More test cases for cluster operations (engine)

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tengqm 2015-03-16 18:06:09 +08:00
parent 34e6e9e6d9
commit aa59c55c09

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from oslo_messaging.rpc import dispatcher as rpc
import six
from senlin.common import exception
from senlin.common.i18n import _
from senlin.db import api as db_api
from senlin.engine.actions import base as action_mod
from senlin.engine import cluster as cluster_mod
@ -48,11 +49,12 @@ class ClusterTest(base.SenlinTestCase):
self.ctx, 'policy_1', 'TestPolicy',
spec={'KEY1': 'string'}, cooldown=60, level=50)
def _verify_action(self, obj, action, name, target, cause):
def _verify_action(self, obj, action, name, target, cause, inputs=None):
self.assertEqual(action, obj['action'])
self.assertEqual(name, obj['name'])
self.assertEqual(target, obj['target'])
self.assertEqual(cause, obj['cause'])
self.assertEqual(inputs, obj['inputs'])
@mock.patch.object(dispatcher, 'notify')
def test_cluster_create_default(self, notify):
@ -514,8 +516,107 @@ class ClusterTest(base.SenlinTestCase):
# two calls: one for create, the other for delete
notify.assert_has_calls([expected_call] * 2)
def test_policy_delete_not_found(self):
def test_cluster_delete_not_found(self):
ex = self.assertRaises(rpc.ExpectedException,
self.eng.cluster_delete, self.ctx, 'Bogus')
self.assertEqual(exception.ClusterNotFound, ex.exc_info[0])
self.assertEqual('The cluster (Bogus) could not be found.',
def _prepare_nodes(self, ctx, count=3, profile_id=None, **kwargs):
'''Prepare nodes for add or delete.'''
nodes = []
for i in range(count):
values = {
'name': 'test_node_name',
'physical_id': 'fake-phy-id-%s' % (i + 1),
'cluster_id': None,
'profile_id': profile_id or self.profile['id'],
'project': ctx.tenant_id,
'index': i + 1,
'role': None,
'created_time': None,
'updated_time': None,
'deleted_time': None,
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'status_reason': 'create complete',
'tags': {'foo': '123'},
'data': {'key1': 'value1'},
db_node = db_api.node_create(ctx, values)
return nodes
@mock.patch.object(dispatcher, 'notify')
def test_cluster_add_nodes(self, notify):
c = self.eng.cluster_create(self.ctx, 'c-1', 0, self.profile['id'])
cid = c['id']
nodes = self._prepare_nodes(self.ctx)
result = self.eng.cluster_add_nodes(self.ctx, cid, nodes)
# verify action is fired
action_id = result['action']
action = self.eng.action_get(self.ctx, action_id)
self._verify_action(action, 'CLUSTER_ADD_NODES',
'cluster_add_nodes_%s' % cid[:8],
cid, cause=action_mod.CAUSE_RPC,
inputs={'nodes': nodes})
expected_call =,
None, action_id=mock.ANY)
# two calls: one for create, the other for adding nodes
notify.assert_has_calls([expected_call] * 2)
def test_cluster_add_nodes_cluster_not_found(self, notify):
ex = self.assertRaises(rpc.ExpectedException,
self.ctx, 'Bogus', ['n1', 'n2'])
self.assertEqual(exception.ClusterNotFound, ex.exc_info[0])
self.assertEqual('The cluster (Bogus) could not be found.',
@mock.patch.object(dispatcher, 'notify')
def test_cluster_add_nodes_empty_list(self, notify):
c = self.eng.cluster_create(self.ctx, 'c-1', 0, self.profile['id'])
cid = c['id']
ex = self.assertRaises(rpc.ExpectedException,
self.ctx, cid, [])
self.assertEqual(exception.SenlinBadRequest, ex.exc_info[0])
self.assertEqual('The request is malformed: No nodes to add: []',
@mock.patch.object(dispatcher, 'notify')
def test_cluster_add_nodes_node_not_found(self, notify):
c = self.eng.cluster_create(self.ctx, 'c-1', 0, self.profile['id'])
cid = c['id']
ex = self.assertRaises(rpc.ExpectedException,
self.ctx, cid, ['Bogus'])
self.assertEqual(exception.SenlinBadRequest, ex.exc_info[0])
self.assertEqual("The request is malformed: Nodes not found: "
"['Bogus']", six.text_type(ex.exc_info[1]))
@mock.patch.object(dispatcher, 'notify')
def test_cluster_add_nodes_node_not_active(self, notify):
c = self.eng.cluster_create(self.ctx, 'c-1', 0, self.profile['id'])
cid = c['id']
nodes = self._prepare_nodes(self.ctx, count=1, status='ERROR')
ex = self.assertRaises(rpc.ExpectedException,
self.ctx, cid, nodes)
self.assertEqual(exception.SenlinBadRequest, ex.exc_info[0])
msg = _("Nodes are not ACTIVE: %s") % nodes
self.assertEqual(_("The request is malformed: %(msg)s") % {'msg': msg},