# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import timeutils from sahara import context from sahara import exceptions as ex from sahara.utils import cluster as cluster_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # set 3 hours timeout by default DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10800 DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME = 5 timeouts_opts = [ # engine opts cfg.IntOpt('ips_assign_timeout', default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, help="Assign IPs timeout, in seconds"), cfg.IntOpt('wait_until_accessible', default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, help="Wait for instance accessibility, in seconds"), # direct engine opts cfg.IntOpt('delete_instances_timeout', default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, help="Wait for instances to be deleted, in seconds"), # volumes opts cfg.IntOpt( 'detach_volume_timeout', default=300, help='Timeout for detaching volumes from instance, in seconds'), ] timeouts = cfg.OptGroup(name='timeouts', title='Sahara timeouts') CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_group(timeouts) CONF.register_opts(timeouts_opts, group=timeouts) def _get_consumed(started_at): return timeutils.delta_seconds(started_at, timeutils.utcnow()) def _get_current_value(cluster, option): option_target = option.applicable_target conf = cluster.cluster_configs if option_target in conf and option.name in conf[option_target]: return conf[option_target][option.name] return option.default_value def poll(get_status, kwargs=None, args=None, operation_name=None, timeout_name=None, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, sleep=DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME, exception_strategy='raise'): """This util poll status of object obj during some timeout. :param get_status: function, which return current status of polling as Boolean :param kwargs: keyword arguments of function get_status :param operation_name: name of polling process :param timeout_name: name of timeout option :param timeout: value of timeout in seconds. By default, it equals to 3 hours :param sleep: duration between two consecutive executions of get_status function :param exception_strategy: possible values ('raise', 'mark_as_true', 'mark_as_false'). If exception_strategy is 'raise' exception would be raised. If exception_strategy is 'mark_as_true', return value of get_status would marked as True, and in case of 'mark_as_false' - False. By default it's 'raise'. """ start_time = timeutils.utcnow() # We shouldn't raise TimeoutException if incorrect timeout specified and # status is ok now. In such way we should execute get_status at least once. at_least_once = True if not kwargs: kwargs = {} if not args: args = () while at_least_once or _get_consumed(start_time) < timeout: at_least_once = False try: status = get_status(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: if exception_strategy == 'raise': raise elif exception_strategy == 'mark_as_true': status = True else: status = False if status: operation = "Operation" if operation_name: operation = "Operation with name {op_name}".format( op_name=operation_name) LOG.debug( '{operation_desc} was executed successfully in timeout ' '{timeout}' .format(operation_desc=operation, timeout=timeout)) return context.sleep(sleep) raise ex.TimeoutException(timeout, operation_name, timeout_name) def plugin_option_poll(cluster, get_status, option, operation_name, sleep_time, kwargs): def _get(n_cluster, n_kwargs): if not cluster_utils.check_cluster_exists(n_cluster): return True return get_status(**n_kwargs) poll_description = { 'get_status': _get, 'kwargs': {'n_cluster': cluster, 'n_kwargs': kwargs}, 'timeout': _get_current_value(cluster, option), 'operation_name': operation_name, 'sleep': sleep_time, 'timeout_name': option.name } poll(**poll_description) def poll_status(option, operation_name, sleep): def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def handler(*args, **kwargs): poll_description = { 'get_status': f, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'args': args, 'timeout': getattr(CONF.timeouts, option), 'operation_name': operation_name, 'timeout_name': option, 'sleep': sleep, } poll(**poll_description) return handler return decorator