Senlin Style Commandments ========================= - Step 1: Read the OpenStack Style Commandments - Step 2: Read on Senlin Specific Commandments ---------------------------- - [S318] Use assertion ``assertIsNone(A)`` instead of ``assertEqual(A, None)`` or ``assertEqual(None, A)``. - [S319] Use ``jsonutils`` functions rather than using the ``json`` package directly. - [S320] Default arguments of a method should not be mutable. - [S321] The api_version decorator has to be the first decorator on a method. - [S322] LOG.warn is deprecated. Enforce use of LOG.warning. Working on APIs --------------- If you are proposing new APIs or fixes to existing APIs, please spend some time reading the guidelines published by the API WorkGroup: Any work on improving Senlin's APIs to conform to the guidelines are welcomed. Creating Unit Tests ------------------- For every new feature, unit tests should be created that both test and (implicitly) document the usage of said feature. When submitting a patch to a bug without a unit test, a new unit test should be added. If a submitted bug fix does have a unit test, be sure to add a new one that fails without the patch and passes with the patch. For more information on creating and running unit tests , please read senlin/doc/source/developer/testing.txt. Running Tests ------------- The testing system is based on a combination of `tox` and `testr`. The canonical approach to running tests is to simply run the command `tox`. This will create virtual environments, populate them with dependencies and run all of the tests that OpenStack CI systems run. Behind the scenes, `tox` is running `ostestr --slowest`, but is set up such that you can supply any additional arguments to the `ostestr` command. For example, the following command makes `tox` to tell `ostestr` to add `--analyze-isolation` to its argument list:: tox -- --analyze-isolation