# ovn-central-k8s ## Description ovn-central-k8s is an operator to manage the OVN central services (northd, ovsdb-nb, ovsdb-sb) on a Kubernetes based environment. ## Usage ### Deployment ovn-central-k8s is deployed using below command: juju deploy ovn-central-k8s ovn-central Now connect the ovn-central operator to Vault to generate certificates for secure authentication and communication: juju relate vault:certificates ovn-central:certificates ### Configuration This section covers common and/or important configuration options. See file `config.yaml` for the full list of options, along with their descriptions and default values. See the [Juju documentation][juju-docs-config-apps] for details on configuring applications. ### Actions This section covers Juju [actions][juju-docs-actions] supported by the charm. Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. To display action descriptions run `juju actions ovn-central`. If the charm is not deployed then see file `actions.yaml`. ## Relations ovn-central-k8s requires the following relations: `certificates`: To retrieve generated certificates from vault ovn-central-k8s provides the following relations: `ovsdb-cms`: Used by Neutron to get ovn-central IPs. ## OCI Images The charm by default uses following images: `registry.jujucharms.com/charm/kau2b145zhaeuj5ly4w4m30qiq8qzspf93tnd/ovn-northd-image` `registry.jujucharms.com/charm/kau2b145zhaeuj5ly4w4m30qiq8qzspf93tnd/ovn-nb-db-server-image` `registry.jujucharms.com/charm/kau2b145zhaeuj5ly4w4m30qiq8qzspf93tnd/ovn-sb-db-server-image` ## Contributing Please see the [Juju SDK docs](https://juju.is/docs/sdk) for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and [CONTRIBUTING.md](contributors-guide) for developer guidance. ## Bugs Please report bugs on [Launchpad][lp-bugs-charm-ovn-central-k8s]. [contributors-guide]: https://opendev.org/x/charm-ovn-central-k8s/src/branch/main/CONTRIBUTING.md [juju-docs-actions]: https://jaas.ai/docs/actions [juju-docs-config-apps]: https://juju.is/docs/configuring-applications [lp-bugs-charm-ovn-central-k8s]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-ovn-central-k8s/+filebug