Add traefik lib for ingress

Add traefik charm libs for ingress via traefik

Signed-off-by: Billy Olsen <>
This commit is contained in:
Billy Olsen 2022-04-17 19:39:39 -07:00
parent 3076f33603
commit c772c03d5c
5 changed files with 389 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -4,21 +4,21 @@ options:
description: Enable debug logging. description: Enable debug logging.
type: boolean type: boolean
os-admin-hostname: os-admin-hostname:
default: placement.juju default:
description: | description: |
The hostname or address of the admin endpoints that should be advertised The hostname or address of the admin endpoints that should be advertised
in the placement image provider. in the placement image provider.
type: string type: string
os-internal-hostname: os-internal-hostname:
default: placement.juju default:
description: | description: |
The hostname or address of the internal endpoints that should be advertised The hostname or address of the internal endpoints that should be advertised
in the placement image provider. in the placement image provider.
type: string type: string
os-public-hostname: os-public-hostname:
default: placement.juju default:
description: | description: |
The hostname or address of the internal endpoints that should be advertised The hostname or address of the public endpoints that should be advertised
in the placement image provider. in the placement image provider.
type: string type: string
region: region:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
r"""# Interface Library for ingress.
This library wraps relation endpoints using the `ingress` interface
and provides a Python API for both requesting and providing per-application
ingress, with load-balancing occurring across all units.
## Getting Started
To get started using the library, you just need to fetch the library using `charmcraft`.
**Note that you also need to add the `serialized_data_interface` dependency to your
charm's `requirements.txt`.**
cd some-charm
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.traefik_k8s.v0.ingress
echo -e "serialized_data_interface\n" >> requirements.txt
In the `metadata.yaml` of the charm, add the following:
interface: ingress
limit: 1
Then, to initialise the library:
# ...
from charms.traefik_k8s.v0.ingress import IngressPerAppRequirer
class SomeCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.ingress = IngressPerAppRequirer(self, port=80)
# The following event is triggered when the ingress URL to be used
# by this deployment of the `SomeCharm` changes or there is no longer
# an ingress URL available, that is, `self.ingress_per_unit` would
# return `None`.
self.ingress.on.ingress_changed, self._handle_ingress
# ...
def _handle_ingress(self, event):"This app's ingress URL: %s", self.ingress.url)
import logging
from typing import Optional
from ops.charm import CharmBase, RelationBrokenEvent, RelationEvent, RelationRole
from ops.framework import EventSource, StoredState
from ops.model import Relation
from serialized_data_interface import EndpointWrapper
from serialized_data_interface.errors import RelationDataError, UnversionedRelation
from import EndpointWrapperEvents
except ImportError:
import os
library_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"To use the '{}' library, you must include "
"the '{}' package in your dependencies".format(library_name, "serialized_data_interface")
) from None # Suppress original ImportError
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "e6de2a5cd5b34422a204668f3b8f90d2"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"v1": {
"requires": {
"app": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"model": {"type": "string"},
"name": {"type": "string"},
"host": {"type": "string"},
"port": {"type": "integer"},
"required": ["model", "name", "host", "port"],
"provides": {
"app": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ingress": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"url": {"type": "string"},
"required": ["ingress"],
class IngressPerAppRequestEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing an incoming request.
This is equivalent to the "ready" event, but is more semantically meaningful.
class IngressPerAppProviderEvents(EndpointWrapperEvents):
"""Container for IUP events."""
request = EventSource(IngressPerAppRequestEvent)
class IngressPerAppProvider(EndpointWrapper):
"""Implementation of the provider of ingress."""
INTERFACE = "ingress"
on = IngressPerAppProviderEvents()
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, endpoint: str = None):
"""Constructor for IngressPerAppProvider.
charm: The charm that is instantiating the instance.
endpoint: The name of the relation endpoint to bind to
(defaults to "ingress").
super().__init__(charm, endpoint)
self.framework.observe(self.on.ready, self._emit_request_event)
def _emit_request_event(self, event):
def get_request(self, relation: Relation):
"""Get the IngressPerAppRequest for the given Relation."""
return IngressPerAppRequest(self, relation)
def is_failed(self, relation: Relation = None):
"""Checks whether the given relation, or any relation if not specified, has an error."""
if relation is None:
return any(self.is_failed(relation) for relation in self.relations)
if super().is_failed(relation):
return True
data = self.unwrap(relation)
except UnversionedRelation:
return False
prev_fields = None
other_app =
new_fields = {
field: data[other_app][field]
for field in ("model", "port")
if field in data[other_app]
if prev_fields is None:
prev_fields = new_fields
if new_fields != prev_fields:
raise RelationDataMismatchError(relation, other_app)
return False
def proxied_endpoints(self):
"""Returns the ingress settings provided to applications by this IngressPerAppProvider.
For example, when this IngressPerAppProvider has provided the
`` URL to the my-app application, the returned dictionary
will be:
"my-app": {
"url": ""
return { self.unwrap(ingress_relation)[].get(
"ingress", {}
for ingress_relation in self.charm.model.relations[self.endpoint]
class IngressPerAppRequest:
"""A request for per-application ingress."""
def __init__(self, provider: IngressPerAppProvider, relation: Relation):
"""Construct an IngressRequest."""
self._provider = provider
self._relation = relation
self._data = provider.unwrap(relation)
def model(self):
"""The name of the model the request was made from."""
return self._data[].get("model")
def app(self):
"""The remote application."""
def app_name(self):
"""The name of the remote app.
Note: This is not the same as `` when using CMR relations,
since `` is replaced by a `remote-{UUID}` pattern.
def host(self):
"""The hostname to be used to route to the application."""
return self._data[].get("host")
def port(self):
"""The port to be used to route to the application."""
return self._data[].get("port")
def respond(self, url: str):
"""Send URL back for the application.
Note: only the leader can send URLs.
ingress = self._data[].setdefault("ingress", {})
ingress["url"] = url
self._provider.wrap(self._relation, self._data)
class RelationDataMismatchError(RelationDataError):
"""Data from different units do not match where they should."""
class IngressPerAppConfigurationChangeEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing a change in the data sent by the ingress."""
class IngressPerAppRequirerEvents(EndpointWrapperEvents):
"""Container for IUP events."""
ingress_changed = EventSource(IngressPerAppConfigurationChangeEvent)
class IngressPerAppRequirer(EndpointWrapper):
"""Implementation of the requirer of the ingress relation."""
on = IngressPerAppRequirerEvents()
_stored = StoredState()
INTERFACE = "ingress"
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
endpoint: str = None,
host: str = None,
port: int = None,
"""Constructor for IngressRequirer.
The request args can be used to specify the ingress properties when the
instance is created. If any are set, at least `port` is required, and
they will be sent to the ingress provider as soon as it is available.
All request args must be given as keyword args.
charm: the charm that is instantiating the library.
endpoint: the name of the relation endpoint to bind to (defaults to `ingress`);
relation must be of interface type `ingress` and have "limit: 1")
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the requiring
application; if unspecified, the default Kubernetes service name will be used.
Request Args:
port: the port of the service
super().__init__(charm, endpoint)
# Workaround for SDI not marking the EndpointWrapper as not
# ready upon a relation broken event
self.is_relation_broken = False
if port and charm.unit.is_leader():
self.auto_data = self._complete_request(host or "", port)
self.charm.on[self.endpoint].relation_changed, self._emit_ingress_change_event
self.charm.on[self.endpoint].relation_broken, self._emit_ingress_change_event
def _emit_ingress_change_event(self, event):
if isinstance(event, RelationBrokenEvent):
self.is_relation_broken = True
# Avoid spurious events, emit only when URL changes
new_url = self.url
if self._stored.current_url != new_url:
self._stored.current_url = new_url
def _complete_request(self, host: Optional[str], port: int):
if not host:
# TODO Make host mandatory?
host = "{app_name}.{model_name}.svc.cluster.local".format(,,
return { {
"host": host,
"port": port,
def request(self, *, host: str = None, port: int):
"""Request ingress to this application.
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the requirer; if
unspecified, the Kubernetes service address is used.
port: the port of the service (required)
self.wrap(self.relation, self._complete_request(host, port))
def relation(self):
"""The established Relation instance, or None."""
return self.relations[0] if self.relations else None
def url(self):
"""The full ingress URL to reach the current unit.
May return None if the URL isn't available yet.
if self.is_relation_broken or not self.is_ready():
return {}
data = self.unwrap(self.relation)
ingress = data[].get("ingress", {})
return ingress.get("url")

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ requires:
interface: keystone interface: keystone
ingress: ingress:
interface: ingress interface: ingress
limit: 1
provides: provides:
placement: placement:
interface: placement interface: placement

View File

@ -13,3 +13,7 @@ cryptography < 3.4
git+ git+
# Charmhelpers is only present as interface_ceph_client uses it. # Charmhelpers is only present as interface_ceph_client uses it.
git+ git+
# Used for Traefik

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ Listen {{ wsgi_config.public_port }}
WSGIDaemonProcess placement processes=3 threads=1 user={{ wsgi_config.user }} group={{ }} \ WSGIDaemonProcess placement processes=3 threads=1 user={{ wsgi_config.user }} group={{ }} \
display-name=%{GROUP} display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup placement WSGIProcessGroup placement
{% if ingress.ingress_path -%}
WSGIScriptAlias {{ ingress.ingress_path }} {{ wsgi_config.wsgi_public_script }}
{% endif -%}
WSGIScriptAlias / {{ wsgi_config.wsgi_public_script }} WSGIScriptAlias / {{ wsgi_config.wsgi_public_script }}
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIPassAuthorization On WSGIPassAuthorization On