Updated CHANGELOG, AUTHORS, and .mailmap for 2.4.0 release.

Change-Id: Ic6301146b839c9921bb85c4f4c1e585c9ab66661
This commit is contained in:
John Dickinson 2015-08-21 13:39:41 -07:00
parent bb5e38569e
commit 524c89b7ee
3 changed files with 158 additions and 4 deletions

@ -78,3 +78,6 @@ Jaivish Kothari <jaivish.kothari@nectechnologies.in> <janonymous.codevulture@gma
Michael Matur <michael.matur@gmail.com>
Kazuhiro Miyahara <miyahara.kazuhiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
Alexandra Settle <alexandra.settle@rackspace.com>
Kenichiro Matsuda <matsuda_kenichi@jp.fujitsu.com>
Atsushi Sakai <sakaia@jp.fujitsu.com>
Takashi Natsume <natsume.takashi@lab.ntt.co.jp>


@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Chuck Thier (cthier@gmail.com)
Mehdi Abaakouk (mehdi.abaakouk@enovance.com)
Timur Alperovich (timur.alperovich@gmail.com)
Jesse Andrews (anotherjesse@gmail.com)
Joe Arnold (joe@swiftstack.com)
Ionuț Arțăriși (iartarisi@suse.cz)
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ Tim Burke (tim.burke@gmail.com)
Brian D. Burns (iosctr@gmail.com)
Devin Carlen (devin.carlen@gmail.com)
Thierry Carrez (thierry@openstack.org)
Carlos Cavanna (ccavanna@ca.ibm.com)
Emmanuel Cazenave (contact@emcaz.fr)
Mahati Chamarthy (mahati.chamarthy@gmail.com)
Zap Chang (zapchang@gmail.com)
@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ Ray Chen (oldsharp@163.com)
Harshit Chitalia (harshit@acelio.com)
Brian Cline (bcline@softlayer.com)
Alistair Coles (alistair.coles@hp.com)
Clément Contini (ccontini@cloudops.com)
Brian Curtin (brian.curtin@rackspace.com)
Thiago da Silva (thiago@redhat.com)
Julien Danjou (julien@danjou.info)
@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ Cedric Dos Santos (cedric.dos.sant@gmail.com)
Gerry Drudy (gerry.drudy@hp.com)
Morgan Fainberg (morgan.fainberg@gmail.com)
ZhiQiang Fan (aji.zqfan@gmail.com)
Oshrit Feder (oshritf@il.ibm.com)
Mike Fedosin (mfedosin@mirantis.com)
Ricardo Ferreira (ricardo.sff@gmail.com)
Flaper Fesp (flaper87@gmail.com)
@ -91,8 +95,10 @@ Dan Hersam (dan.hersam@hp.com)
Derek Higgins (derekh@redhat.com)
Alex Holden (alex@alexjonasholden.com)
Edward Hope-Morley (opentastic@gmail.com)
Charles Hsu (charles0126@gmail.com)
Joanna H. Huang (joanna.huitzu.huang@gmail.com)
Kun Huang (gareth@unitedstack.com)
Bill Huber (wbhuber@us.ibm.com)
Matthieu Huin (mhu@enovance.com)
Hodong Hwang (hodong.hwang@kt.com)
Motonobu Ichimura (motonobu@gmail.com)
@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ John Leach (john@johnleach.co.uk)
Ed Leafe (ed.leafe@rackspace.com)
Thomas Leaman (thomas.leaman@hp.com)
Eohyung Lee (liquidnuker@gmail.com)
Zhao Lei (zhaolei@cn.fujitsu.com)
Jamie Lennox (jlennox@redhat.com)
Tong Li (litong01@us.ibm.com)
Changbin Liu (changbin.liu@gmail.com)
@ -136,10 +143,12 @@ Zhongyue Luo (zhongyue.nah@intel.com)
Paul Luse (paul.e.luse@intel.com)
Christopher MacGown (chris@pistoncloud.com)
Dragos Manolescu (dragosm@hp.com)
Ben Martin (blmartin@us.ibm.com)
Steve Martinelli (stevemar@ca.ibm.com)
Juan J. Martinez (juan@memset.com)
Marcelo Martins (btorch@gmail.com)
Dolph Mathews (dolph.mathews@gmail.com)
Kenichiro Matsuda (matsuda_kenichi@jp.fujitsu.com)
Michael Matur (michael.matur@gmail.com)
Donagh McCabe (donagh.mccabe@hp.com)
Andy McCrae (andy.mccrae@gmail.com)
@ -151,6 +160,7 @@ Jola Mirecka (jola.mirecka@hp.com)
Kazuhiro Miyahara (miyahara.kazuhiro@lab.ntt.co.jp)
Daisuke Morita (morita.daisuke@lab.ntt.co.jp)
Dirk Mueller (dirk@dmllr.de)
Takashi Natsume (natsume.takashi@lab.ntt.co.jp)
Russ Nelson (russ@crynwr.com)
Maru Newby (mnewby@internap.com)
Newptone (xingchao@unitedstack.com)
@ -170,18 +180,24 @@ Constantine Peresypkin (constantine.peresypk@rackspace.com)
Dieter Plaetinck (dieter@vimeo.com)
Dan Prince (dprince@redhat.com)
Sarvesh Ranjan (saranjan@cisco.com)
Falk Reimann (falk.reimann@sap.com)
Brian Reitz (brian.reitz@oracle.com)
Felipe Reyes (freyes@tty.cl)
Janie Richling (jrichli@us.ibm.com)
Matt Riedemann (mriedem@us.ibm.com)
Li Riqiang (lrqrun@gmail.com)
Rafael Rivero (rafael@cloudscaling.com)
Victor Rodionov (victor.rodionov@nexenta.com)
Eran Rom (eranr@il.ibm.com)
Aaron Rosen (arosen@nicira.com)
Brent Roskos (broskos@internap.com)
Hamdi Roumani (roumani@ca.ibm.com)
Shilla Saebi (shilla.saebi@gmail.com)
Atsushi Sakai (sakaia@jp.fujitsu.com)
Cristian A Sanchez (cristian.a.sanchez@intel.com)
Christian Schwede (cschwede@redhat.com)
Mark Seger (Mark.Seger@hp.com)
Azhagu Selvan SP (tamizhgeek@gmail.com)
Alexandra Settle (alexandra.settle@rackspace.com)
Andrew Clay Shafer (acs@parvuscaptus.com)
Mitsuhiro SHIGEMATSU (shigematsu.mitsuhiro@lab.ntt.co.jp)
@ -199,6 +215,7 @@ Jeremy Stanley (fungi@yuggoth.org)
Mauro Stettler (mauro.stettler@gmail.com)
Tobias Stevenson (tstevenson@vbridges.com)
Victor Stinner (vstinner@redhat.com)
Akihito Takai (takaiak@nttdata.co.jp)
Pearl Yajing Tan (pearl.y.tan@seagate.com)
Yuriy Taraday (yorik.sar@gmail.com)
Monty Taylor (mordred@inaugust.com)
@ -232,5 +249,6 @@ Guang Yee (guang.yee@hp.com)
Pete Zaitcev (zaitcev@kotori.zaitcev.us)
Hua Zhang (zhuadl@cn.ibm.com)
Jian Zhang (jian.zhang@intel.com)
Kai Zhang (zakir.exe@gmail.com)
Ning Zhang (ning@zmanda.com)
Yuan Zhou (yuan.zhou@intel.com)


@ -1,3 +1,132 @@
swift (2.4.0)
* Dependency changes
- Added six requirement. This is part of an ongoing effort to add
support for Python 3.
- Dropped support for Python 2.6.
* Config changes
- Recent versions of Python restrict the number of headers allowed in a
request to 100. This number may be too low for custom middleware. The
new "extra_header_count" config value in swift.conf can be used to
increase the number of headers allowed.
- Renamed "run_pause" setting to "interval" (current configs with
run_pause still work). Future versions of Swift may remove the
run_pause setting.
* Versioned writes middleware
The versioned writes feature has been refactored and reimplemented as
middleware. You should explicitly add the versioned_writes middleware to
your proxy pipeline, but do not remove or disable the existing container
server config setting ("allow_versions"), if it is currently enabled.
The existing container server config setting enables existing
containers to continue being versioned. Please see
for further upgrade notes.
* Allow 1+ object-servers-per-disk deployment
Enabled by a new > 0 integer config value, "servers_per_port" in the
[DEFAULT] config section for object-server and/or replication server
configs. The setting's integer value determines how many different
object-server workers handle requests for any single unique local port
in the ring. In this mode, the parent swift-object-server process
continues to run as the original user (i.e. root if low-port binding
is required), binds to all ports as defined in the ring, and forks off
the specified number of workers per listen socket. The child, per-port
servers drop privileges and behave pretty much how object-server workers
always have, except that because the ring has unique ports per disk, the
object-servers will only be handling requests for a single disk. The
parent process detects dead servers and restarts them (with the correct
listen socket), starts missing servers when an updated ring file is
found with a device on the server with a new port, and kills extraneous
servers when their port is found to no longer be in the ring. The ring
files are stat'ed at most every "ring_check_interval" seconds, as
configured in the object-server config (same default of 15s).
In testing, this deployment configuration (with a value of 3) lowers
request latency, improves requests per second, and isolates slow disk
IO as compared to the existing "workers" setting. To use this, each
device must be added to the ring using a different port.
* Do container listing updates in another (green)thread
The object server has learned the "container_update_timeout" setting
(with a default of 1 second). This value is the number of seconds that
the object server will wait for the container server to update the
listing before returning the status of the object PUT operation.
Previously, the object server would wait up to 3 seconds for the
container server response. The new behavior dramatically lowers object
PUT latency when container servers in the cluster are busy (e.g. when
the container is very large). Setting the value too low may result in a
client PUT'ing an object and not being able to immediately find it in
listings. Setting it too high will increase latency for clients when
container servers are busy.
* TempURL fixes (closes CVE-2015-5223)
Do not allow PUT tempurls to create pointers to other data.
Specifically, disallow the creation of DLO object manifests via a PUT
tempurl. This prevents discoverability attacks which can use any PUT
tempurl to probe for private data by creating a DLO object manifest and
then using the PUT tempurl to head the object.
* Ring changes
- Partition placement no longer uses the port number to place
partitions. This improves dispersion in small clusters running one
object server per drive, and it does not affect dispersion in
clusters running one object server per server.
- Added ring-builder-analyzer tool to more easily test and analyze a
series of ring management operations.
- Stop moving partitions unnecessarily when overload is on.
* Significant improvements and bug fixes have been made to erasure code
support. This feature is suitable for beta testing, but it is not yet
ready for broad production usage.
* Bulk upload now treats user xattrs on files in the given archive as
object metadata on the resulting created objects.
* Emit warning log in object replicator if "handoffs_first" or
"handoff_delete" is set.
* Enable object replicator's failure count in swift-recon.
* Added storage policy support to dispersion tools.
* Support keystone v3 domains in swift-dispersion.
* Added domain_remap information to the /info endpoint.
* Added support for a "default_reseller_prefix" in domain_remap
middleware config.
* Allow SLO PUTs to forgo per-segment integrity checks. Previously, each
segment referenced in the manifest also needed the correct etag and
bytes setting. These fields now allow the "null" value to skip those
particular checks on the given segment.
* Allow rsync to use compression via a "rsync_compress" config. If set to
true, compression is only enabled for an rsync to a device in a
different region. In some cases, this can speed up cross-region
replication data transfer.
* Added time synchronization check in swift-recon (the --time option).
* The account reaper now runs faster on large accounts.
* Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.
swift (2.3.0, OpenStack Kilo)
* Erasure Code support (beta)
@ -58,6 +187,7 @@ swift (2.3.0, OpenStack Kilo)
* Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.
swift (2.2.2)
* Data placement changes
@ -117,6 +247,7 @@ swift (2.2.2)
* Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.
swift (2.2.1)
* Swift now rejects object names with Unicode surrogates.
@ -962,14 +1093,14 @@ swift (1.7.0)
Serialize RingData in a versioned, custom format which is a combination
of a JSON-encoded header and .tostring() dumps of the
replica2part2dev_id arrays. This format deserializes hundreds of times
replica2part2dev_id arrays. This format deserializes hundreds of times
faster than rings serialized with Python 2.7's pickle (a significant
performance regression for ring loading between Python 2.6 and Python
2.7). Fixes bug 1031954.
2.7). Fixes bug 1031954.
The new implementation is backward-compatible; if a ring
does not begin with a new-style magic string, it is assumed to be an
old-style pickle-dumped ring and is handled as before. So new Swift
old-style pickle-dumped ring and is handled as before. So new Swift
code can read old rings, but old Swift code will not be able to read
newly-serialized rings.
@ -1430,4 +1561,6 @@ swift (1.3.0, OpenStack Cactus)
swift (1.2.0, OpenStack Bexar)
swift (1.0.0, OpenStack Austin)
swift (1.1.0, OpenStack Austin)
swift (1.0.0, Initial Release)