bundle: kubernetes applications: traefik: charm: ch:traefik-k8s channel: 1.0/candidate base: ubuntu@20.04 scale: 1 trust: true options: kubernetes-service-annotations: metallb.universe.tf/address-pool=public mysql: charm: ch:mysql-k8s channel: 8.0/stable base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true options: profile-limit-memory: 2560 experimental-max-connections: 150 vault: charm: ch:vault-k8s channel: 1.15/edge revision: 190 base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: false tls-operator: charm: self-signed-certificates channel: latest/beta base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 options: ca-common-name: internal-ca rabbitmq: charm: ch:rabbitmq-k8s channel: 3.12/edge base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true options: minimum-replicas: 1 ovn-central: {% if ovn_central_k8s is defined and ovn_central_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../ovn-central-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:ovn-central-k8s channel: 24.03/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true resources: ovn-sb-db-server-image: ghcr.io/canonical/ovn-consolidated:24.03 ovn-nb-db-server-image: ghcr.io/canonical/ovn-consolidated:24.03 ovn-northd-image: ghcr.io/canonical/ovn-consolidated:24.03 keystone: {% if keystone_k8s is defined and keystone_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../keystone-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:keystone-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true storage: fernet-keys: 5M credential-keys: 5M resources: keystone-image: ghcr.io/canonical/keystone:2024.1 glance: {% if glance_k8s is defined and glance_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../glance-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:glance-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true storage: local-repository: 10G resources: glance-api-image: ghcr.io/canonical/glance-api:2024.1 heat: {% if heat_k8s is defined and heat_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../heat-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:heat-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true resources: heat-api-image: ghcr.io/canonical/heat-consolidated:2024.1 heat-engine-image: ghcr.io/canonical/heat-consolidated:2024.1 octavia: {% if octavia_k8s is defined and octavia_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../octavia-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:octavia-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: true resources: octavia-api-image: ghcr.io/canonical/octavia-consolidated:2024.1 octavia-driver-agent-image: ghcr.io/canonical/octavia-consolidated:2024.1 octavia-housekeeping-image: ghcr.io/canonical/octavia-consolidated:2024.1 barbican: {% if barbican_k8s is defined and barbican_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../barbican-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:barbican-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: false resources: barbican-api-image: ghcr.io/canonical/barbican-consolidated:2024.1 barbican-worker-image: ghcr.io/canonical/barbican-consolidated:2024.1 magnum: {% if magnum_k8s is defined and magnum_k8s is sameas true -%} charm: ../../../magnum-k8s.charm {% else -%} charm: ch:magnum-k8s channel: 2024.1/edge {% endif -%} base: ubuntu@22.04 scale: 1 trust: false resources: magnum-api-image: ghcr.io/canonical/magnum-consolidated:2024.1 magnum-conductor-image: ghcr.io/canonical/magnum-consolidated:2024.1 relations: - - tls-operator:certificates - ovn-central:certificates - - mysql:database - keystone:database - - traefik:ingress - keystone:ingress-public - - mysql:database - glance:database - - keystone:identity-service - glance:identity-service - - rabbitmq:amqp - glance:amqp - - traefik:ingress - glance:ingress-public - - keystone:send-ca-cert - glance:receive-ca-cert - - mysql:database - heat:database - - keystone:identity-service - heat:identity-service - - keystone:identity-ops - heat:identity-ops - - traefik:traefik-route - heat:traefik-route-public - - rabbitmq:amqp - heat:amqp - - keystone:send-ca-cert - heat:receive-ca-cert - - mysql:database - octavia:database - - keystone:identity-service - octavia:identity-service - - keystone:identity-ops - octavia:identity-ops - - traefik:ingress - octavia:ingress-public - - tls-operator:certificates - octavia:certificates - - octavia:ovsdb-cms - ovn-central:ovsdb-cms - - keystone:send-ca-cert - octavia:receive-ca-cert - - mysql:database - barbican:database - - rabbitmq:amqp - barbican:amqp - - keystone:identity-service - barbican:identity-service - - keystone:identity-ops - barbican:identity-ops - - traefik:ingress - barbican:ingress-public - - vault:vault-kv - barbican:vault-kv - - keystone:send-ca-cert - barbican:receive-ca-cert - - mysql:database - magnum:database - - rabbitmq:amqp - magnum:amqp - - keystone:identity-service - magnum:identity-service - - keystone:identity-ops - magnum:identity-ops - - traefik:ingress - magnum:ingress-public - - keystone:send-ca-cert - magnum:receive-ca-cert