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# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from http import client as http_client
import logging
import re
import time
from urllib import parse as urlparse
import requests
from sushy import exceptions
from sushy.taskmonitor import TaskMonitor
from sushy import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Connector(object):
def __init__(
self, url, username=None, password=None, verify=True,
self._url = url
self._verify = verify
self._session = requests.Session()
self._session.verify = self._verify
self._response_callback = response_callback
self._auth = None
# NOTE(TheJulia): In order to help prevent recursive post operations
# by allowing us to understand that we should stop authentication.
self._sessions_uri = None
# NOTE(etingof): field studies reveal that some BMCs choke at
# long-running persistent HTTP connections (or TCP connections).
# By default, we ask HTTP server to shut down HTTP connection we've
# just used.
self._session.headers['Connection'] = 'close'
# NOTE(TheJulia): Depending on the BMC, offering compression as an
# acceptable response changes the ETag behavior to offering an
# automatic "weak" ETag response, which is appropriate because the
# body content *may* not be a byte for byte match given compression.
# Overall, the value of compression is less than the value of concise
# interaction with the BMC. Setting to identity basically means
# "without modification or compression". By default, python-requests
# indicates responses can be compressed.
self._session.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity'
if username or password:
LOG.warning('Passing username and password to Connector is '
'deprecated. Authentication is passed through '
'set_auth now, support for these arguments will '
'be removed in the future')
self.set_http_basic_auth(username, password)
def set_auth(self, auth):
"""Sets the authentication mechanism for our connector."""
self._auth = auth
def set_http_basic_auth(self, username, password):
"""Sets the http basic authentication information."""
self._session.auth = (username, password)
def set_http_session_auth(self, session_auth_token):
"""Sets the session authentication information."""
self._session.auth = None
self._session.headers.update({'X-Auth-Token': session_auth_token})
def close(self):
"""Close this connector and the associated HTTP session."""
def check_retry_on_exception(self, exception_msg):
"""Checks whether retry on exception is required."""
if ('SYS518' in str(exception_msg)):
LOG.debug('iDRAC is not yet ready after previous operation. '
'Error: %(err)s', {'err': str(exception_msg)})
return True
return False
def _op(self, method, path='', data=None, headers=None, blocking=False,
timeout=60, server_side_retries=_SERVER_SIDE_RETRIES,
"""Generic RESTful request handler.
:param method: The HTTP method to be used, e.g: GET, POST,
PUT, PATCH, etc...
:param path: The sub-URI or absolute URL path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param allow_reauth: Whether to allow refreshing the authentication
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
url = path if urlparse.urlparse(path).netloc else urlparse.urljoin(
self._url, path)
headers = headers or {}
lc_headers = [k.lower() for k in headers]
if data is not None and 'content-type' not in lc_headers:
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
if 'odata-version' not in lc_headers:
headers['OData-Version'] = '4.0'
# TODO(lucasagomes): We should mask the data to remove sensitive
# information
LOG.debug('HTTP request: %(method)s %(url)s; headers: %(headers)s; '
'body: %(data)s; blocking: %(blocking)s; timeout: '
'%(timeout)s; session arguments: %(session)s;',
{'method': method, 'url': url,
'headers': utils.sanitize(headers),
'data': utils.sanitize(data),
'blocking': blocking, 'timeout': timeout,
'session': extra_session_req_kwargs})
response = self._session.request(method, url, json=data,
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# Capture any general exception by looking for the parent
# class of exceptions in the requests library.
# Specifically this will cover cases such as transport
# failures, connection timeouts, and encoding errors.
# Raising this as sushy ConnectionError allows users to
# understand something bad has happened, and to
# allow them to respond accordingly.
raise exceptions.ConnectionError(url=url, error=e)
if self._response_callback:
# If we received an AccessError, and we
# previously established a redfish session
# there is a chance that the session has timed-out.
# Attempt to re-establish a session.
exceptions.raise_for_response(method, url, response)
except exceptions.AccessError as e:
if (method == 'POST'
and self._sessions_uri is not None
and self._sessions_uri in url):
LOG.error('Authentication to the session service failed. '
'Please check credentials and try again.')
if not allow_reauth:
LOG.error("Failure occured while attempting to retry "
"request after refreshing the session: %s", e)
if self._auth is not None:
# self._session.auth value is only set when basic auth is used
if self._session.auth is not None:
LOG.warning('We have encountered an AccessError when '
'using \'basic\' authentication. %(err)s',
{'err': str(e)})
# NOTE(TheJulia): There is no way to recover Basic auth,
# as we need the client to be re-launched with new
# credentials.
if self._auth.can_refresh_session():
LOG.warning('Session authentication appears to have '
'been lost at some point in time. '
'Connectivity may have been lost during '
'a prior session refresh. Attempting to '
except exceptions.AccessError as refresh_exc:
LOG.error("A failure occured while attempting to refresh "
"the session. Error: %s", refresh_exc.message)
LOG.debug("Authentication refreshed successfully, "
"retrying the call.")
return self._op(
method, path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
server_side_retries=server_side_retries - 1,
if method == 'GET' and url.endswith('SessionService'):
LOG.debug('HTTP GET of SessionService failed %s, '
'this is expected prior to authentication',
LOG.error("Authentication error detected. Cannot proceed: "
"%s", e.message)
except exceptions.ServerSideError as e:
if ((method.lower() == 'get'
or self.check_retry_on_exception(e.message))
and server_side_retries > 0):
LOG.warning('Got server side error %s in response to a '
'GET request, retrying after %d seconds',
return self._op(method, path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
server_side_retries=server_side_retries - 1,
if blocking and response.status_code == 202:
if not response.headers.get('Location'):
m = ('HTTP response for %(method)s request to %(url)s '
'returned status 202, but no Location header'
% {'method': method, 'url': url})
raise exceptions.ConnectionError(url=url, error=m)
mon = TaskMonitor.from_response(self, response, path)
response = mon.response
exceptions.raise_for_response(method, url, response)
LOG.debug('HTTP response for %(method)s %(url)s: '
'status code: %(code)s',
{'method': method, 'url': url,
'code': response.status_code})
return response
def get(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, blocking=False,
timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""HTTP GET method.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
return self._op('GET', path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
def post(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, blocking=False,
timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""HTTP POST method.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
return self._op('POST', path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
def _etag_handler(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, etag=None,
blocking=False, timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""eTag handler containing workarounds for PATCH requests with eTags.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param etag: eTag string.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
if etag is not None:
if not headers:
headers = {}
headers['If-Match'] = etag
response = self._op('PATCH', path, data=data,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
except exceptions.HTTPError as resp:
LOG.warning("Initial request with eTag failed: %s",
if resp.status_code == http_client.PRECONDITION_FAILED:
# NOTE(janders) if there was no eTag provided AND the response
# is HTTP 412 Precondition Failed, raise the exception
if not etag:
# checking for weak eTag
pattern = re.compile(r'^(W\/)("\w*")$')
match = pattern.match(etag)
if match:"Weak eTag provided with original request to "
"%s. Attempting to conversion to strong eTag "
"and re-trying.", path)
# trying weak eTag converted to strong
headers['If-Match'] =
response = self._op('PATCH', path, data=data,
except exceptions.HTTPError as resp:
if (resp.status_code == http_client.
LOG.warning("Request to %s with weak eTag "
"converted to strong eTag also "
"failed. Making the final attempt "
"with no eTag specified.", path)
response = None
if response:
return response
# eTag is strong, if it failed the only other thing
# to try is removing it entirely
# info
LOG.warning("Strong eTag provided - retrying request to "
"%s with eTag removed.", path)
del headers['If-Match']
response = self._op('PATCH', path, data=data,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
except exceptions.HTTPError as resp:
LOG.error("Final re-try with eTag removed has failed, "
"raising exception %s", resp)
return response
def patch(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, etag=None,
blocking=False, timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""HTTP PATCH method.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param etag: Optional eTag string.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
return self._etag_handler(path, data,
headers, etag,
blocking, timeout,
def put(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, blocking=False,
timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""HTTP PUT method.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
return self._op('PUT', path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
def delete(self, path='', data=None, headers=None, blocking=False,
timeout=60, **extra_session_req_kwargs):
"""HTTP DELETE method.
:param path: Optional sub-URI path to the resource.
:param data: Optional JSON data.
:param headers: Optional dictionary of headers.
:param blocking: Whether to block for asynchronous operations.
:param timeout: Max time in seconds to wait for blocking async call.
:param extra_session_req_kwargs: Optional keyword argument to pass
requests library arguments which would pass on to requests session
:returns: The response object from the requests library.
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
return self._op('DELETE', path, data=data, headers=headers,
blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout,
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *_args):