# Load-balancing policy spec using Neutron LBaaS service type: senlin.policy.loadbalance version: 1.1 description: A policy for load-balancing the nodes in a cluster. properties: pool: # Protocol used for load balancing protocol: HTTP # Port on which servers are running on the members protocol_port: 80 # Name or ID of subnet for the port on which members can be # connected. subnet: private-subnet # Valid values include: ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS, SOURCE_IP lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN session_persistence: # type of session persistence, valid values include: # SOURCE_IP, HTTP_COOKIE, APP_COOKIE, NONE type: SOURCE_IP # Name of cookie if type set to APP_COOKIE cookie_name: whatever # ID of pool for the cluster on which nodes can be connected. # id: vip: # Name or ID of Subnet on which VIP address will be allocated subnet: public-subnet # IP address of the VIP # address:
# Max #connections per second allowed for this VIP connection_limit: 500 # Protocol used for VIP protocol: HTTP # TCP port to listen on protocol_port: 80 health_monitor: # The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state, # can be PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS. type: 'PING' # The amount of time, in milliseconds, between sending probes to members. delay: 10000 # The maximum time in milliseconds that a monitor waits to connect before # it times out. This value must be less than the delay value. timeout: 5000 # The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status # of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10. max_retries: 4 # The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests. http_method: 'GET' # The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of # a member. A string value that must begin with the forward slash '/'. url_path: '/index.html' # Expected HTTP codes for a passing HTTP(S) monitor. expected_codes: '200, 202' # ID of the health manager for the loadbalancer. # id: # Time in second to wait for loadbalancer to become ready before and after # senlin requests lbaas V2 service for lb operations. lb_status_timeout: 300 # Name or ID of loadbalancer for the cluster on which nodes can be connected. # loadbalancer: