
269 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from sahara import conductor as c
from sahara import context
from sahara import exceptions as ex
from sahara.plugins import base as plugin_base
from sahara.service import api
from sahara.service.edp.binary_retrievers import dispatch
from sahara.service.edp import job_manager as manager
from sahara.utils import edp
from sahara.utils import proxy as p
conductor = c.API
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_job_types(**kwargs):
# Return a dictionary of all the job types that can be run
# by this instance of Sahara. For each job type, the value
# will be a list of plugins that support the job type. For
# each plugin, include a dictionary of the versions that
# support the job type.
# All entries in kwargs are expected to have list values
hints = kwargs.get("hints", ["false"])[0].lower() == "true"
plugin_names = kwargs.get("plugin", [])
all_plugins = plugin_base.PLUGINS.get_plugins()
if plugin_names:
plugins = filter(lambda x: in plugin_names, all_plugins)
plugins = all_plugins
job_types = kwargs.get("type", edp.JOB_TYPES_ALL)
versions = kwargs.get("version", [])
res = []
for job_type in job_types:
# All job types supported by all versions of the plugin.
# This is a dictionary where keys are plugin version
# strings and values are lists of job types
job_entry = {"name": job_type,
"plugins": []}
for plugin in plugins:
types_for_plugin = plugin.get_edp_job_types(versions)
# dict returns a new object so we are not modifying the plugin
p = plugin.dict
# Find only the versions of this plugin that support the job.
# Additionally, instead of a list we want a dictionary of
# plugin versions with corresponding config hints
p["versions"] = {}
for version, supported_types in six.iteritems(types_for_plugin):
if job_type in supported_types:
if hints:
config_hints = plugin.get_edp_config_hints(job_type,
config_hints = {}
p["versions"][version] = config_hints
# If we found at least one version of the plugin that
# supports the job type, add the plugin to the result
if p["versions"]:
if job_entry["plugins"]:
return res
def get_job_config_hints(job_type):
return manager.get_job_config_hints(job_type)
def execute_job(job_id, data):
# Elements common to all job types
cluster_id = data['cluster_id']
configs = data.get('job_configs', {})
interface = data.get('interface', {})
# Not in Java job types but present for all others
input_id = data.get('input_id', None)
output_id = data.get('output_id', None)
# Since we will use a unified class in the database, we pass
# a superset for all job types
# example configs['start'] = '2015-05-12T08:55Z' frequency = 5 mins
# the job will starts from 2015-05-12T08:55Z, runs every 5 mins
job_execution_info = data.get('job_execution_info', {})
configs['job_execution_info'] = job_execution_info
job_ex_dict = {'input_id': input_id, 'output_id': output_id,
'job_id': job_id, 'cluster_id': cluster_id,
'info': {'status': edp.JOB_STATUS_PENDING},
'job_configs': configs, 'extra': {},
'interface': interface}
job_execution = conductor.job_execution_create(context.ctx(), job_ex_dict)
# check to use proxy user
if p.job_execution_requires_proxy_user(job_execution):
except ex.SaharaException as e:
LOG.error("Can't run job execution. "
"(Reasons: {reason})".format(reason=e))
conductor.job_execution_destroy(context.ctx(), job_execution)
return job_execution
def get_job_execution_status(id):
return manager.get_job_status(id)
def job_execution_list(**kwargs):
return conductor.job_execution_get_all(context.ctx(),
regex_search=True, **kwargs)
def get_job_execution(id):
return conductor.job_execution_get(context.ctx(), id)
def cancel_job_execution(id):
job_execution = conductor.job_execution_get(context.ctx(), id)
return job_execution
def update_job_execution(id, values):
_update_status(values.pop("info", None), id)
return conductor.job_execution_update(context.ctx(), id, values)
def _update_status(info, id):
if info:
status = info.get("status", None)
if status == edp.JOB_ACTION_SUSPEND:
def delete_job_execution(id):
def get_data_sources(**kwargs):
return conductor.data_source_get_all(context.ctx(),
regex_search=True, **kwargs)
def get_data_source(id):
return conductor.data_source_get(context.ctx(), id)
def delete_data_source(id):
conductor.data_source_destroy(context.ctx(), id)
def register_data_source(values):
return conductor.data_source_create(context.ctx(), values)
def data_source_update(id, values):
return conductor.data_source_update(context.ctx(), id, values)
def get_jobs(**kwargs):
return conductor.job_get_all(context.ctx(), regex_search=True, **kwargs)
def get_job(id):
return conductor.job_get(context.ctx(), id)
def create_job(values):
return conductor.job_create(context.ctx(), values)
def update_job(id, values):
return conductor.job_update(context.ctx(), id, values)
def delete_job(job_id):
return conductor.job_destroy(context.ctx(), job_id)
def create_job_binary(values):
return conductor.job_binary_create(context.ctx(), values)
def get_job_binaries(**kwargs):
return conductor.job_binary_get_all(context.ctx(),
regex_search=True, **kwargs)
def get_job_binary(id):
return conductor.job_binary_get(context.ctx(), id)
def update_job_binary(id, values):
return conductor.job_binary_update(context.ctx(), id, values)
def delete_job_binary(id):
conductor.job_binary_destroy(context.ctx(), id)
def create_job_binary_internal(values):
return conductor.job_binary_internal_create(context.ctx(), values)
def get_job_binary_internals(**kwargs):
return conductor.job_binary_internal_get_all(context.ctx(),
regex_search=True, **kwargs)
def get_job_binary_internal(id):
return conductor.job_binary_internal_get(context.ctx(), id)
def delete_job_binary_internal(id):
conductor.job_binary_internal_destroy(context.ctx(), id)
def get_job_binary_internal_data(id):
return conductor.job_binary_internal_get_raw_data(context.ctx(), id)
def update_job_binary_internal(id, values):
return conductor.job_binary_internal_update(context.ctx(), id, values)
def get_job_binary_data(id):
job_binary = conductor.job_binary_get(context.ctx(), id)
return dispatch.get_raw_binary(job_binary, with_context=True)