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# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sushy
from sushy import exceptions
from sushy.resources.oem import base as oem_base
from sushy import utils as sushy_utils
from sushy_oem_idrac.resources.system import constants as sys_cons
from sushy_oem_idrac.resources.system import raid_service
def _filter_disks_not_in_mode(controller_to_disks, mode):
"""Filters disks that are not in requested mode
:param controller_to_disks: dictionary of controllers and their drives
:param mode: constants.PhysicalDiskStateMode
:returns: dictionary of controllers and their drives that need mode changed
sushy_raw_device = sushy.VOLUME_TYPE_RAW_DEVICE
for controller, drives in controller_to_disks.items():
toprocess_drives = []
for drive in drives:
is_raw_device = False
volumes = None
volumes = drive.volumes
except exceptions.MissingAttributeError:
if (volumes
and (volumes[0].volume_type == sushy_raw_device
or volumes[0].raid_type is None)):
is_raw_device = True
if (mode == sys_cons.PhysicalDiskStateMode.RAID
and is_raw_device
or mode == sys_cons.PhysicalDiskStateMode.NONRAID
and not is_raw_device):
controller_to_disks[controller] = toprocess_drives
return controller_to_disks
class DellSystemExtension(oem_base.OEMResourceBase):
def raid_service(self):
"""`DellRaidService` of the system"""
path = sushy_utils.get_sub_resource_path_by(
self, ["Links", "Oem", "Dell", "DellRaidService"],
return raid_service.DellRaidService(
self._conn, path, redfish_version=self.redfish_version,
registries=self.registries, root=self.root)
def change_physical_disk_state(self, mode, controller_to_disks=None):
"""Converts physical disks RAID status
Converts only those disks that are not already in requested mode.
:param mode: constants.PhysicalDiskStateMode
:param controller_to_disks: dictionary of controllers and their drives.
Optional, if not provided, processes all RAID, except BOSS,
controller drives.
:returns: List of task monitors for each controller's disks if any
drives need changes
if not controller_to_disks:
controller_to_disks = self._get_controller_to_disks()
# Do not process BOSS controllers as can't convert their disks
boss_controllers = [c for c in controller_to_disks
if 'BOSS' in]
for c in boss_controllers:
controller_to_disks = _filter_disks_not_in_mode(
controller_to_disks, mode)
# Convert by each controller that have eligible disks
task_monitors = []
for controller, drives in controller_to_disks.items():
if drives:
drive_fqdds = [d.identity for d in drives]
if mode == sys_cons.PhysicalDiskStateMode.RAID:
elif mode == sys_cons.PhysicalDiskStateMode.NONRAID:
return task_monitors
def clear_foreign_config(self, storage_list=None):
"""Clears foreign config on given controllers
:param storage_list: List of storage objects, each of which
corresponds to a controller
:returns: List of task monitors, where each entry is for a
controller that has foreign config to clear
if storage_list is None:
storage_list = self._get_storage_list()
# Do not process BOSS controllers as not supporting clearing
boss_storage = [s for s in storage_list
if any(c for c in s.storage_controllers
if 'BOSS' in]
for s in boss_storage:
task_monitors = []
for storage in storage_list:
task_mon = self.raid_service.clear_foreign_config(storage.identity)
if task_mon:
return task_monitors
def _get_controller_to_disks(self):
"""Gets all RAID controllers and their disks on system
:returns: dictionary of RAID controllers and their disks
controller_to_disks = {}
for storage in
controller = (storage.storage_controllers[0]
if storage.storage_controllers else None)
if not controller or controller and not controller.raid_types:
controller_to_disks[controller] = storage.drives
return controller_to_disks
def _get_storage_list(self):
"""Gets all storage items corresponding to RAID controllers
:returns: list of storage items
storage_list = []
for storage in
controller = (storage.storage_controllers[0]
if storage.storage_controllers else None)
if not controller or controller and not controller.raid_types:
return storage_list
def get_extension(*args, **kwargs):
return DellSystemExtension