Adding documentation for security threat analysis
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# Build directories
# Transifex Client Setting
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Architecture diagram guidance
Types of diagrams required
This page provides guidance on architecture diagrams for threat
analysis, a template for architecture documentation is available at <link>.
Two types of diagrams are required for threat analysis:
- A service architecture diagram
- One or more information flow diagrams (either data flow diagrams,
sequence diagrams, or both)
Examples of each of these are given below. There are no firm diagramming
toolchain requirements, but the tool used must be able to draw the diagrams
discussed. It is generally preferable to use a text-based diagram
generator so diagrams can be managed with gerrit. Some options for tools
- (proprietary XML files, but very easy to use)
- Google drawing (no XML/text output, but can be used collaboratively)
- blockdiag (non-WYSIWYG with a steeper learning curve, suitable for very
simple diagrams)
When drawing architecture diagrams, it may be beneficial to draw the diagram on
paper or a whiteboard before attempting to draw it with a diagramming tool.
When you have completed the diagram, export both a text version (if available)
and a Portable Network Graphic (.png) file to be committed to the repository
with the architecture page.
Service architecture diagram requirements
Service Architecture diagrams contain these elements:
- Components
- A rectangle containing a unique name is used to depict each
- Components may be servers, clusters, or individual
- Standard component shapes should be used to illustrate component
- A vertical cylinder indicates storage or a database
- A horizontal cylinder (a “pipe” shape) indicates a message
queue (use an elongated rectangle if horizontal cylinders are
- A dashed rectangle indicates a future component
- Multi-instances of a component should be indicated by a quantity after
the component name, for example (100), and if possible layered component
- Component shapes don’t need to be all the same size. Some component
shapes may be shrunk to allow application layers to be easily recognized,
without creating a maze of crossed interface lines
- User access over the internet can be indicated by a cloud-shaped
component, but where multiple connections or external parties are
connected via the internet, a separate internet trust domain should be
- Interfaces
- An arrow connecting two components is used to depict an interface
- Each interface has a unique number and name; listing the network
protocol (in parenthesis) is strongly recommended
- Direction of interface arrow is from the component initiating the
connection; the arrowhead points to the listening/receiving component
- A future interface is indicated as a dashed arrow
- Trust domains
- Boundaries between trust domains must be shown
- Trust boundaries based on networks are indicated as a dashed line
(preferably with rounded corners), with the Network name listed at the
upper or lower boundary
- Trust boundaries based on groups of components (such as server pairs,
clusters, processes, or collections of related components) are indicated
by a dotted box
- When a third party network boundary is used to illustrate a trust domain,
use that third party's name as the network boundary label
Service architecture diagram template
This template illustrates the elements of a service architecture diagram.
.. image:: figures/Template_Architecture-diagram.png
Information flow diagram requirements
Information flow diagrams depict the flow of data between entities to
illustrate the steps in a process or procedure. Often, multiple diagrams
are created to illustrate individual use cases.
Each information flow diagram must be in the form of either a data flow
diagram (DFD) or a sequence diagram. The architect may select either
type of diagram (or both) for illustrating information flows within the
Information flow diagrams contain the following elements:
- Entities
- An entity may be a single process, multiple processes within a trust
domain, a data store, or an external entity.
- Each entity has a unique name which should match a name on the
architecture diagram
- The number of entities on a flow diagram often matches the number of
components on a service architecture diagram.
- Data flows
- Arrows indicate data flows between entities; the direction of the
arrow indicates the direction of data movement
- Any pair of entities may have multiple sets of arrows to
illustrate a multi-step exchange of data between the entities
- Typically every interface on a service architecture diagram has
one or more corresponding data flows on a flow diagram
- Trust boundaries
- Groups of entities with the same level of privilege form a trust
domain, the boundaries of which are indicated by a dashed line in
DFDs and by a shallow rectangle on sequence diagrams
- Optional supplementary information
- Textual notes on the diagram can provide clarification on data
types sent and received, changes in privilege, or steps forming a
use case
Data flow diagram template
This template illustrates the elements of a data flow diagram.
.. image:: figures/Template_DFD.png
Sequence diagram template
The following template illustrates the elements of a sequence diagram.
.. image:: figures/Template_Sequence-diagram.png
Sequence diagrams can be quickly and easily generated from text using
|||| . Enter a specification using a simple scripting
language, as follows. Be sure to include authentication steps in your diagram.
title Issue Certificate
Admin->GUI: 1. Login
GUI->Controller: 2. List(pending)
Controller->DB: 3. Fetch DB
DB->Controller: 4. Cert DB
Controller->Controller: 5. Filter(pending)
Controller->GUI: 6. Show pending certs
Admin->GUI: 7. Issue(ID)
GUI->Controller: 8. Issue(ID)
Controller->Controller: 9. Get CSR(ID)
Controller->CA: 9. Sign(CSR)
CA->Controller: 10. Cert
Controller->DB: 11. Update DB (ID, Issued, Cert)
Controller->User: 12. Email Notification
The tool creates a sequence diagram as follows:
.. image:: figures/Example_Generated-sequence-diagram.png
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blockdiag {
// Set labels and shapes for components
api_access [label = "Api Access", shape = cloud];
component_1 [label = "Component Name"];
component_2 [label = "Component Name"];
multi_component [label = "Component Name (>200)", stacked];
node_in_cluster [label = "A node in a cluster"];
future_component [label = "Future component", style = dashed]
db [label = "Database name", shape = flowchart.database]
mq [label = "Message queue", shape = roundedbox]
thirdparty [label = "Database name"]
// Define groups
group {
orientation = landscape;
label = "Nova VM Network";
shape = line;
style = dotted;
group {
orientation = portrait;
label = "Name of subsystem";
shape = line;
style = dotted;
group {
orientation = portrait;
label = "Name of cluster";
shape = line;
style = dotted;
group {
orientation = landscape;
label = "Production Network";
shape = line;
style = dotted;
group {
label = "";
shape = line;
style = dashed;
//Add the components and draw the lines
api_access -> component_1 [label = "1. Interface label (HTTPS)"];
component_1 -> component_2 [label = "2. Label (HTTP)"];
component_2 -> multi_component [label = "3. Label (HTTPs)"];
node_in_cluster -> future_component [label = "9. Future Interface", style = dashed];
node_in_cluster -> thirdparty
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OpenStack Security Threat Analysis
This is the index
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Search in this guide
* :ref:`search`
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Objectives for Security Threat Analysis
We assert that after a Threat Analysis we:
- Know all entry points into a system
- Know what assets are at risk
- Know where data is persisted
- Understand how data travels between components of the system
- Understand data formats and transformations
- Document external dependencies
- Identified who we are (and are not) protecting against
- Understand the impact of degrading controls
- Have a list of agreed defects
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Architecture page template
Project name architecture - version/release
**Status**: Draft/Ready for Review/Reviewed
**Release**: Juno/Kilo/Liberty if applicable
**Version**: 0.01 if applicable
- PTL: name - irc handle
- Architect: name - irc handle
- Security Reviewer: name - irc handle
Project description and purpose
A brief description of the purpose of the project. This should be a paragraph
or two and can be cut/paste from wiki or other documentation. Include links
to relevant presentations and further documentation if available.
Primary users and use-cases
A short statement about the expected primary users of the implemented
architecture, 'users' can either be actors or other services within OpenStack.
For example:
#. Administrators will use this tool to manage storage quotas
#. Nova will fetch TLS certificates for nova-migrate
#. IaaS services e.g cinder, neutron-lbaas and nova for encryption key
generation and storage.
Differences from previous architecture
If this is a revision of a prior architecture, briefly list the new components
and interfaces. If this is a new architecture that replaces a prior service,
briefly describe how this service differs from its ancestor. If this is an
entirely new service with no precedent, then state only "This is a new service
with no related prior solution".
For example:
- New OpenStack service added in Liberty.
External dependencies & associated security assumptions
External dependencies are items outside of the control of the service that are
required for its operation, and may impact the service if they were compromised
or became unavailable. These items are usually outside the control of the
developer but within the control of the deployer, but may be operated by a
third party.
For example:
- Nova compute service is configured in accordance with security best practice.
- AWS object storage.
In the component descriptions that follow, IC means that in a typical
deployment,they reside in hosted instances on the cloud, and UC means they are
likely to be in the under cloud infrastructure.
- component-1 (optional product/technology name)[IC or UC]: Describe component
- component-2 [IC]: Describe component
- component-3 [UC]: Describe component
For Example:
- Worker Queue (rabbitmq) [UC]: This queue is used to process new order
requests. Other systems involved submit and receive data via this queue.
- Database (MySQL) [IC or UC]: Open-source sql database to store Barbican state
data related to its managed entities and their metadata.
.. csv-table::
:header: "Interface","Network name","Network protocol","Requestor","Request","Request credentials","Request authorization","Listener","Response","Response credentials","Description of operation"
- Enter a component name in the Requestor and Listener columns.
- Enter a data asset name in the Request and Response columns.
- Do not use an interface to show a function call within the same process.
- It is appropriate to show calls or effects which a process or library
makes outside of the process. For example, if the project is responsible for
part of a process, such as a library, do not list intra-process calls to that
library as separate interfaces. On the service architecture diagram you can
show the process and the library and color-code them to show the part(s) for
which the project has responsibility.
- If a request uses mutual TLS authentication (using both a client and server
certificate) then it may be appropriate to list 'TLS Certificate' in the
'Request credentials field' for that interface, but otherwise TLS should not
be regarded as a credential. The following examples attempt to clarify this
for common situations:
- Over an HTTPS session a service sends a Keystone token to authenticate
itself. In this case the Request credential is the Keystone token and the
Network protocol is HTTPS.
- A service connects to a database using SQL with a username and password.
Customers have the option at installation time to set up TLS for this
connection but are not required to do so. In this case list the most
secure available option in the interfaces table: the Network protocol is
"SQL with TLS" and the Request credentials are "username/password".
Service architecture diagram
Insert Service Architecture diagram here. For diagram requirements see
Architecture Diagram guidance.
Data assets
The following is the description of data assets used by this service. See the
TODO Information Classification Handling Policy for an explanation of
requirements associated with the Confidentiality and Availability labels.
.. csv-table::
:header: "Data name","Confidentiality","Integrity","Availability","Description"
"System request","Confidential","High","Medium","Requests between OpenStack services"
"System reply","Confidential","High","Medium","Replies to System requests"
"Data type X","Confidential","High","High","Data in motion, not stored"
"Data type Y","Confidential","High","Medium","Parameters in config file."
"MySQL database","Confidential","High","High","Contains user preferences. Backup to Swift daily."
Data flow diagram(s)
Insert DFDs here. If you prefer to use sequence diagrams, then delete this
section. Architecture documentation should have at least one DFD or sequence
An example of a data flow diagram is shown below:
.. image:: ../figures/Template_DFD.png
Sequence diagram(s)
Insert sequence diagrams here. If you prefer to use DFDs, then delete this
section. Architecture documentation should have at least one DFD or sequence
An example of a sequence diagram is shown below:
.. image:: ../figures/Template_Sequence-diagram.png
Summary of controls **Delete this section??**
Summary of controls spanning multiple components and interfaces:
- **Audit**: for example: SERVICENAME performs logging. Logs are
collected by the centralized logging service.
- **Authentication**: for example: authentication via Keystone tokens
at APIs. Password authentication to MQ and DB.
- **Authorization**: for example: OpenStack provides admin and
non-admin roles that are indicated in session tokens. Processes run
at minimum privilege. Processes run as unique user/group definitions
(servicename/servicename). Appropriate filesystem controls prevent
other processes from accessing service’s files. Security Groups
(or IPtables) ensure that no unneeded ports are open. Security Groups
provide authorization controls between in-cloud components. IPtables
and ACLs at the network perimeter and VLAN boundaries ensure that no
unneeded ports are open.
- **Availability**: for example: redundant hosts, clustered DB,
fail-over –or—This is not an HA process. Throttle to prevent API
flooding. Monitoring via centralized monitoring service.
- **Confidentiality**: for example: Network connections over TLS.
Network separation via VLANs. Data and config files protected via
filesystem controls. Unencrypted local traffic is bound to localhost.
- **Integrity**: for example: Network connections over TLS. Network
separation via VLANs. DB API integrity protected by SQL Alchemy. Data
and config files are protected by filesystem controls. Unencrypted
local traffic is bound to localhost.
- URL related to this project
- URL related to this project
- URL related to this project
- URL related to this project
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Threat Analysis Process
This page documents the process for a Threat Analysis review, which consists of
the following phases:
- Preparing artifacts for review
- Verifying readiness for a threat analysis review
- Scheduling the threat analysis review
- Running the threat analysis review
- Follow-up from the threat analysis review
Preparing artifacts for review
- Complete the architecture page. The architecture page describes the purpose
of the service, and captures the information that is required for an
effective threat analysis review. A template for the architecture page is
provided at <link> and there is guidance on diagraming at <link>. If further
help or advice is needed, please reach out to the Security Project via the
|||| mailing list, tagging your email
- The architecture page should describe a best practice deployment. If a
reference architecture is available this may be a good example to use,
otherwise the page should describe a best practice deployment, rather than
the simplest possible deployment. Where reference architectures do not exist,
it is possible that the architecture drawn for the threat analysis process
can be used as a reference architecture.
- The following information is required in the architecture page for review:
#. A brief description of the service, its purpose and intended usage.
#. A list of components in the architecture, their purpose, any sensitive
data they persist and protocols they expose.
#. External dependancies and security assumptions made about them.
#. An architecture block diagram.
#. Either a sequence diagram or a data flow diagram, describing common
operations of the service
Before the review
- Verify that the service’s architecture page contains all the sections listed
in the Architecture Page Template <link>.
- The architecture page should include diagrams as specified in the
Architecture Diagram guidance <link>.
- Send an email to the mailing list with a
[security] tag to announce the up-coming threat analysis review.
- Prepare a threat analysis review etherpad, using this template <link>.
- Print the architecture page as a PDF, to be checked in along with the review
notes, as evidence of what was reviewed.
Running the threat analysis review
- Identify the “scribe” role, who will record the discussion and any findings
in the etherpad.
- Ask the project architect to briefly describe the purpose of the service,
typical uses cases, who will use it and how it will be deployed. Identify the data assets that might be at risk, eg peoples photos, cat videos, databases. Assets in flight and at rest.
- Briefly consider potential abuse cases, what might an attacker want to use
this service for? Could an attacker use this service as a stepping stone to
attack other services? Do not spend too long on this section, as abuse cases
will come up as the architecture is discussed.
- Ask the project architect to summarize the architecture by stepping through
the architecture block diagram. While reviewing the architecture, perform the
following steps:
#. For each interface between components, consider the confidentiality,
integrity and availability requirements for that interface. Is
sensitive data protected effectively to prevent information disclosure
(loss of confidentiality) or tampering (loss of integrity)? Is there a
requirement for availability which should be documented and added to
reference deployments? In addition to considering the authenticity of
the data in transit, consider how the authenticity of the sending and
receiving nodes is assured.
#. Consider the protocols used to pass data between interfaces. Is this an
appropriate protocol, is it a current protocol, does it have documented
vulnerabilities, is the implementation in use maintained? Is this protocol
used as a security control to provide confidentiality, integrity or
#. Can this interface be used as an entry point to the system, can an attacker
use it to attack a potentially vulnerable service? If so, consider what
additional controls should be applied to limit the exposure.
#. If an attacker was able to compromise a given component, what would that
enable them to do? Could they stepping-stone through the OpenStack cloud?
#. How is the service administered? Is this a secure path, with appropriate
authentication and authorization controls?
- Once the reviewers are familiar with the service, re-consider abuse cases, are
there any other cases which should be considered and mitigated?
- Step through typical use-case diagrams. Again consider if sensitive data is
appropriately protected. Where an entry point is identified, consider how
risks of malicious input data can be mitigated.
- If any potential vulnerabilities are identified, they should be discussed
with the project team, if they agree that it is an issue then a note should
be made in the findings section of the etherpad, with a short title and
summary of the issue, including a note of who found it. If the project team
disagree, then the note should be made under the further investigation
Follow-up from the threat analysis review
- Create a Master Bug for the TA review. The summary and description should
both say "Threat Analysis Review for [ServiceName]. Include the PTL,
Service Architect, Security Architect, and Architecture page link in the
- Create a separate bug for each of the security findings listed in the TA
Review notes.
- Update the Threat Analysis Review Etherpad each of the new launchpad bug
- Paste the contents of the Threat Analysis Review Etherpad into a text file in
security-docs/security-ta/notes and push it to the security-review repo using
- Distribute the Threat Analysis Review Notes via email to all who were present
at the threat analysis. If anyone discovers errors or omissions in the notes,
then make corrections.
- On the threat analysis reviews wiki page create a new row in the reviews
table, include a link to the master bug, the date of the review, the PTL and
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Threat Analyis Todo
#. TA Calendar
#. Wiki page saying what TAs have been done, and havent.
#. Etherpad template for review tracking
#. process
Current Status
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
<Project Name> Architecture
- PTL: <name> - <irc handle>
- Architect: <name> - <irc handle>
- Security Reviewer: <name> - <irc handle>
Project Description and Purpose
<Brief description of the purpose of the project; about a paragraph, can be cut/paste from wiki or other documentation. Include links to relevant presentations if available. Remove this comment>.
Primary Users
<Short statement about the expected primary users of the implemented
architecture. Remove this comment>.
Differences from Previous Architecture
<If this is a revision of a prior architecture, briefly list the new
components and interfaces>
<If this is a new architecture that replaces a prior service, briefly
describe how this service differs from its ancestor>
<If this is an entirely new service with no precedent, then state only
"This is a new service with no related prior solution".>
In the component descriptions that follow, I-C means they reside in
hosted instances on the cloud, and U-C means they are in the under
cloud infrastructure.
- <component-1 (I-C or U-C): <Describe component>
- <component-2 (I-C): <Describe component>
- <component-3 (U-C): <Describe component>
The following is the description of data types used by this service.
<See the <TODO> Information Classification Handling Policy for an
explanation of requirements associated with the Confidentiality and
Availability labels. Remove this comment>
.. csv-table::
:header: "Data name","Confidentiality","Integrity","Availability","Description"
"System request","Confidential","High","Medium","Requests between OpenStack services"
"System reply","Confidential","High","Medium","Replies to System requests"
"Data type X","Confidential","High","High","Data in motion, not stored"
"Data type Y","Confidential","High","Medium","Parameters in config file."
"MySQL database","Confidential","High","High","Contains user preferences. Backup to Swift daily."
Service Architecture Diagram
<Insert Service Architecture diagram here. For diagram requirements see
Architecture Diagram Requirements. Remove this comment>
.. csv-table::
:header: "Interface","Network name","Network protocol","Requestor","Request","Request credentials","Request authorization","Listener","Response","Response credentials","Description of operation"
- Enter a component name in the Requestor and Listener columns.
- Enter a data name in the Request and Response columns. If a request
uses unidirectional TLS authentication (which means that the client
authenticates the server but the server does NOT authenticate the
client) then TLS should not be listed in the "Request credentials"
cell for the interface. If a request uses bidirectional TLS
authentication (which means that the server authenticates the client
and the client authenticates the server) then it may be appropriate to
list "TLS Certificate" in the "Request credentials" cell for the
interface but normally this is not the case. The following examples
attempt to clarify this for common situations:
Over an HTTPS session a service sends a Keystone token to authenticate
itself. In this case the Request credential is the Keystone token and
the Network protocol is HTTPS.
A service connects to a database using SQL with a username and password.
Customers have the option at installation time to set up TLS for this
connection but are not required to do so. In this case list the most
secure available option in the interfaces table: the Network protocol is
"SQL with TLS" and the Request credentials are "username/password"
Do not use an interface to show a function call within the same process.
It is appropriate to show calls or effects which a process or library
makes outside of the process. For example, if the project is
responsible for part of a process, such as a library, do not list
intra-process calls to that library as separate interfaces. On the
service architecture diagram you can show the process and the library
and color-code them to show the part(s) for which the project has
responsibility, like this:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user