{ "@odata.context" : "/redfish/v1/$metadata#MessageRegistry.MessageRegistry", "@odata.id" : "/redfish/v1/Registries/Messages/Registry", "@odata.type" : "#MessageRegistry.v1_1_1.MessageRegistry", "Id": "1.1.1", "Name": "Message Registry", "Language": "en", "RegistryVersion": "1.1.1", "Description": "This registry defines the messages for Redfish", "RegistryPrefix": "Msg", "OwningEntity": "VendorA", "Messages": { "AMP0300": { "Description": "None.", "Message": "The system board %1 current is less than the lower warning threshold.", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 1, "ParamTypes": [ "string" ], "Resolution": "Review system power policy and review system configuration changes." }, "BIOS001": { "Description": "The command was successful.", "Message": "The command was successful", "Severity": "Informational", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "Resolution": "No response action is required." }, "BIOS002": { "Description": "Unable to allocate required memory to perform the requested operation", "Message": "Resource allocation failure.", "Severity": "Critical", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "Resolution": "Power cycle system." }, "BIOS003": { "Description": "An invalid number of arguments was passed to the method.", "Message": "Missing required parameter. Refer to the inserted comment.", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "Resolution": "Enter all the required command parameters. Check documentation and try again." }, "BIOS004": { "Description": "The value for the specified parameter is invalid.", "Message": "Invalid parameter value for %1", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 1, "ParamTypes": [ "string" ], "Resolution": "Verify that parameter values passed to the method are entered as they appear in the enumeration and parameter data type matches the documentation." }, "BIOS005": { "Description": "The number of AttributeName and AttributeValue parameters do not match.", "Message": "Mismatch in AttributeName and AttributeValue count", "Severity": "Warning", "NumberOfArgs": 0, "Resolution": "Enter the same number of parameters for AttributeName and AttributeValue. Refer to documentation for method input parameter details." } } }