// Copyright 2021 99cloud // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import React from 'react'; import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react'; import { Divider, Badge } from 'antd'; import Base from 'containers/List'; import globalProjectStore, { ProjectStore } from 'stores/keystone/project'; import { yesNoOptions, emptyActionConfig } from 'utils/constants'; import { SimpleTag } from 'resources/instance'; import actionConfigs from './actions'; import styles from './index.less'; export class Projects extends Base { init() { this.store = this.inDetailPage ? new ProjectStore() : globalProjectStore; } get tabs() { return []; } get policy() { return 'identity:list_projects'; } get name() { return t('projects'); } get isFilterByBackend() { return false; } get inProject() { const { pathname } = this.props.location; return pathname.includes('project-admin'); } get inUserDetail() { const { pathname } = this.props.location; return this.inDetailPage && pathname.includes('user-admin/detail'); } get inUserGroupDetail() { const { pathname } = this.props.location; return this.inDetailPage && pathname.includes('user-group-admin/detail'); } getColumns() { const columns = [ { title: t('Project ID/Name'), dataIndex: 'name', routeName: 'projectDetailAdmin', }, { title: t('Role'), dataIndex: 'projectRole', render: (roles, value) => { const { groupProjectRole = [] } = value; const rolesAll = [...(roles || []), ...(groupProjectRole || [])]; return (rolesAll || []).map((it, idx) =>
); }, stringify: (roles, value) => { const { groupProjectRole = [] } = value; const rolesAll = [...(roles || []), ...(groupProjectRole || [])]; return (rolesAll || []).join(';'); }, }, { title: t('Member Num'), dataIndex: 'num', isHideable: true, render: (name, record) => { const { user_num, group_num } = record; return (
{t('User Num: ')} {user_num} {t('User Group Num: ')} {group_num}
); }, stringify: (name, record) => { const { user_num, group_num } = record; return `${t('User Num: ')}${user_num} | ${t( 'User Group Num: ' )}${group_num}`; }, }, { title: t('Enabled'), dataIndex: 'enabled', isHideable: true, render: (val) => { if (val === true) { return ; } return ; }, stringify: (enabled) => (enabled ? t('Yes') : t('No')), }, { title: t('Tags'), dataIndex: 'tags', render: (tags) => tags.map((tag, index) => SimpleTag({ tag, index })), isHideable: true, }, { title: t('Description'), dataIndex: 'description', isHideable: true, }, ]; if (this.inProject) { return columns.filter((it) => it.dataIndex !== 'projectRole'); } return columns; } get actionConfigs() { if (this.inUserDetail || this.inUserGroupDetail) { return emptyActionConfig; } return actionConfigs; } get searchFilters() { return [ { label: t('Project Name'), name: 'name', }, { label: t('Enabled'), name: 'enabled', options: yesNoOptions, }, { label: t('Tags'), name: 'tags', filterFunc: (val, filterVal) => { const lFilterVal = filterVal.toLowerCase(); return val.some((tag) => tag.toLowerCase().includes(lFilterVal)); }, }, ]; } async getData({ silent, ...params } = {}) { const { match } = this.props; const { id } = match.params || {}; const newParams = { ...params }; silent && (this.list.silent = true); if (this.inUserDetail) { newParams.userId = id; await this.store.fetchListInUserDetail(newParams); } else if (this.inUserGroupDetail) { newParams.groupId = id; await this.store.fetchListInGroupDetail(newParams); } else { await this.store.fetchList(newParams); } this.list.silent = false; } } export default inject('rootStore')(observer(Projects));