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# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import copy
import io
import json
import logging
import re
import zipfile
import pkg_resources
from sushy import exceptions
from sushy.resources import mappings as res_maps
from sushy.resources import oem
from sushy import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Field(object):
"""Definition for fields fetched from JSON."""
def __init__(self, path, required=False, default=None,
adapter=lambda x: x):
"""Create a field definition.
:param path: JSON field to fetch the value from. Either a string,
or a list of strings in case of a nested field.
:param required: whether this field is required. Missing required,
but not defaulted, fields result in MissingAttributeError.
:param default: the default value to use when the field is missing.
:param adapter: a function to call to transform and/or validate
the received value. UnicodeError, ValueError or TypeError from
this call are reraised as MalformedAttributeError.
if not callable(adapter):
raise TypeError("Adapter must be callable")
if not isinstance(path, list):
path = [path]
elif not path:
raise ValueError('Path cannot be empty')
self._path = path
self._required = required
self._default = default
self._adapter = adapter
def _get_item(self, dct, key_or_callable, **context):
if not callable(key_or_callable):
return dct[key_or_callable]
for candidate_key in dct:
if key_or_callable(
candidate_key, value=dct[candidate_key], **context):
return dct[candidate_key]
raise KeyError(key_or_callable)
def _load(self, body, resource, nested_in=None):
"""Load this field from a JSON object.
:param body: parsed JSON body.
:param resource: ResourceBase instance for which the field is loaded.
:param nested_in: parent resource path (for error reporting only),
must be a list of strings or None.
:raises: MissingAttributeError if a required field is missing
and not defaulted.
:raises: MalformedAttributeError on invalid field value or type.
:returns: loaded and verified value
name = self._path[-1]
for path_item in self._path[:-1]:
body = body.get(path_item, {})
item = self._get_item(body, name)
except KeyError:
if self._required:
path = (nested_in or []) + self._path
if self._default is None:
raise exceptions.MissingAttributeError(
'Applying default "%s" on required, but missing '
'attribute "%s"' % (self._default, path))
# Do not run the adapter on the default value
return self._default
# NOTE(etingof): this is just to account for schema violation
if item is None:
return self._adapter(item)
except (UnicodeError, ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
path = (nested_in or []) + self._path
raise exceptions.MalformedAttributeError(
def _collect_fields(resource):
"""Collect fields from the JSON.
:param resource: ResourceBase or CompositeField instance.
:returns: generator of tuples (key, field)
for attr in dir(resource.__class__):
field = getattr(resource.__class__, attr)
if isinstance(field, Field):
yield (attr, field)
class CompositeField(, Field, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for fields consisting of several sub-fields."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CompositeField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._subfields = dict(_collect_fields(self))
def _load(self, body, resource, nested_in=None):
"""Load the composite field.
:param body: parent JSON body.
:param resource: parent resource.
:param nested_in: parent resource name (for error reporting only).
:returns: a new object with sub-fields attached to it.
nested_in = (nested_in or []) + self._path
value = super(CompositeField, self)._load(body, resource)
if value is None:
return None
# We need a new instance, as this method is called a singleton instance
# that is attached to a class (not instance) of a resource or another
# CompositeField. We don't want to end up modifying this instance.
instance = copy.copy(self)
for attr, field in self._subfields.items():
# Hide the Field object behind the real value
setattr(instance, attr, field._load(value, resource, nested_in))
return instance
# Satisfy the mapping interface, see
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self._subfields:
return getattr(self, key)
raise KeyError(key)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._subfields)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._subfields)
class ListField(Field):
"""Base class for fields consisting of a list of several sub-fields."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ListField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._subfields = dict(_collect_fields(self))
def _load(self, body, resource, nested_in=None):
"""Load the field list.
:param body: parent JSON body.
:param resource: parent resource.
:param nested_in: parent resource name (for error reporting only).
:returns: a new list object containing subfields.
nested_in = (nested_in or []) + self._path
values = super(ListField, self)._load(body, resource)
if values is None:
return None
# Initialize the list that will contain each field instance
instances = []
for value in values:
instance = copy.copy(self)
for attr, field in self._subfields.items():
# Hide the Field object behind the real value
setattr(instance, attr, field._load(value,
return instances
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
class LinksField(CompositeField):
"""Reference to linked resources."""
oem_vendors = Field('Oem', adapter=list)
class DictionaryField(Field):
"""Base class for fields consisting of dictionary of several sub-fields."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DictionaryField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._subfields = dict(_collect_fields(self))
def _load(self, body, resource, nested_in=None):
"""Load the dictionary.
:param body: parent JSON body.
:param resource: parent resource.
:param nested_in: parent resource name (for error reporting only).
:returns: a new dictionary object containing subfields.
nested_in = (nested_in or []) + self._path
values = super(DictionaryField, self)._load(body, resource)
if values is None:
return None
instances = {}
for key, value in values.items():
instance_value = copy.copy(self)
for attr, field in self._subfields.items():
# Hide the Field object behind the real value
setattr(instance_value, attr, field._load(value,
instances[key] = instance_value
return instances
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
class MappedField(Field):
"""Field taking real value from a mapping."""
def __init__(self, field, mapping, required=False, default=None):
"""Create a mapped field definition.
:param field: JSON field to fetch the value from. This can be either
a string or a list of string. In the latter case, the value will
be fetched from a nested object.
:param mapping: a mapping to take values from.
:param required: whether this field is required. Missing required,
but not defaulted, fields result in MissingAttributeError.
:param default: the default value to use when the field is missing.
This value is not matched against the mapping.
if not isinstance(mapping,
raise TypeError("The mapping argument must be a mapping")
super(MappedField, self).__init__(
field, required=required, default=default,
class MappedListField(Field):
"""Field taking a list of values with a mapping for the values
Given JSON {'field':['xxx', 'yyy']}, a sushy resource definition and
mapping {'xxx':'a', 'yyy':'b'}, the sushy object to come out will be like
resource.field = ['a', 'b']
def __init__(self, field, mapping, required=False, default=None):
"""Create a mapped list field definition.
:param field: JSON field to fetch the list of values from.
:param mapping: a mapping for the list elements.
:param required: whether this field is required. Missing required,
but not defaulted, fields result in MissingAttributeError.
:param default: the default value to use when the field is missing.
if not isinstance(mapping,
raise TypeError("The mapping argument must be a mapping")
self._mapping_adapter = mapping.get
super(MappedListField, self).__init__(
field, required=required, default=default,
adapter=lambda x: x)
def _load(self, body, resource, nested_in=None):
"""Load the mapped list.
:param body: parent JSON body.
:param resource: parent resource.
:param nested_in: parent resource name (for error reporting only).
:returns: a new list object containing the mapped values.
nested_in = (nested_in or []) + self._path
values = super(MappedListField, self)._load(body, resource)
if values is None:
instances = [self._mapping_adapter(value) for value in values
if self._mapping_adapter(value) is not None]
return instances
class MessageListField(ListField):
"""List of messages with details of settings update status"""
message_id = Field('MessageId')
"""The key for this message which can be used
to look up the message in a message registry
message = Field('Message')
"""Human readable message, if provided"""
severity = MappedField('Severity',
"""Severity of the error"""
resolution = Field('Resolution')
"""Used to provide suggestions on how to resolve
the situation that caused the error
_related_properties = Field('RelatedProperties')
"""List of properties described by the message"""
message_args = Field('MessageArgs')
"""List of message substitution arguments for the message
referenced by `message_id` from the message registry
class FieldData(object):
"""Contains data to be used when constructing Fields"""
def __init__(self, status_code, headers, json_doc):
"""Initializes the FieldData instance"""
self._status_code = status_code
self._headers = headers
self._json_doc = json_doc
def status_code(self):
"""The status code"""
return self._status_code
def headers(self):
"""The headers"""
return self._headers
def json_doc(self):
"""The parsed JSON body"""
return self._json_doc
class AbstractDataReader(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def set_connection(self, connector, path):
"""Sets mandatory connection parameters
:param connector: A Connector instance
:param path: path of the resource
self._conn = connector
self._path = path
def get_data(self):
"""Based on data source get data and parse to JSON"""
class JsonDataReader(AbstractDataReader):
"""Gets the data from HTTP response given by path"""
def get_data(self):
"""Gets JSON file from URI directly"""
data = self._conn.get(path=self._path)
json_data = data.json() if data.content else {}
return FieldData(data.status_code, data.headers, json_data)
class JsonPublicFileReader(AbstractDataReader):
"""Loads the data from the Internet"""
def get_data(self):
"""Get JSON file from full URI"""
data = self._conn.get(self._path)
return FieldData(data.status_code, data.headers, data.json())
class JsonArchiveReader(AbstractDataReader):
"""Gets the data from JSON file in archive"""
def __init__(self, archive_file):
"""Initializes the reader
:param archive_file: file name of JSON file in archive
self._archive_file = archive_file
def get_data(self):
"""Gets JSON file from archive. Currently supporting ZIP only"""
data = self._conn.get(path=self._path)
if data.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/zip':
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data.content))
json_data = json.loads(
return FieldData(data.status_code, data.headers, json_data)
except (zipfile.BadZipfile, ValueError) as e:
raise exceptions.ArchiveParsingError(
path=self._path, error=e)
LOG.error('Support for %(type)s not implemented',
{'type': data.headers['content-type']})
return FieldData(data.status_code, data.headers, None)
class JsonPackagedFileReader(AbstractDataReader):
"""Gets the data from packaged file given by path"""
def __init__(self, resource_package_name):
"""Initializes the reader
:param resource_package: Python package/module name
self._resource_package_name = resource_package_name
def get_data(self):
"""Gets JSON file from packaged file denoted by path"""
with pkg_resources.resource_stream(self._resource_package_name,
self._path) as resource:
json_data = json.loads('utf-8'))
return FieldData(None, None, json_data)
def get_reader(connector, path, reader=None):
"""Create and configure the reader.
:param connector: A Connector instance
:param path: sub-URI path to the resource.
:param reader: Reader to use to fetch JSON data.
:returns: the reader
if reader is None:
reader = JsonDataReader()
reader.set_connection(connector, path)
return reader
class ResourceBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
redfish_version = None
"""The Redfish version"""
_oem_vendors = Field('Oem', adapter=list)
"""The list of OEM extension names for this resource."""
links = LinksField('Links')
def __init__(self,
"""A class representing the base of any Redfish resource
Invokes the ``refresh()`` method of resource for the first
time from here (constructor).
:param connector: A Connector instance
:param path: sub-URI path to the resource.
:param redfish_version: The version of Redfish. Used to construct
the object according to schema of the given version.
:param registries: Dict of Redfish Message Registry objects to be
used in any resource that needs registries to parse messages
:param reader: Reader to use to fetch JSON data.
:param json_doc: parsed JSON document in form of Python types.
self._conn = connector
self._path = path
self._json = None
self.redfish_version = redfish_version
self._registries = registries
# Note(deray): Indicates if the resource holds stale data or not.
# Starting off with True and eventually gets set to False when
# attribute values are fetched.
self._is_stale = True
self._reader = get_reader(connector, path, reader)
def _get_value(self, val):
"""Iterate through the input to get values for all attributes
:param val: Either a value or a resource
:returns: Attribute value, which may be a dictionary
if isinstance(val, dict):
subfields = {}
for key, s_val in val.items():
subfields[key] = self._get_value(s_val)
return subfields
elif isinstance(val, list):
return [self._get_value(val[i]) for i in range(len(val))]
elif (isinstance(val, DictionaryField)
or isinstance(val, CompositeField)
or isinstance(val, ListField)):
subfields = {}
for attr, field in val._subfields.items():
subfields[attr] = self._get_value(val.__getitem__(attr))
return subfields
return val
def _parse_attributes(self, json_doc):
"""Parse the attributes of a resource.
Parsed JSON fields are set to `self` as declared in the class.
:param json_doc: parsed JSON document in form of Python types
:returns: dictionary of attribute/values after parsing
settings = {}
for attr, field in _collect_fields(self):
# Hide the Field object behind the real value
setattr(self, attr, field._load(json_doc, self))
# Get the attribute/value pairs that have been parsed
settings[attr] = self._get_value(getattr(self, attr))
return settings
def _get_etag(self):
"""Returns the ETag of the HTTP request if any was specified.
:returns ETag or None
pattern = re.compile(r'^(W\/)?("\w*")$')
match = pattern.match(self._get_headers().get('ETag', ''))
if match:
return None
def _get_headers(self):
"""Returns the HTTP headers of the request for the resource.
:returns: dict of HTTP headers
return self._reader.get_data()._headers
def _allow_patch(self):
"""Returns if the resource supports the PATCH HTTP method.
If the resource supports the PATCH HTTP method for updates,
it will return it in the Allow HTTP header.
:returns: Boolean flag if PATCH is supported or not
allow_header = self._get_headers().get('Allow', '')
methods = set([h.strip().upper() for h in allow_header.split(',')])
return "PATCH" in methods
def refresh(self, force=True, json_doc=None):
"""Refresh the resource
Freshly retrieves/fetches the resource attributes and invokes
``_parse_attributes()`` method on successful retrieval.
It is recommended not to override this method in concrete ResourceBase
classes. Resource classes can place their refresh specific operations
in ``_do_refresh()`` method, if needed. This method represents the
template method in the paradigm of Template design pattern.
:param force: if set to False, will only refresh if the resource is
marked as stale, otherwise neither it nor its subresources will
be refreshed.
:param json_doc: parsed JSON document in form of Python types.
:raises: ResourceNotFoundError
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
# Note(deray): Don't re-fetch / invalidate the sub-resources if the
# resource is "_not_ stale" (i.e. fresh) OR _not_ forced.
if not self._is_stale and not force:
if json_doc:
self._json = json_doc
self._json = self._reader.get_data().json_doc
attributes = self._parse_attributes(self._json)
LOG.debug('Received representation of %(type)s %(path)s: %(json)s',
{'type': self.__class__.__name__,
'path': self._path, 'json': attributes})
# Mark it fresh
self._is_stale = False
def _do_refresh(self, force):
"""Primitive method to be overridden by refresh related activities.
Derived classes are supposed to override this method with the
resource specific refresh operations to be performed. This is a
primitive method in the paradigm of Template design pattern.
As for the base implementation of this method the approach taken is:
On refresh, all sub-resources are marked as stale. That means
invalidate (or undefine) the exposed attributes for nested resources
for fresh evaluation in subsequent calls to those exposed attributes.
In other words greedy-refresh is not done for them, unless forced by
``force`` argument.
:param force: should force refresh the resource and its sub-resources,
if set to True.
:raises: ResourceNotFoundError
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
utils.cache_clear(self, force_refresh=force)
def invalidate(self, force_refresh=False):
"""Mark the resource as stale, prompting refresh() before getting used.
If ``force_refresh`` is set to True, then it invokes ``refresh()``
on the resource.
:param force_refresh: will invoke refresh on the resource,
if set to True.
:raises: ResourceNotFoundError
:raises: ConnectionError
:raises: HTTPError
self._is_stale = True
if force_refresh:
def oem_vendors(self):
return list(
set((self._oem_vendors or []) + (self.links.oem_vendors or []))
def json(self):
return self._json
def path(self):
return self._path
def clone_resource(self, new_resource, path=''):
"""Instantiate given resource using existing BMC connection context"""
return new_resource(
self._conn, path or self.path,
def resource_name(self):
return utils.camelcase_to_underscore_joined(self.__class__.__name__)
def get_oem_extension(self, vendor):
"""Get the OEM extension instance for this resource by OEM vendor
:param vendor: the OEM vendor string which is the vendor-specific
extensibility identifier. Examples are 'Contoso', 'Hpe'.
Possible value can be got from ``oem_vendors`` attribute.
:returns: the Redfish resource OEM extension instance.
:raises: OEMExtensionNotFoundError
return oem.get_resource_extension_by_vendor(
self.resource_name, vendor, self)
def registries(self):
return self._registries
class ResourceCollectionBase(ResourceBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
name = Field('Name')
"""The name of the collection"""
members_identities = Field('Members', default=[],
"""A tuple with the members identities"""
def __init__(self, connector, path, redfish_version=None, registries=None):
"""A class representing the base of any Redfish resource collection
It gets inherited from ``ResourceBase`` and invokes the base class
:param connector: A Connector instance
:param path: sub-URI path to the resource collection.
:param redfish_version: The version of Redfish. Used to construct
the object according to schema of the given version.
:param registries: Dict of Redfish Message Registry objects to be
used in any resource that needs registries to parse messages.
super(ResourceCollectionBase, self).__init__(
connector, path, redfish_version, registries)
LOG.debug('Received %(count)d member(s) for %(type)s %(path)s',
{'count': len(self.members_identities),
'type': self.__class__.__name__, 'path': self._path})
def _resource_type(self):
"""The resource class that the collection contains.
Override this property to specify the resource class that the
collection contains.
def get_member(self, identity):
"""Given the identity return a ``_resource_type`` object
:param identity: The identity of the ``_resource_type``
:returns: The ``_resource_type`` object
:raises: ResourceNotFoundError
return self._resource_type(
self._conn, identity, self.redfish_version, self.registries)
def get_members(self):
"""Return a list of ``_resource_type`` objects present in collection
:returns: A list of ``_resource_type`` objects
return [self.get_member(id_) for id_ in self.members_identities]