HIGH PRIORITY ============= API --- - Complete the API layer for Senlin service DB -- - Make sure cluster-policy association is deleted when a cluster is deleted - Modify node_set_status to check/update cluster status - Add field cluster_id to event table so that query by cluster is easier ENGINE ------ - cleanse scheduler module [Yanyan Hu] - Using python threading to replace greenthread(long term). - complete parser logic, construct profile/policy objects there? - handle cancel_action() properly. When dispatcher.cancel_action() is called, the scheduler should check if the action is still being worked on by someone. It should send cancel signal, or help that action remove locks if needed. DRIVER ------ - Handle Heat stack operation exception handling [Qiming] POLICY ------ - healthy policy[Liuh] - Formalize policy enforcement levels [Qiming] TEST CASES ---------- - Add test case that profile_update will create a new profile when spec is different. MIDDLE PRIORITY =============== API --- - Implement webhook support [Yanyan Hu] DB -- - Add test cases for policy_delete with 'force' set to True[Liuh/ZhaiHF] ENGINE ------ - Design and implement dynamical plugin loading mechanism that allows loading plugins from any paths - Provide support to oslo.notification and allow nodes to receive and react to those notifications accordingly. [https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/46495/heat-autoscaling-adaptation-actions-on-existing-servers/] - Allow actions to be paused and resumed. This is important for some background actions such as health checking - Add support to template_url for heat stack profile Note: if template and template_url are both specified, use template Need to refer to heat api test for testing heat profile - Add support to periodically prune events/actions table OSLO ---- - Migrate to oslo.policy - Default logging formatter is not compatible with new version of oslo_log/oslo_config LOW PRIORITY ============ DRIVER ------ - add Heat resource driver TEST ---- - Add test case in db cluster to test that cluster-policy association is deleted when we delete a cluster - Add test case to engine/parser - Add test case to engine/registry - Add test case to engine/environment - Add test case to db apis that query objects using short ids