Extra unit tests for check_delete_headers

A few extra tests to verify check_delete_headers in
constraints.py. A little duplication of coverage of existing
but these tests call the recently refactored function directly,
and also add tests for X-Delete-After taking precedence over

Change-Id: I129cef15a6feac8a60fd4efbb3535d93f0eaab36
This commit is contained in:
Alistair Coles 2014-09-08 14:06:00 +01:00
parent 9dcf15f8b5
commit 4dc718e8c3

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@ -325,6 +325,49 @@ class TestConstraints(unittest.TestCase):
self.fail("Should have failed with HTTPBadRequest")
def test_check_delete_headers_sets_delete_at(self):
t = time.time() + 1000
# check delete-at is passed through
headers = {'Content-Length': '0',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Delete-At': str(int(t))}
req = Request.blank('/', headers=headers)
self.assertTrue('X-Delete-At' in req.headers)
self.assertEqual(req.headers['X-Delete-At'], str(int(t)))
# check delete-after is converted to delete-at
headers = {'Content-Length': '0',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Delete-After': '42'}
req = Request.blank('/', headers=headers)
with mock.patch('time.time', lambda: t):
self.assertTrue('X-Delete-At' in req.headers)
expected = str(int(t) + 42)
self.assertEqual(req.headers['X-Delete-At'], expected)
# check delete-after takes precedence over delete-at
headers = {'Content-Length': '0',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Delete-After': '42',
'X-Delete-At': str(int(t) + 40)}
req = Request.blank('/', headers=headers)
with mock.patch('time.time', lambda: t):
self.assertTrue('X-Delete-At' in req.headers)
self.assertEqual(req.headers['X-Delete-At'], expected)
headers = {'Content-Length': '0',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Delete-After': '42',
'X-Delete-At': str(int(t) + 44)}
req = Request.blank('/', headers=headers)
with mock.patch('time.time', lambda: t):
self.assertTrue('X-Delete-At' in req.headers)
self.assertEqual(req.headers['X-Delete-At'], expected)
def test_check_mount(self):
self.assertFalse(constraints.check_mount('', ''))
with mock.patch("swift.common.utils.ismount", MockTrue()):