diff --git a/doc/source/config/container_server_config.rst b/doc/source/config/container_server_config.rst
index 1684acfcaf..7961f50e8f 100644
--- a/doc/source/config/container_server_config.rst
+++ b/doc/source/config/container_server_config.rst
@@ -329,6 +329,18 @@ rows_per_shard                    500000              This defines the initial
                                                       containers. The default
                                                       is shard_container_threshold // 2.
+minimum_shard_size                100000              Minimum size of the final
+                                                      shard range. If this is
+                                                      greater than one then the
+                                                      final shard range may be
+                                                      extended to more than
+                                                      rows_per_shard in order
+                                                      to avoid a further shard
+                                                      range with less than
+                                                      minimum_shard_size rows.
+                                                      The default value is
+                                                      rows_per_shard // 5.
 shrink_threshold                                      This defines the
                                                       object count below which
                                                       a 'donor' shard container
diff --git a/etc/container-server.conf-sample b/etc/container-server.conf-sample
index 262010e429..8ae1a71db5 100644
--- a/etc/container-server.conf-sample
+++ b/etc/container-server.conf-sample
@@ -374,6 +374,12 @@ use = egg:swift#xprofile
 # default is shard_container_threshold // 2
 # rows_per_shard = 500000
+# Minimum size of the final shard range. If this is greater than one then the
+# final shard range may be extended to more than rows_per_shard in order to
+# avoid a further shard range with less than minimum_shard_size rows. The
+# default value is rows_per_shard // 5.
+# minimum_shard_size = 100000
 # When auto-sharding is enabled shrink_threshold defines the object count
 # below which a 'donor' shard container will be considered for shrinking into
 # another 'acceptor' shard container. The default is determined by
diff --git a/swift/cli/manage_shard_ranges.py b/swift/cli/manage_shard_ranges.py
index 9ecdcf1a6d..fc5db89bc7 100644
--- a/swift/cli/manage_shard_ranges.py
+++ b/swift/cli/manage_shard_ranges.py
@@ -301,7 +301,8 @@ def _find_ranges(broker, args, status_file=None):
     start = last_report = time.time()
     limit = 5 if status_file else -1
     shard_data, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
-        args.rows_per_shard, limit=limit)
+        args.rows_per_shard, limit=limit,
+        minimum_shard_size=args.minimum_shard_size)
     if shard_data:
         while not last_found:
             if last_report + 10 < time.time():
@@ -311,7 +312,8 @@ def _find_ranges(broker, args, status_file=None):
             # prefix doesn't matter since we aren't persisting it
             found_ranges = make_shard_ranges(broker, shard_data, '.shards_')
             more_shard_data, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
-                args.rows_per_shard, existing_ranges=found_ranges, limit=5)
+                args.rows_per_shard, existing_ranges=found_ranges, limit=5,
+                minimum_shard_size=args.minimum_shard_size)
     return shard_data, time.time() - start
@@ -709,6 +711,13 @@ def _add_find_args(parser):
         'Default is half of the shard_container_threshold value if that is '
         'given in a conf file specified with --config, otherwise %s.'
         % DEFAULT_SHARDER_CONF['rows_per_shard'])
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--minimum-shard-size', type=_positive_int,
+        default=USE_SHARDER_DEFAULT,
+        help='Minimum size of the final shard range. If this is greater than '
+        'one then the final shard range may be extended to more than '
+        'rows_per_shard in order to avoid a further shard range with less '
+        'than minimum-shard-size rows.')
 def _add_replace_args(parser):
@@ -906,18 +915,18 @@ def main(cli_args=None):
         return EXIT_INVALID_ARGS
-        # load values from conf file or sharder defaults
         conf = {}
         if args.conf_file:
             conf = readconf(args.conf_file, 'container-sharder')
+        conf.update(dict((k, v) for k, v in vars(args).items()
+                         if v != USE_SHARDER_DEFAULT))
         conf_args = ContainerSharderConf(conf)
     except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
         print('Error opening config file %s: %s' % (args.conf_file, exc),
         return EXIT_ERROR
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
-        print('Error loading config file %s: %s' % (args.conf_file, exc),
-              file=sys.stderr)
+        print('Error loading config: %s' % exc, file=sys.stderr)
         return EXIT_INVALID_ARGS
     for k, v in vars(args).items():
diff --git a/swift/container/backend.py b/swift/container/backend.py
index 334f578fbc..0e062e9429 100644
--- a/swift/container/backend.py
+++ b/swift/container/backend.py
@@ -2234,7 +2234,8 @@ class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker):
             row = connection.execute(sql, args).fetchone()
             return row['name'] if row else None
-    def find_shard_ranges(self, shard_size, limit=-1, existing_ranges=None):
+    def find_shard_ranges(self, shard_size, limit=-1, existing_ranges=None,
+                          minimum_shard_size=1):
         Scans the container db for shard ranges. Scanning will start at the
         upper bound of the any ``existing_ranges`` that are given, otherwise
@@ -2253,6 +2254,10 @@ class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker):
             given, this list should be sorted in order of upper bounds; the
             scan for new shard ranges will start at the upper bound of the last
             existing ShardRange.
+        :param minimum_shard_size: Minimum size of the final shard range. If
+            this is greater than one then the final shard range may be extended
+            to more than shard_size in order to avoid a further shard range
+            with less minimum_shard_size rows.
         :return:  a tuple; the first value in the tuple is a list of
             dicts each having keys {'index', 'lower', 'upper', 'object_count'}
             in order of ascending 'upper'; the second value in the tuple is a
@@ -2260,8 +2265,9 @@ class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker):
         existing_ranges = existing_ranges or []
+        minimum_shard_size = max(minimum_shard_size, 1)
         object_count = self.get_info().get('object_count', 0)
-        if shard_size >= object_count:
+        if shard_size + minimum_shard_size > object_count:
             # container not big enough to shard
             return [], False
@@ -2292,9 +2298,10 @@ class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker):
         sub_broker = self.get_brokers()[0]
         index = len(existing_ranges)
         while limit is None or limit < 0 or len(found_ranges) < limit:
-            if progress + shard_size >= object_count:
-                # next shard point is at or beyond final object name so don't
-                # bother with db query
+            if progress + shard_size + minimum_shard_size > object_count:
+                # next shard point is within minimum_size rows of the final
+                # object name, or beyond it, so don't bother with db query.
+                # This shard will have <= shard_size + (minimum_size - 1) rows.
                 next_shard_upper = None
diff --git a/swift/container/sharder.py b/swift/container/sharder.py
index a56fa1ac00..4a4bf68db1 100644
--- a/swift/container/sharder.py
+++ b/swift/container/sharder.py
@@ -630,10 +630,23 @@ class ContainerSharderConf(object):
         self.rows_per_shard = get_val(
             'rows_per_shard', config_positive_int_value,
             max(self.shard_container_threshold // 2, 1))
+        self.minimum_shard_size = get_val(
+            'minimum_shard_size', config_positive_int_value,
+            max(self.rows_per_shard // 5, 1))
+        self.validate_conf()
     def percent_of_threshold(self, val):
         return int(config_percent_value(val) * self.shard_container_threshold)
+    def validate_conf(self):
+        keys = ('minimum_shard_size', 'rows_per_shard')
+        vals = [getattr(self, key) for key in keys]
+        if not vals[0] <= vals[1]:
+            raise ValueError(
+                '%s (%d) must be less than %s (%d)'
+                % (keys[0], vals[0], keys[1], vals[1]))
 DEFAULT_SHARDER_CONF = vars(ContainerSharderConf())
@@ -1482,7 +1495,8 @@ class ContainerSharder(ContainerSharderConf, ContainerReplicator):
         start = time.time()
         shard_data, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
             self.rows_per_shard, limit=self.shard_scanner_batch_size,
-            existing_ranges=shard_ranges)
+            existing_ranges=shard_ranges,
+            minimum_shard_size=self.minimum_shard_size)
         elapsed = time.time() - start
         if not shard_data:
diff --git a/test/probe/test_sharder.py b/test/probe/test_sharder.py
index 2e8647c21f..f702a73b23 100644
--- a/test/probe/test_sharder.py
+++ b/test/probe/test_sharder.py
@@ -2789,7 +2789,7 @@ class TestManagedContainerSharding(BaseTestContainerSharding):
     def test_manage_shard_ranges(self):
-        obj_names = self._make_object_names(4)
+        obj_names = self._make_object_names(7)
         client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name,
@@ -2807,7 +2807,7 @@ class TestManagedContainerSharding(BaseTestContainerSharding):
             self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]),
-            'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable'])
+            'find_and_replace', '3', '--enable', '--minimum-shard-size', '2'])
         self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'unsharded', 2)
         # "Run container-replicator to replicate them to other nodes."
diff --git a/test/unit/cli/test_manage_shard_ranges.py b/test/unit/cli/test_manage_shard_ranges.py
index 79e84251f0..439295cf80 100644
--- a/test/unit/cli/test_manage_shard_ranges.py
+++ b/test/unit/cli/test_manage_shard_ranges.py
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
         rows_per_shard = 600
         max_shrinking = 33
         max_expanding = 31
+        minimum_shard_size = 88
         conf_file = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'sharder.conf')
@@ -159,7 +160,8 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
-                             verbose=0)
+                             verbose=0,
+                             minimum_shard_size=100000)
         mocked.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, expected)
         # conf file
@@ -173,13 +175,15 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
-                             verbose=0)
+                             verbose=0,
+                             minimum_shard_size=88)
         mocked.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, expected)
         # cli options override conf file
         with mock.patch('swift.cli.manage_shard_ranges.find_ranges',
                         return_value=0) as mocked:
-            ret = main([db_file, '--config', conf_file, 'find', '12345'])
+            ret = main([db_file, '--config', conf_file, 'find', '12345',
+                        '--minimum-shard-size', '99'])
         self.assertEqual(0, ret)
         expected = Namespace(conf_file=conf_file,
@@ -187,7 +191,8 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
-                             verbose=0)
+                             verbose=0,
+                             minimum_shard_size=99)
         mocked.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, expected)
         # default values
@@ -377,7 +382,7 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
             ret = main([db_file, '--config', conf_file, 'compact'])
         self.assertEqual(2, ret)
         err_lines = err.getvalue().split('\n')
-        self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Error loading config file')
+        self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Error loading config')
         self.assertIn('shard_container_threshold', err_lines[0])
     def test_conf_file_invalid_deprecated_options(self):
@@ -403,7 +408,7 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
         with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
             main([db_file, '--config', conf_file, 'compact'])
         err_lines = err.getvalue().split('\n')
-        self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Error loading config file')
+        self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Error loading config')
         self.assertIn('shard_shrink_point', err_lines[0])
     def test_conf_file_does_not_exist(self):
@@ -457,7 +462,7 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
         out = StringIO()
         err = StringIO()
         with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
-            ret = main([db_file, 'find', '99'])
+            ret = main([db_file, 'find', '99', '--minimum-shard-size', '1'])
         self.assertEqual(0, ret)
         self.assert_formatted_json(out.getvalue(), [
             {'index': 0, 'lower': '', 'upper': 'obj98', 'object_count': 99},
@@ -496,6 +501,91 @@ class TestManageShardRanges(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Loaded db broker for ')
         self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[1], 'Found 10 ranges in ')
+    def test_find_shard_ranges_with_minimum_size(self):
+        db_file = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'hash.db')
+        broker = ContainerBroker(db_file)
+        broker.account = 'a'
+        broker.container = 'c'
+        broker.initialize()
+        ts = utils.Timestamp.now()
+        # with 105 objects and rows_per_shard = 50 there is the potential for a
+        # tail shard of size 5
+        broker.merge_items([
+            {'name': 'obj%03d' % i, 'created_at': ts.internal, 'size': 0,
+             'content_type': 'application/octet-stream', 'etag': 'not-really',
+             'deleted': 0, 'storage_policy_index': 0,
+             'ctype_timestamp': ts.internal, 'meta_timestamp': ts.internal}
+            for i in range(105)])
+        def assert_tail_shard_not_extended(minimum):
+            out = StringIO()
+            err = StringIO()
+            with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
+                ret = main([db_file, 'find', '50',
+                            '--minimum-shard-size', str(minimum)])
+            self.assertEqual(0, ret)
+            self.assert_formatted_json(out.getvalue(), [
+                {'index': 0, 'lower': '', 'upper': 'obj049',
+                 'object_count': 50},
+                {'index': 1, 'lower': 'obj049', 'upper': 'obj099',
+                 'object_count': 50},
+                {'index': 2, 'lower': 'obj099', 'upper': '',
+                 'object_count': 5},
+            ])
+            err_lines = err.getvalue().split('\n')
+            self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Loaded db broker for ')
+            self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[1], 'Found 3 ranges in ')
+        # tail shard size > minimum
+        assert_tail_shard_not_extended(1)
+        assert_tail_shard_not_extended(4)
+        assert_tail_shard_not_extended(5)
+        def assert_tail_shard_extended(minimum):
+            out = StringIO()
+            err = StringIO()
+            if minimum is not None:
+                extra_args = ['--minimum-shard-size', str(minimum)]
+            else:
+                extra_args = []
+            with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
+                ret = main([db_file, 'find', '50'] + extra_args)
+            self.assertEqual(0, ret)
+            err_lines = err.getvalue().split('\n')
+            self.assert_formatted_json(out.getvalue(), [
+                {'index': 0, 'lower': '', 'upper': 'obj049',
+                 'object_count': 50},
+                {'index': 1, 'lower': 'obj049', 'upper': '',
+                 'object_count': 55},
+            ])
+            self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[1], 'Found 2 ranges in ')
+            self.assert_starts_with(err_lines[0], 'Loaded db broker for ')
+        # sanity check - no minimum specified, defaults to rows_per_shard/5
+        assert_tail_shard_extended(None)
+        assert_tail_shard_extended(6)
+        assert_tail_shard_extended(50)
+        def assert_too_large_value_handled(minimum):
+            out = StringIO()
+            err = StringIO()
+            with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
+                ret = main([db_file, 'find', '50',
+                            '--minimum-shard-size', str(minimum)])
+            self.assertEqual(2, ret)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                'Error loading config: minimum_shard_size (%s) must be less '
+                'than rows_per_shard (50)' % minimum, err.getvalue().strip())
+        assert_too_large_value_handled(51)
+        assert_too_large_value_handled(52)
+        out = StringIO()
+        err = StringIO()
+        with mock.patch('sys.stdout', out), mock.patch('sys.stderr', err):
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                main([db_file, 'find', '50', '--minimum-shard-size', '-1'])
     def test_info(self):
         broker = self._make_broker()
diff --git a/test/unit/container/test_backend.py b/test/unit/container/test_backend.py
index baa5a07874..85d07d0a97 100644
--- a/test/unit/container/test_backend.py
+++ b/test/unit/container/test_backend.py
@@ -4340,7 +4340,7 @@ class TestContainerBroker(unittest.TestCase):
         container_name = 'test_container'
         def do_test(expected_bounds, expected_last_found, shard_size, limit,
-                    start_index=0, existing=None):
+                    start_index=0, existing=None, minimum_size=1):
             # expected_bounds is a list of tuples (lower, upper, object_count)
             # build expected shard ranges
             expected_shard_ranges = [
@@ -4352,7 +4352,8 @@ class TestContainerBroker(unittest.TestCase):
             with mock.patch('swift.common.utils.time.time',
                 ranges, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
-                    shard_size, limit=limit, existing_ranges=existing)
+                    shard_size, limit=limit, existing_ranges=existing,
+                    minimum_shard_size=minimum_size)
             self.assertEqual(expected_shard_ranges, ranges)
             self.assertEqual(expected_last_found, last_found)
@@ -4397,6 +4398,20 @@ class TestContainerBroker(unittest.TestCase):
         do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=4)
         do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=-1)
+        # check use of minimum_shard_size
+        expected = [(c_lower, 'obj03', 4), ('obj03', 'obj07', 4),
+                    ('obj07', c_upper, 2)]
+        do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=None, minimum_size=2)
+        # crazy values ignored...
+        do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=None, minimum_size=0)
+        do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=None, minimum_size=-1)
+        # minimum_size > potential final shard
+        expected = [(c_lower, 'obj03', 4), ('obj03', c_upper, 6)]
+        do_test(expected, True, shard_size=4, limit=None, minimum_size=3)
+        # extended shard size >= object_count
+        do_test([], False, shard_size=6, limit=None, minimum_size=5)
+        do_test([], False, shard_size=6, limit=None, minimum_size=500)
         # increase object count to 11
             'obj10', next(self.ts).internal, 0, 'text/plain', 'etag')
diff --git a/test/unit/container/test_sharder.py b/test/unit/container/test_sharder.py
index 79ca866ede..07647c8023 100644
--- a/test/unit/container/test_sharder.py
+++ b/test/unit/container/test_sharder.py
@@ -4222,6 +4222,7 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
         broker, objects = self._setup_old_style_find_ranges(
             account, cont, lower, upper)
         with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 199,
+                                      'minimum_shard_size': 1,
                                       'auto_create_account_prefix': '.int_'}
                                 ) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now() as now:
@@ -4237,6 +4238,7 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
         # second invocation finds none
         with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 199,
+                                      'minimum_shard_size': 1,
                                       'auto_create_account_prefix': '.int_'}
                                 ) as sharder:
             num_found = sharder._find_shard_ranges(broker)
@@ -4317,10 +4319,11 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
-        # first invocation finds both ranges
+        # first invocation finds both ranges, sizes 99 and 1
         broker, objects = self._setup_find_ranges(
             account, cont, lower, upper)
         with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 199,
+                                      'minimum_shard_size': 1,
                                       'auto_create_account_prefix': '.int_'}
                                 ) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now() as now:
@@ -4371,9 +4374,11 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
                 now, objects[89][0], upper, 10),
         # first invocation finds 2 ranges
+        # (third shard range will be > minimum_shard_size)
         with self._mock_sharder(
                 conf={'shard_container_threshold': 90,
-                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2}) as sharder:
+                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2,
+                      'minimum_shard_size': 10}) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now(now):
                 num_found = sharder._find_shard_ranges(broker)
         self.assertEqual(45, sharder.rows_per_shard)
@@ -4388,8 +4393,9 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
         self.assertGreaterEqual(stats['max_time'], stats['min_time'])
         # second invocation finds third shard range
-        with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 199,
-                                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2}
+        with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 90,
+                                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2,
+                                      'minimum_shard_size': 10}
                                 ) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now(now):
                 num_found = sharder._find_shard_ranges(broker)
@@ -4405,7 +4411,8 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
         # third invocation finds none
         with self._mock_sharder(conf={'shard_container_threshold': 199,
-                                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2}
+                                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2,
+                                      'minimum_shard_size': 10}
                                 ) as sharder:
             sharder._send_shard_ranges = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
             num_found = sharder._find_shard_ranges(broker)
@@ -4425,6 +4432,41 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
     def test_find_shard_ranges_finds_three_shard(self):
         self._check_find_shard_ranges_finds_three('.shards_a', 'c_', 'l', 'u')
+    def test_find_shard_ranges_with_minimum_size(self):
+        cont = 'c_'
+        lower = 'l'
+        upper = 'u'
+        broker, objects = self._setup_find_ranges(
+            '.shards_a', 'c_', lower, upper)
+        now = Timestamp.now()
+        expected_ranges = [
+            ShardRange(
+                ShardRange.make_path('.shards_a', 'c', cont, now, 0),
+                now, lower, objects[44][0], 45),
+            ShardRange(
+                ShardRange.make_path('.shards_a', 'c', cont, now, 1),
+                now, objects[44][0], upper, 55),
+        ]
+        # first invocation finds 2 ranges - second has been extended to avoid
+        # final shard range < minimum_size
+        with self._mock_sharder(
+                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 90,
+                      'shard_scanner_batch_size': 2,
+                      'minimum_shard_size': 11}) as sharder:
+            with mock_timestamp_now(now):
+                num_found = sharder._find_shard_ranges(broker)
+        self.assertEqual(45, sharder.rows_per_shard)
+        self.assertEqual(11, sharder.minimum_shard_size)
+        self.assertEqual(2, num_found)
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(broker.get_shard_ranges()))
+        self._assert_shard_ranges_equal(expected_ranges[:2],
+                                        broker.get_shard_ranges())
+        expected_stats = {'attempted': 1, 'success': 1, 'failure': 0,
+                          'found': 2, 'min_time': mock.ANY,
+                          'max_time': mock.ANY}
+        stats = self._assert_stats(expected_stats, sharder, 'scanned')
+        self.assertGreaterEqual(stats['max_time'], stats['min_time'])
     def test_sharding_enabled(self):
         broker = self._make_broker()
@@ -5561,13 +5603,14 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
     def test_find_and_enable_sharding_candidates_bootstrap(self):
         broker = self._make_broker()
         with self._mock_sharder(
-                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 1}) as sharder:
+                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 2}) as sharder:
         self.assertEqual(ShardRange.ACTIVE, broker.get_own_shard_range().state)
-        broker.put_object('obj', next(self.ts_iter).internal, 1, '', '')
-        self.assertEqual(1, broker.get_info()['object_count'])
+        broker.put_object('obj1', next(self.ts_iter).internal, 1, '', '')
+        broker.put_object('obj2', next(self.ts_iter).internal, 1, '', '')
+        self.assertEqual(2, broker.get_info()['object_count'])
         with self._mock_sharder(
-                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 1}) as sharder:
+                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 2}) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now() as now:
                     broker, [broker.get_own_shard_range()])
@@ -5578,7 +5621,7 @@ class TestSharder(BaseTestSharder):
         # check idempotency
         with self._mock_sharder(
-                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 1}) as sharder:
+                conf={'shard_container_threshold': 2}) as sharder:
             with mock_timestamp_now():
                     broker, [broker.get_own_shard_range()])
@@ -7284,7 +7327,8 @@ class TestContainerSharderConf(unittest.TestCase):
                     'auto_shard': False,
                     'shrink_threshold': 100000,
                     'expansion_limit': 750000,
-                    'rows_per_shard': 500000}
+                    'rows_per_shard': 500000,
+                    'minimum_shard_size': 100000}
         self.assertEqual(expected, vars(ContainerSharderConf()))
         self.assertEqual(expected, vars(ContainerSharderConf(None)))
         self.assertEqual(expected, DEFAULT_SHARDER_CONF)
@@ -7303,7 +7347,8 @@ class TestContainerSharderConf(unittest.TestCase):
                 'auto_shard': True,
                 'shrink_threshold': 100001,
                 'expansion_limit': 750001,
-                'rows_per_shard': 500001}
+                'rows_per_shard': 500001,
+                'minimum_shard_size': 20}
         expected = dict(conf)
         conf.update({'unexpected': 'option'})
         self.assertEqual(expected, vars(ContainerSharderConf(conf)))
@@ -7319,7 +7364,8 @@ class TestContainerSharderConf(unittest.TestCase):
                      'recon_candidates_limit': 6,
                      'recon_sharded_timeout': 43201,
                      'conn_timeout': 5.1,
-                     'auto_shard': True}
+                     'auto_shard': True,
+                     'minimum_shard_size': 1}
         # percent options work
         deprecated_conf = {'shard_shrink_point': 9,
@@ -7357,7 +7403,8 @@ class TestContainerSharderConf(unittest.TestCase):
                'shrink_threshold': not_int,
                'expansion_limit': not_int,
                'shard_shrink_point': not_percent,
-               'shard_shrink_merge_point': not_percent}
+               'shard_shrink_merge_point': not_percent,
+               'minimum_shard_size': not_positive_int}
         for key, bad_values in bad.items():
             for bad_value in bad_values: