# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Profile endpoint for Senlin v1 REST API. """ from webob import exc from senlin.api.common import util from senlin.api.common import wsgi from senlin.common import consts from senlin.common.i18n import _ from senlin.objects import base as obj_base class ProfileController(wsgi.Controller): """WSGI controller for profiles resource in Senlin v1 API.""" # Define request scope # (must match what is in policy file and policies in code.) REQUEST_SCOPE = 'profiles' @util.policy_enforce def index(self, req): whitelist = { consts.PROFILE_NAME: 'mixed', consts.PROFILE_TYPE: 'mixed', consts.PARAM_LIMIT: 'single', consts.PARAM_MARKER: 'single', consts.PARAM_SORT: 'single', consts.PARAM_GLOBAL_PROJECT: 'single', } for key in req.params.keys(): if key not in whitelist.keys(): raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(_('Invalid parameter %s') % key) params = util.get_allowed_params(req.params, whitelist) project_safe = not util.parse_bool_param( consts.PARAM_GLOBAL_PROJECT, params.pop(consts.PARAM_GLOBAL_PROJECT, False)) params['project_safe'] = project_safe obj = util.parse_request('ProfileListRequest', req, params) profiles = self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_list', obj) return {'profiles': profiles} @util.policy_enforce def create(self, req, body): obj = util.parse_request('ProfileCreateRequest', req, body, 'profile') result = self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_create', obj) return {'profile': result} @wsgi.Controller.api_version('1.2') @util.policy_enforce def validate(self, req, body): obj = util.parse_request( 'ProfileValidateRequest', req, body, 'profile') result = self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_validate', obj) return {'profile': result} @util.policy_enforce def get(self, req, profile_id): params = {'identity': profile_id} obj = util.parse_request('ProfileGetRequest', req, params) profile = self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_get', obj) return {'profile': profile} @util.policy_enforce def update(self, req, profile_id, body): profile_data = body.get('profile', None) if profile_data is None: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(_("Malformed request data, missing " "'profile' key in request body.")) body_req = obj_base.SenlinObject.normalize_req( 'ProfileUpdateRequestBody', profile_data) obj = util.parse_request( 'ProfileUpdateRequest', req, {'identity': profile_id, 'profile': body_req}) profile = self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_update', obj) return {'profile': profile} @util.policy_enforce def delete(self, req, profile_id): obj = util.parse_request( 'ProfileDeleteRequest', req, {'identity': profile_id}) self.rpc_client.call(req.context, 'profile_delete', obj) raise exc.HTTPNoContent()