.. c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================ ElasticSearch Deletion Journaling ================================================ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/searchlight/+spec/es-deletion-journaling This feature enables tracking of object deletion in ElasticSearch to allow for better coherency and asynchronous operations. Problem Description =================== As a service providing a snapshot of the OpenStack eco-system, we expect the following trait: * The snapshot is up to date and coherent, independent of the order of the updates received from the other various OpenStack services. Anything less and we will have failed our users with a deluge of undependable data. Background ---------- When created, an ElasticSearch document is stored in an index. When deleted, we barbarically engage in Damnatio Memoriae and the ElasticSearch document is permanently removed from the index. In most cases this is not an issue and the document is not missed. But computer science is fraught with corner cases. One such corner case is introduced with the new Zero Downtime Re-indexing functionality [1]. Now Searchlight is required to remember the existence of deleted documents. With the addition of the Zero Downtime Re-indexing, Searchlight will be performing CRUD operations on documents simultaneously from both re-syncing (which uses API queries) and notifications sent from the services. All within a distributed environment. These notifications will result in an asynchronous sequence of ElasticSearch operations. Searchlight needs to make sure that the state of the eco-system is always correctly reflected in ElasticSearch, independent of the non-determinate order of notifications that are being thrown by the services. If a delete notification is received before the corresponding create notification, this sequence of events still need to result in the correct ElasticSearch state. In light of this harsh reality, we need to make the Searchlight document CRUD commands order independent. This implies a way to track the state of deleted documents. See below for more concrete examples of the issues we are resolving with this blueprint. As a side note, keeping track of deleted documents will allow Searchlight to easily provide a "delta" functionality if so desired in the future. The previous incarnation of this spec detailed setting a deletion flag and using ElasticSearch's TTL functionality to delay deleting documents. It turns out that ElasticSearch has this functionality built in when versioning is in use (for an explanation, see the bottom of [3]). Examples -------- Some more concrete example may help here. We will use Nova as the resource type, As a reminder here is how the plug-in commands map to ES operations. * A "Create document" command in the Nova plug-in turns into an ES "index" operation with a new payload from Nova. * An "update document" command in the Nova plug-in turns into an ES "index" operation with a new payload from Nova that already contains the modifications. Once thing to note here is that we do neither an ES "update" operation nor a read/modify/write using multiple ES operations. From ElasticSearch's frame of reference an update command is the same as a create command. * A "delete document" command turns into an ES "delete" operation. Example #1 (Fusillade) ---------------------- Consider the following Nova notifications "Create Obj1", "Modify Obj1", "Modify Obj1", "Modify Obj1" and "Delete Obj1". Due to the distributed and asynchronous nature of the eco-system. the order the notifications are sent by the listener may not be the same order the operations are received by ElasticSearch. In some cases, the last ElasticSearch modify operation will arrive after the ElasticSearch delete operation. ElasticSearch will see the following operations (in this order): :: PUT /searchlight/obj1 # Create Obj1 PUT /searchlight/obj1 # Modify Obj1 PUT /searchlight/obj1 # Modify Obj1 DELETE /searchlight/obj1 # Delete Obj1 PUT /searchlight/obj1 # Modify Obj1 After all of the operations are executed by ElasticSearch, the net result will be an index of the Nova object "Obj1". When queried by an inquisitive user, Searchlight will embarrassingly return the phantom document as if it corporeally exists. Folie a deux! Not good for anyone involved. Example #2 (Nostradamus) ------------------------ We will also need to handle the simplistic case of Nova creating a document followed by Nova deleting the document. This case could be rather common in the Zero Downtime Re-indexing work [1]. This sequence results in the Nova notifications "Create Obj2" and "Delete Obj2". If the ElasticSearch create operation arrives after the ElasticSearch delete operation, ElasticSearch will see the following operations (in this order) :: DELETE /searchlight/obj2 # Delete Obj2 PUT /searchlight/obj2 # Create Obj2 After both operations are executed by ElasticSearch, the net result will be an index of the Nova object "Obj2". This naughty behavior is incorrect and also needs to be avoided. This example also illuminates a subtlety with out of order deletion notifications. There may be times when ElasticSearch is being asked to delete a (currently) non-existent document. This omen of a future event needs to be interpreted and thus handled correctly. Proposed Change =============== There is an index setting named 'index.gc_deletes' that defaults to 60 seconds. When a document is deleted *with a specified version* it is not immediately deleted from the index. Instead, it's marked as ready for garbage collection (in the document sense, not memory sense). If an update is posted with a later version, the document is resurrected. If a document is posted with an earlier version, it raises a ConflictError, as would be the case with an 'alive' document. The deleted document is *not* visible in searches. Since this is essentially identical to the implementation described below, and appears to be fully supported in ElasticSearch 2.x, there is no point implementing it ourselves. We may decide to recommend a higher `gc_deletes` value, but the only change necessary is to pass a version as part of delete operations (see [4]). Alternatives ------------ An alternative is expressed in the 'previous design' that follows. Previous Design --------------- Ecce proponente! With this blueprint, the basic idea is to keep the state of a deleted document around until no longer needed. At a high level, we will need to make three major modifications to Searchlight. * We will need to modify the ElasticSearch index mappings. * We will need to modify the delete functionality to take advantage of the new mapping fields. * We will need to modify the query functionality to be aware of the new mapping fields. ElasticSearch Index Mapping Modification ---------------------------------------- Two modifications are needed for the mapping defined for each index. The first modification is to enable the TTL field. We need to define the mapping for a particular index like this: :: { "mappings": { "resource_index": { "_ttl": { "enabled": true } } } } By not specifying a default TTL value, a document will not expire until the TTL is explicitly set. Exactly what we need. The second modification is to add a new metadata field to the mapping. The metadata field would be named "deleted" and would always be defined. When the document is created/modified the field would be set to "False". When the document is deleted the field would be set to "True". There is some concern that we need more than a boolean for this field. A version or timestamp may be more appropriate. This is a detail for the design and can be fleshed out at that time if needed. Searchlight Delete Functionality Modification --------------------------------------------- When a document is deleted, we will need to set both the TTL field and the metadata field. This is considered a modification to the original document. If the document does not already exist, we will need to create the document and set the "deleted" and "TTL" fields. This will prevent an out-of-order create/update operation from succeeding. Searchlight Query Functionality Modification -------------------------------------------- When a document is queried, we will need to modify the query to exclude any documents whose metadata indicates the document has been deleted. We will also need to filter out the metadata field. Searchlight Create/Modify Functionality Modification ---------------------------------------------------- When a document is created, the mapping will need to add the new "deleted" field and enable TTL functionality. The "deleted" field will need to be set appropriately. If the "deleted" field is set to true we will not modify the document. These modifications depend on the version functionality being in place [2]. Configuration Changes ---------------------- We need to define the TTL value to determine how long a deleted document endures. This default value can be overridden by a configuration value. Setting a TTL value is not enough to delete a document. In tandem we need ElasticSearch to run its purge process. This purge process will poll all documents and delete those with expired TTL values. The default is to run the purge process every 60 seconds. This default value can be overridden by a configuration value. Deleted Field Options --------------------- For historical completeness, here are the different options that were considered for the "deleted" metadata field. (1) The metadata field would be named "deleted" and would be defined only when a document has been deleted. When a document is created/modified this field is not defined. To detect if a document is deleted we will search for the existence of this field. This simplifies the create/modify code, but complicates the query code. (2) The metadata field would be named "deleted" and would always be defined. When the document is created/modified the field would be set to "False". When the document is deleted the field would be set to "True". This adds a little bit of work to the create/modify but simplifies the query command. (3) The metadata field would be named "state" and would always be defined. The value of "state" would be the current state of the document: "Created", "Modified" or "Deleted". More work is needed in this option to distinguish between "Modified" and "Create", since they are treated the same say in the plug-ins. This will allow for "delta" functionality to be added to Searchlight in the future. This work is the same as option (2). References ========== [1] The Zero Downtime Re-indexing work is described here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/searchlight/+spec/zero-downtime-reindexing [2] External versions added to ElasticSearch documents is described here: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/255751/ [3] ElasticSearch *document* garbage collection is discussed here: https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-versioning-support [4] Bug report for handling out-of-order notifications: https://bugs.launchpad.net/searchlight/+bug/1522271