docs: Change md file to rst file
1. change md file to rst file for readme 2. add README.rst to description_file in setup.cfg Change-Id: I3ece3849798d708a780c76453a49a2627126b316
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
# Skyline API Server
[English](./ | 简体中文
Skyline 是一个经过 UI 和 UE 优化过的 OpenStack 仪表盘,支持 OpenStack Train 及以上版本。Skyline 拥有现代化的技术栈和生态,更易于开发者维护和使用者操作,以及更高的并发性能。
Skyline 的吉祥物是九色鹿。九色鹿源自于敦煌壁画《九色鹿本生》,其寓意是佛理因果和知恩图报,这与九州云自创办以来秉持的拥抱和反馈社区理念一致。我们也希望 Skyline 像九色鹿一样,轻巧、优雅,而又能力强大,为 OpenStack 社区和用户提供更优质的 Dashboard。

- [Skyline API Server](#skyline-api-server)
- [资源](#资源)
- [快速开始](#快速开始)
- [先决条件](#先决条件)
- [配置](#配置)
- [部署 - 数据库使用 Sqlite](#部署---数据库使用-sqlite)
- [部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB](#部署---数据库使用-mariadb)
- [访问测试](#访问测试)
- [开发 Skyline-apiserver](#开发-skyline-apiserver)
- [依赖工具](#依赖工具)
- [安装和运行](#安装和运行)
- [Devstack 集成](#devstack-集成)
- [Kolla Ansible 部署](#kolla-ansible-部署)
## 资源
- [Wiki](
- [Bug 跟踪器](
## 快速开始
### 先决条件
- 一个至少运行核心组件的 OpenStack 环境, 并能通过 Keystone endpoint 访问 OpenStack 组件
- 一个安装有容器引擎的 ([docker]( 或 [podman]( 的 Linux 服务器
### 配置
1. 在 Linux 服务器中编辑 `/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml` 文件
可以参考 [sample file](etc/skyline.yaml.sample), 并根据实际的环境修改以下参数
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
### 部署 - 数据库使用 Sqlite
1. 运行 skyline_bootstrap 容器进行初始化引导
rm -rf /tmp/skyline && mkdir /tmp/skyline
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
2. 初始化引导完成后运行 skyline 服务
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
> 如果需要修改 skyline 端口号,则在以下命令中添加 `-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>`
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
### 部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB
1. 连接 OpenStack 环境的数据库, 并创建 `skyline` 数据库
$ mysql -u root -p
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
2. 授予对数据库的适当访问权限
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
3. 创建 skyline 服务凭证
# Source the admin credentials
$ source admin-openrc
# Create the skyline user
$ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt skyline
User Password:
Repeat User Password:
| Field | Value |
| domain_id | default |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl |
| name | skyline |
| options | {} |
| password_expires_at | 2020-08-08T08:08:08.123456 |
# Add the admin role to the skyline user:
$ openstack role add --project service --user skyline admin
4. 运行 skyline_bootstrap 容器进行初始化引导
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
5. 初始化引导完成后运行 skyline 服务
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
> 如果需要修改 skyline 端口号,则在以下命令中添加 `-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>`
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
### 访问测试
现在你可以访问仪表盘: `https://<ip_address>:9999`
## 开发 Skyline-apiserver
**支持 Linux 和 Mac 操作系统 (推荐 Linux 操作系统) (由于 uvloop 和 cython 库)**
### 依赖工具
> python 使用了 3.7 版本的新特性 Context Variables 以及 uvloop(0.15.0+ 需要 python3.7+),考虑大部分系统不支持 python3.7,所以选择支持 python3.8 及以上版本
- make >= 3.82
- python >= 3.8
- node >= 10.22.0 (可选,只开发 API 就用不到)
- yarn >= 1.22.4 (可选,只开发 API 就用不到)
### 安装和运行
1. 安装依赖包
tox -e venv
2. 配置 `skyline.yaml` 文件
cp etc/skyline.yaml.sample etc/skyline.yaml
export OS_CONFIG_DIR=$(pwd)/etc
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
> 如果你为 `database_url` 设置了类似 `sqlite:////tmp/skyline.db` ,只需要执行以下操作。
> 如果你为 `database_url` 设置了类似 `mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/skyline` ,你应该先参考 `部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB` 一章中的 `1` 和 `2` 步骤。
3. 初始化 skyline 数据库
source .tox/venv/bin/activate
make db_sync
4. 运行 skyline-apiserver
$ source .tox/venv/bin/activate
$ uvicorn --reload --reload-dir skyline_apiserver --port 28000 --log-level debug skyline_apiserver.main:app
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [154033] using statreload
INFO: Started server process [154037]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
此时你可访问在线 API 文档:``。
如果用 vscode 调试的话,可以通过 `.vscode/launch.json` 启动调试器。
5. 构建镜像
make build
## Devstack 集成
[与 Devstack 快速集成,搭建环境。](./devstack/README.rst)
## Kolla Ansible 部署
[使用 Kolla Ansible 部署环境。](./kolla/

Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
Skyline API Server
`English <./README.rst>`__ \| 简体中文
Skyline 是一个经过 UI 和 UE 优化过的 OpenStack 仪表盘,支持 OpenStack
Train 及以上版本。Skyline 拥有现代化的技术栈和生态,更易于开发者维护和
Skyline 的吉祥物是九色鹿。九色鹿源自于敦煌壁画《九色鹿本生》,其寓意是佛理
Skyline 像九色鹿一样,轻巧、优雅,而又能力强大,为 OpenStack 社区和用户
提供更优质的 Dashboard。
- `Skyline API Server <#skyline-api-server>`__
- `资源 <#资源>`__
- `快速开始 <#快速开始>`__
- `先决条件 <#先决条件>`__
- `配置 <#配置>`__
- `部署 - 数据库使用 Sqlite <#部署---数据库使用-sqlite>`__
- `部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB <#部署---数据库使用-mariadb>`__
- `访问测试 <#访问测试>`__
- `开发 Skyline-apiserver <#开发-skyline-apiserver>`__
- `依赖工具 <#依赖工具>`__
- `安装和运行 <#安装和运行>`__
- `Devstack 集成 <#devstack-集成>`__
- `Kolla Ansible 部署 <#kolla-ansible-部署>`__
- `Wiki <>`__
- `Bug 跟踪器 <>`__
- 一个至少运行核心组件的 OpenStack 环境, 并能通过 Keystone endpoint
访问 OpenStack 组件
- 一个安装有容器引擎的
(`docker <>`__ 或
`podman <>`__) 的 Linux
1. 在 Linux 服务器中编辑 ``/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml`` 文件
可以参考 `sample file <etc/skyline.yaml.sample>`__,
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
部署 - 数据库使用 Sqlite
1. 运行 skyline_bootstrap 容器进行初始化引导
.. code:: bash
rm -rf /tmp/skyline && mkdir /tmp/skyline
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
2. 初始化引导完成后运行 skyline 服务
.. code:: bash
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
如果需要修改 skyline 端口号,则在以下命令中添加
``-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>``
``LISTEN_ADDRESS`` 默认为 ````
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB
1. 连接 OpenStack 环境的数据库, 并创建 ``skyline`` 数据库
.. code:: bash
$ mysql -u root -p
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
2. 授予对数据库的适当访问权限
用合适的密码替换 ``SKYLINE_DBPASS``
.. code:: bash
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
3. 创建 skyline 服务凭证
.. code:: bash
# Source the admin credentials
$ source admin-openrc
# Create the skyline user
$ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt skyline
User Password:
Repeat User Password:
| Field | Value |
| domain_id | default |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl |
| name | skyline |
| options | {} |
| password_expires_at | 2020-08-08T08:08:08.123456 |
# Add the admin role to the skyline user:
$ openstack role add --project service --user skyline admin
4. 运行 skyline_bootstrap 容器进行初始化引导
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
5. 初始化引导完成后运行 skyline 服务
.. code:: bash
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
如果需要修改 skyline 端口号,则在以下命令中添加
``-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>``
``LISTEN_ADDRESS`` 默认为 ````
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
现在你可以访问仪表盘: ``https://<ip_address>:9999``
开发 Skyline-apiserver
**支持 Linux 和 Mac 操作系统 (推荐 Linux 操作系统) (由于 uvloop 和 cython 库)**
python 使用了 3.7 版本的新特性 Context Variables 以及 uvloop (0.15.0+
需要 python3.7+),考虑大部分系统不支持 python3.7 ,所以选择支持
python3.8 及以上版本
- make >= 3.82
- python >= 3.8
- node >= 10.22.0 (可选,只开发 API 就用不到)
- yarn >= 1.22.4 (可选,只开发 API 就用不到)
1. 安装依赖包
.. code:: bash
tox -e venv
2. 配置 ``skyline.yaml`` 文件
.. code:: bash
cp etc/skyline.yaml.sample etc/skyline.yaml
export OS_CONFIG_DIR=$(pwd)/etc
.. code:: yaml
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
如果你为 ``database_url`` 设置了类似 ``sqlite:////tmp/skyline.db``
,只需要执行以下操作。 如果你为 ``database_url`` 设置了类似
``mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/skyline`` ,你应该先参考
``部署 - 数据库使用 MariaDB`` 一章中的 ``1`` 和 ``2`` 步骤。
3. 初始化 skyline 数据库
.. code:: bash
source .tox/venv/bin/activate
make db_sync
4. 运行 skyline-apiserver
.. code:: console
$ source .tox/venv/bin/activate
$ uvicorn --reload --reload-dir skyline_apiserver --port 28000 --log-level debug skyline_apiserver.main:app
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [154033] using statreload
INFO: Started server process [154037]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
此时你可访问在线 API 文档:\ ````\ 。
如果用 vscode 调试的话,可以通过 ``.vscode/launch.json`` 启动调试器。
5. 构建镜像
.. code:: bash
make build
Devstack 集成
`与 Devstack 快速集成,搭建环境。 <./devstack/README.rst>`__
Kolla Ansible 部署
`使用 Kolla Ansible 部署环境。 <./kolla/>`__
.. |image0| image:: docs/images/OpenStack_Project_Skyline_horizontal.png
.. |image1| image:: docs/images/nine-color-deer-64.png
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
# Skyline API Server
English | [简体中文](./
Skyline is an OpenStack dashboard optimized by UI and UE, support OpenStack Train+. It has a modern technology stack and ecology, is easier for developers to maintain and operate by users, and has higher concurrency performance.
Skyline's mascot is the nine-color deer. The nine-color deer comes from Dunhuang mural "the nine-color king deer", whose moral is Buddhist cause-effect and gratefulness, which is consistent with 99cloud's philosophy of embracing and feedback community since its inception. We also hope Skyline can keep light, elegant and powerful as the nine-color deer, to provide a better dashboard for the openstack community and users.

**Table of contents**
- [Skyline API Server](#skyline-api-server)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Configure](#configure)
- [Deployment with Sqlite](#deployment-with-sqlite)
- [Deployment with MariaDB](#deployment-with-mariadb)
- [Test Access](#test-access)
- [Develop Skyline-apiserver](#develop-skyline-apiserver)
- [Dependent tools](#dependent-tools)
- [Install & Run](#install--run)
- [Devstack Integration](#devstack-integration)
- [Kolla Ansible Deployment](#kolla-ansible-deployment)
## Resources
- [Wiki](
- [Bug Tracker](
## Quick Start
### Prerequisites
- An OpenStack environment that runs at least core components and can access OpenStack components through Keystone endpoints
- A Linux server with container engine ([docker]( or [podman]( installed
### Configure
1. Edit the `/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml` file in linux server
You can refer to the [sample file](etc/skyline.yaml.sample), and modify the following parameters according to the actual environment
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
### Deployment with Sqlite
1. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap
rm -rf /tmp/skyline && mkdir /tmp/skyline
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
2. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
> If you need to modify skyline port, add `-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>` in the following command
> `LISTEN_ADDRESS` defaults to ``
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
### Deployment with MariaDB
1. Connect to database of the OpenStack environment and create the `skyline` database
$ mysql -u root -p
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
2. Grant proper access to the databases
Replace `SKYLINE_DBPASS` with a suitable password.
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
3. Create skyline service credentials
# Source the admin credentials
$ source admin-openrc
# Create the skyline user
$ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt skyline
User Password:
Repeat User Password:
| Field | Value |
| domain_id | default |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl |
| name | skyline |
| options | {} |
| password_expires_at | 2020-08-08T08:08:08.123456 |
# Add the admin role to the skyline user:
$ openstack role add --project service --user skyline admin
4. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
5. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
> If you need to modify skyline port, add `-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>` in the following command
> `LISTEN_ADDRESS` defaults to ``
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
### Test Access
You can now access the dashboard: `https://<ip_address>:9999`
## Develop Skyline-apiserver
**Support Linux & Mac OS (Recommend Linux OS) (Because uvloop & cython)**
### Dependent tools
> Use the new feature Context Variables of python37 & uvloop(0.15.0+ requires python37). Considering that most systems do not support python37, we choose to support python38 at least.
- make >= 3.82
- python >= 3.8
- node >= 10.22.0 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)
- yarn >= 1.22.4 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)
### Install & Run
1. Installing dependency packages
tox -e venv
2. Set skyline.yaml config file
cp etc/skyline.yaml.sample etc/skyline.yaml
export OS_CONFIG_DIR=$(pwd)/etc
Maybe you should change the params with your real environment as followed:
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
> If you set such as `sqlite:////tmp/skyline.db` for `database_url` , just do as followed.
> If you set such as `mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/skyline` for `database_url` , you should refer to steps `1` and `2` of the chapter `Deployment with MariaDB` at first.
3. Init skyline database
source .tox/venv/bin/activate
make db_sync
4. Run skyline-apiserver
$ source .tox/venv/bin/activate
$ uvicorn --reload --reload-dir skyline_apiserver --port 28000 --log-level debug skyline_apiserver.main:app
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [154033] using statreload
INFO: Started server process [154037]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
You can now access the online API documentation: ``.
Or, you can launch debugger with `.vscode/lauch.json` with vscode.
5. Build Image
make build
## Devstack Integration
[Fast integration with Devstack to build an environment.](./devstack/README.rst)
## Kolla Ansible Deployment
[Kolla Ansible to build an environment.](./kolla/

Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
Skyline API Server
English \| `简体中文 <./README-zh_CN.rst>`__
Skyline is an OpenStack dashboard optimized by UI and UE, support
OpenStack Train+. It has a modern technology stack and ecology, is
easier for developers to maintain and operate by users, and has higher
concurrency performance.
Skyline's mascot is the nine-color deer. The nine-color deer comes from
Dunhuang mural “the nine-color king deer”, whose moral is Buddhist
cause-effect and gratefulness, which is consistent with 99cloud's
philosophy of embracing and feedback community since its inception. We
also hope Skyline can keep light, elegant and powerful as the nine-color
deer, to provide a better dashboard for the openstack community and
**Table of contents**
- `Skyline API Server <#skyline-api-server>`__
- `Resources <#resources>`__
- `Quick Start <#quick-start>`__
- `Prerequisites <#prerequisites>`__
- `Configure <#configure>`__
- `Deployment with Sqlite <#deployment-with-sqlite>`__
- `Deployment with MariaDB <#deployment-with-mariadb>`__
- `Test Access <#test-access>`__
- `Develop Skyline-apiserver <#develop-skyline-apiserver>`__
- `Dependent tools <#dependent-tools>`__
- `Install & Run <#install--run>`__
- `Devstack Integration <#devstack-integration>`__
- `Kolla Ansible Deployment <#kolla-ansible-deployment>`__
- `Wiki <>`__
- `Bug Tracker <>`__
Quick Start
- An OpenStack environment that runs at least core components and can
access OpenStack components through Keystone endpoints
- A Linux server with container engine
(`docker <>`__ or
`podman <>`__)
1. Edit the ``/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml`` file in linux server
You can refer to the `sample file <etc/skyline.yaml.sample>`__, and
modify the following parameters according to the actual environment
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
Deployment with Sqlite
1. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap
.. code:: bash
rm -rf /tmp/skyline && mkdir /tmp/skyline
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
2. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete
.. code:: bash
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
If you need to modify skyline port, add
``-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>`` in the following command
``LISTEN_ADDRESS`` defaults to ````
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
Deployment with MariaDB
1. Connect to database of the OpenStack environment and create the
``skyline`` database
.. code:: bash
$ mysql -u root -p
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
2. Grant proper access to the databases
Replace ``SKYLINE_DBPASS`` with a suitable password.
.. code:: bash
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
3. Create skyline service credentials
.. code:: bash
# Source the admin credentials
$ source admin-openrc
# Create the skyline user
$ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt skyline
User Password:
Repeat User Password:
| Field | Value |
| domain_id | default |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl |
| name | skyline |
| options | {} |
| password_expires_at | 2020-08-08T08:08:08.123456 |
# Add the admin role to the skyline user:
$ openstack role add --project service --user skyline admin
4. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
# Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
docker logs skyline_bootstrap
5. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete
.. code:: bash
docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
If you need to modify skyline port, add
``-e LISTEN_ADDRESS=<ip:port>`` in the following command
``LISTEN_ADDRESS`` defaults to ````
.. code:: bash
docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
Test Access
You can now access the dashboard: ``https://<ip_address>:9999``
Develop Skyline-apiserver
**Support Linux & Mac OS (Recommend Linux OS) (Because uvloop & cython)**
Dependent tools
Use the new feature Context Variables of python37 & uvloop(0.15.0+
requires python37). Considering that most systems do not support
python37, we choose to support python38 at least.
- make >= 3.82
- python >= 3.8
- node >= 10.22.0 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)
- yarn >= 1.22.4 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)
Install & Run
1. Installing dependency packages
.. code:: bash
tox -e venv
2. Set skyline.yaml config file
.. code:: bash
cp etc/skyline.yaml.sample etc/skyline.yaml
export OS_CONFIG_DIR=$(pwd)/etc
Maybe you should change the params with your real environment as
.. code:: yaml
- database_url
- keystone_url
- default_region
- interface_type
- system_project_domain
- system_project
- system_user_domain
- system_user_name
- system_user_password
If you set such as ``sqlite:////tmp/skyline.db`` for
``database_url`` , just do as followed. If you set such as
``mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/skyline`` for ``database_url``
, you should refer to steps ``1`` and ``2`` of the chapter
``Deployment with MariaDB`` at first.
3. Init skyline database
.. code:: bash
source .tox/venv/bin/activate
make db_sync
4. Run skyline-apiserver
.. code:: console
$ source .tox/venv/bin/activate
$ uvicorn --reload --reload-dir skyline_apiserver --port 28000 --log-level debug skyline_apiserver.main:app
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: Started reloader process [154033] using statreload
INFO: Started server process [154037]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
You can now access the online API documentation:
Or, you can launch debugger with ``.vscode/lauch.json`` with vscode.
5. Build Image
.. code:: bash
make build
Devstack Integration
`Fast integration with Devstack to build an
environment. <./devstack/README.rst>`__
Kolla Ansible Deployment
`Kolla Ansible to build an environment. <./kolla/>`__
.. |image0| image:: docs/images/OpenStack_Project_Skyline_horizontal.png
.. |image1| image:: docs/images/nine-color-deer-64.png
Reference in New Issue
Block a user