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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from senlin.drivers import base
from senlin.drivers import sdk
class OctaviaClient(base.DriverBase):
"""Octavia v2 client"""
def __init__(self, params):
super(OctaviaClient, self).__init__(params)
self.conn = sdk.create_connection(params)
def loadbalancer_get(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=False,
lb = self.conn.load_balancer.find_load_balancer(name_or_id,
# TODO(liyi)
# It's unreasonable for octavia don't support filter deleted
# loadbalancers. So if supported, we need to change the function.
if lb and not show_deleted and lb.provisioning_status == 'DELETED':
lb = None
return lb
def loadbalancer_create(self, vip_subnet_id, vip_address=None,
admin_state_up=True, name=None, description=None,
kwargs = {
'vip_subnet_id': vip_subnet_id,
'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
if vip_address is not None:
kwargs['vip_address'] = vip_address
if name is not None:
kwargs['name'] = name
if description is not None:
kwargs['description'] = description
if availability_zone is not None:
kwargs['availability_zone'] = availability_zone
res = self.conn.load_balancer.create_load_balancer(**kwargs)
return res
def loadbalancer_delete(self, lb_id, ignore_missing=True):
lb_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def listener_create(self, loadbalancer_id, protocol, protocol_port,
admin_state_up=True, name=None, description=None):
kwargs = {
'loadbalancer_id': loadbalancer_id,
'protocol': protocol,
'protocol_port': protocol_port,
'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
if connection_limit is not None:
kwargs['connection_limit'] = connection_limit
if name is not None:
kwargs['name'] = name
if description is not None:
kwargs['description'] = description
res = self.conn.load_balancer.create_listener(**kwargs)
return res
def listener_delete(self, listener_id, ignore_missing=True):
listener_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def pool_create(self, lb_algorithm, listener_id, protocol,
admin_state_up=True, name=None, description=None):
kwargs = {
'lb_algorithm': lb_algorithm,
'listener_id': listener_id,
'protocol': protocol,
'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
if name is not None:
kwargs['name'] = name
if description is not None:
kwargs['description'] = description
res = self.conn.load_balancer.create_pool(**kwargs)
return res
def pool_delete(self, pool_id, ignore_missing=True):
pool_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def pool_member_create(self, pool_id, address, protocol_port, subnet_id,
weight=None, admin_state_up=True):
kwargs = {
'address': address,
'protocol_port': protocol_port,
'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
'subnet_id': subnet_id,
if weight is not None:
kwargs['weight'] = weight
res = self.conn.load_balancer.create_member(pool_id, **kwargs)
return res
def pool_member_delete(self, pool_id, member_id, ignore_missing=True):
member_id, pool_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def healthmonitor_create(self, hm_type, delay, timeout, max_retries,
pool_id, admin_state_up=True,
http_method=None, url_path=None,
kwargs = {
'type': hm_type,
'delay': delay,
'timeout': timeout,
'max_retries': max_retries,
'pool_id': pool_id,
'admin_state_up': admin_state_up,
# TODO(anyone): verify if this is correct
if hm_type == 'HTTP':
if http_method is not None:
kwargs['http_method'] = http_method
if url_path is not None:
kwargs['url_path'] = url_path
if expected_codes is not None:
kwargs['expected_codes'] = expected_codes
res = self.conn.load_balancer.create_health_monitor(**kwargs)
return res
def healthmonitor_delete(self, hm_id, ignore_missing=True):
hm_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)