'use strict'; var directivesModule = require('./_index.js'); /** * @ngInject */ function subunitSummary() { /** * Responsible for getting the basic run summary stats via the dataset service. * Also calculates the duration of the run - `timeDiff` - by subtracting the * run's start and end timestamps. * @ngInject */ var controller = function($scope, $attrs, datasetService) { $scope.$watch('artifactName', function(artifactName) { datasetService.artifact(artifactName, 'subunit-stats').then(function(response) { var stats = response.data; $scope.stats = stats; $scope.timeDiff = (new Date(stats.end) - new Date(stats.start)) / 1000; }); }); }; return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { 'artifactName': '=' }, controller: controller, templateUrl: 'directives/subunit-summary.html' }; } directivesModule.directive('subunitSummary', subunitSummary);