# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """A mini library for tracking status messages. We want this because keeping track of everything with a single unit.status is too difficult. The user will still see a single status and message (one deemed to be the highest priority), but the charm can easily set the status of various aspects of the application without clobbering other parts. """ import json import logging import typing from typing import ( Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, ) import ops_sunbeam.tracing as sunbeam_tracing from ops.charm import ( CharmBase, ) from ops.framework import ( CommitEvent, Handle, Object, StoredStateData, ) from ops.model import ( ActiveStatus, StatusBase, UnknownStatus, ) from ops.storage import ( NoSnapshotError, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) STATUS_PRIORITIES = { "blocked": 1, "waiting": 2, "maintenance": 3, "active": 4, "unknown": 5, } class Status: """An atomic status. A wrapper around a StatusBase from ops, that adds a priority, label, and methods for use with a pool of statuses. """ def __init__(self, label: str, priority: int = 0) -> None: """Create a new Status object. label: string label priority: integer, higher number is higher priority, default is 0 """ self.label: str = label self._priority: int = priority self.never_set = True # The actual status of this Status object. # Use `self.set(...)` to update it. self.status: StatusBase = UnknownStatus() # if on_update is set, # it will be called as a function with no arguments # whenever the status is set. self.on_update: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None def set(self, status: StatusBase) -> None: """Set the status. Will also run the on_update hook if available (should be set by the pool so the pool knows when it should update). """ self.status = status self.never_set = False if self.on_update is not None: self.on_update() def message(self) -> str: """Get the status message consistently. Useful because UnknownStatus has no message attribute. """ if self.status.name == "unknown": return "" return self.status.message def priority(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return a value to use for sorting statuses by priority. Used by the pool to retrieve the highest priority status to display to the user. """ return STATUS_PRIORITIES[self.status.name], -self._priority def _serialize(self) -> dict: """Serialize Status for storage.""" return { "status": self.status.name, "message": self.message(), } @sunbeam_tracing.trace_type class StatusPool(Object): """A pool of Status objects. This is implemented as an `Object`, so we can more simply save state between hook executions. """ def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase) -> None: """Init the status pool and restore from stored state if available. Note that instantiating more than one StatusPool here is not supported, due to hardcoded framework stored data IDs. If we want that in the future, we'll need to generate a custom deterministic ID. I can't think of any cases where more than one StatusPool is required though... """ super().__init__(charm, "status_pool") self._pool: Dict[str, Status] = {} self._charm = charm # Restore info from the charm's state. # We need to do this on init, # so we can retain previous statuses that were set. charm.framework.register_type( StoredStateData, self, StoredStateData.handle_kind ) stored_handle = Handle( self, StoredStateData.handle_kind, "_status_pool" ) try: self._state = typing.cast( StoredStateData, charm.framework.load_snapshot(stored_handle) ) status_state: dict = json.loads(self._state["statuses"]) except NoSnapshotError: self._state = StoredStateData(self, "_status_pool") status_state = {} self._status_state: dict = status_state # 'commit' is an ops framework event # that tells the object to save a snapshot of its state for later. charm.framework.observe(charm.framework.on.commit, self._on_commit) def add(self, status: Status) -> None: """Idempotently add a status object to the pool. Reconstitute from saved state if it's a new status. """ if ( status.never_set and status.label in self._status_state and status.label not in self._pool ): # If this status hasn't been seen or set yet, # and we have saved state for it, # then reconstitute it. # This allows us to retain statuses across hook invocations. saved = self._status_state[status.label] status.status = StatusBase.from_name( saved["status"], saved["message"], ) self._pool[status.label] = status status.on_update = self.on_update self.on_update() def summarise(self) -> str: """Return a human readable summary of all the statuses in the pool. Will be a multi-line string. """ lines = [] for status in sorted(self._pool.values(), key=lambda x: x.priority()): lines.append( "{label:>30}: {status:>10} | {message}".format( label=status.label, message=status.message(), status=status.status.name, ) ) return "\n".join(lines) def _on_commit(self, _event: CommitEvent) -> None: """Store the current state of statuses. So we can restore them on the next run of the charm. """ self._state["statuses"] = json.dumps( { status.label: status._serialize() for status in self._pool.values() } ) self._charm.framework.save_snapshot(self._state) self._charm.framework._storage.commit() def compute_status(self) -> StatusBase | None: """Compute the status to show to the user. This is the highest priority status in the pool. """ status = ( sorted(self._pool.values(), key=lambda x: x.priority())[0] if self._pool else None ) if status is None or status.status.name == "unknown": return None if status.status.name == "active" and not status.message(): # Avoid status name prefix if everything is active with no message. # If there's a message, then we want the prefix # to help identify where the message originates. return ActiveStatus("") return StatusBase.from_name( status.status.name, "({}){}".format( status.label, " " + status.message() if status.message() else "", ), ) def on_update(self) -> None: """Update the unit status with the current highest priority status. Use as a hook to run whenever a status is updated in the pool. on_update will never update the unit status to active, because this is synced directly to the controller. Making the unit pass to active multiple times during a hook while it's not. It is the charm's responsibility to set the unit status to active, collect_unit_status is the best place to set a status at end of the hook. """ status = self.compute_status() if not status: return if status.name != "active": self._charm.unit.status = status