Health check for Designate

Added health check for Designate: it checks that all instances of the
cluster have correct /etc/resolv.conf files.
Also added AlertsProvider class for instance accsessible and designate
health checks. This class provides remote access to an instance at one
time and provides parallel execution of health checks on instances.

partial-bp: designate-integration
co-authored-by: Vitaly Gridnev <>
Change-Id: I9e036a51f3848f9342cfcb857742e6bcc9e115c8
This commit is contained in:
Michael Ionkin 2016-08-05 14:11:31 +03:00 committed by Vitaly Gridnev
parent 6039058e1b
commit 03831994c3
2 changed files with 114 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class AlertsProvider(object):
def is_ambari_active(self):
if self._exception_store:
raise health_check_base.RedHealthError(self._exception_store)
return _("Ambari Monitor healthy")
return _("Ambari Monitor is healthy")
def get_alerts_data(self, service=None):
if self._data is not None:

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@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
# limitations under the License.
import abc
import functools
import threading
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ from sahara.utils import cluster as cluster_utils
from sahara.utils.notification import sender
cond = conductor.API
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -47,13 +51,13 @@ class BaseHealthError(exceptions.SaharaException):
class RedHealthError(BaseHealthError):
"""Exception to indicate red state of the health check."""
code = "RED_STATE"
status = 'RED'
status = common.HEALTH_STATUS_RED
class YellowHealthError(BaseHealthError):
"""Exception to indicate yellow state of health check."""
status = 'YELLOW'
status = common.HEALTH_STATUS_YELLOW
@ -121,7 +125,8 @@ class BasicHealthCheck(object):
class AllInstancesAccessible(BasicHealthCheck):
def __init__(self, cluster):
def __init__(self, cluster, provider):
self.provider = provider
super(AllInstancesAccessible, self).__init__(cluster)
def is_available(self):
@ -131,26 +136,116 @@ class AllInstancesAccessible(BasicHealthCheck):
def get_health_check_name(self):
return "Check of instances accessibility"
def _check_health_for_instance(instance):
with instance.remote() as r:
r.execute_command("cd /tmp/")
def check_health(self):
instances = cluster_utils.get_instances(self.cluster)
for inst in instances:
except Exception:
"Some instances in the cluster are not available"))
raise RedHealthError(_("Some instances are not available"))
inst_ips_or_names = self.provider.get_accessibility_data()
if inst_ips_or_names:
insts = ', '.join(inst_ips_or_names)
_LE("Instances (%s) are not available in the cluster") % insts)
raise RedHealthError(
_("Instances (%s) are not available in the cluster.") % insts)
return _("All instances are available")
class ResolvConfIsUnchanged(BasicHealthCheck):
def __init__(self, cluster, provider):
self.provider = provider
super(ResolvConfIsUnchanged, self).__init__(cluster)
def is_available(self):
return True
def get_health_check_name(self):
return "Check of '/etc/resolv.conf' files"
def check_health(self):
bad_inst, bad_res_conf = self.provider.get_resolv_conf_data()
bad_inst_msg = ''
res_conf_msg = ''
if bad_inst:
insts = ', '.join(bad_inst)
bad_inst_msg = _("Couldn't read '/etc/resolv.conf' "
"on instances: {}.").format(insts)
if bad_res_conf:
insts = ', '.join(bad_res_conf)
ns = ', '.join(CONF.nameservers)
res_conf_msg = _(
"Instances ({}) have incorrect '/etc/resolv.conf' "
"file, expected nameservers: {}.").format(insts, ns)
if bad_inst_msg or res_conf_msg:
LOG.exception(_LE("{} {}").format(res_conf_msg, bad_inst_msg))
raise RedHealthError(_("{} {}").format(res_conf_msg, bad_inst_msg))
return _("All instances have correct '/etc/resolv.conf' file")
class AlertsProvider(object):
def __init__(self, cluster):
self._data = None
self._cluster = cluster
self._instances = None
def _instance_get_data(self, instance, lock):
with instance.remote() as r:
data = self._get_resolv_conf(r)
except Exception:
data = None
LOG.exception(_LE("Couldn't read '/etc/resolv.conf'"))
with lock:
self._data[instance.get_ip_or_dns_name()] = data
def get_accessibility_data(self):
bad_instances = []
for el in self._data:
if self._data[el] is None:
return bad_instances
def get_resolv_conf_data(self):
bad_instances = []
bad_resolv_conf = []
for inst_ip_or_name, data in self._data.iteritems():
if data is None:
for nameserver in CONF.nameservers:
if nameserver not in data:
return bad_instances, bad_resolv_conf
def _get_resolv_conf(inst_r):
# returns None if error occurred while reading resolv.conf
# otherwise returns content of this file
code, resolv_conf = inst_r.execute_command(
"cat /etc/resolv.conf", raise_when_error=False)
if code != 0:
return None
return resolv_conf
def get_alerts_data(self, check_type=None):
if check_type and self._data is not None:
# return cached data
return self._data.get(check_type, [])
self._data = {}
self._instances = cluster_utils.get_instances(self._cluster)
lock = threading.Lock()
with context.ThreadGroup() as tg:
for ins in self._instances:
tg.spawn('Get health check data of instance %s' %,
self._instance_get_data, ins, lock)
return self._data
def get_basic(cluster):
return [AllInstancesAccessible]
provider = AlertsProvider(cluster)
basic = [functools.partial(AllInstancesAccessible, provider=provider)]
if cluster.use_designate_feature():
ResolvConfIsUnchanged, provider=provider))
return basic
def get_health_checks(cluster):