# Sample health policy based on monitoring using LBaaS service detection: # Type for health checking, valid values include: # NODE_STATUS_POLLING, LB_STATUS_POLLING, VM_EVENT_LISTENING type: LB_STATUS_POLLING # Number of seconds between two adjacent checking interval: 60 # Detailed specification for the checking type options: # Min time in seconds between regular connection of the member deplay: 5 # Max time in seconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to # establish before it times out timeout: 10 # Predefined health monitor types, valid values include one of: # PING, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS type: HTTP # Number of permissible connection failures before chaning the # node status to INACTIVE max_retries: 3 # Administrative state of the monitor admin_state_up: True # HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type HTTP http_method: GET # List of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member # to declare it healthy expected_codes: 200 # HTTP path used in HTTP request by monitor for health testing url_path: /health_status recovery: # List of actions that can be retried on a failed node actions: - reboot - rebuild - migrate - evacuate - recreate # List of services that are to be fenced fencing: - compute - storage - network