========= History ========= 0.8 - Ignore AssertionError exceptions generated when plugins are loaded. - Update :class:`~stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager` to check the name of a plugin before loading its code to avoid importing anything we are not going to use. 0.7.2 - Fix logging support for Python 2.6. 0.7.1 - Fix an issue with logging configuration. 0.7 - Add memoization to the entrypoint scanning code in :class:`~stevedore.extension.ExtensionManager` to avoid performance issues in situations where lots of managers are instantiated with the same namespace argument. 0.6 - Change the :class:`~stevedore.enabled.EnabledExtensionManager` to load the extension before calling the check function so the plugin can be asked if it should be enabled. 0.5 - Add :class:`~stevedore.tests.manager.TestExtensionManager` for writing tests for classes that use extension managers. 0.4 - Removed the ``name`` argument to plugin constructors. - Added ``driver`` property to :class:`~stevedore.driver.DriverManager`. 0.3 - Added dispatch managers for selecting among a set of plugins at runtime instead of load time. - Added ``__call__`` method to :class:`~stevedore.driver.DriverManager` so it can be invoked in a more natural fashion for a single plugin. 0.2 - Added documentation 0.1 - First public release