# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from sahara import conductor from sahara import context from sahara.tests.unit import base from sahara.tests.unit.conductor import test_api from sahara.utils import cluster as cluster_utils class UtilsClusterTest(base.SaharaWithDbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(UtilsClusterTest, self).setUp() self.api = conductor.API def _make_sample(self): ctx = context.ctx() cluster = self.api.cluster_create(ctx, test_api.SAMPLE_CLUSTER) return cluster def test_change_cluster_status(self): cluster = self._make_sample() cluster = cluster_utils.change_cluster_status( cluster, cluster_utils.CLUSTER_STATUS_DELETING, "desc") self.assertEqual(cluster_utils.CLUSTER_STATUS_DELETING, cluster.status) self.assertEqual("desc", cluster.status_description) cluster_utils.change_cluster_status( cluster, cluster_utils.CLUSTER_STATUS_SPAWNING) self.assertEqual(cluster_utils.CLUSTER_STATUS_DELETING, cluster.status) def test_change_status_description(self): ctx = context.ctx() cluster = self._make_sample() cluster_id = cluster.id cluster = cluster_utils.change_cluster_status_description( cluster, "desc") self.assertEqual('desc', cluster.status_description) self.api.cluster_destroy(ctx, cluster) cluster = cluster_utils.change_cluster_status_description( cluster_id, "desc") self.assertIsNone(cluster) def test_get_instances(self): cluster = self._make_sample() ctx = context.ctx() idx = 0 ids = [] for ng in cluster.node_groups: for i in range(ng.count): idx += 1 ids.append(self.api.instance_add(ctx, ng, { 'instance_id': str(idx), 'instance_name': str(idx), })) cluster = self.api.cluster_get(ctx, cluster) instances = cluster_utils.get_instances(cluster, ids) ids = set() for inst in instances: ids.add(inst.instance_id) self.assertEqual(idx, len(ids)) for i in range(1, idx): self.assertIn(str(i), ids) instances = cluster_utils.get_instances(cluster) ids = set() for inst in instances: ids.add(inst.instance_id) self.assertEqual(idx, len(ids)) for i in range(1, idx): self.assertIn(str(i), ids) def test_clean_cluster_from_empty_ng(self): ctx = context.ctx() cluster = self._make_sample() ng = cluster.node_groups[0] ng_len = len(cluster.node_groups) self.api.node_group_update(ctx, ng, {'count': 0}) cluster = self.api.cluster_get(ctx, cluster.id) cluster_utils.clean_cluster_from_empty_ng(cluster) cluster = self.api.cluster_get(ctx, cluster.id) self.assertEqual(ng_len - 1, len(cluster.node_groups)) def test_generate_etc_hosts(self): cluster = self._make_sample() ctx = context.ctx() idx = 0 for ng in cluster.node_groups: for i in range(ng.count): idx += 1 self.api.instance_add(ctx, ng, { 'instance_id': str(idx), 'instance_name': str(idx), 'internal_ip': str(idx), }) cluster = self.api.cluster_get(ctx, cluster) with mock.patch("sahara.utils.openstack.base.url_for") as mock_url: mock_url.side_effect = ["http://keystone.local:1234/v13", "http://swift.local:5678/v42"] with mock.patch("socket.gethostbyname") as mock_get_host: mock_get_host.side_effect = ["", ""] value = cluster_utils.generate_etc_hosts(cluster) expected = (" localhost\n" "1 1.novalocal 1\n" "2 2.novalocal 2\n" "3 3.novalocal 3\n" "4 4.novalocal 4\n" " keystone.local\n" " swift.local\n") self.assertEqual(expected, value)