[[local|localrc]] LOGFILE=$DEST/logs/stack.sh.log VERBOSE=TRUE ### NETWORK SETTINGS ### # # Change the FLOATING_RANGE to whatever IPs VM is working in. # In NAT mode it is subnet VMWare Fusion provides, in bridged mode it is your local network. # But only use the top end of the network by using a /27 and starting at the 224 octet. #FLOATING_RANGE= #FIXED_RANGE= #FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE=256 #FLAT_INTERFACE=eth0 #EXT_GW_IP= HOST_IP= SERVICE_HOST=$HOST_IP IMAGE_HOST=$HOST_IP IDENTITY_HOST=$HOST_IP ### SET PASSWORDS FOR SERVICES AND USERS ### # ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret MYSQL_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD RABBIT_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD SERVICE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD SERVICE_TOKEN=a682f596-76f3-11e3-b3b2-e716f9080d50 ### SET SOME INSTALL OPTIONS ### # # run already-installed devstack in offline mode # Set ``OFFLINE`` to ``True`` to configure ``stack.sh`` to run cleanly without # Internet access. ``stack.sh`` must have been previously run with Internet # access to install prerequisites and fetch repositories. #OFFLINE=True GIT_BASE=${GIT_BASE:-https://git.openstack.org} # Reclone will ensure any repos already present are not re-cloned # # To review a patch to devstack itself, set this to yes, then: # cd /opt/stack/searchlight # git review -d # /unstack.sh # /stack.sh RECLONE=no # always upgrade all Python dependencies PIP_UPGRADE=False # Set libraries that will be installed from git and not PyPI # e.g. python-searchlightclient (not yet supported) #LIBS_FROM_GIT=python-searchlightclient ### ADD SOME IMAGES TO GLANCE ### # # latest cirros qcow2 image instead of UEC ones IMAGE_URLS+=",http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img" # latest Ubuntu Trusty amd64 cloud image IMAGE_URLS+=",https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/release/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img" # Fedora 21 cloud image (e.g. for AWS LoadBalancer resource in Heat) #IMAGE_URLS+=",http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Cloud/Images/x86_64/Fedora-Cloud-Base-20141203-21.x86_64.qcow2" ### CONFIGURE INSTALLED SERVICES ### # # Default set of components installed (as of DevStack Juno) is: # - Nova with Nova-network # - Keystone # - Glance # - Cinder with LVM backend # - Horizon # The below changes it. ### HEAT ### # # enable Heat services enable_service h-eng h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw heat # (ON REVIEW) Install image for Heat's integration tests HEAT_TEST_IMAGE=True ### CINDER ### # # Do not securely rewrite cinder volumes on delete #CINDER_SECURE_DELETE=False ### HORIZON ### # # disable Horizon (Dashboard) #disable_service horizon HORIZON_BRANCH=master ### NEUTRON ### # # disable Nova-network and enable Neutron disable_service n-net enable_service q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta q-metering q-lbaas q-fwaas neutron ### CEILOMETER ### # # metering services #enable_service ceilometer-acompute ceilometer-acentral ceilometer-anotification ceilometer-collector # alarming services #enable_service ceilometer-alarm-evaluator,ceilometer-alarm-notifier # api services # enable_service ceilometer-api # set shorter sample collection interval (default is 600) #CEILOMETER_PIPELINE_INTERVAL=60 ### SWIFT ### # enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-account # set swift hash - the hash below is result of # echo "SWIFT_HASH" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}' SWIFT_HASH=096d08da4f8d4cce3a724c5f6c18f055 SWIFT_REPLICAS=1 SWIFT_DATA_DIR=$DEST/data/swift ### DESIGNATE ### # enable_plugin designate https://git.openstack.org/openstack/designate # Searchlight # enable_plugin searchlight http://git.openstack.org/openstack/searchlight enable_service searchlight-api enable_service searchlight-listener enable_plugin searchlight-ui https://git.openstack.org/openstack/searchlight-ui ### POST CONFIG STAGE SETTINGS ### # # fix to allow access to instance vnc console when accessing Horizon via tunnel [[post-config|$NOVA_CONF]] [DEFAULT] #novncproxy_base_url = notify_on_state_change=vm_and_task_state [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messaging # decrease number of Heat engine workers, when too much for devstack [[post-config|$HEAT_CONF]] [DEFAULT] num_engine_workers = 2 [[post-config|$GLANCE_API_CONF]] [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messaging [[post-config|$CINDER_CONF]] [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messaging [[post-config|$DESIGNATE_CONF]] [oslo_messaging_notifications] driver = messaging ### Searchlight Configuration ### [[post-config|$SEARCHLIGHT_CONF]] [listener] #notifications_pool = searchlight-listener [resource_plugin] #notifications_topic = notifications #resource_group_name = searchlight [resource_plugin:os_nova_server] enabled = True #admin_only_fields = OS-EXT-STS:vm_state [resource_plugin:os_nova_hypervisor] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_glance_image] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_glance_metadef] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_cinder_volume] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_cinder_snapshot] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_designate_zone] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_designate_recordset] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_neutron_net] enabled = True [resource_plugin:os_neutron_port] enabled = True ## SWIFT SETTINGS ### # At this time we recommend that you manually enable the Searchlight plugins # for Swift after devstack has completed stacking. Please follow the # instructions in the docs: # # http://docs.openstack.org/developer/searchlight/plugins/swift.html # # Notifications must be configured properly for searchlight to process # incremental updates. There is a middleware patch to provide Swift updates. # Please see the plugin guide for swift for more information. [resource_plugin:os_swift_account] enabled = False #Specify same value as in swift proxy config for reseller_prefix reseller_prefix = AUTH_ [resource_plugin:os_swift_container] enabled = False [resource_plugin:os_swift_object] enabled = False