.. Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Installing and Configuring Elasticsearch ======================================== The Searchlight indexing service is responsible for indexing data in `Elasticsearch `_; Elasticsearch has very good documentation on installation but some pointers are provided here. .. IMPORTANT:: We *strongly* recommend using Elasticsearch 1.x and the accompanying python client version. Searchlight has not been tested with v2 and has some known issues around indexing data. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elasticsearch requires a Java Runtime Environment (or Java Development Kit). OpenJDK and Oracle's Java are supported. Information on the current recommended version can be found in the `installation instructions `_. Installing from packages ######################## See the `latest Elasticsearch instructions `_ for instructions about installing in Debian/Ubuntu and Red Hat/Fedora. Installing from a package has the advantage of including scripts to run `Elasticsearch as a service `_. Installing from a download ########################## Links to various formats and also older versions of Elasticsearch can be found on the `download page `_. Once downloaded and extracted, you can start Elasticsearch with:: $ bin/elasticsearch For more details see the `installation instructions `_. Quick command line example with 1.4.2: .. note:: Do the following commands as "root" or via sudo Download the ES package:: $ cd ~ $ wget https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.4.2.deb $ sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-1.4.2.deb $ sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10 $ sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elasticsearch comes with very a very sensible default configuration that allows for clustering and high performance out of the box. There are some settings, both general and specific to Searchlight's indexing service, that might be of interest depending on your scenario. Elasticsearch's configuration is in $ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yaml, where ES_HOME is the directory in which Elasticsearch is installed. It uses YAML, a superset of JSON. Indices ####### Elasticsearch (and Lucene) store information in indices. Within an index can be one or more document types. Searchlight's indexing service uses an index per service that has a plugin available, and each plugin generally will have its own document type. For instance, the glance plugin has *glance.image* and *glance.metadef*. Since the volume of data is lower than a typical use case for Elasticsearch it may make sense to change the default sharing and replication mechanism. We also recommend disabling implicit index creation, though if you are sharing an Elasticsearch installation this may be inadvisable. The following options control indexing behavior:: # Number of shards for each index (performance) index.number_of_shards: 5 # Number of replicas per shard (redundancy and recovering) index.number_of_replicas: 1 # Disable automatic index creation so that index creation # is an explicit action action.auto_create_index: false Index settings ************** In addition to server-wide index settings it's possible to configure Searchlight to apply settings to indices it creates with ``searchlight-manage``. Index settings can be specified as follows in ``searchlight.conf``:: [elasticsearch] index_settings = refresh_interval:2s,number_of_replicas:1 The ``index.`` prefix for settings is optional; Searchlight will prepend it if it's not given (e.g. ``index.refresh_interval`` is also acceptable). Index settings are applied at creation time and so are not limited to the 'dynamic' index settings. They are applied to all created indices. See also: * http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-index\_.html * http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-update-settings.html Scripts ####### The scripting module allows to use scripts in order to evaluate custom expressions. Scripting is turned off by default in elasticsearch latest versions. Searchlight doesn't allow scripts in the search api but requires scripts to sync Index updates from notifications. For security purpose index updates are allowed only for admin role:: script.engine.groovy.inline.update: on See also: * https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-scripting.html#modules-scripting Development ########### For development, Elasticsearch's default configuration is overkill. It's possible to run Elasticsearch with a much lower memory footprint than by default, and you may wish to disable clustering behavior. # Configures elasticsearch as a single node (no discovery) node.local: true # Disable sharding and replication index.number_of_shards: 1 index.number_of_replicas: 0 JVM settings ------------ Setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable will restrict how much memory Elasticsearch uses, equivalent to setting -Xmx and -Xms to the same value for the Java runtime. For development you can set it as low as a few tens of MB:: export ES_HEAP_SIZE=40m Memory usage will be somewhat higher than that figure, because Java itself requires memory on top of that. Production ########## Some settings you may wish to change for production:: # Cluster name is used by cluster discovery; it's important to ensure # this is set across all nodes you wish to be in the cluster cluster.name: searchlight # By default elasticsearch picks a random name from a list of Marvel # comic characters. If you specify this, make sure it's different on # each node in the cluster node.name: This Node Name # Bind to a non-standard address network.host: # Bind to a non-standard port http.port: 9200 # Configure the default data and log directories. By default, these # directories will be created in $ES_HOME. path: logs: /var/log/elasticsearch data: /var/data/elasticsearch # This setting locks the Elasticsearch process address space into RAM # (preventing locking). If you set this, ensure that you've configured # ES_HEAP_SIZE appropriately (see below). Linux only. bootstrap.mlockall: true For more details see Elasticsearch's `configuration information `_. Specifying nodes in a cluster ----------------------------- Elasticsearch's default discovery relies on multicast requests. If this isn't a good fit, you can use unicast discovery:: discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ['w.x.y.z', 'w.x.y.z'] See ``_ for more details. JVM settings ------------ For production, Elasticsearch recommends setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable to a value around 60% of a dedicated machine's memory:: export ES_HEAP_SIZE=2g