********************* Savanna REST API v0.2 ********************* .. note:: REST API v0.2 corresponds to Savanna v0.1.X 1 General API information ========================= This section contains base info about the Savanna REST API design. 1.1 Authentication and Authorization ------------------------------------ The Savanna API uses the Keystone Identity Service as the default authentication service. When Keystone is enabled, users who submit requests to the Savanna service must provide an authentication token in X-Auth-Token request header. User could obtain the token by authenticating to the Keystone endpoint. For more information about Keystone, see the OpenStack Identity Developer Guide. Also with each request user must specify OpenStack tenant in url path like that: '/v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters'. Savanna will perform the requested operation in that tenant using provided credentials. Therefore, user will be able to create and manage clusters only within tenants he have access to. Currently Savanna does not perform its own authorization checks. We are planning to implement them later. Each of the Savanna objects described in section 2 ('Object Model') will belong to some tenant. User will be able to perform operations only on objects he created or if he is an admin in the tenant to which object belongs. 1.2 Request / Response Types ---------------------------- The Savanna API supports the JSON data serialization format. This means that for requests that contain a body, the Content-Type header must be set to the MIME type value "application/json". Also, clients should accept JSON serialized responses by specifying the Accept header with the MIME type value "application/json" or adding ".json" extension to the resource name. The default response format is "application/json" if the client omits to specify an Accept header or append the ".json" extension in the URL path. Example: .. sourcecode:: http GET /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters.json or .. sourcecode:: http GET /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters Accept: application/json 1.3 Filtering and Column Selection ---------------------------------- (It's not implemented yet) The Savanna API supports filtering based on all top level attributes of a resource. Filters are applicable to all list requests. For example, the following request returns all clusters named 'foobar': .. sourcecode:: http GET /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters?name=foobar When you specify multiple filters, the Savanna API returns only objects that meet all filtering criteria. The operation applies an AND condition among the filters, for example: .. sourcecode:: http GET /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters?name=foo1&some_attr=some_value Currently, there is no OR mechanism for filtering. Alternatively, you can issue a distinct request for each filter and build a response set from the received responses on the client-side. By default, the Savanna service returns all attributes for any show or list call. The Savanna API has a mechanism to limit the set of attributes returned. You can use the fields query parameter to control the attributes returned from the Savanna API. For example, the following request returns only id, name and status for each cluster: .. sourcecode:: http GET /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters.json?fields=id&fields=name&fields=status Such selector could be useful for displaying some info about running clusters on GUI. Filtering and column selection features could be used together too. 1.4 Faults ---------- The Savanna API returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. Savanna uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4xx errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client and 5xx errors indicate server-side problems. Here we can add table with all used error codes. The response body will contain richer information about the cause of the error. An error response follows the format illustrated by the following example: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST Content-type: application/json Content-length: 126 { "error_name": "CLUSTER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS", "error_message": "Cluster with name 'test-cluster' already exists", "error_code": 400 } The 'error_code' attribute equals to HTTP response code. The 'error_name' attribute indicates generic error type without any concrete ids or names, etc. And the last attribute is 'error_message' that contains human readable error description. 2 Object Model ============== 2.1 Node Template object ------------------------ **2.1.1 Description** Node Template object is an abstraction for storing VM hardware parameters (vCPU, RAM, HDD, etc.), VM node type (JobTracker+NameNode, TaskTracker+DataNode, JobTracker only, etc.) and some Hadoop-relative configurations (processes heap sizes, # of MapReduce tasks per node, etc.). Expected node types: JT+NN - node with both JobTracker and NameNode running; JT - node with only JobTracker running; NN - node with only NameNode running; TT+DN - node with both TaskTracker and DataNode running; TT - node with only TaskTracker running; DN - node with only DataNode running. All node types are predefined and new types might be added in the future. **2.1.2 Object Fields** +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +====================================+============================================+=====================================================+ | id | [required for update/get] string | | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | string | A name of the node template | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_type | string/object | That parameter type depends on the operation: if | | | | create, then node type name should be provided as | | | | string. List and retrieve operations return node | | | | type as object (see below its fields) | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_type.name | string | Name of the node type | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_type.processes | array of strings | List of process names that will be executed on node | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | flavor_id | string | Name of OpenStack flavor which will be used to | | | | provision nodes. Actually this should be an id, | | | | we use names temporarily for our convenience | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | job_tracker | section | Section for Job Tracker configuration | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | job_tracker.heap_size | [JT required] int | Job Tracker heap size in MB | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name_node | section | Section for Name Node configuration | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name_node.heap_size | [NN required] int | Name Node heap size in MB | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | task_tracker | section | Section for Task Tracker configuration | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | task_tracker.heap_size | [TT required] int | Task Tracker heap size in MB | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | task_tracker.max_map_tasks | [TT optional] int | Max number of map tasks per task tracker | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | task_tracker.max_reduce_tasks | [TT optional] int | Max number of reduce tasks per task tracker | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | task_tracker.task_heap_size | [TT required] int | Task (map or reduce) heap size in MB | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | data_node | section | Section for Data Node configuration | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | data_node.heap_size | [DN required] int | Data Node heap size in megabytes | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **2.1.3 Example** The example below corresponds to Node Template returned by retrieve operation. For example of Node Template used in create operation see that operation details further below .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "id": "3412", "name": "taskTracker_and_dataNode.medium", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 384, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 640 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 384 } } } 2.2 Cluster Create/Update object -------------------------------- **2.2.1 Description** This object is used to create and update existing clusters. It contains cluster's name and 'node_templates' section that provides information about number of instances of Node Templates that we want to use. Additionally, it includes the 'base_image_id' id which specifies image that should be the base for VMs creation. Such image should be prepared by installing Hadoop with special layout. The 'id' field should not be specified during cluster creation, but it should be specified while updating the existing cluster. **2.2.2 Object fields** +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +====================================+============================================+=====================================================+ | id | [required for update] string | | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | string | A name of the cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_templates | map (object) | Map Node Template -> count | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | base_image_id | string | An id of the image stored in Glance that will be | | | | used for VM creation (the image should have Hadoop | | | | installed with the specific layout) | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **2.2.3 Example** .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jobTracker_and_nameNode.medium": 1, "taskTracker_and_dataNode.medium": 4 }, "base_image_id": "123456" } } 2.3 Cluster object ------------------ **2.3.1 Description** This object used in REST API responses to return information about clusters. **2.3.2 Object fields** +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +====================================+============================================+=====================================================+ | id | [required for update] string | | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | name | string | A name of the cluster. Name could consist of | | | | english letters, digits and hyphens | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_templates | map (object) | Map -> count | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | base_image_id | string | An id of the image stored in Glance that will be | | | | used for VM creation (the image should have Hadoop | | | | installed with the specific layout) | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | status | string | Status of the cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | nodes | objects array | List of vms used by the Hadoop cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | service_urls | section | Section with urls for installed services | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | service_urls.job_tracker | string | Url for JobTracker | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | service_urls.name_node | string | Url for NameNode | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **2.3.3 Example** .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jobTracker_and_nameNode.medium": 1, "taskTracker_and_dataNode.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Active", "nodes": [ "", "" ], "service_urls": { "job_tracker": "", "name_node": "" } } } 2.4 Node object --------------- **2.4.1 Description** This object is used in REST API responses to return information about cluster's nodes. In fact, a node is a virtual machine managed by OpenStack Nova. This object used only as a nested element of Cluster objects. **2.4.2 Object fields** +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Type | Description | +====================================+============================================+=====================================================+ | vm_id | string | VM id in OpenStack cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_template | object | Node Template used to create this node | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_template.id | string | Node Template id used to create this node | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | node_template.name | string | Node Template name used to create this node | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ **2.4.3 Example** .. sourcecode:: json { "vm_id": "dee040e1-f58f-4d54-846b-fec8e2bd9b21", "node_template": { "id": "123456", "name": "jt_nn.xlarge" } } 3 API operations ================ 3.1 Node Templates ops ---------------------- **Summary** Use the following APIs to manage templates: +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +====================================+========================================================+=====================================================+ | GET | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates | Lists summary for all Node Templates in Savanna | | | | which belong to the Tenant with id | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates | Creates a new Node Template | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} | Lists information for the specified Node Template | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | PUT | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} | Updates Node Template identified by | | | | node_template_id | | | | (only unused Node Templates could be modified) | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} | Destroyed a specified Node Template | | | | (only unused Node Templates could be removed) | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ 3.1.2 List all Node Templates ----------------------------- .. http:get:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operations returns the list of all Node Templates associated with specified tenant (url attribute 'tenant_id'). This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. It returns a (potentially empty) list, each element in the list is a "Node Template object" described in section 2.1. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v0.2/775181/node-templates Accept: application/json X-Auth-Token: SOME_AUTH_TOKEN **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: XX .. sourcecode:: json { "node_templates": [ { "id": "3412", "name": "tt_dn.medium", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 384, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 640 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 384 } }, { "id": "3413", "name": "tt_dn.xlarge", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 2048, "max_map_tasks": 6, "max_reduce_tasks": 3, "task_heap_size": 2048 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 2048 } } ] } 3.1.3 Create a Node Template ---------------------------- .. http:post:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates Normal Response Code: 202 (Accepted) Errors: 400, VALIDATION_ERROR, "Some input field is specified incorrectly or is missing" 400, MALFORMED_REQUEST_BODY, "Malformed message body with 'reason'" 400, NODE_TEMPLATE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Node Template with name 'custom_user_template' already exists" 400, NODE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeType 'wrong-node-type' not found" 400, NODE_PROCESS_DISCREPANCY, "Discrepancies in Node Processes. Required: ['process1', 'process2']" 400, FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find flavor with name 'some-flavor'" This operation creates a new Node Template from the parameters specified in request object. All parameters has been described in section 2.1. Node Template will be created in the specified tenant (url attribute 'tenant_id'). This operation requires request body. This operation returns a response body. It contains newly created node template as "Node Template object", defined in section 2.1. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v0.2/775181/node-templates .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "name": "custom_user_template", "node_type": "TT+DN", "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 384, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 640 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 384 } } } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: XX .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "id": "3412", "name": "custom_user_template", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 384, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 640 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 384 } } } 3.1.4 Retrieve a specific Node Template --------------------------------------- .. http:get:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: 404, NODE_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' not found" This operation returns a Node Template object identified by node_template_id. This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. It contains node template as "Node Template object", defined in section 2.1. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v0.2/775181/node-templates/3421 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "id": "3421", "name": "tt_dn.medium", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 384, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 640 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 384 } } } 3.1.5 Update a Node Template ---------------------------- .. http:put:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} Normal Response Code: 202 (Accepted) Errors: 400, VALIDATION_ERROR, "Some input field is specified incorrectly or is missing" 400, MALFORMED_REQUEST_BODY, "Malformed message body with 'reason'" 400, NODE_TEMPLATE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Node Template with name 'custom_user_template' already exists" 400, NODE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeType 'wrong-node-type' not found" 400, NODE_PROCESS_DISCREPANCY, "Discrepancies in Node Processes. Required: ['process1', 'process2']" 400, FLAVOR_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find flavor with name 'some-flavor'" 400, NODE_TEMPLATE_ALREADY_IN_USE, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' is used by running cluster" 404, NODE_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' not found" This operation updates the attributes of the node template identified by node_template_id. All attributes should be specified while updating resource. Only node templates that are not in use could be updated. So, if any cluster uses a node template, than such node template could not be modified or removed. This operation requires request body. It should contain the full Node Template object (defined in section 2.1) with new data. This operation returns response body. It contains updated Node Template object defined in section 2.1. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http PUT http://savanna/v0.2/775181/node-templates/3413 .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "id": "3413", "name": "tt_dn.medium", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 402, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 500 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 402 } } } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "node_template": { "id": "3413", "name": "tt_dn.medium", "node_type": { "name": "TT+DN", "processes": ["task_tracker", "data_node"] }, "flavor_id": "m1.medium", "task_tracker": { "heap_size": 402, "max_map_tasks": 3, "max_reduce_tasks": 1, "task_heap_size": 500 }, "data_node": { "heap_size": 402 } } } 3.1.6 Remove a Node Template ---------------------------- .. http:delete:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/node-templates/{node_template_id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: 404, NODE_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' not found" This operation removes the specified Node Template and its associated resources. Any and all data is immediately purged and is not recoverable. Only Node Templates that are not in use could be removed. So, if any cluster uses a Node Template, than such Node Template could not be modified or removed. This operation does not require a request body. This operation does not return a response body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v0.2/775181/node-templates/3421 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 3.2 Clusters ops ---------------- **Summary** Use the following APIs to manage clusters: +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Verb | URI | Description | +====================================+========================================================+=====================================================+ | GET | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters | Lists summary for all clusters in Savanna | | | | which belong to the specified tenant | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | POST | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters | Creates a new cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | GET | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} | Lists detailed information for the specified cluster| +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | PUT | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} | Updates cluster identified by cluster_id | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | DELETE | /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster_id} | Destroys specified cluster | +------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ 3.2.2 List all clusters ----------------------- .. http:get:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: none This operations returns the list of all clusters associated with the specified tenant (url attribute 'tenant_id'). This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. It returns a (potentially empty) list, each element in the list is a "Cluster object" described in section 2.2. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v0.2/775181/clusters **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "clusters": [ { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Active", "service_urls": { "job_tracker": "", "name_node": "" }, "nodes": [ "", "" ] }, { "id": "1235", "name": "qa-cluster", "node_templates": { "jobTracker.medium": 1, "nameNode.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Active", "service_urls": { "job_tracker": "", "name_node": "" }, "nodes": [ "", "" ] } ] } 3.2.3 Create a cluster ---------------------- .. http:post:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters Normal Response Code: 202 (Accepted) Errors: 400, VALIDATION_ERROR, "Some input field is specified incorrectly or is missing" 400, MALFORMED_REQUEST_BODY, "Malformed message body with 'reason'" 400, CLUSTER_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cluster with name 'custom_cluster' already exists" 400, NODE_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' not found" 400, NOT_SINGLE_NAME_NODE, "Hadoop cluster should contain only 1 NameNode. "Actual NN count is 'nn_count'" 400, NOT_SINGLE_JOB_TRACKER, "Hadoop cluster should contain only 1 JobTracker. "Actual JT count is 'jt_count'" 400, IMAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find image with id 'base_image_id'" 400, NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "Nova available instances='instances_count', VCPUs='vcpus_count', RAM='ram_count'. Requested instances='req_instances', VCPUs='req_vcpus', RAM='req_ram'" This operation creates a new cluster from the parameters specified in request object. All parameters have been described in section 2.2. This operation requires request body. This operation returns a response body. It contains newly created Node Template as "Cluster Create/Update object", defined in section 2.2. The main idea is to specify number of required instances of some Node Template. It means that if you want 10 nodes with both TaskTracker and DataNode than you should specify Node Template with type "TT+DN" and specify number of instances 10. Number of master nodes should be equal to 1 for each master node type, i.e. there must be exactly 1 JobTracker node and 1 NameNode node in the cluster. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http POST http://savanna/v0.2/775181/clusters .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456" } } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Starting", "service_urls": {}, "nodes": [] } } 3.2.4 Retrieve a specific cluster --------------------------------- .. http:get:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster-id} Normal Response Code: 200 (OK) Errors: 404, CLUSTER_NOT_FOUND, "Cluster 'cluster_id' not found" This operation returns a cluster object identified by id. This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. It contains cluster as "Cluster object", defined in section 2.2. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http GET http://savanna/v0.2/775181/clusters/1234 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 10 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Active", "service_urls": { "job_tracker": "", "name_node": "" }, "nodes": [ "", "" ] } } 3.2.5 Update a cluster ---------------------- .. http:put:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster-id} Normal Response Code: 202 (Accepted) Errors: 400, VALIDATION_ERROR, "Some input field is specified incorrectly or is missing" 400, MALFORMED_REQUEST_BODY, "Malformed message body with 'reason'" 400, CLUSTER_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Cluster with name 'custom_cluster' already exists" 400, NODE_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND, "NodeTemplate 'node_template_id' not found" 400, NOT_SINGLE_NAME_NODE, "Hadoop cluster should contain only 1 NameNode. "Actual NN count is 'nn_count'" 400, NOT_SINGLE_JOB_TRACKER, "Hadoop cluster should contain only 1 JobTracker. "Actual JT count is 'jt_count'" 400, IMAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find image with id 'base_image_id'" 400, NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES, "Nova available instances='instances_count', VCPUs='vcpus_count', RAM='ram_count'. Requested instances='req_instances', VCPUs='req_vcpus', RAM='req_ram'" 404, CLUSTER_NOT_FOUND, "Cluster 'cluster_id' not found" This operation updates the attributes of the cluster identified by cluster_id. All attributes should be specified while updating resource. This operation requires request body. It should contains the full "Cluster Create/Update object" (defined in section 2.2) with new data. This operation returns response body. It contains updated cluster object defined in section 2.2. This operation should be used for adding and removing nodes. For more information, please, take a look on cluster creation operation. All cluster Node Templates should be specified while scaling cluster , not only new Node Templates or those with changed number of instances. All missing Node Templates will be removed from cluster. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http PUT http://savanna/v0.2/775181/clusters/1234 .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 15 }, "base_image_id": "123456" } } **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json .. sourcecode:: json { "cluster": { "id": "1234", "name": "dev-cluster", "node_templates": { "jt_nn.medium": 1, "tt_dn.medium": 15 }, "base_image_id": "123456", "status": "Active", "service_urls": { "job_tracker": "", "name_node": "" }, "nodes": [ "", "" ] } } 3.2.6 Remove a cluster ---------------------- .. http:delete:: /v0.2/{tenant_id}/clusters/{cluster-id} Normal Response Code: 204 (NO CONTENT) Errors: 404, CLUSTER_NOT_FOUND, "Cluster 'cluster_id' not found" This operation removes the specified cluster (identified by cluster_id) and its associated instances or other resources. Any and all data is immediately purged and is not recoverable. This operation does not require a request body. This operation does not return a response body. **Example**: **request** .. sourcecode:: http DELETE http://savanna/v0.2/775181/clusters/1234 **response** .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 204 No Content