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.. _associated_projects:
Associated Projects
.. _application-bindings:
Application Bindings
* OpenStack supported binding:
* `Python-SwiftClient <https://pypi.org/project/python-swiftclient>`_
* Unofficial libraries and bindings:
* `PHP-opencloud <http://php-opencloud.com>`_ - Official Rackspace PHP
bindings that should work for other Swift deployments too.
* Ruby
* `swift_client <https://github.com/mrkamel/swift_client>`_ -
Small but powerful Ruby client to interact with OpenStack Swift
* `nightcrawler_swift <https://github.com/tulios/nightcrawler_swift>`_ -
This Ruby gem teleports your assets to an OpenStack Swift bucket/container
* `swift storage <https://rubygems.org/gems/swift-storage>`_ -
Simple OpenStack Swift storage client.
* Java
* `libcloud <http://libcloud.apache.org>`_ - Apache Libcloud - a unified
interface in Python for different clouds with OpenStack Swift support.
* `jclouds <http://jclouds.apache.org/guides/openstack/>`_ -
Java library offering bindings for all OpenStack projects
* `java-openstack-swift <https://github.com/iterate-ch/java-openstack-swift>`_ -
Java bindings for OpenStack Swift
* `javaswift <http://javaswift.org/>`_ - Collection of Java tools for Swift
* Bash
* `supload <https://github.com/selectel/supload>`_ - Bash script to
upload file to cloud storage based on OpenStack Swift API.
* .NET
* `openstacknetsdk.org <http://www.openstacknetsdk.org>`_ - An OpenStack
Cloud SDK for Microsoft .NET.
* Go
* `Go language bindings <https://github.com/ncw/swift>`_
* `Gophercloud an OpenStack SDK for Go <https://godoc.org/github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud>`_
* `Keystone <https://github.com/openstack/keystone>`_ - Official Identity
Service for OpenStack.
* `Swauth <https://github.com/openstack/swauth>`_ - An alternative Swift
authentication service that only requires Swift itself.
* `Basicauth <https://github.com/CloudVPS/swift-basicauth>`_ - HTTP Basic
authentication support (keystone backed).
Command Line Access
* `Swiftly <https://github.com/gholt/swiftly>`_ - Alternate command line
access to Swift with direct (no proxy) access capabilities as well.
External Integration
* `1space <https://github.com/swiftstack/1space>`_ -
Multi-cloud synchronization tool - supports Swift and S3 APIs
* `swift-metadata-sync <https://github.com/swiftstack/swift-metadata-sync>`_ -
Propagate OpenStack Swift object metadata into Elasticsearch
Log Processing
* `slogging <https://github.com/openstack/slogging>`_ - Basic stats and
logging tools.
Monitoring & Statistics
* `Swift Informant <https://github.com/pandemicsyn/swift-informant>`_ -
Swift proxy Middleware to send events to a statsd instance.
* `Swift Inspector <https://github.com/hurricanerix/swift-inspector>`_ -
Swift middleware to relay information about a request back to the client.
Content Distribution Network Integration
* `SOS <https://github.com/dpgoetz/sos>`_ - Swift Origin Server.
Alternative API
* `ProxyFS <https://github.com/swiftstack/ProxyFS>`_ - Integrated file and
object access for Swift object storage
* `SwiftHLM <https://github.com/ibm-research/SwiftHLM>`_ - a middleware for
using OpenStack Swift with tape and other high latency media storage
Benchmarking/Load Generators
* `getput <https://github.com/markseger/getput>`_ - getput tool suite
* `COSbench <https://github.com/intel-cloud/cosbench>`_ - COSbench tool suite
* `ssbench <https://github.com/swiftstack/ssbench>`_ - ssbench tool suite
.. _custom-logger-hooks-label:
Custom Logger Hooks
* `swift-sentry <https://github.com/pandemicsyn/swift-sentry>`_ -
Sentry exception reporting for Swift
Storage Backends (DiskFile API implementations)
* `Swift-on-File <https://github.com/openstack/swiftonfile>`_ -
Enables objects created using Swift API to be accessed as files on a POSIX
filesystem and vice versa.
* `swift-scality-backend <https://github.com/scality/ScalitySproxydSwift>`_ -
Scality sproxyd object server implementation for Swift.
Developer Tools
* `SAIO bash scripts <https://github.com/ntata/swift-setup-scripts>`_ -
Well commented simple bash scripts for Swift all in one setup.
* `vagrant-swift-all-in-one
<https://github.com/swiftstack/vagrant-swift-all-in-one>`_ - Quickly setup a
standard development environment using Vagrant and Chef cookbooks in an
Ubuntu virtual machine.
* `SAIO Ansible playbook <https://github.com/thiagodasilva/ansible-saio>`_ -
Quickly setup a standard development environment using Vagrant and Ansible in
a Fedora virtual machine (with built-in `Swift-on-File
<https://github.com/openstack/swiftonfile>`_ support).
* `runway <https://github.com/swiftstack/runway>`_ - Runway sets up a
swift-all-in-one (SAIO) dev environment in an lxc container.
* `Multi Swift <https://github.com/ntata/multi-swift-POC>`_ -
Bash scripts to spin up multiple Swift clusters sharing the same hardware
* `Glance <https://github.com/openstack/glance>`_ - Provides services for
discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images
(for OpenStack Compute [Nova], for example).
* `Django Swiftbrowser <https://github.com/cschwede/django-swiftbrowser>`_ -
Simple Django web app to access OpenStack Swift.
* `Swift-account-stats <https://github.com/redhat-cip/swift-account-stats>`_ -
Swift-account-stats is a tool to report statistics on Swift usage at
tenant and global levels.
* `PyECLib <https://github.com/openstack/pyeclib>`_ - High-level erasure code
library used by Swift
* `liberasurecode <https://github.com/openstack/liberasurecode>`_ - Low-level
erasure code library used by PyECLib
* `Swift Browser <https://github.com/mgeisler/swift-browser>`_ - JavaScript
interface for Swift
* `swift-ui <https://github.com/fanatic/swift-ui>`_ - OpenStack Swift
web browser
* `swiftbackmeup <https://github.com/redhat-cip/swiftbackmeup>`_ -
Utility that allows one to create backups and upload them to OpenStack Swift
* `s3compat <https://github.com/swiftstack/s3compat>`_ - S3 API compatibility checker