Storlets ======== Storlets extend Swift with the ability to run user defined computations - called storlets - near the data in a secure and isolated manner. A storlet is a compiled and packaged code (e.g. a .jar file) that can be uploaded to Swift as any other object. Once uploaded the storlet can be invoked over data objects in Swift. The Storlets API is documented at `"Storlets API v1" `__. The project started off as an IBM research project, and was open sourced by IBM in 2014. - The research leading to the development of this code received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements for the CASPAR, ENSURE and VISION Cloud projects. - Various stages and different aspects of the development of this code received funding from the following European Community's Framework Programme: - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements for the ForgetIT project, where the code is used for offloading digital preservation functionalities to the storage. - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements for COSMOS project, where the code is used for analysis of IoT data. - Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreements for FI-CORE project where the code is integrated with a holistic cloud deployment solution, and from - Horizon 2020 (H2020/2014-2020) under the grant agreement for the IOStack project where the code is used as a backend implementing Storage policies and is used for analytics Docs ---- The storlerts documentation is auto-generated after every commit and available online at Getting Started for Users ------------------------- The fastest way to get started is `"S2AIO - Swift Storlets All In One" `__. For Engine Developers --------------------- Getting Started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The best way to get started is following this guide: `"Installing a Development Environment" `__. Tests ~~~~~ There are two types of tests included in the Storlets repo. #. Unit tests #. Functional tests Unit tests, are, well, unit tests... The functional tests are black box tests validating end-to-end scenarios using various storlets, including faulty ones. For more information please refer to the: `"Development and Testing Guide" `__. Code Organization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Engine/: The code comprising the middleware and the compute engine - SBus/: A protocol layer between the middleware and the sandbox used to execute storlets - SBusJavaFacade/: A Java implementation of the protocol - SBusPythonFacade/: A Python implementation of the protocol - SBusTransportLayer/: A thin layer in "C" used for passing fds between the middleware and container - SCommon/: A Java library required for storlets development - SDaemon/: A generic Java daemon for loading storlets at runtime - SMSCripts/: Run time scripts for doing Docker management commands - agent/: Python code for Docker side storlets process management - swift/: Python swift side code - etc/: Sample config files - storlet_gateway/: Run time loadable code for managing storlets execution - storlet_middleware/: Swift middleware dealing with storlet invocation requests - StorletSamples/: Storlets examples, used for functional testing - doc/source/: Documentation - install/: Installation scripts - swift/: Scripts for invoking an extenral Swift ansible installation scrpts - storlets/: Scripts for installing storlets over a Swift cluster - tests/: Unit and functional tests - tools/: Various cluster config dependent tools for automatic and manual testing For Storlets Developers ----------------------- Currently, storlets can be developed in Java only. To get started, follow: `"S2AIO - Swift Storlets All In One" `__. The write and deploy a storlet, follow: `"Writing and deploying storelts" `__. For Deployers ------------- Instructions for how to deploy Storlets over an existing Swift cluster (not SAIO): `"Deploying storlets over an existing Swift cluster" `__.