Cluster and node design doc

This is a initial version of the developer document. It describes the
targeted use cases and the design decisions made to meet the requirements.
This patch only contains docs related to cluster and node. Following
patch will provide doc on other objects and/or components.

Change-Id: I9b435ee0e890cb4e985ce739cf8948b7bbb93d95
This commit is contained in:
tengqm 2015-06-10 21:31:08 -04:00
parent a23eb7bf16
commit 45e2e8ff31
3 changed files with 852 additions and 2 deletions

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
Clusters are first-class citizens in Senlin service design. A cluster is
defined as a collection of homogeneous objects. The "homogeneous" here means
that the objects managed (aka. Nodes) have to be instantiated from the same
"profile type".
A cluster can contain zero or more nodes. Senlin provides REST APIs for users
to create, retrieve, update, delete clusters. Using these APIs, a user can
manage the node membership of a cluster.
A cluster is owned by a user (the owner), and it is accessible from within the
Keystone project (tenant) which is the default project of the user.
A cluster has the following timestamps when instantiated:
- ``init_time``: the timestamp when a cluster object is initialized in the
Senlin database, but the actual cluster creation has not yet started;
- ``created_time``: the timestamp when the cluster object is created, i.e.
the ``CLUSTER_CREATE`` action has completed;
- ``updated_time``: the timestamp when the cluster was last updated;
- ``deleted_time``: the timestamp when the cluster was deleted, if not None.
Cluster objects are always soft-deleted, which means once the
``deleted_time`` field is set to a non-empty value, the cluster will be
treated as deleted.
Cluster Statuses
A cluster can have one of the following statuses during its lifecycle:
- ``INIT``: the cluster object has been initialized, but not created yet;
- ``ACTIVE``: the cluster is created and providing service;
- ``CREATING``: the cluster creation action is still on going;
- ``ERROR``: the cluster is still providing services, but there are things
going wrong that needs human intervention;
- ``CRITICAL``: the cluster is not operational, it may or may not be
providing services as expected. Senlin cannot recover it from its current
status. The best way to deal with this cluster is to delete it and then
re-create it if needed.
- ``DELETING``: the cluster deletion is ongoing, i.e. cluster is
transitioning to the ``DELETED`` status;
- ``DELETED``: the cluster has been marked as deleted;
- ``WARNING``: the cluster is operational, but there are some warnings
detected during past operations. In this case, human involvement is
suggested but not required.
- ``UPDATING``: the cluster is being updated.
Along with the ``status`` property, Senlin provides a ``status_reason``
property for users to check what is the cause of the cluster's current status.
To avoid frequent databases accesses, a cluster object has a runtime data
property named ``rt`` which is a Python dictionary. The property caches the
profile referenced by the cluster, the list of nodes in the cluster and the
policies attached to the cluster. The runtime data is not directly visible to
users. It is merely a convenience for cluster operations.
Creating A Cluster
When creating a cluster, the Senlin API will verify whether the request
carries a body with valid, sufficient information for the engine to complete
the creation job. The following fields are required in a map named ``cluster``
in the request JSON body:
- ``name``: the name of the cluster to be created;
- ``profile``: the name or ID or short-ID of a profile to be used;
- ``desired_capacity``: the desired number of nodes in the cluster, which is
treated also as the initial number of nodes to be created.
The following optional fields can be provided in the ``cluster`` map in the
JSON request body:
- ``min_size``: the minimum number of nodes inside the cluster, default
value is 0;
- ``max_size``: the maximum number of nodes inside the cluster, default
value is -1, which means there is no upper limit on the number of nodes;
- ``timeout``: the maximum number of seconds to wait for the cluster to
become ready, i.e. ``ACTIVE``.
- ``parent``: the parent cluster for the cluster to be created. This feature
is still not supported. Default value is None.
- ``metadata``: a list of key-value pairs to be associated with the cluster.
The ``max_size`` and the ``min_size`` fields, when specified, will be checked
against each other by the Senlin API. The API also checks if the specified
``desired_capacity`` falls out of the range [``min_size``, ``max_size``]. If
any verification failes, a ``HTTPBadRequest`` exception is thrown and the
cluster creation request is rejected.
A cluster creation request is then forwarded to the Senlin RPC engine for
processing, where the engine creates an Action for the request and queues it
for any worker threads to execute. Once the action is queued, the RPC engine
returns the current cluster properties in a map to the API. Along with these
properties, the engine also returns the UUID of the Action that will do the
real job of cluster creation. A user can check the status of the action to
determine whether the cluster has been successfully completed or failed.
Listing Clusters
Clusters in the current project can be queried using some query parameters.
None of these parameters is required. By default, the Senlin API will return
all clusters that are not deleted.
When listing clusters, the following query parameters can be specified,
individually or combined:
- ``filters``: a map containing key-value pairs for matching. Records that
fail to match the criteria will be filtered out. The valid keys in this map
* ``name``: name of clusters to list, can be a string or a list of strings;
* ``status``: status of clusters, can be a string or a list of strings;
* ``project``: ID of the project to which a cluster belongs, can be a string
or a list of strings;
* ``parent``: the UUID of the parent cluster, if any. It can be a string or
a list of strings. This feature is not yet supported.
* ``user``: ID of the user who is the owner of the clusters. It can be a
string or a list of strings.
- ``limit``: a number that restricts the maximum number of records to be
returned from the query. It is useful for displaying the records in pages
where the page size can be specified as the limit.
- ``marker``: A string that represents the last seen UUID of clusters in
previous queries. This query will only return results appearing after the
specified UUID. This is useful for displaying records in pages.
- ``sort_dir``: A string to enforce sorting of the results. It can accept
either ``asc`` or ``desc`` as its value.
- ``sort_keys``: A string or a list of strings where each string gives a
cluster property name used for sorting.
- ``show_deleted``: A boolean indicating whether deleted clusters should be
included in the results. The default is False.
- ``show_nested``: A boolean indicating whether nested clusters should be
included in the results. The default is True. This feature is yet to be
**NOTE**: The ``sort_keys`` and ``sort_dir`` parameters are deprecating. In
future, sorting parameters will be specified in a more generic way as
suggested by the API working group.
Getting a Cluster
When a user wants to check the details about a specific cluster, he or she can
specify one of the following keys for query:
- cluster UUID: Clusters are queried strictly based on the UUID given. This is
the most precise query supported.
- cluster name: Senlin allows multiple clusters to have the same name. It is
user's responsibility to avoid name conflicts if needed. The output may be
the details of a cluster if the cluster name is unique, or else Senlin will
return a message telling users that multiple clusters found matching the
specified name.
- short ID: Considering that UUID is a long string not so convenient to input,
Senlin supports a short version of UUIDs for query. Senlin engine will use
the provided string as a prefix to attemp a matching in the database. When
the "ID" is long enough to be unique, the details of the matching cluster is
returned, or else Senlin will return an error message indicating that more
than one cluster matching the short ID have been found.
Senlin engine service will try the above three ways in order to find a match
in database.
In the returned result, Senlin injects a list of node IDs for nodes in the
cluster. It also injects the name of the profile used by the cluster. These
are all for user's convenience.
Updating A Cluster
A cluster can be updated upon user's requests. In theory, all properties of a
cluster could be updated/changed. However, some update operations are light
-weight ones, others are heavy weight ones. This is because the semantics of
properties differ a lot from each other. Currently, cluster profile related
changes and cluster size related changes are heavy weight because they may
induce a chain of operations on the cluster. Updating other properties are
light weight operations.
In the JSON body of a ``cluster_update`` request, users can specify new values
for the following properties:
- ``name``: new cluster name;
- ``profile_id``: ID or name or short ID of a profile object to use;
- ``parent``: ID or name or short ID of a parent cluster, this feature is yet
to be supported;
- ``metadata``: a list of key-value pairs to be associated with the cluster,
this dict will be merged with the existing key-value pairs based on keys.
- ``desired_capacity``: new *desired* size for the cluster;
- ``min_size``: new lower bound for the cluster size;
- ``max_size``: new upper bound for the cluster size.
- ``timeout``: new timeout value for the specified cluster.
Update Cluster Profile
When ``profile_id`` is specified, the request will be interpreted as a
wholistic update to all nodes across the cluster. The targeted use case is to
do a cluster wide system upgrade. For example, replacing glance images used by
the cluster nodes when new kernel patches have been applied or software
defects have been fixed.
When receiving such an update request, the Senlin engine will check if the new
profile referenced does exist and whether the new profile has the same profile
type as that of the existing profile. Exceptions will be thrown if any
verification has failed and thus the request is rejected.
After the engine has validated the request, an Action of ``CLUSTER_UPDATE`` is
created and queued internally for execution. Later on, when a worker thread
picks up the action for execution, it will first lock the whole cluster and
mark the cluster status as ``UPDATING``. It will then fork ``NODE_UPDATE``
actions per node inside the cluster, which are in turn queued for execution.
Other worker threads will pick up the node level update action for execution
and mark the action as completed/failed. When all these node level updates are
completed, the ``CLUSTER_UPDATE`` operation continues and marks the cluster as
``ACTIVE`` again.
The cluster update operation may take a long time to complete, depending on
the response time from the underlying profile operations. Note also, when
there is a update policy is attached to the cluster and enabled, the update
operation may be split into several batches so that 1) there is a minimum
number of nodes remained in service at any time; 2) the pressure on the
underlying service is controlled.
Update Cluster Size Properties
When either one of the ``desired_capacity``, ``min_size`` and ``max_size``
property is specified in the ``CLUSTER_UPDATE`` request, it may lead to a
resize operation on the cluster.
The Senlin API will do a preliminary validation upon the new property values.
For example, if both ``min_size`` and ``max_size`` are specified, they have to
be integers and the value for ``max_size`` is greater than the value for
``min_size``, unless the value of ``max_size`` is -1 which means the upper
bound of cluster size is unlimited.
When the request is then received by the Senlin engine, the engine first
retrieves the cluster properties from the database and do further
cross-verifications between the new property values and the current values.
For example, it is treated as an invalid request if a user has specified value
for ``min_size`` but no value for ``max_size``, however the new ``min_size``
is greater than the existing ``max_size`` of the cluster. In this case, the
user has to provide a valid ``max_size`` to override the existing value, or
he/she has to lower the ``min_size`` value so that the request becomes
Once the cross-verification has passed, Senlin engine will calculate the new
``desired_capacity`` and adjust the size of the cluster if deemed necessary.
For example, when the cluster size is below the new ``min_size``, some nodes
will be removed from the cluster; when the cluster size is above the new
``max_size``, new nodes will be created and added to the cluster. If the
``desired_capacity`` is set and the property value falls between the new range
of cluster size, Senlin tries resize the cluster to the ``desired_capacity``.
When the size of the cluster is adjusted, Senlin engine will check if there
are relevant policies attached to the cluster so that the engine will add
and/or remove nodes in a predictable way.
Update Other Cluster Properties
The update to other cluster properties is relatively straightforward. Senlin
engine simply verifies the data types when necessary and override the existing
property values in the database.
Note that in the cases where multiple properties are specified in a single
``CLUSTER_UPDATE`` request, some will take a longer time to complete than
others. Any mixes of update properties are acceptable to the Senlin API and
the engine.
Cluster Actions
A cluster object supports the following asynchronous actions:
- ``add_nodes``: add a list of nodes into the target cluster;
- ``del_nodes``: remove the specified list of nodes from the cluster;
- ``resize``: adjust the size of the cluster;
- ``scale_in``: explicitly shrink the size of the cluster;
- ``scale_out``: explicitly enlarge the size of the cluster.
- ``policy_attach``: attach a policy object to the cluster;
- ``policy_detach``: detach a policy object from the cluster;
- ``policy_update``: modify the settings of a policy that is attached to the
The ``scale_in`` and the ``scale_out`` actions are subject to change in future.
We recommend using the unified ``CLUSTER_RESIZE`` action for cluster size
Software or a user can trigger a ``cluster_action`` API to issue an action
for Senlin to perform. In the JSON body of these requests, Senlin will verify
if the top-level key contains *one* of the above actions. When no valid action
name is found or more than one action is specified, the API will return error
messages to the caller and reject the request.
Adding Nodes To A Cluster
Senlin API provides the ``add_nodes`` action for user to add some existing
nodes into the specified cluster. The parameter for this action is interpreted
as a list in which each item is the UUID, name or short ID of a node.
When receiving an ``add_nodes`` action request, the Senlin API only validates
if the parameter is a list and if the list is empty. After this validation,
the request is forwarded to the Senlin engine for processing.
The Senlin engine will examine nodes in the list one by one and see if any of
the following conditions is true. Senlin engine rejects the request if so.
- Any node from the list is not in ``ACTIVE`` state?
- Any node from the list is still member of another cluster?
- Any node from the list is not found in the database?
- Number of nodes to add is zero?
When this phase of validation succeeds, the request is translated into a
``CLUSTER_ADD_NODES`` builtin action and queued for execution. The engine
returns to the user an action UUID for checking.
When the action is picked up by a worker thread for execution, Senlin checks
if the profile type of the nodes to be added matches that of the cluster.
Finally, a number of ``NODE_JOIN`` action is forked and executed from the
``CLUSTER_ADD_NODES`` action. When ``NODE_JOIN`` actions complete, the
``CLUSTER_ADD_NODES`` action returns with success.
In the cases where there are load-balancing policies attached to the cluster,
the ``CLUSTER_ADD_NODES`` action will save the list of UUIDs of the new nodes
into the action's ``data`` field so that those policies could update the
associated resources.
Deleting Nodes From A Cluster
Senlin API provides the ``del_nodes`` action for user to delete some existing
nodes from the specified cluster. The parameter for this action is interpreted
as a list in which each item is the UUID, name or short ID of a node.
When receiving a ``del_nodes`` action request, the Senlin API only validates
if the parameter is a list and if the list is empty. After this validation,
the request is forwarded to the Senlin engine for processing.
The Senlin engine will examine nodes in the list one by one and see if any of
the following conditions is true. Senlin engine rejects the request if so.
- Any node from the list cannot be found from the database?
- Any node from the list is not member of the specified cluster?
- Number of nodes to delete is zero?
When this phase of validation succeeds, the request is translated into a
``CLUSTER_DEL_NODES`` builtin action and queued for execution. The engine
returns to the user an action UUID for checking.
When the action is picked up by a worker thread for execution, Senlin forks a
number of ``NODE_DELETE`` actions and execute them asynchronously. When all
forked actions complete, the ``CLUSTER_DEL_NODES`` returns with a success.
In the cases where there are load-balancing policies attached to the cluster,
the ``CLUSTER_DEL_NODES`` action will save the list of UUIDs of the deleted
nodes into the action's ``data`` field so that those policies could update the
associated resources.
Note also that by default Senlin won't destroy the nodes that are deleted
from the cluster. It simply removes the nodes from the cluster so that they
become orphan nodes.
Resizing A Cluster
In addition to the ``cluster_update`` request, Senlin provides a dedicated API
for adjusting the size of a cluster, i.e. ``cluster_resize``. This operation
is designed for the auto-scaling and manual-scaling use cases.
Below is a list of API parameters recognizable by the Senlin API when parsing
the JSON body of a ``cluster_resize`` request:
- ``adjustment_type``: type of adjustment to be performed where the value
should be one of the followings:
* ``EXACT_CAPACITY``: the adjustment is about the targeted size of the
* ``CHANGE_IN_CAPACITY``: the adjustment is about the number of nodes to be
added or removed from the cluster and this is the default setting;
* ``CHANGE_IN_PERCENTAGE``: the adjustment is about a relative percentage of
the targeted cluster.
This field is mandatory.
- ``number``: adjustment number whose value will be interpreted base on the
value of ``adjustment_type``. This field is mandatory.
- ``min_size``: the new lower bound for the cluster size;
- ``max_size``: the new upper bound for the cluster size;
- ``min_step``: the minimum number of nodes to be added or removed when the
``adjustment_type`` is set to ``CHANGE_IN_PERCENTAGE`` and the absolute
value computed is less than 1;
- ``strict``: a boolean value indicating whether the service should do a
best-effort resizing operation even if the request cannot be fully met.
For example, the following request is about increasing the size of the cluster
by 20% and Senlin can try a best-effort if the calculated size is greater than
the upper limit of the cluster size:
"number": "20",
"strict": False,
When Senlin API receives a ``cluster_resize`` request, it first validates the
data type of the values and the sanity of the value collection. For example,
you cannot specify a ``min_size`` greater than the current upper bound (i.e.
the ``max_size`` property of the cluster) if you are not providing a new
``max_size`` that is greater than the ``min_size``.
After the request is forwarded to the Senlin engine, the engine will further
validates the parameter values against the targeted cluster. When all
validations pass, the request is converted into a ``CLUSTER_RESIZE`` action
and queued for execution. The API returns the cluster properties and the UUID
of the action at this moment.
When executing the action, Senlin will analyze the request parameters and
determine the operations to be performed to meet user's requirement. The
corresponding cluster properties are updated before the resize operation
is started.
Scaling In/Out A Cluster
As a convenience method, Senlin provides the ``scale_out`` and the ``scale_in``
action API for clusters. With these two APIs, a user can request a cluster to
be resized by the specified number of nodes.
The ``scale_out`` and the ``scale_in`` APIs both take a parameter named
``count`` which is a positive integer. The integer parameter is optional, and
it specifies the number of nodes to be added or removed if provided. When it
is omitted from the request JSON body, Senlin engine will check if the cluster
has any relevant policies attached that will decide the number of nodes to be
added or removed respectively. The Senlin engine will use the outputs from
these policies as the number of nodes to create (or delete) if such policies
exist. When the request does contain a ``count`` parameter and there are
policies governing the scaling arguments, the ``count`` parameter value may
be overriden/ignored.
When a ``scale_out`` or a ``scale_in`` request is received by the Senlin
engine, a ``CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT`` or a ``CLUSTER_SCALE_IN`` action is then
created and queued for execution after some validation of the parameter value.
A worker thread picks up the action and execute it. The worker will check if
there are outputs from policy checkings. For ``CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT`` actions,
the worker checks if the policies checked has left a ``count`` key in the
dictionary named ``creation`` from the action's runtime ``data`` attribute.
The worker will use such a ``count`` value for node creation. For a
``CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT`` action, the worker checks if the policies checked has
left a ``count`` key in the dictionary named ``deletion`` from the action's
runtime ``data`` attribute. The worker will use such a ``count`` value for
node deletion.
Note that both ``scale_out`` and ``scale_in`` actions will adjust the
``desired_capacity`` property of the target cluster.
Cluster Policy Bindings
Senlin API provides the following action APIs for managing the binding
relationship between a cluster and a policy:
- ``policy_attach``: attach a policy to a cluster;
- ``policy_detach``: detach a policy from a cluster;
- ``policy_update``: update the properties of the binding between a cluster
and a policy.
Attaching A Policy To A Cluster
Once a policy is attached (bound) to a cluster, it will be enforced when
related actions are performed on that cluster, unless the policy is
(temporarily) disabled on the cluster.
When attaching a policy to a cluster, the following properties can be
- ``priority``: a non-negative integer specifying the relative priority among
all policies attached to a cluster. The value must be less than 100. A
larger value indicates a higher priority. A policy attached with a higher
priority is always checked before those with a lower priority for policies
that are checked for the same action.
- ``level``: the enforcement level for the particular binding. When specified,
it will override the default enforcement level of the policy.
- ``cooldown``: the cooldown interval in seconds. When specified, it will
override the default cooldown setting for the policy.
- ``enabled``: a boolean indicating whether the policy should be enabled on
the cluster once attached. Default is True. When specified, it will override
the default setting for the policy.
Upon receiving the ``policy_attach`` request, the Senlin engine will perform
some validations then translate the request into a ``CLUSTER_ATTACH_POLICY``
action and queue the action for execution. The action's UUID is then returned
to Senlin API and finally the requestor.
When the engine executes the action, it will try find if the policy is already
attached to the cluster. This checking was not done previously because the
engine must ensure that the cluster has been locked before this checking, or
else there might be race conditions.
The engine calls the policy's ``attach`` method when attaching the policy and
record the binding into database if the ``attach`` method returns a positive
Currently, Senlin does not allow two policies of the same type to be attached
to the same cluster. This constraint may be relaxed in future, but for now, it
is checked and enforced before a policy gets attached to a cluster.
Policies attached to a cluster are cached at the target cluster as part of its
runtime ``rt`` data structure. This is an optimization regarding DB queries.
Detaching A Policy from A Cluster
Once a policy is attached to a cluster, it can be detached from the cluster at
user's request. The only parameter required for the ``policy_detach`` action
API is ``policy_id``, which can be the UUID, the name or the short ID of the
Upon receiving a ``policy_detach`` request, the Senlin engine will perform
some validations then translate the request into a ``CLUSTER_DETACH_POLICY``
action and queue the action for execution. The action's UUID is then returned
to Senlin API and finally the requestor.
When the Senlin engine executes the ``CLUSTER_DETACH_POLICY`` action, it will
try find if the policy is already attached to the cluster. This checking was
not done previously because the engine must ensure that the cluster has been
locked before this checking, or else there might be race conditions.
The engine calls the policy's ``detach`` method when detaching the policy from
the cluster and then removes the binding record from database if the
``detach`` method returns a True value.
Policies attached to a cluster are cached at the target cluster as part of its
runtime ``rt`` data structure. This is an optimization regarding DB queries.
The ``CLUSTER_DETACH_POLICY`` action will invalidate the cache when detaching
a policy from a cluster.
Updating A Policy On A Cluster
When a policy is attached to a cluster, there are some properties pertaining
to the binding. These properties can be updated as long as the policy is still
attached to the cluster. The properties that can be updated include:
- ``priority``: the relative priority of the policy among the policies that
are attached to the same cluster and enforced for the same action. A larger
value means a higher priority, thus a privilege to be evaluated before any
other policies with a lower priority.
- ``level``: each policy's enforcement level may get customized when attached
to a cluster. This enforcement level can be changed after the binding
relationship is established.
- ``cooldown``: the cooldown property of a policy can be customized when the
policy is attached to a cluster, and this new cooldown value can be changed
as long as the policy is still attached to the cluster.
- ``enabled``: a boolean value indicating whether the policy should be enabled
or disabled. There are cases where some policies have to be temporarily
disabled when other manual operations going on.
Upon receiving the ``policy_update`` request, Senlin API performs some basic
validations on the parameters passed.
Senlin engine translates the ``policy_update`` request into an action
``CLUSTER_UPDATE_POLICY`` and queue it for execution. The UUID of the action
is then returned to Senlin API and eventually the requestor.
During execution of the ``CLUSTER_UPDATE_POLICY`` action, Senlin engine
simply updates the binding record in the database and returns.

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
A node is a logical entity managed by the Senlin service. Each node can belong
to at most one cluster. A node that does not belong to any cluster can be
referred to as an "orphan" node.
Node Properties
There are some common properties that are defined for all nodes. The following
properties are always available on a node:
- ``profile_id``: ID of the profile from which the node is created.
- ``cluster_id``: When a node is a member of a cluster, the ``cluster_id``
value indicates the ID of the owning cluster. For an orphan node, this
property is empty.
- ``name``: The name of a node doesn't have to be unique even in the scope of
the owning cluster (if there is one). For nodes created by Senlin service
upon policy enforcement or when performing certain actions, Senlin engine
will generate names for them automatically.
- ``index``: Each node has an ``index`` value which is unique in the scope of
its owning cluster. The value is used to uniquely identify the node inside
a cluster. For orphan nodes, the ``index`` value will be -1.
- ``role``: Each node in a cluster may have a role to play. The value of this
property is a string that specifies the role a node plays in the owning
cluster. Each profile type may support different set of roles.
- ``user``: ID of the user who is the creator (owner) of the node.
- ``project``: ID of the Keystone project in which the node was created.
- ``domain``: ID of the Keystone domain in which the node was created.
- ``init_time``: The timestamp when the node object was initialized.
- ``created_time``: The timestamp when the node was created.
- ``updated_time``: The timestamp when last time the node was updated.
- ``deleted_time``: The timestamp when the cluster is deleted. Once this
property is set to a non-empty value, the cluster is regarded as deleted.
- ``metadata``: A list of key-value pairs that are associated with the node.
- ``physical_id``: The UUID of the physical object that backs this node. The
property value is empty if there is no physical objects associated with it.
- ``status``: A string indicating the current status of the node.
- ``status_reason``: A string describing the reason why the node transited to
its current status.
In addition to the above properties, when a node is retrieved and shown to the
user, Senlin provides a pseudo-property named ``profile_name`` for user's
Cluster Membership
A prerequisite for a node to become a member of a cluster is that the node
must share the same profile type with the cluster. When adding nodes to an
existing cluster, Senlin engine will check if the profile types actually
It is *NOT* treated as an error that a node has a different profile
(identified by the profile object's ID) from the cluster. The profile
referenced by the cluster can be interpreted as the 'desired' profile, while
the profile referenced by individual nodes can be treated as the 'actual'
profile(s). When the cluster scales out, new nodes will use the 'desired'
profile referenced by the cluster. When existing nodes are added to an
existing cluster, the existing nodes may have different profile IDs from the
cluster. In this case, Senlin will not force an unncecessary profile update to
the nodes.
Creating A Node
When receiving a request to create a node, Senlin API checks if any required
fields are missing and whether there are invalid values specified to some
fields. The following fields are required for a node creation request:
- ``name``: Name of the node to be created;
- ``profile_id``: ID of the profile to be used for creating the backend
physical object.
Optionally, the request can contain the following fields:
- ``cluster_id``: When specified, the newly created node will become a
member of the specified cluster. Otherwise, the new node will be an orphan
node. The ``cluster_id`` provided can be a name of a cluster, the UUID of a
cluster or the short ID of a cluster.
- ``role``: A string value specifying the role the node will play inside the
- ``metadata``: A list of key-value pairs to be associated with the node.
Listing Nodes
Nodes in the current project can be queried/listed using some query parameters.
None of these parameters is required. By default, the Senlin API will return
all nodes that are not deleted.
When listing nodes, the following query parameters can be specified,
individually or combined:
- ``filters``: a map containing key-value pairs that will be used for matching
node records. Records that fail to match this criteria will be filtered out.
The following strings are valid as filter keys:
* ``name``: name of nodes to list, can be a string or a list of strings;
* ``status``: status of nodes, can be a string or a list of strings;
- ``cluster_id``: A string specifying the name, the UUID or the short ID of a
cluster for which the nodes are to be listed.
- ``limit``: a number that restricts the maximum number of records to be
returned from the query. It is useful for displaying the records in pages
where the page size can be specified as the limit.
- ``marker``: A string that represents the last seen UUID of stacks in previous
queries. This query will only return results appearing after the
specified UUID. This is useful for displaying records in pages.
- ``sort_dir``: A string to enforce sorting of the results. It can accept
either ``asc`` or ``desc`` as its value.
- ``sort_keys``: A string or a list of strings where each string gives a node
property name used for sorting.
- ``show_deleted``: A boolean indicating whether deleted nodes should be
included in the results. The default is False.
- ``show_nested``: A boolean indicating whether nested clusters should be
included in the results. The default is True. This feature is yet to be
- ``global_project``: A boolean indicating whether node listing should be done
in a tenant safe way. When this value is specified as False (the default),
only nodes from the current project that match the other criteria will be
returned. When this value is specified as True, nodes that matching all other
criteria would be returned, no matter in which project the node was created.
Only a user with admin privilege is permitted to do a global listing.
**NOTE**: The ``sort_keys`` and ``sort_dir`` parameters are deprecating. In
future, sorting parameters will be specified in a more generic way as
suggested by the API working group.
Getting A Node
When a user wants to check the details about a specific node, he or she can
specify one of the following keys for query:
- Node UUID: Query is performed strictly based on the UUID value given. This
is the most precise query supported.
- Node name: Senlin allows multiple nodes to have the same name. It is user's
responsibility to avoid name conflicts if needed. The output is the details
of a node if the node name is unique, otherwise Senlin will return a message
telling users that multiple nodes found matching this name.
- short ID: Considering that UUID is a long string not so convenient to input,
Senlin supports a short version of UUIDs for query. Senlin engine will use
the provided string as a prefix to attemp a matching in the database. When
the "ID" is long enough to be unique, the details of the matching node is
returned, or else Senlin will return an error message indicating that
multiple nodes were found matching the specified short ID.
Senlin engine service will try the above three ways in order to find a match
in database.
In addition to the key for query, a user can provide an extra boolean option
named ``show_details``. When this option is set, Senlin service will retrieve
the properties about the physical object that backs the node. For example, for
a Nova server, this information will contain the IP address allocated to the
server, along with other useful information.
In the returned result, Senlin injects the name of the profile used by the
node for the user's convenience.
Updating A Node
Some node properties are updatable after the node has been created. These
properties include:
- ``name``: Name of node as seen by the user;
- ``role``: The role that is played by the node in its owning cluster;
- ``metadata``: The key-value pairs attached to the node;
- ``profile_id``: The ID of the profile used by the node.
Note that update of ``profile_id`` is different from the update of other
properties in that it may take time to complete. When receiving a request to
update the profile used by a node, the Senlin engine creates an Action that
is executed asynchronously by a worker thread.
When validating the node update request, Senlin rejects requests that attempt
to change the profile type used by the node.
Deleting A Node
A node can be deleted no matter if it is a member of a cluster or not. Node
deletion is handled asynchronously in Senlin. When the Senlin engine receives
a request, it will create an Action to be executed by a worker thread.
Cluster Membership
Senlin service provides APIs for users to add a node to a cluster or remove a
node from a cluster. From a node's perspective, it means a node can "join" an
existing cluster or "leave" from its owning cluster.
Upon receiving the ``node_join`` request, the Senlin API checks if the target
cluster does exists and whether the node and the cluster share the same profile
type. After the request passes these validations, it is transformed into an
internal Action object and persisted into Senlin database. When receiving a
``node_leave`` request, the Senlin API only checks if the node does exists.
When the ``NODE_JOIN`` action is executed, the node's ``cluster_id`` property
is set to the UUID of the cluster and its ``index`` property will be assigned
with a value that can uniquely identify the node in the cluster.
Similarly, when a ``NODE_LEAVE`` action is executed, the node's ``cluster_id``
property is set to empty, and its ``index`` property is set to -1.
Both a ``NODE_JOIN`` and a ``NODE_LEAVE`` actoin will be propagated to the
profile layer so that the profile object has an opportunity to perform
additional operations over the physical object that backs the node.

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