Migrate traefik ingress to v2
Current ingress relation only routes unit to requirer's leader. Ingress V2 fixes that issue. Change-Id: Idf3d46c89e366314d34553ad89422339e64b84c8
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ parts:
- cryptography
- jsonschema
- pydantic<2.0
- jinja2
- git+https://opendev.org/openstack/charm-ops-sunbeam#egg=ops_sunbeam
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ charmcraft fetch-lib charms.data_platform_libs.v0.database_requires
#charmcraft fetch-lib charms.sunbeam_keystone_operator.v1.identity_service
#charmcraft fetch-lib charms.sunbeam_keystone_operator.v0.identity_credentials
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.rabbitmq_k8s.v0.rabbitmq
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.traefik_k8s.v1.ingress
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.traefik_k8s.v2.ingress
@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
r"""# Interface Library for ingress.
This library wraps relation endpoints using the `ingress` interface
and provides a Python API for both requesting and providing per-application
ingress, with load-balancing occurring across all units.
## Getting Started
To get started using the library, you just need to fetch the library using `charmcraft`.
cd some-charm
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.traefik_k8s.v1.ingress
In the `metadata.yaml` of the charm, add the following:
interface: ingress
limit: 1
Then, to initialise the library:
from charms.traefik_k8s.v1.ingress import (IngressPerAppRequirer,
IngressPerAppReadyEvent, IngressPerAppRevokedEvent)
class SomeCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.ingress = IngressPerAppRequirer(self, port=80)
# The following event is triggered when the ingress URL to be used
# by this deployment of the `SomeCharm` is ready (or changes).
self.ingress.on.ready, self._on_ingress_ready
self.ingress.on.revoked, self._on_ingress_revoked
def _on_ingress_ready(self, event: IngressPerAppReadyEvent):
logger.info("This app's ingress URL: %s", event.url)
def _on_ingress_revoked(self, event: IngressPerAppRevokedEvent):
logger.info("This app no longer has ingress")
import logging
import socket
import typing
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import yaml
from ops.charm import CharmBase, RelationBrokenEvent, RelationEvent
from ops.framework import EventSource, Object, ObjectEvents, StoredState
from ops.model import ModelError, Relation
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "e6de2a5cd5b34422a204668f3b8f90d2"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import jsonschema
except ModuleNotFoundError:
"The `ingress` library needs the `jsonschema` package to be able "
"to do runtime data validation; without it, it will still work but validation "
"will be disabled. \n"
"It is recommended to add `jsonschema` to the 'requirements.txt' of your charm, "
"which will enable this feature."
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"model": {"type": "string"},
"name": {"type": "string"},
"host": {"type": "string"},
"port": {"type": "string"},
"strip-prefix": {"type": "string"},
"required": ["model", "name", "host", "port"],
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ingress": {"type": "object", "properties": {"url": {"type": "string"}}},
"required": ["ingress"],
from typing import TypedDict
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import TypedDict # py35 compat
# Model of the data a unit implementing the requirer will need to provide.
RequirerData = TypedDict(
{"model": str, "name": str, "host": str, "port": int, "strip-prefix": bool},
# Provider ingress data model.
ProviderIngressData = TypedDict("ProviderIngressData", {"url": str})
# Provider application databag model.
ProviderApplicationData = TypedDict("ProviderApplicationData", {"ingress": ProviderIngressData})
def _validate_data(data, schema):
"""Checks whether `data` matches `schema`.
Will raise DataValidationError if the data is not valid, else return None.
jsonschema.validate(instance=data, schema=schema)
except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
raise DataValidationError(data, schema) from e
class DataValidationError(RuntimeError):
"""Raised when data validation fails on IPU relation data."""
class _IngressPerAppBase(Object):
"""Base class for IngressPerUnit interface classes."""
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME):
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm: CharmBase = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.app = self.charm.app
self.unit = self.charm.unit
observe = self.framework.observe
rel_events = charm.on[relation_name]
observe(rel_events.relation_created, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_joined, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_changed, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_broken, self._handle_relation_broken)
observe(charm.on.leader_elected, self._handle_upgrade_or_leader)
observe(charm.on.upgrade_charm, self._handle_upgrade_or_leader)
def relations(self):
"""The list of Relation instances associated with this endpoint."""
return list(self.charm.model.relations[self.relation_name])
def _handle_relation(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle a relation update."""
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle a relation breaking."""
def _handle_upgrade_or_leader(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle upgrades or leadership change."""
class _IPAEvent(RelationEvent):
__args__ = () # type: Tuple[str, ...]
__optional_kwargs__ = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
def __attrs__(cls):
return cls.__args__ + tuple(cls.__optional_kwargs__.keys())
def __init__(self, handle, relation, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(handle, relation)
if not len(self.__args__) == len(args):
raise TypeError("expected {} args, got {}".format(len(self.__args__), len(args)))
for attr, obj in zip(self.__args__, args):
setattr(self, attr, obj)
for attr, default in self.__optional_kwargs__.items():
obj = kwargs.get(attr, default)
setattr(self, attr, obj)
def snapshot(self) -> dict:
dct = super().snapshot()
for attr in self.__attrs__():
obj = getattr(self, attr)
dct[attr] = obj
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
"cannot automagically serialize {}: "
"override this method and do it "
) from e
return dct
def restore(self, snapshot: dict) -> None:
for attr, obj in snapshot.items():
setattr(self, attr, obj)
class IngressPerAppDataProvidedEvent(_IPAEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress data has been provided for an app."""
__args__ = ("name", "model", "port", "host", "strip_prefix")
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
name = None # type: str
model = None # type: str
port = None # type: int
host = None # type: str
strip_prefix = False # type: bool
class IngressPerAppDataRemovedEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress data has been removed for an app."""
class IngressPerAppProviderEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Container for IPA Provider events."""
data_provided = EventSource(IngressPerAppDataProvidedEvent)
data_removed = EventSource(IngressPerAppDataRemovedEvent)
class IngressPerAppProvider(_IngressPerAppBase):
"""Implementation of the provider of ingress."""
on = IngressPerAppProviderEvents()
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME):
"""Constructor for IngressPerAppProvider.
charm: The charm that is instantiating the instance.
relation_name: The name of the relation endpoint to bind to
(defaults to "ingress").
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
def _handle_relation(self, event):
# created, joined or changed: if remote side has sent the required data:
# notify listeners.
if self.is_ready(event.relation):
data = self._get_requirer_data(event.relation)
data.get("strip-prefix", False),
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
def wipe_ingress_data(self, relation: Relation):
"""Clear ingress data from relation."""
assert self.unit.is_leader(), "only leaders can do this"
except ModelError as e:
"error {} accessing relation data for {!r}. "
"Probably a ghost of a dead relation is still "
"lingering around.".format(e, relation.name)
del relation.data[self.app]["ingress"]
def _get_requirer_data(self, relation: Relation) -> RequirerData:
"""Fetch and validate the requirer's app databag.
For convenience, we convert 'port' to integer.
if not all((relation.app, relation.app.name)):
# Handle edge case where remote app name can be missing, e.g.,
# relation_broken events.
# FIXME https://github.com/canonical/traefik-k8s-operator/issues/34
return {}
databag = relation.data[relation.app]
remote_data = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[int, str]]
for k in ("port", "host", "model", "name", "mode", "strip-prefix"):
v = databag.get(k)
if v is not None:
remote_data[k] = v
_validate_data(remote_data, INGRESS_REQUIRES_APP_SCHEMA)
remote_data["port"] = int(remote_data["port"])
remote_data["strip-prefix"] = bool(remote_data.get("strip-prefix", False))
return remote_data
def get_data(self, relation: Relation) -> RequirerData:
"""Fetch the remote app's databag, i.e. the requirer data."""
return self._get_requirer_data(relation)
def is_ready(self, relation: Relation = None):
"""The Provider is ready if the requirer has sent valid data."""
if not relation:
return any(map(self.is_ready, self.relations))
return bool(self._get_requirer_data(relation))
except DataValidationError as e:
log.warning("Requirer not ready; validation error encountered: %s" % str(e))
return False
def _provided_url(self, relation: Relation) -> ProviderIngressData:
"""Fetch and validate this app databag; return the ingress url."""
if not all((relation.app, relation.app.name, self.unit.is_leader())):
# Handle edge case where remote app name can be missing, e.g.,
# relation_broken events.
# Also, only leader units can read own app databags.
# FIXME https://github.com/canonical/traefik-k8s-operator/issues/34
return {} # noqa
# fetch the provider's app databag
raw_data = relation.data[self.app].get("ingress")
if not raw_data:
raise RuntimeError("This application did not `publish_url` yet.")
ingress: ProviderIngressData = yaml.safe_load(raw_data)
_validate_data({"ingress": ingress}, INGRESS_PROVIDES_APP_SCHEMA)
return ingress
def publish_url(self, relation: Relation, url: str):
"""Publish to the app databag the ingress url."""
ingress = {"url": url}
ingress_data = {"ingress": ingress}
_validate_data(ingress_data, INGRESS_PROVIDES_APP_SCHEMA)
relation.data[self.app]["ingress"] = yaml.safe_dump(ingress)
def proxied_endpoints(self):
"""Returns the ingress settings provided to applications by this IngressPerAppProvider.
For example, when this IngressPerAppProvider has provided the
`http://foo.bar/my-model.my-app` URL to the my-app application, the returned dictionary
will be:
"my-app": {
"url": "http://foo.bar/my-model.my-app"
results = {}
for ingress_relation in self.relations:
results[ingress_relation.app.name] = self._provided_url(ingress_relation)
return results
class IngressPerAppReadyEvent(_IPAEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress for an app is ready."""
__args__ = ("url",)
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
url = None # type: str
class IngressPerAppRevokedEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress for an app has been revoked."""
class IngressPerAppRequirerEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Container for IPA Requirer events."""
ready = EventSource(IngressPerAppReadyEvent)
revoked = EventSource(IngressPerAppRevokedEvent)
class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
"""Implementation of the requirer of the ingress relation."""
on = IngressPerAppRequirerEvents()
# used to prevent spur1ious urls to be sent out if the event we're currently
# handling is a relation-broken one.
_stored = StoredState()
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
host: str = None,
port: int = None,
strip_prefix: bool = False,
"""Constructor for IngressRequirer.
The request args can be used to specify the ingress properties when the
instance is created. If any are set, at least `port` is required, and
they will be sent to the ingress provider as soon as it is available.
All request args must be given as keyword args.
charm: the charm that is instantiating the library.
relation_name: the name of the relation endpoint to bind to (defaults to `ingress`);
relation must be of interface type `ingress` and have "limit: 1")
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the requiring
application; if unspecified, the default Kubernetes service name will be used.
strip_prefix: configure Traefik to strip the path prefix.
Request Args:
port: the port of the service
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm: CharmBase = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
self._strip_prefix = strip_prefix
# if instantiated with a port, and we are related, then
# we immediately publish our ingress data to speed up the process.
if port:
self._auto_data = host, port
self._auto_data = None
def _handle_relation(self, event):
# created, joined or changed: if we have auto data: publish it
if self.is_ready():
# Avoid spurious events, emit only when there is a NEW URL available
new_url = (
if isinstance(event, RelationBrokenEvent)
else self._get_url_from_relation_data()
if self._stored.current_url != new_url:
self._stored.current_url = new_url
self.on.ready.emit(event.relation, new_url)
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
self._stored.current_url = None
def _handle_upgrade_or_leader(self, event):
"""On upgrade/leadership change: ensure we publish the data we have."""
for relation in self.relations:
def is_ready(self):
"""The Requirer is ready if the Provider has sent valid data."""
return bool(self._get_url_from_relation_data())
except DataValidationError as e:
log.warning("Requirer not ready; validation error encountered: %s" % str(e))
return False
def _publish_auto_data(self, relation: Relation):
if self._auto_data and self.unit.is_leader():
host, port = self._auto_data
self.provide_ingress_requirements(host=host, port=port)
def provide_ingress_requirements(self, *, host: str = None, port: int):
"""Publishes the data that Traefik needs to provide ingress.
NB only the leader unit is supposed to do this.
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the
requirer unit; if unspecified, FQDN will be used instead
port: the port of the service (required)
# get only the leader to publish the data since we only
# require one unit to publish it -- it will not differ between units,
# unlike in ingress-per-unit.
assert self.unit.is_leader(), "only leaders should do this."
assert self.relation, "no relation"
if not host:
host = socket.getfqdn()
data = {
"model": self.model.name,
"name": self.app.name,
"host": host,
"port": str(port),
if self._strip_prefix:
data["strip-prefix"] = "true"
_validate_data(data, INGRESS_REQUIRES_APP_SCHEMA)
def relation(self):
"""The established Relation instance, or None."""
return self.relations[0] if self.relations else None
def _get_url_from_relation_data(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The full ingress URL to reach the current unit.
Returns None if the URL isn't available yet.
relation = self.relation
if not relation:
return None
# fetch the provider's app databag
raw = relation.data.get(relation.app, {}).get("ingress")
except ModelError as e:
f"Error {e} attempting to read remote app data; "
f"probably we are in a relation_departed hook"
return None
if not raw:
return None
ingress: ProviderIngressData = yaml.safe_load(raw)
_validate_data({"ingress": ingress}, INGRESS_PROVIDES_APP_SCHEMA)
return ingress["url"]
def url(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The full ingress URL to reach the current unit.
Returns None if the URL isn't available yet.
data = self._stored.current_url or None # type: ignore
assert isinstance(data, (str, type(None))) # for static checker
return data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
r"""# Interface Library for ingress.
This library wraps relation endpoints using the `ingress` interface
and provides a Python API for both requesting and providing per-application
ingress, with load-balancing occurring across all units.
## Getting Started
To get started using the library, you just need to fetch the library using `charmcraft`.
cd some-charm
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.traefik_k8s.v1.ingress
In the `metadata.yaml` of the charm, add the following:
interface: ingress
limit: 1
Then, to initialise the library:
from charms.traefik_k8s.v2.ingress import (IngressPerAppRequirer,
IngressPerAppReadyEvent, IngressPerAppRevokedEvent)
class SomeCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.ingress = IngressPerAppRequirer(self, port=80)
# The following event is triggered when the ingress URL to be used
# by this deployment of the `SomeCharm` is ready (or changes).
self.ingress.on.ready, self._on_ingress_ready
self.ingress.on.revoked, self._on_ingress_revoked
def _on_ingress_ready(self, event: IngressPerAppReadyEvent):
logger.info("This app's ingress URL: %s", event.url)
def _on_ingress_revoked(self, event: IngressPerAppRevokedEvent):
logger.info("This app no longer has ingress")
import json
import logging
import socket
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (
import pydantic
from ops.charm import CharmBase, RelationBrokenEvent, RelationEvent
from ops.framework import EventSource, Object, ObjectEvents, StoredState
from ops.model import ModelError, Relation, Unit
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseModel, Field, validator
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "e6de2a5cd5b34422a204668f3b8f90d2"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
PYDEPS = ["pydantic<2.0"]
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BUILTIN_JUJU_KEYS = {"ingress-address", "private-address", "egress-subnets"}
class DatabagModel(BaseModel):
"""Base databag model."""
class Config:
"""Pydantic config."""
allow_population_by_field_name = True
"""Allow instantiating this class by field name (instead of forcing alias)."""
def load(cls, databag: MutableMapping):
"""Load this model from a Juju databag."""
if cls._NEST_UNDER:
return cls.parse_obj(json.loads(databag[cls._NEST_UNDER]))
data = {k: json.loads(v) for k, v in databag.items() if k not in BUILTIN_JUJU_KEYS}
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
msg = f"invalid databag contents: expecting json. {databag}"
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
return cls.parse_raw(json.dumps(data)) # type: ignore
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = f"failed to validate databag: {databag}"
log.error(msg, exc_info=True)
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
def dump(self, databag: Optional[MutableMapping] = None, clear: bool = True):
"""Write the contents of this model to Juju databag.
:param databag: the databag to write the data to.
:param clear: ensure the databag is cleared before writing it.
if clear and databag:
if databag is None:
databag = {}
if self._NEST_UNDER:
databag[self._NEST_UNDER] = self.json()
dct = self.dict()
for key, field in self.__fields__.items(): # type: ignore
value = dct[key]
databag[field.alias or key] = json.dumps(value)
return databag
# todo: import these models from charm-relation-interfaces/ingress/v2 instead of redeclaring them
class IngressUrl(BaseModel):
"""Ingress url schema."""
url: AnyHttpUrl
class IngressProviderAppData(DatabagModel):
"""Ingress application databag schema."""
ingress: IngressUrl
class ProviderSchema(BaseModel):
"""Provider schema for Ingress."""
app: IngressProviderAppData
class IngressRequirerAppData(DatabagModel):
"""Ingress requirer application databag model."""
model: str = Field(description="The model the application is in.")
name: str = Field(description="the name of the app requesting ingress.")
port: int = Field(description="The port the app wishes to be exposed.")
# fields on top of vanilla 'ingress' interface:
strip_prefix: Optional[bool] = Field(
description="Whether to strip the prefix from the ingress url.", alias="strip-prefix"
redirect_https: Optional[bool] = Field(
description="Whether to redirect http traffic to https.", alias="redirect-https"
scheme: Optional[str] = Field(
default="http", description="What scheme to use in the generated ingress url"
@validator("scheme", pre=True)
def validate_scheme(cls, scheme): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate scheme arg."""
if scheme not in {"http", "https", "h2c"}:
raise ValueError("invalid scheme: should be one of `http|https|h2c`")
return scheme
@validator("port", pre=True)
def validate_port(cls, port): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate port."""
assert isinstance(port, int), type(port)
assert 0 < port < 65535, "port out of TCP range"
return port
class IngressRequirerUnitData(DatabagModel):
"""Ingress requirer unit databag model."""
host: str = Field(description="Hostname the unit wishes to be exposed.")
@validator("host", pre=True)
def validate_host(cls, host): # noqa: N805 # pydantic wants 'cls' as first arg
"""Validate host."""
assert isinstance(host, str), type(host)
return host
class RequirerSchema(BaseModel):
"""Requirer schema for Ingress."""
app: IngressRequirerAppData
unit: IngressRequirerUnitData
class IngressError(RuntimeError):
"""Base class for custom errors raised by this library."""
class NotReadyError(IngressError):
"""Raised when a relation is not ready."""
class DataValidationError(IngressError):
"""Raised when data validation fails on IPU relation data."""
class _IngressPerAppBase(Object):
"""Base class for IngressPerUnit interface classes."""
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME):
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm: CharmBase = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.app = self.charm.app
self.unit = self.charm.unit
observe = self.framework.observe
rel_events = charm.on[relation_name]
observe(rel_events.relation_created, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_joined, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_changed, self._handle_relation)
observe(rel_events.relation_broken, self._handle_relation_broken)
observe(charm.on.leader_elected, self._handle_upgrade_or_leader) # type: ignore
observe(charm.on.upgrade_charm, self._handle_upgrade_or_leader) # type: ignore
def relations(self):
"""The list of Relation instances associated with this endpoint."""
return list(self.charm.model.relations[self.relation_name])
def _handle_relation(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle a relation update."""
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle a relation breaking."""
def _handle_upgrade_or_leader(self, event):
"""Subclasses should implement this method to handle upgrades or leadership change."""
class _IPAEvent(RelationEvent):
__args__: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
__optional_kwargs__: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def __attrs__(cls):
return cls.__args__ + tuple(cls.__optional_kwargs__.keys())
def __init__(self, handle, relation, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(handle, relation)
if not len(self.__args__) == len(args):
raise TypeError("expected {} args, got {}".format(len(self.__args__), len(args)))
for attr, obj in zip(self.__args__, args):
setattr(self, attr, obj)
for attr, default in self.__optional_kwargs__.items():
obj = kwargs.get(attr, default)
setattr(self, attr, obj)
def snapshot(self):
dct = super().snapshot()
for attr in self.__attrs__():
obj = getattr(self, attr)
dct[attr] = obj
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
"cannot automagically serialize {}: "
"override this method and do it "
) from e
return dct
def restore(self, snapshot) -> None:
for attr, obj in snapshot.items():
setattr(self, attr, obj)
class IngressPerAppDataProvidedEvent(_IPAEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress data has been provided for an app."""
__args__ = ("name", "model", "hosts", "strip_prefix", "redirect_https")
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
name: Optional[str] = None
model: Optional[str] = None
# sequence of hostname, port dicts
hosts: Sequence["IngressRequirerUnitData"] = ()
strip_prefix: bool = False
redirect_https: bool = False
class IngressPerAppDataRemovedEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress data has been removed for an app."""
class IngressPerAppProviderEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Container for IPA Provider events."""
data_provided = EventSource(IngressPerAppDataProvidedEvent)
data_removed = EventSource(IngressPerAppDataRemovedEvent)
class IngressRequirerData:
"""Data exposed by the ingress requirer to the provider."""
app: "IngressRequirerAppData"
units: List["IngressRequirerUnitData"]
class TlsProviderType(typing.Protocol):
def enabled(self) -> bool: # type: ignore
class IngressPerAppProvider(_IngressPerAppBase):
"""Implementation of the provider of ingress."""
on = IngressPerAppProviderEvents() # type: ignore
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
"""Constructor for IngressPerAppProvider.
charm: The charm that is instantiating the instance.
relation_name: The name of the relation endpoint to bind to
(defaults to "ingress").
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
def _handle_relation(self, event):
# created, joined or changed: if remote side has sent the required data:
# notify listeners.
if self.is_ready(event.relation):
data = self.get_data(event.relation)
self.on.data_provided.emit( # type: ignore
[unit.dict() for unit in data.units],
data.app.strip_prefix or False,
data.app.redirect_https or False,
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
self.on.data_removed.emit(event.relation) # type: ignore
def wipe_ingress_data(self, relation: Relation):
"""Clear ingress data from relation."""
assert self.unit.is_leader(), "only leaders can do this"
except ModelError as e:
"error {} accessing relation data for {!r}. "
"Probably a ghost of a dead relation is still "
"lingering around.".format(e, relation.name)
del relation.data[self.app]["ingress"]
def _get_requirer_units_data(self, relation: Relation) -> List["IngressRequirerUnitData"]:
"""Fetch and validate the requirer's app databag."""
out: List["IngressRequirerUnitData"] = []
unit: Unit
for unit in relation.units:
databag = relation.data[unit]
data = IngressRequirerUnitData.load(databag)
except pydantic.ValidationError:
log.info(f"failed to validate remote unit data for {unit}")
return out
def _get_requirer_app_data(relation: Relation) -> "IngressRequirerAppData":
"""Fetch and validate the requirer's app databag."""
app = relation.app
if app is None:
raise NotReadyError(relation)
databag = relation.data[app]
return IngressRequirerAppData.load(databag)
def get_data(self, relation: Relation) -> IngressRequirerData:
"""Fetch the remote (requirer) app and units' databags."""
return IngressRequirerData(
self._get_requirer_app_data(relation), self._get_requirer_units_data(relation)
except (pydantic.ValidationError, DataValidationError) as e:
raise DataValidationError("failed to validate ingress requirer data") from e
def is_ready(self, relation: Optional[Relation] = None):
"""The Provider is ready if the requirer has sent valid data."""
if not relation:
return any(map(self.is_ready, self.relations))
except (DataValidationError, NotReadyError) as e:
log.debug("Provider not ready; validation error encountered: %s" % str(e))
return False
return True
def _published_url(self, relation: Relation) -> Optional["IngressProviderAppData"]:
"""Fetch and validate this app databag; return the ingress url."""
if not self.is_ready(relation) or not self.unit.is_leader():
# Handle edge case where remote app name can be missing, e.g.,
# relation_broken events.
# Also, only leader units can read own app databags.
# FIXME https://github.com/canonical/traefik-k8s-operator/issues/34
return None
# fetch the provider's app databag
databag = relation.data[self.app]
if not databag.get("ingress"):
raise NotReadyError("This application did not `publish_url` yet.")
return IngressProviderAppData.load(databag)
def publish_url(self, relation: Relation, url: str):
"""Publish to the app databag the ingress url."""
ingress_url = {"url": url}
IngressProviderAppData.parse_obj({"ingress": ingress_url}).dump(relation.data[self.app])
def proxied_endpoints(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Returns the ingress settings provided to applications by this IngressPerAppProvider.
For example, when this IngressPerAppProvider has provided the
`http://foo.bar/my-model.my-app` URL to the my-app application, the returned dictionary
will be:
"my-app": {
"url": "http://foo.bar/my-model.my-app"
results = {}
for ingress_relation in self.relations:
if not ingress_relation.app:
f"no app in relation {ingress_relation} when fetching proxied endpoints: skipping"
ingress_data = self._published_url(ingress_relation)
except NotReadyError:
f"no published url found in {ingress_relation}: "
f"traefik didn't publish_url yet to this relation."
if not ingress_data:
log.warning(f"relation {ingress_relation} not ready yet: try again in some time.")
results[ingress_relation.app.name] = ingress_data.ingress.dict()
return results
class IngressPerAppReadyEvent(_IPAEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress for an app is ready."""
__args__ = ("url",)
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
url: Optional[str] = None
class IngressPerAppRevokedEvent(RelationEvent):
"""Event representing that ingress for an app has been revoked."""
class IngressPerAppRequirerEvents(ObjectEvents):
"""Container for IPA Requirer events."""
ready = EventSource(IngressPerAppReadyEvent)
revoked = EventSource(IngressPerAppRevokedEvent)
class IngressPerAppRequirer(_IngressPerAppBase):
"""Implementation of the requirer of the ingress relation."""
on = IngressPerAppRequirerEvents() # type: ignore
# used to prevent spurious urls to be sent out if the event we're currently
# handling is a relation-broken one.
_stored = StoredState()
def __init__(
charm: CharmBase,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
host: Optional[str] = None,
port: Optional[int] = None,
strip_prefix: bool = False,
redirect_https: bool = False,
# fixme: this is horrible UX.
# shall we switch to manually calling provide_ingress_requirements with all args when ready?
scheme: typing.Callable[[], str] = lambda: "http",
"""Constructor for IngressRequirer.
The request args can be used to specify the ingress properties when the
instance is created. If any are set, at least `port` is required, and
they will be sent to the ingress provider as soon as it is available.
All request args must be given as keyword args.
charm: the charm that is instantiating the library.
relation_name: the name of the relation endpoint to bind to (defaults to `ingress`);
relation must be of interface type `ingress` and have "limit: 1")
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the requiring
application; if unspecified, the default Kubernetes service name will be used.
strip_prefix: configure Traefik to strip the path prefix.
redirect_https: redirect incoming requests to HTTPS.
scheme: callable returning the scheme to use when constructing the ingress url.
Request Args:
port: the port of the service
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.charm: CharmBase = charm
self.relation_name = relation_name
self._strip_prefix = strip_prefix
self._redirect_https = redirect_https
self._get_scheme = scheme
self._stored.set_default(current_url=None) # type: ignore
# if instantiated with a port, and we are related, then
# we immediately publish our ingress data to speed up the process.
if port:
self._auto_data = host, port
self._auto_data = None
def _handle_relation(self, event):
# created, joined or changed: if we have auto data: publish it
if self.is_ready():
# Avoid spurious events, emit only when there is a NEW URL available
new_url = (
if isinstance(event, RelationBrokenEvent)
else self._get_url_from_relation_data()
if self._stored.current_url != new_url: # type: ignore
self._stored.current_url = new_url # type: ignore
self.on.ready.emit(event.relation, new_url) # type: ignore
def _handle_relation_broken(self, event):
self._stored.current_url = None # type: ignore
self.on.revoked.emit(event.relation) # type: ignore
def _handle_upgrade_or_leader(self, event):
"""On upgrade/leadership change: ensure we publish the data we have."""
def is_ready(self):
"""The Requirer is ready if the Provider has sent valid data."""
return bool(self._get_url_from_relation_data())
except DataValidationError as e:
log.debug("Requirer not ready; validation error encountered: %s" % str(e))
return False
def _publish_auto_data(self):
if self._auto_data:
host, port = self._auto_data
self.provide_ingress_requirements(host=host, port=port)
def provide_ingress_requirements(
scheme: Optional[str] = None,
host: Optional[str] = None,
port: int,
"""Publishes the data that Traefik needs to provide ingress.
scheme: Scheme to be used; if unspecified, use the one used by __init__.
host: Hostname to be used by the ingress provider to address the
requirer unit; if unspecified, FQDN will be used instead
port: the port of the service (required)
for relation in self.relations:
self._provide_ingress_requirements(scheme, host, port, relation)
def _provide_ingress_requirements(
scheme: Optional[str],
host: Optional[str],
port: int,
relation: Relation,
if self.unit.is_leader():
self._publish_app_data(scheme, port, relation)
self._publish_unit_data(host, relation)
def _publish_unit_data(
host: Optional[str],
relation: Relation,
if not host:
host = socket.getfqdn()
unit_databag = relation.data[self.unit]
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = "failed to validate unit data"
log.info(msg, exc_info=True) # log to INFO because this might be expected
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
def _publish_app_data(
scheme: Optional[str],
port: int,
relation: Relation,
# assumes leadership!
app_databag = relation.data[self.app]
if not scheme:
# If scheme was not provided, use the one given to the constructor.
scheme = self._get_scheme()
IngressRequirerAppData( # type: ignore # pyright does not like aliases
strip_prefix=self._strip_prefix, # type: ignore # pyright does not like aliases
redirect_https=self._redirect_https, # type: ignore # pyright does not like aliases
except pydantic.ValidationError as e:
msg = "failed to validate app data"
log.info(msg, exc_info=True) # log to INFO because this might be expected
raise DataValidationError(msg) from e
def relation(self):
"""The established Relation instance, or None."""
return self.relations[0] if self.relations else None
def _get_url_from_relation_data(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The full ingress URL to reach the current unit.
Returns None if the URL isn't available yet.
relation = self.relation
if not relation or not relation.app:
return None
# fetch the provider's app databag
databag = relation.data[relation.app]
except ModelError as e:
f"Error {e} attempting to read remote app data; "
f"probably we are in a relation_departed hook"
return None
if not databag: # not ready yet
return None
return str(IngressProviderAppData.load(databag).ingress.url)
def url(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The full ingress URL to reach the current unit.
Returns None if the URL isn't available yet.
data = (
typing.cast(Optional[str], self._stored.current_url) # type: ignore
or self._get_url_from_relation_data()
return data
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ applications:
# If this isn't present, the units will hang at "installing agent".
charm: ch:traefik-k8s
channel: 1.0/stable
channel: 1.0/candidate
scale: 1
trust: true
Reference in New Issue
Block a user