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# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import six
from sahara.conductor import resource
from sahara import exceptions as exc
from sahara.utils.openstack import glance
PROP_DESCR = '_sahara_description'
PROP_USERNAME = '_sahara_username'
PROP_TAG = '_sahara_tag_'
PROP_ALL_TAGS = '_all_tags'
def image_manager():
return SaharaImageManager()
def wrap_entity(func):
def handle(*args, **kwargs):
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(res, list):
images = []
for image in res:
image = _transform_image_props(image)
return images
res = _transform_image_props(res)
return resource.ImageResource(res)
return handle
def _get_all_tags(image_props):
tags = []
for key, value in image_props.iteritems():
if key.startswith(PROP_TAG) and value:
return tags
def _get_meta_prop(image_props, prop, default=None):
if PROP_ALL_TAGS == prop:
return _get_all_tags(image_props)
return image_props.get(prop, default)
def _parse_tags(image_props):
tags = _get_meta_prop(image_props, PROP_ALL_TAGS)
return [t.replace(PROP_TAG, "") for t in tags]
def _serialize_metadata(image):
data = {}
for key, value in image.iteritems():
if key.startswith('_sahara') and value:
data[key] = value
return data
def _get_compat_values(image):
data = {}
# TODO(vgridnev): Drop these values from APIv2
data["OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE:size"] = image.size
data['metadata'] = _serialize_metadata(image)
data["minDisk"] = getattr(image, 'min_disk', 0)
data["minRam"] = getattr(image, 'min_ram', 0)
data["progress"] = getattr(image, 'progress', 100)
data["status"] = image.status.upper()
data['created'] = image.created_at
data['updated'] = image.updated_at
return data
def _transform_image_props(image):
data = _get_compat_values(image)
data['username'] = _get_meta_prop(image, PROP_USERNAME, "")
data['description'] = _get_meta_prop(image, PROP_DESCR, "")
data['tags'] = _parse_tags(image)
data['id'] =
data["name"] =
return data
def _ensure_tags(tags):
if not tags:
return []
return [tags] if isinstance(tags, six.string_types) else tags
class SaharaImageManager(object):
This class is intermediate layer between sahara and glanceclient.v2.images.
It provides additional sahara properties for image such as description,
image tags and image username.
def __init__(self):
self.client = glance.client().images
def get(self, image_id):
image = self.client.get(image_id)
return image
def find(self, **kwargs):
images = self.client.list(**kwargs)
num_matches = len(images)
if num_matches == 0:
raise exc.NotFoundException(kwargs, "No images matching %s.")
elif num_matches > 1:
raise exc.NoUniqueMatchException(response=images, query=kwargs)
return images[0]
def list(self):
return list(self.client.list())
def set_meta(self, image_id, meta):
self.client.update(image_id, remove_props=None, **meta)
def delete_meta(self, image_id, meta_list):
self.client.update(image_id, remove_props=meta_list)
def set_image_info(self, image_id, username, description=None):
"""Sets human-readable information for image.
For example:
Ubuntu 15 x64 with Java 1.7 and Apache Hadoop 2.1, ubuntu
meta = {PROP_USERNAME: username}
if description:
meta[PROP_DESCR] = description
self.set_meta(image_id, meta)
def unset_image_info(self, image_id):
"""Unsets all Sahara-related information.
It removes username, description and tags from the specified image.
image = self.get(image_id)
meta = [PROP_TAG + tag for tag in image.tags]
if image.description is not None:
meta += [PROP_DESCR]
if image.username is not None:
self.delete_meta(image_id, meta)
def tag(self, image_id, tags):
"""Adds tags to the specified image."""
tags = _ensure_tags(tags)
self.set_meta(image_id, {PROP_TAG + tag: 'True' for tag in tags})
def untag(self, image_id, tags):
"""Removes tags from the specified image."""
tags = _ensure_tags(tags)
self.delete_meta(image_id, [PROP_TAG + tag for tag in tags])
def list_by_tags(self, tags):
"""Returns images having all of the specified tags."""
tags = _ensure_tags(tags)
return [i for i in self.list() if set(tags).issubset(i.tags)]
def list_registered(self, name=None, tags=None):
tags = _ensure_tags(tags)
images_list = [i for i in self.list()
if i.username and set(tags).issubset(i.tags)]
if name:
return [i for i in images_list if == name]
return images_list
def get_registered_image(self, image_id):
img = self.get(image_id)
if img.username:
return img
raise exc.ImageNotRegistered(image_id)