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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import eventlet
from osprofiler import profiler
from senlin.common import consts
from senlin.common.i18n import _
from senlin.common import scaleutils as su
from senlin.engine.actions import base
from senlin.engine import cluster as cm
from senlin.engine import event as EVENT
from senlin.engine import node as node_mod
from senlin.engine import senlin_lock
from senlin.objects import node as no
from senlin.policies import base as pb
class NodeAction(base.Action):
"""An action that can be performed on a cluster member (node)."""
def __init__(self, target, action, context, **kwargs):
"""Constructor for a node action object.
:param target: ID of the target node object on which the action is to
be executed.
:param action: The name of the action to be executed.
:param context: The context used for accessing the DB layer.
:param dict kwargs: Additional parameters that can be passed to the
super(NodeAction, self).__init__(target, action, context, **kwargs)
self.entity = node_mod.Node.load(self.context,
except Exception:
self.entity = None
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_create', hide_args=False)
def do_create(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_CREATE action.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
cluster_id = self.entity.cluster_id
if cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC:
# Check cluster size constraint if target cluster is specified
cluster = cm.Cluster.load(self.context, cluster_id)
desired = no.Node.count_by_cluster(self.context, cluster_id)
result = su.check_size_params(cluster, desired, None, None, True)
if result:
# cannot place node into the cluster
{'cluster_id': ''})
return self.RES_ERROR, result
res = self.entity.do_create(self.context)
if cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC:
# Update cluster's desired_capacity and re-evaluate its status no
# matter the creation is a success or not because the node object
# is # already treated as member of the cluster and the node
# creation may have changed the cluster's status
cluster.eval_status(self.context, consts.NODE_CREATE,
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node created successfully.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node creation failed.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_delete', hide_args=False)
def do_delete(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_DELETE action.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
cluster_id = self.entity.cluster_id
if cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC:
# If node belongs to a cluster, check size constraint
# before deleting it
cluster = cm.Cluster.load(self.context, cluster_id)
current = no.Node.count_by_cluster(self.context, cluster_id)
desired = current - 1
result = su.check_size_params(cluster, desired, None, None, True)
if result:
return self.RES_ERROR, result
# handle grace_period
pd ='deletion', None)
if pd:
grace_period = pd.get('grace_period', 0)
if grace_period:
res = self.entity.do_delete(self.context)
if cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC:
# check if desired_capacity should be changed
do_reduce = True
params = {}
pd ='deletion', None)
if pd:
do_reduce = pd.get('reduce_desired_capacity', True)
if do_reduce and res:
params = {'desired_capacity': desired}
cluster.eval_status(self.context, consts.NODE_DELETE, **params)
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node deleted successfully.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node deletion failed.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_update', hide_args=False)
def do_update(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_UPDATE action.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
params = self.inputs
res = self.entity.do_update(self.context, params)
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node updated successfully.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node update failed.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_join', hide_args=False)
def do_join(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_JOIN action.
Note that we don't manipulate the cluster's status after this
operation. This is because a NODE_JOIN is always an internal action,
i.e. derived from a cluster action. The cluster's status is supposed
to be checked and set in the outer cluster action rather than here.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
cluster_id = self.inputs.get('cluster_id')
result = self.entity.do_join(self.context, cluster_id)
if result:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node successfully joined cluster.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node failed in joining cluster.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_leave', hide_args=False)
def do_leave(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_LEAVE action.
Note that we don't manipulate the cluster's status after this
operation. This is because a NODE_JOIN is always an internal action,
i.e. derived from a cluster action. The cluster's status is supposed
to be checked and set in the outer cluster action rather than here.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
res = self.entity.do_leave(self.context)
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node successfully left cluster.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node failed in leaving cluster.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_check', hide_args=False)
def do_check(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_check action.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
res = self.entity.do_check(self.context)
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node status is ACTIVE.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node status is not ACTIVE.')
@profiler.trace('NodeAction.do_recover', hide_args=False)
def do_recover(self):
"""Handler for the NODE_RECOVER action.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the corresponding reason.
res = self.entity.do_recover(self.context, **self.inputs)
if res:
return self.RES_OK, _('Node recovered successfully.')
return self.RES_ERROR, _('Node recover failed.')
def _execute(self):
"""Private function that finds out the handler and execute it."""
action_name = self.action.lower()
method_name = action_name.replace('node', 'do')
method = getattr(self, method_name, None)
if method is None:
reason = _('Unsupported action: %s') % self.action
EVENT.error(self, consts.PHASE_ERROR, reason)
return self.RES_ERROR, reason
return method()
def execute(self, **kwargs):
"""Interface function for action execution.
:param dict kwargs: Parameters provided to the action, if any.
:returns: A tuple containing the result and the related reason.
# Since node.cluster_id could be reset to '' during action execution,
# we record it here for policy check and cluster lock release.
saved_cluster_id = self.entity.cluster_id
if (saved_cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC):
res = senlin_lock.cluster_lock_acquire(
self.context, self.entity.cluster_id,, self.owner,
senlin_lock.NODE_SCOPE, False)
if not res:
return self.RES_RETRY, _('Failed in locking cluster')
self.policy_check(self.entity.cluster_id, 'BEFORE')
if['status'] != pb.CHECK_OK:
# Don't emit message since policy_check should have done it
return self.RES_ERROR, 'Policy check: ' +['reason']
reason = ''
res = senlin_lock.node_lock_acquire(self.context,,, self.owner, False)
if not res:
res = self.RES_RETRY
reason = _('Failed in locking node')
res, reason = self._execute()
if (res == self.RES_OK and saved_cluster_id and
self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC):
self.policy_check(saved_cluster_id, 'AFTER')
if['status'] != pb.CHECK_OK:
res = self.RES_ERROR
reason = 'Policy check: ' +['reason']
res = self.RES_OK
if saved_cluster_id and self.cause == base.CAUSE_RPC:
return res, reason
def cancel(self):
"""Handler for cancelling the action."""
return self.RES_OK