -adoption, it is proposed that providing raw examples will better meet the -perceived user need. - -It would also be possible to package these examples directly with the -python-saharaclient repository, an option which has much to recommend it. -However, as these examples are globally useful to any non-UI interface, -as they are reliant on the jsonschemata in the core repository for testing, -and as the extant etc/edp-examples path is a natural home for them, -placing them in the sahara repository itself seems indicated. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None, though it is intended that the payloads may be used via the -python-saharaclient. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Other contributors: - tmckay (primary review) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Payload generation: data_source -* Payload generation: job -* Payload generation: job_binary -* Payload generation: job_binary_internals -* Payload generation: job_execution -* Addition of schema validation unit tests for all the above. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -After discussion with croberts and tmckay, it is proposed that integration -testing is in this case unnecessary; these examples constitute documentation. -While exhaustive testing is possible in this case, the resultant bloat of -the CI build would be disproportionate to the utility of the change. - -Unit testing will validate that these resources pass schema validation for -their intended APIs. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This task is itself a documentation effort. A README.rst will be provided -in place, in keeping with pre-existent etc/edp-examples. - - -References -========== - -* https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-summit-sahara-edp diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-data-sources-in-job-configs.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-data-sources-in-job-configs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 904f5d5..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-data-sources-in-job-configs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================== -[EDP] Add options supporting DataSource identifiers in job_configs -================================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-data-sources-in-job-configs - -In some cases it would be convenient if users had a way to pass a DataSource -object as a job configuration value to take advantage of the data codified in -the object instead of copying and specifying that information manually. This -specification describes options that allow users to reference DataSource -objects in configuration values, parameters, and arguments in a JobExecution -record. - - -Problem description -=================== - -With the exception of Java and Spark all job types in Sahara take a single -input DataSource object and a single output DataSource object. The DataSource -object ids are passed as part of a job execution request and Sahara configures -the job based on the information in the objects. Sahara assumes that jobs at -runtime will consume the path information using a fixed set of parameters and -configuration values. This works well in the general case for the constrained -job types supported by Oozie/hadoop (Hive, Pig, MapReduce) but there are cases -where DataSource objects currently may not be used: - -* Java and Spark job types do not require DataSources since they have - no fixed arg list. Currently input and output paths must be specified as URLs - in the ``args`` list inside of ``job_configs`` and authentication configs - must be manually specified. - -* Hive, Pig, and MapReduce jobs which use multiple input or output paths or - consume paths through custom parameters require manual configuration. - Additional paths or special configuration parameters (ie anything outside - of Sahara's assumptions) require manual specification in the ``args``, - ``params``, or ``configs`` elements inside of ``job_configs``. - -Allowing DataSources to be referenced in ``job_configs`` is an incremental -improvement that gives users the option of easily using DataSource objects in -the above cases to specify IO. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add optional boolean config values on a JobExecution that cause Sahara to -to treat values in ``job_configs`` as potential names or uuids of DataSource -objects. This applies to configuration values, parameters, and arguments -for all job types for maximum flexibility -- Hive and Pig jobs use parameters -to pass values, MapReduce uses configuration values, and Java and Spark use -arguments. - -If Sahara resolves a value to the name or uuid of a DataSource it will -substitute the path information from the DataSource for the value and update -the job configuration as necessary to support authentication. If a value does -not resolve to a DataSource name or uuid value, the original value will be -used. - -Note that the substitution will occur during submission of the job to the -cluster but will *not* alter the original JobExecution. This means that if -a user relaunches a JobExecution or examines it, the original values will be -present. - -The following non mutually exclusive configuration values will control this -feature: - -* edp.substitue_data_source_for_name (bool, default False) - - Any value in the ``args`` list, ``configs`` dict, or ``params`` dict in - ``job_configs`` may be the name of a DataSource object. - -* edp.substitute_data_source_for_uuid (bool, default False) - - Any value in the ``args`` list, ``configs`` dict or ``params`` dict in - ``job_configs`` may be the uuid of a DataSource object. - -This change will be usable from all interfaces: client, CLI, and UI. The UI may -choose to wrap the feature in some way but it is not required. A user could -simply specify the config options and the DataSource identifiers on the job -execution configuration panel. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -A slightly different approach could be taken in which DataSource names or uuids -are prepended with a prefix to identify them. This would eliminate the need for -config values to turn the feature on and would allow individual values to be -looked up rather than all values. It would be unambiguous but may hurt -readability or be unclear to new users. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None required. However, I can imagine that the UI might benefit from some -simple tooling around this feature, like checkboxes to enable the feature -on a Spark or Java job submission panel. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - - -Other contributors: - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Support in Sahara -* Document -* Support in the UI (optional, it will work without additional work) - -Dependencies -============ - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We will need to document this in the sections covering submission of jobs -to Sahara - - -References -========== diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-hive-vanilla-swift.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-hive-vanilla-swift.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 22b9ccd..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-hive-vanilla-swift.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================= -Enable Swift resident Hive tables for EDP with the vanilla plugin -================================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-hive-vanilla-swift - -vanilla1 plugin supports Hive but Hive can't access Swift. -vanilla2 plugin not supports Hive. -This proposal aims that Hive can process the table that stored in Swift -and add hive support to vanilla2 plugin. - - -Problem description -=================== - -When Hive processes table that stored in Swift, `hiveserver` has to -access Swift. But `hiveserver` cannot read SwiftFS configuration from -Hive query. `hiveserver` reads configurations from xml files only -(core-site.xml/hive-site.xml). -Therefore `hiveserver` doesn't know the authentication info and can't access -Swift. - -In vanilla2 plugin, doesn't implemented hive support code. - -Proposed change -=============== - -`hiveserver` reads configuration at startup time only and doesn't read -configuration by hive query. Therefore sahara have to pass the swift -authentication info to `hiveserver` through hive-site.xml before -launching `hiveserver`. - -When Hive enabled cluster created, Sahara creates keystone TRUST and Swift -proxy user (cluster-scope). And Sahara writes swift proxy user and TRUST to -hive-site.xml before `hiveserver` started. - -This will enable `hiveserver` to read a authentication info at startup-time. -And when hive query arrived, `hiveserver` can access the swift with -cluster-scoped TRUST. - -When cluster terminated, Sahara removes TRUST and proxy user before cluster's -database entry removed. If error on removing a TRUST, cluster goes error status -and not removed. Therefore there is no orphaned proxy user. - -In vanilla2 plugin, implement hive support code in reference to vanilla1. - -Alternatives ------------- - -1. Adds auth config field (`fs.swift.service.sahara.username`, -`fs.swift.service.sahara.password`) to hive-default.xml. -And end-user inputs username/password for cluster configurations. -I think this alternative is very inconvenience. - -2. Fix hive-server to read a configuration from hive query. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Database schema: No change - -Cluster config: Change. But no affects others - cluster-config is dict. Adds internal key and stores swift proxy user info - and TRUST-id. This key doesn't send to client. - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - k.oikw (Kazuki OIKAWA) - -Other contributors: - None - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement proxy user / TRUST creation feature when cluster creates -* Implementation of sanitizing cluster-config -* Implementation of writing proxy user and TRUST to hive-site.xml -* Implement hive support code in vanilla2 - - -Dependencies -============ - -* https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-swift-trust-authentication - - -Testing -======= - -We will add a integration test. This test checks whether Hive can process the -table that stored in the swift executes successfully. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-improve-compatibility.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-improve-compatibility.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 65e4315..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-improve-compatibility.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -========================================== -[EDP] Improve Java type compatibility -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-improve-compatibility - -Currently, EDP MapReduce (Java type) examples must add modifications -to be able to use from a java action in an Oozie workflow. - -This bp aims that users can migrate from other Hadoop cluster to Sahara -without any modifications into their applications. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Users need to modify their MapReduce programs as below: - -* Add `conf.addResource` in order to read configuration values from - the `` tag specified in the Oozie workflow:: - - // This will add properties from the tag specified - // in the Oozie workflow. For java actions, Oozie writes the - // configuration values to a file pointed to by ooze.action.conf.xml - conf.addResource(new Path("file:///", - System.getProperty("oozie.action.conf.xml"))); - -* Eliminate `System.exit` for following restrictions of Oozie's Java - action. - e.g. `hadoop-examples.jar` bundled with Apache Hadoop has been used - `System.exit`. - -First, users would try to launch jobs using examples and/or -some applications executed on other Hadoop clusters (e.g. Amazon EMR). -We should support the above users. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -We will provide a new job type, called Java EDP Action, which overrides -the Main class specified by `main_class`. -The overriding class adds property and calls the original main method. -The class also catches an exception that is caused by `System.exit`. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -According to Oozie docs, Oozie 4.0 or later provides the way of overriding -an action's Main class ( -The proposing implementation is more simple than using the Oozie feature. -(We will implement this without any dependencies of Oozie library.) - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users will no longer need to modify their applications to use EDP. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -sahara-dashboard / horizon needs to add this new job type. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: Kazuki Oikawa (k.oikw) - -Other contributors: Yuji Yamada (yamada-yuji) - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add new job type (`Java.EDP`) - - * `Java.EDP` will be subtype of `Java` - - * Implement of uploading jar file of overriding class to HDFS - - * Implement of creating the `workflow.xml` - -* Implement the overriding class - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -We will add a integration test. -This test checks whether WordCount example bundled with Apache Hadoop -executes successfully. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -If EDP examples use this feature, the docs need to update. - - -References -========== - -* Java action in Oozie http://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.0.0/WorkflowFunctionalSpec.html#a3.2.7_Java_Action diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-job-types-endpoint.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-job-types-endpoint.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 10b0382..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-job-types-endpoint.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,501 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================== -[EDP] Add a new job-types endpoint -================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-job-types-endpoint - -Add a new job-types endpoint that can report all supported job types for -a Sahara instance and which plugins support them. - -Problem description -=================== - -There are currently two problems around job types in Sahara that impact -user experience: - -* The current */jobs/config-hints/* endpoint is not adequate for - providing configuration hints because it does not take into account plugin - type or the framework version. This endpoint was meant to give users a list - of likely configuration values for a job that they may want to modify - (at one point the UI incorporated the hints as well). Although some config is - common across multiple plugins, hints need to be specific to the plugin and - the framework version in order to be useful. The endpoint does not take - a cluster or plugin argument and so hints must be general. - -* A user currently has no indicator of the job types that are actually - available from a Sahara instance (the UI lists them all). The set of - valid job types is based on the plugins loaded for the current instance. - Furthermore, not all job types will be available to run on all - clusters launched by the user because they are plugin dependent. - -These problems should be solved without breaking backward compatibility in -the REST API. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add a new endpoint that will indicate for the running Sahara instance -which job types are supported by which versions of which plugins. -Optionally, plugin-and-version-specific config hints will be included -for each supported job type. - -Because config hints can be very long, they will not be included in a -response by default. A query string parameter will be used to indicate -that they should be included. - -The endpoint will support the following optional query strings for filtering. -Each may be used more than once to query over a list of values, for example -`type=Pig&type=Java`: - -* **type** - A job type to consider. Default is all job types. - -* **plugin** - A plugin to consider. Default is all plugins. - -* **version** - A plugin version to consider. Default is all versions. - -The REST API method is specified in detail below under *REST API impact*. - -We will need two new optional methods in the `Plugin SPI`. This information -ultimately comes from the EDP engine(s) used by a plugin but we do -not want to actually allocate an EDP engine object for this so the -existing **get_edp_engine()** will not suffice (and besides, it requires -a cluster object):: - - @abc.abstractmethod - def get_edp_job_types(self, versions=[]): - return [] - - @abc.abstractmethod - def get_edp_config_hints(self, job_type, version): - return {} - -These specific methods are mentioned here because they represent a -change to the public `Plugin SPI`. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Fix the existing */jobs/config-hints* endpoint to take a cluster id or a -plugin-version pair and return appropriate config hints. However, this -would break backward compatibility. - -Still add an additional endpoint to retrieve the supported job types -for the Sahara instance separate from config hints. - -However, it makes more sense to deprecate the current config-hints interface -and add the new endpoint which serves both purposes. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Backward compatibility will be maintained since this is a new endpoint. - -**GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-types** - -Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) - -Errors: none - -Indicate which job types are supported by which versions -of which plugins in the current instance. - -**Example** - **request** - - .. sourcecode:: text - - GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/job-types - - **response** - - .. sourcecode:: http - - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - Content-Type: application/json - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "job_types": [ - { - "name": "Hive", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin.", - "name": "vanilla", - "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", - "versions": { - "1.2.1": {} - } - }, - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": {}, - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "Java", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin.", - "name": "vanilla", - "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", - "versions": { - "1.2.1": {} - } - }, - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": {}, - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "MapReduce", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin.", - "name": "vanilla", - "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", - "versions": { - "1.2.1": {} - } - }, - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": {}, - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "MapReduce.Streaming", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin.", - "name": "vanilla", - "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", - "versions": { - "1.2.1": {} - } - }, - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": {}, - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "Pig", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Apache Vanilla plugin.", - "name": "vanilla", - "title": "Vanilla Apache Hadoop", - "versions": { - "1.2.1": {} - } - }, - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": {}, - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - } - ] - } - -The job-types endpoint returns a list. Each item in the list is -a dictionary describing a job type that is supported by the -running Sahara. Notice for example that the *Spark* job type is missing. - -Each job type dictionary contains the name of the job type and -a list of plugins that support it. - -For each plugin, we include the basic identifying information and then -a `versions` dictionary. Each entry in the versions dictionary has -the name of the version as the key and the corresponding config hints -as the value. Since this example did not request config hints, the -dictionaries are empty. - -Here is an example of a request that uses the plugin and version filters: - -**Example** - **request** - - .. sourcecode:: text - - GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/job-types?plugin=hdp&version=2.0.6 - - **response** - - .. sourcecode:: http - - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - Content-Type: application/json - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "job_types": [ - { - "name": "Hive", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "Java", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "MapReduce", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "MapReduce.Streaming", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - }, - { - "name": "Pig", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "2.0.6": {} - } - } - ] - } - ] - } - - -Here is another example that enables config hints and also filters by plugin, -version, and job type. - -**Example** - **request** - - .. sourcecode:: text - - GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/job-types?hints=true&plugin=hdp&version=1.3.2&type=Hive - - **response** - - .. sourcecode:: http - - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - Content-Type: application/json - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "job_types": [ - { - "name": "Hive", - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "The Hortonworks Sahara plugin.", - "name": "hdp", - "title": "Hortonworks Data Platform", - "versions": { - "1.3.2": { - "job_config": { - "args": {}, - "configs": [ - { - "description": "Reduce tasks.", - "name": "mapred.reduce.tasks", - "value": "-1" - } - ], - "params": {} - } - } - } - } - ] - } - ] - } - - -This is an abbreviated example that shows imaginary config hints. - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The python-saharaclient should be extended to support this as well: - -.. code:: - - $ sahara job-types-list [--type] [--plugin [--plugin-version]] - -Output should look like this (not sure where else to specify this): - -.. code:: - - +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ - | name | plugin(versions) | - +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ - | Hive | vanilla(1.2.1), hdp(1.3.2, 2.0.6) | - | Java | vanilla(1.2.1), hdp(1.3.2, 2.0.6) | - | MapReduce | vanilla(1.2.1), hdp(1.3.2, 2.0.6) | - | MapReduce.Streaming | vanilla(1.2.1), hdp(1.3.2, 2.0.6) | - | Pig | vanilla(1.2.1), hdp(1.3.2, 2.0.6) | - +---------------------+-----------------------------------+ - - -Since config hints can return so much information, and description -fields for instance can contain so much text, how to support -config hints through the python-saharaclient is TBD. - -As noted above, the `Plugin SPI` will be extended with optional -methods. Existing plugins that support EDP will be modified as -part of this change. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -The UI will be able to take advantage of this information -and filter the job types available to the user on the forms. -It will also be able to make use of config hints. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tmckay - -Other contributors: - none - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add basic endpoint support with optional methods in the plugin SPI - -* Implement the methods for each plugin that supports EDP - This can be done as a series of separate small CRs - -* Add support to python-saharaclient -* Update documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -* Unit tests -* Tempest tests for API - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -It should be added to the REST API doc. - - -References -========== - diff --git a/specs/kilo/edp-spark-swift-integration.rst b/specs/kilo/edp-spark-swift-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e864ea3..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/edp-spark-swift-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -Enable Spark jobs to access Swift URL -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-spark-swift-integration - -Spark uses Hadoop filesystem libraries to dereference input and output URLs. -Consequently, Spark can access Swift filesystem URLs if the Hadoop Swift JAR -is included in the image and a Spark job’s Hadoop configuration includes the -necessary Swift credentials. This specification describes a method of -transparently adding Swift credentials to the Hadoop configuration of a Spark -job so that the job source code does not need to be altered and recompiled to -access Swift URLs. - -Problem description -=================== - -Spark jobs may access Swift URLs assuming the cluster image includes the -Hadoop Swift JAR. To do this, the job’s Hadoop configuration must include the -necessary Swift credentials (`fs.swift.service.sahara.username` and -`fs.swift.service.sahara.password`, for example). - -As with Oozie Java actions, job source code may be modified and recompiled to -add the necessary configuration values to the job’s Hadoop configuration. -However, this means that a Spark job which runs successfully with HDFS input -and output sources cannot be used "as is" with Swift input and output sources. - -Sahara should allow users to run Spark jobs with Swift input and output -sources without altering job source code. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change follows the approach developed by Kazuki Oikawa in -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-improve-compatibility for -Java compatibility. - -A new configuration value will be added to Sahara, `edp.spark.adapt_for_swift`. -If this configuration value is set to True on a Spark job, Sahara will run a -wrapper class (SparkWrapper) instead of the original class indicated by the -job. The default for this configuration value will be False. - -Sahara will generate a `spark.xml` file containing the necessary Swift -credentials as Hadoop configuration values. This XML file will be uploaded to -the master node with the JAR containing the SparkWrapper class, along with the -other files normally needed to execute a Spark job. - -Sahara’s Spark launcher script will run the SparkWrapper class instead of the -job’s designated main class. The launcher will pass the name of the XML -configuration file to SparkWrapper at runtime, followed by the name of the -original class and any job arguments. SparkWrapper will add this XML file to -the default Hadoop resource list in the job's configuration before invoking the -original class with any arguments. - -When the job’s main class is run, it’s default Hadoop configuration will -contain the specified Swift credentials. - -The permissions of the job dir on the master node will be set to 0x700. This -will prevent users other than the job dir owner from reading the Swift values -from the configuration file. - -The sources for the SparkWrapper class will be located in the -sahara-extra repository under the `edp-adapt-for-spark` directory. -This directory will contain a `pom.xml` so that the JAR may be built -with maven. Maintenance should be light since the SparkWrapper class is -so simple; it is not expected to change unless the Hadoop Configuration class -itself changes. - -Currently, the plan is to build the JAR as needed and release it with -Sahara in `service/edp/resources/edp-spark-wrapper.jar`. Alternatively, the -JAR could be hosted publically and added to Sahara images as an element. - -Alternatives ------------- - -There is no known way to supply Swift credentials to the Hadoop filesystem -libraries currently other than through configuration values. Additionally, -there is no way to add values to the Hadoop configuration transparently other -than through configuration files. - -This does present some security risk, but it is no greater than the risk -already presented by Oozie jobs that include Swift credentials. In fact, this -is probably safer since a user must have direct access to the job directory to -read the credentials written by Sahara. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -The DIB image for Spark will need to change to include the Hadoop Swift JAR. -There is an existing element for this, this is trivial. - -Additionally, we still need a solution to a compatibility issue with the -`jackson-mapper-asl.jar.` - -This can be patched by including an additional JAR on the cluster nodes, so we -can conceivably bundle the extra jar with the Spark image as a patch. -Alternatively, the issue might be resolved by upgrading the CDH version (or -Spark assembly version) used in the image. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -The Spark job submission form should have an input (checkbox?) which allows a -user to set `edp.spark.adapt_for_swift` to True. Default should be False. - -We don’t want to assume that just because Swift paths are passed as arguments -to a Spark job that Sahara should run the wrapper. The job itself may handle -the Swift paths in its own way. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: tmckay - -Other contributors: croberts - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a simple SparkWrapper class. - This is different than the wrapper class developed for Oozie Java actions. - -* Update Spark image to include the Hadoop Openstack JAR -* Find a solution to the jackson issue -* Update the UI - -* Implement handling of the `edp.spark.adapt_for_swift` option in Sahara. - This includes generation and upload of the extra XML file, upload of the - additional utility jar, and alteration of the command generated to invoke - spark-submit - -* Updated node configuration - All nodes in the cluster should include the Hadoop `core-site.xml` with - general Swift filesystem configuration. Additionally, spark-env.sh should - point to the Hadoop `core-site.xml` so that Spark picks up the Swift configs - and `spark-defaults.conf` needs to set up the executor classpath. These - changes will allow a user to run Spark jobs with Swift paths manually using - `spark-submit` from any node in the cluster should they so choose. - -Dependencies -============ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-improve-compatibility - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests and integration tests for Spark jobs will identify any regressions -introduced by this change. - -Once we have Spark images with all necessary elements included, we can -add an integration test for Spark with Swift URLs. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Any user docs describing job submission should be updated to cover the new -option for Spark jobs. - -References -========== diff --git a/specs/kilo/event-log.rst b/specs/kilo/event-log.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 10bfc3b..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/event-log.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,348 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================== -Storage of recently logged events for clusters -============================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/event-log - -This specification proposes to add event logs assigned to cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -It will be more user friendly have event log assigned to cluster. -In this case users will have the ability to see the steps performed to deploy -a cluster. If there is an issue with their cluster, users will be able to see -the reasons for the issues in the UI and won't be required to read the Sahara -logs. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The new feature will provide the following ability: - -* For each cluster there will be an event log assigned to it. The deployer - will have the ability to see it in Horizon. In that case the user will have - the ability to see all the steps for the cluster deploying. -* The deployer will have the ability to see the current progress of cluster - provisioning. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change will require to write event log messages to the database. -It's good idea to store events messages in database in similar -manner, in which we store cluster data, node groups data and so on. - -Plugins should provide a list of provisioning steps and be able to report -status of the current step. All steps should be performed in linear series, -and we will store events only for the current step. All completed steps should -have the duration time stored in the database. There are no reasons to store -events for successfully completed steps, so they will be dropped periodically. - -If an error occurs while provisioning cluster we will have error events saved -for the current step. Also we should store for each error event error_id, -which would help for admins to determine reasons of failures in sahara logs. - -We should have new a database object called ClusterEvent, which will have the -following fields: - -* node_group_id; -* instance_id; -* instance_name; -* event_info; -* successful; -* provision_step_id; -* id; -* created at; -* updated at; - -Also we should have a new database object called ClusterProvisionStep, -which will have the following fields: - -* id; -* cluster_id; -* step_name; -* step_type; -* completed; -* total; -* successful; -* started_at; -* completed_at; -* created_at; -* updated_at; - -Fields ``step_name`` and ``step_type`` will contain detail info about step. -``step_name`` will contain description of the step, for example -``Waiting for ssh`` or ``Launching instances``. ``step_type`` will -contain info about related process of this step. For example, if we -creating new cluster this field will contain ``creating`` and for -scaling some cluster this field will contain ``scaling``. -So, possible values of this field will be ``creating``, ``scaling``, -``deleting``. Also we should add ability to get main provisioning steps from -Plugin SPI for each ``step_type`` as dictionary. For example, expected -return value: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "creating": [ - "Launching instances", - "Waiting for ssh", - .... - ] - "scaling": [ - .... - ] - "deleting": [ - .... - ] - } - -.. - -Cluster should have new field: -* provisioning_progress - -This field will contain list with provisioning steps, which should provide -ability to get info about provisioning steps from cluster. We should update -this list with new steps every time we start new process with cluster -(creating/scaling/deleting). Provision steps should updated both from plugin -and infra, because some steps are same for all clusters. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Existing GET request for a cluster should be updated with completed steps -info, and short info for the current step. For example, we will have -following response: "Launching instances completed 1000 out of 1000 in 10 -minutes", "Trying ssh completed: 59 out of 1000". Also response should be -sorted by increasing of value ``created_at``. - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "cluster": { - "status": "Waiting", - .... - "provisioning_progress": [ - { - "id": "1", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "step_name": "Launching instances", - "step_type": "creating", - "completed": 1000, - "total": 1000, - "successful": "True", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "started_at": 36000000, - "completed_at": 18000000, - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - }, - { - "id": "2", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "step_name": "Waiting for ssh", - "step_type": "creating", - "completed": 59, - "total": 1000, - "successful": None, - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "started_at": 18000000, - "completed_at": None, - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - } - ] - .... - } - } - -.. - -In case of errors: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "cluster": { - "status": "Waiting", - .... - "provisioning_progress": [ - { - "id": "1", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "step_name": "Launching instances", - "step_type": "creating", - "completed": 1000, - "total": 1000, - "successful": "True", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "started_at": 36000000, - "completed_at": 18000000, - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - }, - { - "id": "2", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "step_name": "Waiting for ssh", - "step_type": "creating", - "completed": 59, - "total": 1000, - "successful": False, - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "started_at": 18000000, - "completed_at": None, - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - } - ] - .... - } - } - -.. - -Also in these cases we will have events stored in database from which we can -debug cluster problems. -Because first steps of cluster provision are same, then for these steps -infra should update ``provisioning_progress`` field. Also for all -plugin-related steps plugin should update ``provisioning_progress`` field. -So, new cluster field should be updated both from infra and plugin. - -New endpoint should be added to get details of the current provisioning step: -GET /v1.1//clusters//progress - -The expected response should looks like: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "events": [ - { - 'node_group_id': "ee258cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_id': "ss678cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_name': "cluster-namenode-001", - 'provisioning_step_id': '1', - 'event_info': None, - 'successful': True, - 'id': "ss678cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18eeee", - 'created_at': "2014-10-29 12:36:59.329034", - }, - { - 'cluster_id': "d2498cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'node_group_id': "ee258www-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_id': "ss678www-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_name': "cluster-datanode-001", - 'provisioning_step_id': '1', - 'event_info': None, - 'successful': True, - 'id': "ss678cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18eeee", - 'created_at': "2014-10-29 12:36:59.329034", - }, - { - 'cluster_id': "d2498cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'node_group_id': "ee258www-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_id': "ss678www-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'instance_name': "cluster-datanode-001", - 'provisioning_step_id': '2', - 'event_info': "Trying to access failed: reason in sahara logs - by id ss678www-4589-484a-a814-81436c18beb3", - 'successful': False, - 'id': "ss678cbf-4589-484a-a814-81436c18eeee", - 'created_at': "2014-10-29 12:36:59.329034", - }, - ] - } - -.. - -Event info for the failed step will contain the traceback of an error. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -This change will takes immediate effect after it is merged. -Also it is a good idea to have ability to disable event log from -configuration. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -This change will add section in Horizon at page with event logs -/data_processing/clusters/cluster_id. -At this page it will be possible to see main provisioning steps, -and current progress of all of it. -Also we would have an ability to see events of current provisioning -step. In case of errors we will be able to see all events of the current -step and main reasons of failures. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Other contributors: - slukjanov, alazarev, nkonovalov - -Work Items ----------- - -This feature require following modifications: - * Add ability to get info about main steps of provisioning cluster from - plugin; - * Add ability to view progress of current provisioning step; - * Add ability to specify events to current cluster and current step; - * Add periodic task to erase redundant events from previous step; - * Add ability to view events about current step of cluster provisioning; - * Sahara docs should be updated with some use cases of this feature; - * Saharaclient should be modified with new REST API feature; - * New cluster tab with events in Horizon should be implemented; - * Add unit test to test new features of events. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements - -Testing -======= - -As written in Work Items section this feature will require unit tests - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -As written in Work Items section this feature will require docs updating -with some use cases of feature - -References -========== - diff --git a/specs/kilo/exceptions-improvement.rst b/specs/kilo/exceptions-improvement.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d9e7e34..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/exceptions-improvement.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Exceptions improvement -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/exceptions-improvement - -This specification proposes to add identifiers for every raised Sahara -exception, so that they can be easily found in logs. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now it's hard to find an error in logs, especially if there are a lot of -errors of the same type which occurs when a lot of operations are executed -simultaneously. They can produce a bunch of similar exceptions (error code -doesn't help in this kind of situation). - -It would be nice to have an opportunity to find exceptions by unique -identifiers. This identifiers will be found in Horizon tab with events that -will be implemented in this spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/119052/. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Support Features: - -* Every error that has been raised during the workflow will have, besides of - error message, uuid property, whereby error can be found in logs easily. - -For example, NotFoundException will leave in logs: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - NotFoundException: Error ID: 7a229eda-f630-4153-be03-d71d6467f2f4 - Object 'object' is not found - -.. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Other contributors: - sreshetniak - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability to generate unique identifiers for SaharaException class -* Change messages of Sahara exceptions so that all of them contain - identifier. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/first-run-api-usage.rst b/specs/kilo/first-run-api-usage.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ac3a642..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/first-run-api-usage.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Use first_run to One-step Start Cluster -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/first-run-api-usage - -This specification proposes to use cm_api method first_run to start cluster -for CDH plugin in Sahara, instead of current a batch of methods. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now in CDH plugin method start_cluster, a lot of methods defined in -cloudera_utils.py is used to configure/prepare services to be started. Those -methods include cm_api methods in their body, and check the return status. -E.g., cu.format_namenode will call cm_api ApiService.format_hdfs. - -However, this way is not preferred by Cloudera. The much easier way is using -a single method first_run to most of those work. In fact, in Cloudera Manager -first_run is also used to do the final step of deploying a cluster. - -Changing current start_cluster codes into using first_run method will benefit -by: - -* Leave work up to Cloudera Manager to itself, instead of manually doing it. -* Simplify the work of adding more service support. -* Avoid possible errors generated by future CM changes. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation will change start_cluster to call first_run, and remove the -other part of work can be done by first_run from the method body. - -For detail, it will be like following: - -In deploy.py, possible start_cluster method may be like:: - - def start_cluster(cluster): - cm_cluster = cu.get_cloudera_cluster(cluster) - """ some pre codes """ - cu.first_run(cluster) - """ some post codes """ - -Current methods used to configure CDH components, like _configure_spark, -_install_extjs, and most part of start_cluster body can be removed. - -In cloudera_utils.py, first_run can be defined as (just for example):: - - @cloudera_cmd - def first_run(cluster): - cm_cluster = get_cloudera_cluster(cluster) - yield cm_cluster.first_run() - -Methods for configuring CDH components, like create_yarn_job_history_dir, -create_oozie_db, install_oozie_sharelib, create_hive_metastore_db, -create_hive_dirs can be removed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Current way works at this stage, but it increases complexity of coding work to -add more services support to CDH plugin. And, when CM is upgraded in the -future, the correctness of current codes cannot be assured. At the end, the -first_run method to start services is recommended by Cloudera. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -It will be easier for developers to add more CDH services support. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ken chen - -Other contributors: - ken chen - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will be: - -* Change current deploy.py and cloudera_utils.py in the way above. -* Test and evaluate the change. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Take an integration test to create a cluster. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/hdp-plugin-enable-hdfs-ha.rst b/specs/kilo/hdp-plugin-enable-hdfs-ha.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 516124b..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/hdp-plugin-enable-hdfs-ha.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================================ -Enable HDFS NameNode High Availability with HDP 2.0.6 plugin -============================================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/hdp-plugin-enable-hdfs-ha - -Extend HDP 2.0.6 plugin to include the setup and configuration of the HDFS -NameNode High Availability after creating, configuring and starting the -cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -Hadoop clusters are created with a single NameNode which represents a SPOF -(Single Point Of Failure). If the NameNode becomes unavailable, the whole -cluster becomes unavailable and we have to wait for the NameNode to come back -up before using the cluster again. NameNode High Availability was introduced in -Hadoop 2.0.0 and integrated into HDP as of the 2.0.0 release. The High -Availability is achieved by having 2 NameNodes, an active NameNode and a stand -by one. When the active fails the standby steps in and act as the cluster's -NameNode. NameNode's High Availability can be configured manually on clusters -deployed with HDP 2.0.6 plugin in Sahara through Ambari, but the process is -long, tedious and error prone. - -End users might not have the necessary skills required to setup the High -Availability and deployers might prefer to deploy highly available clusters -without manually configuring each one. - -HDFS NameNode High Availability (Using Quorum Journal Manager (QJM)) uses -Journal nodes to share HDFS edits between the active and the standby -namenodes. The journal nodes ensure that the two namenodes have the same set of -HDFS edits, but do not ensure the automatic failover. The automatic failover -requires Zookeeper servers and Zookeeper Failover Controllers (ZKFC). A -typical cluster with HDFS NameNode High Availability uses at least three (or a -an odd number greater than three) journal nodes and a zookeeper cluster with -three or five zookeeper servers. The Zookeeper Failover Controllers are -installed on the servers acting as active and standby namenodes. The setup -removes the secondary namenode (which is usually installed on a different -server than the one hosting the namenode) and installs a second namenode -process. The journal nodes and zookeeper servers can be installed on the same -servers running the active and standby (old secondary namenode) namenodes. This -leaves us with 2 journal nodes and 2 zookeeper servers. An additional server is -all what's needed with journal node and zookeeper server to setup a minimally -viable Hadoop cluster with HDFS NameNode High Availability. (For more info : -http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.3.0/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/HDFSHighAvailabilityWithQJM.html) - -Proposed change -=============== - -The 'Create Node Group Template' wizard will introduce a new process -'JOURNALNODE' to the list of available processes for HDP 2.0.6 plugin. Other -processes necessary for HDFS HA are either already included in the list -(NAMENODE, ZOOKEEPER_SERVER and SECONDARY_NAMENODE) or will be automatically -setup (Zookeeper Failover Controllers). - -The 'Launch Cluster' wizard for HDP 2.0.6 plugin will include a checkbox -'Enable HDFS HA'. This option will default to False and will be added to the -cluster object. - -The verification code will verify the necessary requirements for a Hadoop -cluster and a set of additional requirements in the case where 'Enable HDFS HA' -is set to True. The requirements include : NAMENODE and SECONDARY_NAMENODE on -different servers At least three journal nodes on different servers At least -three zookeeper servers on different servers - -Upon successful validation the cluster will be created and once it's in the -'Active' state Availability' and if 'Enable HDFS HA' is True the service will -instruct the plugin to start configuring the NameNode High Availability. The -cluster will be set in 'Configuring HDFS HA' state and the plugin will start -the configuration procedure. The procedure starts by the plugin stopping all -the services and executing some preparation commands on the server with the -namenode process (through the hadoopserver objects). Then the plugin installs -and starts the journal nodes using Ambari REST API (POST, PUT, WAIT ASYNC). -Next the configuration is updated using Ambari REST API (PUT), other services -including Hive, Oozie and Hue might require configuration update if they are -installed. Finally some more remote commands are executed on the namenodes and -the Zookeeper Failover Controllers are installed and started and the -SECONDARY_NAMENODE process is deleted. The plugin will return and the cluster -will be set back in the 'Active' state. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Manual setup through Ambari web interface - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers of subsequent versions of the HDP plugin should take into account -this option and the added functionality. The procedure is not likely to change -in newer versions of HDP as it uses Ambari's API which stays intact with newer -versions. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -A checkbox 'Enable HDFS HA' in the 'Launch Cluster' wizard when the user -chooses HDP 2.0.6 plugin. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - abbass-marouni - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a new attribute to cluster-level configs to indicate whether HA is - enabled or not. -* Add new service classes to HDP 2.0.6 for Journal nodes and Zookeeper Failover - Controllers -* Add new remote methods to hdp hadoopserver.py for remote commands -* Add new methods to generate new configurations according to cluster - configuration - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit Test service classes -Unit Test new cluster specs -Integration Test cluster creation with HA -Integration Test cluster creation without HA - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Update documentation to reflect new changes and to explain new options. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/indirect-vm-access.rst b/specs/kilo/indirect-vm-access.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1b09ede..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/indirect-vm-access.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -====================== -Indirect access to VMs -====================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/indirect-vm-access - -This blueprint proposes one more way for Sahara to manage VMs. Management -could be done via VM that works as proxy node. In this case access -from controller should be given for one VM only. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently there are several ways to give Sahara access to VMs: - -1. flat private network - - * not secure - * doesn't work with neutron - -2. floating IPs - - * all nodes need to have floating IPs - - - floating IPs are limited resource - - floating IPs are usually for external world, not for access from - controller - - * all nodes need to be accessible from controller nodes - - - it is more complicated in HA mode - - * access to data nodes should be secure - -3. net_ns - - * hard to configure - * can be inappropriate - * doesn't work in HA mode - -5. tenant-specific proxy node (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131142/) - - * proxy setting is for the whole system (template based) - * proxy can't be configured for a specific cluster - * proxy node needs to be spawned and configured manually - -4. agents - - * not implemented yet - * require external message queue accessible from VMs and controllers - * require maintenance of agents - -So, there can be cases when none of listed approaches work. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This blueprint proposes one more way to access VMs by Sahara. -Sahara will use one of spawned VMs as proxy node and gain access to all other -nodes through it. Access to VM that has proxy node role could be gained using -any of methods above. - -Sahara will understand which node to use as a proxy node by "is_proxy" field -of nodegroup. If this nodegroup contains several instances the first one will -be used as proxy (this leaves space for load balancing). - -So, proposed workflow: - -1. Nodegoup object is extended with "is_proxy" field, horizon is changed - accordingly. -2. User selects "is_proxy" checkbox for one of node groups (manager, master or - separate one). If proxy is used for separate node group it could be with - really small flavor. -3. Sahara spawns all infrastructure -4. Sahara communicates with all instances via node with proxy role. Internal - IPs are used for communication. This removes restriction that all nodes - must have floating IP in case if floating network used for management. In - case with proxy node this restriction will be applied to proxy node only. - -Pros: - -1. we need external access to only one VM. -2. data nodes could be isolated - -Cons: - -1. Indirect access could be slower. -2. Loss of proxy means loss of access to entire cluster. Intellectual - selection is possible, but not planned for the first implementation. - -Implementation will extend global proxy implemented at -https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131142/. For indirect access Paramiko-based -analogy of "ssh proxy nc host port" command will be used. Paramiko -implementation will allow to use private keys from memory. - -Note, proxy command can still be used to access proxy instance. - -Implementation details ----------------------- - -Sahara uses two ways of access to instances: - -1. SSH -2. HTTP - -SSH access -++++++++++ - -For ssh access one more layer of ssh will be added. Old code: - -.. sourcecode:: python - - _ssh.connect(host, username=username, pkey=private_key, sock=proxy) - -New code: - -.. sourcecode:: python - - _proxy_ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() - _proxy_ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) - - _proxy_ssh.connect(proxy_host, username=proxy_username, - pkey=proxy_private_key, sock=proxy) - - chan = _proxy_ssh.get_transport().open_session() - chan.exec_command("nc {0} {1}".format(host, SSH_PORT)) - - _ssh.connect(host, username=username, pkey=private_key, sock=chan) - -HTTP access -+++++++++++ - -Http access will be implemented in a similar way with ProxiedHTTPAdapter. -SshProxySocket class will be implemented that corresponds to netcat socket -running on remote host. - -Note, if proxycommand present, it will be passed to paramiko directly without -involving NetcatSocket class. - -Alternatives ------------- - -This blueprint offers one more way to access VMs. All existing ways will remain -unchanged. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -New boolean field "is_proxy" in nodegroup and nodegroup template objects. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -One more deployment option to consider. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Checkbox in nodegroup template edit form. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: - -Andrew Lazarev (alazarev) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Sahara core changes -* Python client changes -* Horizon changes -* Doc changes - -Dependencies -============ - -* Global proxy implementation (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131142/) - -Testing -======= - -Manually - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The feature needs to be documented. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/mapr-plugin.rst b/specs/kilo/mapr-plugin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4da8d25..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/mapr-plugin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=========================== -Plugin for Sahara with MapR -=========================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/mapr-plugin - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/mapr-image-elements - -This specification proposes to add MapR plugin with MapR Distribution of -Hadoop in Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -The MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop provides organizations with an -enterprise-grade distributed data platform to reliably store and process -big data. MapR packages a broad set of Apache open source ecosystem -projects enabling batch, interactive, or real-time applications. The -data platform and the projects are all tied together through an advanced -management console to monitor and manage the entire system. - -MapR is one of the largest distributions for Hadoop supporting more than -20 open source projects. MapR also supports multiple versions of the -various individual projects thereby allowing users to migrate to the latest -versions at their own pace. The table below shows all of the projects -actively supported in the current GA version of MapR Distribution for -Hadoop as well as in the next Beta release.[1] - - -Proposed change -=============== - -MapR plugin implementation will support Hadoop 0.20.2 and Hadoop 2.4.1. -Plugin will support key Sahara features: - -* Cinder integration -* Cluster scaling/decommission -* EDP -* Cluster topology validation -* Integration with Swift - - -Plugin will be able to install following services: - -* MapR-FS -* YARN -* Oozie (two versions are supported) -* HBase -* Hive (two versions are supported) -* Pig -* Mahout -* Webserver - -MapR plugin will support the following OS: Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 6.5. - -MapR plugin will support the following node types: - -* Nodes Running ZooKeeper and CLDB -* Nodes for Data Storage and Processing -* Edge Nodes - -In a production MapR cluster, some nodes are typically dedicated to cluster -coordination and management, and other nodes are tasked with data storage -and processing duties. An edge node provides user access to the cluster, -concentrating open user privileges on a single host. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -MapR plugin uses specific pre-installed images with -MapR local repository files. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - aosadchiy - -Other contributors: - ssvinarchuck - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add implementation of plugin for bare images. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements. - -Testing -======= - -* Add unit tests to Sahara to cover basic functionality of plugin -* Add integration tests to Sahara - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -MapR plugin documentation should be added to the plugin section of Sahara docs. - -References -========== - -* [1] https://www.mapr.com/products/apache-hadoop -* [2] http://doc.mapr.com/display/MapR/Home -* [3] https://www.mapr.com/ -* [4] https://github.com/mapr diff --git a/specs/kilo/mapr-refactor.rst b/specs/kilo/mapr-refactor.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e0a1f3a..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/mapr-refactor.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================= -Refactor MapR plugin code -========================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/mapr-refactor - -MapR plugin's code should be refactored to support easy addition of new -services and releases - -Problem description -=================== - -Current plugin implementation has several weaknesses: -* Declarative nature of Service -* Code complexity caused by usage of plugin-spec.json -* Almost all actions are implemented as sequence of utility functions calls -* Not clear separation of behaviour to modules and classes -* Some code is redundant - -Proposed change -=============== - -* Extract Service entity to separate class with customizable behaviour -* Move provisioning logic from utility modules to specialized classes -* Remove redundant code - -MapR plugin implementation delegates all operations to it's counterparts in -VersionHandler interface. VersionHandler interface mimics plugin SPI with -additional methods get_context(cluster) and get_services(). ClusterContext -object returned by get_context wraps cluster object passed as argument and -provides additional information about cluster as well as utility methods -related to wrapped cluster. - -Service definitions resides in 'sahara.plugins.mapr.services' package instead -of plugin-spec.json which is completely removed now. Each service definition -represents particular version of service. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Leave code "as-is" - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers of subsequent versions of the MapR plugin should take into account -this changes. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - aosadchiy - -Other contributors: - ssvinarchuk - -Work Items ----------- - -1) Extract Service entity to separate class with customizable behaviour -2) Move provisioning logic from utility modules to specialized classes -3) Remove redundant code - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Existing integration tests are sufficient - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/periodic-cleanup.rst b/specs/kilo/periodic-cleanup.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9e9c1ad..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/periodic-cleanup.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================================= -Clean up clusters that are in non-final state for a long time -============================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/periodic-cleanup - -This spec is to introduce periodic task to clean up old clusters in -non-final state. - -Problem description -=================== - -For now it is possible that sahara cluster becomes stuck because of different -reasons (e.g. if sahara service was restarted during provisioning or neutron -failed to assign floating IP). This could lead to clusters holding resources -for a long time. This could happen in different tenants and it is hard to -check such conditions manually. - -Related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1185909 - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add "cleanup_time_for_nonfinal_clusters" parameter in "periodic" section of -configuration. - -Based on this configuration periodic task will search clusters that are in -non-final state and weren't updated for a given time. - -Term "non-final" includes all cluster states except "Active" and "Error". - -"cleanup_time_for_nonfinal_clusters" parameter will be in hours. Non-positive -value will indicate that clean up option is disabled. - -Default value will be 0 to keep backward compatibility (users don't expect -that after upgrade all their non-final cluster will be deleted). - -'updated_at' column of 'clusters' column will be used to determine last -change. This is not 100% accurate, but good enough. This field is changed -each time cluster status is changed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Add such functionality to external service (e.g. Blazar). - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement feature -* Document feature - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Manually. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -* https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1185909 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/kilo/sahara-api-workers.rst b/specs/kilo/sahara-api-workers.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a607be0..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/sahara-api-workers.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Support multi-worker Sahara API deployment -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-api-workers - -Add support of multi-worker deployment of Sahara API. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently Sahara API uses one thread with wsgi application. This means that -API can service only one request at a time. Some requests (e.g. cluster scale) -require synchronous requests to Sahara engine (using message queue). This -means that Sahara API will not be able to service other requests until full -round trip finished. - -Also, multi-threaded solution gives much more options for performance tuning. -It could allow to utilize more server CPU power. - -Most of OpenStack services support several workers for API. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The ideal solution for that would be migration to Pecan and WSME ( -https://etherpad.openstack.org/havana-common-wsgi) with multi-threading -support. Although this will require a lot of work and there is no much -pressure to do that. - -This spec suggests simple solution of specific problem without much -refactoring of existing code. - -So, the solution is: -1. Leave current wsgi implementation -2. Leave current socket handling -3. Run wsgi server in several threads/processes -4. Implement only children processes management, leave all existing code as is. - -Children processes management will include: - -1. Handling of children processes, restart of dead processes -2. Proper signals handling (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1276694) -3. Graceful shutdown -4. Support of debug mode (with green threads instead of real threads) - -Things that will NOT be included: -1. Config reload / API restart - -Alternatives ------------- - -Migrate to Pecan and WSME first. - -Implementation details ----------------------- - -Most OpenStack services use deprecated oslo wsgi module. It has tight -connections with oslo services module. - -So, there are three options here: - -1. Use deprecated oslo wsgi module. (Bad, since module is deprecated) -2. Use oslo services module, but write all wsgi stuff ourselves (or copy-paste - from other project). -3. Write minimum code to make server start multi-worker (e.g. see how it is - implemented in Heat). - -I propose going with the option 3. There is no much sense spending resources -for code, that will be replaced anyway (we will definitely migrate to Pecan -some day). - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -One more configuration parameter. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement feature -* Document feature - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Manually. Probably CI could be changed to run different tests in -different modes. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/kilo/sahara-log-guidelines.rst b/specs/kilo/sahara-log-guidelines.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f3ecb0b..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/sahara-log-guidelines.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,174 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -New style logging -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/new-style-logging - -Rewrite Sahara logging in unified OpenStack style proposed by -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/log-guidelines - -Problem description -=================== - -Now log levels and messages in Sahara are mixed and don't match the OpenStack -logging guidelines. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The good way to unify our log system would be to follow the major guidelines. -Here is a brief description of log levels: - -* Debug: Shows everything and is likely not suitable for normal production - operation due to the sheer size of logs generated (e.g. scripts executions, - process execution, etc.). -* Info: Usually indicates successful service start/stop, versions and such - non-error related data. This should include largely positive units of work - that are accomplished (e.g. service setup, cluster start, successful job - execution). -* Warning: Indicates that there might be a systemic issue; - potential predictive failure notice (e.g. job execution failed). -* Error: An error has occurred and an administrator should research the event - (e.g. cluster failed to start, plugin violations of operation). -* Critical: An error has occurred and the system might be unstable, anything - that eliminates part of Sahara's intended functionality; immediately get - administrator assistance (e.g. failed to access keystone/database, plugin - load failed). - -Here are examples of LOG levels depending on cluster execution: - -* Script execution: - -.. code:: python - - LOG.debug("running configure.sh script") - - -.. - -* Cluster startup: - -.. code:: python - - LOG.info(_LI("Hadoop stack installed successfully.")) - - -.. - -* Job failed to execute: - -.. code:: python - - LOG.warning(_LW("Can't run job execution {job} (reason: {reason}")).format( - job = job_execution_id, reason = ex) - - -.. - -* HDFS can't be configured: - -.. code:: python - - LOG.error(_LE('Configuring HDFS HA failed. {reason}')).format( - reason = result.text) - - -.. - -* Cluster failed to start: - -.. code:: python - - LOG.error(_LE('Install command failed. {reason}')).format( - reason = result.text) - - -.. - -Additional step for our logging system should be usage of pep3101 as unified -format for all our logging messages. As soon as we try to make our code more -readable please use {} instead of {0} in log messages. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We need to follow OpenStack guidelines, but if needed we can move plugin logs -to DEBUG level instead of INFO. It should be discussed separately in each case. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - starodubcevna - -Work Items ----------- - -* Unify existing logging system -* Unify logging messages -* Add additional logs if needed - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/log-guidelines -https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/ diff --git a/specs/kilo/sahara-support-https.rst b/specs/kilo/sahara-support-https.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d67a14e..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/sahara-support-https.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -HTTPS support for sahara-api -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-support-https - -Most OpenStack services support running server supporting HTTPS connections. -Sahara must support such way too. - -Problem description -=================== - -There are two common ways to enable HTTPS for the OpenStack service: - -1. TLS proxy. Proxy communicates with user via HTTPS and redirects all - requests to service via unsecured HTTP. Keystone is configured to point - on HTTPS port. Internal port is usually closed for outside using firewall. - No additional work to support HTTPS required on service side. - -2. Native support. Service can be configured to expect HTTPS connections. In - this case service handles all security aspects by itself. - -Most OpenStack services support both types of enabling SSL. Sahara currently -can be secured only using TLS proxy. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add ability to Sahara API to listen on HTTPS port. - -Currently there is no unified way for OpenStack services to work with HTTPS. -Process of unification started with sslutils module in oslo-incubator. Sahara -could use this module to be on the same page with other services. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Copy-paste SSL-related code from other OpenStack project. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -* python-saharaclient should support SSL-related options - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -One more option to consider. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Add SSL-related parameters to pass to python client. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement feature in Sahara - - * Import sslutils - * Configure WSGI server to HTTPS - -* Add support to python-saharaclient -* Add support to devstack -* Add documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -* sslutils module from oslo-incubator - - -Testing -======= - -Devstack doesn't have HTTPS testing for now. It looks like manual testing is -the only option. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/kilo/scenario-integration-tests.rst b/specs/kilo/scenario-integration-tests.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5375d3a..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/scenario-integration-tests.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -Scenario integration tests for Sahara -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/scenario-integration-tests - -For now the Sahara project has not functional integration tests. -We need to create new integration tests that will be more flexible. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Current integration tests allow to test only limited number of test scenarios -and cluster configurations that are hardcoded in code of tests. -In many cases we should test various configurations of Sahara clusters but -current integration tests don't have this functionality. Also we have many -copy-pasted code in test files and this code requires large work -for its refactoring. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -It is proposed to create new integration tests that will be more flexible. -Test scenarios will be defined in YAML files and it is supposed this approach -will provide more flexibility in testing. The usual scenario will have the -following look: - -.. sourcecode:: yaml - - credentials: - os_username: dev-user - os_password: swordfish - os_tenant: devs - os_auth_url: http://os_host:5000/v2.0 - sahara_url: http://sahara_host:8336/v1.1 # optional - - network: - type: neutron # or nova-network - private_network: private # for neutron - auto_assignment_floating_ip: false # for nova-network - public_network: public # or floating_ip_pool for nova-network - - clusters: - - plugin_name: vanilla - plugin_version: 2.6.0 - image: some_id - node_group_templates: # optional - - name: master - node_processes: - - namenode - - resourcemanager - flavor_id: '3' - - name: worker - node_processes: - - datanode - - nodemanager - flavor_id: '3' - cluster_template: # optional - name: vanilla - node_group_templates: - master: 1 - worker: 3 - scenario: # optional - - run_jobs - - scale - - run_jobs - - - plugin_name: hdp - plugin_version: 2.0.6 - image: some_id - - -Minimal scenario will look the following way: - -.. sourcecode:: yaml - - clusters: - - plugin_name: vanilla - plugin_version: 2.6.0 - image: some_id - - -Full scenario will look the following way: - -.. sourcecode:: yaml - - concurrency: 3 - - credentials: - os_username: dev-user - os_password: swordfish - os_tenant: devs - os_auth_url: http://os_host:5000/v2.0 - sahara_url: http://sahara_host:8336/v1.1 # optional - - network: - type: neutron # or nova-network - private_network: private # for neutron - auto_assignment_floating_ip: false # for nova-network - public_network: public # or floating_ip_pool for nova-network - - clusters: - # required - - plugin_name: vanilla - # required - plugin_version: 2.6.0 - # required (id or name) - image: some_id - node_group_templates: # optional - - name: master - node_processes: - - namenode - - resourcemanager - flavor_id: '3' - description: >- - Some description - volumes_per_node: 2 - volumes_size: 2 - node_configs: - HDFS: - dfs.datanode.du.reserved: 10 - security_groups: ~ - auto_security_group: true - availability_zone: nova - volumes_availability_zone: nova - volume_type: lvm - - name: worker - node_processes: - - datanode - - nodemanager - flavor_id: 3 - cluster_template: # optional - name: vanilla - description: >- - Some description - cluster_configs: - HDFS: - dfs.replication: 1 - node_group_templates: - master: 1 - worker: 3 - anti_affinity: true - cluster: - name: test-cluster - is_transient: true - description: >- - Cluster description - scaling: - - operation: resize - node_group: worker - size: 4 - - operation: add - node_group: worker - size: 2 - scenario: # optional - - run_jobs - - scale - - run_jobs - edp_jobs_flow: example - retain_resource: true # optional - - edp_jobs_flow: - example: - - type: Pig - main_lib: - source: swift - path: path_to_pig_script.pig - input_datasource: - type: swift - source: etc/edp-examples/edp-pig/top-todoers/data/input - output_datasource: - type: hdfs - destination: /user/hadoop/edp-output - configs: - dfs.replication: 1 - - type: Java - additional_libs: - - type: database - source: | - etc/edp-examples/.../hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.4.1.jar - configs: - edp.java.main_class: | - org.apache.hadoop.examples.QuasiMonteCarlo - args: - - 10 - - 10 - - -After we described test scenario in YAML file we run test as usual. -The python test code will be generated from these YAML files. - -We will use the Mako library to generate the python code. The generated code -will look like: - -.. sourcecode:: python - - from sahara.tests.scenario import base - - - class vanilla2_4_1TestCase(base.BaseTestCase): - @classmethod - def setUpClass(cls): - super(vanilla2_4_1TestCase, cls).setUpClass() - cls.credentials = { - 'os_username': 'dev-user', - 'os_password': 'swordfish', - 'os_tenant': 'devs', - 'os_auth_url': '', - 'sahara_url': None - } - cls.network = { - 'type': 'neutron', - 'public_network': 'net04_ext', - 'auto_assignment_floating_ip': False, - 'private_network': 'dev-network' - } - cls.testcase = { - 'image': 'sahara-juno-vanilla-2.4.1-ubuntu-14.04', - 'plugin_name': 'vanilla', - 'retain_resources': False, - 'class_name': 'vanilla2_4_1', - 'edp_jobs_flow': [ - { - 'configs': { - 'dfs.replication': 1 - }, - 'output_datasource': { - 'type': 'hdfs', - 'destination': '/user/hadoop/edp-output' - }, - 'input_datasource': { - 'type': 'swift', - 'source': - 'etc/edp-examples/edp-pig/top-todoers/data/input' - }, - 'main_lib': { - 'type': 'swift', - 'source': - 'etc/edp-examples/edp-pig/top-todoers/example.pig' - }, - 'type': 'Pig' - }, - { - 'type': 'Java', - 'args': [10, 10], - 'additional_libs': [ - { - 'type': 'database', - 'source': - 'etc/edp-examples/hadoop2/edp-java/' - 'hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.4.1.jar' - } - ], - 'configs': { - 'edp.java.main_class': - 'org.apache.hadoop.examples.QuasiMonteCarlo' - } - } - ], - 'scenario': ['run_jobs', 'scale', 'run_jobs'], - 'plugin_version': '2.4.1' - } - - def test_plugin(self): - self.create_cluster() - self.check_run_jobs() - self.check_scale() - self.check_run_jobs() - - - class hdp2_0_6TestCase(base.BaseTestCase): - @classmethod - def setUpClass(cls): - super(hdp2_0_6TestCase, cls).setUpClass() - cls.credentials = { - 'os_username': 'dev-user', - 'os_password': 'swordfish', - 'os_tenant': 'devs', - 'os_auth_url': '', - 'sahara_url': None - } - cls.network = { - 'type': 'neutron', - 'public_network': 'net04_ext', - 'auto_assignment_floating_ip': False, - 'private_network': 'dev-network' - } - cls.testcase = { - 'image': 'f3c4a228-9ba4-41f1-b100-a0587689d4dd', - 'plugin_name': 'hdp', - 'retain_resources': False, - 'class_name': 'hdp2_0_6', - 'edp_jobs_flow': None, - 'scenario': ['run_jobs', 'scale', 'run_jobs'], - 'scaling': [ - { - 'operation': 'resize', - 'size': 5, - 'node_group': 'worker' - } - ], - 'plugin_version': '2.0.6' - } - - def test_plugin(self): - self.create_cluster() - self.check_run_jobs() - self.check_scale() - self.check_run_jobs() - - -Mako template will look the following way: - -.. sourcecode:: mako - - from sahara.tests.scenario import base - - % for testcase in testcases: - ${make_testcase(testcase)} - % endfor - - <%def name="make_testcase(testcase)"> - class ${testcase['class_name']}TestCase(base.BaseTestCase): - @classmethod - def setUpClass(cls): - super(${testcase['class_name']}TestCase, cls).setUpClass() - cls.credentials = ${credentials} - cls.network = ${network} - cls.testcase = ${testcase} - - def test_plugin(self): - self.create_cluster() - % for check in testcase['scenario']: - self.check_${check}() - % endfor - - - -By default concurrency will be equal to number of cpu cores. This value -can be changed in YAML file. - -We are going to use new integration tests for CI as soon as they are completely -implemented. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -We can use current integration tests for further testing Sahara but they -don't have sufficient coverage of Sahara use cases. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers will be able much better to test their changes in Sahara. - - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - sreshetniak - -Other contributors: - ylobankov - slukjanov - - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will be the following: - -* Add python code to sahara/tests -* Add examples of test scenarios -* Add documentation for new integration tests - - -Dependencies -============ - -Mako -tempest-lib - - -Testing -======= - -None - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We need to add a note about new tests in Sahara documentation. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/security-guidelines-doc.rst b/specs/kilo/security-guidelines-doc.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a2abc7c..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/security-guidelines-doc.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================= -Creation of Security Guidelines Documentation -============================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/security-guidelines-doc - -As Sahara increases in functionality and complexity, the need for clear, -concise documentation grows. This is especially true for security related -topics as they are currently under-represented. This specification -proposes the creation of a document that will provide a source for security -related topics, guides, and instructions as they pertain to Sahara. - - -Problem description -=================== - -There is currently a distinct lack of centralized, security related, -documentation for Sahara. Several features have been implemented to address -security shortfalls and they could use broadened discussions of their -application and proper usage. Additionally there is no current documentation -which discusses the specific procedures for securing the individual plugin -technologies at use within Sahara. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -This specification proposes the creation of Sahara specific documentation -addressing the security concerns of users and operators. This documentation -will cover current features, best practices, and guidelines for installing and -operating Sahara. - -The documentation generated by this effort will be included in the OpenStack -Security Guide[1]. Bug patches will be generated against the current OpenStack -manuals, and the OpenStack Security Group will be engaged with respect to -finalizing and including the documentation. - -The process will be broken down into sub-chapter sections that will make up a -Sahara chapter for the OpenStack Security Guide. Initially these sub-chapters -will include; Sahara controller installs, current feature discussions, and -plugin specific topics. - -The information provided is intended to be updated as new methodologies, -plugins, and features are implemented. It will also be open to patching -through the standard OpenStack workflows by the community at large. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Creation of a separate document managed by the Sahara team outside the purview -of the OpenStack manuals, and distributed through the Sahara documentation. -This solution would be non-ideal as it creates an alternate path for OpenStack -manuals that is outside the expected locations for end users. - -Creation of a separate document as above with the exception that it will be -maintained with the other OpenStack manuals. This option might be more -plausible than the previous, but it still suffers from the problem of creating -an alternate location for security related guidelines that is separate from -the official manual. It also bears the burden of creating a new project -within the manuals infrastructure. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - mimccune (Michael McCune) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Create a bug against the OpenStack manuals for Sahara chapter inclusion -* Create the documentation and change requests for the following sub-chapters: - - * Sahara controller install guides, with security related focus - * Feature discussions and examples - * plugin specific topics - - * Hadoop - * Spark - * Storm - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Format testing as provided by the security guide project. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This specification proposes the creation of hypertext and PDF documentation. - - -References -========== - -[1]: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/content/ch_preface.html diff --git a/specs/kilo/spark-cleanup.rst b/specs/kilo/spark-cleanup.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f127f39..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/spark-cleanup.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================== -Spark Temporary Job Data Retention and Cleanup -============================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-cleanup - -Creates a configurable cron job at cluster configuration time to clean up data -from Spark jobs, in order to ease maintenance of long-lived clusters. - -Problem description -=================== - -The current Spark plugin stores data from any job run in the /tmp directory, -without an expiration policy. While this is acceptable for short-lived -clusters, it increases maintenance on long-running clusters, which are likely -to run out of space in time. A mechanism to automatically clear space is -needed. - -Proposed change -=============== - -On the creation of any new Spark cluster, a script (from -sahara.plugins.spark/resources) will be templated with the following -variables (which will be defined in Spark's config_helper module and thus -defined per cluster): - -* Minimum Cleanup Seconds -* Maximum Cleanup Seconds -* Minimum Cleanup Megabytes - -That script will then be pushed to /etc/hadoop/tmp_cleanup.sh. In the -following cases, no script will be pushed: - -1) Maximum Cleanup Seconds is 0 (or less) -2) Minimum Cleanup Seconds and Minimum Cleanup Megabytes are both 0 (or less) - -Also at cluster configuration time, a cron job will be created to run this -script once per hour. - -This script will iterate over each extant job directory on the cluster; if it -finds one older than Maximum Cleanup Seconds, it will delete that directory. -It will then check the size of the set of remaining directories. If there is -more data than Minimum Cleanup Megabytes, then it will delete directories -older than Minimum Cleanup Seconds, starting with the oldest, until the -remaining data is smaller than Minimum Cleanup Megabytes or no sufficiently -aged directories remain. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Any number of more complex schemes could be developed to address this problem, -including per-job retention information, data priority assignment (to -effectively create a priority queue for deletion,) and others. The above plan, -however, while it does allow for individual cluster types to have individual -retention policies, does not demand excessive maintenance or interface with -that policy after cluster creation, which will likely be appropriate for most -users. A complex retention and archival strategy exceeds the intended scope of -this convenience feature, and could easily become an entire project. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None; all new data will be stored as cluster configuration. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None; operative Spark cluster template configuration parameters will be -documented the current interface allows this change. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. (config_helper.py variables will be automatically represented in -Horizon.) - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Work Items ----------- - -* Creation of periodic job -* Creation of deletion script -* Testing - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Because this feature is entirely Sahara-internal, and requires only a remote -shell connection to the Spark cluster (without which many, many other tests -would fail) I believe that Tempest tests of this feature are unnecessary. Unit -tests should be sufficient to cover this feature. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The variables used to set retention policy will need to be documented. - -References -========== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-cleanup diff --git a/specs/kilo/spec-repo-backlog-refactor.rst b/specs/kilo/spec-repo-backlog-refactor.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e17e982..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/spec-repo-backlog-refactor.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================= -Specification Repository Backlog Refactor -========================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/add-backlog-to-specs - -This specification proposes the refactoring of the `sahara-specs` repository -to inform a new workflow for backlogged features. This new workflow will -increase the visibility of specifications that have been approved but which -require implementation. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently the `sahara-specs` repository suggests a layout that creates -"implemented" and "approved" subdirectories for each release. This pattern -could create duplicates and/or empty directories as plans that have been -approved for previous releases but have not been completed are moved and -copied around as necessary. - -Additionally, this pattern can increase the barrier for new contributors -looking for features to work on and the future direction of the project. By -having a single location for all backlogged specifications it will increase -visibility of items which require attention. And the release directories -can be devoted entirely to specifications implemented during those cycles. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change will add a backlog directory to the specs directory in the -repository, and refactor the juno directory to contain only the specs -implemented in juno. - -It will also update the documentation to clearly indicate the usage of the -backlog directory and the status of the release directories. This -documentation will be part of the root readme file, a new document in the -backlog directory, and a reference in the main documentation. - -This change is also proposing a workflow that goes along with the -repository changes. Namely that any work within a release that is either -predicted to not be staffed, or that is not started at the end of a -release should be moved to the backlog directory. This process should be -directed by the specification drafters as they will most likely be the -primary assignees for new work. In situations where the drafter of a -specification feels that there will be insufficient resources to create -an implementation then they should move an approved specification to the -backlog directory. This process should also be revisited at the end of a -release cycle to move all specifications that have not been assigned to the -backlog. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep the directory structure the way it is currently. This does not improve -the status of the repository but is an option to consider. If the -directory structure is continued as currently configured then the release -directories will need to create additional structures for each cycle's -incomplete work. - -Refactor each release directory to contain a backlog. This is very similar to -leaving things in their current state with the exception that it changes -the names in the directories. This change might add a small amount of -clarification but it is unlikely as the current names for "implemented" and -"approved" are relatively self explanatory. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - - -Developer impact ----------------- - -The main impact will be for crafters of specifications to be more aware of -the resource requirements to implement the proposed changes. And potentially -move their specifications based on those requirements. - - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - - -Primary assignee: - mimccune (Michael McCune) - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Create the backlog directory and documentation. -* Clean up the juno directory. -* Add references to backlog in the contributing documentation. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -None - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The "How to Participate" document should be updated to make reference to -the backlog directory as a place to look for new work. - - -References -========== - -Keystone is an example of another project using this format for backlogged -work. Examples of the documentation for the backlog directory[1] and the -root documentation[2] will be used as reference in the creation of Sahara -specific versions. - -[1]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs/tree/master/specs/backlog -[2]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs diff --git a/specs/kilo/storm-integration.rst b/specs/kilo/storm-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b252b8a..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/storm-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================= -Storm Integration -================= - - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/storm-integration - -This blueprint aims to implement Storm as a processing option in Sahara. -Storm is a real time processing framework that is highly used in the big -data processing community. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara today is only able to process big data in batch. Storm provides a -easy setup stream processing. Having storm integrated with Sahara gives sahara -a new feature, so not only users will be able to process batch but also real -time data. - -Proposed change -=============== - -* The implementation is divided in three steps: - - * First we need to implement Storm Plugin. - - * Identify Storm configuration files and manage their creation via sahara; - * Create the plugin itself to manage Storm deploy; - - * Second, we need to create a new Job Manager for storm, following Trevor - McKay's refactoring - * Last we will create a new image that comes with storm installed. - -* Node Groups: - - * Storm has two basic components **Nimbus** and **Supervisor**, Nimbus is - the master node, hosts the UI and is the main node of the topology. - Supervisors are the worker nodes. Other than that, storm needs only - zookeeper to run, we need have it as well. - The basic Node Groups that we will have are: - - * Nimbus; - * Supervisor; - * Nimbus and Supervisor; - * Zookeeper; - * Nimbus and Zookeeper; - * Supervisor and Zookeeper; - * Nimbus, Supervisor and Zookeeper - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Sahara-image-elements may be the place to create storm image, it will need -deeper investigation but looks like the best place to create and publish -storm images. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -The first changes needed here is to show the configuration options of Storm -when this type of job is selected. -There will be also necessary to have a deploy job where the user can submit -the topology jar and the command line to run it. -As for now, I don't see other changes in the UI, the jobs are very simple and -need no special configurations. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - - * tellesmvn - -Work Items ----------- - -The implementation is divided in three steps: - -* First we need to implement Storm Plugin. - - * Storm plugin is similar to Spark plugin. The implementation will be based - on Spark's but necessary changes will be made. - * Storm doesn't rely on many configuration files, there is only one needed - and it is used by all nodes. This configuration file is written in YAML - and it should be dynamically written in the plugin since it needs to have - the name or ip of the master node and also zookeeper node(s). We will need - PYYAML to parse this configuration to YAML. PYYAML is already a global - requirement of OpenStack and will be added to Sahara's requirement as well. - * The plugin will run the following processes: - - * Storm Nimbus; - * Storm Supervisor; - * Zookeeper. - -* Second, we need to create a new Job Manager for storm, following Trevor - McKay's refactoring - - * This implementation is under review and the details can be seen here: - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/100678/ - -* Last we will create a new image that comes with storm installed. - - * This part is yet not the final decision, but it seems to me that it is - better to have a prepared image with storm than having to install it - every time a new cluster is set up. - -Dependencies -============ - -* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/100622/ - -Testing -======= - -I will write Unit Tests, basically to test the write configuration file and -more tests can be added as needed. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We will need to add Storm as a new plugin in the documentation and write how -to use the plugin. -Also a example in sahara-extra on how to run a storm job will be provided - -References -========== - -* `Wiki ` -* `Etherpad ` -* `Storm Documentation ` diff --git a/specs/kilo/support-cinder-api-v2.rst b/specs/kilo/support-cinder-api-v2.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0c695d3..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/support-cinder-api-v2.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Support Cinder API version 2 -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/support-cinder-api-v2 - -This specification proposes to add support for the second version of the Cinder -API, which brings useful improvements and will soon replace version one. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently Sahara uses only version 1 of Cinder API to create volumes. Version -two, however, brings useful features such as scheduler hints, more consistent -responses, caching, filtering, etc. - -Also, Cinder is deprecating version 1 in favor of 2, so supporting both would -make switching easier for users. - -Use cases: - -* As a developer I want to be able to pass scheduler hints to Cinder when - creating clusters, in order to choose volumes more precisely and achieve - improved performance. - -* As a developer I want filtering into my requests to Cinder to make queries - lighter. - -* As a deployer I want to be able to choose between legacy Cinder API v1 and - newer v2 API. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation will add a configuration option, cinder_api_version, that -will be defaulted to: - - ``cinder_api_version=1`` - -but can be changed to - - ``cinder_api_version=2`` - -by modifying sahara.conf. - -The client() method in sahara/utils/openstack/cinder.py will either return -clientv1() or clientv2() depending on the configuration. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Wait for Cinder API v1 to be deprecated and switch abruptly to v2. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -* If the deployer wants to keep using Cinder API version 1, nothing has to be - done. - -* If the deployer wants to upgrade to version 2, the cinder_api_version option - in sahara.conf should be overwritten. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers can read CONF.cinder_api_version to know what API version is being -used. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - adrien-verge - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a configuration option: cinder_api_version. - -* Put some magic in sahara/utils/openstack/cinder.py to pick the correct Cinder - client depending on the configuration. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Same as for v1 API. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - - -References -========== - -* https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CinderAPIv2 diff --git a/specs/kilo/support-cinder-availability-zones.rst b/specs/kilo/support-cinder-availability-zones.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f80e9f6..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/support-cinder-availability-zones.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -Support Cinder availability zones -================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/support-cinder-availability-zones - -Extend API to support specifying Cinder availability zones where to create -volumes. - - -Problem description -=================== - -It can be desirable to assign Cinder availability zones to node groups, in -order to have fine-grained cluster volumes topologies. - -Use case: - -* As a end user I want namenode volumes to be spawned in the regular AZ and - datanode volumes in a high-performance ``ssd-high-io`` AZ. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -It adds a new ``volumes_availability_zone`` property in NodeGroup and -NodeGroupTemplate objects. When set, it modifies the direct and Heat engines -to force creating of volumes into the right AZ. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change will add ``volumes_availability_zone`` columns in sahara database, -next to ``volumes_per_node`` and ``volumes_size``. Impacted tables are -``node_groups``, ``node_group_templates`` and ``templates_relations``. - -A database migration will accompany this change. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Each API method which deals with node groups and node groups templates will -have an additional (and optional) ``volumes_availability_zone`` parameter, -which will be taken into account if ``volumes_per_node`` is set and non-zero. - -Example:: - - { - "name": "cluster1", - "node_groups": [ - { - "name": "master", - "count": 1, - }, - { - "name": "worker", - "count": 3, - "volumes_per_node": 1, - "volumes_size": 100, - "volumes_availability_zone": "ssd-high-io" - } - ] - } - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -python-saharaclient should be modified to integrate this new feature. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Needs to migrate DB version using: - - ``sahara-db-manage --config-file /etc/sahara/sahara.conf upgrade head`` - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -sahara-dashboard should be modified to integrate this new feature. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - adrien-verge - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a ``volumes_availability_zone`` property in NodeGroup and - NodeGroupTemplate objects. - -* When a user specifies the (optional) volumes_availability zone, check its - existence. - -* In the direct engine, include the ``volumes_availability_zone`` argument in - the call to cinder.client().volumes.create(). - -* In the Heat engine, add the ``availability_zone`` property in - sahara/resources/volume.heat. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -* Test cluster creation with ``volumes_availability_zone`` specified. - -* Test cluster creation with wrong ``volumes_availability_zone`` specified. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation will need to be updated, at sections related to node group -template creation and cluster creation. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/kilo/support-nova-availability-zones.rst b/specs/kilo/support-nova-availability-zones.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7d0eabf..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/support-nova-availability-zones.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================== -Support Nova availability zones -=============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/support-nova-availability-zones - -Extend API to support specifying Nova availability zones where to spawn -instances. - - -Problem description -=================== - -It can be desirable to assign Nova availability zones to node groups, in order -to have fine-grained clusters topologies. - -Use cases: - -* As a end user I want namenode instances to be spawned in the regular ``nova`` - AZ and datanode instances in my high-performance ``nova-highperf`` AZ. - -* As a end user I want instances from node-group A to be all together in the - ``nova-1`` AZ, separated from instances from node-group B in ``nova-2``. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The proposed change is already implemented at [1]. - -It adds an ``availability_zone`` property in NodeGroup and NodeGroupTemplate -objects. When set, it modifies the direct and Heat engines to force spawning -of instances into the right AZ. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -This change will add ``availability_zone`` columns in the sahara database -(``node_groups``, ``node_group_templates`` and ``templates_relations`` tables). - -A database migration will accompany this change. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Each API method which deals with node groups and node groups templates will -have an additional (and optional) ``availability_zone`` parameter. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -python-saharaclient should be modified to integrate this new feature. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Needs to migrate DB version using: - - ``sahara-db-manage --config-file /etc/sahara/sahara.conf upgrade head`` - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -sahara-dashboard should be modified to integrate this new feature. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - adrien-verge - -Work Items ----------- - -The proposed change is already implemented at [1]. - -* Add an ``availability_zone`` property in NodeGroup and NodeGroupTemplate - objects. - -* When a user specifies the (optional) availability zone, check its existence. - -* In the direct engine, include the ``availability_zone`` argument in the call - to nova.client().servers.create(). - -* In the Heat engine, add the ``availability_zone`` property in - sahara/resources/instance.heat. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -* Test cluster creation without availability zone specified. - -* Test cluster creation with availability zone specified. - -* Test cluster creation with wrong availability zone specified. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation will need to be updated, at sections related to node group -template creation and cluster creation. - - -References -========== - -* [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120096 diff --git a/specs/kilo/support-query-filtering.rst b/specs/kilo/support-query-filtering.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 00e704e..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/support-query-filtering.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Spec - Add support for filtering results -========================================== - -Blueprints: - -Sahara service: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/enable-result-filtering - -Client library: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-saharaclient/+spec/enable-result-filtering - -Horizon UI: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-table-filtering - -As result sets can be very large when dealing with nontrivial openstack -environments, it is desirable to be able to filter those result sets by -some set of field constraints. This spec lays out how Sahara should support -such queries. Changes will be required in the API, client library, -and in the Horizon UI. - -Problem description -=================== - -The original use case for this change came up when we wanted to provide a -way to filter some of the tables in the UI. In order to make that filtering -possible, either the UI has to perform the filtering (inefficient since -large result sets would still be returned by the api) or the api/client -library need to provide support for such filtering. Upon review of other -api/client libraries, it looks like most, if not all, -provide filtering capabilities. Sahara should also make filtering possible. - -Proposed change -=============== - -In order to make filtering possible, each of the "list()" methods in the -client library should be extended to take an optional (default=None) -parameter, "search_opts". "search_opts" should be a dict that will include -one or more {field:query} entries. Pagination can also be handled through -search_opts by allowing for the setting of page/page_size/max results. - -In addition, the REST api needs to be extended for the list() operations to -support query syntax. This will require changes to how Sahara currently -does its database queries to include query options. Currently, -they are set to just return all entries for each call. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Filtering could be done entirely in the UI, but that is a wasteful way to do -it since each library/api call will still return the full result set. -Also, any users of the REST api or the client library would not benefit -from this functionality. - -It would also be possible to just implement filtering at the client library -level, but for the same reasons that doing it in the UI is undesirable, -this approach is also suboptimal. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -No changes to the model itself should be required. Only changes to how we -query the database are needed. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -The rest api methods for the list operations will need to be changed to -support query-style parameters. The underlaying database access methods -will need to be changed from the basic "get all" functionality to support a -`**kwargs` parameter (this is already done in cluster_get_all(), -but needs to be done for the other methods). - -There are a pair of special cases to be considered for filtering on the Job -Executions table. The "job" and "cluster" columns actually contain -information that are not part of the job execution object. For filters on -those fields, a field value of "job.name" or "cluster.name" should be passed -down. That will trigger the database query to be joined to a filter on the -name property of either the job or cluster table. - -Additionally, there is special handling required to search on the Job -Executions status field. This is because status is not a proper field in -the Job Execution itself, but rather it is part of the "info" field. To -handle this, a bit of manual filtering will be done against the info.status -field. - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users of the REST API, client library and Horizon UI will be able to filter -their result sets via simple queries. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -These changes should not affect deployment of the Sahara service. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -No developer impact. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -No sahara-image-elements impact. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Once the REST API and client library changes are in place, -the Horizon UI will be modified to allow for filtering on the following -tables: Clusters, Cluster Templates, Node Group Templates, Job Executions, -Jobs. It would also be possible to filter any of our tables in the future -without any other API/client library changes. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - croberts (Horizon UI) - -Other contributors: - tmckay (REST API/sahara.db.api) - croberts (Client Library) - - -Work Items ----------- -These may be able to be worked on in parallel, but they must be released in -the order they are given below. - -1. REST API implementation -2. Client library implementation -3. Horizon UI implementation - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -There should be tests added against the REST interface, -client library and Horizon UI to test the filtering capabilities being added. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Docs for the REST API will need to be updated to reflect the querying -functionality. - -Docs for the client library will need to be updated to reflect the querying -functionality. - -The dashboard user guide should be updated to note the table filtering -functionality that will be added. - - -References -========== - -Sahara service: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/enable-result-filtering - -Client library: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-saharaclient/+spec/enable-result-filtering - -Horizon UI: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-table-filtering diff --git a/specs/kilo/support-template-editing.rst b/specs/kilo/support-template-editing.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 98082a3..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/support-template-editing.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,174 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Spec - Add support for editing templates -========================================== - -Blueprints: - -Sahara Service: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/support-template-editing - -Horizon UI: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-edit-templates - -Currently, once a node group template or a cluster template has been -created, the only operations available are "copy" or "delete". That has -unfortunate consequences on a user's workflow when they want to change a -template. For example, in order to make even a small change to a node group -template that is used by a cluster template, the user must make a copy of -the node group template, change it, save it, and then create a new (or copy) -cluster template that uses the new node group template. Ideally, -a user could just edit the template in place and move on. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara currently lacks implementation for the update operation for both node -group and cluster templates. In order to provide an implementation for -these operations, the following issues must be addressed. - -1. What to do with existing clusters that have been built by using a -template that is being edited. Would we automatically scale a cluster if a -cluster template was changed in a way that added/removed nodes? Would we -shut down or start up processes if a node group template changed to -add/remove processes? - -I propose that for this iteration, a user may not change any templates that -were used to build a currently running cluster. This is consistent with the -rule currently in place to not allow deletion of templates that were are -used by a currently active cluster. A future iteration could remove that -restriction for both delete and edit. -A user could still make a copy of a template and edit that if they wanted to -start a new cluster with the altered version of the template. - -2. Make sure that all cluster templates that are dependant upon an edited -node group template will pick-up the changes to the node group template. - -This is only a problem if we go the route of allowing templates used by an -active cluster to be edited. In that case, we would need to change the -existing templates to reference the newly created template. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The put (update) method will be implemented for both node group and cluster -templates. Currently, the stubs are there, but they just return "Not -Implemented". - -I think that the simplest method of sending an updated template is to send -the entire new template rather than just a diff. It could be slightly -inefficient to do it this way, but avoids the need to build-in the diff -logic in the UI. The current client library methods for update() seem to be -anticipating that sort of implementation. If we went to sending a diff, -we may need to adjust the client library. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Updates could be achieved by doing a delete/add combination, -but that is not a very good solution to this problem since any given node -group or cluster template could be referenced by another object. Deleting -and adding would require updating each referencing object. - -If we need to be able to edit templates that are used by an active cluster, -the edited version of the template will retain the ID and name of the -original template. Prior to overwriting the original template, -it will be saved with a new ID and some form of "dotted" name to -indicate the version ("origname.1"). All running clusters would be changed -to reference the original template with the new ID. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -N/A - -REST API impact ---------------- - -N/A. -The update operation are already defined in the API, but they are not yet -implemented. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The Horizon UI will be updated to include "Edit" as an operation for each -node group and cluster template. The edit button will appear in the list of -operations in each row of the table. - -The python-saharaclient library already defines the update() methods that -will be used for implementing this feature in the Horizon UI. No changes to -python-saharaclient are anticipated to support this feature. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -N/A - -Developer impact ----------------- - -N/A - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -N/A - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Horizon will be updated to include an "edit" button in each row of both the -node group and cluster templates tables. That edit button will bring up the -edit form (essentially the "create" form, but with all the values -pre-populated from the existing template). Clicking on "Save" from the edit -form will result in a call to the node group/cluster template update() -method in the python-saharaclient library. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - croberts - -Other contributors: - tmckay - -Work Items ----------- - -Horizon UI: croberts -Sahara service: tmckay - - -Dependencies -============ - -N/A - -Testing -======= - -There will be unit and integration tests added in Sahara. - -Horizon will have a test added to the node group and cluster template panels -to verify that the appropriate forms are generated when edit is chosen. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The Sahara UI user guide should be updated to note the availability of edit -functionality for templates. - -References -========== - -N/A diff --git a/specs/kilo/volume-instance-locality.rst b/specs/kilo/volume-instance-locality.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d296f59..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo/volume-instance-locality.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================= -Cinder volume instance locality functionality -============================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/volume-instance-locality - -This specification proposes to add an opportunity to have an instance and an -attached volumes on the same physical host. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently there is no way to specify that volumes are attached to the same -physical host as the instance. It would be nice to have this opportunity. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This feature could be done with Cinder InstanceLocalityFilter which allows to -request creation of volumes local to instance. It would increase performance -of I/O operations. - -There will be several changes: - -* Boolean field ``volume_local_to_instance`` will be added to every node group - template, node group and templates relation. This field will be optional and - ``False`` by default. - -* If ``volume_local_to_instance`` is set to ``True``, Cinder volumes will be - created on the same host. - -* If ``volume_local_to_instance`` is ``True``, all instances of the node group - should be created on hosts with free disk space >= ``volumes_per_node`` * - ``volumes_size``. If it cannot be done, error should be occurred. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -``volume_local_to_instance`` field should be added to ``node_groups``, -``node_group_templates``, ``templates_relations``. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -* API will be extended to support ``volume_local_to_instance`` option. - ``volume_local_to_instance`` is optional argument with ``False`` value by - default, so this change will be backward compatible. - -* python client will be updated - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -New field to select ``volume_local_to_instance`` option during node group -template creation will be added. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability to create instance and volumes on the same host; -* Adding ability to create instance on appropriate host; -* Updating documentation; -* Updating UI; -* Updating python client; -* Adding unit tests. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be added. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation will be updated. Will be documented when this feature can be -used and when it cannot. Also will be noted how to enable it on Cinder side. - -References -========== - -* http://docs.openstack.org/developer/cinder/api/cinder.scheduler.filters.instance_locality_filter.html diff --git a/specs/kilo_idx.rst b/specs/kilo_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 08e8b4f..0000000 --- a/specs/kilo_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Kilo specs -^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - kilo/* diff --git a/specs/liberty/adding-custom-scenario-tests.rst b/specs/liberty/adding-custom-scenario-tests.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2076873..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/adding-custom-scenario-tests.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -======================================== -Adding custom scenario to scenario tests -======================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/custom-checks - -This specification proposes to add custom tests to scenario tests for more -exhaustive testing of Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now, scenario tests testing of basic functionality and user can not add -custom personal tests for check of other functionality in Sahara. - -Extra tests should be added: - -* checks for mount and available cinder volumes; -* checks for started services on cluster; -* checks for other processes that now not testing - -Proposed change -=============== - -Custom test need add to sahara/tests/scenario/custom_checks and need implement -support of this scenarios in scenario tests. - -For implementation this spec, need change field parameters for field "scenario" -in scenario tests. Now is type "enum", need change to "string" for adding -ability set custom tests. - -Additionally, should be rewrite sahara/tests/scenario/testcase.py.mako -template. Custom tests will be called from module with name in format -`check_{name of check}` with method `check()` inside. - -All auxiliary methods for current custom check will be written in module with -this tests. Methods, for global using in several custom scenario can be -implemented in sahara/tests/scenario/base.py. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Tests can be added manually to scenario tests in Base class. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - esikachev - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability to run custom scenario tests; -* Move scripts from old integration tests to scenario tests as custom checks; -* Adding new custom checks. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/adding-ids-to-logs.rst b/specs/liberty/adding-ids-to-logs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f30f1a0..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/adding-ids-to-logs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================================= -Adding cluster/instance/job_execution ids to log messages -========================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/logs-improvement - -This specification proposes to add more information to Sahara logs. - -Problem description -=================== - -Looking at some Sahara logs it is difficult to determine what -cluster/instance/job_execution to which they refer. - -Extra information should be added: - -* logs associated with cluster creation/scaling/deletion should contain - cluster id; -* logs associated with job execution/canceling/deletion should contain - job execution id; -* logs associated with operations executed on specific instance should - contain id of this instance. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Information can be added to context resource_uuid field and then can be -used by ContextAdapter in openstack.common.log for a group of logs. - -This change requires additional saving of context in -openstack.common.local.store to access context from openstack.common.log - -We need to set cluster id and job execution id only once. So, it could be done -with 2 methods that will be added to sahara.context: -set_current_cluster_id(cluster_id) and set_current_job_execution_id(je_id) - -Additionally, instances and their ids are changing during the thread. So, -instance id should be set only when operation executes on this instance. -It will be provided by class SetCurrentInstanceId and will be used with -wrapping function set_current_instance_id(instance_id) this way: - -.. sourcecode:: python - - with set_current_instance_id(instance_id): - -.. - -Code inside "with" statement will be executed with new context (which -includes instance id in resource_uuid field) but outside of it context will -stay the same. - -If instance and cluster specified, log message will looks like: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - 2014-12-22 13:54:19.574 23128 ERROR sahara.service.volumes [-] [instance: - 3bd63e83-ed73-4c7f-a72f-ce52f823b080, cluster: 546c15a4-ab12-4b22-9987-4e - 38dc1724bd] message - -.. - -If only cluster specified: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - 2014-12-22 13:54:19.574 23128 ERROR sahara.service.volumes [-] [instance: - none, cluster: 546c15a4-ab12-4b22-9987-4e38dc1724bd] message - -.. - -If job execution specified: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - 2014-12-22 13:54:19.574 23128 ERROR sahara.service.edp.api [-] [instance: - none, job_execution: 9de0de12-ec56-46f9-80ed-96356567a196] message - -.. - -Field "instance:" is presented in every message (even if it's not necessary) -because of default value of instance_format='[instance: %(uuid)s] ' -that cannot be fixed without config changing. - -After implementation of this changes, Sahara log messages should be checed and -fixed to avoid information duplication. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Information can be added manually to every log message. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability to access context from openstack.common.log; -* Adding information about cluster/instance/job execution ids to context; -* Fixing log messages to avoid information duplication. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/allow-creation-of-multiple-cluster-simultaneously.rst b/specs/liberty/allow-creation-of-multiple-cluster-simultaneously.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 968647a..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/allow-creation-of-multiple-cluster-simultaneously.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -====================================================== -Allow the creation of multiple clusters simultaneously -====================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/simultaneously-creating-multiple-clusters - -We want to improve user experience when creating new clusters by allowing the -user to create multiple clusters at the same time. - -Problem description -=================== - -When creating new clusters, the user has only the option to start a single -cluster. In some cases, for example when dealing with researches, the user -needs more than a single cluster with a given template. In order to reduce the -work of creating a cluster then going back to create a second one and so on, we -want to include the option of creating multiple clusters simultaneously by -adding an option of number of clusters. - -Proposed change -=============== - -We want to introduce an option for the user to select how many clusters will be -spawned. -When creating multiple clusters we will add a sequential number to the given -cluster name (hadoop-cluster1, hadoop-cluster2, ...). - -The creation workflow would go as follows: - -* 1) The users will request the creation of multiple clusters - POST v1.1//clusters/multiple using a body as described below. -* 2) The return of this call will be a list of clusters id -* 3) Finally the user will be able to track the cluster state using the ids. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -The user keeps creating a cluster at a time. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -We need to create a new API call (create_multiple_clusters()) to allow the -creation of multiple clusters by passing a new parameter specifying the number -of clusters that will be created. - -POST v1.1//clusters/multiple - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -We will also need to change the python-saharaclient to allow the creation of -multiple clusters. - -* Request - -{ - "plugin_name": "vanilla", - "hadoop_version": "2.4.1", - "cluster_template_id": "1beae95b-fd20-47c0-a745-5125dccbd560", - "default_image_id": "be23ce84-68cb-490a-b50e-e4f3e340d5d7", - "user_keypair_id": "doc-keypair", - "name": "doc-cluster", - "count": 2, - "cluster_configs": {} - -} - -* Response - -{clusters: ["c8c3fee5-075a-4969-875b-9a00bb9c7c6c", - "d393kjj2-973b-3811-846c-9g33qq4c9a9f"] - -} - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -We need to add a box to allow the user to insert the number of clusters that -will be created (default set to 1). - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tellesmvn - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement the backend for creating multiple clusters -* Implement the API change -* Implement Unit tests -* Implement changes to the python-saharaclient -* Implement changes to the UI -* Update WADL file in the api-site repo - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -We will implement unit tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The documentation needs to be updated datailing the new option. - -References -========== - -None. diff --git a/specs/liberty/api-for-objects-update.rst b/specs/liberty/api-for-objects-update.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 631c5f8..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/api-for-objects-update.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -Objects update support in Sahara API -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/api-for-objects-update - -This specification proposes to add api calls that allows to update objects that -currently cant be updated this way. - -Problem description -=================== - -Current Sahara API doesn't support update of some objects, which can be -required by some other features (for example it's needed for shared and -protected resources implementation that will be proposed in ACL spec later). - -Updates are already implemented for node group templates, cluster templates, -job binaries, data sources and should be done for clusters, -jobs, job executions and job binary internals. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Update operation will be added for cluster, job, job execution and job binary -internal objects. - -For clusters and jobs only description and name update will be allowed for now. -For job binary internals only name will be allowed to update. -There is nothing will be allowed to update for job executions, only -corresponding methods will be added. - -Also will be added support of PATCH HTTP method to modify existing resources. -It will be implemented the same way as current PUT method. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- -Following API calls will be added: - -**PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id}** - -**PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs/{job_id}** - -**PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-executions/{job_execution_id}** - -**PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binary-internals/{job_binary_internal_id}** - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -This update methods will be added to saharaclient API. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -This update methods will not be added to Horizon yet, but will be added later -as part of ACL spec. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding PATCH method; -* Adding new API calls; -* Adding operations to saharaclient; -* Documentation update in api-ref. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests and API tests in tempest will be added. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Sahara REST API documentation in api-ref will be updated. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/clients-calls-retry.rst b/specs/liberty/clients-calls-retry.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1d5df02..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/clients-calls-retry.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -Retry of all OpenStack clients calls -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/clients-calls-retry - -This specification proposes to add ability of retrying OpenStack clients calls -in case of occasional errors occurrence. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara uses a bunch of OpenStack clients to communicate with other OpenStack -services. Sometimes during this clients calls can be occurred occasional -errors that lead to Sahara errors as well. If you make a lot of calls, it may -not be surprising if one of them doesn't respond as it should - especially for -a service under heavy load. - -You make a valid call and it returns a 4xx or 5xx error. You make the same -call again a moment later, and it succeeds. To prevent such kind of failures, -all clients calls should be retried. But retries should be done only for -certain error codes, because not all of the errors can be avoided just with -call repetition. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Swift client provides the ability of calls retry by its own. So, only number of -retries and retry_on_ratelimit flag should be set during client initialisation. - -Neutron client provides retry ability too, but repeats call only if -``ConnectionError`` occurred. - -Nova, Cinder, Heat, Keystone clients don't offer such functionality at all. - -To retry calls ``execute_with_retries(method, *args, **kwargs)`` method will be -implemented. If after execution of given method (that will be passed with first -param), error occurred, its ``http_status`` will be compared with http statuses -in the list of the errors, that can be retried. According to that, client call -will get another chance or not. - -There is a list of errors that can be retried: - -* ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT (408)`` -* ``OVERLIMIT (413)`` -* ``RATELIMIT (429)`` -* ``INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500)`` -* ``BAD_GATEWAY (502)`` -* ``SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE (503)`` -* ``GATEWAY_TIMEOUT (504)`` - -Number of times to retry the request to clients before failing will be taken -from ``retries_number`` config value (5 by default). - -Time between retries will be configurable (``retry_after`` option in -config) and equal to 10 seconds by default. Additionally, Nova client provides -``retry_after`` field in ``OverLimit`` and ``RateLimit`` error classes, that -can be used instead of config value in this case. - -These two config options will be under ``timeouts`` config group. - -All clients calls will be replaced with ``execute_with_retries`` wrapper. -For example, instead of the following method call - -.. sourcecode:: python - - nova.client().images.get_registered_image(id) - -it will be - -.. sourcecode:: python - - execute_with_retries(nova.client().images.get_registered_image, id) - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding new options to Sahara config; -* ``execute_with_retries`` method implementation; -* Replacing OpenStack clients call with ``execute_with_retries`` method. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be added. They will check that only specified errors will -be retried - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/cluster-creation-with-trust.rst b/specs/liberty/cluster-creation-with-trust.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 43ac354..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/cluster-creation-with-trust.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=========================================== -Use trusts for cluster creation and scaling -=========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cluster-creation-with-trust - -Creation of cluster can be a pretty long operation. Currently we use sessions -that usually expire in less than one hour. So, currently it is impossible to -create a cluster that requires more than one hour for spawn. - -Sahara could get trust from user and use it whenever it is needed for cluster -creation or scaling. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara communicates with OpenStack services using session provided by user. -Session is created by keystone for comparably small amount of time. Creation -of large cluster could require more than session life time. That's why Sahara -will not be able to operate cluster at the end of the process. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Sahara could perform all operations with cluster using trust obtained from -user. Now trusts are used for termination of transient cluster. The same -logic could be used for all operations during cluster creation and scaling. - -Since we still support keystone v2, the option should be configurable. I -suggest making it enabled by default. - -The proposed workflow: - -1. User requests cluster creation or scaling. -2. Sahara creates trust to be used for OpenStack operation. This trust is - stored in the DB in the cluster's trust_id field. -3. Sahara finishes cluster provisioning or the periodic cluster cleanup task - recognizes that cluster activation has timed out and uses the trust to - delete the cluster. -4. Sahara deletes the trust. - -For safety reasons created trusts should be limited by time, but their life -time should be sufficient for cluster creation. Parameter in config file with -1 day default should work well. - -Alternatives ------------- - -The trust id could be stored in memory rather than in the database. However, -this implementation would not allow the periodic cluster cleanup task (which -is not run in the context of the tenant cluster provisioning request) to -successfully delete stale clusters. - -It is notable that storing the trust_id in the database will also be of use -to us in improving the HA capabilities of cluster creation if we move to a -multi-stage, DAG-based provisioning flow. - -While potential concerns about storing trust ids in the DB exist, these ids -require a valid auth token for either the admin or tenant user to utilize, -adding some degree of security in depth in case of a control plane database -breach. This mechanism may be further secured by storing all trust ids (for -both transient and long-running clusters) via a secret storage module in the -future. This change, however, falls outside the scope of this specification. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add option to Sahara config -* Implement new authentication strategy -* Document new behavior - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Manually. CI will cover the feature. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Because trusts are now being used to clean up clusters, we will need to -document that the periodic cluster cleanup task should be run on a schedule -that fits within the expiration period of a trust. - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/liberty/deprecate-direct-engine.rst b/specs/liberty/deprecate-direct-engine.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f552377..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/deprecate-direct-engine.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Deprecation of Direct Engine -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/deprecate-direct-engine - -Currently Sahara has two types of infrastructure engines. First is Direct -Infrastructure Engine and second is Heat Infrastructure Engine. This spec -proposes deprecating the Direct Engine. - -Problem description -=================== - -Each time when Sahara start support new feature, Sahara should support it in -both engines. So, it became much harder to support both versions of engines, -because in case of Direct Engine it would need to have duplication of work, -which is already done in Heat. - -Proposed change -=============== - -It's proposed to deprecate Direct Engine in Liberty release, but it will be -available to use. After merging this spec Direct Engine should be ``freezed`` -for new feautures which will be added in Liberty. It will be opened for -fixes of ``High`` and ``Critical`` bugs. We should make Heat Engine used by -default in Sahara. - -This change will allow to switch most testing jobs in Sahara CI -to use Heat Engine instead of Direct Engine. - -In M release we should remove all operations from direct engine. -After that the only operation which can be done with direct-engine-created -cluster is the cluster deletion. We should rewrite cluster deletion behavior -to support deletion direct-engine-created cluster via Heat Engine. Now heat -engine removes cluster from database but doesn't remove all cluster elements -(for example, instances). - -Alternatives ------------- - -Sahara can continue support of both engines. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Deployers should switch to use Heat Engine instead of Direct Engine. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -New features, which impacts infrastructure part of Sahara, should be supported -only in Heat Engine. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -This change will require following changes: - -* Add deprecation warnings at sahara startup. -* Mark Heat Engine as default in Sahara. -* Document deprecation of Direct Engine. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -This change require manual testing of deletion direct-engine-created cluster -after switch to heat engine. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to document that Direct Engine became deprecated. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/drop-hadoop-1-support.rst b/specs/liberty/drop-hadoop-1-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9897035..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/drop-hadoop-1-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================== -Drop Hadoop v1 support in provisioning plugins -============================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/drop-hadoop-1 - -This specification proposes to drop old Hadoop versions - -Problem description -=================== - -Support for Hadoop 1 in provisioning plugins has become an unused feature. The -Hadoop development for v1 is almost frozen and Hadoop vendors are also dropping -its support. - -As the sahara-plugins and sahara main repository split is going to happen it -will be a lot easier move less plugins to the new repo. Also the number of -unit and scenario tests will reduce. - -The list of versions to be dropped is: - -* Vanilla 1.2.1 -* HDP 1.3.2 - -This spec does not suppose to drop the deprecated versions of plugins. That -should be a regular part of the release cycle. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Drop the plugins code for Hadoop v1 along with: - -* xml/json resources -* unit and scenario tests -* sample files -* image elements - - -Alternatives ------------- - -TBD - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Elements for building Hadoop v1 images should be dropped as well - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - nkonovalov - -Work Items ----------- - -* Disable Hadoop v1 tests in sahara-ci -* Drop related code and resource from sahara main repo -* Drop image elements - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Sahara-ci should not test Hadoop v1 anymore - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Add a note that Hadoop v1 is not supported in new releases. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/edp-add-spark-shell-action.rst b/specs/liberty/edp-add-spark-shell-action.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a90f5ad..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/edp-add-spark-shell-action.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -[EDP] Add Spark Shell Action job type -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-add-spark-shell-action - -The EDP Shell action job type allows users to run arbitrary -shell scripts on their cluster, providing a great deal of flexibility -to extend EDP functionality without engine changes or direct cluster -interface. This specification proposes the addition of this job type -for the Spark engine. - -A fuller explication of the benefits of this feature can be found in -the edp-add-oozie-shell-action_ specification, which need not be -repeated here. - -.. _edp-add-oozie-shell-action: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-specs/specs/kilo/edp-add-oozie-shell-action.html - - -Problem description -=================== - -While the Oozie engine now supports Shell actions, Spark users do not -presently have access to this job type. Its addition would allow the -creation of cluster maintenance tools, pre- or post-processing jobs -which might be cumbersome to implement in Spark itself, the retrieval -of data from filesystems not supported as Sahara data sources, or any -other use case possible from a shell command. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -From an interface standpoint, the Spark Shell action implementation will -follow the Oozie Shell action implementation almost precisely: - -* Shell jobs will require a single script binary in ``mains``, which will be - pushed to the cluster's master node and executed. -* Shell jobs will optionally permit any number of file binaries to be - passed as ``libs``, which will be placed in the script's working directory - and may be used by the script as it executes. -* ``configs`` will be permitted to allow Sahara EDP-internal features - (``substitute_data_source_for_uuid`` and ``subsitute_data_source_for_name`` - will be implemented for this job type, as they are for Oozie Shell actions.) -* ``params`` key-value pairs will be passed to the script as environment - variables (whether these are passed into a remote ssh client or injected - into the script itself is left to the discretion of the implementer.) -* ``args`` will be passed to the script as positional command-line arguments. -* The Shell engine for Spark will store files as the main Spark engine does, - creating a directory under /tmp/spark-edp/``job_name``/``job_execution_id``, - which will contain all required files and the output of the execution. -* The Spark Shell engine will reuse the ``launch_command.py`` script (as used - by the main Spark engine at this time,) which will record childpid, stdout, - and stderr from the subprocess for record-keeping purposes. - -Spark Shell actions will differ in implementation from Oozie Shell actions -in the following ways: - -* As Spark jobs and Shell actions which happen to be running on a Spark - cluster differ quite entirely, the Spark plugin will be modified to contain - two separate engines (provided via an extensible strategy pattern based on - job type.) Sensible abstraction of these engines is left to the discretion - of the implementer. -* ``configs`` values which are not EDP-internal will not be passed to the - script by any means (as there is no intermediary engine to act on them.) -* Spark Shell actions will be run as the image's registered user, as Spark - jobs are themselves. As cluster and VM maintenance tasks are part of the - intended use case of this feature, allowing sudo access to the VMs is - desirable. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -No additional changes after merge of the Oozie Shell action job type -implementation. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -No additional changes after merge of the Shell action job type UI -implementation. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - sgotliv - -Other contributors: - egafford - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a Shell engine to the Spark plugin, and refactor this plugin to provide - an appropriate engine branching on job type. -* Add an integration test for Spark Shell jobs (as per previous plugin- - specific Shell job tests). -* Update the EDP documentation to specify that the Spark plugin supports the - Shell job type. -* Verify that the UI changes made for Oozie Shell jobs are sufficient to - support the Shell job type in the Spark case (as is anticipated). - - -Dependencies -============ - -This change builds on the change `[EDP] Add Oozie Shell Job Type`_. - -.. _[EDP] Add Oozie Shell Job Type: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/159920/ - - -Testing -======= - -* Unit tests to cover the Spark Shell engine and appropriate engine selection - within the plugin. -* One integration test to cover running of a simple shell job through the - Spark plugin. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The EDP sections of the documentation need to be updated. - - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/liberty/edp-datasource-placeholders.rst b/specs/liberty/edp-datasource-placeholders.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f83227f..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/edp-datasource-placeholders.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -Allow placeholders in datasource URLs -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-datasource-placeholders - -This spec is to allow using placeholders in EDP data source URL. - -Problem description -=================== - -Common use case: user wants to run EDP job two times. Now the only way to do -that with the same data sources is to erase result of the first run before -running job the second time. Allowing to have random part in URL will allow -to use output with random suffix. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Introduce special strings that could be used in EDP data source URL and will -be replaced with appropriate value. - -The proposed syntax for placeholder is %FUNC(ARGS)%. - -As a first step I suggest to implement two functions only: - -* %RANDSTR(len)% - will be replaced with random string of lowercase letters of - length ``len``. -* %JOB_EXEC_ID% - will be replaced with the job execution ID. - -Placeholders will not be allowed in protocol prefix. So, there will be no -validation impact. - -List of functions could be extended later (e.g. to have %JOB_ID%, etc.). - -URLs after placeholders replacing will be stored in ``job_execution.info`` -field during job_execution creation. This will allow to use them later to find -objects created by a particular job run. - -Example of create request for data source with placeholder: - -.. sourcecode:: json - - { - "name": "demo-pig-output", - "description": "A data source for Pig output, stored in Swift", - "type": "swift", - "url": "swift://edp-examples.sahara/pig-job/data/output.%JOB_EXEC_ID%", - "credentials": { - "user": "demo", - "password": "password" - } - } - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do not allow placeholders. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -``job_execution.info`` field (json dict) will also store constructed URLs. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Horizon need to be updated to display actual URLs for job execution. Input -Data Source and Output Data Source sections of job execution details page will -be extended to include information about URLs used. - -REST will not be changed since new information is stored in the existing -'info' field. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement feature -* Document feature - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Manually. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/liberty/edp-edit-data-sources.rst b/specs/liberty/edp-edit-data-sources.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 21a2452..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/edp-edit-data-sources.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -====================================== -[EDP] Allow editing datasource objects -====================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-edit-data-sources - -Currently there is no way to edit a datasource object. If a path needs -to be changed, for example, the datasource must be deleted and a new -one created. The most common use case is a situation where a user -creates a datasource, runs a job, and receives an error from the job -because the path does not exist. Although it is not strictly necessary, -editable datasource objects would be a convenience when a user needs to -correct a path or credentials. - -Problem description -=================== - -There are no API methods for updating a datasource object in the -REST API or at the conductor level. - -The only way to correct a datasource is to delete an existing one and -create a new one with corrected information. Although it is possible to -use the same name, the object id will be different. - -If editing is allowed, a user only needs to do a single operation to -make corrections. Additionally, the id is preserved so that objects which -reference it will reference the corrected path. - -In the general case, editing a datasource should not be a problem for -a job execution which references it. Once a job execution enters the "RUNNING" -state, any information in datasource objects it references has been extracted -and passed to the process running the job. Consequently, editing a datasource -referenced by running or completed jobs will cause no errors. On relaunch, -a job execution will extract the current information from the datasource. - -There is only a small window where perhaps editing should not be allowed. -This is when a datasource object is referenced by a job execution in the -"PENDING" state. At this point, information has not yet been extracted -from the datasource object, and a change during this window would -cause the job to run with paths other than the ones that existed at submission -time. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add an update operation to the REST API for datasource objects. Do not -allow updates for datasource objects that are referenced by job executions -in the "PENDING" state (this can be checked during validation). - -Datasource objects referenced by job executions that are not in the PENDING -state may be changed. In an existing blueprint and related CR (listed in the -reference section) the URLs used by a job execution will be recorded in -the job execution when the job enters the RUNNING state. This means that for -any running or completed job execution, the list of exact datasource URLs -used in the execution will be available from the job execution itself even -if the referenced datasource has been edited. - -Allow any fields in a datasource object to be updated except for id. -The object id should be preserved. - -Add the corresponding update operation to the python-saharaclient. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Backward compatiblity will be maintained since this is a new endpoint. - -**PUT /v1.1/{tenant_id}/data-sources/{data_source_id}** - -Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) - -Errors: 400 (BAD REQUEST), 404 (NOT FOUND) - -Update the indicated datasource object - -**Example** - **request** - - .. sourcecode:: text - - PUT http://sahara/v1.1/{tenant_id}/data-sources/{data_source_id} - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "description": "some description", - "name": "my_input", - "url": "swift://container/correct_path" - } - - **response** - - .. sourcecode:: http - - HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED - Content-Type: application/json - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "created_at": "2015-04-08 20:27:13", - "description": "some_description", - "id": "7b25fc64-5913-4bc3-aaf4-f82ad03ea2bc", - "name": "my_input", - "tenant_id": "33724d3bf3114ae9b8ab1c170e22926f", - "type": "swift", - "updated_at": "2015-04-09 10:27:13", - "url": "swift://container_correct_path" - } - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -This operation should be added to the python-saharaclient API as well - -$ sahara data-source-update [--name NAME] [--id ID] [--json] - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -To take advantage of this from the Horizon UI, we would need a selectable -"Edit" action for each datasource on the datasources page - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Trevor McKay - -Other contributors: - Chad Roberts - -Work Items ----------- - -Add REST and support methods to Sahara -Add operation to python-saharaclient -Add operation to datasource screens in Horizon -Add to WADL in api-ref - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests in Sahara and python-saharaclient - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Potentially any user documentation that talks about relaunch, or -editing of other objects like templates - -References -========== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-datasource-placeholders -https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158909/ diff --git a/specs/liberty/edp-edit-job-binaries.rst b/specs/liberty/edp-edit-job-binaries.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1031fb3..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/edp-edit-job-binaries.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================ -[EDP] Allow editing job binaries -================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-edit-job-binaries - -Currently there is no way to edit a job binary. If a path needs -to be changed, for example, the job binary must be deleted and a new -one created. The most common use case is a situation where a user -creates a job binary, runs a job, and receives an error from the job -because the path does not exist. Although it is not strictly necessary, -editable job binary objects would be a convenience when a user needs to -correct a path or credentials. - -Problem description -=================== - -There are no API methods for updating a job binary object in the -REST API or at the conductor level. - -The only way to correct a job binary is to delete an existing one and -create a new one with corrected information. Although it is possible to -use the same name, the object id will be different. - -If editing is allowed, a user only needs to do a single operation to -make corrections. Additionally, the id is preserved so that objects which -reference it will reference the corrected path. - -In the general case, editing a job binary should not be a problem for -a job object that references it. Once a job execution enters the "RUNNING" -state, any job binary objects it references indirectly through the job object -have been uploaded to the cluster for execution. Consequently, editing a -job binary object will cause no errors. - -There is only a small window where editing should not be allowed. -This is when a job binary object is referenced by a job execution in the -"PENDING" state. At this point, binaries have not yet been uploaded to the -cluster and a change during this window would cause the job to run with -paths other than the ones that existed at submission time. - -Note, the paths of binaries used by a job execution should be recorded in -the job execution. This will remove a restriction on editing of paths in -a job binary that is referenced by an existing job execution. This will be -done in a separate blueprint listed in the references section (similar -recording of data source paths used during an execution is supported in -another blueprint). - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add an update operation to the REST API for job binary objects. Do not -allow updates for job binaries that are referenced by job executions -in the "PENDING" state (this can be checked during validation). - -Allow the following fields in the job binary to be edited: - -* name -* description -* url if the value is not an "internal-db://" path - -For binaries stored in the Sahara database, the URL is generated by -Sahara and should not be editable. - -Add the corresponding update operation to the python-saharaclient. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Backward compatiblity will be maintained since this is a new endpoint. - -**PUT /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binaries/{job_binary_id}** - -Normal Response Code: 202 (ACCEPTED) - -Errors: 400 (BAD REQUEST), 404 (NOT FOUND) - -Update the indicated job-binary object - -**Example** - **request** - - .. sourcecode:: text - - PUT http://sahara/v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binaries/{job_binary_id} - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "description": "some description", - "name": "my.jar", - "url": "swift://container/correct_path" - } - - **response** - - .. sourcecode:: http - - HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED - Content-Type: application/json - - .. sourcecode:: json - - { - "created_at": "2015-04-08 20:48:18", - "description": "", - "id": "640ca841-d4d9-48a1-a838-6aa86b12520f", - "name": "my.jar", - "tenant_id": "33724d3bf3114ae9b8ab1c170e22926f", - "updated_at": "2015-04-09 10:48:18", - "url": "swift://container/correct_path" - } - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -This operation should be added to the python-saharaclient API as well - -$ sahara job-binary-update [--name NAME] [--id ID] [--json] - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -To take advantage of this from the Horizon UI, we would need a selectable -"Edit" action for each job binary on the job binaries page - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Trevor McKay - -Other contributors: - Chad Roberts - -Work Items ----------- - -Add REST and support methods to Sahara -Add operation to python-saharaclient -Add operation to job binary screens in Horizon -Add to WADL in api-ref - -Dependencies -============ - -This is a blueprint to store the job binary paths in the job execution object. -Implementing this first will allow editing of job binaries as long as they are -not in the PENDING state. Otherwise, editing will have to be disallowed for job -binaries referenced by an existing job execution. - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-store-binary-paths-in-job-executions - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests in Sahara and python-saharaclient - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Potentially any user documentation that talks about -editing of other objects like templates - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-hdfs-ha.rst b/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-hdfs-ha.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c9f61d5..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-hdfs-ha.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=================== -CDH HDFS HA Support -=================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-ha-support - -This blueprint aims to implement HDFS High-Availability (HA) for Cloudra -plugin. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently Cloudera plugin does not support HA for services. We plan to -implement HDFS HA as the first step. HA for Yarn and other services will be -the later steps. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation of the HDFS HA will be done via CM API enable_nn_ha(). This -API will help us enable HDFS HA by giving several info augments. - -CDH 5 only supports Quorum-based Storage as the only HA implementation, so we -will only implement this. To achieve this, we need to add a Standby NameNode, -and several JournalNodes. The JournalNode number should be odd and at least 3. -When HDFS HA is enabled, SecondaryNameNode will not be used. So we can reuse -the node for SecondaryNameNode for StandbyNameNode. - -HDFS HA has several hardware constraints (see the reference link). However, -for all resources are virtual in Openstack, we will only require NameNode and -StandbyNameNode are on different physical hosts. - -Overall, we will implement HDFS as below: - -* Add a role JournalNode. -* If JournalNode was selected by user (cluster admin), then HA will be enabled. -* If HA is enabled, we will validate whether JournalNode number meet - requirements. -* JournalNode roles will not be really created during cluster creation. In fact - they will be used as parameters of CM API enable_nn_ha. -* If HA is enabled, we will use SecondaryNameNode as the StandbyNameNode. -* If HA is enabled, we will set Anti-affinity to make sure NameNode and - SecondaryNameNode will not be on the same physical host. -* If HA is enabled, Zookeeper service is required in the cluster. -* After the cluster was started, we will call enable_nn_ha to enable HDFS HA. -* If HA is enabled, in Oozie workflow xml file, we will give nameservice name - instead of the NameNode name in method get_name_node_uri. So that the cluster - can determine by itself which NameNode is active. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Ken Chen - -Work Items ----------- - -Changes will be only in sahara/plugins/cdh directory. We will only do this -based on CDH 5.4.0 at this stage. CDH 5.0.0 and CDH 5.3.0 plugins will not be -supported. Changes were described in the Proposed change section. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -We will only do primitive checks: create a Cloudera cluster with HDFS HA, and -see whether it is active. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The documentation needs to be updated with information about enabling CDH HDFS -HA. - - -References -========== - -* `NameNode HA with QJM ` -* `Introduction to HDFS HA ` -* `Enable HDFS HA Using Cloudera Manager ` -* `Configuring Hardware for HDFS HA ` - diff --git a/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-rm-ha.rst b/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-rm-ha.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 80d625f..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/enable-cdh-rm-ha.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=================================== -CDH YARN ResourceManager HA Support -=================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-ha-support - -This blueprint aims to implement YARN ResourceManager (RM) High-Availability -(HA) for Cloudra plugin. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently Cloudera plugin does not support HA for YARN ResourceManager. -Therefore we plan to implement RM HA. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation of the RM HA will be done via CM API enable_rm_ha(). This -API will help us enable ResourceManager HA by giving several info augments. - -To achieve RM HA, we need to add one Standby NodeManager in the node -of the cluster templates (Cloudera Plugin only support one Standby NodeManager, -while the other implementations might allow >1 Standby NodeManager). -When RM HA is enabled, we will start both the Primary and Standby NodeManagers, -let the Primary NodeManager be active, and leave the Standby NodManager -standby. - -CM API enable_rm_ha accepts a new ResourceManager Host new_rm_host_id as -parameter. A Standby ResourceManager will be started on new_rm_host_id node. - -ResourceManager HA requires Primary ResourceManager and Standby ResourceManager -roles deployed on different physical hosts. Zookeeper service is required too. - -When ResourceManager HA is enabled, Oozie or applications depended on RM should -be able to check all available RMs and get the active RM by themselves. There -is no way to automatically switch between RMs smoothly. - -Overall, we will implement RM HA as below: - -* Add a role YARN_STANDBYRM. -* If YARN_STANDBYRM was selected by user (cluster admin), then YARN RM HA will - be enabled. -* If RM HA is enabled, we will check Anti-affinity to make sure YARN_STANDBYRM - and YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER will not be on the same physical host. -* If RM HA is enabled, Zookeeper service is required in the cluster. -* If RM HA is enabled, we will create cluster with ResourceManager on node - where YARN_RESOURCEMANAGER role is assigned. -* If RM HA is enabled, after the cluster is started, we will call enable_rm_ha - to enabled RM HA by using the YARN_STANDBYRM node as parameter. - -It should be noted that, if HA is enabled, in Oozie workflow xml file, we need -to detect the active ResourceManager in method get_resource_manager_uri and -pass it to Oozie each time when we use it. I plan to include this part of codes -in later patches. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Ken Chen - -Work Items ----------- - -Changes will be only in sahara/plugins/cdh directory. We will only do this -based on CDH 5.4.0 at this stage. CDH 5.0.0 and CDH 5.3.0 plugins will not be -supported. Changes were described in the Proposed change section. - - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -We will only do primitive checks: create a Cloudera cluster with RM HA, and -see whether it is active. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The documentation needs to be updated with information about enabling CDH YARN -ResourceManager HA. - - -References -========== - -* `Configuring High Availability for ResourceManager (MRv2/YARN) ` diff --git a/specs/liberty/hdp-22-support.rst b/specs/liberty/hdp-22-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d6ebf80..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/hdp-22-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================== -Add support HDP 2.2 plugin -========================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/hdp-22-support - -This specification proposes to add new HDP plugin based on Ambari -Blueprints [1] with Ambari Management Console. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently we support old HDP plugin which contains old HDP distribution. -Also old HDP plugin looks like unsupported by HortonWorks team every year [2]. -Many customers want new version of HDP. New HDP plugin will be based on Ambari -Blueprints. Ambari Blueprints are a declarative definition of a cluster. -With a Blueprint, you specify a Stack, the Component layout and -the Configurations to materialize a Hadoop cluster instance via REST API. - -Proposed change -=============== - -New HDP plugin will support provisioning HDP stack via Ambari Blueprints. - -Plugin will support key Sahara features: - -* Cinder integration -* Swift integration -* EDP -* Scaling -* Event logs - -New HDP plugin will support the following OS: Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6. Aslo -new plugin will support mirrors with HDP packages. - -New HDP plugin will support all services which supports Ambari. Also new plugin -will support HA for NameNode and ResourceManager. Client will be installed on -all nodes if selected our process. For example if selected Oozie then will be -installed Oozie client on all nodes. - -Plugin wil be support the following services: - -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Service | Process | -+===================+===========================+ -| Ambari | Ambari | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Falcon | Falcon Server | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Flume | Flume | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| HBase | HBase Master | -| +---------------------------+ -| | HBase RegionServer | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| HDFS | NameNode | -| +---------------------------+ -| | DataNode | -| +---------------------------+ -| | SecondaryNameNode | -| +---------------------------+ -| | JournalNode | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Hive | Hive Metastore | -| +---------------------------+ -| | HiveServer | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Kafka | Kafka Broker | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Knox | Knox Gateway | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Oozie | Oozie | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Ranger | Ranger Admin | -| +---------------------------+ -| | Ranger Usersync | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Slider | Slider | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Spark | Spark History Server | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Sqoop | Sqoop | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| Storm | DRPC Server | -| +---------------------------+ -| | Nimbus | -| +---------------------------+ -| | Storm UI Server | -| +---------------------------+ -| | Supervisor | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| YARN | YARN Timeline Server | -| +---------------------------+ -| | MapReduce History Server | -| +---------------------------+ -| | NodeManager | -| +---------------------------+ -| | ResourceManager | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ -| ZooKeeper | ZooKeeper | -+-------------------+---------------------------+ - -Alternatives ------------- - -Add support of HDP 2.2 in old plugin, but it is very difficult to do without -Ambari Blueprints. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Need to add elements for building images with pre-installed Ambari packages. -For installing HDP Stack plugin should use mirror with HDP packages. Also -should add elements for building local HDP mirror. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - sreshetniak - -Other contributors: - nkonovalov - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add base implementation of plugin [3] [4] -* Add elements for building image with Ambari [5] -* Add EDP support [6] -* Add additional services support [7] -* Add scaling support [8] -* Add HA support [9] -* Add elements for building HDP mirror [10] - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -* Add unit tests for plugin -* Add scenario tests and job on sahara-ci - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -New plugin documentation should be added to Sahara docs. - - -References -========== - -[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AMBARI/Blueprints - -[2] http://stackalytics.com/?module=sahara-group&release=all&company=hortonworks&metric=commits - -[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/184292/ - -[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/185100/ - -[5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181732/ - -[6] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/194580/ - -[7] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/195726/ - -[8] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193081/ - -[9] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/197551/ - -[10] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200570/ diff --git a/specs/liberty/heat-hot.rst b/specs/liberty/heat-hot.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 69b58fd..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/heat-hot.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Migrate to HEAT HOT language -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/heat-hot - -This blueprint suggests to rewrite cluster template for Heat from JSON to HOT -language. - -Problem description -=================== - -Heat supports two different template languages: YAML-based -`HOT `_ templates -and JSON-based CFN templates (no documentation about it, only a number of -examples). - -HOT is the de-facto main markup language for Heat. `Template Guide -`_ -recommends to use HOT and contains examples for HOT only. - -CFN templates are supported mostly for compatibility with AWS CloudFormation. - -Sahara historically uses CFN templates. Given that Sahara is an integrated -OpenStack project it would be nice to switch to HOT. - -Proposed change -=============== - -There is no urgent need in switching to HOT. But it would be nice to be -compliant with current tendencies in community. - -This spec suggests to use HOT template language for sahara heat templates. - -This will require changes mostly in .heat resources. Code that generate -template parts on the fly should be changed too. - -Having templates written on HOT will simplify implementation of new -heat-related features like `template decomposition -`_. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do not change anything. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Change all .heat files used by Sahara -* Update code that generates parts of template -* Update unit tests -* Make sure that sahara with heat engine still works in all supported - configurations - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Mostly manually. CI should also cover heat changes. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None. - -References -========== - -* http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/hot_guide.html \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/liberty/heat-template-decomposition.rst b/specs/liberty/heat-template-decomposition.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cee23a7..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/heat-template-decomposition.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=================================== -Decompose cluster template for Heat -=================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/heat-template-decomposition - -Currently Sahara creates one large template with a lot of copy-paste -resources. Heat features like `template composition -`_ -could help to move all composition work from Sahara to Heat. This will also -allow sahara to have individual cluster parts as separate templates and insert -them as resources (in comparison to current text manipulations). - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently Sahara serializes cluster resources as text to heat template. There -are several issues with this approach: - -1. Code duplication. If a node group contains 10 instances the template will - contain all instance-dependent resources 10 times. -2. No code validation. There is no guarantee that resulting template will be - syntactically correct (Sahara treats it as text). Missing comma in one - resource could influence the other resource. -3. Not Sahara's work. Sahara micro-manages the process of infrastructure - creation. This is Heat's job. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Use `OS::Heat::ResourceGroup `_ -for resources inside node group. Each node group will contain only one -resource group and specify number of instances needed. Each individual -instance of resource group will contain all resources needed for a -corresponding sahara instance (nova server, security group, volume, -floating ip, etc.). - -This change will also prepare ground for node group auto-scaling feature. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Resulting Sahara stack in Heat will contain nested stacks. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - alazarev (Andrew Lazarev) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add ability to generate separate ResourceGroup for a single instance of node - group -* Switch template for node groups to ResourceGroup with specified count of - instances -* Update unit tests -* Make sure that Sahara with heat engine still works for all supported - configurations - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Manually. CI will also cover changes in heat. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None. - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/liberty/keystone-sessions.rst b/specs/liberty/keystone-sessions.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1c9934d..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/keystone-sessions.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================ -Updating authentication to use keystone sessions -================================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/keystone-sessions - -Sahara currently uses per access authentication when creating OpenStack -clients. This style of authentication requires keystone connections on every -client creation. The keystone project has created a mechanism to streamline -and improve this process in the form of Session objects. These objects -encapsulate mechanisms for updating authentication tokens, caching of -connections, and a single point for security improvements. Sahara should -migrate its OpenStack client objects to use session objects for all clients. - - -Problem description -=================== - -For all OpenStack client instances, sahara uses authentication on a -per-client creation basis. For each client object that is requested, a set of -credentials are acquired from the context, or the configuration file in the -case of admin accounts, which are used to initialize the client object. -During this initialization a request is made to the Identity service to -determine the user's privileges with respect to the new client. - -Sahara must be aware of any changes to the authentication methods for each -client as well as any potential security vulnerabilities resulting from the -usage of those methods. - -This method of authentication does not allow sahara to share any information -between clients, aside from the raw credentials. In turn, this introduces -brittleness to the sahara/client interface as each authentication -relationship must be maintained separately or, worse yet, with a partial -shared model. - -Having separate interfaces for each client also makes applying security -updates more difficult as each client instance must be visited, researched, -and ultimately fixed according the specific details for that client. - -Although this methodology has served sahara well thus far, the keystone -project has introduced new layers of abstraction to aid in sharing common -authentication between clients. This shared methodology, the keystoneclient -Session object, provides a unified point of authentication for all clients. -It serves as a single point to contain security updates, on-demand -authentication token updating, common authentication methods, and -standardized service discovery. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Sahara should standardize its client authentication code by utilizing -keystoneclient Session objects. This change will entail creating a new -module, modifying the OpenStack client utility functions, and adding -an authentication plugin object to the context. - -A new module, ``sahara.service.sessions``, will be created to contain utility -functions and classes to aid in the creation and storage of session objects. -This module will also contain a global singleton for the sessions cache. - -``sahara.service.sesssions`` will provide a class named ``SessionCache`` as -well as a function to gain the global singleton instance of that class. The -``SessionCache`` will contain cached session objects that can be reused in -the creation of individual OpenStack clients. It will also contain functions -for generating the session objects required by specific clients. Some clients -may require unique versions to be cached, for example if a client requires a -specific certificate file then it may have a unique session. For all other -clients that do not require a unique session, a common session will be used. - -Authentication for session objects will be provided by one of a few methods -depending on the type of session needed. For user based sessions, -authentication will be obtained from the keystonemiddleware authentication -plugin that is generated with each request. For admin based sessions, the -credentials found in the sahara configuration file will be used to generate -the authentication plugin. Trust based authentication will be handled by -generating an authentication plugin based on the information available in -each case, either a token for a user or a password for an admin or proxy -user. - -The ``sahara.context.Context`` object will be changed to incorporate an -authentication plugin object. When created through REST calls the -authentication plugin will be obtained from the keystonemiddleware. When -copying a context, the authentication plugin will be copied as well. For -other cases the authentication plugin may be set programmatically, for -example if an admin authentication plugin is required it can be generated -from values in the configuration file, or if a trust based authentication -is required it can be generated. - -The individual OpenStack client utility modules will be changed to use -session and authentication plugin objects for their creation. The -sessions will be obtained from the global singleton and the authentication -plugin objects can be obtained from the context, or created in circumstances -that require more specific authentication, for example when using the -admin user or trust based authentication. - -The clients for heat and swift do not yet enable session based -authentication. These clients should be monitored for addition of this -feature and migrated when available. - -Alternatives ------------- - -An alternative to this approach would be to create our own methodology for -storing common authentication credentials, but this would be an exercise in -futility as we would merely be replicating the work of keystoneclient. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Michael McCune (elmiko) - -Other contributors: - Andrey Pavlov (apavlov) - -Work Items ----------- - -* create sahara.service.sessions -* modify context to accept authentication plugin -* modify sahara.utils.openstack clients to use sessions - - * cinder - * keystone - * neutron - * nova - -* modify admin authentications to use plugin objects -* modify trust authentications to use plugin objects -* create tests for session cache -* create developer documentation for client usage - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -The tests created for this feature will be unit based, to exercise the code -paths and logic points. Functional testing should not be necessary as these -authentication methods will be exercised in the course of the standard -functional testing. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This change will only create documentation within the sahara project. -Currently there exists no documentation about client usage within the sahara -codebase. This change will add a small section describing how to instantiate -clients using the ``sahara.utils.openstack`` package, with a note about -common session authentication. - - -References -========== - -`Keystoneclient documentation about using Sessions `_ - -`How to Use Keystoneclient Sessions (article by Jamie Lennox) `_ diff --git a/specs/liberty/manila-as-a-data-source.rst b/specs/liberty/manila-as-a-data-source.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0521543..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/manila-as-a-data-source.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================== -Manila as a runtime data source -=============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/manila-as-a-data-source - -Using manila nfs shares and the mounting features developed for use with -job binaries, it should be feasible to use nfs shares to host input -and output data. This will allow data to be referenced through local -filesystem paths as a another simple alternative to hdfs or swift storage. - - -Problem description -=================== - -The work has already been done to support mounting of manila nfs shares at -cluster provisioning time or automounting shares for EDP job binaries with a -url of the form *manila:///path*. Additionally, the Hadoop filesystem -APIs already support *file:///path* urls for referencing the local filesystem. - -Sahara can build on these existing features by allowing -*manila:///path* urls for data sources, automounting shares -referenced by data sources when necessary, and generating the correct -local filesystem urls for EDP jobs at runtime. - -Some of the benefits of this approach are: - -* parity for job binaries and data sources in regards to manila shares -* the ability to store job binaries and data sources in the same share -* the flexibility to add a new data share to a cluster at any time -* the ability to operate on data from a cluster node using native OS tools -* works on any node where *mount -t nfs ...* is supported -* lays the groundwork for other manila share types in the future - -The problem can be divided into three high-level items: - -* Add a *manila* data source type with validation of *manila://* urls -* Translate *manila://* urls to *file://* urls for use at job runtime -* Call the existing automounting methods when a data source references - a new share - -Note, automounting and url translation will only work for manila shares -referenced by data source objects. A *manila://* url embedded as a literal -in a job config, param, or arg will be ignored. It will not be translated -to a *file://* url by Sahara and it will not cause automounting. However, -there is a precedent for this -- Sahara currently has other features that -are only supported on data source objects, not on literal urls. (It may -be possible to remove these limitations in the future through greater -use of the unified job mapping interface recently introduced). - -Proposed change -=============== - -A *manila* data source type will be added to the JSON schema for data sources, -with appropriate validation of *manilla://* urls. - -The existing code in *sahara/service/edp/binary_retrievers/manila_share.py* -that supports path name generation and automounting of manila nfs shares for -job binaries will be refactored and broken up between -*sahara/service/edp/job_utils.py* and *sahara/service/shares.py*. The essential -implementation is complete, but this logic needs to be callable from multiple -places and in different combinations to support data sources. - -Currently, all data source urls are returned to the EDP engines from -*get_data_sources()* and *resolve_data_source_references()* in *job_utils.py*. -The returned urls are recorded in the job_execution object and used by the -EDP engine to generate the job on the cluster. These two routines will be -extended to handle manila data sources in the following ways: - -* Mount a referenced nfs share on the cluster when necessary. Since an - EDP job runs on multiple nodes, the share must be mounted to the whole - cluster instead of to an individual instance - -* Translate the *manila://* url to a *file://* url and return both urls - Since the submission time url and the runtime url for these data - sources will be different, both must be returned. Sahara will record - the submission time url in the job_execution but use the runtime url - for job generation - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do not support *manila://* urls for data sources but support data hosted on nfs -as described in - -https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210839/ - -However, these features are complementary, not mutually exclusive, and most of -the appartus necessary to make this proposal work already exists. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None (only "manila" as a valid data source type in the JSON schema) - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Obviously, if this feature is desired then the manila service should be running - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None (nfs-utils element is already underway) - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Sahara needs a manila data source type on the data source creation form - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tmckay - -Other contributors: - croberts, egafford - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add manila data source type to the JSON schema -* Allow submission time and runtime urls to differ - (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209634/3) -* Refactor binary_retrievers/manila_share.py -* Extend job_utils get_data_sources() and resolve_data_source_references() - to handle manila:// urls -* Add manila data source creation to Horizon -* Modify/extend unit tests -* Documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/manila-as-binary-store - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests. - -Eventually, as with job binaries, this can be tested with integration -tests if/when we have manila support in the gate - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Discussion of the manila data source type should be added to any -sections we currently have that talk about data being hosted in swift of hdfs. - -Additionally, we should consider adding information to the Sahara section -of the security guide on the implications of using manila data shares. - -If the security guide or the manila documentation contains a section on -security, this probably can be a short discussion from a Sahara perspective -with a link to the security info. If there isn't such a section currently, then -probably there should be a separate CR against the security guide to create a -section for Manila. - -References -========== diff --git a/specs/liberty/manila-as-binary-store.rst b/specs/liberty/manila-as-binary-store.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f6da449..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/manila-as-binary-store.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -Addition of Manila as a Binary Store -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/manila-as-binary-store - -Network and distributed filesystems are a useful means of sharing files among -a distributed architecture. This core use case makes them an excellent -candidate for storage of job binaries. - -Problem description -=================== - -While internal database storage and Swift storage are sensible options for -binary storage, the addition of Manila integration allows it as a third option -for job binary storage and retrieval. This specification details how this -will be implemented. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The scheme ``manila`` will be added as an option in creation of job binaries. -URLs will take the form: - -``manila://{share_id}/absolute_path_to_file`` - -URLs stored as binary locations can be passed through the following -validations: - -1) The manila share id exists. -2) The share is of a type Sahara recognizes as a valid binary store. - -Because manila shares are not mounted to the control plane and should not be, -we will not be able to assess the existence or nonexistence of files intended -to be job binaries. - -We can, however, assess the share type through Manila. For the initial -reference implementation, only NFS shares will be permitted for this -use; other share types may be verified and added in later changes. - -For this binary type, Sahara will not retrieve binary files and copy them into -the relevant nodes; they are expected to be reachable through the nodes' own -filesystems. Instead, Sahara will: - -1) Ensure that the share is mounted to the appropriate cluster nodes (in the - Oozie case, the node group containing Oozie server; in the Spark case, the - node group containing Spark Master, etc.) If the share is not already - mounted, Sahara will mount the share to the appropriate node groups using - the mechanism described by blueprint mount-share-api (at the default path) - and update the cluster's DB definition to note the filesystem mount. -2) Replace ``manila://{share_id}`` with the local filesystem mount point, and - use these local filesystem paths to build the workflow document or job - execution command, as indicated by engine. Job execution can then take - place normally. - -It is notable that this specification does not cover support of Manila -security providers. Such support can be added in future changes, and should -not affect this mechanism. - -Alternatives ------------- - -While verification of paths on binary creation would be ideal, mounting tenant -filesystems (in the abstract, without a cluster necessarily available) is a -prohibitive security concern that outweighs this convenience feature (even -if we assume that networking is not an issue.) - -We could also create a more general ``file://`` job binary scheme, either in -addition to ``manila://`` or as a replacement for it. However, this would not -particularly facilitate reuse among clusters (without a number of manual steps -on the user's part) or allow auto-mounting when necessary. - -We could also opt to simply raise an exception if the share has not already -been mounted to the cluster by the user. However, as the path to automatic -mounting is clear and will be reasonably simple once the mount-share-api -feature is complete, automatic mounting seems sensible for the initial -implementation. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Manila will be added as a visible job binary storage option; no other changes. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Secondary assignee/reviewer: - croberts - -Work Items ----------- - -* Validation changes (URL scheme). -* Integration with mounting feature. -* Creation of "job binary retriever" strategy for Manila (which will mostly - no-op, given the strategy above). -* Modification of workflow and execution command code to facilitate this flow. -* Horizon changes (in separate spec). -* Documentation. - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -Unit testing is assumed; beyond this, full integration testing will depend on -the feasibility of adding a manila endpoint to our CI environment. If this is -feasible, then our testing path becomes clear; if it is not, then gated -integration testing will not be possible. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This feature will require documentation in edp.rst. - -References -========== - -See https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/API if unfamiliar with manila -operations. diff --git a/specs/liberty/mount-share-api.rst b/specs/liberty/mount-share-api.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9adbc1a..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/mount-share-api.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================================= -API to Mount and Unmount Manila Shares to Sahara Clusters -========================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/mount-share-api - -As OpenStack's shared file provisioning service, manila offers great -integration potential with sahara, both for shared binary storage and as a -data source. While it seems unnecessary to wrap manila's share provisioning -APIs in sahara, allowing users to easily mount shares to all nodes of a Sahara -cluster in a predictable way will be a critical convenience feature for this -integration. - -Problem description -=================== - -Manually mounting shares to every node in a large cluster would be a tedious -and error-prone process. Auto-mounting shares that are requested for use in -either the data source or binary storage case might be feasible for some use -cases. However, outside of our (optional) EDP interface this functionality -would never be usable. As such, it is best to provide the user an API for -mounting of shares onto Sahara clusters. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change proposes to expand the node group template, node group, cluster -template, and cluster API resources and database objects to contain a "shares" -field. As per other node group fields, the cluster template and cluster APIs -will allow overwrite of this field (which is particularly critical for -composition, given that manila shares represent concrete data rather than -abstract resource pools.) At the resource level (for both resource types), -this field will be defined by the following jsonschema: - -:: - - "shares": { - "type": "array", - "items": { - "type": "object", - "properties": { - "id": { - "type": "string", - "format": "uuid" - }, - "path": { - "type": ["string", "null"] - }, - "access_level": { - "type": ["string", "null"], - "enum": ["rw", "ro"], - "default": "rw" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": False, - "required": [ - "id" - ] - } - } - -"id" above refers to the UUID of the manila share to be mounted. It is -required. - -"path" refers to the local path on each cluster node on which to mount this -share, which should be universal across all nodes of the cluster for -simplicity. It will default to ``/mnt/{share_id}``. - -"access_level" governs permissions set in manila for the cluster ips. -This defaults to 'rw'. - -Because no part of this field requires indexing, it is proposed that the -above structure be directly serialized to the database as a TEXT field in -JSON format. - -Any share specified at the node group level will be mounted to all instances -of that node group. Any share specified at the cluster level will be mounted -to all nodes of that cluster. At cluster creation, in the case that a specific -share id is specified at both the node group and cluster level, the cluster's -share configuration (path and access level) will entirely replace the node -group's configuration. Any merge of share configurations is seen as needlessly -complex and error-prone, and it is our longstanding pattern that cluster-level -configurations trump node group-level configurations. - -Error cases in this API include: - -1. The provided id is not a valid manila share id, as assessed via - manilaclient with the user's credentials. -2. The provided path is not a valid, absolute Linux path. -3. Path is not unique (within the set of shares specified for any one node - or the set of shares specified for any cluster.) -4. The provided id maps to a manila share type which sahara is not currently - equipped to mount. -5. No manila service endpoint exists within the user's service catalog. - -On cluster creation (or update, if update becomes an available endpoint,) -just after the cluster becomes available and before delegating to the plugin -(such that any shares intended for HDFS integration will be in place for -the plugin configuration to act upon,) Sahara will execute a share mounting -step. For each share, Sahara will take the following steps: - -1. Query manila for share information, including share type and defaults. -2. Query the cluster object to find internal ip addresses for all cluster - nodes of any node group for which the share should be mounted. -3. For each such node, call to manila to allow access for each ip according - to the permissions set on the share. -4. Make a remote call to each qualifying node and mount the share via its - mount address as returned from manila. - -Steps 1-3 above will be handled via common code in an abstract ShareHandler -class. The last step will be delegated to a concrete instance of this class, -based on share type as reported by manila, which will execute appropriate -command-line operations over a remote socket to mount the share. - -The reference and test implementation for the first revision of this feature -will only provide an NFS mounter. An HDFS mounter is the next logical step, -but this feature set is already being worked on in parallel to this change and -falls outside of the scope of this specification. - -Unmounting is a natural extension of this class, but is not covered in this -specification. - -Alternatives ------------- - -A more-seamless approach to manila share storage and data sourcing could be -attempted, in which no API is exposed to the user, and shares are automatically -mounted and unmounted when resources on the share in question are needed (as -referenced in a data source URL or binary storage path). However, giving the -user the ability to mount and unmount shares at will may allow use cases which -we do not anticipate, and particularly in the context of usage of a sahara- -provisioned cluster without use of the EDP API, the new API is critical. - -It would also be possible to attempt to wrap manila share creation (or even -share network creation or network router configuration) in sahara. It seems -reasonable, however, to assert that this would be an overstep of our charter, -and that asking users to create shares directly through manila will allow them -much fuller and up-to-date access to manila's feature set. - -On the sahara implementation side, it would be possible to create a new -'share' resource and table, for ease of update and compositional modelling. -However, shares will likely never be a top-level noun in sahara; it seems that -a field is a better fit for the degree of share management we intend to -undertake than an entire resource. - -It should be noted that this specification does not attempt to deal with the -question of filesystem driver installation across n distributions of Linux and -m filesystem types; such an effort is better suited to many specifications and -change sets than one. For the first stage of this effort, NFS will be used as -the test reference filesystem type. - -Note that both binary storage and data source integration are intentionally -not handled here. A binary storage specification will build on this spec, but -this spec is being posted independently such that the engineers working on data -source integration can propose revisions to only the changes relevant to their -needs. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -A new 'shares' TEXT field will be added to both node groups and node group -templates. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -A new 'shares' field will be added to the resource for both node groups and -node group templates. This field will only allow create functionality in the -initial change, as cluster update is currently a sticking point in our API. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Python-saharaclient will need to be made aware of the new shares field on all -supported resources. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None for the initial change; addition of specialized fs drivers in the -future may require image changes. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -The share mounting feature in Horizon will likely require a separate tab on -all affected resources, and is left for a separate spec. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Secondary assignee/reviewer: - croberts - -Work Items ----------- - -* API Resource modification and call validation. -* DB model modification and testing. -* Manila client integration with Sahara. -* Logical glue code on cluster provisioning. -* ShareMounter abstraction and NFS impl. -* Unit testing. -* Integration testing as feasible (will require manila in CI env for full CI.) -* Update of API WADL site. -* Horizon changes (in separate spec). -* Documentation. - -Dependencies -============ - -This feature introduces a new dependency on python-manilaclient. - -Testing -======= - -Unit testing is assumed; beyond this, full integration testing will depend on -the feasibility of adding a manila endpoint to our CI environment. If this is -feasible, then our testing path becomes clear; if it is not, then gated -integration testing will not be possible. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This feature will require documentation in features.rst, and will drive changes -to the api documentation. - -References -========== - -See https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/API if unfamiliar with manila -operations. diff --git a/specs/liberty/recommend-configuration.rst b/specs/liberty/recommend-configuration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bd7da42..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/recommend-configuration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================= -Provide ability to configure most important configs automatically -================================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/recommend-configuration - -Now users manually should configure most important hadoop configurations. -It would be friendly to provide advices about cluster configurations for -users. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now users manually should configure most important hadoop configs, but it's -required to have advanced knowledge in Hadoop. Most configs are complicated -and not all users know them. We can -provide advices about cluster configuration and automatically configure -few basic configs, that will improve user experience. Created workaround -can extended in future with new confiuguration and advices. - -Proposed change -=============== - -It's proposed to add calculator, which would automatically configure -most important configurations in dependency cluster specification: -available disk space, ram, cpu, and so on. Such calculator already -implemented in Ambari (see [1] and [2]), and we can use it as well. We should -have ability to switch off autoconfiguration and if user also manually -configured some hadoop config, autoconfiguration also will not be applied. - -The following list of configs will be configured, using formulas from [1] and -[2]: - -* yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb -* yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb -* yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb -* yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.mb -* yarn.app.mapreduce.am.command-opts -* mapreduce.map.memory.mb -* mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb -* mapreduce.map.java.opts -* mapreduce.reduce.java.opts -* mapreduce.task.io.sort.mb - -Also as a simple example we can autoconfigure before cluster validation -``dfs.replication`` if amout of ``datanodes`` less than default value. - -Also it's required to add new plugin SPI method ``recommend_configs`` which -will autoconfigure cluster configs. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -It's required to add new column ``use_autoconfig`` to cluster, -cluster_template, node_group, node_group_template, templates_relations -objects in DB. By default ``use_autoconfig`` will be ``True``. If -``use_autoconfig`` is ``False``, then we will not use autoconfiguration -during cluster creation. If none of the configs from the list above are -configured manually and ``use_autoconfig`` is ``True``, then we will -autoconfigure configs from list above. Same behaviour will be used for -node_groups configs autoconfiguration. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Need to support of switch off autoconfiguration. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Need to support of switch off autoconfiguration via python-saharaclient. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Need to add new checkbox which will allow to swith off autoconfiguration from -Horizon during cluster creation/scaling. If plugin doesn't support autoconfig -this checkbox will not be displayed. We can use ``_info`` field at [3] for -field. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Other contributors: - sreshetniak - -Work Items ----------- - -Proposed change will consists with following steps: - -* Implement new plugin SPI method which will provide configuration advices; -* Add support of this method in following plugins: CDH, Vanilla 2.6.0, - Spark (``dfs.replication`` only); -* Provide ability to switch on autoconfiguration via UI; -* Provide ability to switch on autoconfiguration via saharaclient; -* Update WADL docs about new feilds objects. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on Openstack requirements - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be implemented for this feature. Sahara CI also can start use -autoconfiguration as well. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to document feature and all rules, which will be used for -autoconfiguration. - -References -========== - -[1] https://apache.googlesource.com/ambari/+/a940986517cbfeb2ef889f0d8a45579b27adad1c/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/stack_advisor.py -[2] https://apache.googlesource.com/ambari/+/a940986517cbfeb2ef889f0d8a45579b27adad1c/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.1/services/stack_advisor.py -[3] https://github.com/openstack/sahara/blob/master/sahara/service/api.py#L188 diff --git a/specs/liberty/sahara-heat-wait-conditions.rst b/specs/liberty/sahara-heat-wait-conditions.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f1a3c01..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/sahara-heat-wait-conditions.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=========================== -Heat WaitConditions support -=========================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-heat-wait-conditions - -Before Heat engine in Sahara Nova was continuously asked for fixed and -assigned floating IP and for active SSH connections to VMs. To get rid of -such polling mechanism suggested to use Heat WaitConditions feature. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Now Sahara checks instances availability via SSH. Wait Condition resource -supports reporting signals to Heat. We should report signal to Heat about -booting instance. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add WaitCondition resource to Sahara Heat template. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Using SSH for polling instance accessible. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - sreshetniak - -Work Items ----------- - -Add Wait Condition support to Sahara - - -Dependencies -============ - -WaitCondition requires pre-installed cloud-init. - - -Testing -======= - -Need to add unit tests for this feature. -Integration tests will cover this feature. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - - -References -========== - -http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Heat::WaitCondition diff --git a/specs/liberty/scenario-test-config-template.rst b/specs/liberty/scenario-test-config-template.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c405441..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/scenario-test-config-template.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================== -Use Templates for Scenario Tests Configuration -============================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/scenario-test-config-template - - -Users that want to run the scenario tests available in the Sahara repository -need to modify the provided YAML files, which are really template files even -if not marked as such. The usability of this process could be improved by -extending the test runner to read the templates and perform the substitution -of the required variables instead. - -Problem description -=================== - -The scenario tests provided in the Sahara repository are template files -even if they are simply marked as YAML files; this is not clear from the -README.rst file. -Users that want to run them need to manually replace the required variables -(the variables are needed because they depend on the environment: host ip, -credentials, network type, flavors used, etc). -This step needs to be done both by developers and testers, and by wrapper -scripts used to run the script on a CI. The repository of the main Sahara CI, -sahara-ci-config, contains code which replaces the variables: - -https://github.com/stackforge/sahara-ci-config/blob/master/slave-scripts/functions-common.sh#L148 - -Proposed change -=============== - -The current template files (mostly under etc/sahara-ci right now) need to be -properly identified as templates. The chosen format is Mako, because it is -already a dependency for the scenario test runner (runner.py). -The files will be marked using a special suffix (file.yaml.mako) -and the variables used will be converted in Mako format. -The usage of templating would be limited to variable replacement, which means -no logic in the templates. - -The test runner will continue to handle normal YAML files as usual, in -addition to template files. - -runner.py will also take a simply INI-style file with the values for -the variables used in the template. It will be used by the runner -to generate the real YAML files used for the input (in addition to -the normal YAML files, if specified). - -A missing value for some variable (key not available in the INI file) -will raise an exception and lead to the runner termination. -This differs from the current behavior of sahara-ci-config code, where a -missing values just prints a warning, but given that this would likely bring -to a failure, enforcing an early termination limit the resource consumption. - -The current sahara-ci-config code allows to specify more details for the -replacement variables, like specific end keys where to stop the match for -a certain key, but they are likely not needed with a proper choice of names -for the variables. - -Finally, sahara/tests/scenario/README.rst should be changed to document the -currently used variables and the instruction on how to feed the key/value -configuration file. -The code in sahara-ci-config should be changed as well to create such -configuration file and to use the new names of the template files for the -respective tests. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -CI systems which runs tox -e scenario should be updated to use the new -filenames. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers/QE running tests need to use the new template names. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ltoscano - -Work Items ----------- - -The change will be implemented as follow: - -1. allow runner.py to use mako template files as input; -2. copy the existing files to the new name and use non-ambiguous variable - names for templates; -3. change sahara-ci scripts to use to set the new variables and use the - renamed template files; -4. remove the old yaml files; -5. (optional) clean up unnedded code (insert_scenario_value, etc) - -Repositories affected: -- sahara: 1, 2, 4 -- sahara-ci-config: 3, 5 - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Successful CI run will ensure that the new code did not regress the existing -scenarios. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -sahara/tests/scenario/README.rst needs to be updated. - - -References -========== - -None - diff --git a/specs/liberty/shared-protected-resources.rst b/specs/liberty/shared-protected-resources.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3ffed09..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/shared-protected-resources.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================= -Support of shared and protected resources -========================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/shared-protected-resources - -This specification proposes to add ability of creation and modification of -shared across tenants and protected from updates objects. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently all objects created by Sahara are visible only from the tenant in -which they were created and not insured from occasional modification or -deletion. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This specification proposes to add ``is_public`` and ``is_protected`` boolean -fields to all Sahara objects that can be accessed through REST API. They will -be added to clusters, cluster templates, node group templates, data sources, -job executions, jobs, job binaries and job binary internals. - -All this objects can be created with enabled ``is_public`` and -``is_protected`` parameters which can be updated after creation with -corresponding API call. Both of them will be False by default. - -If some object has ``is_public`` field set to ``True``, it means that it's -visible not only from the tenant in which it was created, but from any other -tenants too. - -If some object has ``is_protected`` field set to ``True``, it means that it -could not be modified (updated, scaled, canceled or deleted) unless this field -will be set to ``False``. If ``is_protected`` parameter is set to ``True``, -object can be modified only if ``is_protected=False`` will be supplied in -update request. - -Public objects created in one tenant can be used by other tenants (for example, -cluster can be created from public cluster template which is created in another -tenant), but to prevent management of resources in different tenants, -operations like update, delete, cancel and scale will be possible only from -tenant in which object was created. - -To control this restrictions, a couple of methods will be implemented in -``sahara.service.validation.acl``: - -.. sourcecode:: python - - def check_tenant_for_delete(context, object) - def check_tenant_for_update(context, object) - def check_protected_from_delete(object) - def check_protected_from_update(object, data) - -``check_tenant_for_*`` will compare tenant_id in context with object tenant_id -and if they different, raise an error. But this check should be skipped for -periodics as there is no tenant_id in context in this case. - -``check_protected_from_delete`` will check ``is_protected`` field and if it's -set to True, raise an error. -``check_protected_from_update`` will additionally check that ``is_protected`` -field wasn't changed to ``False`` with update data. - -This methods will be called mostly in ``sahara.db.sqlalchemy.api`` inside of -update and delete methods that make only db changes. But for cluster_create, -cluster_scale, job_execute, job_execution_cancel and job_execution_delete -operations they will be called during validation before api calls. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Two extra fields ``is_public`` and ``is_protected`` will be added to -objects listed above. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -New API calls will not be added, but existing ones will be updated to support -new fields. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Saharaclient API will be updated to support new fields. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -``is_public`` and ``is_protected`` checkboxes will be added to ``Update`` and -``Create`` panels of each object. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding new fields ``is_public`` and ``is_protected`` to objects listed above; -* Implementation of validations, described above; -* Updating saharaclient with corresponding changed; -* Documentation about new features will be added. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be added and a lot of manual testing. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -All changes will be documented. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/liberty/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0.rst b/specs/liberty/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 85f4347..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================= -Running Spark Jobs on Cloudera Clusters 5.3.0 -============================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0 - -This specification proposes to add ability to run Spark Jobs on clusters with -CDH (Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop). - - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara is able to run CDH clusters with running Spark services. However there -was no possibility to run Spark jobs on clusters of this type. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The work involves adding a class for running Spark job via Cloudera plugin. -Existing Spark engine was changed so that it lets to run Spark jobs with Spark -and Cloudera plugins. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do nothing. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Required processes: -- Master: SPARK_YARN_HISTORY_SERVER -- Workers: YARN_NODEMANAGER - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Alexander Aleksiyants - -Other contributors: - Oleg Borisenko - -Work Items ----------- - -* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/190128/ - - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -* Unit tests to cover CDH engine for working with Spark jobs. -* Unit tests for EDP Spark is now used for Spark Engine and EDP engine. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None. - -References -========== - -None. diff --git a/specs/liberty/storm-edp.rst b/specs/liberty/storm-edp.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 25ad4f6..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/storm-edp.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========= -Storm EDP -========= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/storm-edp - -This blueprint aims to implement EDP for Storm. This will require a Storm Job -Type. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara needs an EDP implementation to allow the submission of Storm Jobs. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation of the EDP engine will have 3 basic functions: - -* run_job() -* get_job_status() -* cancel_job(kill=False) - -This methods are mapped to Storm's: -* deploy_toplogy (i.e. storm jar topology-jar-path class ...) -* storm list (i.e. storm list) -* storm deactivate (i.e storm deactivate topology-name) -* storm kill (i.e. storm kill topology-name) - -The second part of this implementation is to adapt the UI to allow Storm Job -submission. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We may be able to submit Storm jobs as Java Job but it is better for the user -to have a specific Storm Job. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Sahara needs to adapt its UI to allow creation of Storm Jobs. A draft was done -by crobertsrh and can be found in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/112408/4 - -The main changes in the UI will be: -* Box for the user to define the main class to be executed -* Box for the user to give parameters (if applicable) -* Buttons to control job execution (Start, Stop, Kill, View Status) -* Since it is possible to have more than one job executing in the same topology -the control can be done by job or by topology. In the second case the user -will have to choose between the jobs in the topology to control. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tellesmvn - -Other contributors: - tmckay (primary review) - crobertsrh - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement Storm Job Type -* Implement EDP engine for Storm -* Implement Unit tests -* Implement integration tests - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -First we will implement Unit Tests that follow the example from Spark found in -https://github.com/openstack/sahara/blob/master/sahara/tests/unit/service/edp/spark/test_spark.py -And also implement the integration tests - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The documentation needs to be updated with information about Storm EDP and also -about Storm Job Type. - - -References -========== - -* `Etherpad ` -* `Storm Documentation ` diff --git a/specs/liberty/storm-scaling.rst b/specs/liberty/storm-scaling.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c3dea5b..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/storm-scaling.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============= -Storm Scaling -============= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/storm-scaling - -This blueprint aims to implement Scaling for Storm. - -Problem description -=================== - -Storm plugin in sahara doesn't have the scaling option implemented yet. This -feature is one of the major attractions to building cluster using sahara. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The implementation of the scaling feature following the implementation from -Spark plugin. - -The implementation will allow users to: - -* Scale up a cluster -* Scale down a cluster - -Storm is a fairly easy tool to scale. Since it uses Zookeeper as a -configuration manager and central point of communication, a new node just -needs to configure itself to communicate with the Zookeeper machine and the -master node will find the new node. One important point that needs to be taken -in consideration is the Storm rebalance action. Once a new node is added, a -running topology will not be rescheduled to use the new instance. We are going -to call this rebalance action automatically so the user won't have to worry -about this call. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tellesmvn - -Other contributors: - -Work Items ----------- - -* Implement Storm Scaling feature -* Implement topology rebalance - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -Follow examples on scaling tests from other plugins to implement unit tests -for Storm scaling. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None. - -References -========== - -None. diff --git a/specs/liberty/support-ntp.rst b/specs/liberty/support-ntp.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b4a13cc..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/support-ntp.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================= -Support NTP service for cluster instances -========================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/support-ntp - -Sahara can support NTP (Network Time Protocol) for clusters instances. -NTP is intended to synchronize time on all clusters instances. It can -be useful for several services on Cloudera, HDP clusters (see [1] for -reference). - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara should support configuring NTP on cluster instances since it's -required to HDP and Cloudera clusters. - -Proposed change -=============== - -First, it's proposed to preinstall ntp daemon on all images via -``sahara-image-elements``. For clean images will not configure -ntp at all. Also installing ntp on instances of long living clusters -can be prevented, as well. - -As a second step we should add new common string config option to -sahara in ``general`` section of ``cluster configs``, that will allow -to specify own NTP server for current cluster. This config option can -be supported in all plugins and will allow to install NTP on all -cluster instances with specified NTP server. As option, we can allow -disabling NTP, at least for fake plugin. So, following plugin options -we will have: - -1. ``NTP_ENABLED``: default value is True, this option is required to allow - disabling ntp on cluster instances -2. ``NTP_URL``: default value is empty string. So, if user input of this - option is empty string, we will use default ntp server from - ``sahara.conf``. Otherwise, user input will be used. - -As the third step, we should provide new config for ``sahara.conf`` -that will to specify default NTP server on current sahara installation. -It can useful because default NTP server can be different in different -regions. Also it would allow to use NTP server that was installed -specially for current lab and current sahara installation. - -Second step require to have common options for all plugins to avoid -code duplication for all plugins. All options can be added to -``plugins/provisioning.py`` as well. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We can store ``ntp_url`` and ``ntp_enabled`` as cluster column, it's looks like -long story for being merged: sahara-side code -> python-saharaclient -> -(long long story) horizon support. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -We don't need extra migrations, we will store information about NTP -server in ``general`` section of ``cluster configs``. - -Storing NTP server in separate column in database not really useful, -since we can store this information just in cluster configs. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -User will have ability to specify own NTP server for current cluster -and current sahara installation. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -It's required to preinstall NTP on all images. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Since Sahara already have ability to expose all general config options during -cluster-template creation, we don't need extra modifications on Horizon side. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Other contributors: - sreshetniak - -Work Items ----------- - -Proposed change will contain following steps: - -1. Install NTP on images in ``sahara-image-elements``. -2. Add ability to install NTP on cluster instances and add required - config options. -3. Add documentation for feature. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on Openstack requirements - -Testing -======= - -Feature will covered with integration tests as well. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to document feature and all config options, which will be used for -NTP configuration. - -References -========== - -[1] http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/documentation/core/latest/topics/install_cdh_enable_ntp.html diff --git a/specs/liberty/unified-job-interface-map.rst b/specs/liberty/unified-job-interface-map.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2386034..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/unified-job-interface-map.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,304 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=================================== -Unified Map to Define Job Interface -=================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/unified-job-interface-map - -This specification proposes the addition of an "interface" map to the API for -job creation, such that the operator registering a job can define a unified, -human-readable way to pass in all arguments, parameters, and configurations -that the execution of that job may require or accept. This will allow -platform-agnostic wizarding at the job execution phase and allows users to -document use of their own jobs once in a persistent, standardized format. - -Problem description -=================== - -At present, each of our data processing engines require or may optionally take -any of arguments, parameters, configuration values, and data sources (which -may be any of 0, 1, or many inputs to 0, 1, or many outputs). This forces -users to bear the burden of documenting their own jobs outside of Sahara, -potentially for job operators who may not be particularly technical. - -A single, human readable way to define the interface of a job, that can be -registered at the time of job registration (rather than job execution,) would -allow several benefits: - -* A more unified UI flow across plugins -* A clean separation of responsibility between the creator of the job (likely - a technical user) and the executor of the job -* A means of correcting our current assumptions regarding data sources (where - for several plugins we are inappropriately assuming 1 input and 1 output - source) - -Proposed change -=============== - -When creating a job, an optional "interface" list may be added to the job -json (though we are fundamentally creating a map, presenting a list structure -will allow more intuitive ordering and fewer unnecessary error cases.) Each -member of this list describes an argument to the job (whether it is passed -as a configuration value, a named argument, or a positional argument.) - -The interface is described by the following jsonschema object field: - -:: - - "interface": { - "type": "array", - "uniqueItems": True, - "items": { - "type": "object", - "properties": { - "name": { - "type": "string", - "minLength": 1 - }, - "description": { - "type": "string" - }, - "mapping": { - "type": "object", - "properties": { - "type": { - "type": "string", - "enum": ["args", "configs", "params"] - }, - "location": { - "type": "string", - "minLength": 1 - } - }, - "additionalProperties": False, - "required": [ - "type", - "location" - ] - }, - "value_type": { - "type": "string", - "enum": ["string", - "number", - "data_source", - "input_data_source", - "output_data_source"], - "default": "string" - }, - "required": { - "type": "boolean" - }, - "default": { - "type": "string" - } - }, - "additionalProperties": False, - "required": [ - "name", - "mapping", - "required" - ] - } - } - -Post-schema validations include: - -1) Names must be unique. -2) Mapping is unique. -3) The set of all positional arguments' locations must be an unbroken integer - sequence with an inclusive minimum of 0. -4) Positional arguments may not be required, but must be given default values - if they are not. - -The job execution will also have a simpler interface field definition, -described by: - -:: - - "interface": { - "type": "simple_config" - } - -New error cases at execution time include: - -1) One configuration value or parameter is given two definitions (one through - the interface map and one via configs, params, or data sources.) -2) An interface value does not pass validation for the type specified for the - field in question. -3) A key in the execution interface map does not equal any key in the job - definition's interface map. -4) The specified mapping type is not accepted by the job type being created - (for instance, specifying the params type for a Spark job.) -5) An input data source does not contain data. -6) An output data source contains data. - -In the case of additional positional values, the positional arguments given -in the args list will be appended to the list of interface positional -arguments (whether provided or default values.) This will allow for an -``*args`` pattern, should a plugin permit it. - -Params and configs passed via the current mechanism that do not overlap with -any key in the execution interface map will be merged and passed to the job as -normal. This also applies to $INPUT and $OUTPUT params passed via the input -source and output source fields. - -Alternatives ------------- - -In truth, after discussion, it seems that there is not a good alternative to -the broad strokes of this plan (save doing nothing). Leaving all configuration -of jobs to the execution phase is a real difficulty given that our supported -data processing engines simply lack a unified interface. If we wish to create -a unified flow, we need to create one; if we want to create one, the job -definition phase produces the least user pain, and a simple, flat map is the -most legible and flexible thing that can do the job. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -A new table will need to be created for storage of interface fields, described -by the following DDL (rendered in MySQL syntax for friendliness): - -:: - - CREATE TABLE job_interface_arguments ( - id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, - job_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, - name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, # ex: 'Main Class' - description TEXT, # ex: 'The main Java class for this job.' - mapping_type VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, # ex: 'configs' - location TEXT NOT NULL, # ex: 'edp.java.main_class' - value_type VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, # ex: 'string' - required BOOL NOT NULL, # ex: 0 - order TINYINT NOT NULL, # ex: 1 - default_value TEXT, # ex: 'org.openstack.sahara.examples.WordCount' - created_at DATETIME, - PRIMARY KEY (id), - FOREIGN KEY (job_id) - REFERENCES jobs(id) - ON DELETE CASCADE - ); - -This table will have uniqueness constraints on (job_id, name) and (job_id, -mapping_type, location). - -Note: While the TEXT type fields above (save Description) could validly be -given an upper length limit and stored as VARCHARs, TEXT is safer in the case -that a job actually requires an overly long argument, or is configured with -a reasonably massive key. This implementation detail is certainly up for -debate re: efficiency vs. usability. - -Happily, this change will not require a migration for extant data; the -interface fields table has a (0, 1, or many)-to-one relationship to the jobs -table, and the existing configs/params/args method of propagating job -execution data can continue to function. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -The Create Job schema will have a new "interface" field, described above. Each -listed exceptional case above will generate a 400: Bad Request error. - -This field will also be represented in all GET methods of the Job resource. - -The Create Job Execution schema will have a new "interface" field, described -above. Each listed exceptional case above will generate a 400: Bad Request -error. This field will not be returned on a GET of a job execution object; -instead, the final, merged configuration will be returned. - -No other impact is foreseen. - -Note: I am profoundly open to better options for terminology throughout this -document. As "args", "params", and "configs" are already taken, naming of a -new option has become difficult. "Interface" and "Interface arguments" seem -to me to be the best option remaining in all cases. If you can do one better, -please do. - -Note: As interface fields will be represented in the data layer as individual -records, it would be possible to create an entirely new set of CRUD methods -for this object. I believe that course of action to be unnecessarily heavy, -however: should the job binary change, the job must be recreated regardless, -and a sensible interface need not change for the life of any concrete binary. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -python-saharaclient will require changes precisely parallel to the interface -changes described above. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -The immediate change does not require a Horizon change. Any UI that utilizes -this feature should be represented as a separate blueprint and spec, and will -doubtless touch wizarding decisions which are wholly orthogonal to this -feature. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -1) API updates as specified. -2) DB layer updates as specified. -3) Job execution argument validation and propagation to clusters. -4) Testing. -5) Python-saharaclient updates and testing. - -Dependencies -============ - -None at present. - -Testing -======= - -A tempest test will cover injection of each mapping type into jobs (args, -configs, params.) This will be tested via a Pig job, as that type may take all -of the above. This test will include arguments mapping to both a Swift -datasource and an HDFS datasource, to ensure that both URL types are preserved -through the flow. - -Thorough unit testing is assumed. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None that have not already been mentioned. - -References -========== - -Chat_ (2014/12/05; begins at 2014-12-05T16:07:55) - -.. _Chat: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-sahara/%23openstack-sahara.2014-12-05.log diff --git a/specs/liberty/upgrade-oozie-engine-client.rst b/specs/liberty/upgrade-oozie-engine-client.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb5987..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty/upgrade-oozie-engine-client.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================ -upgrade oozie Web Service API version of sahara edp oozie engine -================================================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/update-oozie-client-version - -This spec is to upgrade oozie web service api version of oozie engine. - -Problem description -==================== - -Currently sahara oozie server version is 4.1.0, but oozie engine still -use v1 oozie web service api which is used in oozie 3.x. By upgrading -oozie web service api from v1 to v2, we can add more oozie features -into sahara. - -Proposed change -=============== - -change sahara OozieClient job_url and jobs_url from /v1/job/%s, -/v1/jobs to /v2/job/%s, /v2/jobs. - -for /v2/jobs, remains the same as /v1/jobs - -for /v2/job/, there is a difference in the JSON format of job -information API,particularly for map-reduce action,no changes -for other actions.In v1, externalId and consoleUrl point to -spawned child job ID, and exteranlChildIDs is null in map-reduce -action. In v2, externalId and consoleUrl point to launcher job ID, -and exteranlChildIDs is spawned child job ID in map-reduce action. -this exteranlChildIDs can be used for recurrence edp job's child -job id. - -here are the new oozie features can be added into sahara. - -(1)PUT oozie/v2/job/oozie-job-id?action=update, we can update -job's definition and properties. -(2)GET /oozie/v2/job/oozie-job-id?show=errorlog, we can get oozie -error log when job is failed, so we can show user the detail error -information. Currently sahara edp engine tells user nothing when -job is failed. - -so we can add update_job() and show_error_log() into oozie client. -details about these two features will be drafted in another spec. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - luhuichun(lu huichun) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* update oozie client in oozie engine - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -unit test in edp engine -add scenario integration test - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -oozie web service api -http://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.2.0/WebServicesAPI.html diff --git a/specs/liberty_idx.rst b/specs/liberty_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9b8b516..0000000 --- a/specs/liberty_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Liberty specs -^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - liberty/* diff --git a/specs/mitaka/add-suspend-resume-ability-for-edp-jobs.rst b/specs/mitaka/add-suspend-resume-ability-for-edp-jobs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f9569cd..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/add-suspend-resume-ability-for-edp-jobs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================================== -Add ability of suspending and resuming EDP jobs for sahara -========================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/ -add-suspend-resume-ability-for-edp-jobs - -This spec is to allow suspending and resuming edp jobs in sahara. - -Problem description -==================== - -Currently sahara does not allow suspending and resuming edp jobs. -But in some use cases, for Example, one edp job containing many steps, -after finishing one step, user want to suspend this job and check the -output, and then resume this job. So by adding suspending and resuming -ability to sahara edp engine, we can have different implementation for -different engine.(oozie,spark,storm etc) - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add one api interface in sahara v11 API. - -Define suspend_job() and resume_job() interface in sahara base edp engine, -then implement this interface to the oozie engine. (Spark and storm engine -will be drafted in later spec) - -Add "SUSPENDED" and "PREPSUSPENDEDED" in the sahara. only the job's status -is "RUNNING" or "PREP" can we suspend this job. and make the job's status -shown as "SUSPENDED" or "PREPSUSPENDED". - -Add a validation dict named suspend_resume_supported_job_type = {} to check -which job type is allowed to suspend and resume when request comes in. - -If the job's status is not in RUNNING or PREP, for example, job is already -finished, we do validation check, and there is no suspend or resume action. - -Example of suspending or resuming an edp job - -PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-executions/ - -.. sourcecode::json - - { - "info": { - "status": "suspend" or "resume" - } - } - -response: - -HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted -Content-Type: application/json - - -Add one api interface in the python-sahara-client - -For oozie implementation, we just call oozie client to invoke suspend and -resume API. - -For spark and storm implementation, there is no implementation now, and we -will add them later. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Add one API interface. -PATCH /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-executions/ - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -add two combobox item named "suspend job" and "resume job" option -at the right side of the Job list table. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - luhuichun(lu huichun) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* add one api in v11 -* add suspend_job and resume_job in base engine and oozie engine -* add two new job status "SUSPENDED" and "PREPSUSPENDED". -* add two api interface in python-sahara-client -* modify sahara api reference docs -* Add task to update the WADL at api-site - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -unit test in edp engine -add scenario integration test - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -oozie suspend and resume jobs implementation -https://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.0.0/CoordinatorFunctionalSpec.html diff --git a/specs/mitaka/allow-public-on-protected.rst b/specs/mitaka/allow-public-on-protected.rst deleted file mode 100644 index fd67f52..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/allow-public-on-protected.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================== -Allow 'is_public' to be set on protected resources -================================================== - -Since *is_public* is meta-information on all objects rather -than content, sahara should allow it to be changed even if *is_protected* -is True. This will make it simpler for users to share protected -objects. - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/allow-public-on-protected - - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently checks on *is_protected* prevent any field in an object -from being modified. This guarantees that the content of the object -will not be changed accidentally. - -However, *is_public* is an access control flag and does not really -pertain to object content. In order to share a protected object, -a user must currently set *is_protected* to False while making -the change to *is_public*, and then perform another operation -to set the *is_protected* flag back to True. - -Proposed change -=============== - -As a convenience, allow *is_public* to be modified even if *is_protected* -is True. The *is_public* field will be the only exception to the normal checks. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Leave it unchanged - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -This may require a Horizon change (croberts please comment) - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tmckay - -Other contributors: - croberts - -Work Items ----------- - -Modify *is_protected* checks in the sahara engine -Modify unit tests -Horizon changes - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None, unless there is a current section discussing protected/public - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/cdh-5-5-support.rst b/specs/mitaka/cdh-5-5-support.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a9a1692..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/cdh-5-5-support.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================== -add cdh 5.5 support into sahara -=============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-5-5-support - -This specification proposes to add CDH 5.5 plugin with Cloudera Distribution -of Hadoop and Cloudera Manager in Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -Now we have already supported plugins for CDH 5.3.0 and 5.4.0 versions -in liberty. With the release of the CDH 5.5.0 by Cloudera, we can add the new -version support into Sahara. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Since we already support 5.4.0, we can follow the current implemention to -avoid too many changes. We must guarantee all the services supported in -previous version work well in 5.5.0. Supporting for new services in CDH 5.5.0 -will be discussed later. - -Cloudera starts to support ubuntu 14.04 in CDH 5.5.0. So we decide to provide -Ubuntu 14.04 as other plugins do. And the building for Ubuntu 14.04 image with -CDH 5.5 should aslo be supported in sahara-image-elements project. CentOS 6.5 -will still be supported. - -Due to the refactoring for previous CDH plugin versions, we should not merge -patches related with 5.5.0 until all the refactoring patches are merged. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Sahara-image-elements support for CDH 5.5.0 need to be done. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - jxwang92 (Jaxon Wang) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -The work items will be: - -* Add python codes in sahara/sahara/plugins/cdh/v5_5_0. -* Add service resource files in sahara/sahara/plugins/cdh/v5_5_0/resources. -* Add test cases including unit and scenario. -* Test and evaluate the change. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Follow what exsiting test cases of previous version do. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Cloudera Plugin doc needs some little changes. -http://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/userdoc/cdh_plugin.html - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/cdh-plugin-refactoring.rst b/specs/mitaka/cdh-plugin-refactoring.rst deleted file mode 100644 index daf77fc..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/cdh-plugin-refactoring.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================== -Code refactoring for CDH plugin -=============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cdh-plugin-refactoring - -This spec is to do some refactoring to the code to allow easier support to new -versions in the future. - -Problem description -=================== - -CDH plugin contains many duplicated code. Current implementation extracts some -general and base behavior of the plugin, and each version has its own -implementation for something not included in base classes and modules. But -there are many overlaps between versions because of the downward compatibility. -For example, sahara.plugins.cdh.v5.config_helper extends -sahara.plugins.cdh.db_helper, but functions such as get_plugin_configs are -written again in sahara.plugins.cdh.v5_3_0.config_helper. - -And currently the low test coverage of CDH plugin makes it hard to guarantee -the quality of the new code after refactoring. So some new unit test cases need -to be added. And some old test cases may be altered according to refactoring. - -Proposed change -=============== - -For duplicate codes in each version of plugins, move them to the base class. -In validation module, function validate_cluster_creating is too long to be read -easily. Seprate it into serveral small clearly functions. -We can encapsulate funtions in module into a class for better extensibility. -ClouderaUtils and deploy modules are not going to be changed util CDH v5 are -totally removed, because these modules' codes in v5 are quite different -from other versions. - -Alternatives ------------- - -There is another way, just let a new version extends an old one instead of -all extends from base. This may bring problems when deperate an old version. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - jxwang - -Work Items ----------- - -This will require following changes: - -* move the duplicate codes to base class. - Files need to be modified: - sahara/plugin/cdh/version/edp_engine.py: EdpOozieEngine, EdpSparkEngine - sahara/plugin/cdh/version/plugin_utils.py: PluginUtils - sahara/plugin/cdh/version/versionhandler.py: VersionHandler - sahara/plugin/cdh/version/config_helper.py - sahara/plugin/cdh/version/validation.py -* Separate Validation.validate_cluster_creating function -* Add unit test case for low covered modules. -* Remove useless test cases dedicated for refactoring - useless test cases in: - sahara/tests/unit/plugins/cdh/v5/test_versionhandler.py - sahara/tests/unit/plugins/cdh/v5_3_0/test_versionhandler.py - sahara/tests/unit/plugins/cdh/v5_4_0/test_versionhandler.py - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Before starting refactoring, keep current scenario test and provide new unit -tests to ensure the CDH works as well as before. For each version, unit tests -are aslo added individually. Test cases are written for the codes before -refactoring, so we may need a little changes for new codes. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/cluster-verification.rst b/specs/mitaka/cluster-verification.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 95f1747..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/cluster-verification.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,535 +0,0 @@ - -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================ -Implement Sahara cluster verification checks -============================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/cluster-verification - -Now we don't have any check to take a look at cluster processes status through -Sahara interface. Our plans is to implement cluster verifications and ability -to re-trigger these verifications for the particular cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara doesn't have any check for cluster processes health monitoring. -Cluster can be broken or unavailable but Sahara will still think that -in ACTIVE status. This may result in end-users losses and so on. - -Proposed change -=============== - -First of all let's make several important definitions in here. -A cluster health check is a perform a limited functionality check -of a cluster. For example, instances accessibility, -writing some data to ``HDFS`` and so on. -Each health check will be implemented as a class object, -implementing several important methods from an abstract base class(abc): - -.. sourcecode:: python - - class ExampleHealthCheck(object): - def __init__(self, cluster, *args, **kwargs): - self.cluster = cluster - # other stuff - - @abc.abstractmethod - def available(self): - # method will verify - - @abc.abstractmethod - def check(self): - # actual health will in here - - def execute(self): - # based in availability of the check and results - # of check will write correct data into database - -.. - -The expected behaviour of ``check`` method -of a health check is return some important data in case when -everything is ok and in case of errors to raise an exception -with detailed info with failures reasons. Let's describe -important statuses of the health checks. - - * ``GREEN`` status: cluster in healthy and health check - passed correctly. In description in such case - we can have the following info: ``HDFS available for writing - data`` or ``All datanodes are active and available``. - * ``YELLOW`` status: ``YellowHealthError`` will be raised - as result of the operation, it means that something is - probably wrong with cluster. By the way cluster is still - operable and can be used for running jobs. For example, - in exception message we will see the following information: - ``2 out of 10 datanodes are not working``. - * ``RED`` status: ``RedHealthError`` will be raised in such - case, it means that something is definitely wrong we the cluster - we can't guarantee that cluster is still able to perform perations - on it. For example, ``Amount of active datanodes is less then - replication`` is possible messange in such case. - * ``CHECKING`` state, health check is still running or - was just created. - -A cluster verification is a combination of the several cluster -health checks. Cluster verification will indicate the current status -for the cluster: ``GREEN``, ``YELLOW`` or ``RED``. We will -store the latest verification for the cluster in database. Also -we will send results of verifications to Ceilometer, to -view progress of cluster health. - -Also there is an idea of running several jobs as part -of several health checks, but it will be too harmful for the -cluster health and probably will be done later. - -Also we can introduce periodic task for refreshing health status -of the cluster. - -So, several additional options in ``sahara.conf`` -should be added in new section ``cluster_health_verification``: - - * ``enable_health_verification`` by default will - be True, will allow disabling periodic cluster verifications - * ``verification_period`` variable to define period - between two consecutive health verifications in periodic tasks. - By default I would suggest to run verification once in 10 minutes. - -**Proposed checks** - -This section is going to describe basic checks of functionalities -of clusters. Several checks will affect almost all plugins, few -checks will be specific only for the one plugin. - -**Basic checks**: - -There are several basic checks for all possible clusters -in here. - - * Check to verify all instances access. If some instances - are not accessible we have ``RED`` state. - * Check that all volumes mounted. If some volume is not - mounted, we will have ``YELLOW`` state. - -**HDFS checks**: - - * Check that will verify that namenode is working. Of course, - ``RED`` state in bad case. Actually this will affects - only vanilla plugin clusters and clusters deployed without - HA mode in case of CDH and Ambari plugins. - * Check that will verify amount of living datanodes. We will - have ``GREEN`` status only when all datanodes are active, - ``RED`` in case when amount of living datanodes are less - then ``dfs.replicaton``, and ``YELLOW`` in all other cases. - * Check to verify ability of cluster to write some data to - ``HDFS``. We will have ``RED`` status if something is failed. - * Amount of free space in HDFS. We will compare this value with - reserved memory in HDFS, and if amount of free space is less - then provided value, check will be supposed to be failed. - If check is not passed, we will have ``YELLOW`` state - we will advice to scale cluster up with some extra datanodes (or - clean some data). I think, we should not have any additional - configuration options in here, just because this check - will never report ``RED`` state. - -**HA checks**: - - * ``YELLOW`` state in case when at least one stand-by service - is working; and ``RED`` otherwise. Affects YARN and HDFS both. - -**YARN checks**: - - * Resourcemanger is active. Obviously, ``RED`` state if something - is wrong. - * Amount of active nodemanagers. ``YELLOW`` state if something - is not available, and ``RED`` if amout of live nodemanagers - are less then ``50%``. - -**Kafka check**: - - * Check that kafka is operable: create example topic, put - several messages in topic, consuming messages. ``RED`` - state in case of something is wrong. - -**CDH plugin check**: - -This section is going to describe specific checks for CDH plugin. -For this checks we will need to extend current sahara's implementation of -``cm_api`` tool. There is an API methods to get current health -of the cluster. There are few examples of responses for yarn service. - -There is the bad case example: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - "yarn01": { - "checks": [ - { - "name": "YARN_JOBHISTORY_HEALTH", - "summary": "GOOD" - }, - { - "name": "YARN_NODE_MANAGERS_HEALTHY", - "summary": "CONCERNING" - }, - { - "name": "YARN_RESOURCEMANAGERS_HEALTH", - "summary": "BAD" - } - ], - "summary": "BAD" - } - -.. - -and good case example: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - "yarn01": { - "checks": [ - { - "name": "YARN_JOBHISTORY_HEALTH", - "summary": "GOOD" - }, - { - "name": "YARN_NODE_MANAGERS_HEALTHY", - "summary": "GOOD" - }, - { - "name": "YARN_RESOURCEMANAGERS_HEALTH", - "summary": "GOOD" - } - ], - "summary": "GOOD" - } - -.. - - -Based on responses above we will calculate health of -the cluster. Also possible states which Cloudera can return through API -are ``DISABLED`` when service was stopped and ``CONCERNING`` if something -is going to be bad soon. In this health check sahara's statuses -will be calculated based on the following table: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - +--------------+--------------------------------+ - | Sahara state | Cloudera state | - +--------------+--------------------------------+ - | GREEN | All services GOOD | - +--------------+--------------------------------+ - | YELLOW | At least 1 service CONCERNING | - +--------------+--------------------------------+ - | RED | At least 1 service BAD/DISABLED| - +--------------+--------------------------------+ - -.. - -Some additional information about Cloudera health checks are -in here: [0] - -**Ambari plugin**: - -Current ``HDP 2.0.6`` will support only basic verifications. The main -focus in here is to implement additional checks for the Ambari plugin. -There are several ideas of checks in Ambari plugin: - - * Ambari alerts verification. Ambari plugin have several alerts if something - is wrong with current state of the cluster. We can get alerts through Ambari - API. If we have at least one alert in here it's proposed to use ``YELLOW`` - status for the verification, and otherwise we will use ``GREEN`` status for - that. - * Ambari service checks verification. Ambari plugin have a bunch of services - checks in here, which can be re-triggered by user through the Ambari API. - These checks are well described in [1]. If at least one - check failed, we will use ``RED`` status for that sutiation, otherwise - it's nice to use ``GREEN``. - -Alternatives ------------- - -All health checks can be disabled by the option. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Graphical description of data model impact: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - +----------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ - | verifications | | health_checks | - +----------------------------+ +-----------------+-------------+ - | id | Primary Key | | id | Primary Key | - +------------+---------------+ +-----------------+-------------+ - | cluster_id | Foreign Key | +-| verification_id | Foreign Key | - +----------------------------+ | +-----------------+-------------+ - | created_at | | | | created_at | | - +------------+---------------+ | +-----------------+-------------+ - | updated_at | | | | updated_at | | - +------------+---------------+ | +-----------------+-------------+ - | checks | | <+ | status | | - +------------+---------------+ +-----------------+-------------+ - | status | | | description | | - +------------+---------------+ +-----------------+-------------+ - | name | | - +-----------------+-------------+ -.. - -We will have two additional tables where we will store verifications -and health checks. - -First table with of verifications will have following columns id, -cluster_id (foreign key), created_at, updated_at. - -Also will be added new table to store health check results. This table -will have the following columns: id, verification_id, -description, status, created_at and updated_at. - -We will have cascade relationship (checks) between cluster verifications and -cluster health checks to get correct access from health check to -cluster verification and vice versa. Also same relationship will be -between cluster and verification for same purpose. - -Also to aggregation results of latest verification and disabling/enabling -verifications for particular cluster will be added the new column to -cluster model: ``verifications_status``. We will not use ``status`` -for that purpose just to keep these two variables separately (we -already using status in many places in sahara). - -For example of verifications: - -1. One health check is still running: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - "cluster_verification": { - "id": "1", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "status": "CHECKING", - "checks": [ - { - "id": "123", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "status": "GREEN", - "description": "some description", - "name": "same_name" - }, - { - "id": "221", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "status": "CHECKING", - "description": "some description", - "name": "same_name" - }, - ] - } -.. - -2. All health checks are completed but one was failed: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - "cluster_verification": { - "id": "2", - "cluster_id": "1112", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:30.295701", - "STATUS": "RED", - "checks": [ - { - .. - "status": "RED", - "description": "Resourcemanager is down", - .. - }, - { - .. - "status": "GREEN", - "description": "HDFS is healthy", - } - ] - } - -.. - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Mechanism of receiving results of cluster verifications will be quite -simple. We will just use usual ``GET`` method for clusters. - -So, the main API method will be the following: -``GET /clusters/``. -In such case, we will return detailed info of the cluster with verifications. - -Example of response: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "status": "Active", - "id": "1111", - "cluster_template_id": "5a9a09a3-9349-43bd-9058-16c401fad2d5", - "name": "sample", - "verifications_status": "RUNNING", - .. - "verification": { - "id": "1", - "cluster_id": "1111", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "checks": [ - { - "id": "123", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "status": "GREEN", - "description": "some description", - "name": "same_name" - }, - { - "id": "221", - "created_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "updated_at": "2013-10-09 12:37:19.295701", - "status": "CHECKING", - "description": "some description", - "name": "same_name" - }, - ] - } - } - -.. - -For re-triggering to cluster verification, some additional -behaviour should be added to the following API method: - -``PATCH /clusters/`` - -If the following data will be provided to this API method -we will re-trigger verification: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - 'verification': { - 'status': 'START' - } - } - -.. - -Start will be reject when verifications disabled for the -cluster or when verification is running on the cluster. - -Also we can disable verification for particular cluster -to avoid unneeded noisy verifications until health issues are -fixed by the following request data: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - 'verification': { - 'status': 'DISABLE' - } - } - -.. - -And enable in case we need to enable health checks again. If -user is trying to disable verification only future verifications -will be disabled, so health checks still will be running. - -If something additional will be added to this data we will mark -request as invalid. Also we will implement new validation methods -to deny verifications on cluster which already have one verification running. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Need to implement requests for run checks via python-saharaclient -and get their results. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Dashboard impact is need to add new tab in cluster details with results of -verifications. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Other contributors: - apavlov-n, esikachev - -Work Items ----------- - -1. Implement basic skeleton for verifications (with base checks) -2. Python-saharaclient support addition -3. CLI support should be implemented -4. Implement tab with verification results to Horizon -5. Need to add new WADL docs with new api-method -6. All others checks should be implemented -7. Should be added support to scenario framework to allow - re-triggering. -8. Implement sending history to Ceilometer. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Feature will be covered by the unit tests, and manually. -New test commit (not for merging) will be added to show -that all verifications are passed (since we are at the middle -of moving scenario framework). - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentaion should updated with additional information -of ``How to`` repair issues described in the health check results. - -References -========== - -[0] http://www.cloudera.com/content/www/en-us/documentation/enterprise/latest/topics/cm_ht.html -[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AMBARI/Running+Service+Checks diff --git a/specs/mitaka/deprecate-old-mapr-versions.rst b/specs/mitaka/deprecate-old-mapr-versions.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3d8f6ba..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/deprecate-old-mapr-versions.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,128 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Remove unsupported versions of MapR plugin -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/deprecate-old-mapr-versions - -Remove MapR plugin 3.1.1 4.0.1 4.0.2 5.0.0.mrv1 and mapr-spark. - -Problem description -=================== - -Some of supported MapR versions are old and not used and others -have their benefits contained in newer versions. - -Proposed change -=============== - -We will not support the following MapR versions and remove -them in Mitaka release. - -The following MapR version is removed due to end of support: -* MapR 5.0.0 mrv1 -* MapR 4.0.2 mrv1 mrv2 -* MapR 4.0.1 mrv1 mrv2 -* MapR 3.1.1 - -mapr-spark version will also be removed because Spark will -go up with latest MapR as a service on YARN. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -* Remove MapR v3.1.1 support -* Remove MapR v4.0.1 support -* Remove MapR v4.0.2 support -* Remove MapR v5.0.0 support -* Remove MapR mapr-spark - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - groghkov - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Remove MapR v3.1.1 -* Remove all tests for v3.1.1 -* Remove MapR v4.0.1 -* Remove all tests for v4.0.1 -* Remove MapR v4.0.2 -* Remove all tests for v4.0.2 -* Remove MapR v5.0.0.mrv1 -* Remove all tests for v5.0.0.mrv1 -* Remove MapR Spark -* Remove all tests for MapR Spark -* Remove default templates for MapR 3.1.1 4.0.1 4.0.2 5.0.0.mrv2 - in sahara/plugins/default_templates/mapr -* Update documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documention needs to be updated: -* doc/source/userdoc/mapr_plugin.rst - -References -========== - -None \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/mitaka/distributed-periodics.rst b/specs/mitaka/distributed-periodics.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 878a89b..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/distributed-periodics.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================== -Support of distributed periodic tasks -===================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/distributed-periodics - -This specification proposes to add distributed periodic tasks. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently periodic tasks are executed on each engine simultaneously, so that -the amount of time between those tasks can be very small and load between -engines is not balanced. Distribution of periodic tasks between engines can -deal with both problems. - -Also currently we have 2 periodic tasks that make clusters cleanup. Clusters -terminations in these tasks are performed in cycle with direct termination -calls (bypassing OPS). This approach leads to cessation of periodic tasks on -particular engine during cluster termination (it harms even more if some -problems during termination occurs). - -Moreover distribution of periodic tasks is important for peridic health checks -to prevent extra load on engines. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change consists of two things: - -* Will be added ability to terminate clusters in periodic tasks via OPS; -* Will be added support of distributed periodic tasks. - -Distributed periodic tasks will be based on HashRing implementation and Tooz -library that provides group membership support for a set of backends [1]. -Backend will be configured with ``periodic_coordination_backend`` option. - -There will be only one group called ``sahara-periodic-tasks``. Once a group is -created, any coordinator can join the group and become a member of it. - -As an engine joins the group and builds HashRing, hash of its ID is being -made, and that hash determines the data it's going to be responsible for. -Everything between this number and one that's next in the ring and that belongs -to a different engine, is now belong to this engine. - -The only remaining problem is that some engines will have disproportionately -large space before them, and this will result in greater load on them. This can -be ameliorated by adding each server to the ring a number of times in different -places. This is achieved by having a replica count (will be 40 by default). - -HashRing will be rebuilt before execution of each periodic task to reflect -actual state of coordination group. - -``sahara.service.coordinator.py`` module and two classes will be added: - -* ``Coordinator`` class will contain basic coordination and grouping methods: - - .. sourcecode:: python - - class Coordinator(object): - def __init__(self, backend_url): - ... - - def heartbeat(self): - ... - - def join_group(self, group_id): - ... - - def get_members(self, group_id): - ... - -* ``HashRing`` class will contain methods for ring building and subset - extraction: - - .. sourcecode:: python - - class HashRing(Coordinator): - def __init__(self, backend_url, group_id, replicas=100): - ... - - def _build_ring(self): - ... - - def get_subset(self, objects): - ... - -Now we have 4 periodic tasks. For each of them will be listed what exactly -will be distributed: - -* ``update_job_statuses`` - Each engine will get a list of all job executions but will update statuses - for only a part of them according to a hash values of their IDs. -* ``terminate_unneeded_transient_clusters`` - Each engine will get a list of all clusters, check part of them and request - termination via OPS if needed. -* ``terminate_incomplete_clusters`` - Same as for ``terminate_unneeded_transient_clusters``. -* ``check_for_zombie_proxy_users`` - Each engine will get a list of users but will check if it is zombie or not - only for part of them. - -Also we will have a periodic task for health checks soon. Health check task -will be executed on clusters and this clusters will be split among engines in -the same way as job executions for ``update_job_statuses``. - -If a coordination backend is not provided during configuration, periodic -tasks will be launched in an old-fashioned way and HashRing will not be built. - -If a coordination backend is provided, but configured wrong or not accessible, -engine will not be started with corresponded error. - -If a connection to the coordinator will be lost, periodic tasks will be -stopped. But once connection is established again, periodic tasks will be -executed in the distributed mode. - -In order to keep the connection to the coordination server active, -``heartbeat`` method will be called regularly (every ``heartbeat_timeout`` -seconds) in a separate thread. - -Configurable number of threads (each thread will be a separate member of a -group) performing periodic tasks will be launched. - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Coordination backend should be configured. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability to terminate clusters in periodic tasks via OPS; -* Implementing HashRing for distribution of periodic tasks; -* Documenting changes in periodic tasks configuration. -* Adding support of distributed periodics to devstack with ZooKeeper as a - backend - -Dependencies -============ - -Tooz package [2] - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests, enabling distributed periodics in intergration tests with one of -the supported backends (for example, ZooKeeper) and manual testing for all -available backends [1] supported by Tooz library. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Sahara REST API documentation in api-ref will be updated. - -References -========== - -[1]: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tooz/compatibility.html#driver-support - -[2]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tooz \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/mitaka/improved-secret-storage.rst b/specs/mitaka/improved-secret-storage.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ca4763f..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/improved-secret-storage.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=========================================== -Improved secret storage utilizing castellan -=========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/improved-secret-storage - -There are several secrets (for example passwords) that sahara uses with -respect to deployed frameworks which are currently stored in its database. -This blueprint proposes the usage of the castellan package key manager -interface for offloading secret storage to the OpenStack Key management -service. - - -Problem description -=================== - -There are several situations under which sahara stores usernames and -passwords to its database. The storage of these credentials represents -a security risk for any installation that exposes routes to the -controller's database. To reduce the risk of a breach in user -credentials, sahara should move towards using an external key manager -to control the storage of user passwords. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -This specification proposes the integration of the castellan package into -sahara. Castellan is a package that provides a single point of entry to -the OpenStack Key management service. It also provides a pluggable key -manager interface allowing for differing implementations of that service, -including implementations that use hardware security modules (HSMs) and -devices which support the key management interoperability protocol (KMIP). - -Using the pluggable interface, a sahara specific key manager will be -implemented that will continue to allow storage of secrets in the -database. This plugin will be the default key manager to maintain -backward compatibility, furthermore it will not require any database -modification or migration. - -For users wishing to take advantage of an external key manager, -documentation will be provided on how to enable the barbican key -manager plugin for castellan. Enabling the barbican plugin requires -a few modifications to the sahara configuration file. In this manner, -users will be able to customize the usage of the external key manager -to their deployments. - -Example default configuration:: - - [key_manager] - api_class = sahara.utils.key_manager.sahara_key_manager.SaharaKeyManager - -Example barbican configuration:: - - [key_manager] - api_class = castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager.BarbicanKeyManager - - -To accomodate the specific needs of sahara, a new class will be created -for interacting with castellan; ``SaharaKeyManager``. This class will -be based on the abstract base class ``KeyManager`` defined in the -castellan package. - -The ``SaharaKeyManager`` class will implement a thin layer around the storage -of secrets without an external key manager. This class will allow sahara -to continue operation as it exists for the Kilo release and thus maintain -backward compatibility. This class will be the default plugin implementation -to castellan. - -Example usage:: - - from castellan import key_manager as km - from castellan.key_manager.objects import passphrase - - keymanager = km.API() - - # create secret - new_secret = passphrase.Passphrase('password_text_here') - - # store secret - new_secret_id = keymanager.store_key(context, new_secret) - - # retrieve secret - retrieved_secret = keymanager.get_key(context, new_secret_id) - secret_cleartext = retrieved_secret.get_encoded() - - # revoke secret - keymanager.delete_key(context, new_secret_id) - - -This solution will provide the capability, through the barbican plugin, to -offload the secrets in such a manner that an attacker would need to -penetrate the database and learn the sahara admin credentials to gain -access to the stored passwords. In essence we are adding one more block -in the path of a would-be attacker. - -This specification focuses on passwords that are currently stored in the -sahara database. The following is a list of the passwords that will be moved -to the key manager for this specification: - -* Swift passwords entered from UI for data sources -* Swift passwords entered from UI for job binaries -* Proxy user passwords for data sources -* Proxy user passwords for job binaries -* Hive MySQL passwords for vanilla 1.2.1 plugin -* Hive database passwords for CDH 5 plugin -* Hive database passwords for CDH 5.3.0 plugin -* Hive database passwords for CDH 5.4.0 plugin -* Sentry database passwords for CDH 5.3.0 plugin -* Sentry database passwords for CDH 5.4.0 plugin -* Cloudera Manager passwords for CDH 5 plugin -* Cloudera Manager passwords for CDH 5.3.0 plugin -* Cloudera Manager passwords for CDH 5.4.0 plugin - -Alternatives ------------- - -One possible alternative to using an external key manager would be -for sahara to encrypt passwords and store them in swift. This would -satisfy the goal of removing passwords from the sahara database -while providing a level of security from credential theft. - -The downside to this methodology is that it places sahara in the position -of arbitrating security transactions. Namely, the use of cryptography in -the creation and retrieval of the stored password data. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -A new configuration option will be provided by the castellan package to -set the key manager implementation. This will be the SaharaKeyManager by -default. Deployers wishing to use barbican might need to set a few more -options depending on their installation. These options will be discussed -in the documentation. - -Use of an external key manager will depend on having barbican installed -in the stack where it will be used. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Developers adding new stored passwords to sahara should always be using -the key manager interface. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - mimccune (Michael McCune) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* create SaharaKeyManager class -* add tests for new class -* add tests for secret storage -* create documentation for external key manager usage -* migrate passwords to key manager - - -Dependencies -============ - -Castellan package, available through pypi. Currently this version (0.1.0) -does not have a barbican implementation, but it is under review[1]. - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be created to exercise the SaharaKeyManager class. There -will also be unit tests for the integrated implementation. - -Ideally, functional integration tests will be created to ensure the -proper storage and retrieval of secrets. The addition of these tests -represents a larger change to the testing infrastructure as barbican will -need to be added. Depending on the impact of changing the testing -deployment these might best be addressed in a separate change. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -A new section in the advanced configuration guide will be created to -describe the usage of this new feature. - -Additionally this feature should be described in the OpenStack -Security Guide. This will require a separate change request to the -documentation project. - - -References -========== - -[1]: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171918 - -castellan repository https://github.com/openstack/castellan - -*note, the castellan documentation is still a work in progress* - -barbican documentation https://docs.openstack.org/barbican/latest/ - -barbican wiki https://github.com/cloudkeep/barbican/wiki diff --git a/specs/mitaka/move-scenario-tests-to-separate-repository.rst b/specs/mitaka/move-scenario-tests-to-separate-repository.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b704367..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/move-scenario-tests-to-separate-repository.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================ -Move scenario tests to a separate repository -============================================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/move-scenario-tests-to-separate-repo - -Scenario tests represent an independent framework for testing Sahara. Moving -scenario tests to a separate repository will make testing Sahara stable -releases more comfortable. The migration should be done in a way that there -will be no need to pre-configure the CI or any other external tool, just -install the scenario framework and start the tests. - -Problem description -=================== - -There are 2 issues to be solved: -1. It is difficult to package tests independently from Sahara. -2. It is impossible to release those tests independently. - -Proposed change -=============== - -First it's proposed to implement a method for the correct tests installation. -Next a new repository should be created and all Sahara scenario tests should -be moved to that repository. After that all sahara-ci jobs should be migrated -to the new mechanism of running scenario tests. - -The scenario framework itself should be improved to be able to correctly skip -tests for the features that are not available in earlier Sahara releases. -Testing stable/kilo and stable/liberty branches may require some updates to -appropriate scenarios. The CI should initially start running scenario tests for -stable/kilo and stable/liberty and keep testing 2 latest stable releases. - -Having a separate repository allows using these tests as a plugin for Sahara -(like client tests for tempest, without releases). Perhaps, scenario tests -will be installed in a virtualenv. - -The scenario framework and tests themselves may be packaged and released. -All requirements should then be installed to the current operating system. -This however implies that scenario framework dependencies should be packaged -and installed as well. Many of these requirements are not packaged neither -in MOS nor in RDO. - -There are 2 ways to solve this: -1. Manual update of requirements to keep them compatible with 2 previous -stable releases -2. Move all changing dependencies from requirements to test-requirements - -Yaml-files defining the scenarios are a part of the test framework and they -should be moved to the new repository with scenario tests. - -Next step is to add support of default templates for every plugin in each -stable release with correct flavors, node processes. For example, list of -plugins for the 2 previous stable releases: - -* kilo: vanilla 2.6.0, cdh 5.3.0, mapr 4.0.2, spark 1.0.0, ambari 2.2/2.3 -* liberty: vanilla 2.7.1, cdh 5.4.0, mapr 5.0.0, spark 1.3.1, ambari 2.2/2.3 - -Each default template for should be implemented as yaml file which -will be run on CI. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Alternative would be to package the tests for easier installation and usage. -For example, command for running tests for vanilla 2.7.1 plugin will be: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - $ sahara_tests -p vanilla -v 2.7.1 -.. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Deployers should switch CI to use the new repository with scenario tests -instead of current Sahara repository. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - esikachev - -Work Items ----------- - -This will require following changes: - -* Implement installation mechanism for tests. -* Move tests to separate repository (with scenario_unit tests). -* Update sahara-ci jobs for new scenario tests repository. -* Add default templates for each plugin and release. -* Update scenario framework for correct testing of previous releases. -* Add new jobs on sahara-ci for testing Sahara on previous releases. -* Add ability for tests packaging. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to add documentation with description "How to run Sahara scenario tests". - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/recurrence-edp-job.rst b/specs/mitaka/recurrence-edp-job.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 129c551..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/recurrence-edp-job.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -======================================================= -Add recurrence EDP jobs for sahara -======================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/recurrence-edp-job - -This spec is to allow running recurrence edp jobs in sahara. - -Problem description -==================== - -Currently sahara only supports one time click edp job. -But sometimes, we need recurrence edp jobs. For example, from 8:00AM -to 8:00PM, run a job every 5mins. By adding recurrence edp jobs to -sahara edp engine, we can have different engine implementation. -(oozie,spark,storm etc) - -Proposed change -=============== - -Define run_recurrence_job() interface in sahara base edp engine, then -implement this interface to the oozie engine. (Spark engine will be -drafted in later spec) - -Add one job execution type named "recurrence". Sahara base job engine -will run different type of jobs according to the job execution type. - -Add one sahara perodic task named update_recurrence_job_statuses() to -update the recurrence jobs's sub-jobs running status. - -Add validation for invalid data input and check if the output url is -already exist. - -Example of recurrence edp job request - -POST /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs//execute - -.. sourcecode::json - - { - "cluster_id": "776e441b-5816-4d47-9e07-7ded58f9a5f6", - "input_id": "af7dc864-6331-4c30-80f5-63d74b667eaf", - "output_id": "b63780f3-13d7-4286-b731-88270fb204de", - "job_configs": { - "configs": { - "mapred.map.tasks": "1", - "mapred.reduce.tasks": "1" - }, - "args": ["arg1", "arg2"], - "params": { - "param2": "value2", - "param1": "value1" - }, - "job_execution_info": { - "job_execution_type": "recurrence", - "start": "2015-5-15T08:00Z" - "end": "2015-5-15T09:00Z" - "period_minutes": 5 - } - } - } - -For supporting this feature,add a new table named child_job_execution -which will store sub-jobs of the father recurrence job. When create a -recurrence edp job, in the same time, we create M(configured) sub-jobs,so -we can show up the status of the M sub-jobs. perodic task will check the -status of the M child jobs's status and update them, and also if there is -one child job is finished, we create a new feature-run child job to fill -the vacancy, in this case, we maintain a M-row-window in the DB, so this -will avoid the endless child job creation.if we delete this recurrence -job, we delete it's child jobs in the child_job_execution table,including -finished jobs and future-run jobs. - -For creating the child job execution table,we just add one more column -named "father_job_id" based on job execution table which points to it's -father recurrence job. - -For Horizon changes, considering we may have many child jobs, so we only -show the latest M sub jobs when user click the recurrence edp job, and -add two query datetime picker with a button for user to search the history -finished child jobs. - -For oozie engine implementation of recurrence edp jobs. we have -changes as below: - -Implement the run_recurrence_job in the base edp engine. call oozie client -to submit the recurrence edp job. add perodic task update recurrence job -statuses to update child jobs's status in the child_job_execution table. - -Example of coordinator.xml - -.. sourcecode::xml - - - - - ${workflowAppUri} - - - jobTracker - ${jobTracker} - - - nameNode - ${nameNode} - - - queueName - ${queueName} - - - - - - -For spark implementation, no implementation here, will add them later. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Run edp job manually by login into the VM and running oozie command. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -add a new table named child job execution.Just add one more column named -father_job_id than the current job execution table. Other columns are -totally the same as job execution table. - - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -There is no change here, we can use current API, -POST /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs//execute -We can pass job_execution_type, start time, end time, period_minutes into -job_configs. - -:: - - CREATE TABLE child_job_execution ( - id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, - job_id VARCHAR(36), - father_job_id VARCHAR(36), - tenant_id VARCHAR(80), - input_id VARCHAR(36), - output_id VARCHAR(36), - start_time DATETIME, - end_time DATETIME, - info TEXT, - cluster_id VARCHAR(36), - oozie_job_id VARCHAR(100), - return_code VARCHAR(80), - job_configs TEXT, - extra TEXT, - data_source_urls TEXT, - PRIMARY KEY (id), - FOREIGN KEY (job_id) - REFERENCES jobs(id) - ON DELETE CASCADE - ); - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -In Job launch page, add select choose box for user to choose the job -execution type, it has three values(basic, scheduled, recurrence),default -value is basic, which is the one-click running job.if user choose -recurrence, there will be two datetime picker named as start and end time -and a textbox for user to input the period_minutes. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - luhuichun(lu huichun) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* define recurrence job type -* add one perodic task named update_recurrence_job_statuses -* create coordinator.xml before run job in edp engine -* upload the coordinator.xml to job's HDFS folder -* add run_recurrence_job in sahara base engine -* modify sahara api reference docs -* add task to update the WADL at api-site - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -unit test in edp engine -add scenario integration test - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -oozie scheduled and recursive job implementation -https://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.0.0/CoordinatorFunctionalSpec.html diff --git a/specs/mitaka/reduce-number-of-dashboard-panels.rst b/specs/mitaka/reduce-number-of-dashboard-panels.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 8a6b51d..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/reduce-number-of-dashboard-panels.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -Reduce Number Of Dashboard panels -================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/reduce-number-of-panels - -The sahara UI currently consists of 10 panels. That is more than any other -Openstack service. Additionally, the way that the panels are meant to -interact with each other is not intuitively obvious and can lead to confusion -for users. The purpose of this spec is to propose reorganizing the sahara -UI into a more logical layout that will give both a cleaner look and a more -intuitive set of tools to the users. - -Problem description -=================== - -The sahara dashboard has too many panels without enough context provided -to convey how each panel relates to the others. They are currently grouped -vertically so that each appears close to the related panels in the list, -but there is no other visual cue given. Given that, learning how to use the -dashboard can often be a frustrating exercise of trial and error. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -In the 10 panels that are currently in the dashboard, 4 of them -(Clusters, Cluster Templates, Node Group Templates, Image Registry) are -focused around cluster creation. Given that, it makes sense to fold them -into a single panel which will be called "Clusters". This will make it very -obvious where to go for all things cluster-related. Each of the current -cluster-centric panels will have their own tab within the newly created panel. -There are 5 panels (Jobs, Job Templates, Job Binaries, Data Sources and -Plugins) that are focused around job creation and execution. - -In addition to the conversion from panels to tabs, I'm proposing that the code -also gets reorganized to reflect the new layout (ie: moving code to be a -subdir of the panel that it will reside in -- there will be a top level -"clusters" panel that will contain subdirectories for each of the tabs in that -panel (clusters, cluster templates, node group templates, image registry). -That reorganization will result in the changing of the URL definitions and -will also change how we reference template names (Instead of -"project/data_processing.nodegroup-templates/whatever.html", the "/project" -part can be dropped, resulting in -"data_processing.nodegroup-templates/whatever.html", which is a slight -improvement in brevity. Additionally, we can also elect to drop the -"data_processing." portion by renaming the template folders. The oddity that -forced us to use that as a workaround has since been solved in the horizon -"enabled" mechanism. - -Here is a quick ascii diagram showing the proposed UI layout: -+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ -| | | -| Clusters | Clusters|Cluster Templates|Node Group Templates | -| Jobs | +--------------------------------------------+ | -| | | | | -| | | Usual table for chosen object | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | | | | -| | +--------------------------------------------+ | -| | | -+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ - -Addionally, the current "Guide" panel will be split to fit more readily -into the job and cluster spaces. It currently occupies a separate tab and is -linked to from buttons in the other panels. The buttons will remain the same, -but the code will be moved into subdirectories under clusters for the clusters -guide and jobs for the job guide. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We could choose to leave the current panels alone and rely on stronger, -more verbose documentation and possibly provide links to that documentation -from within the dashboard itself. After multiple discussions with the sahara -team, it is clear that this approach is not as desirable as reorganizing -the layout. - -We could possibly avoid some of the code reorganization, but in my opinion, -it is important to have the code accurately reflect the layout. It makes it -easier to design future changes and easier to debug. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -No data model impact - -REST API impact ---------------- - -No REST API impact - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -End users will see a different layout in the sahara dashboard. While the -difference in moving to tabs is significant, once an experienced user gets -into the tabs, the functionality there will be unchanged from how it -currently works. Some of the URLs used will also change a bit to remove -any ambiguity (for instance the "details" URLs for each object type will be -renamed to become something like "ds-details" for the data source details -URLs). - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -No deployer impact - -Developer impact ----------------- - -No developer impact - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -No sahara-image-elements impact - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -There will be changes to the "enabled" files in the sahara-dashboard project, -but the process for installation and running will remain the same. If you -are upgrading an existing installation, there will be some "enabled" files -that are no longer required (in addition to updated files). We will need to be -sure to document (and script wherever possible) which files should be removed. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - croberts - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -Reorganize sahara UI code to convert multiple panels into 2 panels that -contain multiple tabs. This will likely be spread into multiple patches -in order to try to minimize the review effort of each chunk. Each chunk -is still going to be somewhat large though since it will involve moving -entire directories of code around. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Each of the existing unit tests will still apply. They will all need to be -passing in order to accept this change. It is likely that the (few) existing -integration tests will need to be rewritten or adapted to expect the proposed -set of changes. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The sahara-dashboard documentation is written and maintained by the sahara -team. There will be several documentation updates required as a result of -the changes described in this spec. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/remove-direct-engine.rst b/specs/mitaka/remove-direct-engine.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 051d851..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/remove-direct-engine.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -======================== -Removal of Direct Engine -======================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/remove-direct-engine - -Direct Infrastructure Engine was deprecated in Liberty and it's time to remove -that in Mitaka cycle. - -Problem description -=================== - -We are ready to remove direct engine. Sahara have ability to delete clusters -created using direct engine, heat engine works nicely. - -Proposed change -=============== - -First it's proposed to remove direct engine first. Then after the removal -we can migrate all direct-engine-jobs to heat engine. After that direct -engine will be completely removed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Deployers should switch to use Heat Engine instead of Direct Engine finally. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev - -Work Items ----------- - -This will require following changes: - -* Remove direct engine from the codebase (with unit tests). -* Remove two gate jobs for direct engine. -* Document that Direct Engine was removed finally. - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to document that Direct Engine was removed. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/remove-plugin-vanilla-v2.6.0.rst b/specs/mitaka/remove-plugin-vanilla-v2.6.0.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b5caf8b..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/remove-plugin-vanilla-v2.6.0.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Remove plugin Vanilla V2.6.0 -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/deprecate-plugin-vanilla2.6.0 - -Problem description -=================== - -As far as Vanilla v2.6.0 plugin is deprecated, we should remove all the code -completely. - -Proposed change -=============== - -(1) Remove all plugin v2_6_0 code under plugins -(2) Remove all tests including unit and integration tests. -(3) Update Vanilla plugin documentation. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - luhuichun - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Remove Vanilla v2.6.0 -* Remove all tests for Vanilla v2.6.0 -* Update documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -Dependend on change Iff2faf759ac21d5bd15372bae97a858a3d036ccb - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documention needs to be updated: -* doc/source/userdoc/vanilla_plugin.rst - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/replace_is_default_with_is_protected.rst b/specs/mitaka/replace_is_default_with_is_protected.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1cea6b2..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/replace_is_default_with_is_protected.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================================================== -Modify 'is_default' behavior relative to 'is_protected' for templates -===================================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/replace-is-default - -With the addition of the general *is_protected* field on all objects, -the *is_default* field on cluster and node group templates is semi-redundant. -Its semantics should be changed; specifically, gating of update and -delete operations should be handled exclusively by *is_protected*. The -*is_default* field should still be used to identify default templates for bulk -update and delete operations by the sahara-templates tool. - - -Problem description -=================== - -The *is_protected* and *is_default* fields both control gating of -update and delete operations. This overlap is not clean and should -be resolved to avoid confusion for end users and developers alike -and to decrease complexity in code maintenance. - -Gating of update or delete operations should no longer be associated -with the *is_default* field. Instead, it should only mark the default -templates created with the *sahara-templates* tool so that bulk update -and delete operations continue to function as is. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Remove the checks in the sahara db layer that raise exceptions based -on the *is_default* field for template update and delete operations. This -will leave the gating under the control of *is_protected*. Note that -there will no longer be an error message that informs the user of -failure to update or delete a default template -- it will be phrased in -terms of the *is_protected* field instead. - -Modify all of the default template sets bundled with sahara to include -the *is_protected* field set to *True*. This will ensure that templates -used as-is from the sahara distribution will be created with update and -delete operations hindered. - -Provide a database migration that sets *is_protected* to **True** for -all templates with *is_default* set to **True**. This will guarantee -the hindrance on update and delete operations continues for existing default -templates. - -Currently, sahara will allow update and delete of default templates if the -*ignore_defaults* flag is set on the conductor methods. Change the name -and handling of this flag slightly so that if it is set, sahara will ignore -the *is_protected* flag instead. This will allow the *sahara-templates* -tool to easily update and delete default templates without having to first -clear the *is_protected* flag. - -Write a documentation section on default templates best practices. Given the -addition of *is_protected* and *is_public* and the changed semantics for -*is_default*, provide some suggestions for best practices as follows: operators -will be encouraged to load the default template sets in the *admin* or -*service* tenant and then make them available to users with *is_public*. If -modifications will be made to the default templates, they can be loaded, copied -and modified and the resultant templates made available to users with -*is_public*. This will ensure that the original default templates as bundled -with sahara will always be available as a reference with *is_protected* set to -*True*. Alternatively, an admin could copy the default templates directory from -the sahara distribution to another location and modify them on disk before -loading them. - -Implications of the change: it will now be possible for tenants with default -templates to set *is_protected* to *True* and then edit those templates. If -a subsequent update of those templates is done from the *sahara-templates* -tool, those edits will be overwritten. This should be made clear in the best -practices documentation described above. Additionally, *is_default* will remain -a field that is only settable from the *sahara-templates* tool so that the -default sets can be managed as a group. - - - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. Goals of the original default templates implementation were: - -1 allow offline update and delete of default templates -2 treat a group of node group and cluster templates as a coherent set -3 allow operation filtered by plugin and version - -The first requirement precludes use of the sahara client to manage default -templates. If we did not have the first requirement, we could conceivably -use the sahara client to manage them but requirements two and three -mean that we would need logic around the operations anyway. Lastly, -removing the *is_default* field completely leaves us with a need for -some other mechanism to identify default templates. It seems best to -remove the overlapping functionality of *is_default* and *is_protected* but -leave the rest of the current implementation unchanged. - -Also, this could be deferred as part of the API V2 initiative, but since it has -so little impact on the API (see below) it seems unnecessary to wait - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None, but provide an appropriate migration to set *is_protected* to -**True** for all existing templates with *is_default* set to **True**. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None, *is_default* is only accessible directly through the conductor layer. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Deployers should be familiar with the best practices documentation we will -add concerning default templates. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tmckay - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -Remove code in the sahara db layer that rejects update or delete for defaults -Update default templates bundled with sahara to include *is_protected* -Add alembic migration for setting *is_protected* on existing defaults -Review documentation and add a best practices section - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be sufficient. Existing tests will be modified -to prove that default templates may be updated and edited after -this change, assuming *is_protected* is False. The existing -tests on *is_protected* cover normal update/delete control. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation on the sahara-templates tool may change slightly where it -describes how to update or delete a default template, and we will add a -best practices section as noted - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/mitaka/scheduling-edp-jobs.rst b/specs/mitaka/scheduling-edp-jobs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index aa70087..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/scheduling-edp-jobs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -======================================================= -Add ability of scheduling EDP jobs for sahara -======================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/enable-scheduled-edp-jobs - -This spec is to allow running scheduled edp jobs in sahara. - -Problem description -==================== - -Currently sahara only supports one time click edp job. -But in many use cases, we need scheduled edp jobs. So by -adding scheduled ability to sahara edp engine, we can have -different implementation for different engine.(oozie,spark,storm etc) - -Proposed change -=============== - -Define run_scheduled_job() interface in sahara base edp engine, then -implement this interface to the oozie engine. (Spark and storm engine -will be drafted in later spec) - -Define two job execution types which indicate the job execution. -But we need not to change the API, instead we can add parameters into -job configs. Sahara will run different type of jobs according -to the job execution type. In the api request, user should pass the -job_execution_type into job_configs. - -Two job execution types: -(1)basic. runs simple one-time edp jobs, current sahara implementation -(2)scheduled. runs scheduled edp jobs - -Example of a scheduled edp job request - -POST /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs//execute - -.. sourcecode::json - - { - "cluster_id": "776e441b-5816-4d47-9e07-7ded58f9a5f6", - "input_id": "af7dc864-6331-4c30-80f5-63d74b667eaf", - "output_id": "b63780f3-13d7-4286-b731-88270fb204de", - "job_configs": { - "configs": { - "mapred.map.tasks": "1", - "mapred.reduce.tasks": "1" - }, - "args": ["arg1", "arg2"], - "params": { - "param2": "value2", - "param1": "value1" - }, - "job_execution_info": { - "job_execution_type": "scheduled", - "start": "2015-5-15T01:00Z" - } - } - } - -For oozie engine implementation of scheduled edp jobs, we have -changes as blow: - -Before running the job, sahara will create a coordinator.xml to describe -the job, then upload it to the HDFS EDP job lib folder. With this file, -sahara call oozie client to submit this job, the job will be run at the -scheduled time, the job status will be shown as "PREP" in the Horizon -page. Certainly, user can delete this job in preparing status as welll as -in running status. - -Example of coordinator.xml - -.. sourcecode::xml - - - - - ${workflowAppUri} - - - jobTracker - ${jobTracker} - - - nameNode - ${nameNode} - - - queueName - ${queueName} - - - - - - -For spark and storm implementation, there is no implementation now, and we -will add them later. - -Alternatives ------------- - -(1)Run edp job manually by login into the VM and running oozie command. -(2)users can create cron jobs - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -There is no change here, and we can use current API, -POST /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs//execute -We can pass job_execution_type, start time, into job_configs -to sahara. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -In Job launch page, add textbox for user to input start job time, -default value is now, to compatible with current implementation - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - luhuichun(lu huichun) - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* define scheduled job type -* create coordinator.xml before run job in edp engine -* upload the coordinator.xml to job's HDFS folder -* add run_schedule_job in oozie engine -* modify sahara api reference docs -* Add task to update the WADL at api-site - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - -Testing -======= - -unit test in edp engine -add scenario integration test - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to be documented. - -References -========== - -oozie scheduled and recursive job implementation -https://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.0.0/CoordinatorFunctionalSpec.html diff --git a/specs/mitaka/validate-image-spi.rst b/specs/mitaka/validate-image-spi.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2d36077..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka/validate-image-spi.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,499 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -SPI Method to Validate Image -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/validate-image-spi - -This specification details the addition of a method to the Sahara plugin SPI -to validate that a chosen image is up to the specification that the plugin -requires. While it is not expected that plugin writers will be able to test -the image deeply enough to ensure that a given arbitrary image will succeed -in cluster generation and be functional in all contexts, it is hoped that by -implementing this method well, plugin authors can provide a well-defined, -machine-actionable contract which will be versioned with the plugin itself. - -Problem description -=================== - -At present, Sahara's image generation and cluster provisioning features are -almost entirely decoupled: sahara-image-elements generates an image, and this -image is taken by the server and assumed to be valid. This introduces the -possibility of version incompatibility between sahara-image-elements and -sahara itself, and failure (complete or partial, immediate or silent) in the -case of the addition or modification of features on either side. - -Larger context --------------- - -This issue is only one part of a larger problem, which will not be wholly -addressed in this spec, but for which this spec is an incremental step toward -a solution. - -At present, the processes involved in image generation and use are: - -1) Image packing (pre-cluster spawn) -2) Clean image provisioning (building a cluster from an OS-only base image) -3) Image validation (ensuring that a previously packed image really is ok to - use for the plugin, at least for the rules we can easily check) - -The first, image-packing, is currently only possible via a command line -script. The ideal user experience would allow generation of images either -outside of OpenStack, via a command-line script, or with OpenStack, via a -sahara API method. At present, this is not possible. - -The second, in our present architecture, requires essentially rewriting the -logic required to generate an image via the command line process in the plugin -code, leading to duplicate logic and multiple maintenance points wherever -cluster provisioning from clean images is allowed. However, it should be noted -that in the clean image generation case, this logic is in its right place -from an encapsulation perspective (it is maintained and versioned with the -plugin code, allowing for easy separation, rather than maintained in a -monolithic cross-cutting library which serves all plugins.) - -The third is not formally undertaken as a separate step at all; it will be -implemented by the feature this specification describes. - -Within the context of this larger problem, this feature can be seen as the -first incremental step toward a unified solution for image validation, -unification of clean and packed image generation logic, and facilitation of -image packing via an API. Once this SPI method is stable, functional, and -expresses a complete set of tests for all maintained plugins, the validation -specification can then be reused as a series of idempotent state descriptions -for image packing, which can then be exposed via an API for any plugins which -support it. - -Proposed change -=============== - -SPI method contract -------------------- - -A new method will be added to the plugin SPI in Sahara: - -:: - - validate_images(self, cluster, reconcile=True) - -This method will be called after cluster provisioning (as this will be -necessary for machine access) and before cluster configuration. This method -will receive the cluster definition as an argument, as well as a boolean flag -describing whether or not the plugin should attempt to fix problems if it -finds them. - -If this method is not implemented by a plugin, provisioning will proceed as -normal; as this is purely a safety feature, full backward compatibility with -previous plugin versions is acceptable. - -The contract of this method is that on being called, the plugin will take -any steps it sees fit to validate that any utilized images are fit for their -purposes. It is expected that all tests that are run will be necessary for -the cluster to succeed, but not that the whole set of tests will be -absolutely sufficient for the cluster to succeed (as this would essentially -be disproving a universal negative, and would require such in-depth testing as -to become ludicrous.) - -If the reconcile flag is set to False, this instructs the plugin that it -should only test the image, but change nothing, and report error if its tests -fail. If reconcile is True (this will be set by default,) then the plugin will -also take any steps it is prepared to take to bring the instances of the -cluster into line with its expectations. Plugins are not required to provide -this functionality, just as they are not required to implement validate_image; -if they wish to fail immediately in the case of an imperfect image, that is -their choice. However, if a plugin does not support reconciliation, and -reconcile is set to True, it must raise an error; likewise, if a plugin -receives reconcile=False but it is not able to avoid reconciliation (if, for -instance, its implementation uses Puppet and will by definition make changes -if needed,) it must raise as well. - -sahara.plugins.images ---------------------- - -The sahara base service will provide a set of utilities to help plugin authors -to validate their images. These will be found in sahara.plugins.images. Usage -of these utilities is wholly optional; plugin authors may implement validation -using whatever framework they see fit. It is noted that this module could be -immediately written to allow a great deal of deep functionality in terms of -matching image validations to services, allowing custom images to be used for -specific nodegroups and service sets. However, as no plugins are currently -implementing such a feature set, a more basic first iteration is reasonable, -and the methods described below will allow a plugin author to perform such -specific validations if it is desired. - -The images module will provide several public members: the definitions of -the most notable (if not all) are given below: - -:: - - def validate_instance(instance, validators, reconcile=True, **kwargs): - """Runs all validators against the specified instance.""" - - class ImageValidator(object): - """Validates the image spawned to an instance via a set of rules.""" - - __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta - - @abc.abstractmethod - def validate(self, remote, reconcile=True, **kwargs): - pass - - class SaharaImageValidatorBase(ImageValidator): - """Still-abstract base class for Sahara's native image validation, - which provides instantiation of subclasses from a yaml file.""" - - @classmethod - def from_yaml(cls, yaml_path, validator_map, resource_roots): - """Constructs and returns a validator from the provided yaml file. - :param yaml_path: The path to a yaml file. - :param validator_map: A map of validator name to class. Each class - is expected to descend from SaharaImageValidator. This method - will use the static map of validator name to class provided in - the sahara.plugins.images module, updated with this map, to - parse he appropriate classes to be used. - :param resource_root: The roots from which relative paths to - resources (scripts and such) will be referenced. Any resource - will be pulled from the first path in the list at which a file - exists.""" - - class SaharaImageValidator(SaharaImageValidatorBase): - """The root of any tree of SaharaImageValidators.""" - - def validate(self, remote, reconcile=True, env_map=None, **kwargs): - """Validates the image spawned to an instance.""" - :param env_map: A map of environment variables to be passed to - scripts in this validation.""" - -Additionally, two classes of error will be added to sahara.plugins.exceptions: - -* ImageValidationError: Exception indicating that an image has failed - validation. -* ImageValidationSpecificationError: Exception indicating that an image - validation spec (yaml) is in error. - -SaharaImageValidator --------------------- - -It is entirely possible for a plugin author, in this framework, to use -idempotent state enforcement toolsets, such as Ansible, Puppet, Chef, and the -like, to validate and reconcile images. However, in order that Sahara need -not absolutely depend on these tools, we will provide the -SaharaImageValidator class. - -This validator will provide a classmethod which allows it to build its -validations from a .yaml file. The first iteration of this validator will be -very limited, and as such will provide only a few abstract validation types. -This yaml will be interpreted using whatever ordering is available; as dicts -are unordered in yaml, this scheme makes extensive use of lists of single- -item dicts. - -An example .yaml file showing the revision-one validator set follows. Note -that these are not intended to be realistic, sahara-ready definitions, merely -examples taken from our experience: - -:: - - validators: - - os_case: - - redhat: - - package: nfs-utils - - debian: - - package: nfs-common - - any: - - package: java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel - - package: java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel - - script: java/setup-java-home - - package: - - hadoop - - hadoop-libhdfs - - hadoop-native - - hadoop-pipes - - hadoop-sbin - - hadoop-lzo - - lzo - - lzo-devel - - hadoop-lzo-native - -These resource declarations will be used to instantiate the following basic -validator types: - -Validator types ---------------- - -SaharaPackageValidator (key: package) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Verifies that the package or packages are installed. In the reconcile=True -case, ensures that local package managers are queried before resorting to -networked tools, along the lines of: - -:: - - `dpkg -s $package || apt-get -y install $package` # debian - `rpm -q $package || yum install -y $package` # redhat - -The input to this validator may be a single package definition or a list of -package definitions. If the packages are grouped in a list, any attempt to -install the packages will be made simultaneously. A package definition may be -a single string or a nested structure, which may support a version attribute -as follows: - -:: - - - package: hadoop - - package: - - hadoop-libhdfs - - lzo: - version: xxx.xxx - -Because reliable version comparison will often require reference to epochs, -and because the tool must succeed in an offline context, the initial, Sahara -core-provided package validator will allow only exact version pinning. As this -version is yaml-editable, this is not adequate to our purposes, and can be -extended by plugin developers if needed and appropriate. - -SaharaScriptValidator (key: script) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Runs an arbitrary script from source, as specified by a relative path from the -resource root. - -The input to this validator must be a single script definition. A script -definition may be a single string or a nested structure, which may support -attributes as follows (the example is purely explanatory of the structure): - -:: - - - script: simple_script.sh - - script: - java/find_jre_home: - output: JRE_HOME # Places the stdout of this script into the env map - # for future scripts - - script: - java/setup_java_home: - env_vars: # Sets only the named env vars from the env map - - JDK_HOME - - JRE_HOME - -Scripts are always provided the env var $SIV_DISTRO, which specifies the linux -distribution per our current SIE distro conventions, and the env var -$SIV_RECONCILE, which is set to 0 if only validation should occur and 1 if -corrective action should be taken. - -Additional variables are referenced from the env_map argument passed -originally to SaharaImageValidator.from_yaml (and are presumably parsed from -cluster configuration information). The output attribute of the script -resource can be used to modify this map in flight, placing the output of a -script into the (single) named variable. More complex interactions require -extension. - -This validator is intentionally lightweight. These image validations and -manipulations should not be overwhelmingly complex; if deep configuration is -needed, then the more freeform configuration engine should run those steps, or -the plugin author should utilize a more fully-featured state enforcement -engine, with all the dependencies that entails (or write a custom validator). - -NOTE THAT ALL SCRIPTS REVIEWED BY THE SAHARA TEAM MUST BE WRITTEN TO BE -IDEMPOTENT. If they are to take non-reproducible action, they must test to see -if that action has already been taken. This is critical to the success of this -feature in the long term. - -SaharaAnyValidator (key: any) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Verifies that at least one of the validators it contains succeeds. If -reconcile is true, runs all validators in reconcile=False mode before -attempting to enforce any. If all fail in reconcile=False mode, it then -attempts to enforce each in turn until one succeeds. - -Note that significant damage can be done to an image in failed branches if -any is used with reconcile=true. However, guarding against this sort of -failure would impose a great deal of limitation on the use of this validator. -As such, warnings will be documented, but responsible use is left to the -author of the validation spec. - -SaharaAllValidator (key: all) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Verifies that all of the validators it contains succeed. This class will be -instantiated by the yaml factory method noted above, and will contain all -sub-validations. - -SaharaOSCaseValidator (key: os_case) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Switches on the distro of the instance being validated. Recognizes the OS -family names redhat and debian, as per DIB. Runs all validators under the -first case that matches. - - -Notes on validators -------------------- - -Plugin authors may write their own validator types by extending the -SaharaImageValidator type, implementing the interface, and passing the key and -class into the validator_map argument of SaharaImageValidator.from_yaml. - -It should be noted that current "clean" image generation scripts should be -moved into this layer as part of the initial effort to implement this method -for any given plugin, even if they are represented as a monolithic script -resource. Otherwise clean images will very likely fail validation. - -Note also that the list above are certain to be needed, but as the implementer -works, it may become useful to create additional validators (file, directory, -and user spring to mind as possible candidates.) As such, the list above is -not necessarily complete; I hesitate, however, to list all possible validator -types I can conceive of for fear of driving over-engineering from the spec, -and believe that review of the design of further minor validator types can -wait for code review, so long as this overall structure is agreeable. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We have many alternatives here. - -First, to the problem of merging our validation, packing, and clean image -provisioning logic, we could opt to merge our current image generation code -with our service layer. However, this poses real difficulties in testing, as -our image generation layer, while functional, lacks the stability of our -service layer, and merging it as-is could slow forward progress on the project -as we wrestle with CI. - -Assuming that we do not wish to merge our current image generation layer, -we could begin immediately to implement a new image generation layer in the -service side. However, this sort of truly revolutionary step frequently ends -in apathy, conflict, or both. Providing an image validation layer, with the -possibility of growing into a clean image generation API and, later, an image -packing API, is an incremental step which can provide real value in the short -term, and which is needed regardless. - -Assuming that we are, in fact, building an image validation API, we could -wholly separate it from any image preparation logic (including clean image -provisioning.) There is a certain purist argument for separation of duties -here, but the practical argument that resource testing and enforcement are -frequently the same steps suggests that we should merge the two for -efficiency. - -Assuming that we are allowing reconciliation of the image with the validation -layer, we could, instead of building our own lightweight validation layer, -demand that plugin authors immediately adopt one of Ansible, Puppet, Chef, -Salt, etc. However, three factors lead me not to embrace this option. First, -normal usage of these tools expects network access by default; in our -context, we do not want to use the external network unless absolutely -necessary, as our instances may not be network-enabled. While it is possible -to use them offline, it requires some care to do so, which might be offputting -for newcomers to Sahara who are versed in the chosen tool. Second, Sahara -should not be that opinionated about toolchains, either within our team or to -our userbase. Facilitating the usage of devops toolchains by providing a -clear, well-encapsulated API point is a good goal, but it is not Sahara's job -to pick a winner in that market. Third, such a framework is a significant -dependency for the sahara core, and such massive dependencies are always to be -regarded with suspicion. As such, providing a very lightweight framework for -validations is worthwhile, so that we do not need to depend absolutely on any -such framework, even in the short term before plugins are abstracted out of -the service repo. - -Assuming that we do not wish to immediately adopt such a framework, we could -instead decide to immediately build a full-featured idempotent resource -description language, building many more validators with many more options. -While I may well have missed required, basic options, and welcome feedback, I -strongly suggest that we start with a minimal framework and build upon it, -instead of trying to build the moon from the outset. I have aimed in this spec -for extensibility over completeness (and as such have left some explicit -wiggle room in the set of validators to be implemented in the first pass.) - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None; this change is SPI only. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -For plugins using SaharaImageValidators, end-users will be able to modify the -.yaml files to add packages or run validation or modification scripts against -their images on spawn. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -This SPI method is optional; plugins may, if they're feeling a bit cowboy -about things today, continue to spawn from any provided image without testing -it. As such, there is no strictly required developer impact with this spec. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None. Sahara-image-elements can keep doing its thing if this is adopted. -Future dependent specs may drive changes in how we expect images to be packed -(hopefully via an OpenStack API,) but this is not that spec, and can be -approved wholly independently. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Other contributors: - ptoscano - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add SPI method and call in provisioning flow; wrap to ensure that if absent, - no error is raised. -* Build sahara.plugins.images as specified above, and all listed validators. -* Write .yaml files for CDH and Ambari plugins using this mechanism (other - plugins may adopt over time, as the SPI method is optional.) -* Add unit tests. - -Dependencies -============ - -No new dependencies (though this does provide an extension point for which -plugins may choose to adopt new dependencies.) - -Testing -======= - -Unit testing is assumed, as in all cases. The image validation mechanism -itself does not need extensive new integration testing; the positive case will -be covered by existing tests. Idempotence testing requires whitebox access to -the server, and is not possible in the scenario framework; if this system ever -is adopted for image generation, at that point we will have the blackbox hooks -to test idempotence by rerunning against a pre-packed image (which should -result in no change and a still-valid image.) - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We will need to document the SPI method, the SaharaImageValidator classes, -and the .yaml structure that describes them. - -References -========== - -None. diff --git a/specs/mitaka_idx.rst b/specs/mitaka_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d5769c2..0000000 --- a/specs/mitaka_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Mitaka specs -^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - mitaka/* diff --git a/specs/newton/designate-integration.rst b/specs/newton/designate-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1d5e1fc..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/designate-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================== -Designate Integration -===================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/designate-integration - -Designate provides DNS as a service so we can use hostnames instead of -IP addresses. This spec is proposal to implement this feature in Sahara. - -Problem description -=================== - -Users want to use meaningful hostnames instead of just ip addresses. Currently -Sahara only changes ``/etc/hosts`` files when deploying the cluster and -it allows to resolve vms by hostnames only through console and only between -these vms. But with Designate integration the hostnames of vms could be used in -the dashboard and we don't need to change ``/etc/hosts``. - -Proposed change -=============== - -With this change we'll be able to act in such way: user have pre installed -Designate on controller machine and set up it with network (see [0]). Also user -have added DNS address to ``/etc/resolv.conf`` file on client machine. User -creates a cluster template in which it chooses domain names for internal and -external resolution. Then user launches the cluster and all its instances can -be resolved by their hostnames: - - 1. from user client machine (e.g., links in Sahara-dashboard) - 2. between instances - -Designate integration will work if we point that we want to use it in sahara -configs. So new config option should be added in the ``default`` section: - - * ``use_designate``: boolean variable which indicates should Sahara use - Designate or not (by default is False). - * ``nameservers``: list of servers' ips with pre installed Designate. This - is required if 'use_designate' option is True. - -Domain records format will be ``instance_name.domain_name.``. Domain records -will be created by Heat on create heat stack step of cluster creation process. -The hostnames collision isn't expected: 1. Designate allows only unique domain -names so user can't create domain with the same name in different tenants. Also -domain names are created in one tenant and aren't available in another. -2. Nova allows to launch instances with the same name but Sahara adds indexes -(0,1,2,...) for each instance name. The single collision case is when we launch -two clusters with the same node group names and the same cluster names then -Designate doesn't allow to create duplicated records so user can just change -cluster name. - -We should maintain backward compatibility. Backward compatibility cases: - - * Old version of Openstack. Then user can switch off designate with - ``use_designate = false`` (this value by default). - * Cluster already exists. Then user can't use designate feature. - -Addresses of the domain servers should be written to ``/etc/resolv.conf`` files -on each of vms in order to successfully resolve created domain records across -these vms. It could be done with cloud-init capabilities. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. We can leave all as is: now we change ``/etc/hosts`` files for resolving -hostnames between vms. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Cluster, Cluster Template and Instance entities should have two new columns: - - * ``internal_domain_name`` - * ``external_domain_name`` - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -User need to pre install and setup designate by self (see [0]). Also user -should change ``resolv.conf`` files on appropriate machines in order to -resolve server with designate. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Cluster template creation page will contain additional 'DNS' tab with two -dropdown fields: internal domain and external domain. - -Implementation -============== - -None - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - msionkin (Michael Ionkin) - -Work Items ----------- - -* implement designate heat template -* implement writing dns server address to ``resolv.conf`` files -* provide backward compatibility -* add new db fields -* add tab and fields for cluster template page in Sahara dashboard -* add unit tests - -Dependencies -============ - -* python-designateclient for Sahara-dashboard - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests should be added. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This feature should be documented. - -References -========== - -[0] http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/networking-guide/adv-config-dns.html diff --git a/specs/newton/image-generation-cli.rst b/specs/newton/image-generation-cli.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f26b88a..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/image-generation-cli.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,312 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================= - CLI for Plugin-Declared Image Generation -========================================= - -This specification describes the next stage of the image generation epic, -and proposes a CLI to generate images from the plugin-defined recipes -described in the validate-image-spi_ blueprint. - -Problem description -=================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/image-generation-cli - -Sahara has historically used a single monolithic repository of DIB -elements for generation of images. This poses several problems: - -1) Unlike most use cases for DIB, Sahara end-users are not necessarily - OpenStack experts, and are using OpenStack as a means to manage - their data processing clusters, but desire to customize their nodes - at the image level. As these users are concerned with data processing - over cloud computing, ease of image modification is critical in the - early stages of technology evaluation. The Sahara team has found that - while DIB is a very powerful tool, it is not overly friendly to new - adopters. -2) In order to mature to a stage at which new Sahara users can add - features to the codebase cleanly, Sahara must draw firmer lines - of encapsulation around its plugins. Storing all image generation - recipes (whatever the implementation) in a single repository that - cuts across all plugins is counter to the end goal of allowing - the whole functionality of a new plugin to be exposed at a single - path. -3) Sahara end users will very seldom need to modify base OS images in - a particularly deep way, and will seldom need to create new images. - The changes Sahara must make to images in order to prepare them for - use are actually quite basic: we install packages and modify - certain configuration files. Sacrificing some power and speed for - some ease of use is very reasonable in our use case. - -For these reasons, a means to encapsulate image generation logic within -a plugin, a command line utility to exercise these recipes, and a -backing toolchain that emphasizes reliability over flexibility and -speed are indicated. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/validate-image-spi -blueprint describes the first steps of this epic, enabling us to -define recipes for image validation and generation of clusters from -"clean" images. - -CLI input ---------- - -The current specification proposes that a CLI script be added to -sahara at sahara.cli.sahara_pack_image.py. This script will not -start a new service as others do; rather, it will use the pre-existent -sahara.services.images module to run the image generation recipe on a -base image through a new remote implementation. This remote -implementation will use libguestfs'python API to alter the image to the -plugin's specifications. - ---help text for this script follows: - -:: - - Usage: sahara-image-create - --image IMAGE_PATH - [--root-filesystem] - [--test] - PLUGIN PLUGIN_VERSION - [More arguments per plugin and version] - * --image: The path to an image to modify. This image will be modified - in-place: be sure to target a copy if you wish to maintain a - clean master image. - * --root-filesystem: The filesystem to mount as the root volume on the - image. No value is required if only one filesystem is detected. - * --test-only: If this flag is set, no changes will be made to the - image; instead, the script will fail if discrepancies are found - between the image and the intended state. - [* variable per plugin and version: Other arguments as specified in - the generation script. - * ...] - * -h, --help: See this message. - - -Both PLUGIN and PLUGIN_VERSION will be implemented as required subcommands. - -If --test-only is set, the image will be packed with the ``reconcile`` -option set to False (meaning that the image will only be tested, not changed.) - -Each image generation .yaml (as originally described in the -validate-images-spi spec,) may now register a set of 'arguments' as well -as a set of 'validators'. This argument specification should precede the -validator declaration, and will take the following form: - -:: - - arguments: - - java-version: - description: The java distribution. - target_variable: JAVA_VERSION - default: openjdk - required: false - choices: - - oracle-java - - openjdk - -A set of arguments for any one yaml must obey the following rules: - -1) All argnames must be unique, and no argnames may collide with global script - argument tokens. -2) If required is false, a default value must be provided. -3) The target_variable field is required, for clarity. - -An ImageArgument class will be added to the sahara.service.images module in -order that all plugins can use the same object format. It will follow the -object model above. - -New SPI methods ---------------- - -In order to facilitate the retrieval of image generation arguments, a -get_image_arguments SPI method will be added to the plugin SPI. The arguments -returned from this method will be used to build help text specific to a plugin -and version, and will also be used to validate input to the CLI. It will -return a list of ImageArguments. - -A pack_image method will also be added to the plugin SPI. This method will -have the signature: - -:: - - def pack_image(self, hadoop_version, remote, reconcile=True, - image_arguments=None) - -This method will take an ImageRemote (see below). In most plugins, this -will: - -1) Validate the incoming argument map (to ensure that all required arguments - have been provided, that values exist in any given enum, etc.) -2) Place the incoming arguments into an env_map per their target_variables. -3) Generate a set of ImageValidators (just as is done for image validation). -4) Call the validate method of the validator set using the remote and - argument_map. - -However, the implementation is intentionally vague, to allow plugins to -introduce their own image packing tools if desired (as per the -validate-images-spi spec.) - -ArgumentCaseValidator ---------------------- - -Now that these image definitions need to be able to take arguments, a new -ArgumentCaseValidator will be added to the set of concrete -SaharaImageValidators to assist image packing developers in writing clean, -readable recipes. This validator's yaml definition will take the form: - -:: - - argument_case: - argument_name: JAVA_VERSION - cases: - openjdk: - - [action] - oracle-java: - - [action] - -The first value case key which matches the value of one of the variable will -execute its nested actions. All subsequent cases will be skipped. - -ImageRemote ------------ - -A new ImageRemote class will be added to a new module, at -sahara.utils.image_remote. This class will be encapsulated in its own module -to allow distribution packagers the option of externalizing the dependency on -libguestfs into a subpackage of sahara, rather than requiring libguestfs as a -dependency of the main sahara python library package in all cases. - -This class will represent an implementation of the sahara.utils.remote.Remote -abstraction. Rather than executing ssh commands from the provided arguments, -however, this class will execute scripts on a target image file using -libguestfs' python API. - -The CLI will use generate a remote targeting the image at the path specified -by the 'image' argument, and use it to run the scripts which would normally be -run over ssh (on clean image generation) within the image file specified. - -Alternatives ------------- - -We have discussed the option of bringing DIB elements into the Sahara plugins. -However, this was nixed due to the issues above related to tradeoff between -speed and power and usability, and because of certain testing issues (discussed -in an abandoned spec in the Mitaka cycle). - -It is also possible that we could maintain our current CLI in -sahara-image-elements indefinitely. However, as more plugins are developed, -a single monolithic repository will become unwieldy. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The new CLI will be (at present) the only means of interacting with this -feature. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Packaging this script as a separate python (and Debian/RPM package) is an -option worth discussing, but at this time it is intended that this tool -be packed with the Sahara core. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -This feature will reuse definitions specified in the validate-image-spi_ spec, -and thus should have minimal developer impact from that spec. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -This feature will hopefully, once it reaches full maturity and testability, -supplant sahara-image-elements, and will provide the baseline for building -image packing facility into the sahara API itself. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -No dashboard representation is intended at this time. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - egafford - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -1) Create and unit test images.py changes. -2) Test plugin-specific image packing for any plugins to implement this - feature. Intended first round of plugins to implement: -3) Implement CI tests for this feature. - -Dependencies -============ - -This feature will introduce a dependency on libguestfs, though it will only -use libguestfs features present in all major distributions. - - -Testing -======= - -As this feature does not touch the API, it will not introduce new Tempest -tests. However, testing the image generation process itself will require -attention. - -It is proposed that tests be added for image generation as each plugin -implements this generation strategy, and that nightly tests be created to -generate images and run these images through cluster creation and EDP testing. - -These should be implemented as separate tests in order to quickly -differentiate image packing failure and cluster failure. - -As these recipes stabilize for any given plugin, we should begin to run -these tests when any change to the sahara repository touches image -generation resources for a specific plugin (which should be well-encapsulated -in a single directory under each version for each plugin.) Toward the end of -this epic (as we are nearing the stage of authoring the API to pack images, -we may consider removing integration tests for SIE to save lab time. Still, -these tests will be, compared to sahara service tests, very resource-light -to run. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This feature should be documented in both devref (for building image -generation recipes) and in userdoc (for script usage). - -References -========== - -None. - -.. _validate-image-spi: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/validate-image-spi diff --git a/specs/newton/improving-anti-affinity.rst b/specs/newton/improving-anti-affinity.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 069f9d6..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/improving-anti-affinity.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================= -Improve anti-affinity behavior for cluster creation -================================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/improving-anti-affinity - -Enable sahara to distribute node creation in a more equitable manner with -respect to compute hardware affinity. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Current anti-affinity in sahara allows nodes in the anti-affinity group, -equal to the number of hypervisors -(https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1426398). - -If the number of nodes in the anti-affinity group are more than the number of -hypervisors, sahara throws an error. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -User will be able to define a ratio i.e number of nodes per hypervisor -when requesting anti-affinity for a process. - -The ratio would be a field while creating a cluster if user selects -anti-affinity - -Based on the ratio given by the user and number of nodes, more server -groups will be created. - -Number of server groups would be equal to the number of nodes per hypervisor. - -In terms of heat templates, the server groups would be created while -serializing the resources if anti-affinity is enabled for that cluster. - -Instances would be allocated to those server groups while serializing the -instance using "group" property of "scheduler_hints" which will be set to -different server group for each instance in round robin fashion. - -For allocation of server groups, following changes would be required: - -* Create a parameter named SERVER_GROUP_NAMES of type list in - the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource - -* Store the server group name for each instance in the node group in - this parameter. So the size of the parameter list would be equal to - the number of instances in the node group - -* Now the instance with index i would belong to the server group name - stored at SERVER_GROUP_NAMES[i] - -* This parameter will then be accessed from the scheduler hints - -So in the node group template, scheduler hints will look like this, - -.. code-block:: python - - "scheduler_hints": { - "group": { - "get_param": [SERVER_GROUP_NAMES, {"get_param": "instance_index"}] - } - } - - -E.g - -A = Number of hypervisors = 5 - -B = Total number of nodes in the a-a group = 10 - -C = Number of nodes per hypervisor = nodes:hypervisor = 2 - -Number of server groups = C = 2 - -Nodes would be distributed in each of the created server groups in round-robin -fashion. - -Although, placement of any node in any of the server groups does not matter -because all the nodes are anti-affine. - -In case the ratio given by the user in the above example is 1, user will -still get an error which will be thrown by nova. - -We won't allow old clusters to scale with new ratio - -When a user requests to scale a cluster after the ratio has changed or requests -a new ratio on an existing cluster, an error would be thrown saying "This -cluster was created with X ratio, but now the ratio is Y. You will need to -recreate". - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Ratio would be a field in the cluster object - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -The change would provision the instances without any error even in case of more -nodes in the anti-affinity group than the number of hypervisors if user defines -the ratio correctly. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Yes a field has to be added in the sahara dashboard for collecting the ratio. -The field will be displayed only when anti-affinity is selected. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - akanksha-aha - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add a ratio field in sahara-dashboard - -* Add the same field in sahara wherever required (Data Access Layer) - -* Add a new API which creates more server groups when required - -* Write Unit tests and run those tests - -* Write documentation - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -Will need to write unit tests - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Need to add about improved anti-affinity behavior - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton/initial-kerberos-integration.rst b/specs/newton/initial-kerberos-integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0eb42d4..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/initial-kerberos-integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Initial Kerberos Integration -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/initial-kerberos-integration - -There is no way to enable kerberos integration for clusters deployed -by Sahara. By the way, default managament services like Cloudera Manager -and Ambari Management console already have support of configuring Kerberos -for deployed clusters. We should make initial integration of this feature in -sahara for Cloudera and Ambari plugins. - -Problem description -=================== - -Users wants to use Kerberos to make clusters created by Sahara more -secure. - -Proposed change -=============== - -The proposed changes will be the following: - - * the initial MIT of KDC integration on cluster nodes. Also - admin principal will be created for sahara usages (and - sahara will store that using improved secret storage); - * ability to configure Kerberos on clusters created by using - Cloudera Manager API (see the reference below [0], [1], [2]) and - Ambari (see the reference below [3]) will be added; - * remote operations which are requires auth should be wrapped by - ticket granting method so that sahara will be able to perform - operations with hdfs and something like that; - * Oozie client should be re-implemented to reflect these changes. - By default, in case when cluster is not deployed with Kerberos - (like vanilla) we will continue using requests python library - to bind Oozie API (without needed auth). The new Oozie client - should be implemented in case of kerberos implemented. This - client will use standard remote implementation and curl in order - to process auth to Oozie with ticket granting. As another way, we can use - request-kerberos for that goal, but it's not good solution since this lib - are not python3 compatible. - -New config options will be added in general section of cluster template (or -cluster): - - * ``Enable Kerberos``: will enable the kerberos security for cluster - (Ambari or CDH); - -As additional enhancement support of using existing KDC server can be added. -In such case, additional options are required for that: - - * ``Use existing KDC``: will enable using existing KDC server, additional - data should be provided then; - * ``Admin principal``: admin principal to have ability to create new - principals; - * ``Admin password``: will be hidden from API outputs and will be stored in - improved secret storage; - * ``KDC server hostname``: hostname of KDC server - -If something additional will be needed to identify KDC server it also will -be added to general section of configs. - -Other possible improvements can be done after implementation of steps above. -By the way, initial implementation will only include steps above. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. If needed, extra field will be used for that goal. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -All packages required for KDC infrastucture should be included on our -images. If something is not presented, it will be additionally installed. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Nothing additional is required on Sahara dashboard side, since all needed -options are in general section and will be prepared as usual - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev (Vitaly Gridnev) and msionkin (Michael Ionkin) - -Work Items ----------- - -All working items are will described in Proposed change. Additionally, -we can include testing initial Kerberos integration on Sahara CI, but only -when all steps are completed. For sure, unit tests will be added. - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements. As initial idea, nothing additional -should not be added to current sahara requirements, all needed packages -will be included only on sahara images. - -Testing -======= - -Sahara CI will cover that change, unit tests for sure will be added. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -New sections can be added with description of Kerberos integration -in Ambari and Cloudera. - -References -========== - -[0] https://github.com/cloudera/cm_api/blob/f4431606a690d95208457a64d1cc2610d9cfa2bf/python/src/cm_api/endpoints/cms.py#L134 -[1] https://github.com/cloudera/cm_api/blob/f4431606a690d95208457a64d1cc2610d9cfa2bf/python/src/cm_api/endpoints/clusters.py#L585 -[2] http://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-5-x/topics/cm_sg_using_cm_sec_config.html -[3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AMBARI/Automated+Kerberizaton#AutomatedKerberizaton-TheRESTAPI - diff --git a/specs/newton/pagination.rst b/specs/newton/pagination.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4690e4b..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/pagination.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,298 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================================================== -Adding pagination and sorting ability to Sahara -===================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/pagination - -This specification describes an option for pagination ability which will admit -to work with objects in Sahara with API, CLI and Dashboard. -Also this specification describes sorting ability to Sahara API. - -Problem description -=================== - - -We are working on adding the ability for pagination to work with objects. -But having too many objects to be shown is not very user friendly. We want -to implement pagination so the dashboard can split the list of pages making -the UI better. User has ability to sort objects by columns in dashboard, but -if we add pagination ability, we will need to add sorting ability in API, -because ordering on UI side only will cause inconvenience since the service -will continue returning pages ordered by the default column. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Will be added four optional parameters in API GET requests, which return -a lists of objects. - -.. note:: Now elements on lists sorted by date of creation. - -``marker`` - index of the last element on the list, which won't be in response. - -``limit`` - maximum count of elements in response. This argument must be -positive integer number. If this parameter isn't passed, in response will be -all the elements which follow the element with id in marker parameter. -Also if ``marker`` parameter isn't passed, response will contain first -objects of the list with count equal ``limit``. If both parameters aren't -passed, API will work as usual. - -``sort_by`` - name of the field of object which will be used by sorting. -If this parameter is passed, objects will be sorting by date of creation, -otherwise by this field. - -The field can possess one of the next values for every object: - -For Node Group Template: -``name``, ``plugin``, ``version``, ``created_at``, ``updated_at`` - - -For Cluster Templates: -``name``, ``plugin``, ``version``, ``created_at``, ``updated_at`` - - -For Clusters: -``name``, ``plugin``, ``version``, ``status``, ``instance_count`` - - -For Job Binaries and Job Binaries Internal -``name``, ``create``, ``update`` - - -For Data Sources: -``name``, ``type``, ``create``, ``update`` - - -For Job Templates: -``name``, ``type``, ``create``, ``update`` - - -For Jobs: -``id``, ``job_template``, ``cluster``, ``status``, ``duration`` - - -By default Sahara api will return list in ascending order. Also if the user -wants a descending order list, he can use ``-`` prefix for ``sort_by`` -argument. - - -Examples: - -Get list of jobs in ascending order sorted by name. - -**request** -``GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/jobs?sort_by=name`` - -Get list of jobs in descending order sorted by name. - -**request** -``GET http://sahara/v1.1/775181/jobs?sort_by=-name`` - - -For convenience, collections contain atom "next" and "previous" markers. -The first page on the list doesn't contain a previous marker, the last page -on the list doesn't contain a next link. The following examples illustrate -pages in a collection of cluster templates. - - -Example: - -Get one cluster template after template with ``id=3``. - -**request** - -``GET http://sahara/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates?limit=1&marker=3`` - -**response** - -.. sourcecode:: json - - { - "cluster_templates": [ - { - "name": "cluster-template", - "plugin_name": "vanilla", - "id": "4", - "node_groups": [ - { - "name": "master", - }, - { - "name": "worker", - } - ], - } - ], - "markers": - { - "next": "32", - "previous": "22" - } - } - - -Example: -Let cluster template with id = 5 will be the last of collection. -Response will contain only "previous" link. - -**request** - -``GET http://sahara/v1.0/775181/cluster-templates?limit=1&marker=4`` - -**response** - -.. sourcecode:: json - - { - "cluster_templates":[ - { - "description":"", - "node_groups":[ - { - "name":"master", - }, - { - "name":"worker", - } - ], - "name":"cluster-template-2", - "id":"5", - } - ], - "markers": - { - "previous": "3" - } - } - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Add ability get ``marker``, ``limit``, ``sort_by`` parameters -in next requests: - -Sahara API v1.0 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -``GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/images`` - -``GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/node-group-templates`` - -``GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/cluster-templates`` - -``GET /v1.0/{tenant_id}/clusters`` - -Sahara API v1.1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -``GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/data-sources`` - -``GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binary-internals`` - -``GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-binaries`` - -``GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/jobs`` - -``GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/job-executions`` - -Sahara API v2 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -``GET /v2/cluster-templates`` - -``GET /v2/clusters`` - -``GET /v2/data_sources`` - -``GET /v2/images`` - -``GET /v2/job-binaries`` - -``GET /v2/jobs`` - -``GET /v2/job-templates`` - -``GET /v2/node-group-templates`` - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Pagination will be added to Sahara-Dashboard via Horizon abilities. Now we -are using ``DataTable`` class to represent lists of data objects. -This class supports pagination abilities. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - mlelyakin (mlelyakin@mirantis.com) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Adding ability of take arguments ``marker``, ``limit`` in Sahara API -* Adding unit tests for new features. -* Adding ability of take argument ``sort_by`` in Sahara API -* Adding this abilities in Sahara CLI Client -* Adding this abilities in Dashboard -* Documented pagination and sorting features - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Will be covered with unit tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Will be adding to documentation of Sahara API. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton/plugin-management-api.rst b/specs/newton/plugin-management-api.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 13da42a..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/plugin-management-api.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,343 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================== -Admin API for Managing Plugins -============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/plugin-management-api - -This is a proposal to implement new admin API for management plugins -for different projects. Also, smarter deprecation can be implemented -with a new management API for plugins. - -Problem description -=================== - -Right now we have the following problems: - - * plugin state is totally unclear for user. From the user point - of view, there are only default plugins, which are enabled for - all projects; - * deprecation of the particular plugin version is not perfect right - now: validation error with deprecation note will be raised during - creation - which is not so good for user; - * all plugins and versions are enabled for all projects, which is - not perfect. Someone wants to use only Ambari plugin, and other one - wants to use only CDH plugin (or a particular version) - -Proposed change -=============== - -It's proposed to implement several new API calls for plugins management. -Actually, there is plan to support that in API v1.1 correctly so that we -can put this to API v2 without additional stuff. - -First of all we need to enable all plugins by default. There is no sense -to continue separating default and non-default plugins. There is an agreement -that having default/non-default plugins is redundant, just because such -process don't allow to deliver probably non-stable plugins at least for testing -in several projects. - -Additionally as a part of this blueprint migration of ``hadoop_version`` -to ``plugin_version`` should be done to keep this api consistent with new -management API. - -New database should be created to store all required metadata about current -state of each plugin. This metadata is a combination of labels for plugins -itself and for each version of the plugin. The plugin label is an indicator -of plugin state (or version) that we will help user to understand the current -state of plugin itself (like a stability, deprecation status) or of some -features. If no metadata will be stored in DB, plugin SPI method will -help us to return default metadata for plugin. This also will help us -to avoid possible issues with upgrades from old releases of sahara. - -This metadata should describe each plugin and its versions. The example -of return value of this plugin SPI method is the following: - -.. sourcecode:: json - - { - "version_labels": { - "2.3": { - "stable": { - "status": true - }, - "enabled": { - "status": true - } - }, - "2.2": { - "deprecated": { - "status": true - }, - "enabled": { - "status": true - } - } - }, - "plugin_labels": { - "enabled": { - "status": false, - } - } - } -.. - -PluginManager on requests of all plugins will collect all data stored in DB -for plugins and will accumulate that data with default data for plugins without -entry in DB. Also, for each label entry manager will additionally put the -description of the label and possibility of changing of label by admins. The -collected data will be exposed to the user. See example of return value below -in REST API section. - -The initial set of labels is the following: - - * ``enabled`` if plugin is enabled, then each user will be able to use plugin - for cluster creation and will have ability to perform all CRUD operations on - top the cluster. If plugins doesn't have this label, only deletion can be - performed with this cluster. - * ``hidden`` if plugin is hidden, it's still available for performing actions - using saharaclient, but it will be hidden from UI side and CLI. It's special - tag for fake plugin. - * ``stable`` plugin is stable enough to be used. Sahara CI should be enabled - for plugin to prove it's stability in terms of cluster creation and running - EDP jobs. This label can't be removed. Will not - be stored in DB and will be handled by plugin SPI method only. - * ``deprecated`` plugin is deprecated. Warnings about deprecation - will be shown for this plugin. Not intended to be used. Sahara CI (nightly) - will continue testing this plugin to prove it's still works well. Label - can't be removed. Recommendations should be provided about what operations - are available for this cluster. - -Admin user will be able to perform ``PATCH`` actions with labels via API, -if label is really can be removed. ``oslo_policy`` will be used for handling -that user have admin role. Only status can be changed for each label. -Mutability and description can't be changed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -New table is needed for this feature to store data about plugin tags. - -.. sourcecode:: console - - +----------------+--------------+ - | plugins | column type | - +----------------+--------------+ - | tenant_id | String | - +----------------+--------------+ - | plugin_labels | JsonDictType | - +----------------+--------------+ - | version_labels | JsonDictType | - +----------------+--------------+ - | id (Unique) | String | - +----------------+--------------+ - | name | String | - +----------------+--------------+ - - -.. - -An simple example of stored data: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - 'name': "fake", - "plugin_labels": { - "enabled": { - "status": true, - } - }, - "tenant_id": "uuid", - "id": "uuid just to be unique", - "version_labels": { - "0.1": { - "enabled": { - "status": true - } - } - } - } - -.. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -There are bunch of changes in REST API are going to be done. - -Endpoint changes: - -1. for ``GET`` ``/plugins`` to following output will be expected after - implementation. All labels will be additionally serialized with description, - mutability. - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "plugins": [ - { - "description": "HDP plugin with Ambari", - "versions": [ - "2.3", - "2.4", - ], - "name": "ambari", - "plugin_labels": { - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates that plugin is switched on", - "mutable": true, - "status": true - } - }, - "version_labels": { - "2.3": { - "enabled": { - "description": "Indicates that version is switched on", - "mutable": true, - "status": false, - }, - "deprecated": { - "description": "Plugin is deprecated, but can be used" - "mutable": false, - "status": true - }, - "stable": { - "description": "Plugin stability", - "mutable": false, - "status": false - } - }, - "2.4": { - "enabled": { - .. - }, - "stable": { - .. - }, - }, - }, - "title": "HDP Plugin" - }, - ] - } - -.. - -2. new ``PATCH /plugins/`` which is intended for updating tags for plugin - or/and its versions. Update will be done successfully if all modified labels - are mutable. Validation will be done for user if updating only - status of each labels. To update a label you need to send request with - only this label in body. Mutability and description are fields that can't be - changed. - -.. sourcecode:: console - - { - "plugin_labels": { - "enabled": { - "status": false, - } - } - "version_labels: { - "2.3": { - "enabled": { - "status": true, - }, - }, - "2.4": { - "enabled": { - "status": false, - }, - }, - } - } - -.. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -New CLI will be extended with plugin updates. Warnings about -deprecation label will be added too. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Nothing additional is required from deployers; anyway we should notify about -new default value for ``plugins`` option. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Things to do: - -1. New tab for management plugins should be implemented. All labels - will be shown in this tab. Each label will have checkboxes that will add - this label to plugin. Only admin will have ability to produce changes. -2. Warning regarding deprecation label will be added to templates/cluster - creation tabs. If the only plugin enabled we will not have dropdown for - plugin choice, and the same thing for version. If the only plugin and - version is enabled, plugin choice action will be skipped. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - vgridnev (Vitaly Gridnev) - -Work Items ----------- - -The following items should be covered: - - * enable all plugins by default; - * implement database side; - * new API methods should be added; - * plugin SPI method for default metadata; - * document new api features in API docs; - * python-saharaclient implementation; - * sahara-dashboard changes - -Dependencies -============ - -Depends on OpenStack requirements - -Testing -======= - -Feature will covered by unit tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -All plugin labels should be documented properly. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton/python-storm-jobs.rst b/specs/newton/python-storm-jobs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index dcea8d2..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/python-storm-jobs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================= -Allow creation of python topologies for Storm -============================================= - -In order to allow user to develop storm topologies that we can also can call -storm jobs in a pure python form we are adding support to Pyleus in Sahara. -Pyleus is a framework that allows the creation of Storm topologies in -python and uses yaml to wire how the flow is going to work. - - -Problem description -=================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/python-storm-jobs - -Storm is the plugin in Sahara responsible for real time processing. Storm is -natively written in Java, being the common languange to write topologies. -Storm allows topologies to be written in different languages, including -python, but the default way to implement this still requires a java shell -combining the python components together being not very pythonic. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -We are OpenStack and we love our python, so in order to allow OpenStack users -to create a submit python written topologies we propose to integrate the -Pyleus framework into the Storm plugin. -Pyleus allows the user to create Storm topologies components in python and -it provides an abstraction to help that construction, making the -implementation easier. Also it uses a yaml file that will be used to compile -the topology. The final object of the compilation is a jar file containing -the python written topology. -The change we need to do is to integrate pyleus command line into the Storm -plugin to submit the topologies using its CLI instead of Storm's. The -overall UX will remain the same, since the user will upload a jar file and -start a topology. We will create a new job type for Storm called pyleus so -the plugin can handle the new way of submitting the job to the cluster. - -The command line will like this: - -* pyleus submit [-n NIMBUS_HOST] /path/to/topology.jar -* pyleus kill [-n NIMBUS_HOST] TOPOLOGY_NAME -* pyleus list [-n NIMBUS_HOST] - - -Alternatives ------------- - -The option is to leave Storm as it is, accepting only default jobs java or -python. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -There will be a minor REST API impact since we are introducing a new Job Type. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -We will need to install pyleus on the Storm images. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Minor changes will be made to add new Job Type. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tellesmvn - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -1) Create new Job type. -2) Change Storm plugin the deal with the new job type. -3) Implement tests for this feature. - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -To this point only unit tests will be implemented. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -This feature should be documented in the user doc. - -References -========== - -None. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/specs/newton/refactor-sahara.service.api.rst b/specs/newton/refactor-sahara.service.api.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2b15d3e..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/refactor-sahara.service.api.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -====================================== -Refactor the sahara.service.api module -====================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/v2-api-experimental-impl - -The HTTP API calls that sahara receives are processed by the -``sahara.api`` package, the functions of this module then call upon the -``sahara.service.api`` and ``sahara.service.edp.api`` modules to perform -processing before being passed to the conductor. To help accommodate future -API changes, these modules should be refactored to create a more unified -package for future implementors. - - -Problem description -=================== - -The current state of the API service level modules can be confusing when -comparing it to the API route level modules. This confusion can lead to -misunderstandings in the way the service code interacts with the routing -and conductor modules. To improve the state of readability, and expansion, -this spec defines a new layout for these modules. - -More than confusion, as the API is being reworked for the new version 2 -features there will need to be additions in the service layer to assist -the endpoint and JSON notational changes. Refactoring these modules will -create a more clear pathway for adding to the sahara API. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change will create a new package named ``sahara.service.api`` which will -contain all the service level API modules. This new package will create a -unified location for service level API changes, and provide a clear path for -those wishing to make said changes. The new package will also contain the -base service level files for the v2 API. - -The new package layout will be as follows: - -:: - - sahara/service/api/__init__.py - v10.py - v11.py - v2/__init__.py - clusters.py - cluster_templates.py - data_sources.py - images.py - job_binaries.py - job_executions.py - jobs.py - job_types.py - node_group_templates.py - plugins.py - - -This new layout will provide a clean, singular, location for all service -level API code. The files created for the ``sahara.service.api.v2`` package -will be simple copies of the current functionality. - -Alternatives ------------- - -One alternative is to do nothing and leave the ``sahara.service.api`` and -``sahara.service.edp.api`` modules as they are and create new code for v2 -either in those locations or a new file. A downside to this approach is that -it will be less clear where the boundaries between the different versions -will exist. This will also leave a larger questions as to where the new v2 -code will live. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -This change should improve the developer experience with regard to creating -and maintaining the API code as it will be more clear which modules control -each version. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Michael McCune (elmiko) - -Work Items ----------- - -* create new package -* move current implementations into new package -* add v2 related service files -* fix outstanding references -* add documentation to v2 developer docs - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -As these changes will leave the interfaces largely intact, they will be -tested through our current unit and tempest tests. The will not require -new tests specifically for this change. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -A new section in the API v2 developer docs will be added to help inform about -the purpose of these files and how they will be used in the work to -implement features like JSON payload changes. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton/refactor-use-floating-ip.rst b/specs/newton/refactor-use-floating-ip.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 8165ac1..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/refactor-use-floating-ip.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================================================= -Refactor the logic around use of floating ips in node groups and clusters -========================================================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/refactor-use-floating-ip - -Currently, there is a boolean in the configuration file called -*use_floating_ips* which conflates the logic around the existence of -floating ips for instances and the use of floating ips for management by -sahara. This logic should be refactored. - -Problem description -=================== - -The *use_floating_ips* boolean when set True has the following implications: - -* All instances must have a floating ip, except for the case of using a - proxy node. -* Every node group therefore must supply a floating ip pool value when using - neutron, and nova must be configured to auto-assign floating ips when using - nova networking. -* Sahara must use the floating ip for management. -* These requirements are in force across the application for every user, - every node group, and every cluster. - -When *use_floating_ips* is False and neutron is used: - -* Any node group template that has a floating ip pool value set is not - usable and will fail to launch. Again, there is an exception for this when - using proxy nodes. -* Therefore simply modifying the value of *use_floating_ips* in the sahara - configuration file will invalidate whole groups of existing, functioning - templates. - -As we move toward a world where virtual and baremetal clusters co-exist, we -need to modify the logic around floating ips to provide more flexibility. For -instance, a baremetal cluster that uses a flat physical network with no -floating ips should be able to co-exist in sahara with a VM cluster that -uses a virtual network with floating ips (currently this is not possible). - -As nova, neutron, and ironic make further advances toward hybrid -networking and instance scenarios, sahara needs the flexibility to adapt to new -features. The current conflated logic is a roadblock to this flexibility. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Logically the change is very simple, but implementation will require careful -analysis and testing since knowledge of floating ips and the use of nova vs -neutron networking is spread throughout the code base. This becomes -particularly complex in the logic around ssh connections and proxy gateways -and in the quota logic. - -The proposed logical change goes like this: - -* The semantics of *use_floating_ips* will be changed to mean "if an instance - has a floating ip assigned to it, sahara will use that floating ip for - management, otherwise it will use the internal ip". This flag will impose no - other requirements, and no other expectations should be associated with it. - -* In the case of neutron networking, if a node group specifies a floating ip - pool then the instances in that node group will have floating ips. If the - node group does not specify a floating ip pool this will not be an error but - the instances will not have floating ips. - -* In the case of nova networking, if nova is configured to auto-assign - floating ips to instances then instances will have floating ips. If nova - does not assign a floating ip, the instances will not have floating ips. - -* In the case of neutron networking, *use_namespaces* set to True will - continue to mean "use ip netns to connect to machines that do not have - floating ips" but each instance will have to be checked individually to - determine if it has a floating ip assigned. It will no longer be valid - to test *CONF.use_namespases and not CONF.use_floating_ips* - -Alternatives ------------- - -None. This logic has been in sahara since the beginning when nova networking -was exclusively used and things were simpler; it's time to refactor. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None, although changes are needed in the validation code. The API itself -does not change, but what is semantically allowable does change (ie, whether -or not a node group *must* have a floating ip pool value) - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users will need to be educated on the shifting implications of setting -*use_floating_ips* and the choice they have when configuring node groups. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -This change *should be* transparent to existing instances of sahara. Templates -that are functioning should continue to function, and clusters that are -running should not be affected. What will change is the ability to control -use of floating ips in new clusters. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Uncertain. In the past there were configuration settings for the sahara -dashboard that touched on floating ip use. The current configuration -parameters should be reviewed to see if this holds any implication for horizon. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Trevor McKay has produced a patch for this which should be fairly complete, -but he is unable to finish it. He was in the testing phase when work on this -stopped, with fair confidence that the solution works in neutron (but more -testing needs to be done in a nova networking environment) - -Primary assignee: tellesnobrega - -Other contributors: tmckay - -Work Items ----------- - -* Refactor floating-ip use -* Implement tests - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests are sufficient to cover changes to template validation routines -and logical flow in sahara (is sahara in a particular case trying to use a -floating ip or not?) - -Scenario tests should be constructed for both values of *use_floating_ips*, -for both neutron and nova networking configurations, and for node groups -with and without floating ip pool values. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The new implications of *use_floating_ips* should be covered in the -documentation on configuration values and set up of nova in the -nova networking case. - -It should also be noted in discussion of node group templates that -floating ip pool values are no longer required or disallowed based -on the value of *use_floating_ips* - -As mentioned above, it's unclear whether anything needs to change in -sahara dashboard configuration values. If something does change, then -horizon docs should be changed accordingly. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton/spark-jobs-for-vanilla-hadoop.rst b/specs/newton/spark-jobs-for-vanilla-hadoop.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0750a10..0000000 --- a/specs/newton/spark-jobs-for-vanilla-hadoop.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -Run Spark jobs on vanilla Hadoop 2.x -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-jobs-for-vanilla-hadoop - -This specification proposes to add ability to run Spark jobs on cluster -running vanilla version of Hadoop 2.x (YARN). - -Problem description -=================== - -Support for running Spark jobs in stand-alone mode exists as well as for CDH -but not for vanilla version of Hadoop. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add a new edp_engine class in the vanilla v2.x plugin that extends -the SparkJobEngine. Leverage design and code from blueprint: -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0 - -Configure Spark to run on YARN by setting Spark's configuration -file (spark-env.sh) to point to Hadoop's configuration and deploying -that configuration file upon cluster creation. - -Extend sahara-image-elements to support creating a vanilla image -with Spark binaries (vanilla+spark). - -Alternatives ------------- - -Withouth these changes, the only way to run Spark along with Hadoop MapReduce -is to run on a CDH cluster. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Requires changes to sahara-image-elements to support building a vanilla 2.x -image with Spark binaries. New image type can be vanilla+spark. -Spark version can be fixed at Spark 1.3.1. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -New edp class for vanilla 2.x plugin. -sahara-image-elements vanilla+spark extension. -Unit test - -Dependencies -============ - -Leveraging blueprint: -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/spark-jobs-for-cdh-5-3-0 - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests to cover vanilla engine working with Spark. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/newton_idx.rst b/specs/newton_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 951a9c6..0000000 --- a/specs/newton_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Newton specs -^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - newton/* diff --git a/specs/ocata/data-source-plugin.rst b/specs/ocata/data-source-plugin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7520ed9..0000000 --- a/specs/ocata/data-source-plugin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ -========================================== -Data Source and Job Binary Pluggability -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/data-source-plugin - -Sahara allows multiple types of data source and job binary. However, there's -no clean abstraction around them, and the code to deal with them is often very -difficult to read and modify. This change proposes to create clean -abstractions that each data source type and job binary type can implement -differently depending on its own needs. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently, the data source and job binary code are spread over different -folders and files in Sahara, making this code hard to change and to extend. -Right now, a developer who wants to create a new data source needs to look all -over the code and modify things in a lot of places (and it's almost impossible -to know all of them without deep experience with the code). Once this change -is complete, developers will be able to create code in a single directory and -will be able to write their data source by implementing an abstract class. -This will allow users to enable data sources that they write themselves -(and hopefully contribute upstream) much more easily, and it will allow -operators to disable data sources that their own stack does not support -as well. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change proposes to create the data source and job binary abstractions as -plugins, in order to provide loading code dynamically, with a well defined -interface. The existing types of data sources and job binaries will be -refactored. - -The interfaces that will be implemented are described below: - -*Data Source Interface* - -* prepare_cluster(cluster, kwargs) - Makes a cluster ready to use this - data source. Different implementations for each data source: for Manila - it will be mount the share, for Swift verify credentials, etc. - -* construct_url(url, job_exec_id) - Resolves placeholders in data source URL. - -* get_urls(cluster, url, job_exec_id) - Returns the data source url and the - runtime url the data source must be referenced as. Returns: a tuple of the - form (url, runtime_url). - -* get_runtime_url(url, cluster) - If needed it will construct a runtime - url for the data source, by the default if a runtime url is not needed - it will return the native url. - -* validate(data) - Checks whether or not the data passed through the API - to create or update a data source is valid. - -* _validate_url(url) - This method is optional and can be used by the - validate method in order to check whether or not the data source url - is valid. - -*Job Binary Interface* - -* prepare_cluster(cluster, kwargs) - Makes a cluster ready to use this - job binary. Different implementations for each data source: for Manila it - will be mount the share, for Swift verify credentials, etc. - -* copy_binary_to_cluster(job_binary, cluster) - If necessary, pull - binary data from the binary store and copy that data to a useful path - on the cluster. - -* get_local_path(cluster, job_binary) - Returns the path on the local - cluster for the binary. - -* validate(data) - Checks whether or not the data passed through the API - to create or update a job binary is valid. - -* _validate_url(url) - This method is optional and can be used by the - validate method in order to check whether or not the job binary url - is valid - -* validate_job_location_format(entry) - Pre checks whether or not the API - entry is valid. - -* get_raw_data(job_binary, kwargs) - Used only by the API, it returns - the raw binary. If the type doesn't support this operation it should - raise NotImplementedException. - -These interfaces will be organized in the following folders structure: - -* services/edp/data_sources - Will contain the data source interface and - the data source types implementations. - -* services/edp/job_binaries - Will contain the job binary interface and - the job binary types implementations. - -* services/edp/utils - Will contain utility code that can be shared - by data source implementations and job binary implementations. - Per example: Manila data source implementation will probably share some - code with the job binary implementation. - -Probably some changes in the interface are possible until the changes are -implemented (parameters, method names, parameter names), but the main -structure and idea should stay the same. - -Also a plugin manager will be needed to deal directly with the -different types of data sources and job binaries and to provide methods for -the operators to disable/enable data sources and job binaries dynamically. -This plugin manager was not detailed because is going to be similar to the -plugin manager already existent for the cluster plugins. - -Alternatives ------------- - -A clear alternative is let things the way they are, but Sahara would be more -difficult to extend and to understand; An alternative for the abstractions -defined in the Proposed Change section would be to have only one abstraction -instead of two interfaces for data sources and job binaries since these -interfaces have a lot in common, implementing this alternative would remove -the edp/service/utilities folder letting the code more unified and compact, -but job binary and data source code would be considered only one plugin, -which could difficult the pluggability feature of this change (per example: -the provider would not be able to disable manila for data sources, but enable -it for job binaries) and because of this it was not considered the best -approach, instead we keep job binaries and data sources apart, but in -contrast we need the utilities folder to avoid code replication. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Probably some new methods to manage supported types of data sources and -job binaries will be needed (similar to the methods already offered by -plugins). - -* data_sources_types_list() ; job_binaries_types_list() -* data_sources_types_get(type_name) ; job_binaries_types_get(type_name) -* data_sources_types_update(type_name, data) ; - job_binaries_types_update(type_name, data) - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -After this change is implemented developers will be able to add and enable -new data sources and job binaries easily, by just implementing the abstraction. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: mariannelinharesm - -Other contributors: egafford - -Work Items ----------- - -* Creation of a Plugin for Data Sources containing the Data Source Abstraction -* Creation of a Plugin for Job Binaries containing the Job Binary Abstraction -* HDFS Plugin Intern -* HDFS Plugin Extern -* Swift Plugin -* Manila Plugin -* Allow job engines to declare which data sources/job binaries they are - capable of using (this may be needed or not depending if exists a job type - that does not support a particular data source or job binary type) -* Changes in the API - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -This change will require only changes in existing unit tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Will be necessary to add a devref doc about the abstractions created. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/ocata_idx.rst b/specs/ocata_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bb64e60..0000000 --- a/specs/ocata_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Ocata specs -^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - ocata/* diff --git a/specs/pike/deprecate-centos6-images.rst b/specs/pike/deprecate-centos6-images.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e6d008d..0000000 --- a/specs/pike/deprecate-centos6-images.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================== -Deprecation of CentOS 6 images -============================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/deprecate-centos6-images - -Starting from the Newton release, the images based on CentOS 6 -are available also with CentOS 7, sometimes even with more choices for -CentOS 7 version (CDH). -This spec propose to deprecate and remove the support for CentOS 6 -images. - - -Problem description -=================== - -Keeping the support for CentOS 6 is increasinglly difficult. - -The cloud image provided by the CentOS team can not be used as it is -(lack of resize) so a special image should be prepared. This is -`documented `_ -but the default image, which should be manually regenerated, is hosted on -sahara-files.mirantis.com, which will be discontinued. - -Also, diskimage-builder's support for CentOS 6 is not so effective -as it should be, as most of the focus is (rightfully) on CentOS 7. - -Example of issues which requires a workaround: - -* https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1534387 -* https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1477179 - -A blocker bug right now is: - -* https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1698551 - -The (non-blocking, even if they should be blocking) gate jobs for -sahara-image-builder fails due to the latter. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -The support for CentOS 6 images should be deprecated starting from Pike and -removed as soon as the compliance with the follows-standard-deprecation -allows us to do it. - -The change mainly affects sahara-image-elements. The CentOS 6 would not be -built anymore by default while building all the images for a certain plugin -and a warning message would be printed if one of them is selected. - -The code path which checks for CentOS 6 in Sahara services should be kept -as they are and not changed as long as the features is available even if -deprecated; after the removal the code can be restructured, if needed, -to not consider the CentOS 6 use case. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep CentOS 6 support until it is retired officially (November 30, 2020) -or until diskimage-builder removes the support, but make sure that the -current issues are fixed. A change is needed anyway in the -sahara-image-elements jobs, as the building fails right now. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Users won't be able to use CentOS 6 as base. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -Most of the described changes are in sahara-image-elements (see above). - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Minor: remove the reference to CentOS 6 and the default cloud image -from the image registration panel when the feature is removed. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ltoscano - - -Work Items ----------- - -- do not build CentOS 6 image by default for a certain plugin -- add a warning message if one of them is requested -- inform the operators (openstack-operators@) about the change to evaluate - the time for the removal - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - - -Testing -======= - -If the change is implemented, the existing jobs for sahara-image-elements -will only test the supported images and won't fail. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Add or change the list of supported base images. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/pike/node-group-template-and-cluster-template-portability.rst b/specs/pike/node-group-template-and-cluster-template-portability.rst deleted file mode 100644 index df89edd..0000000 --- a/specs/pike/node-group-template-and-cluster-template-portability.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================================== -Node Group Template And Cluster Template Portability -==================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/portable-node-group-and-cluster-templates - -Sahara allows creation of node group templates and cluster templates. However, -when there’s need to create template with the same parameters on another -openstack deployment one must create new template rewriting parameters by -hand. This change proposes to create functions to export these templates to -JSON files and import them later. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara provides the ability to create templates for node groups and clusters. -In the case where the user has access to multiple clouds or is constantly -redeploying development environment it is very time consuming to recreate all -the templates. We aim to allow the user to have the option to download a -template and also upload an existing template to Sahara for a quicker setup. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change proposes to allow import and export of cluster templates and node -group templates. Uses node_group_template_get(node_group_template_id) and -node_group_template_create(parameters) to connect to database. -Templates will be changed before export so that IDs and other sensitive -information is not exported. Some additional information will be requested for -import of a template. -REST API changes: -Node group template interface -* node_group_template_export(node_group_template_id) - exports node group -template to a JSON file -Cluster template interface -* cluster_template_export(cluster_template_id) - exports cluster template to a -JSON file -UI changes: -Node group template interface: -* field for exporting node group template -* field for importing node group template - uses ngt create -Cluser template interface: -* field for exporting cluster template -* field for importing cluster template - uses cluster create -CLI changes: -dataprocessing node group template export -dataprocessing node group template import -dataprocessing cluster template export -dataprocessing cluster template import - - -Alternatives ------------- - -A clear alternative is let things be the way they are, but it makes Sahara -hard to configure and reconfigure if it was configured before. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -* node-group-templates/{NODE_GROUP_TEMPLATE_ID}/export -* cluster-template/{CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_ID}/export - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Export and import of node group templates and cluster templates available in -both CLI and UI. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Simplified deployment, deployer can download pre existing templates if needed. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -An option to export and another to import a template will be added. An option -to import a template will have needed fields to complete the template. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -* Iwona -* tellesmvn - - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add export of a node group template -* Add import of a node group template -* Add export of a cluster template -* Add import of a cluster template -* Testing -* Documentation - - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be added. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation about new features will be added. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/pike/support-for-s3-compatible-object-stores.rst b/specs/pike/support-for-s3-compatible-object-stores.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 37f5a9b..0000000 --- a/specs/pike/support-for-s3-compatible-object-stores.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Support for S3-compatible object stores -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-support-s3 - -Following the efforts done to make data sources and job binaries "pluggable", -it should be feasible to introduce support for S3-compatible object stores. -This will be an additional alternative to the existing HDFS, Swift, MapR-FS, -and Manila storage options. - -A previous spec regarding this topic existed around the time of Icehouse -release, but the work has been stagnant since then: -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/edp-data-source-from-s3 - -Problem description -=================== - -Hadoop already offers filesystem libraries with support for s3a:///path URIs, -so supporting S3-compatible object stores on Sahara is a reasonable feature -to add. - -Within the world of OpenStack, many cloud operators choose Ceph RadosGW -instead of Swift. RadosGW object store supports access through either -the Swift or S3 APIs. Also, with some extra configuration, a "native" -install of Swift can also support the S3 API. For some users we may expect -the Hadoop S3 library to be preferable over the Hadoop Swift library as it -has recently received several enhancements including support for larger -objects and other performance improvements. - -Additionally, some cloud users may wish to use other S3-compatible object -stores, including: - -* Amazon S3 (including AWS Public Datasets) -* LeoFS -* Riak Cloud Storage -* Cloudian HyperStore -* Minio -* SwiftStack -* Eucalyptus - -It is clear that adding support for S3 datasources will open up a new world of -Sahara use cases. - -Proposed change -=============== - -An "s3" data source type will be added, via new code in -*sahara.service.edp.data_sources*. We will need utilities to validate S3 -URIs, as well as to handle job configs (access key, secret key, endpoint, -bucket URI). - -Regarding EDP, there should not be much work to do outside of defining the new -data source type, since the Hadoop S3 library allows jobs to be run against S3 -seamlessly. - -Similar work will be done to enable an "s3" job binary type, including the -writing of "job binary retriever" code. - -While the implementation of the abstraction is simple, a lot of work comes -from dashboard, saharaclient, documentation, and testing. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Do not add support for S3 as a data source for EDP. Since the Hadoop S3 -libraries are already included on the image regardless of this change, -users can run data processing jobs against S3 manually. We still may wish -to add the relevant JARs to the classpath as a courtesy to users. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None (only "s3" as a valid data source type and job binary type in the schema) - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -On most images, hadoop-aws.jar needs to be added to the classpath. Generally -images with Hadoop (or related component) installed already have the JAR. The -work will probably take place during the transition from SIE to image packing, -so the work will probably need to be done in both places. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Data Source and Job Binary forms should support s3 type, with fields for -access key, secret key, S3 URI, and S3 endpoint. Note that this is a lot -of fields, in fact more than we have for Swift. There will probably be some -saharaclient impact too, because of this. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Jeremy Freudberg - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* S3 as a data source -* S3 as a job binary -* Ensure presence of AWS JAR on images -* Dashboard and saharaclient work -* Scenario tests -* Documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -We will probably want scenario tests (although we don't have them for Manila). - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Nothing out of the ordinary, but important to keep in mind both user and -developer perspective. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/pike_idx.rst b/specs/pike_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e8ca5fc..0000000 --- a/specs/pike_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Pike specs -^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - pike/* diff --git a/specs/queens/add-hbase-on-vanilla-cluster.rst b/specs/queens/add-hbase-on-vanilla-cluster.rst deleted file mode 100644 index cbc6271..0000000 --- a/specs/queens/add-hbase-on-vanilla-cluster.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================ -Add HBase on Vanilla cluster -============================ - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/hbase-on-vanila - -Apache HBase provides large-scale tabular storage for Hadoop using -the Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS). This document serves as -a description to add the support of HBase and ZooKeeper services on -Vanilla cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -Sahara vanilla plugin allows user to quickly provision a cluster -with many core services, but it doesn't support HBase and ZooKeeper. - -Proposed change -=============== - -To go against the Vanilla cluster distributed architecture, we only support -fully-distributed HBase deployment. In a distributed configuration, -the cluster contains multiple nodes, each of which runs one or more HBase -Daemon. These include HBase Master instance, multiple ZooKeeper nodes and -multiple RegionServer nodes. - -A distributed HBase installation depends on a running ZooKeeper cluster. -HBase default manages a ZooKeeper "cluster" for you, but you can also -manage the ZooKeeper ensemble independent of HBase. The variable -"HBASE_MANAGES_ZK" in "conf/hbase-env.sh", which default to true, tells -HBase whether to start/stop the ZooKeeper ensemble servers as part of HBase. - -We should expose this variable in "cluster_configs" to let user determine -the creator of ZooKeeper service. - -In production, it is recommended that run a ZooKeeper ensemble of 3, 5 or 7 -machines; the more members an ensemble has, the more tolerant the ensemble -is of host failures. Also, run an odd number of machines. An even number -of peers is supported, but it is normally not used because an even sized -ensemble requires, proportionally, more peers to form a quorum than an odd -sized ensemble requires. - -* If we set "HBASE_MANAGES_ZK" to false, Sahara will validate the number - of ZooKeeper services in node groups to keep ZK instances in odd number. -* If we set "HBASE_MANAGES_ZK" to true, Sahara will automatically - determine the instances to start ZooKeeper. The cluster contains ZK - nodes more than 1 nodes, less than 5 nodes. If we want to have more - ZK nodes, setting HBASE_MANAGES_ZK to false would be a good choice. - -If we want to scale the cluster up or down, ZooKeeper and HBase services -will be restarted. And after scaling up or down, the rest of ZooKeeper nodes -should also be kept in odd number. If there is only one ZooKeeper node, the -status of ZooKeeper service will be "standalone". - -One thing should be specified is the default value used in configuration: - -ZooKeeper Configuration in "/opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg": - - -.. code-block:: console - - dataDir=/var/data/zookeeper - clientPort=2181 - server.1=zk-0:2888:3888 - server.2=zk-1:2888:3888 - - -HBase Configuration in "/opt/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml": - - -.. code-block:: console - - hbase.tmp.dir=/var/data/hbase - hbase.rootdir=hdfs://master:9000/hbase - hbase.cluster.distributed=true - hbase.master.port=16000 - hbase.master.info.port=16010 - hbase.regionserver.port=16020 - -Security Group will open ports (2181, 2888, 3888, 16000, 16010, 16020) after -this change if configuration is not changed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -* Build new Vanilla image includes ZK and HBase packages - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -* An option should be added to the Node Group create and update forms. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Shu Yingya - -Work Items ----------- - -* Build new image by sahara-image-elements -* Add ZooKeeper to Vanilla in sahara -* Add HBase to Vanilla in sahara -* Update Sahara-dashboard to choose ZK creator in sahara-dashboard - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -* Unit test coverage in sahara - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -* Vanilla plugin description should be updated - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/queens/api-v2-experimental-impl.rst b/specs/queens/api-v2-experimental-impl.rst deleted file mode 100644 index bfdf0fb..0000000 --- a/specs/queens/api-v2-experimental-impl.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,422 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================= -There and back again, a roadmap to API v2 -========================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/v2-api-experimental-impl - -As sahara's API has evolved there have been several features introduced -in the form of routes and methods that could be crafted in a more -consistent and predictable manner. Additionally, there are several new -considerations and methodologies that can only be addressed by updating the -major version of the API. This document serves as a roadmap to implement an -experimental v2 API which will form the basis of the eventual stable version. - -.. note:: - - This is an umbrella specification covering many changes, there will be - followup specifications to cover some of the more intricate details. - -Problem description -=================== - -The current version of sahara's REST API, 1.1, contains several methodologies -and patterns that have created inconsistencies within the API and with -respect to the API Working Group's evolving guidelines[1]. Many of these -are due to the iterative nature of the design work, and some have been created -at a time before stable guidelines existed. - -Examples of inconsistencies within the current API: - -* Inaccurate names for method endpoints, for example "jobs" instead of - "job-templates". - -* Technology specific parameters in JSON resources, for example "oozie_job_id" - instead of "engine_job_id". - -* Improper HTTP method usage for some operations, for example using PUT for - partial resource updates instead of PATCH. - -In addition to resolving the inconsistencies in the API, a new version will -provide an opportunity to implement features which will improve the experience -for consumers of the sahara API. - -Examples of features to implement in the new API: - -* Micro-version support to aid in feature discovery by client applications. - -* Creation of tasks endpoint and infrastructure to improve usage of - asynchronous operations. - -* HREF embedding in responses to improve resource location discovery. - -These are just a few examples of issues which can be addressed in a new -major version API implementation. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -To address the creation of a new major version API, an experimental ``/v2`` -endpoint should be created. This new endpoint will be clearly marked as -experimental and no contract of stability will be enforced with regards to -the content of its sub-endpoints. Changes to the ``/v2`` endpoint will be -tracked through features described in this specification, and through further -specifications which will be created to better describe the details of larger -changes. - -When all the changes to the ``/v2`` endpoint have been made such that it -has a 1:1 feature compliance with the current API, and the Python sahara -client has been updated to use these new endpoints, the experimental status -of the API should be assessed with the goal of marking it as stable and -ready for public consumption. - -The individual changes will be broken down into individual tasks. This will -allow the sahara team members to more easily research and implement the -changes. These efforts will be coordinated through a page on the sahara -wiki site[2]. - -Initial v2 commit ------------------ - -The initial changes to create the ``/v2`` endpoint should also include moving -the Identity project identifier to a header named ``OpenStack-Project-ID``. -In all other respects, the endpoints currently in place for the ``/v1.1`` API -will be carried forward into the new endpoint namespace. This will create a -solid base point from which to make further changes as the new API evolves -and moves towards completion of all features described in the experimental -specifications. - -Removing the project identifier from the URI will help to create more -consistent, reusable, routes for client applications and embedded HREFs. -This move will also help decouple the notion of URI scoped resources being -tied to a single project identifier. - -Roadmap of changes ------------------- - -The following list is an overview of all the changes that should be -incorporated into the experimental API before it can be considered for -migration to stable. These changes are not in order of precedence, and can -be carried out in parallel. Some of these changes can be addressed with -simple bugs, which should be marked with ``[APIv2]`` in their names. The more -complex changes should be preceeded by specifications marked with the same -``[APIv2]`` moniker in their names. For both types of changes, the -commits should contain ``Partial-Implements: bp v2-api-experimental-impl`` -to aid in tracking the API conversion process. - -Overview of changes: - -* Endpoint changes - - * /images/{image_id}/tag and /images/{image_id}/untag should be changed - to follow the guidelines on tags[3]. - - * /jobs should be renamed to /job-templates. - - * /job-executions should be renamed to /jobs. - - * executing a job template through the /jobs/{job_id}/execute endpoint - should be changed to a POST operation on the new /jobs endpoint. - - * cancelling a job execution through the - /job-executions/{job_execution_id}/cancel endpoint should be removed in - favor of requesting a cancelled state on a PATCH to the new - /jobs/{job_id} endpoint. - - * /job-binary-internals should be removed in favor of /job-binaries as - the latter accepts internal database referenced items, an endpoint - under /job-binaries can be created for uploading files(if required). - - * /job-executions/{job_execution_id}/refresh-status should be removed in - favor of using a GET on the new /jobs/{job_id} endpoint for running - job executions. - - * all update operations should synchronize around using PATCH instead of - PUT for partial resource updates. - -* JSON payload changes - - * hadoop_version should be changed to plugin_version. - - * oozie_job_id should be changed to engine_job_id. - - * all returned payloads should be wrapped in their type, this is currently - true for the API and should remain so for consistency. - - * HREFs should be embedded in responses that contain references to other - objects. - -* New features - - * Identity project identifier moved to headers. This will be part of the - initial version 2 commit but is worth noting as a major feature change. - - * Micro-version support to be added, this should be documented fully in - a separate specification but should be based on the work done by the - ironic[4] and nova[5] projects. Although implemented during the - experimental phase, these microversions will not implement the backward - compatibility features until the API has been declared stable. Once - the API has moved into the stable phase, the microversions will only - implement backward compatibility for version 2, and only for features - added after the stable release. - - * Version discovery shall be improved by adding support for a "home - document" which will be returned from the version 2 root URL. This - document will follow the json-home[6] draft specification. - Additionally, support for microversion discovery will be added - using prior implementations and the API working group guidelines as - guides. - - * Creation of an actions endpoint for clusters to provide a single - entrypoint for operations on those clusters. This endpoint should - initially allow operations such as scaling but will be used for - further improvements in the future. The actions endpoint will be - the subject a separate specification as it will describe the - removal of several verb-oriented endpoints that currently exists, - and the creation of a new mechanism for synchronous and asynchronous - operations. - -This list is not meant to contain all the possible future changes, but a -window of the minimum necessary changes to be made before the new API can -be declared as stable. - -The move to stable for this API should not occur before the Python sahara -client has been updated to use the new functionality. - -Alternatives ------------- - -An alternative might be to make changes to the current version API, but this -is inadvisable as it breaks the API version contract for end users. - -Although the current version API can be changed, there is no way to safely -make the proposed changes without breaking backward compatibility. As the -proposed changes are quite large in nature it is not advisable to create a -"1.2" version of the API. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Most of these changes will not require modifications to the data model. The -two main exceptions are the payload name changes for ``hadoop_version`` and -``oozie_job_id``. As the data model will continue to be used for the v1.1 -API until it is deprecated, it is not advisable to rename these fields at -this time. When the v2 API has been made stable, and the v1.1 API has been -deprecated, these fields should be revisisted and changed in the data model. - -During the experimental phase of the API, these translations will occur in -the code that handles requests and responses. After the API has transitioned -to production mode, migrations should be created to align the data models -with the API representations and translations should be created for the -older versions only as necessary. As the older version API will eventually -be deprecated, these changes should be scheduled to coincide with that -transition. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -As this specification is addressing a high level change of the API, the -following changes are enumerated in brief. Full details should be created -for changes that will require more than just renaming an endpoint. - -* creation of /v2 root endpoint - -* removal of {tenant_id} from URI, to be replaced by - ``OpenStack-Project-ID`` header on all requests. - -* removal of POST to /images/{image_id}/tag - -* removal of POST to /images/{image_id}/untag - -* creation of GET/PUT/DELETE to /images/{image_id}/tags, this should be - followed with a specification describing the new tagging methodology. - -* creation of GET/PUT/DELETE to /images/{image_id}/tags/{tag_id}, this - should also be in the previously mentioned specification on tagging. - -* move operations on /jobs to /job-templates - -* move operations /job-executions to /jobs - -* removal of POST to /jobs/{job_id}/execute - -* creation of POST to /jobs, this should be defined in a specification - about restructuring the job execution endpoint. - -* creation of jobs via the /jobs endpoint should be transitioned away - from single input and output fields to use the newer job configuration - interface[7]. - -* removal of GET to /job-executions/{job_execution_id}/cancel - -* creation of PATCH to /jobs/{job_id}, this should be defined in the - specification about restructuring the job execution endpoint. - -* removal of GET to /job-executions/{job_execution_id}/refresh-status - -* removal of all /job-binary-internals endpoints with their functionality - being provides by /job-binaries, this may require creating a separate - sub-endpoint for uploading. - -* refactor of PUT to /node-group-templates/{node_group_template_id} into - PATCH on same endpoint. - -* refactor of PUT to /cluster-templates/{cluster_template_id} into PATCH on - same endpoint. - -* refactor of PUT to /job-binaries/{job_binary_id} into PATCH on same - endpoint. - -* refactor of PUT to /data-sources/{data_source_id} into PATCH on same - endpoint. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -In the experimental phase, this change should have no noticeable affect on -the end user. Once the API has been declared stabled, users will need to -switch python-saharaclient versions as well as upgrade their horizon -installations to make full use of renamed features. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -During the experimental phase, this change will have no effect on deployers. - -When the API reaches the stable phase, deployers will be responsible for -upgrading their installations to ensure that sahara and python-saharaclient -are upgraded as well as changing the service catalog to represent the -base endpoint. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -As this change is targeted for experimental work, developers should know -that the details of the v2 API will be constantly changing. There is no -guarantee of stability. - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -This change should not require changes to horizon as many of the primitives -that are changing already display the proper names, for example -"Job Templates". When this change moves to the stable phase, horizon should -be re-evaluated. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Telles Nobrega - -Other contributors: - mimccune (Michael McCune) - -Work Items ----------- - -The main work item for this specification is the initial v2 commit. - -* create v2 endpoint -* create code to handle project id in headers -* create mappings to current endpoints - - -Dependencies -============ - -This change should not require new dependencies. - - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be created to exercise the new endpoints. Additionally, the -gabbi[8] testing framework should be investigated as a functional testing -platform for the REST API. - -To improve security testing, tools such as Syntribos[9] and RestFuzz[10] -should be investigated for use in directed testing efforts and as possible -gate tests. - -These investigations should result in further specifications if sufficient -results are discovered to warrent their creation as they will deal with -new testing modes for the sahara API server. - -As the v2 API reaches stable status, and the python-saharaclient has been -ported to use the new API, the current functional tests should provide the -necessary framework to ensure successful end-to-end testing. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -During the experimental phase, this work will not produce documentation. As -the evaluation for stable approaches there will need to be a new version of -the WADL files for the api-ref[11] site, if necessary. There is the -possibility that this site will change its format, in which case these new -API documents will need to be generated. - -Further, the v2 API should follow keystone's model[12] of publishing -the API reference documents in restructured text format to the specs -repository. This would make the API much easier to document and update as -new specification changes could also propose their API changes to the same -repo. Also, the WADL format is very verbose and the future of this format is -under question within the OpenStack documentation community[13]. The effort -to make accurate documentation for sahara's API should also include the -possibility of creating Swagger[14] output as the v2 API approaches stable -status, this should be addressed in a more separate specification as that -time approaches. - - -References -========== - -[1]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/#guidelines - -[2]: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sahara/api-v2 - -[3]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/api-wg/guidelines/tags.html - -[4]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/specs/kilo-implemented/api-microversions.html - -[5]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/kilo/implemented/api-microversions.html - -[6]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-json-home-03 - -[7]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-specs/specs/liberty/unified-job-interface-map.html - -[8]: https://github.com/cdent/gabbi - -[9]: https://github.com/openstack/syntribos - -[10]: https://github.com/redhat-cip/restfuzz - -[11]: http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref.html - -[12]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs/tree/master/api - -[13]: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/liberty/api-site.html - -[14]: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec - -Liberty summit etherpad, -https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-liberty-api-v2 - -Mitaka summit etherpad, -https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-mitaka-apiv2 diff --git a/specs/queens/decommission-of-specific-node.rst b/specs/queens/decommission-of-specific-node.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 33f139d..0000000 --- a/specs/queens/decommission-of-specific-node.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================= -Decommission of specific instance -================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/decommission-specific-instance - -When facing issues with a cluster it can be useful to remove an specific -instance. The way that Sahara is constructed today allows the user to scale a -cluster down but it will choose a random instance from the selected node group -to be removed. We want to give the users the opportunity to choose which -instance(s) he/she would like to remove from the cluster. - -Problem description -=================== - -Users may need to remove specific node to make cluster healthier. This is not -possible today. - -Proposed change -=============== - -We will add the possibility for the user to choose the specific instance to -remove from the cluster. - -After selecting the node group from which the instance will be removed the user -will be allowed to choose the instance or instances to be removed. - -We will also allow wildcard removal, if the user wants to randomly select the -instance he can just leave it blank as well as if more than one instance is -being deleted the user will be able to choose each instance to be deleted or -just a subset and Sahara will choose the rest. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep randomly selecting instance to be scaled down. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -We will change the body request for scale cluster. - -Currently the body should be like this: - -{ - "add_node_groups": [ - { - "count": 1, - "name": "b-worker", - "node_group_template_id": "bc270ffe-a086-4eeb-9baa-2f5a73504622" - - } - - ], - - "resize_node_groups": [ - { - "count": 4, - "name": "worker" - - } - - ] - -} - -We will change the second part to support an extra parameter: - -{ - "add_node_groups": [ - { - "count": 1, - "name": "b-worker", - "node_group_template_id": "bc270ffe-a086-4eeb-9baa-2f5a73504622" - - } - - ], - - "resize_node_groups": [ - { - "count": 4, - "name": "worker", - "instances": ["instance_id1", "instance_id2"] - - } - - ] - -} - -In case the user does not specify instances to be removed the parameter will -not be passed and we will act on removing with the current approach. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -CLI command will have a new option to select instances. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -We will need to add a place for user to select the instances to be removed. It -can be after the NG selection and we add the number of selector of instances to -be removed with the option to leave it blank. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Telles Nobrega - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add the possibility to select an instance when scaling down -* Add CLI option to select instances to be removed -* Add UI option to select instances to be removed -* Unit tests -* Documentation - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Unit tests will be needed. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Nothing out of the ordinary, but important to keep in mind both user and -developer perspective. - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/queens/force-delete-clusters.rst b/specs/queens/force-delete-clusters.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 75a0434..0000000 --- a/specs/queens/force-delete-clusters.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -===================== -Force Delete Clusters -===================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-force-delete - -Let's resolve a long-standing complaint. - -Problem description -=================== - -An oft-reported issue is that a Sahara cluster hangs on deletion. This can be -a major user headache, and also looks really bad. Usually the problem is not -the fault of Sahara, and rather the fault of some undeletable resource. - -Proposed change -=============== - -We will make use of Heat's stack abandoning feature. Essentially, this means -the stack will get deleted but leave resources in place. It's a last-ditch -effort to be made when undeleteable (or slow-to-delete) resources are present -in the stack. - -This will be done through a new addition to Sahara API which wraps Heat stack -abandon. And it's probably best to release as part of APIv2 rather than -continue to break the rules that we have broken so often for APIv1.1. - -Note that even though Heat stack abandon does not clean up any resources, we -should not have Sahara try to clean them up manually. - -The above point is justified by two things: - -* This gerrit comment [0] -* If abandoning is needed, it's really hard to delete the resource anyway - -It's best to create an API which wraps stack abandon, rather than just telling -users to use abandon directly, because there's other cleanup to do during -cluster delete. See [1] for more info. - -The change will enable the following workflow: force delete gets called and -cleans up cluster as best it can, then user gets to handle orphaned resources -themselves. Thanks to explicit abandon through Sahara API, users are always -encouraged to make sure stack is in deleting state first, so that amount of -orphaned resources is minimized. - -With regards to the above point, it is absolutely crucial that we do not -simply enhance the regular delete call to include an abandon call. There are -two key reasons to avoid that: - -* In normal operation, Heat stack delete does retry -* In normal use, probably the user wants cluster to stay in deleting state - until resources actually gone: force delete is just for emergencies - - -Alternatives ------------- - -Just tell users/operators to use Heat's stack abandon manually. That's not a -great choice for the reasons discussed above. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -We'll add the following endpoint: - -.. sourcecode:: console - - DELETE /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/force - -.. - -* It'll give 204 on success just like regular DELETE. -* It'll give the usual 4xx errors in the usual ways. -* It'll give 503 (on purpose) when Heat stack abandon is unavailable. -* Request body, headers, query, etc are the same as regular DELETE. - -Again, best practice says make this a v2 exclusive, rather than further dirty -the existing v1.1 API. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Need to extend Saharaclient API bindings and OSC in order to support the new -API methods. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -They need to enable_stack_abandon=True in heat.conf and make sure that their -cloud policy does allow users to do such an operation. - -We could try to do something fancy with RBAC and trusts so that Sahara service -user may abandon Heat stacks on behalf of the user, when the operator wishes -to restrict stack abandon. But it might not be worth messing with that... - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Image Packing impact --------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Yes, expose the functionality in the UI. We could put some warnings about -force-delete's implications as well. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - Jeremy Freudberg - -Other contributors: - None - -Work Items ----------- - -* Remove the last bit of direct engine code - (without this change, even an abandoned stack may still be stuck, as Sahara - engine is trying manual cleanup; it also entails that after this change is - made, the bug of fully deleted stack but cluster still in deleting state is - essentially resolved...) -* Create the new API bits and corresponding operation -* Add functionality to client and dashboard - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Probably scenario tests are not strictly needed for this feature. - -Beyond the obvious unit tests, there will also be updates to the API tests in -the tempest plugin. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Nothing out of the ordinary, but important to keep in mind both operator and -developer perspective. - -References -========== - -[0] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/466778/20/sahara/service/engine.py@276 - -[1] https://github.com/openstack/sahara/blob/master/sahara/service/ops.py#L355 diff --git a/specs/queens/remove-job-binary-internal.rst b/specs/queens/remove-job-binary-internal.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f580959..0000000 --- a/specs/queens/remove-job-binary-internal.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -========================================== -Remove Job Binary Internal -========================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/remove-job-binary-internal - -Job binary internal is not needed now, since swift and manila -are available (and possibly other storage options in the future) -and these are more suitable options for storage. - -Problem description -=================== - -Job binary internal is a job binary storage option that is kept in -Sahara's internal database, this option should not be available -anymore since there are better storage options (swift, manila, ...). - -Besides that, Sahara's internal database should be used only to -Sahara's data storage. Allowing job binaries to be stored in -Sahara's database isn't only unneeded, but also a possible source -of problems, since it increases the size of the database. It also opens -a loophole for free storage. It's definitely the wrong tool for the job. - -Also, it's important to notice that this change is related to -APIv2 and should not break APIv1. - -Proposed change -=============== - -This change proposes to remove job binary internal in -favour of other storage options. Planning to deprecate -it when APIv2 is stable, in tandem with a deprecation of APIv1. Both APIv1 -and JBI will be fully removed together after APIv2 has been stable for long -enough. - -This change can be divided in the patches below. - -* remove job binary internal from APIv2 -* remove internal code that deals with job binary internal - (possibly a few patches) -* remove job binary internal from database -* remove job binary internal from saharaclient -* remove job binary internal option from Horizon - (sahara-dashboard) -* update documentation involving job binary internal - -Alternatives ------------- - -Another option for this change would be not remove job -binary internal, which could bring future problems to Sahara. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Job binary internal will be removed from the data model. -This will require a database migration. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Job binary internal related requests must be removed -only in APIv2. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Job binary internal option should not be available -through Horizon. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Job binary internal option should not be available -through Horizon. - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: mariannelinharesm - -Work Items ----------- - -* remove job binary internal from APIv2 -* remove internal code that deals with job binary internal - (possibly a few patches) -* remove job binary internal from database -* remove job binary internal from saharaclient -* remove job binary internal option from Horizon - (sahara-dashboard) -* update documentation involving job binary internal -* (all but first and last steps are done in tandem with APIv1 removal) - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Update documentation to related to job binary internal: - -* add a warning about job binary internal's deprecation - whenever APIv2 becomes stable and default. - -References -========== - -[0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/sahara/2017/sahara.2017-04-06-14.00.log.txt -[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/sahara/2017/sahara.2017-03-30-18.00.log.txt - diff --git a/specs/queens_idx.rst b/specs/queens_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5fb69..0000000 --- a/specs/queens_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Queens specs -^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - queens/* diff --git a/specs/rocky/placeholder.rst b/specs/rocky/placeholder.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7fa03b8..0000000 --- a/specs/rocky/placeholder.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -========================================== -placeholder -========================================== - -placeholder - -Problem description -=================== - -placeholder - -Proposed change -=============== - -placeholder - -Alternatives ------------- - -placeholer - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -None - -Work Items ----------- - -None - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -None - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -None - -References -========== - -None - diff --git a/specs/rocky/plugins-outside-sahara-core.rst b/specs/rocky/plugins-outside-sahara-core.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ea9f36f..0000000 --- a/specs/rocky/plugins-outside-sahara-core.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=========================== -Plugins outside Sahara core -=========================== - -Plugins are a very important part of Sahara, they allow the creation of -clusters for different data processing tools and the execution of jobs on those -clusters. -This proposal is to remove the plugins code from Sahara core and create a new -project to host the plugins. - -Problem description -=================== - -With the plugins code inside Sahara core we are limited to upgrade plugins -versions with the cycle milestone. It also forces the user to upgrade OpenStack -version whenever he/she needs to upgrade Sahara plugins. - -Proposed change -=============== - -We are going to move the plugins to its own project, releasing new versions -when we upgrade new plugins, thus allowing the users to upgrade to newer -versions without the hussle of upgrading the whole cloud. - -In order to keep the projects as less coupled as possible we are implementing a -mediator under sahara/plugins that will be used as an API between the projects. -Also this API aims to facilitate manutenability of both projects. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Keep the plugins code as it is. Not changing will not break anything or make -things more difficult to the users. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -User will be able to upgrade plugins versions a lot faster once this is done. -Deployer will have to keep an eye for the compatibility between sahara and -sahara-plugins if there is significant changes to the API. - -There is also an impact for packagers and translators since we will need to do -one-time work to setup and copy translations in the new repository. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -With a new project, developers will have to get used to the fact that plugins -don't live with the core anymore. -There is a new API (mediator) implemented on the sahara side that will be the -bridge between the two projects. Developers must respect that mediator and -significant changes to that will require version bumping or branching. - -Image Packing impact --------------------- - -Image packing using the new image generation and validation system will -require to have sahara-plugins installed as well. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tellesnobrega - -Work Items ----------- - -* Split the plugins code from Sahara core -* Bring plugins unit test to the plugins repo -* Make sure imports in sahara-plugins from sahara are well structured so not to - break with sahara changes later on - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Move plugins tests from sahara core to sahara-plugins - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -We need to update the documentation to reflect the change and make sure users -and developers are well aware of this new structure. - -References -========== - -None - diff --git a/specs/rocky_idx.rst b/specs/rocky_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index c17c957..0000000 --- a/specs/rocky_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Rocky specs -^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - rocky/* diff --git a/specs/sahara-image-elements/sahara-bare-metal-images.rst b/specs/sahara-image-elements/sahara-bare-metal-images.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 343854c..0000000 --- a/specs/sahara-image-elements/sahara-bare-metal-images.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -================================================================== -Add an option to sahara-image-create to generate bare metal images -================================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/sahara-bare-metal-images - -Bare metal image generation is supported by disk-image-create but there -is no option exposed in sahara-image-create that allows the generation -of sahara images for bare metal. If sahara is to support bare metal -deployments, we must have sahara bare metal images. - -Problem description -=================== - -Users should have a simple option to generate a sahara bare metal image. -This option should be applicable to all platforms and all plugins. The -default behavior of sahara-image-create should remain unchanged -- it -should generate VM images if the option is not enabled. - -To generate a sahara bare metal image, the "vm" element needs to be left -out of the element list and the "grub2", "baremetal", and -"dhcp-all-interfaces" elements should be added. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Add a "-b" command line option that sets a boolean flag indicating bare -metal image generation. If this option is set, add -"grub2 baremetal dhcp-all-interfaces" to the list of elements -passed to disk-image-create and prevent the "vm" element from being passed. - -Do not bother making the list of baremetal elements modifiable from -the shell. It's unlikely that capability will be needed. - -If the "-b" command line option is not set, no bare metal elements -will be added to the element list and the "vm" element will not be -removed. - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -No impact beyond the change to sahara-image-create itself. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - tmckay - -Work Items ----------- - -A single patch to diskimage-create.sh - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Manually test the generation of bare metal images for all OSs and plugins. -Image generation should succeed and generate .vmlinuz, .initrd, and .qcow2 -files. However, successful generation doesn't guarantee that they will -actually work (for instance in Kilo, Fedora and CentOS 6 images will not -boot correctly in ironic) - -For this change, it is enough that the image generation completes. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The "-b" option should be mentioned where we discuss image generation. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/sahara-image-elements_idx.rst b/specs/sahara-image-elements_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index df8ab6b..0000000 --- a/specs/sahara-image-elements_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Sahara Image Elements -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - sahara-image-elements/* diff --git a/specs/sahara-tests/api-for-sahara-scenario.rst b/specs/sahara-tests/api-for-sahara-scenario.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 947d3d2..0000000 --- a/specs/sahara-tests/api-for-sahara-scenario.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -=================================================================== -Add an API to sahara-scenario for integration to another frameworks -=================================================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara-tests/+spec/api-for-scenario-tests - -Sahara scenario is the main tool for testing Sahara and we can provide -API for using this framework in another tools/frameworks/tests. - -Problem description -=================== - -When you perform testing of Sahara from another framework, you can't reuse -created scenarios and need to create similar code in another framework with -new scenarios for Sahara. I think, that we can implement simple Python API for -running Sahara scenarios from default templates. It will be useful, for -example in frameworks with destructive tests or something else. - -Proposed change -=============== - -Refactor current `runner.py` module, pull out code -in `sahara_tests/scenario/utils.py` for reusing it in API methods. - -I propose to move code with: - -- creation of tmp files, -- working with .mako, -- running tests, -- merging/generation of scenario files. - -In `runner.py` we should leave only calls of this methods, for more convenient -usage. The next step is adding the directory `api` in `sahara_tests/scenario` -with files for implementing API. - -I think, we need to add file `api.py` with methods for external usage: - -- def run_scenario(plugin, version, release=None) - -and `base.py` with preparing of files for running and auxiliary methods in -the future. - -In future we can separate one scenario into steps: - -- create node group template; -- create cluster template; -- create cluster; -- create data sources; -- create job binaries; -- perform EDP; - -Alternatives ------------- - -None - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - esikachev - -Work Items ----------- - -- move methods from `runner.py` -- add the ability to run tests via API -- add the job for testing API - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -We can create separate job on Sahara-ci with custom script for checking API -calls and correct performing of actions. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The API implementation should be mentioned in Sahara-tests docs. - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/sahara-tests/sahara-scenario-feature-sets.rst b/specs/sahara-tests/sahara-scenario-feature-sets.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 49534b8..0000000 --- a/specs/sahara-tests/sahara-scenario-feature-sets.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -=============================== -Feature sets for scenario tests -=============================== - -The runner and the templates for scenario tests do not provide an easy -way to specify the dependency between a certain item (i.e. an EDP job for -a certain cluster) and its configuration (i.e. credentials, the definition -of the job). This proposal tries to address the problem. - -Problem description -=================== - -A key feature of sahara-scenario is the support for test templates -They support parameters which allow tester to describe different -test scenarios without writing multiple copies of test templates -which differs only by few arguments. -This flexibility is somehow limited when testing features like S3 support. -Testing S3 integration requires few additional details -to be specified when configuring the tests: - -* the credentials required to access the S3 API; - -* the definitions of the new EDP jobs which uses S3; - -* for each cluster where the jobs needs to be executed, - the name of the EDP job. - -The first two items can be easily added to new files -that can be specified as argument for the sahara-scenario -command (for example `credentials_s3.yaml.mako` and -`edp_s3.yaml.mako`). The keys that they contain -(`credentials` and `edp_jobs_flow`) are merged together -by the runner. -Their content may also be added directly to the existing -YAML files (`credentials.yaml.mako` and `edp_s3.yaml.mako`) -but that would mean adding a long list of default values -for all the arguments in the template. - -The third item is more complicated to model, because -there is no easy way to override an item in a `cluster` -element, which is a list, not a dictionary. - -While it could be possible to introduce a command line parameter -to override the items in a specific cluster, that would -still leave up to the user to remember to specify all -the required bits to enable S3 testing. - -A more general solution to the problem is the definition -of feature sets for testing. - - -Proposed change -=============== -The user of sahara-scenario would only need to pass an argument like: - -:: - - sahara-scenario ... --feature s3 ... - -If the `-p` and `-v` arguments are specified, for each `feature` argument -`sahara-scenario` will include the files `credentials_.yaml.mako` -and `edp_.yaml.mako`, if they exist. - -In addition, from the list of EDP jobs specified for all enabled clusters, -all the items marked with `feature: s3` will be selected. - -This means that items without the `feature` tag will always be executed, -while items with `feature` will be executed only when the associated -feature(s) are selected. - -The initial implementation will focus on EDP jobs, but other items -may benefit from the tagging. - -Alternatives ------------- - -Use conditional statements in the YAML file. But the author -of this spec requested multiple times to keep the YAML files -free of business logic and purely declarative instead -when the `sahara-scenario` initial spec was discussed. - -Another possible solution is the duplication of the YAML templates, -which is going against maintainability and easiness of usage. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None. - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -The new test runner will be backward compatible with the old templates, -but new templates will require the new runner, but this should not be -a problem. - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None. - -Image Packing impact --------------------- - -None. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - ltoscano - -Work Items ----------- - -* extend the runner to accept the `feature` argument - -* add new EDP jobs and add the feature marker to the EDP jobs - which need it, extending the existing attempt - of S3 testing (see :ref:`spec-references`.) - which is an early attempt to solve the issue. - -Dependencies -============ - -None. - - -Testing -======= - -The new argument and the merging of values will be covered by unit tests. -The regression testing of will be covered by the `sahara-tests-scenario` -jobs in the gate. - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -The new arguments and its usage will be documented from the user and -the test writer point of view. - -.. _spec-references: - -References -========== - -Initial work to support S3 testing: - -* https://review.openstack.org/610920 - -* https://review.openstack.org/590055 diff --git a/specs/sahara-tests_idx.rst b/specs/sahara-tests_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 96c3326..0000000 --- a/specs/sahara-tests_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Sahara tests -^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - sahara-tests/* diff --git a/specs/saharaclient/cli-as-openstackclient-plugin.rst b/specs/saharaclient/cli-as-openstackclient-plugin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0a39736..0000000 --- a/specs/saharaclient/cli-as-openstackclient-plugin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,361 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -============================================= -SaharaClient CLI as an OpenstackClient plugin -============================================= - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-saharaclient/+spec/cli-as-openstackclient-plugin - -This specification proposes to create SaharaClient CLI as an OpenstackClient -plugin. - -Problem description -=================== - -Currently SaharaClient CLI has a lot of problems and is not so attractive -as wanted to be. It should be refactored or recreated from the start. - -Proposed change -=============== - -New SaharaClient CLI will be based on OpenstackClient that brings the command -set for different projects APIs together in a single shell with a uniform -command structure. - -OpenStackClient provides first class support for the several services. The -other ones (including Data Processing service) may create an OpenStackClient -plugin. - -Proposed Objects: - - * plugin - * image - * data source - * job template - * job - * job binary - * node group template - * cluster template - * cluster - -Proposed Commands: - -All commands will have a prefix ``dataprocessing``. -Arguments in ``[]`` are optional, in ``<>`` are positional. - -For Plugins: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - plugin list [--long] - plugin show - plugin configs get [--file ] # default name of - # the file is - -Detailed description of a plugin contains too much information to display it -on the screen. It will be saved in file instead. If provided file exists, data -will not be rewritten. - -Columns for ``plugin list``: name, versions. -Columns for ``plugin list --long``: name, versions, title, description. -Rows for ``plugin show``: name, versions, title, description. - -For Images: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - image list [--tags ] [--long] - image show - image register [--description ] - image unregister - image tags set - image tags add - image tags remove - -``tags set`` will replace current image tags with provided ones. -``tags remove`` will support passing ``all`` to ``tags`` argument to remove all -tags. - -Columns for ``image list``: name, id, username, tags. -Columns for ``image list --long``: name, id, username, tags, status, -description. -Rows for ``plugin show``: name, id, username, tags, status, description. - -For Data Sources: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - data source create [--password ] - [--username ] [--description ] - data source list [--type ] [--long] - data source show - data source delete - data source update [--name ] [--type ] - [--url ] [--password ] [--username ] - [--description ] - -Columns for ``data source list``: name, id, type. -Columns for ``data source list --long``: name, id, type, url, description. -Rows for ``data source show``: name, id, type, url, description. - -New CLI behavior in case of Node Group Templates, Cluster Templates and -Clusters creation will be pretty much the same as in Horizon, but additionally -will allow to create them from json. -It doesn't let to mark some arguments as required for successful creation, but -it could be done in help strings. - -For Job Binaries: -Job Binaries and Job Binary Internals will be combined - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - job binary create [--data ] [--description ] - [--url ] [--username ] [--password ] - job binary list [--name ] - job binary show - job binary update [--description ] [--url ] - [--username ] [--password ] - job binary delete - job binary download [--file ] - -Columns for ``job binary list``: name, id. -Columns for ``job binary list --long``: name, id, url, description. -Rows for ``job binary show``: name, id, url, description. - -For Node Group Templates: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - node group template create [--name ] [--plugin ] - [--version ] [--flavor ] [--autoconfigs] - [--node-processes ] [--floating-ip-pool ] - [--proxy-gateway] [--configs ] [--json ] - # and other arguments except of "image-id" - node group template list [--plugin ] [--version ] - [--name ] [--long] - node group template show - node group template configs get [--file ] - # default name of the file is - node group template update ... [--json ] - # and other arguments the same as in create command - node group template delete - -Columns for ``node group template list``: name, id, plugin, version. -Columns for ``node group template list --long``: name, id, plugin, version, -node-processes, description. -Rows for ``node group template show``: name, id, plugin, version, -node-processes, availability zone, flavor, is default, is proxy gateway, -security groups or auto security group, if node group template contains -volumes following rows will appear: volumes per node, -volumes local to instance, volumes mount prefix, volumes type, -volumes availability zone, volumes size, description. - -For Cluster Templates: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - cluster template create [--name ] [--description ] - [--node-groups ] [--anti-affinity ] - [--autoconfigs] [--configs ] [--json ] - cluster template list [--plugin ] [--version ] - [--name ] [--long] - cluster template configs get [--file ] - # default name of the file is - cluster template show - cluster template update ... [--json ] - # and other arguments the same as in create command - cluster template delete - -Plugin and its version will be taken from node group templates. - -Columns for ``cluster template list``: name, id, plugin, version. -Columns for ``cluster template list --long``: name, id, plugin, version, -node groups (in format name:count), description. -Rows for ``cluster template show``: name, id, plugin, version, -node groups, anti affinity, description. - -For Clusters: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - cluster create [--name ] [--cluster-template ] - [--description ][--user-keypair ] - [--image ] [--management-network ] [--json ] - [--wait] - cluster scale [] [--wait] - cluster list [--plugin ] [--version ] - [--name ] [--long] - cluster show - cluster delete [--wait] - -If ``[--wait]`` attribute is set, CLI will wait for command completion. -Plugin and its version will be taken from cluster template. - -Columns for ``cluster list``: name, id, status. -Columns for ``cluster list --long``: name, id, url, description. -Rows for ``cluster show``: name, id, anti affinity, image id, plugin, version, -is transient, status, status_description, user keypair id, description. - -For Job Templates (Jobs): - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - job template create [--name ] [--type ] - [--main-binary(ies) ] [--libs ] [--description ] - [--interface ] [--json ] - job template list [--type ] [--name ] [--long] - job template show - job template delete - job template configs get [--file ] # default file name - job types list [--plugin ] [--version ] [--type ] - [--hints] [--file ] # default file name depends on provided - # args - -``job types list`` and ``job template configs get`` outputs will be saved in -file just like ``plugin configs get``. - -Columns for ``job template list``: name, id, type. -Columns for ``job template list --long``: name, id, type, libs(ids), -mains(ids), description. -Rows for ``job template show``: name, id, type, libs(ids), -mains(ids), description. - -For Jobs (Job Executions): - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - job execute [--job-template ] [--cluster ] - [--input ] [--output ] [--args ] - [--params ] - [--configs ] - [--interface ] [--json ] [--wait] - job list [--long] - job show - job delete [--wait] - -Columns for ``job list``: id, cluster id, job id, status. -Columns for ``job list --long``: id, cluster id, job id, status, start time, -end time -Rows for ``job show``: id, cluster id, job id, status, start time, -end time, input id, output id - -If ``[--wait]`` attribute is set, CLI will wait for command completion. - -Besides this, there are a bunch of arguments provided by OpenstackClient, that -depends on chosen command plugin. -For example, there is a help output for ``plugin list`` command: - -.. sourcecode:: shell - - (openstack) help dataprocessing plugin list - usage: dataprocessing plugin list [-h] [-f {csv,html,json,table,value, - yaml}] - [-c COLUMN] [--max-width ] - [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}] - [--long] - - Lists plugins - - optional arguments: - -h, --help show this help message and exit - --long List additional fields in output - - output formatters: - output formatter options - - -f {csv,html,json,table,value,yaml}, --format {csv,html,json,table,value, - yaml} - the output format, defaults to table - -c COLUMN, --column COLUMN - specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated - - table formatter: - --max-width - Maximum display width, 0 to disable - - CSV Formatter: - --quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric} - when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric - -Alternatives ------------- - -Current CLI code can be refactored. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary assignee: - apavlov-n - -Work Items ----------- - -* Creating OpenstackClient plugin for SaharaClient -* Commands implementation for each object, described in "Proposed change" - section -* Updating documentation with corresponding changes -* Old CLI will be deprecated and removed after some time - -Dependencies -============ - -None - -Testing -======= - -Every command will be provided with unit tests. - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation about new CLI usage will be written. - -References -========== - -`OpenstackClient documentation about using Plugins `_ -`OpenstackClient documentation about Objects and Actions naming `_ diff --git a/specs/saharaclient/cli-delete-by-multiple-names-or-ids.rst b/specs/saharaclient/cli-delete-by-multiple-names-or-ids.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4f93955..0000000 --- a/specs/saharaclient/cli-delete-by-multiple-names-or-ids.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -==================================== -CLI: delete by multiple names or ids -==================================== - -https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-saharaclient/+spec/cli-delete-by-multiple-names-or-ids - - -In sahara-cli you can only delete an object by name or id. In several -os clients, such as nova and heat, you can delete an object by -providing a list of ids or names. This blueprint is about adding this -feature in sahara-cli. - - - - -Problem description -=================== - -The CLI does not include deletion of objects by list of names or ids. - -Proposed change -=============== - -* Long term solution - -Our long term goal is to have the sahara-cli more consistent with -other os clients. - -Current CLI usage for cluster-delete:: - - sahara cluster-delete [--name NAME] [--id ] - -Nova CLI usage for delete:: - - nova delete [ ...] - -In nova-cli, and other os clients, you pass directly the id(s) or the -name(s) of the items you want to delete. We can refactor sahara-cli -to remove the --name and --id arguments. So in long term the usage -of sahara cli will be:: - - sahara cluster-delete [ ...] - - Positional arguments: - Name or ID of cluster(s).`` - - -* Short term solution - -Note that the CLI refactoring will take substantial time, so as -short term solution, can temporary use --names and --ids for all -delete verbs of the CLI. And once the CLI will be refactored, -we will remove all --name(s) and --id(s) arguments. - -So the proposed change implies to add --names and --ids arguments -which consist of a Comma separated list of names and ids:: - - sahara cluster-delete [--name NAME] [--id cluster_id] - [--names NAMES] [--ids IDS] - - -Alternatives ------------- - -No short term solution and just depend on the CLI refactoring -to provide this feature. - - -Data model impact ------------------ - -None - - -REST API impact ---------------- - -None - - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -None - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -None - -Developer impact ----------------- - -None - -Sahara-image-elements impact ----------------------------- - -None - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -None - -Implementation -============== - -Update CLI methods \*_delete in saharaclient/api/shell.py - - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Primary Assignee: -Pierre Padrixe (stannie) - -Work Items ----------- - -* Add delete by list of names or ids in the CLI -* Once the CLI is refactored, remove --name(s) --id(s) arguments - - -Dependencies -============ - -* For long term solution: we depend on the refactoring of the CLI -* For short term solution: none - -Testing -======= - -Update the tests to delete list of names and ids - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -Documentation of the CLI needs to be updated - - -References -========== - -None diff --git a/specs/saharaclient_idx.rst b/specs/saharaclient_idx.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 10c928c..0000000 --- a/specs/saharaclient_idx.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -Sahara client -^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -.. toctree:: - :glob: - :maxdepth: 1 - - saharaclient/* diff --git a/specs/template.rst b/specs/template.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 6a90121..0000000 --- a/specs/template.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,259 +0,0 @@ -.. - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - License. - - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode - -========================================== -Example Spec - The title of your blueprint -========================================== - -Introduction paragraph -- why are we doing anything? A single paragraph of -prose that operators can understand. The title and this first paragraph -should be used as the subject line and body of the commit message -respectively. - -Some notes about using this template: - -* Your spec should be in ReSTructured text, like this template. - -* Please wrap text at 79 columns. - -* Please do not delete any of the sections in this template. If you have - nothing to say for a whole section, just write: None - -* For help with syntax, see http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html - -* To test out your formatting, build the docs using tox, or see: - http://rst.ninjs.org - -* If you would like to provide a diagram with your spec, ascii diagrams are - required. http://asciiflow.com/ is a very nice tool to assist with making - ascii diagrams. The reason for this is that the tool used to review specs is - based purely on plain text. Plain text will allow review to proceed without - having to look at additional files which can not be viewed in gerrit. It - will also allow inline feedback on the diagram itself. - -* If your specification proposes any changes to the Sahara REST API such - as changing parameters which can be returned or accepted, or even - the semantics of what happens when a client calls into the API, then - you should add the APIImpact flag to the commit message. Specifications with - the APIImpact flag can be found with the following query: - - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/sahara-specs+message:apiimpact,n,z - -Problem description -=================== - -A detailed description of the problem: - -* For a new feature this might be use cases. Ensure you are clear about the - actors in each use case: End User vs Deployer - -* For a major reworking of something existing it would describe the - problems in that feature that are being addressed. - - -Proposed change -=============== - -Here is where you cover the change you propose to make in detail. How do you -propose to solve this problem? - -If this is one part of a larger effort make it clear where this piece ends. In -other words, what's the scope of this effort? - -Alternatives ------------- - -What other ways could we do this thing? Why aren't we using those? This doesn't -have to be a full literature review, but it should demonstrate that thought has -been put into why the proposed solution is an appropriate one. - -Data model impact ------------------ - -Changes which require modifications to the data model often have a wider impact -on the system. The community often has strong opinions on how the data model -should be evolved, from both a functional and performance perspective. It is -therefore important to capture and gain agreement as early as possible on any -proposed changes to the data model. - -Questions which need to be addressed by this section include: - -* What new data objects and/or database schema changes is this going to - require? - -* What database migrations will accompany this change. - -* How will the initial set of new data objects be generated, for example if you - need to take into account existing instances, or modify other existing data - describe how that will work. - -REST API impact ---------------- - -Each API method which is either added or changed should have the following - -* Specification for the method - - * A description of what the method does suitable for use in - user documentation - - * Method type (POST/PUT/GET/DELETE) - - * Normal http response code(s) - - * Expected error http response code(s) - - * A description for each possible error code should be included - describing semantic errors which can cause it such as - inconsistent parameters supplied to the method, or when an - instance is not in an appropriate state for the request to - succeed. Errors caused by syntactic problems covered by the JSON - schema definition do not need to be included. - - * URL for the resource - - * Parameters which can be passed via the url - -* Example use case including typical API samples for both data supplied - by the caller and the response - -* Discuss any policy changes, and discuss what things a deployer needs to - think about when defining their policy. - -Other end user impact ---------------------- - -Aside from the API, are there other ways a user will interact with this -feature? - -* Does this change have an impact on python-saharaclient? What does the user - interface there look like? - -Deployer impact ---------------- - -Discuss things that will affect how you deploy and configure OpenStack -that have not already been mentioned, such as: - -* What config options are being added? Should they be more generic than - proposed (for example a flag that other hypervisor drivers might want to - implement as well)? Are the default values ones which will work well in - real deployments? - -* Is this a change that takes immediate effect after its merged, or is it - something that has to be explicitly enabled? - -* If this change is a new binary, how would it be deployed? - -* Please state anything that those doing continuous deployment, or those - upgrading from the previous release, need to be aware of. Also describe - any plans to deprecate configuration values or features. For example, if we - change the directory name that instances are stored in, how do we handle - instance directories created before the change landed? Do we move them? Do - we have a special case in the code? Do we assume that the operator will - recreate all the instances in their cloud? - -Developer impact ----------------- - -Discuss things that will affect other developers working on OpenStack, -such as: - -* If the blueprint proposes a change to the driver API, discussion of how - other hypervisors would implement the feature is required. - -Image Packing impact --------------------- - -Does it require changes to the image packing process (or to -sahara-image-elements?) If so, changes should be described well. - -Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact ---------------------------------- - -Does it require changes to the sahara-dashboard / horizon? If so, changes -should be described well. If it's about complex changes than probably a -separate blueprint / spec should be created for it. - - -Implementation -============== - -Assignee(s) ------------ - -Who is leading the writing of the code? Or is this a blueprint where you're -throwing it out there to see who picks it up? - -If more than one person is working on the implementation, please designate the -primary author and contact. - -Primary assignee: - - -Other contributors: - - -Work Items ----------- - -Work items or tasks -- break the feature up into the things that need to be -done to implement it. Those parts might end up being done by different people, -but we're mostly trying to understand the timeline for implementation. - - -Dependencies -============ - -* Include specific references to specs and/or blueprints in sahara, or in other - projects, that this one either depends on or is related to. - -* If this requires functionality of another project that is not currently used - by Sahara, document that fact. - -* Does this feature require any new library dependencies or code otherwise not - included in OpenStack? Or does it depend on a specific version of library? - - -Testing -======= - -Please discuss how the change will be tested. We especially want to know what -tempest tests will be added. It is assumed that unit test coverage will be -added so that doesn't need to be mentioned explicitly, but discussion of why -you think unit tests are sufficient and we don't need to add more tempest -tests would need to be included. - -Is this untestable in gate given current limitations (specific hardware / -software configurations available)? Is this untestable in sahara-ci? If so, -are there mitigation plans (3rd party testing, gate enhancements, etc). - - -Documentation Impact -==================== - -What is the impact on the docs team of this change? Some changes might require -donating resources to the docs team to have the documentation updated. Don't -repeat details discussed above, but please reference them here. - - -References -========== - -Please add any useful references here. You are not required to have any -reference. Moreover, this specification should still make sense when your -references are unavailable. Examples of what you could include are: - -* Links to mailing list or IRC discussions - -* Links to notes from a summit session - -* Links to relevant research, if appropriate - -* Related specifications as appropriate (e.g. if it's an EC2 thing, link the - EC2 docs) - -* Anything else you feel it is worthwhile to refer to diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/tests/test_titles.py b/tests/test_titles.py deleted file mode 100644 index cd57ba1..0000000 --- a/tests/test_titles.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may -# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain -# a copy of the License at -# -# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -# -# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the -# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations -# under the License. - -import glob -import re - -import docutils.core -import testtools - - -class TestTitles(testtools.TestCase): - def _get_title(self, section_tree): - section = { - 'subtitles': [], - } - for node in section_tree: - if node.tagname == 'title': - section['name'] = node.rawsource - elif node.tagname == 'section': - subsection = self._get_title(node) - section['subtitles'].append(subsection['name']) - return section - - def _get_titles(self, spec): - titles = {} - for node in spec: - if node.tagname == 'section': - section = self._get_title(node) - titles[section['name']] = section['subtitles'] - return titles - - def _check_titles(self, fname, titles): - expected_titles = ('Problem description', 'Proposed change', - 'Implementation', 'Dependencies', - 'Testing', 'Documentation Impact', - 'References') - self.assertEqual( - sorted(expected_titles), - sorted(titles.keys()), - "Expected titles not found in document %s" % fname) - - proposed = 'Proposed change' - self.assertIn('Alternatives', titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('Data model impact', titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('REST API impact', titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('Other end user impact', titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('Deployer impact', titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('Developer impact', titles[proposed]) - self.assertTrue('Sahara-image-elements impact' in titles[proposed] or - 'Image Packing impact' in titles[proposed]) - self.assertIn('Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact', titles[proposed]) - - impl = 'Implementation' - self.assertIn('Assignee(s)', titles[impl]) - self.assertIn('Work Items', titles[impl]) - - def _check_lines_wrapping(self, tpl, raw): - for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")): - if "http://" in line or "https://" in line: - continue - self.assertTrue( - len(line) < 80, - msg="%s:%d: Line limited to a maximum of 79 characters." % - (tpl, i+1)) - - def _check_no_cr(self, tpl, raw): - matches = re.findall('\r', raw) - self.assertEqual( - len(matches), 0, - "Found %s literal carriage returns in file %s" % - (len(matches), tpl)) - - def _check_trailing_spaces(self, tpl, raw): - for i, line in enumerate(raw.split("\n")): - trailing_spaces = re.findall(" +$", line) - self.assertEqual( - len(trailing_spaces), 0, - "Found trailing spaces on line %s of %s" % (i + 1, tpl)) - - def test_template(self): - files = ['specs/template.rst'] + [fn for fn in glob.glob('specs/*/*') - if not fn.endswith("README.rst") - and not fn.endswith('redirects')] - for filename in files: - self.assertTrue(filename.endswith(".rst"), - "spec's file must uses 'rst' extension.") - with open(filename) as f: - data = f.read() - - spec = docutils.core.publish_doctree(data) - titles = self._get_titles(spec) - self._check_titles(filename, titles) - self._check_lines_wrapping(filename, data) - self._check_no_cr(filename, data) - self._check_trailing_spaces(filename, data) diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini deleted file mode 100644 index be88803..0000000 --- a/tox.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -[tox] -minversion = 3.18.0 -envlist = docs,py3 -skipsdist = True - -[testenv] -usedevelop = True -setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} -deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -commands = - stestr run {posargs} - stestr slowest -passenv = - http_proxy - https_proxy - no_proxy - - -[testenv:venv] -basepython = python3 -commands = {posargs} - -[testenv:docs] -basepython = python3 -deps = - -c{env:TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE:https://releases.openstack.org/constraints/upper/master} - -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt -commands = - rm -rf doc/build/html - sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html -allowlist_externals = rm - -[testenv:pdf-docs] -basepython = python3 -deps = {[testenv:docs]deps} -commands = - rm -rf doc/build/pdf - sphinx-build -W -b latex doc/source doc/build/pdf - make -C doc/build/pdf -allowlist_externals = - make - rm - -[testenv:doc8] -basepython = python3 -deps = - -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt - doc8 -commands = doc8 doc/source